Feelings at 34 weeks. Emotional state and excitement. What isolations should alert

34 weeks of pregnancy - one of the most important for the future mother. If the term of pregnancy is 34 weeks, it means that the child has evolved so much that it will not be considered premature in the case of premature birth. This is the time when you can begin to prepare for the appearance of the baby, and, it means that you need to comply with certain rules.

For more precise tracking of the course of pregnancy, it is recommended to lead the calendar of the period of pregnancy, noting all the important dates on it (visits the doctor, surveys, and so on). A calendar of pregnancy for weeks needs to be started from the date of the last menstruation - it is easier to calculate the estimated birthday of the child.

The most important points of 34 weeks of pregnancy

The kid who has reached the age of 34 weeks, weighs about two with a small kilograms. Its length from the temperature to the heels is about forty-five centimeters.

From 34 weeks, the child becomes more independent - if he is born now, care for him will only be slightly different from the care of the docking baby. Children's lungs on this period are capable of independent work, subcutaneous fat is about nine percent of the child's weight, and its layer continues to grow every day. And, most importantly, the kid's body is already able to independently produce hormones responsible for the work of various systems.

During this period, the child occurs intensive formation of metabolism. Also is the development of sleep and wake mode: his pupils are able to distinguish light and shadow, and it alters the periods of activity and recreation.

While there are 34 weeks of pregnancy, the feelings of the mother play even more important than earlier, the role. During this period, the fights on Brexton Hicks may be frequent (short painful cuts). In the future, they will become more regular. The chest during this period begins to fully flush, pouring with a collar, preparing for feeding.

The future mother feels all the increasing pressure on the pelvic area - because of this, the spine and the feet ache. Often the fruit (especially if the child is large) to this point, it has already time to take the position of the head down - every day the baby is becoming more larger, and there is little place in the uterus.

Breathing problems are also not excluded during intensive physical exertion. However, this is not a reason to limit yourself in mobility - the body should be ready for childbirth. And childbirth is just a physical exertion of tremendous strength.

For 34 weeks of the future mother, you need to do a lot. First, it is better to think about where to give birth. It is better to choose a good clinic, preferably, near the house, so that you can quickly and easily get there at any time of the day.

Secondly, at 34 weeks it is necessary to start carefully follow the discharge from the vagina. Normally, they have a grayish yellowish color and sour smell. In the event of any deviations from the norm, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Curl white discharge can be a symptom of infection or premature discontinuation of the placenta, and transparent watery - a sign of the early leakage of the accumulating waters. And then, and the other is equally dangerous and can lead to the death of the baby.

This week, it is necessary to visit the obstetrician-gynecologist and make cardiotokography to eliminate inthetrical hypoxia and the overall assessment of the child's condition. It is also recommended to make a planned ultrasound - the last during pregnancy. Of course, medical monitoring of the condition of the child and the mother is very important, but much more important is that the woman performs the "homework".

At 34 week, the child is already well hears the sounds, cutting out both inside and outside, and can distinguish between parents. It is recommended to talk a lot with a child, including classical music and sing songs. Does the baby like this or that sound is very easy to understand - hearing pleasant sounds, the child freezes and stops moving. Unpleasant, on the contrary, strengthen the shock - this is the only reasonable to know the way to show discontent. If you carefully observe the movements of the fetus, you can quickly learn to distinguish its signals.

The most pleasant sound for the child is a laughter of the mother, so since 34 weeks, women recommend a lot to laugh. Best of all, if parents will do it together, so that the kid remember the voice not only mother, but also the Father. It is best to watch comedies and read humorous literature - for the fetus is important not only the sound of laughter, but also the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness. It is necessary to recruit from excess stress, and, if possible, exclude all irritating factors from the environment.

Behind the movement of the child should be followed with special attention - normally developed, healthy baby submits signs of activity at least ten times a day.

But from an intimate life during this period it is better to refrain - despite the fact that scientists have proven the beneficial effect of sperm on the elasticity of generic pathways, the risk of infection during sexual proximity is great. In the last weeks of pregnancy, this risk is completely not justified.

It is still necessary to closely monitor the consumption and release of the liquid and control their weight. Many women on the eve of childbirth begin to experience fear. It seems to them that the belly is too small, or, on the contrary, is too large, and they will not be able to give birth. For your own calm, it is best to consult with your doctor. If the doctor says that everything is in order, it means that nothing to worry about.

And, of course, you need to slowly collect things that may be needed in the maternity department. The child will appear very soon.

If this term suddenly has any skin rashes, it is not necessary to scare - this is normal and rash will pass along with the birth of a child. If the rashes are significant, it can be consistent with the doctor for the use of safe antihistamine drugs.

34 week is a new measure of responsibility and additional responsibilities for Mom. It is necessary to continue to follow health, begin to prepare for childbirth and, at the same time, to get tired smaller and maintain a positive mood. This is sometimes difficult, but tolerant. Not far off the joy of meeting!

Pregnancy Women for 34 week is the completion of the 8th month. The most suitable time to prepare for the long-awaited event: to acquire the necessary things for the baby, to be determined with the choice of maternity hospital, collecting a bag. And in order for this period to flow the most well without any complications, consider all the features of the development of the fetus and get acquainted with the general recommendations.

