Congratulations on the wedding from the heart. Approximate words from mom to the wedding. Sincere congratulations on the wedding

If you are going to attend the wedding ceremony of relatives or friends, think over your congratulations on the wedding in advance. After all, these words should be heartfelt, memorable and leave a pleasant mark in the hearts of the newlyweds. In addition to the usual poems and long tirades in prose, use unusual forms of congratulations. For example, congratulations on a wedding in the form of aphorisms will sound fresh and original, and a wedding congratulation to the newlyweds with a joke (for a brother, older, younger sister, etc.) will surely amuse everyone present and help the young people relieve stress on such a responsible day. In a word, experiment, look for new, original ways to congratulate your dear people at the wedding on this important event in their lives.

Wedding congratulations in verses that move you to tears

In his hand is your hand

Now you are forever together.

On the status of the new you are "wife"

The "bride" has changed.

I wish it was beautiful

Your path in a difficult life.

Let love be one

Dreams, faith, thoughts.

Look with tenderness always

Only in each other's eyes.

And so that fate was sweet

We will shout now "bitterly"!

Searched for a long time on the ground

Halves of each other.

Watched in the sun

And lacy snowflakes.

And here is a gift from fate -

You have been given a meeting.

Today I wish

May your union be eternal.

You became whole on this day,

Now forever united.

I wish that in love big

You be invincible.

Today the wedding is in the whirlwind of you

Crazy madly spinning.

And tomorrow again - work, home,

Evening tea and dinner.

I wish in these little things

Grow my roots to you

So that you are spouses,

Beloved, friends.

May the children be glorious soon

Your home will be filled with happiness.

After all, only they will give you a chance

Family to take place.

I wish you on your wedding day

Love is easy and sacred.

So that tenderness and sensitivity

The family was rich.

I wish you love in cups of tea,

That he doesn't drink

And the scent of her perfume

That teases and caresses.

I want to love every moment

What did you live together.

To love you just to be together,

After all, there are no moments more wonderful.

Original congratulations on the wedding in your own words

What to wish you, dear newlyweds at your age? And I wish you to enjoy every minute spent together. Time will go by, nerves will deteriorate, something will annoy and sometimes even anger. And at this moment think - how wonderful it is! Well, she watches the 101st episode of her favorite series when there is an important match, so what! But how touching her pretty face looks at this moment, you just want to come up and hug her tightly. Come and hug! So what if dirty socks are scattered all over the house again. But it is immediately clear that there is a real man in the house - strong and strong-willed, he marked his territory. So there is a head of the family. There is a protector and patron! What is not a reason to come up, kiss and say: "It's good that you exist." Don't let negativity enter your hearts and destroy your feelings. Love faithfully and faithfully, without reservations, and fate will certainly thank you. Advice to you and love!

On this joyful day, my dears, I wish you happiness. Let it be trite, but without it in any way. Know how to see him everywhere: in the morning coffee, which the other half carefully brewed, in the evening rush home, where a hot dinner and a pleasant companion awaits you, in the stomping of children's feet around the apartment on Sunday morning, when you so want to sleep off. After all, it means you are not alone, you are needed, you are loved and admired. So, life is not in vain. Be happy, no matter how hard it is - be happy. After all, happiness is not a set of external factors, it is a state of mind, and it depends only on you. And may great ... pleasures await you in life.

Wedding congratulations with an anecdote in poetic form

On your beautiful wedding day

I propose to take an oath.

But not like now in the registry office

They forced you to speak.

I'll ask my wife if she's ready

Do you love his friends?

Collecting socks around the house?

To endure all the absences?

You answer now, handsome,

Are you ready to not drink at all?

Remember dates, love mother-in-law

And flowers always give?

If you answered "yes"

For tough questions.

Overcome family science

It will be easy for you, no doubt.

Me on the big wedding day

Great advice for my husband:

A man won't fit into your closet

If it hangs in rows of fur coats.

I wish a young couple

I will certainly live in abundance.

Then let the husband famously get it,

Then suddenly the wife is ready for a fight.

I wish that in love big

You lived, brothers, by all means.

And after the cry “Now I will kill!”

