Why, after applying the gel of nails soft. Why gel varnish does not hold on the nails

Gel-varnish (or, as it is also called, shellac) is a modern cosmetic tool, characterized by increased strength. With it, not only you can wash the dishes, but also to engage in other economic affairs, without fearing to spoil the manicure. Despite the increased strength, the gel varnish is still peeling from the nails due to the minimum impact (and even without it). There are several uncomplicated techniques that help the gel lacquer to stay well on the nails.

  • slices of coating split over the edges of the nail on the ends (especially characteristic for square nails);
  • gel lacas begins to gradually move in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle;
  • the coating is peeled on the entire nail plate, it can be easily removed by a solid film.

Nolescence with ends usually occurs after a couple of weeks socks, often after the woman washed the dishes with a tough sponge or hooked for something nail. But the exfoliating lacquer film is moving in a couple of days and speaks of a gross violation of application technology.

Causes of peeling

There are two global reasons why the lacquer does not hold on the nails:

  • master made manicure wrong;
  • the trouble is associated with the organism itself.

To solve the problem, you must first get acquainted with the features of applying gel lacquer. This will allow you to check whether the master does everything correctly. If so, then the root of all troubles is worth looking in its own body.

Typical mistakes masters

If you break the technology of applying the gel, it will not hold on to the nails. There are several reasons why the coating is peeled.

The cuticle zone is poorly processed. Next to her on the nail there is thin skin, called Pesigi. During the manicure session, a specialist should carefully remove Pesigius so that the gel varnish is better grabbed. Otherwise, it will be kept worse and starts to go away in this area.

From the nail was poorly removed the previous coating. From the surface of the plate, it is necessary to remove all the dust and particles of the old gel varnish, otherwise the new layer will not fix it.

Nails were not degreased. Some because of the lack of experience believe that this stage can be safely skipped. It is not surprising that the manicure then does not hold on the nails. If the fatty film remains, the gel varnish will not be able to "clutter" with the nail as needed. The result is a peeling coating. Newbies are sometimes used instead of a degreaser. A common means for removing varnish, but it is incorrect.

Important! It is possible to remove the fatty film only with a special fluid, it is sold in specialized stores and is inexpensive.

Insufficiently succeeded primer. Be sure to withstand all layers of manicure coverage required time. For primer and degreaser, it does not exceed a minute. You can not try to check whether the layer is succeeded, with a finger. So the fat is again falling, which needs to be deleted by the degreaser. With the right drying, the nail will change the color slightly, and you need to navigate.

There are not sufficiently succumbed to other layers. This is another problem of hurried girls. The high-quality drying of each layer will not take much time, it is necessary to withstand it. Otherwise, some of the layers will remain wet and lead to the damping manicure. If the nails are dried for a sufficient period of time, but the layers do not succumb, it is recommended to take a different lamp. Power available is clearly not enough.

Some of the layers are very thick. This problem is also often found. Some databases or tops are too thick and difficult to disintegrate. But still it is worth trying. Excessively dense application is fraught with the appearance of bubbles and sublishes, and during drying in the lamp the fingers can notice the oven. Drying time, naturally, also increases. The way out of the situation is simple - you need to try to apply the layer as thinner as possible.

Unatrunted end. The girls who go to experienced masters, noticed that after applying the last layer of color varnish, a specialist conducts a brush not along, but perpendicular to the tip of the nail. This is called the sealing of the ends. Such a procedure allows you to increase the timing of manicure socks, if it is neglected, chips cannot be avoided.

Bad materials. Some salons frankly chase profitable, taking triple charges and using cheap materials. The gels ordered from the famous Chinese site may well froze normally and sweat a couple of weeks, but it is a big rarity. Gel for 50 rubles will not be compared as with professional rules. The result of the use of low-quality materials - chips and detachment of coating.

When the body fails

It happens that the specialist uses the best materials, causes gel varnish on the right technology, and the manicure is still peeling. Not always the master is to blame in such a situation. Sometimes the reason why the gel is peeled, - the characteristics of the body.

