The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages. Symptoms. Contacting a specialist. Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy?

Early ectopic pregnancy symptoms and treatment

On the way to motherhood, there are unexpected, serious obstacles. One of them is an ectopic pregnancy (EP). Almost every woman is at risk. And this diagnosis can lead to death. In 35% of cases, the reason for the development of the embryo in an atypical place cannot be established.

Factors that increase the risk of developing a pathological pregnancy:, the use of intrauterine contraception, abortion,.

The biggest mistake women make after a missed period is to take a test at home and enjoy the onset of pregnancy. Immediately after this, it is necessary to register and do an ultrasound examination. Because only ultrasound can determine exactly where the fertilized egg was attached.

  • Ectopic pregnancy - what is it
  • Why does an ectopic pregnancy occur: causes
  • Consequences of an ectopic pregnancy
  • Timing of fallopian tube rupture in WB
  • Early signs of an ectopic pregnancy
  • Menstruation during ectopic pregnancy
  • The test will show or not WB
  • How does an ectopic pregnancy occur after a ruptured tube?
  • Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy with preservation of the tube
  • WB treatment
  • What to do to avoid ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is the fixation and subsequent development of a fetal egg - an embryo, not in the place provided by nature - in the uterine cavity, but outside it. . It can develop in the fallopian tube, on the ovary, in the abdominal cavity, in the cervix, on the internal organs.

The rapid test allows you to suspect the ectopic location of the embryo with (INEXSCREEN). This is important for women at risk for pathological pregnancy. It is possible to reliably confirm or refute the test results on ultrasound. In the study, you can see the localization of the fetal egg and the heartbeat of the embryo.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

A sign of an ectopic pregnancy after a rupture of the fallopian tube will be a sharp pain during vaginal examination.

On ultrasound, you can determine the absence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendages, you can see signs of an additional formation. Another symptom is the accumulation of fluid in the space of Douglas.

For diagnostic purposes, a puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina is made - a puncture with a thick needle. In this way, internal bleeding into the abdominal cavity is diagnosed or excluded. The presence of blood during an ectopic pregnancy in the retrouterine space is an indicator that surgery is required. Immediate surgical intervention can be performed with the help of a laparoscope (through punctures in the anterior abdominal wall) or make access to the cavity (incision of the anterior abdominal wall).

The most accurate diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is performed during laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure in which the abdominal cavity is not incised. Holes are made in the abdominal wall. Through them, using an optical small camera, doctors examine the abdominal cavity. And with the help of special tools, an operation is performed to remove the fetal egg and stop the bleeding. Diagnostic laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy (examination of the abdominal organs) can go straight into surgery.

With a progressive ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy allows you to get rid of the fetal egg before the rupture of the fallopian tube and avoid more dangerous complications.

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy

The only possible treatment for an ectopic pregnancy (interrupted) is the operation of salpingectomy - removal of the fallopian tube. A collapsed fallopian tube must be removed for two reasons:

  • to stop bleeding;
  • and because of its functional failure in the future.

The operation method can be laparotomy or laparoscopic. It all depends on the technical support of the medical institution, the qualifications of the doctor and the solvency of patients.

For the treatment of progressive ectopic pregnancy, there are other options for surgical intervention:

  • Drug sclerosis of the fetal egg - the introduction of a chemical substance into the fetal egg, with the aim of its resorption. But the patency of the fallopian tube will be in question. This method is used if an ectopic pregnancy is determined in the only remaining tube.
  • Dissection of the tube in order to remove the tissues of the embryo and plastic restoration of the organ. There is no 100% guarantee that the pipe will be passable. Rehabilitation before re-pregnancy can take up to 6 months.
  • With early detection and the availability of special equipment, an operation is possible - fimbral evacuation of the fetal egg. Technically, it looks like this: the embryo is evacuated from the uterine tube under vacuum from the side of the ampullar section of the tube (which is adjacent to the ovary).

Prevention of ectopic pregnancy

The most correct approach to prevent ectopic pregnancy is a complete preparation for conception: examination of a woman and a man. This main rule applies to all couples who want to get pregnant.

It is necessary to minimize the appearance of the causes leading to this pathology:

  • Prevention and timely full complex treatment of the female genital area.
  • Normalization of hormonal disorders.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, including hygiene of sexual life. It is necessary to use barrier means of contraception, to prevent frequent change of sexual partners.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist - 1-2 times a year.
  • A complete check-up at an early stage of pregnancy.

A repeated ectopic pregnancy can lead to the fact that both tubes in a woman will be removed, and if there are no children, then the only way to get pregnant and give birth in these cases is only using in vitro fertilization - IVF.

If you have been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and one tube has been removed, this is not a sentence. It is possible to get pregnant naturally.

A positive result on the test strip indicator can sometimes turn into an unexpected problem: fertilized egg begins to grow and develop outside the uterus. The complexity of diagnosis lies in the lack of specific clinical data in the initial period. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early period of 2 weeks are of a certain nature.

Dangerous signals must be known in order to avoid serious complications. The cause of the pathology may be due to the presence of chronic inflammatory processes, which resulted in adhesive formations affecting the permeability of the egg. The reasons include malformations of the reproductive organs, hormonal imbalance and too “slow” spermatozoa. The nature of the signs indicating pathology depends on the place of attachment of the egg. From the first week of pregnancy, it is very difficult to determine the anomaly. The manifestation of toxicosis is a normal picture in the symptoms of pregnancy.

The manifestation of symptoms depends on the place where the fertilized egg is attached. The more room for its growth, the longer the patient may not experience the characteristic symptoms of a pregnancy that develops under abnormal conditions.

