Why cats don't like water. What breeds of cats like to swim? Official reasons for fear of water

There are no children who would not try to redeem their kitty in the bathroom. And the sight of a cat jumping out of the bathroom, scared to death, with bulging eyes, amuses the kids very much, forcing them to laugh heartily. Cats try to avoid bathing in every possible way, and this is why it is believed that cats do not like water and are afraid of it. Of course, the opinion about the fear of water has a right to exist. Cats have an excellent instinct for self-preservation, and water for most of them is something new, unknown and unexplored, and therefore very dangerous.

Risk of overheating. Cats love warmth very much, and freezing is not their lot. Cats have a special structure of wool, which is why they do not freeze in winter, and in summer they can easily endure even hot weather. And the undercoat helps them to protect themselves from external influences, forming a protective layer. When the coat gets wet, the protective cushion loses its properties; it can no longer protect the cat's body. And therefore, even on the hottest summer day, the cat can freeze, so much so that it begins to tremble. And if you allow your pet to run out into the sun with wet fur, then he will easily get a sunstroke.

Risk of hypothermia. Cats are not gregarious creatures, unlike dogs, and after bathing they have no one to cuddle up to in order to somehow warm up. And they don't know how to shake themselves off like dogs. Therefore, after the bathing procedure, the cat lies down and lies motionless in one place until its fur dries. And if the air temperature is also low, then the risk of hypothermia increases significantly.

Smell. Cats are hunters by nature. They, freezing in their shelter, await prey in complete immobility. But if the prey smells the hunter, then everything can go down the drain. Wet coat has a very strong odor as the cat's temperature rises. Hunger poses a great threat to the life of a cat, and because of the wet coat, it will not be able to catch its prey. In addition, too strong a smell makes the cat more visible to other predators, giving them the opportunity to attack at the most inopportune moment.

Hygiene. In the wet fur of the animal, a lot of dust and various dirt collects, which subsequently ends up in its stomach. In addition, a warm and wet environment is an excellent place for the development of bacteria, fungi and microorganisms, which have every chance of entering the animal's body.

Thus, do not overdo it with bathing cats, it is a great stress for the animal. Cats lick themselves perfectly. If you have a non-show animal that needs to be cleaned up before the show, then you need to bathe your cat only if necessary. It is recommended to do this no more than twice in six months.

Cats are so interesting, cute and funny animals that sometimes we ourselves are surprised at their irrepressible energy, which is so torn from them. But most of all we are surprised not by this, but by why our beloved pets are so hard to put in water to bathe. If during a walk a cat sees any body of water in front of him, she in no case will jump into the water, like a dog, in order to bathe in plenty, or get an unforgettable sensation. Yes, dogs love water, but why do cats "shy away" from it, like the plague?

As it turned out, the reason for the disgust towards water is not the fact that cats do not like to swim, they can not stand water on their fur.

Good to know! Our domesticated cats are descendants of the African wildcat that lived in the northeastern part of the country. These cats have always settled in places where there was no water, in deserts. They categorically did not want to live near water bodies. That is why most of our domestic cats do not like water, they are afraid of it. However, there are cats of certain breeds that have stepped over the fear of water, and frolic with pleasure in warm waters. These are cats living near the Irish Sea, excellent hunters, they jump into the water with great pleasure to catch a fish.

Conclusion - cats are not afraid of water. They are just such creatures who understand what is harmful for them and what is useful. That's why our cute, fluffy pets don't even think about taking a warm bath.

Risk of hypothermia

In mammals, fur has a special structure, which provides animals with protection from hypothermia: wool acts as a heat insulator. The hairs hold air well, therefore, they save all the heat in themselves and do not allow to freeze. Therefore, it is bad when the cat's fur gets wet, and then the fur loses all its thermal insulation properties. You probably yourself notice when the cat comes out of the bath, she is all shaking for a long time. By their nature, cats are clean, they know how to lick themselves where necessary, so it may not be worth bathing them so often.

Risk of overheating

The air accumulated in the woolen hairs is also intended to protect the cat on a sultry, hot day, so that it does not overheat much from the action of sunlight. And if in the heat a dog is looking for water, a place where you can swim, lie down in the cool, without overheating and thirst, cats still avoid moisture, because they do not know how to cool down in this way.

Increased odor due to wet wool

A domestic cat is primarily a mammal. Therefore, the hunter instinct is present in her from birth. Wild cats skillfully overtake their victims, hiding far away, in shelter. And nothing betrays their presence. Another thing is if you douse a cat with water, then the smell of its wet fur can be heard from miles away. She will not even have time, as it should, to lick herself dry, this will take time, which will take and take away the prey that was so close. Cats understand this, that if they are wet, they can dream of no food. Hunger for wild cats threatens their lives, and in order to preserve this life, cats avoid water like fire.

