Congratulations on 1 year together. Congratulations on the Chintz wedding (1 year wedding)

The custom of celebrating wedding anniversaries is a very wise custom. On this day, the spouses seem to resurrect their old feelings. You can find congratulations on your wedding anniversary for 1 year on this page, but it will not be out of place to remind you that some anniversaries have their own symbols.

One year from the date of the marriage of the young is traditionally called a cotton wedding. However, there is another name - a gauze wedding. It is believed that the bonds between spouses in the first year after the legalization of relations are rather weak, like a thin fabric, they have just begun to recognize each other and there are still a lot of trials ahead. That is why chintz has become a symbol of the first wedding anniversary.

According to other sources, this celebration is associated with chintz, because most often it is in the first year after the marriage that the newlyweds have children. In this case, clothes for a baby or baby diapers were considered the best gift.

Gifts for the first wedding anniversary

What is the best gift to present for this small family celebration? Since this date is considered the chintz anniversary, fabric products are best suited. Here are the most popular gifts for newlyweds on their first wedding anniversary:


Bed linen or a set of towels;

Decorative pillows of various shapes, colors;

Pair clothes.

How to celebrate one year of marriage

First of all, such a date is a holiday for two. Therefore, it is best for the newlyweds to spend this day together: enjoy common memories and take time for each other.

Some prefer to celebrate this holiday with close friends. In this case, you can arrange a theme party at home or order a banquet in a restaurant.

Since ancient times, the wife sewed clothes for herself and her husband in honor of the holiday, they dressed up together, decorated the house and welcomed guests. A new embroidered tablecloth must be laid on the table, and new curtains on the windows.

On this day, you also need to pay attention to the guests. If a woman entered the house first, a quick replenishment can be expected in the family. If a man, monetary profit is expected.

Don't invite strangers into your house. There is a sign that if an unfamiliar woman enters the house, there is a high probability that the spouse will begin to change. If a man, the spouse will have a tendency to change.

Customs and traditions

In addition, a chintz wedding is popularly called a nodular wedding. Traditionally, newlyweds give each other scarves made of chintz or other thin fabric. Then they tie strong knots on them and pronounce the words of the oath. These handkerchiefs are the same talisman as wooden spoons tied with a ribbon, and are kept in a secluded place.

Also, according to legend, on the day of the first anniversary, all linen and clothes in the house should be ironed. Otherwise, it is believed that the newlyweds will have problems in their relationship.

If the newlyweds spent this day in harmony and without quarrels, then life will go smoothly and the relationship will be reliable. If the whole day was spent in quarrels and scandals, then the relationship of the newlyweds is not yet so strong, and you need to work hard and hard to maintain a healthy atmosphere in the family.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 1 year to friends

Congratulations people:
Married for a whole year.
And, as usual,
We give you a cheerful sitchik!

Let the kids come
Both girls and boys
And then our chintz scroll
Useful for diapers!

We give an apron for my husband,
We give an apron for the wife.
After all, in the kitchen together, together
You must cook!

We will visit you often
For dumplings and pilaf.
Cooking is for happiness
There are no stronger foundations in the world.

The whole year was honey for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And opened this year
You love the secret code!

Even if there were disputes -
You forgot about them now
Once for the first anniversary
You invited friends.

What do your friends want?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let it bring only honey!

In memory so quivering, fresh
Last year's wedding celebration.
The young husband brought in his arms
To the wife's house with a smile on her lips.

How much joy was in the eyes!
How much happiness in loving hearts!
How many congratulatory speeches
And parting words were from the guests!

The past year has been long for you.
sequence of events, round dance
Joys, discoveries and adversity.
But love in the family is a secret code

Luckily opening the way.
All the roads you have to go
To find your own, one,
Carry through a great life.

Chintz celebrating anniversary,
Like fabric, the simpler, the sweeter it is,
Be for each other for a long time.
Good start, honey year is over...

A whole year has passed since the wedding -
Again a holiday, jokes, laughter.
We are sure: happiness awaits you,
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a cotton handkerchief,
And in a year or another
We are expecting a son and a daughter.

Well, tell me not to get drunk
Is your wedding the color of chintz?
Well, tell me how not to get
So that this calico does not tear?
And do not wear out, and do not get dirty,
And do not shed, do not wipe,
And to be what we love -
Beautiful, light and not rough!
Do not drink me and do not ask:
Today I will drink for chintz!