From the second week of pregnancy, pain sensations of aching and pulling nature signal a problem. This may indicate that the egg is attached in the fallopian tube. According to statistics, this picture occurs most often. When the embryo is localized in a wide area of ​​the tube, obvious signs are palpable in the period of 7-8 weeks. And in the cervical region, symptoms may appear much later.

Signs of pregnancy in the early 2 weeks may be indistinguishable from physiological manifestations. In the second - third week, anxious moments are expressed in this way:

At the first signs indicating abnormal development, immediate medical attention is required. Pathology endangering women's health. If you do not see a doctor in time, there is a risk of developing peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum), rupture of the fallopian tubes and bleeding.

At terms of 2 weeks, a pathology is determined due to the implantation of an embryo in a narrow lumen of the tube or ovary. Sometimes there is a spontaneous separation of the fetal egg, which leads to tubal abortion. This situation is relatively favorable, because it does not entail pipe rupture.

The gestational age is set from the end of the last day of the menstrual cycle. It may not coincide with the value set on the basis of an ultrasound examination. At what time can you see pregnancy on an ultrasound, many women are interested. The fetus in the uterus can be seen from the 3rd week. This is the difficulty in determining the development of the embryo in the tube or ovary. Sometimes, before the onset of 5 weeks, it is not possible to determine the abnormal position of the fetal egg. That's why Ultrasound in the early stages does not give a 100% guarantee of diagnosis. An important aspect for accurate diagnosis is a set of special measures.

HCG during ectopic pregnancy weekly rate table

From the moment of fertilization, the female body begins to produce a hormone called gonadotropin (hCG). Laboratory studies allow you to monitor the growth of gonadotropin readings. During physiological pregnancy, the growth of hCG is expressed in 1 unit per day. Sometimes, when the embryo is located outside the uterus, the hormone continues to increase its performance until a critical moment.

Below are the physiological norms for the growth of hCG in pregnant women.

weeks of pregnancy HCG indicator
1. Missing pregnancy 0 to 5
2. Questionable 5 to 25
3. 3 – 4 25 – 156
4. 4 – 5 101 – 4870
5. 5 – 6 1110 – 31500
6. 6 – 7 2560 – 82300
7. 7 – 8 23100 – 151000
8. 8 – 9 27300 – 233000
9. 9 – 13 20900 – 291000
10. 13 – 18 6140 – 103000
11. 18 – 23 4720 – 80100
12. 23 – 41 2700 – 78100

May vary, weekly rate is tracked in the table. Hormone value 0 to 5 is considered negative.

A deviation from normal values ​​by 20% requires a re-examination of the hormone level. A change expressed in 50% upwards or downwards is considered critical. This situation indicates a pathology.

The diagnostic complex includes ultrasound, monitoring of the hCG index, bimanual examination, monitoring of the level of progesterone growth in the blood serum. The level of progesterone in an ectopic location of the embryo much lower than in a normal pregnancy. A bimanual examination reveals the presence of an abundant secretion, cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the neck and its slight induration.

Painful sensations are localized in the area of ​​​​attachment of a fertilized egg. After 2 weeks, clinical manifestations are revealed that indicate the position of the egg in the fallopian tubes or ovary (isthmic, interstitial, ovarian). Later, at a period of 5 to 8 weeks, a pregnancy is diagnosed that develops in the abdominal cavity, in the widest part of the fallopian tube (fimbrial, ampullar). The biggest threat is cervical location of the egg. Such a pregnancy can be asymptomatic for a long time, which poses a threat to the woman.

Can establish the location of the fetal egg diagnostic ultrasound examination carried out over a period of 5 weeks. Earlier, in particular at a two-week period, there is no guarantee of an accurate result, which complicates the identification of the pathological process.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage of 2 weeks - pain is intense and prolonged. Such manifestations should not be ignored.

The presence of secretions is a dangerous symptom, when they appear, you need to consult a gynecologist

  • in most cases, spotting is characteristic;
  • when bleeding into the abdominal cavity, bloody discharge from the genitals appears.

These symptoms are always accompanied by aching pain.

Many women ask the question: if the pregnancy is ectopic, will the test show 2 strips? From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the female body begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin, which is responsible for the reaction on the test strip. That's why the test will be positive regardless of where the embryo was implanted.

When diagnosing the incorrect position of the fetal egg, its removal is required. In the future, after a course of treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of the pathology, the woman has a chance of getting pregnant and have a happy baby. An ectopic pregnancy is not a sentence, but an accidental coincidence. For the prevention of pathologies of the reproductive function, it is necessary to carefully monitor health, to prevent hypothermia.

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The diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy (hereinafter referred to as WB) sounds very unpleasant. In modern medical practice, such cases are recorded quite often. The condition is not only accompanied by pain and many other unpleasant symptoms, but also poses a serious threat to the patient's life. In order to prevent dangerous consequences, every woman should know the signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages. You can read more about them in the article.

What does the term ectopic pregnancy mean? When the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube, it moves to the uterus, where it is fixed and has all the necessary conditions for the normal development of the fetus. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the egg does not enter the uterus, but is attached elsewhere. The most common variant of ectopic pregnancy is localization in the fallopian tube. It rarely happens that a fertilized egg begins to develop in the peritoneal cavity, on the cervix or the ovary itself.

early signs

How to determine a pathological pregnancy? In the early stages, it is quite difficult to recognize an ectopic pregnancy. The fact is that the body of each girl is individual and the signs of such a pregnancy can manifest themselves in different ways. So, what manifestations can indicate the fixation of a fertilized egg outside the uterus? Let's figure it out.