Bacteria and dirt on the coat

If the animal's coat is wet, it instantly becomes covered with dirt and dust. A cat, trying to lick the fur, does this together with dirt and bacteria, which, after entering the animal's body, cause various diseases. Harmful microorganisms generally like to settle in a wet area, and such an animal's fur is an ideal breeding ground for them. This is why zoologists argue that it is natural for a cat to "intuitively" recognize what is bad for it and what is good. She herself understands that she can introduce infections into her body, and therefore consciously tries to stay further from water and reservoirs.

It is interesting! Unlike pets, there are cats that live in the wild and are not afraid that they may overheat or, conversely, become overcooled. They are not scared when the wool gets wet, which then emits strong odors and a potential enemy can smell them, as they know how to protect themselves. Moreover, for them swimming in the water is a million pleasures, they love to swim and even play in the water.

You will be surprised, but the person who was lying on the beach and saw how the "group in striped swimsuits" from the famous movie "Striped Flight" was swimming was right, because tigers swim very beautifully indeed. Besides them, they love water and jaguars, as well as wild Thai cats living in Sumatra.

Do cats get along with water?

Naturally get along! Besides the fact that they are very fond of drinking raw water, they also skillfully handle it. Cats will quickly and quickly catch a fish from a reservoir, whereas a person has to use fishing rods for this. Siamese women love to swim. There is evidence that one of the Siamese cats who lived at the court of the King of Siam was in charge of escorting the royal nobility to the pool. The cat had to substitute her tail on which the princesses hung their rings so as not to lose.

Cats should be able to swim

Nature has endowed cats with the ability to perfectly float on the water. Why do they need this, you ask, if they are afraid of water? Cats are warm-blooded animals, they should, like most of their brethren, be able to swim. Anything can happen in the wild or at home - a flood, a tsunami ... A sewer will accidentally burst in the house. Anything can happen! And it is much harder for a wild cat to live, because a potential enemy can see the animal and drive it to a river or lake. And here the cat can't get out, it will have to swim to save its skin. That is why any cat is careful being near any body of water, even if it is a kitchen sink - the animal will not climb into it.

It is interesting! Cats have been swimming almost from the day they are born. Two-week-old kittens, if necessary, will be active with their little paws in order, like a doggie, to rake water behind them.

In addition to the water itself, cats may not like fragrant washing products: they are disgusted with the smell of even not very scented soap, ordinary shampoos used by the owners can cause allergies in the cat

A March cat that accidentally wanders home during a break between binges is not the most pleasant sight for the owners. Emaciated and dirty animal wants to first bathe, and then feed and caress.

In addition to the water itself, cats may not like fragrant washing products: they are disgusted with the smell of even not very scented soap, ordinary shampoos used by the owners can cause allergies in the cat

But the cat has its own point of view on this procedure: first to eat, then to sleep, and bathing can be excluded from the program altogether. Why cats are afraid of water is a question of all times and peoples, to which felinologists give a somewhat unexpected answer: cats and cats are not that afraid of water, they simply dislike it.

When the hair of animals becomes wet, heat exchange is disturbed, when water enters the ears, the cat's hearing dulls, and it can become disoriented in space, which is undesirable for nocturnal predators.

Cats can swim too, but don't swim ...

The instinct of self-preservation inherent in all living things by nature implies getting out of the comfort zone and overcoming any obstacles for the sake of survival. For a cat, getting out of its comfort zone means contact with such unloved and unpleasant moisture for it. Moreover, it is not necessary to swim, but also to get caught in the rain, walk in dew or a shallow puddle - the whiskered do not like water in any of its manifestations.

But why are cats afraid of water? Who said that? Little kittens can happily wallow in the heat in a bowl of water. Adult cats, saving their life or the life of their baby, are able to overcome water distances of impressive length, they even stoically endure water procedures periodically arranged by loving owners.

“I'm afraid” and “I can't stand” are different attitudes towards water. For centuries, cats have developed an aversion and distrust of her; with all their appearance they demonstrate just dislike, but not fear. But in case of danger, small animals bravely rush into the reservoir and stubbornly swim towards their goal. Even kittens. True, not everyone has the strength to swim.

There is a version that the aversion to water in cats was entrenched after people began to show extreme cruelty towards animals and began to drown extra kittens from the litter, or even everyone.

