Aquarius guy how to understand that he is in love. Apply these methods. What kind of women does Aquarius love

Aquarius belongs to the signs of the zodiac of the air element. Therefore, people who were born under this sign are characterized by changeable character traits.

“How does an Aquarius man in love behave?” - the answer to this question interests many women.

Men of this zodiac sign are characterized by various features. They can be sociable, narcissistic, quiet, shy.

Aquarius belongs to the signs of the zodiac of the air element. Therefore, people who were born under this sign are characterized by changeable character traits.

But with the advent of a feeling of falling in love, they are all transformed beyond recognition.

Aquarius men are most attracted to women by unpredictability and the ability to defend individual opinions. By giving him an extraordinary gift for the holiday, you can immediately arouse interest in yourself. Representatives of this sign are attracted to mysterious women and their unusual actions., causing a desire to learn all the secrets and mysteries.

In relations with a representative of the sign, one must constantly maintain one's mystery and mystery. Such a relationship can quickly lead to marriage.

In relations with a representative of the sign, one must constantly maintain one's mystery and mystery.

A man of this zodiac sign will not want to lose his mysterious beloved and will try his best to connect her with him.

How a man in love with Aquarius behaves

For a representative of this zodiac sign in love characterized by the following qualities:
Heightened emotionality ;
sincere expression of feelings ;
Devotion .

The following signs will help you find out about his love:

1. Increased care. He will exalt his beloved woman, constantly give her gifts. He generous with affectionate words and compliments, tries to pay much attention to his second half. With pleasure he makes joint plans, dreams of children. For the woman he loves, he is ready to do a lot. ;

Representatives of this sign are characterized by the desire to control the second half and an increased sense of jealousy.

2. Jealousy. Representatives of this sign tend to the desire for control over the second half and an increased feeling of jealousy. Moreover, he will not be jealous of friends, but of freedom. To him you need the constant presence of the second half next to you ;

3. Generosity. Aquarius is ready, without stint, to spend money on his beloved. He does not know how to save, the funds that have appeared quickly find application.

For these reasons, representatives of this zodiac sign not in a hurry to tie the knot. After all, you need to be responsible for the family, and they are often afraid of this.

Actions of an Aquarius man in love

In addition to the main features, There are a few more facts that will help determine the love of Aquarius:

- He has thoughts about family life . Often he starts talking about children, a joint future;

If the beloved woman does not smoke, Aquarius will immediately try to quit this addiction. ;

- A representative of this zodiac sign shyness appears he avoids eye contact;

− He becomes calmer, constant irritability disappears , which very often surprises his loved ones;

If the beloved woman does not smoke, Aquarius will immediately try to quit this addiction.

Willingness to compromise - a clear sign of how a man in love with Aquarius behaves. Although it is common for him to defend his own principles and have his own clear position in life.

Qualities a Lover Should Have

The second half of such a man must have certain qualities :

Sincerely love your man, wherein don't try to limit his freedom;

Show affection and care, But don't be too intrusive;

Be always honest. In a relationship, Aquarius does not allow lies and deceit;

A woman should sincerely love her Aquarius man.

Compliment more often talk about its merits. And here it is better to keep silent about the negative qualities once again;

Try to always maintain mystery and mystery so that the chosen one does not lose the desire to achieve his beloved again and again.

Qualities of an Aquarius in love

Representatives of this zodiac sign are considered the most volatile. It is very difficult to keep track of their changeable mood and behavior.

- Such men are very often subject to bouts of sadness, become thoughtful. This behavior is explained by the desire to be alone and at peace. It is not necessary to arrange an interrogation, but it is better not to interfere. A little time will pass, and he will return to his normal state again;

Such men very often undergo bouts of sadness, become thoughtful.

− Representatives of this zodiac sign often painful. This explains their love for cleanliness and order. The chosen one of an Aquarius man in love will have to come to terms with how he behaves in everyday life;

The mood of the representative of this zodiac sign changes very often. In relations with him, you need to try to anticipate possible changes or just get used to them. Often he sees many things in white or black;

- Not his best feature - willingness to experiment in relationships . It is interesting for him to observe the behavior of his beloved woman in a particular situation that he can come up with. A even parting may come to his mind.

It is worth getting used to such games and not taking them too seriously.