The kid has already has enough formed organs and is almost ready for vital activity outside the womb. For this period, the crumbs are characterized by the following changes:

  1. Lightweight children are sufficiently developed and in the event of the beginning of the generic activity ahead of time he will be able to breathe independently.
  2. The mass of its body is approximately 2-2.5 kg, and growth reaches 42-44 cm.
  3. The fetus for the 34 week of pregnancy continues to be added in weight, the proportion of his body becomes more distinct.
  4. The active development of the facial skull, the respiratory system and the heart occurs.
  5. The formation of the nervous system is suitable for the finish stage.
  6. The skin is smoothed and become more pale, the lano gun disappears and the original grease.
  7. The adrenal glands of the fetus are already functioning in full force. As a result of their work, the woman receives a hormone responsible for lactation. Its concentration in the body of the child at the moment exceeds the concentration in an adult is 10 times.
  8. The adrenal glands are significantly increased in size, but after the child is born they will decrease.
  9. The child at 34 pregnancy weeks sucks a finger and so acquires the skill that it will be required for sucking the chest.
  10. Also, he trains the digestion system, swallowing the spindle fluid.

On this time, the child takes the position required for childbirth, that is, down the head. In some cases, it is still in the wrong position, however, before the start of generic activity, the kid still has time to turn over in the right direction.

34 weeks of pregnancy: sensations of the future mother

Many women are interested in the question for the 34 week of pregnancy: what happens in their body. Since the child has grown significantly to this term in the uterus, he is already closely. The baby does not have the ability to move freely and therefore its activity is significantly reduced. It pushes less often, but it is stronger that causes the inconvenience of the future mother. Camping down, the crumble can intensively move with legs, as a result of which a woman is experiencing painful sensations in the field of ribs.

In addition, it continues to increase in the size of the dairy glands. Woman can observe the selection of colosis. As a result of the work of placental hormones, the chest begins to generate milk. However, do not worry, because A to avoid painful sensations in the chest will help a special bra.

By this time the child is already able to show discontent or joy. A woman at this stage should be avoided by stressful situations, as well as such stimuli like loud sounds or bright light. The baby can respond with sharp movements, as a result of which its position will change and it will take an inappropriate one for childbirth.

With the approach of the responsible moment, the experiences of the future mother are strengthened. This negatively reflects on the emotional state of the woman. The kid at this stage is already able to feel the mood of the mother, so it should receive only positive emotions. It should be refused to view criminal gears, horror films and other similar television products. To stabilize the emotional background, you can use the tips of psychologists.

Based on the results of the observations, the specialists came to the conclusion that to bring mom from the state of psychological tension can ordinary laughter. At that moment, when Mom laughs, the baby is also fun and smiles.

34 week of pregnancy. Photo:

Pain for the 34 week of pregnancy

Future mom on this period is bothering painful sensations in the back of the back, abdomen and lower back. It delivers certain discomfort, but it is not worth worrying on this issue. In most cases, these painses are natural and occur as a result of increasing in the amount of uterus and abdomen. In addition, there is a phased softening of joints and ligaments, thus, the woman's body creates conditions for the child's passage by the generic paths.

When 34 weeks of pregnancy occurs, the lower part of the abdomen hurts. The character of pain reminds unpleasant sensations during menstruation. At the same time, in some situations, pain in the lower back and belly can signal about the risk of premature occurrence of childbirth.

A concern may be a long-term pain, which are repeated with certain periodicity. In particular, if the woman had not previously experienced sensations of this kind. Also, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if the woman noticed the downstream of the abdomen, the release of plugs, accumulating waters, regular uterine cuts.

At this stage, a separate attention should be paid to the uterine contractions. For 34 weeks, such a phenomenon is characterized as a struckstone-higs fight. These are false contractions, by whom the uterus is trained in front of childbirth. Woman in the process of this can feel pain. You can distinguish false contractions by their irregular occurrence. If the symptoms acquire a regular character, and in addition to this, other signs are traced, indicating the occurrence of labor, it is necessary to urgently ask for medical care.

A characteristic feature of this stage of pregnancy is also swelling, which concern a woman in ankle, stop, brushes, faces. To reduce swelling, it is recommended to rest longer and avoid sharp movements. Legs should hold more time in a horizontal position. In the norm of swelling during pregnancy 34 weeks should not last more than a day. If, after this time, the woman's condition was not normalized, it is necessary to apply to the hospital, since long-term symptoms can be a sign of the water of pregnant women. It is worth alert in those cases if the localization of the eductions expanded, as a result of which they may appear in the region of the legs and the abdominal wall.

Belly for 34 weeks of pregnancy

The stomach at this stage of the fetal tool has already acquired significant sizes, it is placed at a height of 14 cm above the navel. The uterus increased 500 times relatively with its original parameters and the woman faces the need to select special clothing. Features of the growth of the belly are reduced to such aspects:

  1. Special caution should be taken when driving, not to make sharp turns.
  2. Belly skin needs special care. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, skin must be lubricated specially intended for this purpose.
  3. With the first pregnancy, the future mother as a result of the pressure at the bottom of the abdomen often arise unpleasant sensations. The reason for this is to lower the fetus, which is already trying to take the right position now. The discomfort appears at the moment when the kid's head is pressed to the entrance to the generic channel. Such sensations can be observed over other weeks.