Hyperhydrosis. In some women, sweat and sebaceous glands act too active. As a result, the skin is constantly wet, and nails become wet. They are difficult to dry, therefore problems arise with gel. It will help to solve it high-quality primer, you can even make 2 layers.

Nail fragility. Plus, the gel is that he strengthens the nail well. But some even after strengthening the nails remain fragile and brittle. When the tip is laid down, the girl is roasted, so that there are no sharp edges. But the problem is that the end turns out to be unmatched, so the lacquer is quickly peeling.

Soft nail. Some ladies nails are thin and soft on nature. They literally bent in different directions like a rag. In others, there is simply calcium deficiency, which also weakens the nail plate. Gel-varnish on such nails, if he enaches, quickly starts crumbling and covered by cracks. The solution to the problem is a preliminary strengthening before coating.

Overnight on the surface. The tubercles and grooves are dangerous not only by the separation of the gel. They talk about internal diseases. If the master from time to time has to make the plate alignment, this is a sign that is worth consulting a doctor. If everything is in order and this is just an individual feature, the specialist should always align and polish the plate before applying the gel.

Diseases. This category includes all diseases that weaken the body and do not allow gel lacquer to fix it on the nail. These may be diseases in the hormonal sphere, immune protection disorders, receiving some drugs.

Gel lacquer is a universal and strong, but rather capricious coating. It can fix it tightly, and may be dried in a couple of days. When visiting the cabin, it is important to monitor all the technological nuances to be observed, it was dried by the right time, and the master used good materials. Often women walk to one master, who has proven itself well and whose work they like.

Nails one of the first warn about hidden health problems. Therefore, if they swell and became fragile, irregularities, white or yellow stains appeared, it is advisable to pass a survey. Of course, not only so that gel varnish does not hurt. But sometimes it is precisely for this decision to recognize a starting disease.

Video: Proper manicure technology

Nail cover with gel varnish is something, without which today a modern woman can do. The main reason for this is that the coating is very resistant, thanks to which the manicure holds a few weeks. But, unfortunately, there are cases when gel lacas gets off with nails fast enough. Tell me why the gel varnish does not hold on the nails?

Main reasons

  • The nail plate is badly degreased. It is necessary to use special means for degreasing nails before applying the coating.
  • Cuticle is poorly processed. When gel-lacquer gets on the cuticle, it is most likely to suck.
  • From here - the poor performance of the applying gel lacquer. Pouring into the side rollers and hitting the cuticle.
  • Ignoring nail processing in front of the gel varnish coating. This stage is required for better clutch with a nail.
  • The layers are poorly sucked or too big thick. This is one of the main reasons due to which gel varnish on the nails does not hold.
  • The layers are not sealed. After each layer, the end of the nail must be seal.

On weak, brittle and fragile nails, gel varnish is much worse. In this case, it is advisable to do.


On the quality of the materials you use. You can never save on them, because they can become the main reason why gel lacas on the nails are well held. In addition, low quality materials are possible.

The base and top 2B1 in quality are greatly inferior to a separate base and top.

You should also pay attention to the work of the Master and what it uses to create a manicure.

  • First, it is impossible to break the technique of coating. First you need to remove the cuticle, the nails to handle the bug, degrease. The first must go base, then two or three layers of colored varnish, and at the end - top. Each layer is well dried in the lamp.
  • Secondly, you should pay attention to the lamps themselves. When using UV lamps, you need to change the light bulbs. Pointy or poorly working light bulbs will be badly drying the coating.

As mentioned above, the duration of manicure socks directly depends on the quality of nails. The poor condition of the nails is the next reason why gel varnish does not hold.