Congratulations to your wife on your wedding anniversary 1 year

For a whole year now, as we are a family,
But my heart skips a beat:
My dear wife
Everything is still a mystery to me.

How good it is for me to be with her,
I can be strong, brave with her,
We will always understand each other
After all, we are one in body and soul.

And I'm toasting
For the one that lit up my path
A star that is brighter than other stars!
So that you shine all your life!

Today is a year with you,
You became my own wife
And our feelings have not cooled down,
They gave us a lot of happiness!

Let's keep our love
To believe in each other, to be near,
Support and help
To be even happier!

Seems like it's only been a year
From the day we got married
And as if a century with you -
So we are strongly related.

I swear to be with you forever
I will be loyal and faithful.
And before the wedding, golden
We'll live, I'm sure!

We celebrate our holiday
Honey, with you
A year ago I said yes
She became my wife.

Congratulations, half
I wish us happiness
I confess that even more
I am captured by you.

wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations to husband

I raise a glass to my husband!
My husband was given to me by fate.
It is not cold with him in the winter cold,
With him cool in the tropical heat.

Here we lived with him for a whole year.
Rubbed each other - I will not hide.
There were many worries and troubles,
But we really became a family.

My - husband - a real block:
Lean securely against your shoulder.
For your love, dear "thank you!"
I'll whisper more than once tonight...

Exactly one year ago, dear,
I became your wife.
I still love
I adore you.

You are my husband and best friend
You are the perfect husband.
Can you forgive, understand
Protect and trust.

I want to live with you
Until the wedding golden.
You, my love, forever
The closest person!

Happy first anniversary
Congratulations dear.
Exactly a year ago, my love
I became your wife!

Our print wedding -
First year in a long journey.
With just such a man
I want to pass it!

You and I have a cotton wedding.
You've been like my legal husband for a year.
You are the best husband, the most beautiful in the world,
And most importantly, beloved, best friend!

I love you, it's true.
I don't know how I could have done without you
You are a fortress and reliable protection,
Protection, and support, and a wall!

I love you, I appreciate the moments of happiness.
I want it to be like this all my life, day after day.
So that we meet a diamond wedding
In the circle of family, relatives with you together!

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations in your own words in prose

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the first stage passed, on the first year of your family union, on the print wedding. I wish you to continue our journey together without worries and quarrels, I wish you always feel care from each other, I wish you always put your family in the first place, I wish you to constantly maintain the status of happiness and prosperity in your home.

Congratulations on the first date, on the first passed stage of family life. On your print wedding, I wish you the same light and smooth life as this fabric, great happiness and unquenchable love, a cozy home and a friendly family, a wonderful atmosphere and a major harmony in your relationship.

Dear, dear, beloved! Congratulations on a bright, amazing holiday - your wedding anniversary! We wish tenderness, warmth, affection and endless care! Be happy! Bitterly!

1 wedding anniversary is 365 lived days and happy nights, 52 weeks of fabulous prosperity, 8760 hours of love and tenderness, 525 600 minutes of fidelity and trust, 31 536 000 seconds of reliability and faith in each other! Listen, let this counter keep spinning, gaining momentum! Bitter, young people!

Young! Congratulations on a huge life step - your first wedding anniversary. We wish you bright light, clear skies, great goodness, inexhaustible love, a chic apartment, a luxury car, smart kids and a bag of banknotes, preferably of high denomination! Bitterly!

Dear lovers! A print wedding is the first joint step you have taken, it is a fraction of everything, a joint path that you need to go through together. We wish you that your road is smooth, your step is firm, and your balance is confident! Be happy friends! Bitterly!

A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a cell of society. In any case, it is a piece of the world, its own little world. Not the world, but the world. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of the emergence of this Universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

A year of swimming together is a lot. How many of the best ships have crashed on the reefs because of the usual mutual grievances and misunderstandings! And for some reason I remembered this anecdote:

Honey, could you sweep the room?

I feel so bad, honey. You see, even the hands are shaking!

Wonderful! Then it will not be difficult for you to shake the carpet!

Let's drink to optimism, which allows you to find a piece of ham in any disgusting and turn any circumstance for the benefit of the family!