Put an umbrella in the bag invariably.

On a bright day I wish you -

Let the collar not press on your neck.

And the strength of your marriage bonds

Let him give only pleasure.

So that you are "under the hood"

Always pleasant and cozy.

Let the status of a new joy to you

Only gives every minute.

I hasten to congratulate you, friends -

Already stamped.

On the neck of marriage you already

They hung medals.

Let in harness you alone

It will only be easy to walk

And will not settle the cold in the house

Dishonesty is a blizzard for you.

Let your finger not press the ring -

After all, it is a symbol of happiness.

For your marriage, stand only a mountain,

Let the bad weather pass.

Congratulations on the wedding in prose using aphorisms

As Voltaire said, “Marriage is either the greatest good or the greatest evil. There is no middle ground." I wish you always be in the extreme of goodness and great happiness.

Dear children, today you have become a family. I wish you a speedy replenishment. After all, raising children is the sacred mission of each of us. And as you know, the key to the proper upbringing of children is a harmonious and reverent relationship between mom and dad. I wish that you read beautiful fairy tales to your children and that your children are brought up exclusively correctly. Advice to you and love.

As you know, the hands of a loving woman wrapped around a man's neck are a lifeline thrown to him from heaven. I wish you, newly-made spouse, to appreciate the gift given to you from above, and to you, young wife, always be ready to help, save your loved one.

As Emile Zola said: "As long as the spouses are connected by passion, they will always be in peace, despite serious quarrels." I wish you, dear newlyweds, to keep the ardor of feelings, kindle the flame of passion, maintain romance in your relationship, and prevent the family boat from breaking into everyday life.

They say that not a single person is able to understand what true love is without having lived in marriage, at least a quarter of a century. I wish our young people to repeatedly learn this truth, following the path of a long and happy married life.

Only that marriage can be called true, which sanctifies love. I wish you, dear newlyweds, that your marriage be strong and real. May love, like a kind guardian angel, protect him from troubles, insults, bitterness and misunderstanding. Keep your quivering feeling, strengthen it with tenderness and sonorous children's laughter.

Congratulations on a wedding (brother, sister, friend, etc.) is not a set of beautiful words and sentences. This is a great charge of warmth invested in simple words that will touch the soul and give joy. Choose original wedding congratulations, spoken in your own words, which will surely be remembered by the bride and groom for many years to come. Congratulations on the wedding in verse are always appropriate at the gala evening, which will touch young people and people close to them to tears. After all, a wedding is a celebration of love, tenderness and romance. This is an unforgettable day in the life of every family. Be generous with sincere and touching words, good humor and heartfelt wishes. Give positive emotions to family and friends.

Two hearts met once
To never part again.
Congratulations on your wedding day,
A new star has lit up in the sky!

Understand each other, respect
And may the angel keep your marriage.
Whatever happens, never give up
After all, you have taken a step towards a new life!

You became husband and wife:
Happy, friendly family.
Stepped on the same path
Try not to turn away from it.

Make love faithful
Give joy again and again.
Share all feelings equally
And keep the wedding day in your hearts!

Congratulations to the young
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness!
And let all misfortunes pass you by.
Let the clean river
Your life is flowing.
And as a month a young son will be born to you,
Daughter, like roses color,
To the joy of mom.
And how many will you have?
You decide for yourself...

May you live together for many years!
Children and grandchildren worthy of raising,
In sorrow and in joy you will be together!
Immeasurably and deeply love each other!
To meet a pair of gentle eyes with a smile,
And so that the fire of these eyes does not go out!

Being together is a great art
This happiness is to be together forever,
Keeping a sincere feeling
Raise children, build a house.

We wish that in your bedroom
It was so cozy and light
So that love, as initial capital,
Brought wealth and warmth.

Take care of a spacious nursery,
For the stork to bring you babies,
With a combination of simplicity and brilliance,
Your home comfort to increase.

Young - health, money, happiness.
Live with interest so that they
So that there is no bad weather in life,
There were only sunny days!

Your wedding day... It has arrived!
He called you his wife
She is you - her husband,
Guests surrounded you.