Increase in basal body temperature

Many representatives of the fair half are accustomed to monitoring their basal body temperature (BT). By measuring the temperature in the anus, you can determine the onset of ovulation or early pregnancy. Due to the increased amount of progesterone, BBT will remain high throughout the cycle. If conception did not occur, BT decreases. It is worth noting that this indicator can be used to determine the onset of pregnancy in general, but not specifically ectopic conception.

Absence of menstruation

The absence of menstruation is the surest way to determine the onset of conception at an early stage. Despite this, we must not forget that other reasons can lead to a delay. These can be such provoking factors as a nervous shock, hormonal failure, serious illnesses, including oncology. In addition, one cannot be one hundred percent sure that there is no pregnancy during the onset of menstruation, since many girls have menstruation even after conception.

morning sickness

You can recognize the onset of conception at an early date by morning sickness. Many women know about this ailment during pregnancy. Often this symptom also appears in the daytime and evening. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, a drop in sugar and some other reasons. Noticing such signs, you should do a pregnancy test. The most accurate test is considered digital. If he showed two stripes, it is important to undergo a medical examination as soon as possible.

In the event of an ectopic pregnancy, it will be possible to diagnose it at an early stage and prevent complications.

Changes in the mammary glands

When pregnancy occurs, many girls already in the early stages notice such signs from the chest:

  • darkening of the nipples, increasing their sensitivity;
  • pain in the chest, it becomes as if bumpy;
  • breast swelling;
  • veins in this area become clearly visible;
  • darkening of the areolas;
  • the bumps on the areolas become more noticeable, their number often increases.

It happens that some of these manifestations, for example, soreness, occur at the onset of menstruation. This should be taken into account when evaluating such changes.

Increased vaginal discharge

Normally, girls secrete cervical mucus. When pregnancy occurs, the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the body increases. In this regard, a woman may already feel in the early stages that the amount of mucus has increased. Not all girls can notice this sign. For many women, the amount of secretion can be completely insignificant.

Fast fatiguability

When pregnancy occurs, it doesn’t matter if it is ectopic or proceeds normally, the woman’s body already undergoes various changes in the early stages. At the same time, metabolic processes are enhanced to maintain the normal development of the fetus. This often leads to rapid fatigue. Girls note a constant desire to sleep, motor activity is significantly reduced. In addition, the role of a relaxing factor is the hormone progesterone, which has a sedative effect. All this leads to disability, a constant desire to lie down and sleep.

Frequent urination

Another common sign of early pregnancy is increased urination. Already 7-10 days after the onset of conception, a girl may experience such a phenomenon as frequent urination. The fact is that when pregnancy occurs in the body, human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced. HCG is the so-called pregnancy hormone. As a result, the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases. At the same time, the urge to urinate is observed even with a slight filling of the bladder. This symptom intensifies at night.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Will the stomach hurt during a pathological pregnancy? Spasms are often observed with the onset of an ectopic location of the fetus already at an early stage. This is due to the fact that the fetus grows and develops. Cramps can also be observed during normal pregnancy. In this case, pain is considered quite normal, because the uterus is constantly contracting, and with the development of the fetus, its spasms are observed.

Sound the alarm should be in the event that the pain is accompanied by bleeding. Such a sign as the appearance of blood can indicate both an ectopic pregnancy and a threatened miscarriage. In such a situation, you need to contact the gynecologist as soon as possible. If we consider the question of when the pain begins during an ectopic pregnancy, it should be noted that most often a woman experiences discomfort when the embryo reaches about 5 cm in diameter, that is, at 12-16 weeks.

Many girls experience cramps during their period. Do not confuse these two states. Every woman knows when she has her period and what is the nature of the discharge.


In connection with hormonal changes, the usual work of the intestinal tract is disturbed. The walls of the stomach and intestines under the influence of progesterone relax, peristalsis decreases. This can lead to excessive gas formation, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea and other symptoms. Such manifestations often indicate the onset of pregnancy, including ectopic.

Increased sensitivity to odors

Another early sign of the onset of conception is a change in the sharpness of the sense of smell. Girls are keenly aware of all smells. Many women find it difficult to tolerate even everyday cooking. Any smell can cause disgust.

Nasal congestion

When conception occurs, immunity decreases. This is a normal physiological process that ensures the acceptance of the fetus by the body. Along with this, many girls are faced with colds and nasal congestion. In addition, swelling of the nasal passages is also associated with changes in hormonal levels.

The appearance of acne

Another early sign of pregnancy is the formation of acne and pimples on the body. Of course, this is not a mandatory sign of conception, but many girls who have not previously suffered from acne may experience this phenomenon. Along with inflammation, acne can appear on the skin.

Change in taste preferences

Due to hormonal changes, some ladies may experience different tastes in their mouths. Often girls talk about the appearance of a metallic taste. In addition, stories about the desire to eat completely incompatible foods during pregnancy are far from myths.

Emotional outbursts

Violation of the emotional background is a common early sign of pregnancy, including ectopic. In this case, the mood can change several times a day. A woman can laugh, and after five minutes cry. Such "swings" are observed due to changes in the hormonal balance of the body.

Positive pregnancy test

And, of course, the surest way to determine pregnancy at an early stage, which can be done at home, is a test. The test will show the onset of an ectopic pregnancy or not? To date, there are many such tests. Many of them accurately determine the increase in hCG from the first weeks of conception. If you see 2 clear stripes or one fuzzy, and the second clear line, you should hurry to the doctor. From the first days of conception, the test may show a negative result.

The earlier an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, the greater the chance of maintaining health and eliminating dangerous consequences.