Congratulations short wedding anniversary 1 year

With the first tender date
Already married for a year
Just class!

Let the chintz not tear
He will be strong
Just hold on together
That's the whole law.

A year has passed since a wonderful date,
And you guys are so happy.
May your life be smooth
Well, together, so it was sweet!

Congratulations on the print wedding
And we wish you only good luck!
Keep the thrill of relationships
And bright, rainbow moments.

Printed wedding today
Congratulations dearly.
You've been together for a whole year
You are a wonderful family.

I wish you deep feelings,
understanding, warmth,
The atmosphere will be in the house
Let comfort and kindness.

A year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
They played all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your print anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children!

Let the bright chintz of your wedding
Does not break and does not suffer troubles,
And it's only getting stronger
For many, many years!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
No wonder it is called chintz!
I wish you on this bright holiday
Love for many more years!

Chintz cornflower blooms,
You are family for a whole year.
So love each other
Husband - wife, wife - spouse.

The start was good, and the year went well,
And we have the right to congratulate you,
And congratulations, and wish you happiness,
And let thunderstorms and bad weather pass you by!

The honey year is over... But the honeycombs are full,
And the ship of the azure waves plows,
And the chintz of scarlet sails does not fade ...
So let the gold of the peaks shine for you!

Over the year, the hearth has grown, it has become warmer,
It warms both hosts and guests,
Let, like firewood, the trouble burns in it,
And may love never go out!

Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary
Congratulations on a print wedding in verse

Family hearth - it is holy for you,
And you put a lot of health
Works and nerves so that your family
Need not knew and lived quietly.

You went to sea for thirty long years,
He was a mechanic, and then a starmekh.
Honored by management
And respect from colleagues in the shop!

He accomplished the three main things in his life -
Any man dreams of making them:
You built a house, you raised a tree,
And raised - not one - three sons!

And I want to wish today
Good health to you, good luck, happiness!
To meet every new day with a smile,
Live a full-blooded, real life!

You are in a series of running days
Stop the moment
Return to the days of its spring -
And repeat everything from the beginning.
And so that your union forever
Saved love and loyalty
Never forget
The day that brought you together!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

Frosty day, but the soul is warm,
Our dad is celebrating his birthday!
And today we have a lot of kind words
From the whole family we want to tell you!

How fast is the run of time,
How the moments rush, the hours
And now it's been a year
From that wedding of your spring

The calico year has lived -
The husband gives his wife a handkerchief.
Although he is white as a snowball,
This is a tricky scarf!
Don't take it in vain
Take a closer look:
There's an obscure ornament
Only happiness ahead!
There are no sad pictures there,
Only sunshine and love!
Wipe them often
Prepare tears of happiness!

How thin is the chintz
And a fragile canvas
And this wedding anniversary
stands for one thing:
What is your relationship
not so durable
And roll towards
you life boulders.
But be married, you are friends,
Substitute your shoulder for each other yourself,
Don't wait for outside help
And be completely happy!

Ah, the wedding, the wedding! This festival
How much light it radiated!
And so solemnly and passionately
March of Mendelssohn sounded.

A year has passed, let the bird of happiness
Always calls you with him
And this is your roll of chintz
The warmth of the soul will bring you!
Let your heart burn in your chest
And let love not burn!

But your love is the same as before
Everything is also strong and durable,
After all, not on earth, but in heaven,
She's stuck forever.

Great husband, great family man,
Father you are kind, gentle, strict in moderation,
There are not many such men on Earth,
You have become an example for your sons!

Congratulations on a print wedding

Let the hearth burn reliably,
He is carefully folded with two pairs of hands.
Let him save you from troubles and sorrows,
Love and care, multiplying in the family.

We wish you good health for years,
Good luck on your life journey!

A year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
They played all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your first almost anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
Health, love and children.

Dear, good, dear,
Happy first wedding anniversary! Let always
There will be happiness and love from now on
Beside you for many years!

May your path only sparkle with joy,
tender care for each other,
Way from a modest and unpretentious chintz
For the anniversary with bright gilding!

On your wedding day, calico I wish you
So that all your ideas and desires,
Entering into the family life of your temple,
You have been given the joy of performance!