Champagne, flowers, sweets,
Strong hugs, coins -
Everything suddenly fell on you.
General joyful ecstasy.

Hand in hand, rings shine,
And hearts beat in unison.
And there is no more "he and she"
Now there is only you - the family!

Let feelings grow stronger year after year,
The kiss will taste like honey.
Children healthy, mischievous!
To love all life, without days off!

Dear bride and groom,
In this glorious, solemn hour
From the heart and from the heart
We would like to congratulate you.

Wishing you love and patience
Understanding, a lot of warmth,
Passionate feelings and more respect,
So that your life is a fairy tale!

Young - congratulations,
And today we wish you -
A strong marriage forever
Live in love forever.
Live together, have children,
Build a life, do not get tired.
Peace in the house and prosperity,
So that you live tasty, sweet.
So that love is always
Never faded away!

Today is an extraordinary day.
You have a celebration today
On your wedding rings
It happened like magic.
You took an oath wholeheartedly
Loving each other for a lifetime
Appreciate, cherish the couple forever,
As far as a person can.
I congratulate you heartily
I wish you happiness and good.
May life always be carefree
Only full of bright moments!

Eyes sparkle with love today
I don't believe in happiness.
And only from joy this tear,
Now there will always be two of you.

May separation not be on your way,
And all the troubles will rush past.
We wish you to go through life together,
And achieve everything together.

Let your house be a full cup
Warmed by love and sun.
Let children's feet stomp in it,
Warmth, comfort and light!

On this day we wish you
Happiness, joy, health.
Never break up
You are with each other and with love.
Let the bouquets of beautiful roses
They pave the way for you.
May thorns and rainy days
There won't be much along the way.
May it always be in your apartment
Children's laughter does not stop.
And friends let the way to you
Never forget.

Breaking the petals of daisies,
When happiness so wanted at least a sip,
The girl was waiting to say
"Loves!" her last petal...

And wandering through the deserted streets,
Fascinatingly looking at the moon,
The guy thought with the bitterness of wormwood,
If he says no, I'll go crazy...

Only the cunning stars blinked,
The universe told them a secret:
Loves! Loves! Loves! - they knew.
Yes! Yes! Yes! is the only answer.

And today, dear ones, all desires
Your ardent quivering hearts
Shone instantly with a diamond face
Wedding gold rings.

So kiss under the sun of happiness!
Even if sadness rains
I want you to kiss too!
Kiss in the morning, at night, in the afternoon...

And now the stars in the sky are laughing.
Everyone knows again: love is only
Will be able to protect you in storms, thunderstorms
And the blizzards of life. Bitterly! Bitterly!

God created man. And stayed
Small piece of clay. dared
Long man, but asked:
"You are happiness for me now blind."

Twirling that clay in his hands, God thought
And he summed it up like this:
“Your happiness is. And you live with him.
And you only know how to blind him.

Today two of my pieces of clay
In a single lump you sealed with love.
Passing through the flame of hot feelings,
May your happiness become real.

You can save him from adversity.
Do not spare patience and strength,
So that, becoming more beautiful day by day,
Forever happiness has settled in your house.

To the sound of a crystal glass
To the sound of sparkling wine
We congratulate the newlyweds
Wishing them happiness in full!
May every day lived nearby
Will not be overshadowed by tears -
Then you don't need gold
And the stone looks like a star!
Let it never go out
Happy life dawn
May you always be sweet!
And for today ... "bitter!"

Congratulating the newlyweds is like drinking wine...
Very tasty, made with love.
Let your glass sparkle with bubbles from happiness,
Yes, kiss as soon as possible so that the moment does not disappear!
Always please each other and give positive,
And your novel will be beautiful in years to come.
Walk hand in hand every day and every hour,
Remember your beautiful wedding more than once,
Always strive for the best, remember that you are family
... there is nothing more important in the world, I sincerely tell you.
Let me congratulate you on being husband and wife!
Wow, how "bitter", what is it? We drink for you all to the bottom!

And finally let me
Congratulate the society unit.
First to the young wife
I want to send my speech.