Signs of a ruptured tube during an ectopic pregnancy

Rupture of the organ occurs when the patient is not admitted to the hospital in time. If the girl has not undergone the necessary examination, including ultrasound, screening and other methods, an ectopic pregnancy may remain undiagnosed and lead to very negative consequences. One of these complications is a rupture of the tube with subsequent internal bleeding. The fact is that only the uterus has a special structure. This organ is able to stretch, which is a necessary condition for carrying a pregnancy. In contrast, the fallopian tubes are made up of muscle fibers and dense tissue. They cannot stretch, so a rupture occurs during the development of the fetus.

Signs of a break:

  • acute pain in the right or left lower abdomen;
  • performance of cold sticky sweat;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • nausea, repeated vomiting, not leading to relief;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • weakness, fainting.

If you try to answer the question of how long the organ bursts, then it is unlikely that you will be able to give an exact answer. Most often this happens in the period from the second to the third month. But cases of ruptures are often recorded in the period from the fourth to the sixth week of an ectopic pregnancy. This is due to some factors. For example, it depends on the size of the organ, the rate of fetal development, the presence of deviations in the formation of the embryo, and so on.

If you find such signs, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible. In a clinic with timely treatment, it is usually possible to save the health and life of the patient.

Why does the egg attach itself outside the uterus?

Why does an ectopic pregnancy syndrome occur? As we have already found out, unlike intrauterine, with ectopic, the fetus is attached in most cases in the fallopian tube and only in 5% of cases in the abdominal cavity or ovary. In this case, the fertilization of the egg by the sperm occurs in an absolutely natural way.

The reasons for this violation are very diverse. Let's consider the most common of them.

Physical disorders in the body

Due to various diseases affecting the female organs, the fertilized egg may linger outside the uterus. The most common causes of ectopic pregnancy are the following conditions in a woman:

  • adhesive processes;
  • cysts;
  • scar formation;
  • oncological diseases of the reproductive system;
  • transferring an abortion;
  • various inflammatory processes;
  • sexual infections.

To prevent the formation of adhesions and scars, you should visit a female gynecology every six months. In the early stages, such diseases are successfully treated with medical treatment and minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Congenital diseases of the uterus and appendages

The etiology of ectopic pregnancy often hides the reasons, which are the presence of congenital diseases of the female reproductive system. Often, the patient learns about congenital pathologies after an ectopic pregnancy has been diagnosed. If it was possible to identify this dangerous condition in a timely manner, treatment in the early stages, as a rule, is carried out without negative consequences for the life of the patient.

Some types of contraception

No matter how it sounds, but some contraceptives can actually cause an ectopic pregnancy. The fact is that they protect the uterus from the attachment of a fertilized egg, but do not act in the same way on other parts of the reproductive system.

If a woman uses a spiral, it is important to remember that this type of protection is valid for no more than five years. If it is in the body longer, the spiral no longer performs its functions fully. In this case, the fetus can attach to the cervix.

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is a method that allows a woman to become pregnant who cannot do this naturally for various reasons. It would seem that this procedure should completely exclude any risks. Despite this, according to medical statistics, cases of ectopic pregnancy during IVF are observed quite often. The doctor is obliged to warn the couple who decided to conceive a child in this way about such risks.

Other reasons

In addition to congenital and acquired diseases of the female organs, the use of contraceptives and IVF, one can single out such factors that provoke cases of ectopic attachment of a fertilized egg. The pathogenesis includes:

  • hormonal disorders of the body;
  • smoking. This is due to the fact that nicotine reduces the level of female hormones;
  • treatment with douching;
  • woman's age after 30 years.

Bad habits are a common cause of ectopic pregnancy.

Experts pay attention to the fact that patients who once encountered an ectopic pregnancy are much more likely to recur this pathological condition.

Types or classification of WB

An ectopic pregnancy in medical practice is classified according to the place of localization, that is, the attachment of the fetal egg, and according to the stages of the course. By location, the following types are distinguished:

  • in the fallopian tubes. ICD-10 code - O00.1. This type is considered the most common, occurs in more than 90% of all women. In this case, the embryo is attached in the tube, where it grows and develops until it bursts or spontaneous miscarriage occurs;
  • in the ovary (ovarian attachment). ICD-10 code - O00.2. Attachment of the egg in the ovary is diagnosed extremely rarely (1-2% of cases). This condition is observed due to the entry of a fertilized female cell into the ovary. The danger is that the organ bursts due to the growing embryo;
  • in the abdominal cavity (sebarami abdominal pregnancy or Manga pregnancy). The ICD-10 code is O00.0. Here, the fertilized cell is attached to one of the organs of this cavity. Medicine has recorded cases when, with such an attachment, the pregnancy proceeded normally, but in most cases severe malformations in the fetus are still observed;
  • in the area between the large ligaments of the reproductive organ. This is a disturbed uterine pregnancy. If not interrupted early, the fetus may develop quite normally up to twenty weeks;
  • in the area of ​​the cervix (cervical attachment). In the early stages, there are no clinical signs of conception and attachment of the fetus in the cervix. Later, a woman may notice spotting and pain during intercourse;
  • in the vestigial uterine horn. This type of pathological condition is accompanied by spontaneous abortion no later than 4 months after cell attachment, profuse bleeding. The danger lies in a significant loss of blood, a woman can die in a few hours;
  • interstitial appearance or attachment in the interstitium of the fallopian tubes. As with other types of pathological egg attachment, there are no signs in the early stages with the interstitial type. Pregnancy can proceed absolutely normally up to twenty weeks.