Additional attraction methods

What other ways can you arouse the interest of an attractive member of the opposite sex? You should know that an Aquarius man in love behaves like a real gentleman with his chosen one. That's why appreciates such unusual qualities as:

Wits ;
imperativeness ;
Beautiful appearance and beauty of the soul.

He will willingly obey the woman he loves and portray a henpecked man.

He will willingly obey the woman he loves and portray a henpecked man. But only on condition that his chosen one has high intelligence and mental abilities.

How to end a relationship

Realizing that the chosen representative of the stronger sex is not suitable for any reason, a woman can decide to part. In this case There are several ways to end a relationship:

make a scandal;
Stop being interested in his affairs;
Don't make joint plans.

Scandal is one way to end a relationship.

Relationships with an Aquarius man are not easy to build. After all, he loves when a woman makes concessions. At the same time, in the chosen one there should always be a mystery that a man will try to solve. It should be remembered that representatives of this zodiac sign do not seek to create a family. Although life together may seem like a fairy tale at the initial stage.

If you are in love with Aquarius - a man - you are in luck! Not all, but lucky. Be prepared for the fact that you and your relationship will be very envious.

He does everything for the one he falls in love with. As they say, he is ready to “break into a cake” rages of comfort full of his beloved. He will spare no time, no means, no effort for this.

When Aquarius falls in love, he blossoms

Like a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers. This can be seen in his gestures, in his facial expressions, in his movements. He even looks like a child. He rejoices in his feelings, as a baby rejoices with a new toy! You can only imagine in what captivity of emotions he is.

Do not be surprised if the Aquarius man makes you a chic and very unexpected surprise! He can do anything to surprise you. And nothing can stop him, no matter what he plans. You should not be afraid: a surprise will not harm you, because Aquarius always protects those who are dear.

Have achieved that Aquarius fell in love with you - get ready for the fact that he will amaze you with his passion for sex. He loves sex, and believes that there is no love without sex. He will say the phrase “I want you” more often than the phrase: “I love you.” And don't be surprised by this! Humble yourself and take it naturally.

As you can see, Aquarius is not perfect

His “non-ideality” is also reflected in the fact that…. In other words, you will now know everything. But do not rush to be disappointed like this right away! Aquarius can bombard you with promises, beautifully, but may forget that they need to be fulfilled. The main thing for him is to achieve the one he falls in love with. He will say that he can bake cakes, and that he will bring coffee to bed. He will say it all so convincingly that you cannot help but believe him.

Aquarius in love often sings

Relatives will definitely suspect that something is happening to him, because they live side by side. At first, the man will answer questions about what happened, sparingly and without much detail. Oh, and the Aquarius man doesn’t love when they try to “get into” his life! He is patient, of course, but he can send if someone's obsession gets him.

Aquarius in love is a man who goes ahead!

In it, suddenly, initiative can wake up. If he wakes up, he will not fall asleep after the entire period of “cadrism” has elapsed (this is a period when a man seeks that person whom he is ready to give and give all his heart).

Behavior of an Aquarius in love

Look also at these fads that will tell you that Aquarius has fallen in love:

  1. Aquarius quit smoking. He quits completely if he finds out that his possible half cannot stand smoking men. Do you think it will be easy for him to do this? By no means! He would never have made such a "sacrifice". Love is something else, of course. Love has always been considered as a "special case".
  2. Aquarius seriously thinks about family life. And these "thoughts" are on his face. He, without losing his "crown" sense of humor, with a smile and often begins to talk about the kids, that it's time to "start" them. Previously, this was not observed for Aquarius.
  3. Somewhere the "Aquarian" irritability disappears, which, before, did not allow him to live in peace himself. He is more calm about life and about things that used to especially disturb and excite him. People around you may be shocked.
  4. He began to hesitate to look directly into the eyes. It was like he felt guilty. If you are the one he is in love with, then you cannot help but notice how his eyes diligently hide from you.
  5. He shows his jealousy. And shows it in such ways that only it is possible to show it. Jealousy can manifest itself both hot-tempered and with some aggressiveness. You will find out that Aquarius is such .... Well, a little owner, let's say so. And with such an opinion about himself, apparently, he is not going to part.
  6. He starts texting and calling. And he never really liked doing that. And he “suffered” like this, in all seriousness, only at the age of a teenager and earlier. Aquarius generally believes that messages are a "kindergarten", and calls are needed not for ordinary conversations, but exclusively for a conversation "on business".
  7. Aquarius understands that he knows how (and agrees) to make compromises if it would be necessary or required. He's in shock too! Shocked by myself. After all, just recently he thought that he would never back down from his principles. But love changed everything! Even more than everything….
  8. He, in his imagination, draws a picture for himself of how he brings a cup of coffee to the bed of his beloved and beloved. With his incredible laziness?! Marvelous! He thought about it himself.