Inexperience to overcome
Time and patience will help.
You must look at your husband
Closing his eyes in disgust.
He's a delight from head to toe
High Contrast:
Throwing socks on the carpet
How did he not close the paste in the bathroom!
And if you suddenly come home
A little cute in the hop
Close your eyes to this
Quietly saying to him: "I love you."

Now to you, my young friend,
I'll tell you my wishes:
You are your title "husband"
Take it with you even to the bath.
Before leaving the threshold
Your wife wants to hear your report:
"I'll go there ... There will be one ...
I will return home, perhaps at night.
About the night - a stupid thought,
The battle of dishes may begin.
You are proud, like all husbands,
Tell her honestly: "I'll be there soon!".
And at dawn, crawling
To his beloved wife on her knees,
Say: "I love you, s-a-i,
Just mind-blowing!"

Find compromises
In any life conflicts
The best bed will help!
For all tasks - there are solutions in it!

Two gentle cute doves -
Eye to eye, hand in hand...
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And, of course, we wish
Live in harmony, love,
Save your dreams.
To be with each other forever:
White - black, no and yes.
Respect, understanding
And mutual attention!

The sky is smiling today.
Rejoices, celebrates the Earth.
Today there is no place for sadness,
After all, your family was born.

Today you are not just a couple,
Today you have become a family.
Giving smiles to everyone with eyes
And soaring in the sky with my soul.

May the sky protect you
Keeps your sacred union.
We congratulate you today
Giving you my sincerity.

Let the road be happy.
Comfort in the house to you, good!
And to bright and beautiful
Your life has flowed like a river.

Guys, did you do it today?
The most important step in life, the surest step.
You have created a wonderful family!
May your marriage be strong.

Be able to proudly carry through the years
That sparkle in the eyes that is now.
You are in love, pure, beautiful, young,
We sincerely bless you.

Congratulating you on your wedding day,
I wish without fuss:
Money, peace, sun, happiness
And, of course, children!

Bitterly! Ah, what a couple!
Congratulations, friends!
There is no better gift in the world
What a happy family!

wedding, people having fun,
But mom's eyes are watery.
Not out of sadness, no. From happiness
That you have become one part.

The guests - from tenderness,
Your couple of admiration.
All the people wept
It means that love lives in you.

Don't forget this feeling
Finding a child in cabbage:
One, two, three -
There are not many of them.

Respect, understand
And accept whims.
There is only "we" and no "I".

Today is an unusual day
You have become husband and wife.
We wish you joy, love
Survive until the golden wedding!

Learn to just give in
And respect, appreciate loving.
And if suddenly there is a shadow of discord,
Then start with yourself.

We wish you a strong family,
Kids and a spacious house
And let the joy of all relatives
It will always be comfortable in it!

Let your eyes shine with happiness
Let your face burn with blush
And make you proud
Ring worn in love!

Let everything come true as it seems:
Fates will develop, souls will connect,
Lives stick together, feelings multiply.
And everything will be possible, and everything will be possible.

Savings are multiplying
A generation is born.
And love blooms, and attention,
Respect, understanding.

You are beautiful and happy.
You are beautiful and loved.
We admire with awe
And we wish you prosperity.

Today you tied fate together,
To create your family comfort.
You promised love and loyalty to each other,
So let them find shelter with you.

Let there be days together like in a fairy tale,
Let troubles bypass.
Let there be more affection in the relationship,
After all, the path of life is long and difficult.

Today you held hands tightly -
Amur fired arrows very accurately!
Walk with each other through life always,
Carry love through the years!
Prosperity will settle in your apartment,
There will be no happier you in the whole world!
May you have peace and harmony in your house,
And this is already a great happiness!

We give you cabbage
So that the house is not empty.
We give you a bow
So that they do not know heavy torment.
We give you carrots
So that there is love in the house.
We give a tomato
To pass your house of discord.
Give a cucumber
So that the groom becomes a father soon.
We give grapes
So that your house is always rich.
That's how much they gave!
Well, now - "Bitter!".

Love has united you today
So that you always go through life together ...
We wish the family to be beautiful
All that gives happiness day after day -
Care, respect, attention,
The warmth of hearts - for many years!
May you have desires for two
And they always come true!