  • Before making a manicure should check the quality of the nail plate. When unsatisfactory result, the procedure must be postponed for a while during which it is necessary to restore the nails and put them in order.
  • Nails are harmful to mechanically exposed. Homemade troubles (washing dishes, shells, gender, etc.) to spend better in special protective gloves.
  • For some time after coating, it is better to avoid high or low temperatures, contact with water or bath.
  • It is necessary to carefully handle sharp objects to remove dirt from under the nails to use only special orange sticks and not to maintain the edge of the nail plate.

Discussion: 4 comments

    I have always had a problem - very soft nails. I never worked to repel them. I tried many ways. I began to grow under gel lacquer. There were no more than two weeks lacquer and even strained. The nails were cracked and the varnish rushed. And the manicure master suggested that I apply two layers of the base. It helped, the main thing is that the layers are not thick and complied with all preliminary procedures - polishing and degreasing, processing good and high-quality primer. I reflected the nails to the length I needed and began to wear a manicure from three weeks to a month. More, of course, the quality of the materials themselves affects. I always tell me what kind of varnish good quality, and which is better not to use ...


  1. I tried very many manicyrshers gel lacquer held a maximum of two rather than, until I got up to one good manicure, she does slowly 2 hours somewhere and gel lacquer dies and 6 weeks I do everything without gloves. So if the gel lacker does not hold We must change the manicureman.


1 Wet nail plate. It is not good and not bad, just such a feature of the body. The more dry nail, the better the lacquer is connected to it. If the nails are wet, the high probability is that you are passing for a gel lacc. But at the same time, ordinary varnish can be kept thoroughly, as it dries differently.

2 Fat nail plate. It is not recommended to use the gel varnish to cover the gel lacquer or make SPA procedures: if fat traces will remain on the nails, gel varnish "will not grab." To progress, the wizard always degreases them with a special dryer, and after it starts to apply the base. Therefore, if you want to moisten the skin of the hands, do it only at the end of the manicure.

3 Too short length. You can not cut the nails "under zero". The tip lengths should be enough for the master to drive the gel varnish and seal it under the lamp. The better the end is sealed, the more covers sweeps.

4 You have "critical" days. Not only you in "these" days can be annoyed, but the body too! It is believed that he can bulge all alien, including gel varnish. For the same reason, it is not recommended during menstruation to make caring procedures for the face or body: there is an opinion that cosmetics will not be absorbed and careless.

5 The reason is in the database. The masters say, the brand of gel lacquer is not so important, as the base, because with a high-quality basis, any color is awake long. Try a rubber base. According to girls who constantly make gel varnish, covering with it even on the most problematic nails. And, by the way, you finally can finally grow nails, even if they usually break and go.

6 It's time to change the masters. If you constantly go to the same specialist, it makes sense to try another or change the interior. The master should not only correctly treat the nail plate, but also to follow the fact that lacquer layers are sucked, the nail form is correctly selected. If he is not a pro, then it is not worth it from the most advanced coating of something supernatural.

7 You are too "cruel" coated. Of course, unlike ordinary varnish, you can score nails with him, and the coating will not suffer in theory. But at the same time, some of our mechanical actions - when you screw the carnation earrings or sharply open the shampoo lid or hand cream - lead to cholas. Persted - Does Laco always be cleared on the same nails? If so, I remember what actions you unconsciously repeat. And homework (it is not even discussed!) Perform in gloves.

Modern manicure is strikingly different from the usual not only by the type of varnishes and colors, but also the technology itself, as well as the duration of "life" of such a coating.
At the same time, most of the fashionistas noted that the declared four weeks does not withstand almost no manicure, and some bundles and chips can be noticed literally the day after the procedure.

What are the main reasons for the briefness of gel - coverage and how to avoid such situations will tell you our article.

Why caress gel nail polish

Among the common factors, not only the quality of products used in manicure can be noted.

Of course, proven and original brands are more followed by the composition and protect their reputation, but the greatest lack of such goods is the high price and the impossibility of acquiring free access.

Now the market has a large range of inexpensive, and, judging by the reviews, good quality gel - varnishes of less well-known firms. Having understood in the main risk factors for the gel coating, you can successfully try and such varieties of varnishes.

