Cooling eye mask - an amazing novelty of modern cosmetology

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This easy-to-use and effective tool is essentially a kind of two-layer compress that is filled with gel. This mask should be kept in the refrigerator or in warm water before use, and then after ten to fifteen minutes you can use it as a warm relaxing or cold tonic compress for the eyes and the area around them.

Cool compress

It is necessary to cool the gel mask and use it as a cold compress in the following cases:

To reduce puffiness under the eyes. In this case, it will be more effective to alternate these compresses with contrasting washes.

If your squirrels turn red periodically. This may be in the case of bursting or expansion of the capillaries.
To reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

As a prophylaxis to tone or firm the skin of your eyelids.

Warm compress

A warm gel compress is indicated in the following cases:

To combat dark circles and bruises under the eyes, which are caused by general overwork. You can also use cold compresses in this case.

To relieve discomfort from overexertion of the eye muscles.

To get rid of pain, which is also caused by overstrain of the muscles of the eyes.


Such compresses also have their own contraindications. They cannot be used if:

You have symptoms of acute inflammation due to a viral or infectious infection in your eyes or your eyelids. It can be blepharitis, conjunctivitis or other eye diseases.

Increased pressure inside the eyes.

You have recently undergone any kind of surgery before your eyes.

You have a retinal detachment.

Benefits of a gel mask

The gel mask has a lot of advantages over such popular remedies as lotions with herbal flocks, the use of tea bags or ice cubes. First of all, the gel mask has the following advantages:

Convenience and ease of use. If decoctions or homemade compresses still need to be prepared, then the gel mask is always the head for use. You do not need to spend time or effort to prepare the mask for use.

Reusable and easy care. This mask should only be washed from time to time in warm water and stored properly, for example, in the refrigerator.

Does not form streaks and unpleasant odors during use.

Affordable price.

When using a gel mask, you should keep in mind that it is just an additional treatment for your face. If your circles under the eyes, as well as puffiness of the eyelids and reddening of the whites, are not associated with any eye diseases or with chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, this comfortable mask can be of great benefit to you.

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Cooling eye mask - an amazing novelty of modern cosmetology

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Find out what a cooling gel-filled eye mask is, which is produced by many cosmetic brands today. The rating of the best will allow you to get to know them. Here you will find general instructions for their use and home alternatives.

Modern life is such that it forces women to spend a lot of time at the computer and use all kinds of aggressive cosmetics in order to cope with crow's feet and swelling. In addition, due to their emotionality, the fair sex often likes to cry into the pillow or vest of their best friend. The result of all this is red mucous, swollen bags, dark circles, swollen eyelids. All this is very difficult to hide under makeup, but you still need to go to work in the morning. In such cases, excellent and very fast can help cooling eye mask, which will eliminate all cosmetic defects in this part of the face. Of course, it is better to purchase it ready-made once and then use it several times in a row. But in the absence of such an opportunity, you can do something similar at home.

What it is?

shop cooling eye mask, which is offered by many leading brands in the global cosmetic industry, resembles carnival glasses with eye holes. Usually it is made of polyethylene (polyvinyl chloride) - a material that is pleasant to the touch. Inside it there is a cavity in which gel balls are in free movement, capable of holding cold for a long time. They are packed quite tightly. Approximately one mask contains 150-200 such granules. The edges of the glasses are soldered so that they do not inadvertently get enough sleep. If the tool is not used, in its normal state, these balls roll down.

The cooling mask for the skin around the eyes is convenient to use, as it is attached to the back of the head with silicone Velcro straps. Their length is large enough so that the tool is suitable for any size. Manufacturers try to ensure that Velcro is of high quality and keeps the bandage firmly on the eyes.

Before use, it is recommended to put the cooling mask in the refrigerator for a short time (in the side compartment of the door). During this time, the gel balls should freeze, absorb the cold and evenly distribute inside the polyethylene cavity. After that, they keep a low temperature in themselves for a long time, without heating up from the skin. It is on this that its cosmetic effect is based.