Weight for the 34 week of pregnancy

The body weight of the woman at this stage should differ from the initial indicator by 11-12 kg. The weight of the future mother in the last stages of pregnancy needs constant control, since the excess of its norm may cause complications. If weight gain is observed over permissible indicators, a woman should stick to the diet.

It is recommended to reduce the consumption of fat and accessible carbohydrates. However, when the dietary choice is selected, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician. Since it is important not only to reduce body weight, but also to ensure that all the necessary vitamins and substances are admitted to the body.

Necessary surveys for the 34 week of pregnancy

The examination of a woman with ultrasound is done at step 32-34 weeks and in most cases to the occurrence of 34 weeks it has already been completed. But there are certain testimony, in the presence of which ultrasonic diagnostics need to go at this stage.

  1. Uzi at the 34 week of pregnancy gives a doctor's appearance to the doctor about the condition of the oil-free water, placenta, umbilical cord, placement of the fetus in the uterus. Ultrasound helps the doctor understand whether the natural delivery is possible. And also make sure that the child will not marvel umbilical.
  2. In the case when doubts arise in the normal development of the fetus, a biophysical study is carried out. It is based on a special estimate system. The study studies 5 indicators of the child's life activity:
  • motor activity is determined by conducting an ultrasound study, in the course of which the doctor calculates the number of movements for a certain period of time. The disappointing result is the complete absence of movements or insufficient quantities;
  • the child's breathing is determined on the basis of monitoring the movement and the expansion of the chest. The doctor with ultrasound counts the breaths of the baby throughout the time period and on the basis of the results obtained concludes;
  • the fetus tone indicator is determined on the basis of monitoring the movement of the handles and legs. The study is also carried out by means of an ultrasound;
  • the volume of accumulate waters. The doctor determines whether the volume of water is sufficient or their disadvantage. In some cases, the accumulative water may be completely absent, it indicates an anomaly of development;
  • fetal heartbeat frequency.
  1. Based on a biochemical study, the doctor receives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of the fetus. Low results are an indication for a stereo delivery. With satisfactory indicators, the doctor may recommend a re-study after 1-2 weeks. During the planned visits to the hospital, a woman is weighed, the doctor measures the blood pressure, determines the level of placement of the uterine bottom, listens to the heartbeat.
  2. Also, the list of necessary surveys includes strokes and urine analysis. In the presence of characteristic testimony, the doctor appoints cardiography. This study allows you to track the intensity of contraction of the uterus and the heart rhythm of the kid. If necessary, a woman passes Doppler - type of study, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bblood flow in a placenta, uterine vessels and a child vessels.

Allocations for 34 weeks

Normal discharges are moderate character, have light color. There may be a slime in the discharge in the discharge, it is also a normal symptom and is associated with the opening of the cervix. If a woman observes purulent releases of green or gray, having a curly structure, as well as the sensation of itching or burning, is a reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor. These symptoms may indicate the presence of infection in the human body. This condition is dangerous primarily by the fact that the child may be infected. Therefore, in this situation, a woman needs qualified medical care.

Also an alarming symptom are the discharges in which there is blood. Such a phenomenon has hazardous reasons. Blood selection may indicate the placenta detachment. As a result, the child lack oxygen, which provokes the development of hypoxia. Also, blood may appear as a result of the prelation of the placenta. But at this stage of pregnancy, this can be prevented by regular preliminary research.

At 34 week there is a chance of premature water waste. It can be a big stream or excretion of minor portions. The last symptom may notify about the depletion and defective changes in the fetal shells. With the appearance of watery discharge, you need to contact the hospital in the shortest possible time.

Childbirth for the 34 week of pregnancy

Time for generic activity at this stage of pregnancy has not yet come true. But as a result of some factors, the kid may appear at 34 weeks. This situation is undesirable for a child, but at the same time is not critical. At this stage, the baby has all organs formed, its systems are fully working, thanks to which the child is almost ready for vital activity outside the mother's abdomen.

It is possible with one hundred percent probability to argue that such a child will subsequently develop on a par with its domestic peers. Of course, after birth, he will need special care, and for some time he will hold in the neonatal center under the supervision of specialists. But then, when all the risks are behind and the baby will be at home, it will be fully developed, and over time will not differ from the children who have appeared within the prescribed period.

Intimate relationships at the 34 week of pregnancy

At this stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to exclude intimate proximity. This is due to the fact that at this stage the preparation of the generic ways to the birth of a child reaches the greatest activity. And during this process, the penetration of infection into the body of a woman is extremely undesirable. Also as a result of intimate contact for 34 weeks, the baby can turn over and take the most unprofitable position for its appearance.