Congratulations, spouses,
You are now one family!
We wish you to live, each other
Respect and love!
Like dove and dove
Make a nest together
Feelings are trembling and sensitive
Take care day by day!
Let the union grow stronger over the years
And the family grows in number
May luck be with you
Happiness is ahead of you!

Be healthy, live richly,
As far as your salary will allow you.
But you know, the salary is always not enough,
Shake all the ancestors - they will add to you.
Your parents have doubled
Love them more, stay longer.
Don't be afraid of booties, don't be afraid of diapers -
Have boys, have girls.
But children bother parents
Throw them to grandmothers - they will bring up.
But most of all I wish, however,
So that your marriage does not have a marriage!

Congratulations! Congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy!
And good luck to you too!
And smiles and love!
Wish mutual love
We all hurry together.
Inspiration, joy, chic -
That's what you really need.
To pass the time
With people dear to you
We wish with all our heart
You, of course, love!

Congratulating on legal marriage,
I want to wish you, friends,
So that each of you, wherever you are,
Rushed home for the night.
I want love to be with you
For passion to blaze with fire,
So that your marriage is strong as a stone,
Without the slightest crack in it!

Today painting, married forever,
Really, young people, have not walked up yet?
How happy today, your faces are happy,
And the passion in the eyes is burning - there is nothing to be ashamed of.
On your wedding day, I wish you strong marriage bonds,
So that your first little one is born a year later,
To believe each other, always you and in everything,
And then you can’t prove that a friend has nothing to do with it ...

Like a pair of white swans
You are so beautiful and airy
Take wedding advice
You follow Him obediently.

We wish to swim in the ocean
Love big and unchanging,
And tender feelings to keep
And so that the family hearth would burn.

Let the house smell of new life
With a good taste of dreams
A little feminine whims ..
Well, wedding, scream bitterly!

Be happy newlyweds!
Are you a little scared today?
I am more experienced in family matters
And I want to tell you: "Good luck!"
I want to register
In your house, peace, prosperity, harmony,
To make you smile at each other
Even if the mood is down.
To appreciate the days, hours, minutes,
When you are alone, alone
So that fireworks thundered in your honor,
For you to sigh in the moonlight
To make your couple exemplary,
She was inseparable, loving.
Congratulations on the start of a new
Life together - honor and praise to you!

I wonder without flattery
Lucky as a bride!
And I can't contain my excitement
The groom is "lucky"!

I enjoy looking at you
And without words, everything is clear here:
You are each other's halves
And now the family is spouses.

I wish you to live peacefully
Feelings cherish fire obstinately.
And do not be afraid of rattles -
Children's laughter is necessary for happiness.

Let life be bright, cool,
As in dreams, as in a marvelous fairy tale.
Kind words to you - millions,
"Bitter" to you, newlyweds!

Let me congratulate you
And wish you well.
Live happily ever after
To not know bitterness.

Be each other's support,
And so that from the heart
You, both in joy and in sorrow,
We could always keep warm.

There is a stamp in the passport and a ring on the finger,
The heart rejoices and rejoices
Two halves met in the world,
Their paths are now common in life.
We wish you to live soul to soul,
Disputes are not a collapse and we solve them,
You come to help each other
And praise always for merit,
Well, we wish you more replenishment,
You are a great couple, my admiration!

May your marriage last more than a century on earth!
Then it will continue in heaven.
After all, you found a person in each other,
With which together you can do wonders!

Build a house that is full of bowl!
And plant trees near the house,
And fill this world of love with happiness,
Which will never end.

Splashes of champagne fly
Welcome guests "Bitter!" scream -
The feeling of heat is stronger than African
Legalized print.

But Love is not a law solution,
Not a wedding ring shine -
It's kindred spirit revelations,
Waves of desperate tenderness splash,

It is passion burning fire,
Inspiration gentle breeze...
So let the conflagration not go out in the hearts!
And so that your path is not rocky,

You eyes, a little covered,
Learn to look at each other
And know how, do not beat so that with hooves,
Keep your temper in check

And forgiveness is important in a marriage.
And may joy, prosperity, comfort,
The laughter of children - intertwined in lace,
To decorate the route to Happiness!