The effect of a cooling eye mask

A quality, properly used cooling eye mask can replace many of the products created for this area of ​​the face. The skin under the influence of low temperatures is literally transformed. The versatility of this know-how of the modern beauty industry is amazing, because such a gel mask-glasses is capable of much:

  • removes edema (including morning ones);
  • eliminates redness;
  • relieves tension and fatigue from the eyes in the evening or just after work;
  • copes even with pain in the eyes after a long sitting at the computer;
  • ideal in the fight against bags, bruises and dark circles under the eyes;
  • tones the skin through low temperature;
  • awakens after night;
  • relieves headache;
  • suitable for daily care of delicate and sensitive skin of the eyelids;
  • refreshes the look;
  • hides traces of the fact that the day before you had to cry a lot and for a long time;
  • relieves muscle spasm:
  • rejuvenates and tightens the skin around the eyes;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • reduces the severity of hematoma under the eye (bruise);
  • well moisturizes the skin.

This is such a miraculous and multifunctional cosmetic product cooling eye mask. Gel-filled brand glasses are especially effective, as they are very cleverly designed. Granules-balls keep a low temperature inside the polyethylene for a long time, preventing it from heating up from the skin. Another advantage is that the skin does not come into direct contact with any ingredients. The cold does everything, so the risk of allergies is reduced to almost zero. Only benefit - and nothing more, but on one condition: if the mask is used correctly.

Be careful! A cooling eye mask can be dangerous if the thin and sensitive skin in this area of ​​the face is allowed to become cold. Do not forget that it is devoid of a protective fatty layer - therefore, it requires special, delicate care.

Instructions for use

Many are interested how to use cooling eye mask, especially when it comes to branded products. Although just in this case no questions should arise, since they are accompanied by detailed instructions. Each manufacturer, of course, has its own "highlights" in the development of such gel glasses, but the scheme for their use is basically the same for all such products.

  1. Make sure that the gel balls in the cooling mask are evenly distributed in its cavity, as they constantly tend to roll down.
  2. The duration of the cooling mask largely depends on you. It must be handled very carefully: if its outer shell is inadvertently damaged, it will no longer be usable, as the gel balls will burst and pour out.
  3. Find the best option for attaching a cooling mask to your eyes. Adjust the Velcro straps so that the bandage does not squeeze your head, otherwise it will eventually hurt you. It is also impossible to weaken it too much, otherwise it will constantly subside and ride across the face.
  4. Before use, place the gel cooling eye mask on the top shelf of the refrigerator door for 15 minutes so that it absorbs the cold.
  5. In no case do not put such a mask in the freezer or microwave - so you just ruin it.
  6. After you have put on a cooling mask over your eyes, of course, it is better to lie down. But if, for example, there is no time at all in the morning, you can cook breakfast in it.
  7. Time of action individually, largely depends on the manufacturer. But the average is from 5 to 15 minutes. Remember that the skin around the eyes is too sensitive, and low temperatures will not affect it positively.
  8. Some manufacturers of cooling eye masks go even further and allow women to wear them without even having to take off their makeup first. However, wise representatives of the fair sex, of course, understand that in this case the mask will not work 100%. So it’s better to wash and remove make-up before such a relaxation, so that the skin is clean and can relax to the fullest.
  9. Behind such a mask between applications you need care properly: wash it in warm water and soap to prevent bacteria from settling on it.

Want to get the most out of your cooling eye mask? In this case, try to follow the instructions for the purchased product. Any retreat or experiment can be fraught with side effects in the form of severe redness and microdamage from hypothermia. And, of course, a lot will depend on how much you bought such a mask for and what manufacturer it is from.

Useful advice. Do not abuse the cooling eye mask - sensitive skin simply cannot stand it too often. Either once a day, or even every other day.

Rating of the best brands

TOP 10 best gel cooling masks for the skin around the eyes will help you navigate the variety of similar products that exist on the modern cosmetology market. Get to know prices and brands, as well as some features of individual gel masks.