With any type of WB, the chances of enduring and giving birth to a healthy child are reduced to almost zero. The maximum period of an ectopic pregnancy is considered to be a period of up to 20 weeks, with the exception of the attachment of the fetus in the abdominal cavity. Only with the abdominal location there is a slight probability of normal development of the fetus.

Such branches of medicine as obstetrics and gynecology are engaged in ectopic pregnancy. For the convenience of making a diagnosis, doctors divide WB into several stages of development.

The dynamics of development can be as follows:

  1. Progressive pregnancy (early stage).
  2. Pregnancy at risk of interruption (intermittent). This is a condition in which the fallopian tube bursts or spontaneous rejection of the embryo occurs;
  3. Completely terminated ectopic pregnancy.

In addition, there is a condition in which there is a pathological attachment of two fertilized eggs at once in different parts or a multiple pregnancy, during which one of the fertilized eggs is fixed in the uterus, and at the same time another cell is attached outside it.

Is it possible to conceive a child after an ectopic pregnancy

In numerous forums, you can find questions from women about whether it is possible to get pregnant normally and give birth to a healthy child after WB? Let's try to answer this question.

When should you plan for another pregnancy?

How long can you get pregnant after WB? After the operation to remove the pathologically located egg, enough time should pass. This is necessary in order for the postoperative sutures to heal normally. In addition, it is necessary to carry out therapy aimed at preventing the formation of tissue scarring. After 6 months, the specialist should prescribe the patient a thorough medical examination, including ultrasound, histology analysis, and so on. If the wounds have healed normally and there are no other contraindications, the woman is allowed to conceive a child.

If during the WB period a rupture of the right or left tube occurs, the chances of successfully conceiving a child are halved, but a woman can still become pregnant and give birth.

Possible difficulties

Often, when a fallopian tube ruptures, doctors decide to completely remove it. This is due to the fact that the risk of repeated pathological attachment of the fetal egg in this area is quite large. Despite the operation and the absence of one of the tubes, the patient may well become a mother. To do this, you need to undergo competent rehabilitation, listen and follow all the recommendations of doctors. Even if the expected conception does not occur immediately, do not despair. The methods of modern medicine can solve many problems with the conception and bearing of a child.

It is quite difficult to find out that an ectopic attachment of the fetal egg has occurred in the early stages. This can only be checked in a hospital. As a rule, this condition is detected when the first signs appear, which coincide with the manifestations during normal pregnancy. The patient notes the absence of menstruation, toxicosis, change in taste, exacerbation of smell, drowsiness, ultrasound can detect a change in the endometrium. Noticing such signs, you should immediately visit the female gynecology. Unfortunately, not a single patient is immune from ectopic attachment of a fertilized egg. If there is a suspicion of this dangerous condition, you should not hesitate, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Differential Diagnosis

To distinguish WB from other pathologies, a protocol is drawn up, its differential diagnosis is carried out with appendicitis, ovarian apoplexy and other diseases. If doctors detect a tube rupture or missed pregnancy, the woman is shown urgent surgical intervention. Ultrasound is the most accurate and informative method that is used in making an early diagnosis with WB.

With the help of ultrasound, you can detect a right-sided or left-sided pregnancy, as well as see the development period.


With the help of a puncture, the doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy. This method is called Douglas space puncture. This space is a section of the abdominal zone between the anterior surface of the rectum and the uterus. By piercing the posterior fornix of the vagina, the doctor receives a fluid that is examined in laboratory tests. Deciphering the results allows you to get an accurate diagnosis.

Does the level of hCG increase with WB

Attachment of the egg outside the uterus also entails the production of hCG. This is an absolutely normal process that is observed in every woman during the period of bearing a baby. Such an analysis can be taken at any clinic. Sometimes women are interested in whether this indicator can fall with WB? In fact, the level of the hormone during an ectopic insertion may be slightly lower than during a normal pregnancy, but it begins to fall only after the twelfth week. How the hCG level changes with WB can be seen in the table.

week of pregnancy Human chorionic gonadotropin level
1 to 2 5,7-750
3 to 4 150-7 200
4 to 5 1000-31 900
6 to 7 3 500-160 000
7 to 8 64 000-155 000
8 to 9 460 000-211 000
10 to 11 130 500-63 000
11 to 12 13 500-63 000
13 to 14 12 000-71 000
15 to 25 8 000-60 000
26 to 37 5 000-55 000

The table shows that at week 12, the hCG level reaches its maximum value, after which it begins to fall.

Corpus luteum in WB

After ovulation, a temporary gland is formed in the ovary, the role of which is the production of progesterone. If fertilization does not occur 2 weeks after the release of the egg, the corpus luteum dies. If conception occurs, this gland does not die, but continues to produce progesterone. If there is no menstruation 2 weeks after ovulation, and pregnancy is not visible on ultrasound, conception can be determined by the presence of this corpus luteum. That is, the presence of this gland 14 days after ovulation means the onset of pregnancy, including ectopic.

Use of laparoscopy

To identify and eliminate the pathological condition in the early stages allows such a modern technique as laparoscopy. This minimally invasive technique is used not only for diagnosis, but also for the removal of the embryo. Laparoscopic technique is an effective, but at the same time safe method of diagnosing and treating VP.

What does an ectopic pregnancy look like in a photo

Some patients are interested in whether the WB is visible in the early stages on ultrasound? Yes, you can really recognize the condition with the help of ultrasound. In the pictures you can see the places of pathological attachment of the fetal egg in various areas.

As already mentioned, pipe fastening is most often diagnosed.