For pregnancy for 34 weeks proceeded safely, some recommendations should be followed:

  1. Starting from this period, the doctor's inspection is necessary once every 10 days. You should also pass a cardiomonitorial study that will help track the work of the child's heart and get a complete picture of his well-being.
  2. In the diet of the future mother there must be a sufficient number of vitamins and trace elements. Since the child needs a constant flow of nutrients, the volume of food consumed should be increased by 2 times. But it should be not sweet and baking, but products that bring maximum benefits to mom and baby. This is a fish, dietary meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products.
  3. Prepare dishes are better for a couple and temporarily eliminate fried food, because it provokes heartburn. If a woman cannot refuse fried dishes to make their consumption to a minimum.
  4. When drafting the diet, the caloric content of products should be taken into account. After all, at 34 week, the motor activity of the woman decreased noticeably, the calorie consumption decreased and as a result of overeating the future mother can gain excessive weight. And this may cause complications. It will also be useful to reduce salt consumption to 4 g per day. The replacement of ordinary products can be sea salt.
  5. A woman should also track the amount of fluid that it consumes, as well as the volume of the urine allocated. The fluid delay in the body should be avoided, because This will lead to the appearance of edema. If the future mother noticed that the fluid is not fully disabled, it is possible to correct the situation by setting unloading days.
  6. Mom's diet at this time should be apples, cottage cheese, vegetables or other light products. Additionally, it is recommended to take vitamins E and K. This will prevent bleeding at the time of childbirth and avoid premature delivery.
  7. 34 weeks - this is the most suitable time to start exploring the exercises of Kegel. This is a special exercise, the execution of which contributes to the vaginal muscle training, which further facilitates the process of childbirth. The exercise is quite simple and lies in the phased voltage and relaxation of the vaginal muscles.
  8. On this period you can also be engaged in swimming and yoga. But the load should be moderate, and the exercises are adapted to the state of a woman.

On the period of 34 weeks there is quite a bit time until the appearance of the baby. This period of pregnancy has its own characteristics concerning the development of the child and the well-being of the future mother. Implementation of all requirements and recommendations will allow a woman to minimize unpleasant feelings for 34 weeks and properly prepare for the most responsible event - the birth of a child.

34 week of pregnancy. Video:

If the fruit born previously would be considered premature, then born now, it will be called early.

Growth, weight and fetal size

The fetus size at the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy increased markedly. Now its growth can reach up to 45 cm. In the following weeks, this figure will increase by another 5-10 cm. The weight of the child at the 34 week of pregnancy passed for 2 kg. Larger kids can weigh 2.3 kg.

Characteristic features of the appearance of a child

The baby becomes more and more like a newborn. Those who do ultrasound on this date may notice that his cheeks have become rounded. This is due to the fact that the kid often sucks a finger. Such movements are well developed by facial muscles. Thus, there is a kind of preparation for reception after birth.

The hair continues to grow on the baby's head. Thanks to the pigment, they acquire a specific color. But it often happens that with age they can change the shade in the future.

The toddler's ears occupied their place and have a little dropped look.

The skin has become even more dense. Red rushes, and her color becomes pink. Since the accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues, the skin becomes smoother. Also, thanks to the increase in the tummy, the baby, the navel occupies the usual place.

Putching hairs are even smaller, and the number of primary lubrication is still great. The main place of its localization is skin folds.

Now the baby has become absolutely not similar to others - he has formed individual fingerprints and lines on his palms. The child's marigolds acted well and already go over the edge of his finger.

Changes in systems and organs

The development of the fetus for the 34 week of pregnancy is mainly aimed at improving systems and organs:

  • Digestive system. Gastrointestinal tract formed. Its main goal is now a permanent training. This becomes possible due to the fact that the crumble swallows the oily water. Accordingly, this process helps and training kidney. During the day, they are removed from the body of the fetus to the half-liter of urine;
  • Bone system. In connection with the continuing strengthening of the bone system, the future mother at the thirty-fourth obstetric week of pregnancy is worth using enough calcium. If it is missing in your diet, the doctor will prescribe special drugs. It is also not necessary to abuse calcium, since too strong bones can lead to generic injuries. The skull bones remain soft and movable. It is very important for the passage of the fetus by the generic paths. After birth, you can add a small pulsating groove on the baby's head - nonsense skull bones, called spring. In the first year of life, the life of the spring will gradually "heal";
  • Respiratory system. The lungs of the baby have already formed, a sufficient substance that helps Alveola does not slip (surfactant). In the case of premature birth, the baby is most likely able to breathe independently;
  • Change hearing. Despite the fact that the baby has long heard and distinguishes the sounds, it is important to understand what is happening at the 34 week of pregnancy. Now the crumb not only can distinguish the voices of loved ones, but also reacts to their intonation. On how relatives communicate with his mom, the baby understands who is benevolent, and who should be feared;
  • Sender organs. Usually, on this time, the boys occurs the ovarian comes in the scrotum. However, there are exceptions, so it is possible that by the time of birth it will not happen. Do not worry, it means that it will happen during the first year of life.

Position of the fetus inside the uterus

In most cases, the fruit is already located head down. This is considered an optimal position for childbirth. Since Kroch reacts to any stressful situation in your life, try to avoid in vain experiences. An excited baby can turn over and take not the most successful position.

In the case of pelvic preview, doctors most often recommend caesarean section.

But quite a lot of women successfully gave birth to such kids independently. In addition, there are certain exercises contributing to the natural coup of the fetus.