  1. EyesCover is a gel-cooling eye mask with an instant tightening and puffiness effect. Greece. $16.8
  2. Masque Relaxant is a relaxing, cooling gel-filled eye mask. L'etoile. France. $5.9
  3. Medolla - cooling gel eye mask (in parallel, it can also serve as a warming mask if it is placed in the refrigerator before use, and in slightly hot (up to 60 ° C) water. China. $ 5.1.
  4. Gel eye mask from Kristaller. Cooling and warming at the same time. China. $4.9
  5. Cooling eye mask. Avon(Avon). USA. $3.7.
  6. Face & Eye Cooling Mask - cooling gel mask for eyes and face. Oriflame. Switzerland. $2.5.
  7. Bio-optic Cool Mask - cooling gel goggle mask for eyes. Ericson Laboratories. France. The good thing is that along with it, the line includes an additional product from the same series - a compress with a soothing anti-edema eye lotion Bio-Optic. $1.7.
  8. Gelex is a gel cosmetic eye mask with a cooling effect. Delta-therm. Russia. $1.
  9. Cooling eye mask based on herbs (mint, chamomile). Bath stuff. Russia. $0.8
  10. Good Look - gel eye mask. Russia. $0.8

Cooling goggle masks for the eyes on the modern market are presented in a fairly wide range. There are funds here for those who spend a lot of money on cosmetics (premium) and for those who prefer budget options (mass market). But when for some reason there is no opportunity to purchase branded goods, you can find an alternative - homemade masks with a cooling effect.

According to statistics. Most positive reviews were collected by gel cooling masks from Avon and Oriflame.

Recipes for homemade cooling masks

At home, you can also cook something similar, although, of course, there are no gel balls and carnival bandages with Velcro at hand. Firstly, an excellent alternative to cooling masks around the eyes from branded manufacturers are wiping the eyelids with ice cubes. Secondly, based on some ingredients, you can always prepare an ordinary homemade mask with a cooling effect.

  • cucumber

Aged in the refrigerator for at least an hour, cut the cucumber into circles, attach to the eyes for 5 minutes. The most effective express mask for puffiness and bags under the eyes in the morning. You can make mashed potatoes from the same vegetable in the evening, after peeling it from the peel and seeds, and put it in the refrigerator, and wrap it in gauze in the morning and apply it to your eyelids for 5-10 minutes.

  • Dairy

It's cooling compress mask for the skin around the eyes, which well relieves fatigue after a hard day's work. Soak cotton pads in cold milk and apply to eyes for 10 minutes.

  • peach

Turn the pulp of a peeled peach into a puree, keep in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, beat with egg white in any proportion. This cooling mask will make the skin around the eyes as soft as the peach itself, + it has a pronounced lifting effect.

  • mint

Grind mint leaves, hold in the refrigerator under the yoke of 1.5-2 hours, wrap in multilayer gauze, attach to the eyelids.

  • Tea room

The most widely available, well-known, popular and even to some extent primitive eye mask is from already used tea bags. Based on green tea, you can prepare a tea cooling mask at home. You will need not bags, but the tea itself. It must be squeezed out, kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

The gel cooling mask-compress for the eyes in the form of glasses is a cosmetic product that should be in the arsenal of every self-respecting woman. Modern living conditions are such that the eyes are subjected to very strong loads and the skin around them requires special care - delicate and express restoring. These are the masks of this kind.

Price: $0.95

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I continue my cycle of reviews about very simple, but at the same time useful products from the Aliexpress online trading platform. This time we will talk about the cooling gel glasses-eye mask.

Since I have been working at the computer for a particularly long time lately, I have taken care of means for relaxing the eyes. And then, it happens that in the evening the eyes are watery, and in the morning they look very reddened. Once I already talked about. Sometimes I use them and, indeed, when you take them off after about half an hour of use, you see everything a little clearer and brighter, and your eyes feel rested. But, in order to improve the effect of relaxation, I decided to follow up with ordering such gel mask glasses.

As you know, cold under certain conditions can be very beneficial for the body. Under the influence of cold, you can relieve pain (oh, how nice it is to put something cold on your forehead after a “successful” party;)), reduce swelling and increase blood flow to the tissues. And I have long noticed that all this is true for the eyes. I remember when I still wore contact lenses, a couple of times they caused severe irritation. And applying to the eyes a bandage slightly moistened, and then slightly frozen in the freezer, eliminated this trouble in just 20 minutes. But a bandage is not a very convenient thing, but gel glasses are very even.

The seller's page offers four different colors of glasses. I chose green and blue. There are also red and yellow ones.