Attention! Fear of water can be present in a cat if it falls into a large body of water - for her this is an unknown element, she does not know how to behave, so the fear of the animal is fully justified.

Human-induced contact

The cat bathing procedure, which is difficult for both the animal and the person, deserves a separate discussion. Why are cats afraid of water, warm, pleasant, after which they turn from hopeless grubby pets into neat cute pets with silk hair? Here you need to take into account the fact that a cat is a freedom-loving animal that does not tolerate anything imposed. She even goes into her arms only when she herself wants it.

And here, not only was the animal grabbed against its will and began to squeeze (a manifestation of tenderness is a standard preparation for bathing), but also a tub of water was poured over its head.

What people consider pleasant and comfortable (warm water, fragrant shampoo), cats consider unpleasant and useless (and a tongue with which you can lick yourself perfectly, why then?).

In addition to water itself, cats may not like fragrant washing products: they are disgusted with the smell of even not very fragrant soap, ordinary shampoos used by the owners can cause allergies in the cat, manifested in dryness, peeling and reddening of the skin (symptoms are not visible under the coat, but they are very annoying to the pet), as well as clumping and tarnishing of the coat.

When asked why cats are afraid of water, Wikipedia answers that moisture negatively affects the air cushion located in the cat's undercoat - it literally washes it off. And until the animal dries up after water procedures, it feels very uncomfortable - after bathing, the cat's body temperature drops by 5-7 ° C, and the animal is constantly trembling even under a towel.

Wet wool smells unpleasant

Why cats are afraid of water, the video demonstrates clearly: watch any of the popular videos - a wet cat either screams there, or breaks loose, or freezes and shrinks, as if trying to decrease in size, to be small and invisible.

Why does she react this way? Apparently, because the hunting instinct or the instinct of self-preservation is triggered in the animal: waiting for prey or hiding from ill-wishers, cats hid and tried not to betray themselves, even by smell.

Attention! Wet coat has a very strong odor that not only the cat hears. Here the animal is protesting - it is afraid to be seen.

Water is stress

The cat begins to experience stress even before the shower begins - when it is brought to the bathroom. An animal with its excellent olfactory abilities catches the smell of shampoo, with which it has associated unpleasant sensations from the last bathing, the murmur of water also does not cause delight in the cat - she understands what she is facing now, and is frightened.

Advice! To at least partially calm the animal, wash it with special shampoos for cats without scent.

The owners do not really succeed in keeping their pets under running water for the time necessary for a high-quality washing - some cats start hysterics even before bathing, others withstand 2-5 minutes, and only a few patiently wait for the end of an unpleasant procedure for them.

But this does not mean that the most seasoned of animals are calm about swimming and water in general. Monitor the condition of your pet while washing: if he is pinched, his heart is pounding wildly, calm the cat, distract him with your favorite toy or favorite treat, so that the animal will develop pleasant associations associated with bathing: after dipping into water, there will definitely be or that something interesting (game), or something tasty (meat).

Breeds of cats that are calm about water

It is somewhat strange that fish lovers hate water - the element in which their food floats. Even an ordinary yard cat can sometimes take a chance and catch an unwary fish that has washed ashore, and there are felines that, due to their breed, are not afraid of water and are constantly engaged in fishing.

One of these is the Kurilian bobtail. Cats of this breed not only boldly enter the water, not only swim, but also dive and hunt under water.

Siamese cats take water absolutely calmly. These pets do not fish, but they allow themselves to be washed and even enjoy the procedure. This restrained behavior is explained by the legend - in ancient times, Siamese cats were allowed in the baths, where the royal persons washed. Animals close to the august watched the bathing and allowed their tails to be used as temporary storage for precious rings. Felinologists have a more prosaic explanation - Siamese cats have a love for water at the genetic level.

How to train your cat not to be afraid of water?

If the cat is extremely negative about water, and she does not have any predisposition to bathing, the owner will have to work a little, calling on all his patience and the ability of a trainer to help. And if there are none, then you will have to work out them, and at the same time understand why the cat is afraid. Some methods for bathing your pet:

  1. Accustom the animal to water gradually - first, pour a little liquid into the container - 2-3 cm and try to let the cat there.
  2. Submerge your pet's favorite toy or treat in water and watch how the cat reacts to it - he must be interested.
  3. Increase the depth of the basin with each bath and carefully monitor the cat's behavior.
  4. When bathing your pet in a large tub, always place a wooden partition across so that the cat can get out of the water as soon as it feels uncomfortable and insecure.
  5. Throw a lot of bright funny toys into the cat's font so that the animal has the impression of a hunt - so it will be much easier for the pet to endure the hardships of forced bathing.