Aquarius is a very scattered and unassembled person.

But he will always remember important dates that are related to you in some way. For example, your birthday. He will remember it even if you have hardly communicated yet. He won't write down your date of birth! He will imprint it in his memory.

Aquarius will put money on your mobile if they hear that you have run out of them. But no need to do the same for him! No matter how much he loves you, a gesture of this nature will only humiliate a man.

He will tell you, openly, that he goes on the Internet to find you there, and to communicate at least a little bit, since communication on a mobile phone, and in reality, will not be enough for him. And do not scold him if he appears on the Internet during his working hours. For your sake, he will even go to the "malfeasance"!

Having met Aquarius, you can safely consider that you have met a wizard, because he will do absolutely everything for you. Anything you ask. If you are his dream! Consider one thing: all Aquarians hate when they are used brazenly! You already read something about this at the beginning of the article.

The appearance of a woman, of course, plays a role for Aquarius - men. But he, initially, falls in love not with external data, but with the personal qualities of a person. Moreover, he appreciates them throughout the entire period of the relationship. By the way, if he does not “part” with compliments, do not take it personally. That is, he may consider you insanely beautiful, but he will not repeat it verbally.


Aquarius in love will do everything for the person who has become the object of his passions. He will spare neither time nor effort to surprise and please his beloved or beloved, he will try to present the most incredible surprise. But there is no need to be afraid: Aquarius is very caring towards those whom he values, this surprise will not become unpleasant or uncomfortable.

Aquarius in love blooms, literally. This applies to both men and women of this sign. Love immediately becomes noticeable, a person begins to smile constantly and for no reason, walk, humming something under his breath, becomes a bit like a child. Aquarians are usually very happy with their feelings, they are covered by the most pleasant and positive emotions.

Despite the image of cold and unemotional people, Aquarians are very fond of sex. If such a person is in you, then the constant desire for intimacy, especially at first, may even surprise you a little at first. The sexual desire of the representatives of this sign is not based on a particularly attractive appearance or various tricks over it, these are something else, and they are not excited by external data, but by the personal qualities of a partner.

Aquarius in love often tries to change his life. Simply because for him a new life has already begun. He may quit smoking, start jogging in the morning, or make some other changes. Just like that, he probably would not do such things, but love is a special matter. Freedom-loving Aquarius can even begin to think about family life and children, sometimes surprising his chosen one or chosen one with speeches about this.

In normal times, Aquarians are rather impatient and somewhat irritable, which they themselves do not like. But when they fall in love, it completely disappears. Things that used to disturb this person and worry him completely lose all meaning.

Aquarius starts texting and calling you, even if he previously thought that such things were only needed for business negotiations or to arrange a meeting. He can become very gentle and attentive, agree to compromise, and suddenly the well-known Aquarius stubbornness disappears somewhere ...

As soon as Aquarius falls in love, he becomes incredibly shy. Previously, this person easily became the center of any company, simply by releasing a couple of jokes in his signature style. But if the object of desire of a representative of this sign appears, then he begins to hide his eyes.

If Aquarius loves you, then he remembers everything. Aquarians are usually absent-minded and unassembled, but when it comes to falling in love, all the details are clearly imprinted in their memory, even the most scraps of information that you can find out about your loved one. Even if you casually mentioned your birthday, you can be sure that Aquarius in love will not forget her.

Aquarius is a mysterious man, living in his dreams of the distant future. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by a positive character, extraordinary thinking and curiosity. A woman who wants to win the heart of her beloved should be interesting in communication, cheerful and be able to support Aquarius in any of his endeavors.


This man is attracted to mysterious girls, so you don’t need to fully open up to Aquarius. When he has thoroughly studied you and knows your every next step, then he will lose interest. It is the shade of the unknown that will keep Aquarius around you. At the same time, you do not need to be silent in his presence and be afraid to talk about yourself. Just always leave some kind of understatement behind you.