Causes of damage and bundle

  1. Non-profescionalism masters. No one is perfect, but if your nails look awful the next day, perhaps it makes sense to contact another master. The applying gel coating requires strict adherence to a certain technology that your master may not know or simply neglect it. Turning to the salon, it will be worth familiar with the works and chat with other clients. To the master "at home" it is better to go on the advice of acquaintances, and not just thoring the ad at the stop.
  2. Quality of materials used. It matters even the little things, preferably, if the wizard applies all types of materials of one company. Such funds are as close as possible in the composition, and the lamp of the company of the same name will help to secure the coating well, because it is designed specifically taking into account the peculiarities of varnishes and the basics.
  3. Application technology. Some water procedures, for example, a regular hygienic manicure and a long stay in a humid environment can negatively affect the quality of the finished coating. If the master has undergone the preparation of the nail plate, the durability of the manicure can also not count. Each layer of varnish must be "sealing" - apply to the edge of the nail, providing tightness and monolith. This and many more rules are a mandatory procedure, therefore, if you first apply to the salon, it is better to pre-study the order of application. If you decide to make a coating yourself, ready-made video tutorials and tips experienced.
  4. Individual characteristics. It also happens that any coating is shortly holding on the nails even if quality materials, compliance with the technology and professionalism of the Master, performing manicure. The case is in the structure of the nail plate. In excessively brittle and porous nails, such a coating will not hold on long, so if you are so "lucky", perhaps it makes sense to resort to other types of nail aesthetics.
  5. Contraindications for manicure. There is a special category of diseases in which the impossibility of applying gel coating is observed. In addition to obvious - fungus and damage to the nail plate, it is also cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and endocrine disorders. It is possible to restore the nails with the help. It is not recommended to use a gel manicure during pregnancy and lactation. Also immediately before and during menstruation should not make such a manicure. Reception of some medicines, for example, antibiotics, is also able to harm the normal coating.
  6. Negligent appeal. Immediately during the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the purity and integrity of the gel layer. It is not necessary to touch the nail plate of the sauze after applying or drying, and it is also desirable to limit activity directly after the procedure. Gel manicure hardens after about 10 to 12 hours after applying, so during this period you can not actively exploit the acquired beauty.

The causes of the poor-quality manicure are quite varied, and if such states have become ordinary for you, it is possible to consult a doctor. Sometimes the problems with nails indicate more serious diseases of the internal organs, so it is better not worth neglecting such signals.

Look at the video about the reasons for detachment of the gel varnish

Huge home collections of varnishes are not always possible to use in a timely manner, which is why some coatings become thick or dry. How to store varnish and how to dilute it in the event that he thicked, read

What can not be done with manicure

Often in the fact that the gel - varnish quickly loses its appearance, the owners of the manicure themselves are to blame. Having heard about the durability and durability of the coating, most sincerely believe that the monolithic structure will not be able to break nothing, and no manipulations are scary. At the same time, different factors are very influenced on the coating, especially in the first 12 hours after applying when the lacquer is not completely frozen. In order to optimally and with the benefit of enjoying a beautiful manicure, it is necessary to follow the basic safety rules.

The rules for the durability of gel manicure:

  • Homework, especially associated with chemicals and a long stay in water, it is better to perform exclusively in protective rubber gloves.
  • If possible, avoid strong cleaning products and aggressive detergents.
  • Do not rub and scratch the applied coating.
  • Do not expose to the coating in the first 12 hours after applying. This is especially true for water and thermal procedures, so visit the sauna and relax in the bathroom is better to postpone.

The recommended time for nails under gel coating is of great importance. If you wear it without removing a long time, you do not have to talk about any beauty. Moreover, to remove such a coating in the future will have more aggressive methods, since the gel is firmly entrusted to the structure of the nail plate.