Dear, dearly beloved newlyweds! With all my heart I would like to wish you simple family happiness. This comprehensive concept includes tenderness and devotion, love and affection, mutual respect and readiness to support each other in difficult times. May your ship of family happiness fill the sails of good luck all your life, and the wind will always be fair and caress your backs. And then we will have the opportunity to moor at this hospitable table not only in 25, but also in 50 years. Bitterly!

Congratulations on your marriage. A wedding is not just a celebration, it is a celebration of love, tenderness and fidelity. This is the start of a new, sometimes difficult, but such a sweet life. I wish this was a lifelong milestone. Let the sails of love and mutual understanding prevent your family boat from breaking on the reefs of resentment and everyday difficulties. Take care of each other and enjoy every moment. May you live happily ever after!

Happy wedding, dear! Let swan fidelity accompany your love, let tenderness, like a song, flow from the heart, and hearts always beat in time, and eyes look in one direction. On a long journey of life, let there be no doubts about today's choice and regrets about it. We wish you to preserve and increase everything that you have today, and at the golden wedding surprise us with the power of feelings and warmth in relationships! Bitterly!

A wedding is a joyful event in the life of newlyweds. So that joy does not leave you in the future, live in love and harmony. Let fidelity, diligence, mutual understanding be your companions in family life, and then warmth, comfort and sunny smiles will reign in the house. Where goodness and mutual assistance live, love lives there. We sincerely congratulate you and wish you boundless family happiness!

Heartfelt congratulations on your wedding day in your own words from the groom's parents

From that day on, a daughter appeared in our family. An affectionate, gentle girl who managed to win the heart of our son and make him the happiest person on earth. On this day, a new family was born, which is destined to become strong and reliable. Before all those gathered, we solemnly swear to respect and honor the newly-made family, to help in every possible way and not interfere with building our own palace of happiness. Love to you and tenderness for many years!

Today, our beloved son brought a young wife into the house, who is now our dear and glorious child. We wish you, son, to be a reliable protection and support for your wife, be able to become a real head of the family, take care and keep the peace of your family. May there always be love and mutual respect between you, dear children. Let the stork fly to your family nest more often. Happiness to you and all the best.

On this exciting day for all of us, dear children, accept your parental blessing and most sincere congratulations! We wish angelic patience, worldly wisdom, so that the family is strong, the children are healthy, and you are as in love and happy as today. Love each other, yield in small things and always listen to the opinion of your soul mate!

Dear son, we congratulate you and your chosen one on your wedding day! You now have to go through life hand in hand. In order for you to walk through life easily and cheerfully, take with you what you need: pure, kind hearts and souls filled with mutual love. Let your family cozy nest be announced by children's happy voices. Advice and love to you young! We wish you many years of life together!

More wishes for the newlyweds on their wedding day from the groom's parents in verse and prose

Sincere congratulations to the newlyweds in their own words from the parents of the bride

Dear our children! We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. May every day in your life be saturated with happiness and joy. Love each other, respect, please. Appreciate every moment spent together. May God give you even after years to look at each other the way you do it today and experience the same emotions. Lifelong love to you and all the best in the world at the same time. Bitterly!

This day is special for us, it is sad and joyful at the same time. Beloved daughter got married and leaves her parental home. We wish you, our girl, to be a kind and understanding wife, the keeper of the hearth. May your home, dear children, always be filled with good conversations, joyful laughter and the tramp of children's feet. Love to you and consent, tenderness and understanding, wisdom and forgiveness. Be happy!

Dear daughter and dear son-in-law! We wish to live together, in love, in harmony. Let love, fidelity, awe and care for each other be always in your hearts! We expect healthy grandchildren from you and as soon as possible! Take life's difficulties as a test of the strength of a relationship! We wish you to cope "excellently" with all the troubles of life and do not forget about us either in sorrow or in joy!

Daughter, you are beautiful in a wedding dress! Your chosen one is also worthy of admiration. You are a beautiful couple. We sincerely wish you happiness! Take care of each other. A strong family is built on mutual respect, patience and mutual fidelity. Happy children are born only in love. Smile at each other and don't be shy to say beautiful compliments, because someone said that "beauty will save the world." We wish you a beautiful, fruitful and long life!