Since Aquarius himself is a very positive person, he is looking for a girl who can truly enjoy life. In his presence, try to avoid the manifestation of negative emotions. Be fun, easy to talk to and easy going. If you see that a man is fine with you, try to spend as much time as possible together. After all, Aquarius can talk with a good friend for several hours in a row. At the same time, do not show a sense of possessiveness, as soon as this man feels the restriction of freedom, he will immediately disappear from your environment.

Aquarius does not like obsessive women very much. This man values ​​above all freedom. Instead of overtly seducing, start an interesting conversation that will captivate him even more than physical intimacy. To take possession of his heart, become a friend for him, a pleasant conversationalist.

Be a real person, a strong woman. Aquarius is attracted to girls who are able to defend their opinion. At the same time, try to feel when it is necessary to compromise without dropping your dignity.

Men - Aquarius do not like excessive emotionality. When a girl begins to show her feelings excessively, a man is repulsed by this. He prefers to think that next to him is a partner - a friend that you can rely on at any moment.

Aquarius cannot imagine being alone. He can often be seen with friends, acquaintances, among whom there are many women. Therefore, if you want to be with this man, you do not need to be jealous of him, make scandals, and even more so put him before a choice. He may decide that you are trying to limit his freedom, and then refuse to have a relationship with you.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to win a man - Aquarius very quickly. To tie the knot with a woman, he must be sure that he will be comfortable and easy with her even after the wedding. Therefore, if you really want to conquer this man, be patient and tie him to you step by step.

Aquarius is one of the three air signs of the zodiac, although people sometimes erroneously classify it as a water sign. Belonging to the element of air leaves an imprint on the behavior of male Aquarius, often making them complex and controversial natures.


According to astrologers, representatives of the Aquarius sign are often eccentric. They are characterized by a strong mind, perseverance and perseverance, ingenuity, the desire for originality and self-expression, at the same time, external softness and pliability. They love to socialize and be around people. As a rule, Aquarians are balanced and inoffensive, so you can feel relatively calm next to them.

Aquarius is characterized by internal conflict. On the one hand, such a man strives for stability, on the other hand, his craving for diversity pushes him to search for new interesting people who can be explored, including sexual partners. Therefore, he often postpones marriage until the last, but if he has already chosen a wife, then this is for a long time or forever. However, this does not necessarily mean crazy love, since it is common for Aquarius to marry by calculation, i.e. when his partner suits him according to different parameters. Also, this does not mean that a man will be faithful. If something does not suit him in an intimate relationship, he can go in search of a mistress, although in itself his sexual temperament is not high. At the same time, he will remain humanly devoted to his wife, because. become attached to people and do not like to change the circle of friends.

Outwardly, Aquarius can sometimes seem reserved and indifferent, but this is not necessarily the case, he just does not really like to show his emotions. Often these are rather kind and modest people who are ready to help and do not seek to establish their superiority in society and the family. They are often sincere and direct, which is why people can use them. But this does not prevent Aquarius from achieving success. Despite their external compliance and softness, such men tend to do everything their own way, not paying attention to other people's opinions.

With a high degree of probability, Aquarius will be attracted to a woman who is beautifully (and eccentrically) dressed and mysterious, thinking outside the box and able to talk on philosophical topics. He likes it when a girl behaves mysteriously and needs to be unraveled, because the representatives of this sign are born explorers. On a date, it is better to go to some interesting event, to a new place for the Aquarius man.

If you have already decided to connect your life with the Aquarius man, realize right away that you will not be able to remake him in some way. Therefore, first think carefully about whether you are ready to love and accept him as he is, to be his best friend and support him in his endeavors. For his part, he will always be ready to give you advice or help in a difficult situation.


  • how to make an aquarius girl fall in love with you

For an Aquarius woman, they are like a cage, so a man who decides to have an affair with such a lady must initially prepare for that. that he would have to be patient. In addition, he must understand that the Aquarius girl will not spend time hugging and chatting with her boyfriend. Most often, she will behave coldly and aloofly, and it’s not even a lack of feelings, but a lack of desire to defiantly flaunt them.