Optimal socks

Despite the impeccable look and a wide palette of the colors and drawings used, the gel coating is not so harmless to nails, as manufacturers advertise. First of all, any coating overlaps air access, which disrupts the natural circulation. Under such coating, the nails cannot receive nutrients, moisture and adjust the temperature. In general, any such intervention is fraught with failures in normal operation. The permanent wear of the gel on the nails is gradually displayed in the state of nails, and leads to their damage. After the gel - varnish, in particular, there are more serious violations, especially when the wizard disgusts the old layer.

That is why it should not be overly carried by such procedures. The optimal time of the socks of gel manicure 2 - 3 weeks, after which it must be replaced. After 4 - 5 sessions of the gel manicure, it is better to give the opportunity to "Raise" nails at least two weeks. Optimal mode: two weeks "Beauty" on the nails, a week of rest, restoring and strengthening procedures.
The founder of the company "Orly" is known not only to unique nail polishes, but also unique developments in the field of professional reinforcing nail funds. Check out S.

How to apply gel varnish

The actions algorithm has long been worked out by real experts, so if you intend to deal with this professionally, it will not be able to go to special courses. Only so can really learn the secrets and hone skill in practice. The practical experience of the masters will be useful, as well as the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible mistakes of beginners. Even if you use the knowledge gained exclusively on yourself and your loved ones, they will help you to significantly save on a professional procedure.

Main Nuances of Application Technology:

  • High-quality products and lamp are half of success. As it was already indicated earlier, it is desirable to use the goods of one brand to eliminate the rejection and separation of the gel even when applied. If colored gels can buy cheaper, then the base and top must be a single company and good quality.
  • The gel must be fresh. The resulting coating becomes more denim and unsuitable for manicure.
  • Preparation of the nail plate - an important point. It should be cleaned from cuticle and pterigi (thin layer adjacent directly to the nail), polished and degreased. The edge of the nail also need to cut a bit for better clutch with the material.
  • If an ordinary "water" manicure was made before the procedure, or simply there were water treatments, nails need to be slightly adding. This uses a special primer.
  • Excessively thin and brittle nails must be strengthened with a special gel. Before his purchase, be sure to make sure that it is washed away, otherwise you have to cut, and your nails will suffer significantly.
  • Each layer is necessarily sealing and dried in the lamp. If the technology has been broken, you can forget about the quality of the coating.
  • The gel layer should be thin so that the polymerization is successful.

Despite the fact that universal gel - varnishes "Three in one" appeared on sale, the largest fortress and durability ensures exactly the same name. It will slightly increase the total cost, but the quality will be at the height.

An important point will be the method of removing the old coating. It is best to choose soluble varnishes so as not to injure your nails with aggressive spill. Especially one should not remove the coating on their own. Most of the masters are sooner or later faced with examples of such "economy" and results, as a rule, deplorable.

Video for you: how to apply gel varnish

Prevention and protection of manicure

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to use protective gloves when performing any homework. If possible, a coating from contact with high temperatures and chemicals should be protected. Despite the resistance, even the highest quality varnish crackles with negligent operation, so the precaution will be worth it.

Gel manicure will definitely enjoy his durability and the ability to create real masterpieces of nail aesthetics. At the same time, such a miracle remains immaculate, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules and carefully follow the state of their nails. A large help will be the use of protective gloves when doing homework. Knowing the main reasons and nuances of protection of the applied coating, you can prolong the life of the manicure for a long time. Tips Our article will help you with this.

What better antifungal varnish to choose that its action is as efficient as possible? Learn from the article.
Vinylux varnish is an excellent choice for those who want to always see their hands well-groomed and stylish. A wide selection of color gamut will allow you to select the necessary shade under the image you selected. Palette colors and reviews

The lifestyle of a modern woman imposes many duties on it. At the same time, well-groomed hands are a sign of intelligence and culture. Therefore, the manicure has become an integral and important element of female appearance. There are many nail polishes: this is a traditional liquid varnish, and solid, in the form of stickers, and acrylic, forming a protective film. One of the criteria for the quality of varnish is its immunity to external influences: high temperature, humidity, mechanical damage. Ordinary colored and colorless varnishes are held, on average, about a week (of course, we are talking about quality products).