Pregnancy and Mine Organism

Thirty-fourth week of pregnancy is hard given to many mothers. Increasingly appears fatigue. Walking even on not very far distances can cause shortness of breath, back pain and legs.

Unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy

The future mother has the following symptoms at the 34 week of pregnancy:

  • False contractions. They begin at the top of the uterus, then fall down the abdomen. Such contractions although they can be painful, but it is easy to cope with them. It is enough to take a warm shower and lie down;
  • From the increased mammary glands may be soooed;
  • The frequency of movements is reduced due to the lack of a facility in the uterus;
  • Edema. Can manifest themselves on hand, legs, face;
  • Lowering the fetus. Usually happens shortly before childbirth. After that, it will be much easier to breathe;
  • Pain in the back, lower back, stomach. The reason is an enlarged uterus;
  • Insomnia. Perhaps a change of posture for sleep will facilitate falling asleep. Also, doctors recommend not to eat and do not drink before bed;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Itching skin. It can be made any part of the body. This is not an indicator of a terrible disease dangerous for mom or baby. However, to tell the doctor about its own condition, of course, you need. It will help you choose the antiallergic drug, given your position.

They are associated primarily with the chapels of the baby. The fetus for the 34 week of pregnancy moves not so actively. However, the lack of chapels should avoid a future motley.

At the same time, every movement of the kid may respond to pain in different places. Since the child lacks the place, he "clears the way" with his handles and legs, so it can go mami ribs, and liver, and intestines.

Watching the activity of the kid is extremely important, because it is one of the main indicators of its physical condition. Also, the movements can also be judged by the psychological comfort of croching. For example, his activity is changing if he is scared, it annoys bright light or loud music.

Emotional state and excitement

34 pregnancy weeks - a period of big experiences. They are caused by fear for the kid. And since the birth's time is quickly approaching, then the woman is worried about how they will pass.

The most important thing now is to keep calm and get more positive emotions. After all, the baby perfectly feels my mother's condition!

Help cope with your unrest, family, friends or husband can help. A visit to the theater, the museum or exhibition also helps to distract and have a good time.

But from hiking to the movies and to concerts it is better to refrain. Loud sounds can scare crumb. But how wonderful see a cheerful family film at home with her husband or friends.

Sizes of abdomen and uterus

The growth of the abdomen does not stop, because the usual clothing is already unambiguously small. From the beginning of pregnancy, the uterus increased in size 500 times, and by weight - 10 times.

The height of the uterus is approximately 14 cm above the navel. By the way, with an increase in the size of the abdomen, many noted that the navel becomes turned outward. In the usual state, he will gradually return after childbirth.

Belly skin can continue to be, so do not forget about creams and oils. And the bandage will save from stretch marks.

Also, some women note the appearance of a dark strip, which shares the belly into two halves. It will also disappear after childbirth.

This is how tumors look at the 34 week of pregnancy:

Medical surveys for 34 weeks

Meetings with the doctor will now occur every two weeks. As before, the doctor will measure your weight, blood pressure, the height of the uterus bottom and the circumference of the abdomen. Before each visit, it is important to donate urine analysis to recognize probable presence in time (dangerous for mother and fetus).

On this period, as a rule, no special analyzes are prescribed. Pregnant women only traditionally hand over blood tests and urine.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a repeated analysis to the Vasserman reaction. More information at the 34 week of pregnancy can be obtained using ultrasound and cardiographography (CTG).

Conducting ultrasound and its results

By this time, the majority of pregnant women have already passed the third planned ultrasound study. However, according to the testimony, the doctor may assign a re-procedure.

Through an ultrasound of the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, the doctor will determine the approximate weight of the baby, will hold the main fruit measurements. The procedure will help to understand how the child is being developed, whether it matches the term. Also, having conducted a dopplerometry, it is possible to determine whether the blood system works well, whether the baby receives oxygen enough. Ultrasound will clarify what position the fruit occupies.

As always, special attention will be paid to the placenta. Deviations from the norms on the thickness of the walls and the degree of maturity will indicate various insufficiency. Such complications will require a certain treatment.

For delivery, information on the number and condition of water will be useful, as well as the presence of a cord cord.

CTG procedure to assess the work of the heart

The cardiotocogram allows you to evaluate the work of the baby's heart, its motor activity and the reaction to cutting the uterus. When conducting a CTG to the belly of a pregnant woman, there are two sensors that will fix all changes taking place with the baby.

Cardiotocography does not pose a danger to any mother, nor for the kid.

Possible complications for 34 weeks

Although the childbirth on this period is completed in almost 100% of cases successfully, you still need to try to avoid complications. These include:

  1. Late toxicosis. A perpetuity should be a sudden change in blood pressure on 5 mm RT. Art. relative to normal indicators;
  2. Due to the active impact on the body of hormones, bleeding gums or their inflammation may occur, falling on the teeth. There is still time to turn to the dentist. Non-cured diseases can infect a newborn;
  3. Premature birth. Several factors can cause them: age, poor nutrition, stress, physical work, varicose disease. The fact that they started can be found in the watered waters and fights. It is important to be able to distinguish them from false. If each time the battle is increased, and the time gap between them decreases, it means that it is time to talk about the start of the generic activity. Birth at the 34 week of pregnancy, though they will be prosperous, but still it is better to go to the hospital as soon as possible;
  4. Various discharge. Purulent - testify to infections, bleeding - on the detachment of the placenta, transparent liquid - about the leakage of water.