Treatment Methods

What to do if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy? The question of how this condition is removed is relevant for many women. First of all, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will direct you to the necessary tests, select the best method of treatment. Without proper medical care, there is a serious threat to a woman's life and health.

Medical treatment

Treatment of VB with the help of conservative therapy is carried out only at an early stage in rather rare cases. In this case, micropreparations and macropreparations are used. This type of therapy often involves the use of methotrexate. This means leads to the fading of the embryo and its resorption. The main disadvantage of this treatment is the risk of systemic side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to treat WB with this medication only if necessary. In addition, the drug Duphaston is used. It is a hormonal agent that increases the level of progesterone in the blood.


Laparoscopy refers to low-traumatic surgical techniques used for the treatment and diagnosis of many diseases of the human internal organs. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, so there is no discomfort during the procedure. In addition, laparoscopy is performed with minimal damage to the patient's tissues, as a result of which rehabilitation takes an insignificant period of time.

How is the operation going? The technique is carried out in several stages:

  1. The operated area is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. A small incision is made on the left or above the umbilical region.
  3. A Veress needle is inserted to inject carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity.
  4. A laparoscope (a device with a camera) is inserted.
  5. Through additional incisions, instruments are inserted with which the surgeon removes the embryo.

During the operation, the doctor decides whether to remove or preserve the fallopian tube. If it is subject to irreversible changes, it is removed along with the attached egg. The advantage of the technique is good efficiency and little tissue damage. The disadvantage is the high price.


This technique is used mainly in the early stages, it allows you to get rid of the fetal egg. If the patient has already had a rupture of the tube, the technique is not applied. In addition, the method is ineffective when the fetus size is more than 5 cm, if the hCG level exceeds 15,000 IU/ml, as well as in unstable hemodynamics.

During surgery, the doctor removes the fetal egg. If the specialist sees that the embryo has reached a large size, he removes part of the fallopian tube, trying to preserve the organ as much as possible. In difficult situations, it is necessary to completely remove the pipe. In the future, a woman can become pregnant again, but, unfortunately, cases of ectopic pregnancy in a single tube are often recorded.


Milking is one of the methods of removing the ovum from the fallopian tube. If we describe the essence of this method of treatment, then we can say that its main advantage is that the elimination of the embryo is carried out not by cutting the pipe, but by extrusion. Such an operation is considered low-traumatic, rarely causes complications, and helps to preserve the reproductive organs of a woman. The disadvantages include the possibility of using it purely in the early stages and if the embryo is located close to the outlet of the pipe. In addition, the technique is applied only with a small diameter of a fertilized egg.

In the early stages of WB, this technique is rarely used, only in situations where other types of therapy have been ineffective. The main indication for carrying out is profuse bleeding, which can lead to death. Laparotomy is a complex and dangerous operation that requires a long recovery.

With a tubal location of an ectopic pregnancy, the surgeon excised a part of the tube along with the fetal egg through an incision in the abdominal cavity. If the embryo is located in the abdominal cavity, the doctor removes it in the same open way. If the patient has a frozen pregnancy, she is also subject to immediate removal.


Another way to remove the ectopic attachment of the embryo is tubectomy. This is an open surgical method, which is used both in the early stages and when the embryo reaches a rather large size. The operation is performed by cutting the lower wall of the peritoneum. In this case, the uterus and appendages are released into the wound. The doctor cuts out part of the tube or the entire organ. Bleeding is stopped with clamps and tissue suturing.

The recovery period after such an operation is quite long. The patient must be in the hospital under careful nursing care.

How long does the operation take

The duration of the operation depends on the period of fetal development and the presence of complications. Usually at an early stage, the intervention lasts no more than 30 minutes. If the embryo reaches a fairly large size, a pipe rupture occurs, the condition is accompanied by bleeding and other complications, the duration of the operation can take a rather long period of time. In addition, the speed of further recovery will also depend on the presence of complications. You can usually eat and get up after the intervention the next day.

Algorithm for providing emergency first aid to a patient

The standard of medical care for patients with a ruptured tube and bleeding is to carry out urgent surgical intervention, remove an ectopic pregnancy, and stop blood loss. Before the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to ensure the patient's rest and a horizontal position of the body.

A rupture of the tube can occur at an early stage or already with a fairly long development of the fetus. Self-medication in this situation is prohibited, as it often leads to the death of the patient. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible, take the patient to the hospital. After the arrival of a team of doctors, even an ordinary paramedic can easily make a preliminary diagnosis.

Answers to common questions

On the forums you can find numerous conversations and reviews about ectopic pregnancy. Women are interested in answers to various questions, which we will discuss below.

Why does an ectopic pregnancy occur?

The reasons for this condition have already been discussed in the article. The most common among them are congenital and acquired diseases of the female organs, smoking, taking contraceptives.

Is it possible to recognize the condition in the early stages without tests

In the early stages, the signs of WB are weakly expressed. As a rule, they coincide with the signs of a normal pregnancy.

Without tests and examination by a gynecologist, it is impossible to diagnose WB in the early stages.

Is it possible to have sex with such a diagnosis

This question should be addressed to a doctor. To give an answer, a specialist must examine the patient, take into account the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy in a particular patient.

Is the fallopian tube always removed?

Organ removal is not performed in all cases. As a rule, if the signs of WB were noticed at an early stage and a diagnosis was made, it is possible to save the organ.

How long can you not have sex after surgery

It is recommended to have sexual intercourse after surgical treatment after the complete healing of surgical sutures with the permission of the attending physician.

Does implantation bleeding occur with WB?

The course of an ectopic pregnancy is often accompanied by the release of blood, even in the early stages. Bleeding is one of the most common signs of this condition.