However, modernity dictates new requirements and neutral care technologies are developing, becoming natural and better.

In the 1990s, biogel based on wood resin, which has useful properties, appeared, but it was quite susceptible to the effects of household chemicals. To achieve the strength of the nail coating while maintaining aesthetics, gel varnish was developed.

What is gel lacquer

As can be seen from the name, this is a combination of varnish and nail gel, which combined their properties and differ in high resistance - up to 3 weeks.

Often called "Shellac", which is not entirely correct.

Shellac is very high-quality products of the American company CND, its corporate sign.

However, there are practically no fundamental differences between gel varnishes of different manufacturers, apparently, therefore the word has become nominative.

Nail cover with gel varnish is carried out in several stages:

1. Preparation of the nail plate.

2. Apply the basis and processing primer - a special bonding drug.

3. Applying gel varnish (one or two layers).

4. Finish stage - top coverage.

5. Each process is completed with drying under the ultraviolet lamp.

6. For better clutch, after each stage, a sticky layer is removed.

The procedure for staining with gel varnish is quite complex and time consuming. In addition, such a manicure in the salons is not noone.

The more interesting happens when the defects of the coating or gel varnish are not held at all.

Most frequent problems:

1. Cracks appear on the coating.

2. The gel varnish is cleared on the tips (peeling, erased).

3. The coating is removed by film, often along with the base layer

To avoid similar troubles, you need to know the reasons for these phenomena and how to eliminate them.

Why gel varnish does not hold on the nails, reasons and their elimination

Substituted processing

When processing the nail plate, sometimes not completely removed cuticle.

Leather remnants interfere with the fastening of the gel varnish with the nail and the coating is most likely to be squeezed.

The edges of the nail and the perimeter of the Cuticle are not found in the "stress zone", it is here that cracked arise.

Important: Cuticle should be removed at least one day before applying gel varnish.

Poor-quality cleansing and degreasing

Presence on nails of foreign substances - dust, dirt, etc. It will not allow to successfully carry out the procedure.

The same applies to fat: If at least the slightest layer of fat remains on the nails, there will be no coating.

It is necessary to wipe the nail plates with alcohol or a tool containing acetone, wiping should be made with a soft cloth without a pile.

Uneven nail surface

Nail plates with ribbed irregularities must be carefully polished with a special tool - Buff, especially tips and the cuticle zone.

Such processing should be done in the event that various varnishes were applied before this nails - particle polymer particles may remain.

"Wet" nails

Too long soaking before processing becomes the cause of excessive nail moisturies.

Application is required to remove moisture - dehydrator. Such a problem may occur with an increased sweating, as well as when performing spa procedures (wraps, using masks) shortly before applying gel lacquer.

In this case, the nails become fat and moistened, the coating will not be able to gain.

Not sufficiently dried layers

Since the coating is applied in stages - the basic, directly gel varnish and top one - must completely dry each previous layer.

In case of insufficient drying, cracks and bubbles appear, there is a detachment.

Note: To properly perform the procedure, the layers must be thin.

Wrong processing cut

The contour of the nail plate and the nail stem must be treated with special means - primer or ultrasound.

When applying each layer, it should be covered not only the plate, but also "seal" the end of the nail, otherwise it is not possible to avoid chips.

Soft, thin nails

To cover such nails, professionals advise to apply a special firming gel, preferably soluble to avoid injury to spill plates.

Fragile nails

Fragility can be due not only to the peculiarity of the body, but also frequent spill.

In this case, it is better to choose a gel varnish that is removed by soaking.

Embossed basic and top coverage

Choosing a gel varnish, should not be saved on these elements, since the strength of the coating and its trouble-free removal depends on them.