Men who start relationships with representatives of the weaker sex, born under this zodiac sign, sometimes worry that their soul mates have little interest in their lives. In fact, most likely, she has long managed to study you and find out everything about you that interested her.

Man Suitable for Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman will be happy only with the man who understands and accepts all her little oddities, does not ask her unnecessary questions and try to change her. He should help her discover new, hitherto unknown qualities in herself. Aquarians have excellent relationships with men born under the sign of Aries, as he is able to generate love for herself in her, as well as increase her self-esteem and self-confidence.

Deciding on a relationship with a Gemini man, such a girl should prepare for new extreme sensations and reckless actions that will fill her life with positive and vivid emotions.

In addition, Aquarius women have great alliances with Leo men, as they are able to expand the worldview of their soulmate and contribute to its realization.

Harmonious relationships can be obtained with Sagittarius, as the couple will be immersed in their own thoughts and dreams. A happy marriage with Libra and Aquarius is not excluded, because warmth, love and mutual understanding will reign in them. Such couples, throughout their relationship, will make grandiose plans for a joint happy future and just enjoy life. But it is better to refuse novels with male Taurus, Scorpions and Cancers, since such love couples often end up breaking up.

All men in love behave differently. Some are afraid to approach and talk to a girl, while others act too abruptly. In any case, all men will have different behavior in such a situation. Your task is to recognize signs of falling in love in his behavior. Today we will talk about the behavior of Aquarius in love with you. You will learn how to behave in order not to miss this man.

Personality characteristic

Aquarians are characterized by a calm and balanced character. As a rule, they are very sociable and friendly. In class, group and work team they enjoy prestige and respect. Quite often they are activists in organizing various events.

Most Aquarius men have the makings of a leader. That is why comrades often respect their opinion and are often guided by it. Such men know how to joke, for which they enjoy the attention of the opposite sex. Among people, the Aquarius boy feels comfortable from childhood. However, if you cultivate in him such qualities as modesty and shyness, he still will not be lonely. . He will have a group of friends in which he will be an integral part of it.

Aquarians love order. This is not about perfect cleanliness in an apartment or workplace, but about order in thoughts. They clearly know their goal and go to it. Many people in many areas of life have order, and disorder is only in their thoughts. For example, the room is clean, the diary is neatly filled, the studies are excellent, life is according to the regime. However, thoughts are a mess, because self-discipline is not always what a person wants.

Aquarians don't have this. They tend to be mediocre and rebellious. For them, the main thing is to live in harmony with themselves. The Aquarius boy will prefer to study more interesting things. And all reproaches from teachers and parents will be powerless. Of course, he will get his top three, he will finish school and college. But he will earn money only in the business that he likes. He will not force himself to go to an unloved job.

Such men have several disadvantages:

  1. straightness.
  2. Gambling.
  3. Laziness.

Of course, most often straightness is a positive quality. After all, not all people are able to express their opinion. Aquarians do it all the time and are sometimes tactless. This may offend someone. However, due to their natural charm and sociability, they will quickly establish relations with this person.

Such men are passionate. They like to take risks, because they have a sharpened competitive instinct. But sometimes it can end sadly. Casinos, cards and other gambling can greatly worsen the financial side of their lives.

Such men are lazy. They can't be forced to do that. that they don't want. They can start acting only when things are really bad. Or if this business ignites them.

In most cases, they do not have problems with the opposite sex. At school and university, they constantly communicate with girls and meet with them. In addition to classmates, they also have familiar girls with whom they communicate. Constant communication with the opposite sex from childhood makes them self-confident.

Behavior of an Aquarius in love

First of all, if he falls in love with you, his eyes burn. That is, when you communicate with him, his gaze changes dramatically, and a smile appears on his face.

If you have not yet entered into a relationship with him, then it is very easy to recognize his warm feelings for you. They show the following signs:

Of course, he may not be the standard of self-confidence. However, if the Aquarius man is in love into a woman, he will definitely invite her on a date, and the most beautiful compliments addressed to her will flow from his lips.

If you are in a relationship, then signs of warm feelings on his part may be:

  1. Jealousy.
  2. Increased attention to your person.
  3. Certain actions.

This man is the owner. If he finds out that you have someone else besides him, your relationship with the scandal will be severed. Depending on its nature, it can be:

Aquarius in love will constantly correspond with you. If you do not see each other for several days, then in the morning and in the evening he will call you and say that he loves you. At the same time, it will not be too much in your life. He understands that there are other areas of life besides the personal.