The glasses are equipped with an elastic band and stay on the head very well. I only use them lying down, but, in principle, you can walk in them, they definitely won’t fall off. But just why do it? :)

There is enough gel inside, but it would be possible to add more :) Otherwise, when the glasses are bent, there are areas without gel, and the main thing here is to “fill” the right and left halves approximately equally.

I keep my glasses cool in the fridge door. Some use a freezer, but I do not advise. Overdo it and you could get frostbite.

Yes, points are not eternal. They say after a while the gel in them will begin to crystallize and it will seem to become less and less. Well, let's see how long mine last. Especially since I have spares.

At the moment I use the glasses once in the morning, a couple of times during the day and in the evening about half an hour before bedtime. The feeling after use is very pleasant. The eyes really feel rested and even the redness goes away.

I hope my review was helpful to you. Health to you.

The gel eye mask is not like the cosmetic creamy formulations that girls apply to their skin. It is a reusable compress that can cool or warm the area around the eyes. Inside the mask is a gel that can maintain the desired temperature for a long time.

The composition of the eye mask

The compress mask consists of a silicone shell and a gel filler in liquid form or in the form of balls. The filler contains:

  • Vegetable extracts. Helps reduce circles and puffiness under the eyes.
  • Retinol. Stimulates the production of collagen fibers.
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose. Adds viscosity to the gel, helps maintain temperature.

The components of the mask are under the shell and do not fall directly on the face, so its positive effect on the skin is achieved through temperature and compression effects.

The principle of operation of the gel mask and the effect

The function of an eye mask is determined by its shape, size and temperature.

Forms and sizes of gel masks

When choosing an eye mask, make sure it fits you and follows the contours of your face. Types of masks:

  • covering the whole face;
  • mask-glasses for eyes;
  • eye pads.

The effect of the mask on the eyes

Using the cool gel mask for a long time, you will experience:

  • feeling of cheerfulness, refreshment;
  • the effect of relieving headaches;
  • reduction of eye fatigue during prolonged work at the computer;
  • toning the skin around the eyes.

Hot eye mask:

  • relaxes;
  • warms up;
  • helps in the fight against colds;
  • relieves muscle spasms.

The gel mask does not release vitamins and other beneficial substances - it is effective due to the even distribution of temperature and pressure on the muscles. Do not try to squeeze out the gel and apply it to the skin - it is not good for the face by itself.

When to apply a gel mask

An eye mask is useful if you:

  • work at the computer for a long time;
  • lack of light and fresh air;
  • suffer from insomnia;
  • live in a city with poor ecology;
  • want to get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • experience regular stress, work on an irregular schedule.

How to use an eye mask

Before using the mask, remove makeup, wash your face with cool water and wipe with tonic. Apply a compress every three days or more often as needed.

cool mask

To make the gel mask cool and invigorating, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then take it out and put it on your eyes for 10-30 minutes. If the mask on the face heats up before the allotted time, stop the procedure.

Warm mask

To heat the gel compress, lower it into a container of warm, but not hot water. When it becomes warm, apply to the eyes until it cools. For an effective effect, apply eye gel or sponges with tonic under the mask. When heated, the pores expand, which allows cosmetics to penetrate deep inside.

Contraindications and expiration date

You can use the gel-filled eye mask several times, but not endlessly. The packaging indicates the expiration date of the compress. If you threw away the package without paying attention to it, check the condition of the gel after several procedures. If it has lost transparency and become less flexible, it's time to change the mask. Contraindications to the use of gel compresses:

  • recent eye surgery;
  • retinal detachment;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • inflammation in the area around the eyes.

You can store the gel mask in the refrigerator or in a warm place where children or pets cannot get it.

Many ladies have long paid attention to gel eye masks made in the form of glasses. Manufacturers promise a clear look, the elimination of the effect of the disappearance of wrinkles, and so on. Whether this is actually the case is described in the article.

Gel mask Medolla

The delicate skin around the eyes needs delicate care. For this purpose, expensive cosmetic preparations have been created. In addition, you can additionally apply an excellent and rather old method of influencing the skin with cold or heat. In the past, women resorted to inconvenient wet compresses. With them, it was necessary to lie motionless on the sofa and wipe the drops of water flowing down the face.