Necessary accessories for future mom

  1. Special attention should be paid to the power. No matter how hard it is, but from soothing food in the form of sweet and flour is still worth refraining. It is better to include more meat, fish, vegetables, croup, dairy products in the diet. Salts preferably use less to avoid swelling;
  2. Since in addition to visible edema there are still hidden, it is advisable to carry out daily diuresis. It will help determine the amount of fluid consumed and deposited from the body. If all the edema appeared, it will be useful will begin to arrange unloading days. They can be apple, and cottage cheese and other;
  3. At 34, doctors recommend to refrain from sex. This is due, first of all, with the risk of infection in the vagina. Also sex can provoke a baby to turn over and take not the best position for childbirth;
  4. Already, you can decide in which maternity hospital is planned delivery, as well as to find out the list of things for mom and baby in advance;
  5. Collecting things, it is worth considering that some maternity hospitals demand that those be packed in transparent packages;
  6. Documents are already preferably assembled and put in one place. Going out of the house, the folder with them is better to take with you. It must be: a passport, SNILS, OMS policy, exchange card with all the analyzes and the results of the procedures. Also in the exchange card must be applied with a tubingman.

This material is exceptionally introductory character, before using the outlined information it is necessary be sure to consult with a specialist.

Doctors determine the beginning of pregnancy on the first day of the last menstruation and calculate its term on the obstetric weeks. The real age of the kid on the calendar lags behind 12-16 days, coinciding with the date of ovulation occurring in about the middle of the cycle.

In one obstetric post, seven days, 4 weeks form an obstetric or lunar month.

34 week of pregnancy - Eighth and a half obstetric month or middle of the third trimester of pregnancy. By this time, all the fetus organs are formed, he only continues to gain a mass and prepare for birth. Children, which appeared for 34 weeks of pregnancy, have very high chances of survival, although such labor is considered premature.

Future development

Healthy child at 34 obstetric post has body length 42-46 centimeters, weight is about 2000-2500 grams. The appearance of the kid changes, it becomes like an adult. From the skin of the fetus gradually disappear by flush hair, called Lano. Up to this point, they covered the ear shells, her shoulders, the back of the child, protecting it from the effects of spindle water.

The skin of a child acquires a pale pinkish color, he begins to smooth out more and more. The size of the fat layer increases, which will protect the baby from the cold after the appearance of the light. Some children on this period of pregnancy begin to grow hard on their heads. Often by the middle of the third trimester of the child's nails reach the edges of the finger.

34 weeks of pregnancy belongs to a period that is characterized by a decrease in the primary lubrication layer of the fetus. Its physiological role is to protect the child from the accumulating waters and facilitating the passage of the baby in the generic paths. By the middle of the third trimester enhanced fetal nervous system. New neurons centers are formed in the brain, the relationship between the cortical and subcortical structures.

Thirty-fourth week of pregnancy is considered the peak of the development of the urinary system. The child begins to actively pull out the spindle water, which fall into its blood flow. Kidney kid actively filtered fluid in the body, while maintaining all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and ions. During the day, the urinary system of the future child can recycle about 500 milliliters of fluid.

On this pregnancy term, the kid has many unconditional reflexes that are necessary for life outside the womb. He actively sucks his finger, which corresponds to the movements necessary for nutrition to breast milk. The child reacts very sensitively to bright lights, loud sounds, mom's experience. 34 weeks of pregnancy - the time of consolidation of grabbing reflex.

The cardiovascular system continues its development, there is an increase in new arteries, veins and capillaries. The average pulse rate on this period is 140 shots per minute. The fetal heartbeat for the 34 week of pregnancy can easily listen using the phonenendoscope.

An endocrine system of the future child is being improved on this gestation. Its internal secretion glands actively produce glucocortic creeks, insulin, thyroxine and other hormones. By this time the fruit begins to synthesize substances causing lactation in the future mother.

The intestine of the future child is actively functions, producing its own enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile. It enters it an amniotic fluid, in which proteins, carbohydrates, skin particles and other impurities are dissolved. In the gastrointestinal tract, these substances are digested with the formation of the semiconium - the original feces. Normally, he should not get out of the anal hole before birth.

Birthday at the 34 week of pregnancy is premature, but the child is not called not prematurely, but ahead of time. To a given period in the structural units of the lungs of the kid - the acinuses, the surfactant begins to produce. This substance prevents the slope of the pulmonary tissue while breathing with atmospheric air. That is why the child born at the 34 week of gestational period does not need an IVL (artificial ventilation of the lungs).

Attention! The appearance of unusual discharge from the vagina, the influence of the oily water, the beginning of systematic kits are a reason for immediately appealing for medical care.

The kid at 34 weeks there are periods of wakefulness and sleep. The child can stop moving for a few hours, which is the norm. Usually biorhythms of the fetus coincide with the day of the day of the future mother.