You will not be deprived of his attention, but you will not spend round the clock together. As a rule, such men have a very busy life. Aquarians do sports or creativity so you won't be all his life. However, you will definitely be a part of it.

And the main indicator that he is in love with you is sincere deeds for you. For example, he may go shopping with you or go to a movie with you that he is not interested in. Not only sex will be important to him, but also your state in the relationship. If his love is real, he will arrange romantic dinners and other surprises for you.

If your feelings are mutual and you want a relationship with this man, you need to do the following:

If you do not want a relationship with this man, do the following:

Of course, not everyone can refuse a person. There are cases when a man begins to kill himself after the girl refuses and cannot live normally. This is not about Aquarius, because they are very addicted. He will not suffer, and in a few weeks he will already forget about you and will be carried away by another girl. Take it easy on rejections.

What not to do

Family and marriage

More than half of marriages with Aquarians end successfully. Families live happily until the end of their days. Most often, more than two children are born in them.

In terms of the financial condition of the family, everything is very good. Aquarians are materialistic and therefore make money quite easily. They do it either at their favorite job or doing business.

The father takes an active part in the upbringing of the son. He strives to raise him as lively and cheerful as he is. Most of all, he wants to give his son what he lacked in childhood and adolescence. His father instills in him a love of work and making money, and also does not scold him for poor school performance, as he believes that this is not the main thing in life.

He is not as actively involved in the upbringing of his daughter as in the upbringing of his son. However, the relationship with the daughter of the Aquarius man is excellent.

If a marriage breaks up, then most often this happens for two reasons:

  1. Husband's tyranny.
  2. Marital infidelity.

If a man is a tyrant and thereby spoils the life of his wife, sooner or later she will not stand it, and will run away from him. By the way, quite often tyranny is the cause of adultery from the side of the woman.

The Aquarius man is prone to cheating. This is due to his polygamy, and also due to the fact that over time, emotions disappear. Remember that women are wiser than men. If you do not want him to have a mistress, pay attention to your intimate life. If you feel that something is not right, talk to him frankly. No hints and secrets are needed, because this will only ruin your relationship.

Compatibility with other signs

It is impossible not to say about the compatibility of Aquarius men with other signs.

Aquarius have the strongest and happiest relationships with the following signs:

  1. Twins.
  2. Aries.
  3. Sagittarius.
  4. Scales.
  5. Aquarius.

Aquarius is absolutely incompatible with the following signs:

  1. Calf.
  2. Capricorn.
  3. Fish.

In the case of other signs, both happy and unsuccessful relationships can turn out. It depends on the ability of people to compromise and the situations that occur in these relationships.

Now you know how to understand that an Aquarius man is in love. If you are interested in him, you will easily build a happy and fruitful relationship with him. Happiness to you!

Attention, only TODAY!

How often, having met a person in our life, we are not immediately able to unravel his essence, explain certain actions and correctly make it clear that we are not indifferent to him. Astrology is an unrecognized science, however, most people live with an eye on it, because it is this esoteric teaching that helps a girl to understand in the shortest possible time whether this or that man suits her. In this article, we will talk about the representatives of the stronger sex, born under the sign of Aquarius.

Characteristics of the Aquarius man

A typical Aquarius man behaves like a lone wolf. They are quite independent, but at the same time sociable and charm the ladies with their charm. Selflessness, willingness to come to the rescue of loved ones, emotional restraint, modesty - these are the main positive qualities of Aquarius, so it is very easy to be friends with him. They are not too generous, but in a difficult situation, without hesitation, they will give the last shirt.

But when it comes to marriage, things are more complicated. Yes, those born under this constellation are romantic, and among them there are rarely pathological jealous people. But a woman who loves Aquarius will have to oh how. And even if she succeeds, she will need to calculate her every step - share her hobbies, support his passion for everything new, unusual and be philosophical about financial turmoil.