A convenient modern product that is adjustable and also has slits is the Medolla gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that you can sit in a chair with it, move if necessary. After 10-15 minutes after the start of the procedure, the skin noticeably freshens and changes, and swelling is significantly reduced. This mask consists of balls filled with gel. They remain soft when heated and cooled.

Effectiveness and use of the mask

Easily relieves pain, for example, after working at a computer, such a savior of many girls as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that the effectiveness of the product lies in its properties:

  1. Rejuvenation, that is, after the end of the procedure, the lifting effect becomes clearly noticeable.
  2. Elimination of redness from visual stress.
  3. Improving blood circulation.
  4. Reduction of unaesthetic bags and dark circles.

A warming mask should be done with muscle spasm, fatigue, as a home SPA procedure. It improves blood circulation and acts as an excellent pain reliever. Eliminates dry skin, smoothing fine wrinkles, which significantly rejuvenates.

To use, you need to place the product in the refrigerator, and then put on your face. To quickly cool the mask, you can use the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Or heat in hot water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees during the same time. Boiling and using a microwave oven are detrimental to a product such as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that it is not limited by anything with careful operation.

Eye glasses from Avon

We live in a time when, in addition to expensive procedures, there are ways to maintain beauty and health without significant effort, and many of us are worried about the problem of reddened eyes after working at a computer and are especially afraid of our own appearance in the mirror in the evening. The problem is solved by using such a simple-looking object as a mask or glasses. Previously, these products were completely filled with gel, which leaked out if their integrity was accidentally damaged. But modern glasses are made from rolling balls.

In addition, it is attached to the head with Velcro, so the Avon Gel Eye Mask fits any size. Reviews indicate that the undoubted advantages of balls are:

  1. massage effect.
  2. Damage to only 1 balloon when pierced, not the entire mask.

Cooling effect of glasses

The manufacturer indicates that the product is suitable for use in heated and cooled form. Customers mainly note: the gel eye mask just perfectly relieves fatigue and tension. Reviews indicate that relief is felt immediately after putting on the product. Although sometimes the girls noted that using glasses is somewhat unpleasant, since the cold affects the eyes. Not everyone feels this, but the most susceptible ladies have to move their pupils with their eyelids closed.

Many girls do not notice the disappearance of wrinkles. But they admit that, rather, for this one should not forget about a heated mask, which eliminates dry skin by smoothing fine wrinkles. Reviews indicate that the product perfectly relieves fatigue, transforming the eyes. They become shiny and rested. A similar effect can be achieved with chilled tablespoons that are placed on the fabric.

Eye Cover

Perfectly copes with the removal of fatigue, tightening and brightening the skin, Cover gel mask. Reviews confirm that for this it is enough to carry out the procedure for 5-7 minutes daily. A good option is to combine glasses with the use of cosmetics. This mask can be used at any age. For the best effect, cool glasses should be applied to the face in the morning, and hot ones in the late afternoon.

This product can be found both enthusiastic and negative reviews. The question arises: "Who is right?" In fact, it is worth looking at the situation realistically. The mask is not some innovative facial treatment, but a convenient and more functional substitute for eye compresses. Do not give up creams that are used to eliminate existing problems. Significantly improves the effectiveness of cosmetics gel mask for the eyes. Reviews suggest that you should not think that this is because only a mask in reality is not capable of eliminating deep wrinkles in a month, as advertising can promise.

How useful are these masks, judging by the reviews

These masks can be applied to the forehead to get rid of fatigue and increase vitality. They should be kept in the first-aid kit, as glasses can relieve pain and partially relieve a feverish state.

They certainly help with minor swelling and cool in the heat. Wrinkles are not completely eliminated, although they do reduce them. The reusable gel eye mask also helps to relieve the temperature due to its cooling ability. Reviews confirm that the product is easy to use and indispensable for children.

The mask is able to take a shape that is anatomically close to the surface of the skin, which enhances the healing effect. Although not all girls agree with this: in the reviews, customers may complain about the mark that remains on the bridge of their nose.

That is, the mask is actually a useful and modern proposal from the beauty industry. Do not think that it will smooth out all the wrinkles in a month. You need to be patient and put warm glasses on your eyes in the evening, and cooling glasses in the morning. And to deny yourself the use of additional cosmetics is inappropriate. As you know, it is the complex effect on the skin and the regularity of procedures that make it possible to preserve youth.