You lived your first year in your life!
Get used to each other, stuck!
And together, making plans in advance,
Go to your mutual goal!

A year has passed since the wedding
You swore eternal allegiance,
As in a white, beautiful outfit,
You stepped into a new life

Let the chintz, like a dove in the clouds,
Settle happiness with a spark in the eyes,
Will give a sea of ​​tenderness and affection,
So that life does not differ from a fairy tale!

For a whole year happiness shines on you,
The best couple in the world!
Let in your family life
Everything will be better and more beautiful.

Wedding anniversaries mean
That hearts are bound by love,
wedding anniversaries are celebrated
Two who did not betray the crown!
(A. Voight)

You said a year ago: "Yes",
Deciding to be together forever.
In one fate you connected two,
And all doubts forever forgotten.
With a chintz wedding, we lived a honey year,
So that you understand each other, value each other.
Let love bloom every year
Without giving up your union to adversity.

I remember a year ago
Was a beautiful bride
Eyes shining with love
And there wasn't much room in the room.

Now you are a strong family
Your home is a filled bowl
And friends came to share
Your well-deserved happiness.

Replacing festive dresses with chintz
The family grew up for a year,
And as it should be for all one-year-old children,
She got up on her feet and walked away.
And let her go confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And let trust and tenderness help you
One day meet the centenary!

Year lived soul to soul,
Fill up the glass.
Chintz wedding is cooler
Than a centenary!

The first pancake is lumpy for many,
Only it's not about you.
New year of family life
It turned out - in a good hour!

You live together for a year
Tired of worries
You now, I tell you,
Real family.

The year has passed like one day, it has rushed by,
Full of joy, hope and kind words.
A year ago, your earthly paradise began.
Chintz decorate your table.

You today about boundless love
Everyone you meet speaks generously
May it be long, eternal,
May the Lord keep it for you!

Congratulations on the wedding "calico"
With all our hearts we wish you
Live in happiness, and in love, and in peace,
In a spacious sunny apartment,
So that it sounds for everyone
Both yours and children's sonorous laughter.
Keeping love the holy law,
Survive until the golden wedding!

Live happily and amicably
Argue if necessary
But know your business tight,
That you can't live without each other!
You've been together for a year
And we've seen something.

Anniversaries of your wedding
Congratulations, our relatives,
Happy first anniversary - young,
And we wish to continue to live the same way,
Without meeting pain and trouble.

Let everything be fine and in harmony,
And grandchildren will be born in their turn,
Let love rule all the time
And each other forever takes prisoner!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

Here is the first anniversary!
Feelings for a long year did not erase.
Warms and friends
Your undying fire!
We wish you a bright life,
Like a cotton handkerchief
Good deeds, cups with friends,
Golden sons and daughters!

As if yesterday we were walking in a restaurant,
And the musicians played for you there!
Songs and dances, cries of "Bitter!"
Games, gifts, there were so many!

A year has flown by, you are already closer to each other,
Now they have become, and love is just as radiant!
With happiness your eyes shine brighter,
Congratulations on your anniversary!

It's time to have fun again
And touch the holiday potion!
We wish you children in the new year!
So that your family union is strong!

You lived together for a year
Not a lot and not a little
For this we appreciate
We'll give you five points.
Keep it up guys
And everything will be all right.
And know that it's not easy
Survive until the round date!

Let them talk, the hardest thing happens
Spouses live in a joint first year,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,
We wish you continued good luck.

Just as easy, joyful, cheerful
May your life be a long journey
Whatever it is, right, he is tricky,
Let it be easier to comprehend the essence.

No matter how you dream,
You have to honestly admit:
The material is good chintz,
You see - you have to take it.

An important factor in your life -
Very important! - I would say.
Chintz is still not paper,
Natural material.

A whole year has passed since the wedding -
Again a holiday, jokes, laughter.
We are sure that happiness awaits you
Good luck and success!

We wish you to strengthen the union,
As a gift - a cotton handkerchief,
And in a year or another
We are expecting a son and a daughter.

Well, tell me not to get drunk
Is your wedding the color of chintz?
Well, tell me how not to get
So that this calico does not tear?

And do not wear out, and do not get dirty,
And do not shed, do not wipe,
And be what we love
Beautiful, light and not rough!

Do not drink me and do not ask:
I drank and will drink for chintz!