Family life is unlikely to radically change the controversial nature of Aquarius, he will continue to take into account, mainly, his own interests. Tears and tantrums do not affect him, and most likely, such behavior on the part of the girl will only cause irritation. The best strategy for his chosen one is to come to terms and accept him for who he is, without trying to remake him for himself. The success and duration of marriage depends on how comfortable Aquarius feels next to a loved one. With his wife-friend, he will show himself in all its glory and will be able to become a caring, gentle spouse and an interesting conversationalist.

How to Understand the Aquarius Man

Male representatives born under the sign of Aquarius are characterized by the instability of the emotional background. How to understand a guy who has just patiently listened to the claims of the second half, and after a few minutes loses control of himself and becomes tough and angry?

In this situation, the main task of the chosen one of Aquarius is not to go on the rampage and try to calm the brawler. And then sit down and calmly analyze the causes of the conflict and the behavior of the man. Take the initiative and try to "unravel" Aquarius.

Understand that the defining feature of the character of the sign is excessive daydreaming, secrecy and self-reflectiveness. Aquarians are not inclined to share their secrets and problems. Take a closer look at the guy in order to keep track of his mood in time, without waiting for the outbreak of a quarrel:

  1. If a man is silent, this can reach the point of absurdity, to the point that he simply ignores everything that is said to him, or answers inappropriately. The second half, of course, will try to return the dreamer to earth, which will incur wrath. Do not be upset, leave your loved one alone, and he will appreciate your gesture.
  2. Sometimes a girl makes deliberate attempts to arouse jealousy in a man, and when she sees atypical behavior, of course, she accuses him of disliking her. It turns out that jealousy is not characteristic of Aquarius at all, and they are ready to easily release the lady to her heart towards new happiness.
  3. As for marriage, Aquarius guys are in no hurry to get there. The prospect of becoming someone's official scares and repels him. If you really love a person, take a wait-and-see attitude.
  4. In order to build a harmonious and strong relationship with Aquarius, you need to become a real understanding and faithful friend to him, then he will show all his best qualities - calmness, devotion and reliability.

How to please Aquarius

The nature of Aquarius is complex and contradictory. He may not pay attention to a woman at all, but at some point he will declare his desire to enter into a serious relationship. And another time he will show signs of attention all evening, and then simply disappear, leaving in English. To prevent this situation from happening, you need to know how to intrigue Aquarius:

  1. Show all your best qualities as an interlocutor. Men of this sign like smart, erudite ladies who have their own point of view on any issue. But do not overdo it in wanting to please him. If your opinion is radically different from the opinion of Aquarius, this may push him away.
  2. Guys born between January 21 and February 19 are idealistic perfectionists. Their woman should be good in everything, from appearance to the ability to carry on a conversation. Therefore, if you really decide to stay in the life of such a man for a long time, get ready for a constant struggle for his heart.
  3. Aquarians love everything new and unusual. Learn to make unexpected surprises. A parachute jump or climbing a mountain peak will not leave him indifferent, which means that you will be provided with another bonus as his location.
  4. You should not impose yourself as a wife - Aquarius will perceive this as an encroachment on his personal life. The best tactic in this case is to pretend that the formalization of marriage is completely unimportant to you.

How to Win an Aquarius Man

To achieve the location of a man and stay in his heart forever, it is not necessary to come up with some clever moves. It is enough just to study the psychological portrait of the object of desire, and astrology will definitely help you with this. Having found out under which constellation a man was born, you will get all the trump cards in your hands - find out what his behavior is and how he is a good husband and passionate lover. So, 5 stages of the conquest of Aquarius:

  1. Acquaintance. It is best to start communication with a man of this zodiac sign in a cheerful company. At such moments, he will be as relaxed and open as possible. Since many Aquarians themselves are able to become the soul of the company, they will definitely be interested in a bright, attractive and witty person who is in the spotlight. Try to find out in advance what your object of desire is fond of. Having received the trump card in your hands, at a convenient moment, as if by chance, drop the phrase that, for example, you have long dreamed of learning how to ski or ride a skateboard.
  2. Interest. Aquarius is by nature a romantic who loves to solve mysteries. He himself is a mystery man, so do not open your soul to him in the very first days of your acquaintance. Be in sight, but at the same time elusive. Don't impose your society. If you intrigue Aquarius, he will by all means look for a meeting with you.
  3. period of care. Aquarians are very sociable and easily make acquaintances. If he really likes you, he will try to spend every free minute with his beloved, invite you on dates and give gifts. And then suddenly disappear for several days without giving any explanation. Then he will appear again as if nothing had happened and, of course, will wait for the girl to ask about the reason for his absence. You should not arrange an interrogation with an addiction to Aquarius, such behavior will intrigue him, perhaps even cause jealousy, and he will try to pay even more attention to you so as not to lose.
  4. When the relationship moves to a new level, the couple thinks about imminent marriage. To win a man completely, do not relax, because he will connect his life only with that girl who will combine the best qualities - a sharp mind, good manners, a sense of humor and pleasant external data. Only then Aquarius will see in you a real life partner and will not want to be interested in other representatives of the fair sex.
  5. Family. Having appreciated all your positive qualities, Aquarius will sooner or later want to make you a marriage proposal. But you will be mistaken if you decide that the man has already been conquered and has chosen the safe haven of family life forever. By nature, he is a rebel, highly appreciating personal freedom. No need to deprive him of this, be a wise and understanding wife. In everyday life, everything should also be perfect, the Aquarius man will not tolerate a lazy and sloppy wife next to him.

How to behave with an Aquarius man

As we found out, the character and behavior of a man depend not only on the upbringing and conditions in which he grew up, but also on the constellation under which the person was born. Knowing the horoscope can serve you well by giving you an idea about a person in the shortest possible time - what he is like as a person, what his ideas about the family are and how good he is in bed.

If you have chosen Aquarius as your life partner, then get ready for the fact that he will not make a marriage proposal to you soon. By nature, he is a loner and wary of the institution of marriage. But if you are able to become for him the one and only faithful friend in life, perhaps he will reconsider his views. Here are a few tips from astrologers to help you:

  1. Be proactive. Passive Aquarius must be sure that a woman can be trusted and in a relationship he will play a leading role. Let him know that you like him, and then take a wait and see attitude.
  2. Show understanding and condescension to his weaknesses. Let him feel that he is an exceptional person for you.
  3. Be interested in his problems, for Aquarius this is important. But do not overdo it, otherwise he will perceive excessive care as an attack on personal space.
  4. Be independent, including financially. Pretty but stupid young ladies are not the type of men of this zodiac sign.
  5. Always remain a woman of mystery. You do not need to immediately lay out all your problems in front of Aquarius. Show yourself as an independent unit, leaving time for your own hobbies and communication with friends.

Aquarius man in love

It is difficult to call the Aquarius man an owner. In love, he stands up for equal rights and will not encroach on your freedom and torment you with scenes of jealousy. Relations with him will not be bright and passionate, but will allow you to find a true friend, ally, who, first of all, knows how to appreciate a woman as a person and is interested in her inner world.

Relations with him can develop into something more serious and, be sure, Aquarius gushing with ideas will not let the chosen one get bored. If a man understands that they are not trying to drag him down the aisle, he will relax and become a sensitive and faithful partner. One has only to note that there are not so many women who are ready to meekly wait until their beloved takes decisive action. The personal life of Aquarius passes in thought and mental anguish, this is what can explain his sudden coldness or outbursts of anger. Often he is still unable to cope with his character and remains alone.

Happiness in marriage awaits Aquarius, who has connected his life with Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius and Libra.

Aquarius man in sex

The chosen one of Aquarius may be quite surprised to find out that her man is not as temperamental a sexual partner as she expected. Because of his emotional restraint, representatives of this sign put sex far from the first place. In the beginning, he behaves more like a theorist than a practitioner - he likes to talk about ideal poses, rather than get down to business.

For Aquarius, a woman is primarily a person, not an object of desire. Even if he actively shows feelings towards the lady of the heart and has already moved to the stage of courtship, it is not a fact that sex will take place in the near future. Spiritual closeness for such is a priority.

Everything happens to him slowly, deliberately and for a long time. Aquarius pays great attention to love games and foreplay. But having reached the boiling point, often a man becomes a real inventor in sex. Standard boring poses do not suit him. If the Kama Sutra falls into his hands, he will try all possible options until he calms down.

Sometimes his experiments in bed bring his partner to ecstasy, and sometimes lead to bewilderment and cause shame. But a loving woman will always find a way to direct her lover in the right direction, then the couple will have to wait for a night from which both will be delighted.

In bed, Aquarius will find mutual understanding with Libra, Sagittarius and Aries.