Is WB possible with ligated tubes

The onset of an ectopic pregnancy after organ ligation is a fairly common occurrence. This happens due to damage to the surface of the organ, the appearance of flaws on it.

Is it possible to get pregnant quickly after WB

After removal of the WB, the next conception should be carefully planned. It is really possible to get pregnant, but if the body has not recovered sufficiently, and the scars have not healed, the likelihood of a second ectopic pregnancy is quite high.

Can this pregnancy come out on its own?

Cases of miscarriage with WB are indeed recorded. In this case, as a rule, a woman has bleeding that is life-threatening. If you suspect such a condition, you should immediately go to the hospital.

What threatens such a state

An ectopic pregnancy, the signs of which could not be detected at an early stage, carries the threat of bleeding, infertility and even death.

Can an ectopic pregnancy turn into a uterus?

Such cases in medical practice are not registered. An ectopic pregnancy is a direct indication for its termination.

Prevention of pathological attachment of the fetal egg is the maximum elimination of factors that can provoke an ectopic pregnancy.

Prevention includes the following activities:

  • prevention and timely treatment of genital infections in the early stages;
  • timely contacting a doctor if signs such as increased vaginal discharge, a change in their color, smell, the appearance of pain during intercourse, itching in the vaginal area appear;
  • exclusion of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • regular preventive examination by a gynecologist.

Compliance with these simple measures will help prevent the onset of an ectopic pregnancy and keep the female organs in a healthy state.


This video will help you become more familiar with an ectopic pregnancy, early signs of this condition, and methods of treatment.

An ectopic pregnancy refers to the attachment and development of an already fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. Such a condition of a woman requires strict control, and therefore it is important to identify signs of an ectopic pregnancy in time. The situation becomes more complicated when it needs to be done early. After all, often a woman is unaware of the conception that has occurred. Let's look at the main aspects in order of priority.

Early ectopic pregnancy - what is it?

In order to clearly understand what symptoms occur during an ectopic pregnancy, it is important to study how the development of a fertilized egg normally proceeds.

During ovulation, the ovaries release an egg that is ready to be fertilized. But if at the moment a sperm enters the cervix, it moves directly to the egg.

If we talk about the indicators of the norm, conception takes place in the fallopian tubes, then the fertilized egg (its scientific name is the zygote) continues to move towards the uterus.

All this is accompanied by the help of special villi that literally roll the zygote. In the uterus, all conditions are created for the full growth of the embryo.

After the fetal egg enters the uterus, it begins to attach to the walls. It is in this way that the development of pregnancy according to all norms begins.

BUT, when something does not go according to plan, the fertilized egg attaches itself in other organs, not reaching the uterus.

Since these zones are not intended for the development of the embryo, they cannot create full-fledged conditions for the course of pregnancy.

Types of ectopic pregnancy

To clearly assess the signs of an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to study all its types at an early stage.


The sperm has time to get to the uterus when it has not yet released from the ovaries. Then fertilization takes place right here. The fertilized egg attaches and begins to develop. As a result, diagnosis becomes more difficult. After undergoing an ultrasound, a specialist may confuse ovarian fertilization with cystic neoplasms. But these diagnoses require a different approach and treatment.


Perhaps this is the most common case when the egg moves through one of the fallopian tubes and at this time it is fertilized by a sperm. Further, the fetal egg is fixed, an ectopic pregnancy begins to develop. Its signs in the early stages can be detected, the symptoms are the same for everyone. At the slightest suspicion of tubal conception, be sure to consult a doctor. Because the walls of these organs are not so elastic. When the egg develops, the tube simply breaks.


After fertilization outside the uterus, the egg may be located behind the abdominal cavity. Such a development of pregnancy is unacceptable and refers to pathological phenomena. The embryo will never survive here because there are no suitable conditions.


Signs of cervical ectopic pregnancy should be identified early on, because this type of conception is considered the most dangerous. The fertilized egg still penetrates the uterus, but does not have the opportunity to gain a foothold in it, so it falls down to the base of the cervix. If the diagnosis does not occur in a timely manner, the fetal egg will simply tear the tissues. If the risk has spread to the fallopian tube, the first one is removed. The chance of conceiving a child in the future decreases, because a woman has not 2, but 1 pipe. In cases where the egg enters the uterine cervix, the uterus is removed completely, thereby leading to infertility.


It is worth remembering forever that a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus must be terminated after diagnosis. The embryo must develop according to all standards, only then will it be possible to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Ectopic pregnancy in the early stages - symptoms

It is interesting that fertilization outside the uterus for the most part proceeds as the correct conception. The girl may feel changes, her breasts swell, there are outbursts of anger or mood swings. There is also a delay in menstruation, a change in food preferences, toxicosis, etc. But there are certain symptoms that will help recognize incorrect fertilization.


To identify for sure the signs of a developing ectopic pregnancy, you need to buy tests and do them at frequent intervals in the early stages. One test will not be enough, do them every day. For example, if the pregnancy is correct, blood hCG levels will increase rapidly. Consequently, the strip will become more pronounced. But when you do test after test, while the stripes are faded or disappear periodically, this is the result of fertilization outside the uterus. Perhaps this sign is the most reliable. To make sure, do an additional hCG test.

Discharge with blood

When the pregnancy is healthy, discharge with a couple of drops of blood is normal, they are brownish. But when conceived outside the uterus, blood of a scarlet or burgundy hue will come out of the vagina. You need to be wary when the discharge is less than during menstruation, but more than 2-3 drops. However, if the fetal egg is attached to the peritoneum, there may not be any bleeding. Signs of different types of ectopic pregnancy vary slightly in the early stages.