Your family is one year old today!
From chintz, an undershirt on it.
A happy and difficult year passes,
The union of hearts grows stronger.
Let the print wedding swirl you around
Will give loyalty, happiness and love.
May every day and every second
Love and joy excite the blood!

It's been a year since you've been married
And your hearth has grown, become warmer,
And we are all very glad to see it,
Let's drink to the hosts and guests!

The champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown by.
He is a ribbon of light chintz
Flashed so fast for you.

Let it be just as easy, carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the high-water river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Everything in our life is fleeting,
You change the chintz to linen.
We wish you to live carefree,
As varied as a chameleon.

And this sonorous noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We will drink to the bottom for this date,
After all, to live life is not to cross a field!

The whole year was honey for you,
Everything around seemed new.
And opened this year
You love the secret code!
Even if there were disputes -
You forgot about them now
Once for the first anniversary
You invited friends.
What do your friends want?
Let the family be strong!
Every year - like the first year -
Let it bring only honey!

Behind the shoulders of the first year!
How much trouble did he bring?
But you just passed with honor
All this whirlpool!

Although there were difficulties
You haven't lost your love!
Hand in hand! With patience
You recognized each other!

You keep your family
Take care of peace and harmony in it,
Tie in knots
All invisible threads!

Let adversity not disturb!
Let children multiply joy!
Happiness to you, love, wife -
Otherwise it can not be!

You have already studied for a year
Who loves what, what he eats and what he drinks,
Who snores at night and who doesn't
Who cooks better for lunch?

You recognized in full in a year
How tender and beautiful are the words,
How pleasant are the beloved hands,
And in the ear a little audible sounds!

The family has become closer to you in a year:
Aunts, uncles, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law,
But you became kindred to each other,
And today is the anniversary of love!
Let the hearth burn and flicker,
After all, without it in life nothing!
The fabric is simple, which is called chintz
Bring you love and comfort!

Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary

It's been a year since you've been married!
And with this I congratulate you!
Today is your anniversary
I always want to be together!

Congratulations on a print wedding

We wish you well in family life,
So one year has passed.
Congratulations on your calico wedding,
Time goes by so fast.
Let only joy knock on your door.
Live in love, have children
Happiness create your bit by bit,
To celebrate the golden jubilee.

Congratulations on the 1st wedding anniversary
We wish you happiness, prosperity
And we give kind words.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Family life celebrations.
May joy overwhelm everyone
Will connect your union for a long time.
And they will give you a lot of chintz
For the strength of family ties.

Poem with chintz wedding
Let toasts be endless today
We are celebrating our wedding anniversary.
We wish love to last forever.
Chintz on this occasion will give.
Let it serve as a talisman for the family,
Bring goodness and happiness to your home.
A string of joy will spin
And save from all misfortunes.

According to folk tradition
Chintz give colorful.
Let it be a little old fashioned
But it has a cherished meaning.
He will serve as a guardian
For family union.
Save love and happiness
And marital ties.

Anniversary is a special date,
Young people need to give chintz,
To family ties for a long time.
Without difficulty you could save.
Joy in the house, smiles, hopes,
Wishing you health and warmth.
So that happiness is cloudless,
Your family flourished.

You've been married for a year now
And celebrate a cotton wedding
Today there will be those who are heaven signs
We were able to figure it out!

Today the guests at the big table
Everyone has gathered to congratulate you alone!
And wish that your rich house
Helped you celebrate a print wedding!

Let it be okay in life and business!
May the feelings not fade away in years!
May all that is in dreams come true
And all efforts will not be in vain!

Love and appreciate every moment
When you are together and when you are not
God bless your family a hundred times
And this is your highest reward!

Alexander Ryazantsev

Dreams came true a year ago
And you are next to me.
We are married and I'm glad -
For me you are just a treasure!
May our union not be long,
This has a huge plus -
Two hundred years ahead
We will be together with you!
Flew our year from chintz
Fast and funny bird.
We will live with you, dear,
Many years of not losing heart!

First year of marriage
Smoothly came to an end.
Here already and a glance infrequently
Returns to the ring.
Now you are used to
To be called husband and wife.
congratulations today
With the first year behind us.
Your print wedding
The first of those heights
What is in your joint love
This life will bring you.