Beautiful wedding wishes in verse and prose for young people from the bride's parents

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose in your own words sincere from friends

Dear friends, looking at the way you look at each other, it is impossible to hide emotions. Your views are so eloquent that words become meaningless. You love and are loved, you decided to be together, and backed up your desire with a stamp in your passport. Let this mark become a happy talisman for you and the beginning of a long and happy life in the status of husband and wife. And let this be the first, but far from the last achievement, and there will be many more statuses ahead: new settlers, happy parents, silver and gold anniversaries ... Happiness to you for many years, bitterly!

Dear newlyweds, accept congratulations from faithful and devoted friends on such an important day for you. We wish you to live cheerfully and with a twinkle. Let the harsh family everyday life do not reduce your excitement and thirst for adventure. Find time for romance, enjoy every day and break out for gatherings with friends. Let your family hearth burn, and a sense of humor helps to overcome any difficulties. Bitterly!

Friends! We congratulate you on the cardinal changes in your life and wish, despite the new life circumstances, to find time for fun, friendly gatherings, fishing trips and picnics, shopping and other optional, but such pleasant activities. Variety to you in life and understanding! Passion passes, but true love and friendship remain in life forever!

Dear newlyweds, accept congratulations from true friends! A wedding is serious business. Friendship is good, but love is above all. We respect your choice. We wish you: material well-being, success in business, healthy children, peace of mind and immortal love! And let the word "bitter" sound only at the wedding and more than once. We raise our glasses to you today! Happiness to you!

Today we gathered at the table,
To honor the young
There won't be any bad words here.
We will build columns for marriage.
So here are my wishes for you
They are unpretentious, joyful.
May your wishes come true
Live together until old age.
May you be happy together
And be so faithful
To not hurt each other.
Now kiss... Bitter!

People gathered around this table
Let's say congratulations.
Who will say all the loudest, all the best?
Will it disperse the clouds with just one word?
Let me try
Talk about hard life
Life only offends and burns those
Who all day know the bucket beats.
It takes a lot of work
To remove all worldly concerns.
Be happy, live long
Appreciate every moment in this life!

You are two dear hearts - two bloods,
And give birth to a son - call Dimushka!
Today I congratulate you joyfully,
I am light, and there is no fatigue.
But wine is not the reason
And not in the fact that I hide something behind a mask.
I am immensely happy for you, and nothing more.
I like how you kissed to the bitter cries.
I remember my destiny
Grandma always called me Dimushka!
And now I wish you so much happiness
So as not to remember that they shouted Bitterly at you!

Your wedding is a sight to behold!
You are so happy together!..
I wish you luck
The path is always straight!
Lots of different experiences!
Lots of sweet moments!
Many happy moments!
Let victory await on the way!
Let from mutual fidelity,
Heart stops again!
Life long and happy!
And long live love!

In the registry office you gave consent
Live together now forever!
Away with doubts and sorrows!
You are now one family!
I congratulate you from the heart
And I wish you hope!
Let the door be open for you
Will be in the world of great victories!
Let everyone wish at the wedding
Only the best for you!
May you be appreciated and respected
And welcome now!

Our dear newlyweds,
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
May all your days be golden
And the nights will be kindly good.
You are young, naive and beautiful,
And life can be cruel.
Let eyes, thoughts - always be clear,
Your family boat is long to sail
On the sea of ​​life, joy and happiness,
Be healthy, always cheerful
So that you never know bad weather,
There is always a lucky star on the way.

You created a family today -
We hasten to congratulate
And they said to each other "I love you"
Get on your way to adulthood!
May every day you live
Will be full of love, warmth!
So that in any corner of the earth
Together it was always good for you!
Together it's always easier, more fun
All problems, worries to share,
Accept gifts from friends
Promise to love each other!

Your wedding day will be remembered forever!
He will be reflected in the light in the soul in full!
Yesterday is just a bride and groom,
Today - beloved husband and wife!
We wish you many years to live
Love hard and be loved!
Husband - to honor his wife,
Adore her alone!
And for the wife - to praise her husband
And pamper more!
Now you are everything for each other!
We wish you not to know sorrows!