Specialists critically refer to the option "2 in 1" and single-phase gel lacas (without a base and top), urgently advising the use of three-phase.

The listed problems arise, for the most part, due to the fault of inexperienced masters, either when you try to apply gel varnish yourself.

However, subjective reasons caused by individual characteristics of a person, certain circumstances, health status.

These circumstances include the following

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding - except that gel varnish can not hold on at all, professionals are advised in this period not to produce any procedures related to chemicals.
  • Unpredictable the result may be in the "critical days" due to the vibrations of the hormonal background.
  • Transferred stress may also cause an unsuccessful manicure using gel varnish.
  • Do not apply gel varnish for diseases of the endocrine system (in particular, diabetes mellitus), immune disorders, heart disease and kidney disease.
  • Finding the coating at tips may be a consequence of long-term use of antibiotics. In this case, you can apply gel varnish after 7 days after the course of treatment is completed.
  • The coating will not hold onto the nails affected by fungus.

Do I need to "give nails to relax" after gel lacquer

There is an opinion that giving nails rest after removing gel lacquer is a myth.

1. However, practice shows that it is still necessary to take a break.

2. The composition of conventional liquid varnishes often includes harmful substances: toluene, dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde and its resin, camphor.

3. The longer the aggressive coating is kept on the nails, the stronger its negative impact: the nail plate incomes arises, its thinning, the local immunity is reduced, creating the soil for fungal infection.

4. With such symptoms, it is necessary to conduct therapeutic and restoring actions, only after that you can apply gel varnish.

Despite the relative harmlessness of gel lacquer, after a long wearing of such a manicure, it is also recommended to pause and carry out restoration procedures:

  • Sign up nails with oils.
  • Baths.
  • Complete vitamins.

In spite of everything, fashionista, continue to use about him, only positive.

Rules so that the manicure holds longer

So that the gel manicure is preserved in good condition, you should follow certain rules:

1. It is impossible to touch the gel coating to its complete drying.

2. In the first day, not allow (or cut to a minimum) with water contacts, use protective gloves.

3. Remember: alcohol, acetone, domestic solvents destroy the coating is irretrievably.

4. Avoid mechanical damage: to simply improve your nail, scratch or pick.

If a small defect (chip) appeared on the manicure, you should not eliminate it yourself, copying the work of the master.

It is possible to disrupt the integrity of the coating, as a result of which it will delete at all. You can temporarily disguise the flaw as follows:

  • tighten the place of the chick suitable in color varnish and apply a colorless varnish on the entire nail;
  • if all the tip broke off, you can simulate the "French manicure" by any varnish;
  • hide the defect can be a brilliant varnish, covering the entire nail or, manifesting a fantasy, depict a drawing;
  • stickers for nails disguise chip, but this method is short-lived.

Gel varnish selection

The most important condition for safe and high-quality nail staining gel varnish is the choice of product.

1 Currently, many firms with a unverified reputation that attract buyers with a low price have appeared.

2. It is necessary to remember that cheap products do not guarantee quality.

3. Among the reviews of consumers, a lot of complaints about Chinese manufacturers whose gel varnishes are not only bad, but also cause allergies.

4. Not only respiratory authorities are exposed to harmful effects, but also the skin around the nail - itching, inflammation, cracks appear.

5. Saving some amount, you can get a health problem.

High quality gel lacquer must meet the following requirements:

  • the duration of preservation without cracks, chips, loss of shine up to 3 weeks;
  • convenience to work - important for masters, and for clients, as the procedure is carried out quickly and efficiently;
  • trouble-free removal with special means;
  • safe composition that does not have a negative impact on the nail plate.

According to these criteria among manufacturers, American companies Gelish, Jessica Geleration, Kodi, PNB and especially CND are confidently leading. They approach them in terms of Quality OPI (Germany) and Masura (Japan).

After studying all the pros and cons of the gel varnish nail covering and choosing an experienced master, women can get a persistent and spectacular manicure without harm to their health and beauty.