Tracking how the animal reacts to water: freezes, screams, breaks out, scratches - this will help you determine the degree of aversion to water by animals and develop a strategy for dealing with cat fears.

Isn't it clear why cats are afraid of water and don't like to swim? was last modified: September 6th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

When a caring owner bathes a pet, he often wonders why cats are afraid of water? In fact, cats are not at all afraid of water - this is one of the delusions of humanity. They simply do not like her, they have a neutral attitude towards her.

Everyone in life has watched the yard cat drinking water from a puddle. She may well hunt for fish in a shallow stream. And if life forces it, it will start swimming.

Zoologists paid close attention to the question of why cats are afraid of water and found a number of rational reasons that give an answer to this question:

  • Cats, according to their natural characteristics, do not like to spend time in the water. The fact is that when a cat's fur gets wet, it emits a specific smell that other animals feel. In this case, the cat is left without lunch. In addition, this smell can attract predators that will be dangerous to him. After bathing, the cat's nose also feels only its harsh aroma, other smells, for example, easy prey or warning about the danger of aromas, will not be available to it at this time.
  • During bathing, the cat's thermoregulation is disturbed. The cat has a layer of air located between the fur and skin of the animal. It is this layer that prevents the cat from freezing. When the animal bathes, then it loses these heat-insulating properties of the body. And she has to spend her energy to keep warm.
  • A cat has a natural lubricant on its coat, which keeps the hairs from breaking. It is this lubricant that makes the coat so luxurious and shiny. Animal instinct suggests that bathing is bad for her coat. Water can degrease the coat, which can be detrimental to the fine, warm coat. This can happen if the animal is washed too often.
  • A person's body temperature is much lower than that of a beloved pet. If you bathe a cat in warm, according to a person, water, then taking a bath will be akin to the same sensations for a person as bathing in an ice-hole in a severe frost.
  • Raw cat hair contains a significant amount of bacteria, which then go directly into the pet's stomach. He, relying on his intuition, is well aware that from bathing in water there are few positive consequences for his physiological and psychological health.

Cats are quite clean creatures who like to keep their fur clean for several hours a day. She does not need frequent additional measures, she has a language for these purposes.

But there are exceptions to all the rules. Sometimes, in March, a cat appears as if he personally checked all nearby garbage cans. And who knows, everything can be? Of course, he will put himself in complete order. And where are the guarantees that this will not happen on the master's bed? When the owner retires with the pet in the bathroom, the sufferer looks like he mentally said goodbye to life. And finally, I am ready to remind him of everything that happened and even that which did not have time to happen.

Cats are freedom-loving animals and, using violent methods, it is quite difficult to communicate with them. Of course, you can wash it in the bathroom, after putting on a protective suit from the pet's claws, but you can slowly accustom the animal to such a procedure as washing. Of course, by virtue of his natural abilities, he will not love this event, but at least he will tolerate bathing and not yell, as if his owner decided to drown. This requires:

  1. First, you need to accustom your pet to the sound of pouring water. To do this, you should put food in the bathroom and slowly turn on the water. A small stream of water should be added every day. After a short amount of time, he will get used to it and will calmly perceive the sound of water pouring from the tap.
  2. The next step is getting used to the bathroom. She seems to the cat so huge and cold. There are also several factors to apply here - yummy, affection and play. Thus, you need to bring the time spent in the bathroom to 10-15 minutes. The animal will become accustomed to the environment and the time spent in the bathroom will become associated with positive emotions.
  3. If the bathroom is scary of the animal, then you can start getting used to a shallow basin, which is located somewhere else. After the cat has ceased to shy away from the basin of water, it must be transferred to the bathroom. First, bathing in a basin is done on the bathroom floor, then the container can be placed on the bottom of the bath. In this way, the animal will get used to the huge bathroom without stress.
  4. After the cat has stopped running away from the bathroom, you can pour enough warm water into the bathtub up to the pet's socks and lower the clockwork toy there. The kitten will be happy with such a pastime.
  5. It is better to cover the bottom of the bath with a towel. Thus, the animal will not slide along the bottom, but will firmly hold on to its paws.
  6. If the owner decided with detergents, then in no case should you use human options. They don't like human perfume because it's too harsh for a kitten's delicate nose. Thus, you can only consolidate the result of complete refusal to take a bath. In modern times, veterinary stores have many detergents designed specifically for mustache-tailed pets. They not only do not harm the delicate skin of the pet, but also maintain the natural balance of the animal.
  7. After the pet has taken a bath, it must be wrapped in a pre-heated towel, so it will not experience the feeling of cold after changing the temperature regime.