Today I speak in beautiful verses,
Be, bride, faithful, jealous,
Be, groom, be honest with your future wife,
In human relations, bargaining is inappropriate.
It is difficult for the mind to forget a sad thought,
Do not stir up the pool - wake the devils.
Life is one - and let it flow like a quiet river.
Is it really good that you met each other?
I wish you complete happiness
Not thoughtless, but quite conscious.
Build a house full of bowls
A friend for a friend is always time to carve out!

Young people are happy today
That's the way it should be.
Gone are the bad days,
Like an abyss.
All smiles in sight, joyful!
Young people, I thank you.
Delicious for bread and salt,
For the fact that the holiday drove away sad thoughts.
I wish you good happiness
I drink and eat candy.
All the blessings and health for so much
To have enough in abundance ... Bitter!

Congratulating you on this wonderful day,
We wish you to go your way family
As bright and true as possible on Earth,
Like today, this holiday is bright!
May your loyalty and love keep
Divine smile grace,
Love, tenderness always beckons
To each other that words cannot describe!
We wish you a sweet and happy life
So that the house was joyful with laughter!
Love you amazing, beautiful
More understanding, success!

Today you have become one family!
We sincerely congratulate you on this day!
Let every moment be unique
After all, now you are together, together!
Let your house be rich and bright,
So that children's laughter warms your souls,
And warmed by mutual love,
Husband and wife are one of the best!
Be true to each other in sorrow
In happiness - thankful to fate and God!
And no matter what hardships are coming -
Do not leave the bright love of the road!

A wedding is a glorious event!
Woman and man in love
Made a discovery -
Inspired ones entered family life!
You are coming, our dear ones,
Share the joys of life
Be faithful and loving
After all, now - you are the most native!
We wish you to be wise with each other,
Be patient with life
In each - the eternal secret is hidden ...
Happiness to you! And you are already spouses!

We congratulate our young
Happy day of this long-awaited wedding!
More golden days for you,
And words pleasant and desired!
You love each other from the bottom of your heart,
About all insults quickly forgetting,
Let bare feet kids
They run across the floor in your house!
We wish you to keep your love
From the envy and malice of competitors,
May there be more sweet, kind meetings,
And tender, very touching moments!

So you got married
Our kind, sweet, glorious!
Let everything come true, as they wanted,
But remember the most important thing:
Everything will pass and fade over the years -
Beauty, money, life and luck,
Only the feeling of love will not disappear!
After all, you can’t kill him and you can’t hide him!
You are happy - it is so noticeable!
So much tenderness in your eyes!
Take care of cherished love
As one of the great awards!

Fitted for a wedding in the whole world
Toast to the newlyweds!
And today I resorted to a thin lyre
And I'm ready to delight you with verses!
I wish you to live in abundance
So that there is a lot of happiness on the way!
Let everything be in order in your personal life!
And the best is yet to come!
I wish you many sweet moments!
Let the soul be filled with fidelity!
I wish you only the best adventures!
Let life be beautiful, good!

Let it be spiritual
Your pure happiness!
To be the groom always in love,
And we - raise a bowl for a couple!
Pamper the bride, cherish,
Do not offend by a random word,
Comfort - not to measure,
And only joy in life to see.
Raising children and believing in miracles
What awaits very near
After all, if you believe - a miracle will happen
For you, as the highest award!

Gentle beautiful bride
And sad, strict her father,
Childhood flew by very quickly.
Now he is leading down the aisle.
Giving her hand to the groom,
Wish will tell them her father,
Life is hard sometimes
But, since the children have become married,
You must always take care of each other
Treasure love to the end
Let the blizzard not blow over you,
And hearts will remain hot.

The bride and groom laugh happily!
They are toasted from the heart!
And congratulations, like poems flowing ...
I also hurried with congratulations!
I wish you only sweet moments!
Wonderful life and simple victories!
Let there be more vivid impressions
And there will never be trouble in life!
Let only joy accompany you!
May you always be lucky in everything!
Let your pair of sorrows not know!
And you will meet good luck along the way!