The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy can be manifested in the form of pain in the early stages. Women often experience severe pain. The fertilized egg is attached in the tube, from here you can feel tingling on one side. This problem is similar to colic. Tangible pain can be felt when getting out of bed or walking.

Bad feeling

If you feel a general malaise, do not be afraid. After conception, this is absolutely normal. If such a condition noticeably worsens, the signs of an ectopic pregnancy, as they say, are on the face. At an early stage, this can manifest itself in different ways. If you lie exhausted, see a doctor immediately. Your pressure will skyrocket. Possible internal bleeding. Dizziness and even fainting are not excluded. Listen to your body, see a doctor if necessary.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, even experts cannot give a clear answer. Often, the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy appear in those women who already had problems with reproductive function in the first days of conception. In rare cases, even a healthy lady can face such a problem. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the possible reasons.

Inflammatory processes

Regardless of the inflammatory processes that occur in the female genital organs, their mucosa changes its structure. As a result, it directly affects the activity of the chorionic villi. They simply cannot move the fertilized egg to the uterus.

Feature of the body

In some cases, the individual feature of the female body has a special structure of the fallopian tubes. A fertilized egg cannot go through such a difficult path. As a result, it is fixed in the pipe.


If you have previously undergone surgery, this can lead to the formation of adhesions. Small seals develop in the pipe structure. As a result, adhesions simply do not let the egg into the uterus.

Hormonal background

All processes that occur in the body are directly dependent on hormones. They are responsible for the normal activity of the villi. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy may appear due to an imbalance. At an early stage, the first problems begin. The fertilized egg slows down and cannot reach the uterus.

Oncological neoplasms

It happens that neoplasms of various origins develop in the tube, ovaries or uterus. Because of this pathology, the egg is physically unable to penetrate the uterus. Such obstacles need to be identified and eliminated in time.

Taking contraceptives

Be careful when taking oral potent contraceptives. It is these drugs that often cause ectopic pregnancy. Taking pills after intercourse can play a trick on you. Do not neglect the advice and at the first suspicion, contact a specialist.

Fertilization that develops in an abnormal way should be identified by a specialist and eliminated. Otherwise, there will be no suitable conditions for the viability of the fetus. Treat yourself with all responsibility and be healthy!

Unfortunately, the long-awaited two stripes on the test are not always a really joyful event. In gynecological practice, pathological implantation of an embryo is often diagnosed, which is located outside the uterine cavity, and is localized on other parts of the reproductive organs.

This condition is quite difficult to diagnose, since at the initial stage of development of the fetal egg, there are no characteristic clinical symptoms of improper attachment. That is why women quite often wonder what signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages (2 weeks) can be.

Every girl who is preparing to become a mother in the near future should know certain signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages (2 weeks). This information will help her avoid the development of serious complications in the functioning of the reproductive system.

There are many factors under the influence of which, after fertilization, the egg is not attached to the uterine wall, but, for example, enters the abdominal cavity or remains on the cervix. This condition is often diagnosed in the presence of adhesions, an abnormal structure of the reproductive organs, an imbalance of hormones, and after contact with sedentary spermatozoa.

Depending on where exactly the implantation of the embryo occurred, the symptoms of the pathology will differ. It is also worth noting that it is very difficult to diagnose HMP in the early stages, since a woman, as in a normal pregnancy, suffers from nausea and vomiting, her mammary glands swell, and an unstable psycho-emotional state is noted.

If the fetal egg is attached in a zone where there is enough space for its continued development, then the pathology can be detected already in a neglected state, when surgical intervention will be the only solution to the problem. Starting from about 2 weeks, an ectopic pregnancy will begin to manifest itself.

Visualization of an ectopic pregnancy. Source:

First of all, a woman will begin to notice that in the lower abdomen she has painful sensations that are aching or pulling in nature. Already this symptom should make her think about the probable problem. Often this condition occurs when the implantation of the fetal egg in the fallopian tube.

However, if the embryo is located in a wide zone, then the first pronounced symptoms may appear no earlier than 7-8 weeks of development. For about 3 weeks, an ectopic pregnancy will manifest itself in the following conditions:

  1. In the lower part of the abdomen, where the embryo is localized, pain of a cutting, pulling or aching character will appear;
  2. Discharges with obvious impurities of blood may begin;
  3. The skin of the face and body will become pale;
  4. Blood pressure drops sharply;
  5. The woman feels general fatigue;
  6. Perhaps the appearance of fainting;
  7. Body temperature is kept within 37-38 degrees.

If a girl has one symptom or a complex of them, it is recommended to immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital, since such a condition can be dangerous for the patient's health. Often, in advanced situations, peritonitis develops, severe bleeding opens and the fallopian tube ruptures.

The optimal outcome of the event is spontaneous rejection of the pathologically implanted fetus. However, such situations are extremely rare, and often a woman needs an emergency surgical intervention to remove an embryo attached to the cervix, peritoneum or tube.


In gynecological practice, it is customary to determine the expected gestational age, starting from when the woman ended her last regular bleeding in the next cycle. Often this period differs from that determined by ultrasound screening.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy at an early stage (2 weeks) on ultrasound are almost invisible. The localization of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity can be determined starting from the 21st day of embryo development. That is why this technique is not suitable for early diagnosis of HMP. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay attention to indirect signs of pathology.


After the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone begins to be produced in the woman's body. If you regularly donate blood to determine its concentration, at an early stage you can understand whether a normal pregnancy or a pathological one develops.

HCG levels in normal and ectopic pregnancy.