At the 34 week of pregnancy fetal movements are less active. A child comes in size every day in size, there is little space for movements around it. Over rare exceptions, the baby can no longer turn into the uterus cavity, its movements are less active. The fruit can move limbs and twist head.

Almost all children by 34 pregnancy week occupy a certain position in which they will appear. Physiological longitudinal position - when the fetal axis coincides with the uterus axis. With this position, the child can occupy two types of position - the head and pelvic.

With a head preservation, the baby is located in the uterus cavity with my legs up. Such the position of the child is the most physiological, it is found in 97% of cases. Sometimes the fetus can be located the buttocks of the book - such a presence is called pelvis. In this case, natural childbirth is difficult, but it is possible when conducting a competent doctor.

In rare cases, the fruit can take the wrong position in the uterus - oblique (when the child is located under the oblique angle to the longitudinal axis of the uterus) and transverse (when the child is located at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the uterus). In both types of the position of the baby, natural labor is impossible, doctors are forced to resort to the cesarean operation.

Video guide to 34 week of pregnancy:

Women's well-being

By the 34 week of pregnancy, a woman is on maternity leave for a whole month. If the future mother shelters twins, her care from work occurred earlier for 14 days.

By the middle of the third trimester, a woman is gaining about 10-12 kilogramsExcess this number significantly increases the load on the spine. The future mother should closely monitor its mass, weighing at least once a week. If in 7 days an increase in weight is 300 grams or more, there are reasons for concern, since such an increase talks about the development of strong edema.

The belly of the future mother has long been impossible to hide under spacious clothing, his grumps on the navel reaches 85-95 centimeters. The uterus is also growing hard, the height of standing its bottom at the 34 week of the gestational period is about 32-35 centimeters. The amount of amniotic fluid to this point is 1 liter.

By the 34 week of gestation for the future mother, harbingers of childbirth may appear. The most important of them is. For the first time they arise a little earlier - at 24-30 obstetrics, they manifest themselves as drawing sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, sometimes during them a woman has a loin.

By the middle of the third trimester, false contractions appear increasingly. Their function lies in the preparation of the body of a woman to the upcoming birth. The future mother should be distinguished by true and false contractions, differing in the following parameters:

1. False contractions are characterized by both unpleasant and stretching sensations over Lone and in the back, with true generic activities in a woman hurts the abdomen and loin.

2. True contractions have a certain cycle - they continue several tens of seconds, then there is a pause for a few minutes. Over time, the duration of abbreviations increases, and the break between them is reduced. False contractions do not have a clear periodicity.

3. True bouts can not be suspended at home. False generic activity is shown by changing the situation, taking antispasmodics, taking a hot bath, walking in the fresh air, etc.

Pretty frequent satellite of the last weeks of pregnancy are swelling on the lower limbs. The fluid delay in the body is associated with an increase in the burdens load due to their compression by the uterus and an increase in the number of circulating blood. Normally legs swell only in the evening in the field of stop and ankles. After a night rest, the pastosity of the lower limbs should disappear.

Due to the increased size of the uterus, a woman becomes hard and work, she should rest as much as possible. At 34 weeks, a small increase in breathing and heartbeat due to the difficulty of the lungs. Future mother can disturb insomniaSince it gets hard to find a comfortable position. A large uterus presses on neighboring organs, including on the hollow vein, so a woman should sleep on the left side. For convenience, it is recommended to purchase a special cushion for pregnant women.

Allocations for the 34 week of pregnancy should be transparent or whitish color. Normally, their number is small, there is no smell. Due to the softening of the cervix in vaginal discharge, impurities of the mucus can appear - another harbinger of childbirth.

Complications and risks

The above features of the course of pregnancy are the option of the norm and should not disturb the woman. Immediate help of a specialist is required when the following pathologies occur:

1. The beginning of the generic activity.

True contractions are characterized by cyclicity, pain, they are not bored with drugs and change position. Over the beginning of the generic activity also indicate such precursors as influence or leakage of spindlewater waters.

2. Premature detachment of a normally located placenta.

Pathology manifests themselves with grapple-like pain at the bottom of the abdomen and red or brown discharge. Usually a premature placental detachment occurs after physical or emotional loads.

3. Infection of the genital organs.

Some of them proceed asymptomatic and can be discovered only with the help of analyzes. Among the obvious symptoms of inflammation are yellow, gray, green discharge from the vagina with a changed consistency and an unpleasant smell. Also, in the infections of genital organs, a woman can disturb itching in the perineum, pain with sexual intercourse and campaign to the toilet.

4. Arterial hypertension of pregnant women.

The middle of the second trimester is the time when gestosis often develops. It is characterized by the advent of protein in the urine, arterial hypertension above 140 per 90, edema on the legs, upper limbs, face. Gestosis can manifest itself a stagnation of fluids in the footsteps and ankles in the morning.

5. Prelation of the placenta.

This pathology can be asymptomatic for a long time, but by the middle of the third trimester, it often manifests themselves with unexpected bleeding of sex tract, not accompanied by pain.


In the middle of the third trimester, the future mother should attend a doctor once every 2 weeks. At the inspection, the doctor determines the height of the storm of the uterus, measures the abdominal circle and blood pressure, listens to the palpitations of the fetus. Also once in 2 weeks, a woman should pass a general urine analysis, which will help to identify guest glances and.