So that in the future there are no problems with bathing the cat, kittens need to be taught to this event from an early age.

Water-loving cat breeds

It is interesting that there are many breeds of felines that are not at all afraid of the fact that their fur gets wet, they are not afraid of hypothermia, they are also not afraid of microbes. They love water very much and enjoy spending time in it. Breeds of cats that love to spend time in the water: Turkish van, Bengal, Soukok, Vivverina, Siamese cats.

When the owner decided to bathe his pet, then you should not do it forcibly, frightening all households with the cries of a distraught animal. If you approach this issue with an understanding of the nature of feline nature, then you can gradually accustom the animal to water, thereby saving nerves for both yourself and the animal. Then all that remains is to enjoy those unforgettable moments when the cat takes a bath.

Not all domestic cats have a positive attitude to water treatments, so bathing them is often a real challenge for owners. Why is a cat afraid of water? Why are they not afraid of wind, snow, but water is so terrible? Studies have shown that if you put a cat in water, then it, fighting for its life, will still come out.

Cats need to drink in order to live, so to people her fear of water seems silly and meaningless. However, the fear of water has nothing to do with the nature of the pet. Cats are afraid of the very process of bathing.

For those who simply love animals, as well as professional breeders, the cat does not like the violent behavior of a person when he tries to force her to bathe. For a small sensitive pet, human hands are not delicate enough. The next reason is the lack of meaning directly in the procedure, as the cat believes. In nature, she is able to independently care for the coat, licking herself. It is impossible to imagine a wild feline rushing to take a bath in the nearest lake or river. In addition, a person bathing a cat uses shampoo, which can negatively affect the natural defenses of the animal's skin and coat.

The instinct of self-preservation

Cat owners are familiar with situations when spring comes and their pet becomes a real Casanova and for a long time completely forgets about their own home. His appearance in the house does not always cause pleasant feelings, and his appearance - many questions about where he was and what he did. Most likely, during a spree, your pet managed to visit all the garbage dumps and attics in the district. Naturally, during this period he neglected hygiene, so his appearance will be terrifying. After forced water procedures, the cat will again become beautiful and soft, but his psyche will be spoiled by this kind of contact with a person, as well as the absurdity of such an undertaking.

Separately, it is worth thinking about shampoos, which significantly degrease the coat. For an animal, a dry coat without lubrication is a bad sign.

Another reason for this dislike of biologists is that wool begins to smell stronger when it gets wet. Feline ancestors did not pursue their prey in pursuit, they waited in ambush, not giving themselves away. Wet hair, which gives off a smell, instinctively makes the cat nervous, which translates into aggression and irritability.

The next reason is poor thermoregulation. A wet coat will not protect an animal from the cold and will not reduce heat loss. It would seem that this means that cats should adore bathing in hot weather, however, wet wool loses its properties so much that it is not able to save the pet from the heat. Whatever the temperature in the room, the pet will feel discomfort.

This is due to the fact that dry wool perfectly retains air molecules, forming a protective barrier, but wet wool cannot do this. A good helper in this matter is a warm and dry towel. The faster the animal dries, the faster it will calm down.

A cat with wet hair feels its own vulnerability. She has a great sense of smell, and most shampoos have a fragrance that the pet immediately associates with hated bathing. The stress starts already before the shower. Try to find a fragrance-free shampoo to help reduce anxiety.

Cats swim great, and they do it at an early age. These animals are capable of covering huge distances, for example, hunting for prey. If in nature there is a choice - to rush into the water or stay hungry, the cat will definitely choose the first option.

Is it possible to train a cat to swim

It's difficult. If the pet reacts negatively to the first bath, the situation becomes more complicated. You can try to develop a positive attitude towards water by playing games or simulating hunting.

  • Start with small, shallow containers.
  • Observe how your pet reacts when submerged in water by offering treats. This contributes to the development of a positive reaction in the cat.
  • Increase the depth of the container gradually.
  • Respect your pet's wishes and avoid violence.
  • If the cat is already bathing in a large tub, place a wooden partition on top to allow it to leave the container. The animal must feel that it has an opportunity to retreat.

Cats do not like too large bodies of water, because they are rare in nature. They also have a negative attitude towards rain, which brings a feeling of dampness and unpleasant noise. Dew is also not to their liking, because they have to move, more quickly and carefully. According to studies, cats experience especially unpleasant sensations when dew gets on their whiskers.