By the end of pregnancy, the woman passes the third screening, which includes an ultrasound study. Ultrasound helps assess the structure of the placenta, the number of accumulating waters, an approximate mass of the fetus. The survey shows the prelation of the fetus, which causes further tactics in childbirth. By 30 weeks of pregnancy, a woman should have a exchange card on his hands, with which she will go into an obstetric hospital.

According to the testimony in the middle of the third trimester, some women are prescribed an ultrasound with a Doppler sensor. It helps to assess the placenta blood supply. Also, part of future mothers on this period are cardiotokography. This research method is designed to monitor the health of the baby, detecting hypoxia - lack of oxygen.

Preparation for childbirth

The middle of the third trimester is the finish direct period of pregnancy. Soon the woman is waiting for childbirth, to relieve which special training is required. The future mother is recommended to master the techniques of breathing exercises, they will help to avoid gaps of crotch and cervix, as well as severe pain during battles and fence.

Good breakdown prevention are Kegel exercises. They include slow and fast compressions, squeezing, reducing the walls of the vagina. Regular execution of these exercises will help quickly restore the generic paths in the former form. To increase their efficiency, you can use special solid balls.

To this date of the future mother should prepare children's accessories - a crib, a changing table, diapers, a set of clothes, toys, etc. Also, a woman is recommended in advance to assemble a newborn firstbatch, which includes hygiene products, antiseptics, emergency preparations. The future mother should not forget about himself, gathering things to travel to the maternity department.

Woman nine long months waits for the appearance of his baby. Every day of pregnancy carries new sensations, new emotions, new experiences. All pregnancy is considered weeks, as it is very convenient for adequate tracking of the development of the fetus and the state of the future mother. Each week is characterized by any features.

Woman should observe allocations. During this period, it can undergo a scheduled survey of the vagina, after which there may be bleeding. The same allocations serve as a signal of possible premature births. For 34 weeks of pregnancy, mucous vaginal discharge may also appear. They will most likely mean the release of the mucosa, which protects the entrance to the uterus. If so, then the woman needs to be ready for speed.

What is the selection should be at the 34 week of pregnancy?

At the 34 week of excavation is the norm. This physiological process is due to the activity of glands located in the cervical channel of the woman. Each woman has a special mucus, without which the normal activity of the reproductive system is impossible. Also, the main task of natural discharge is protection against infections and damage.

On this period of pregnancy, a healthy mucus will be distinguished from a healthy mother, which has the following criteria:

  • lack of smell (light sourish fragrance is allowed);
  • color transparent or light (milk);
  • consistency homogeneous.

Unfortunately, there are cases when allocations are not the norm and indicate the presence of problems that threaten the health of the future mother and her baby.

Green selection

If a woman has green or yellow discharge, which bubbles, is a faithful sign of a disease transmitted through sexual intercourse. We need to refer to a doctor without delay, which will appreciate the appropriate treatment.

If there are harmful bacteria in the vagina, green discharge can also appear. Abundant greenish mucus testifies to acute. If such releases have the smell of fish and peeled with films - it is a vaginal dysbiosis.

The vaginal microflora violates antibiotics. Sometimes green mucus can be a sign of simple inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

Such discharges, accompanied with a pain in the lower back or at the bottom of the abdomen, general weakness and dizziness, require urgent medical diagnosis and consultation of the doctor.

Curchase discharge

The usual whitish mucus at all stages of pregnancy is the norm, and later dates are no exception. But if this mucus becomes completely white, has a thick or curious consistency and is accompanied by a specific smell, then that is accurate.

You should not worry, because the thrush is treated quite easily, and sometimes even in one taking special medicines.

Red discharge

If there are red (especially scarlet), the selection should be instantly cause an ambulance. Such discharges indicate bleeding, and if it originated due to early placental detachable, without professional obstetric care, the life of the baby may be at risk.

Brown discharge

Isolation of brownish mucus is quite normal for early pregnancy terms, since they are implanting bleeding, which occur in the process of fixing the fertilized egg in the fallopian wall. In the lowest time, pink or brown allocations markes the beginning of childbirth.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the function of which is to close the cervical channel and protect the embryo from infections. When the period of pregnancy is suitable for completion, the body is ready for childbirth and does not need such a traffic jam. She will come out at least 3 week before birth.

At the 34 week of pregnancy, the kid is not yet ready to come to this world. And if there was previously the exhausting of the cork, accompanied by brown discharge, is a reason to consult a doctor to avoid premature birth.

A woman does not need to be afraid of the allocations that may appear at the 34 week of pregnancy. She needs to receive a consultation of a doctor, leading pregnancy, and quietly prepare for fast birth. The only thing if the bleeding is abundant and accompanied by strong grapple-shaped pains, you need to immediately cause ambulance. A child who may be born ahead of time - at the 34 week of pregnancy, viable, he can breathe independently. So with any unusual sensations that appeared on this period of pregnancy, a woman needs to keep calm, believe in itself and their strength, in his baby. Everything will be fine! Take care of yourself and be healthy!