Hand in hand you go
You bring love and happiness.
May the path of life be long
So that you do not want to turn.

There was plenty so that good luck
A house full of kids to boot.
Live with this warmth
Until the wedding golden.

Chintz is a thin material,
It's definitely not metal.
But nevertheless your union
Withstood all the burden of bonds.

Got used to the whole year
Run away from adversity
Offended and laughed
They hugged and kissed.

So what if the chintz is often torn?
You appreciate it this year.
True feelings are stronger than threads
And the love of two is always open.

I wish your couple happiness
Let it cover you with your head
All that is, divide into two parts,
Remember not to fight.

Let the child not be born alone,
Let the house always be a full bowl!
A piece of white chintz
It will become a talisman for your couple!

Don't hurt each other
Feelings do not lose, take care.
Hug each other every day
And always live in harmony with yourself.

wedding anniversary congratulations
Congratulations on your pink wedding
Congratulations on a crystal wedding
Congratulations on a porcelain wedding
Congratulations on your silver wedding
Congratulations on your ruby ​​wedding
Congratulations on your golden wedding

0 0

Congratulations on your anniversary and we want to wish you
So that you endure each other for 85 years.
When a husband with friends in a bar drinks beer out of habit,
You, wife, do not be offended, take a walk and come.
And when my wife and her friend went to a night club for a walk,
Do not scold her, but in the morning it is better to give coffee to bed.
Well, if a wall suddenly grows between you,
Go quickly to the bedroom, the war ends there.

Happy first wedding anniversary, lovelies!
Although the date of the wedding is not round,
But it's too early to put points in life:
Look together from the corner -
You coo like doves.
Let there be a car and a video recorder,
And the wallet is filled tightly
Don't fall in love at all
Don't get separated from each other!
The whole century cooing, circling like that! ..
Yes, there is a wish:
Until the golden wedding to live
In love, health and peace!

Hello hot young spouses!
We congratulate you with all our hearts.
A young wife with a good choice,
But the wife - with his little wife!
Now accept my wishes
You have a clear sky, friends,
children football team,
You can't do without it!

We know your anniversary is
Feasts are an important reason.
And, regardless of rank,
Let's run here fast.
Preparing flowers and gifts,
We rejoice in your bright feelings,
Bright smiles, hot eyes
And unity forever!
Let this congratulations
Proclaim your admiration!

Everything in our life is fleeting,
You change the chintz to linen.
We wish you to live carefree,
As varied as a chameleon.
And this sonorous noise of glasses
For you guys, in your honor,
We will drink to the bottom for this date,
After all, to live life is not to cross a field!

You have a family holiday today,
Are you celebrating your wedding year?
We sincerely congratulate you
We sincerely wish you good luck, joy and happiness.
May all your dreams come true
Let unsolicited offenses be forgotten,
Let your family be replenished with children,
May you always have a cornucopia.

Today you are celebrating your wedding year
This is your first joint anniversary,
You accept gifts, congratulations,
Your feelings are getting hotter every day.
Be together all the time
Hold on tight to love
Give birth to children for health,
May happiness come to you again and again.

Year of your marriage
Personal holiday for the family,
May your souls be a community
A bright star shines on your path.
May your life be wonderful
Let the house be a full bowl
So that your calico wedding,
Definitely rose to gold.

The print wedding sings and dances,
And the wings of this wedding, like good news, carry,

May the years not erase your love.
Congratulations on your first wedding anniversary
We wish you smiles, joy, kindness,
Let everything be fine in your life,
All the best to you and family warmth.

The first step in your life together,
Happily and successfully overcome,
With all our hearts we wish you joy, health,
May your family grow stronger every year.
Let girls and boys be born
Let success accompany you
Let in the first volume of the book of life,
The key words will be: happiness, love and laughter.

Path of bright chintz,
She brought us to the holiday
We want to join all the wishes,
Wish you happiness, peace and kindness.
Congratulations on your first wedding year
We wish you good luck in everything
Let life flow together like a full river,
Let fate bestow upon you in full.

Advice to you yes love, young ones,
We put a quality mark for the past year,
May your rings be golden
For many years they serve you as a talisman.
Live in joy and happiness
Let all bad weather fly by
Let luck accompany you
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

A year has passed since you created a family
And two roads connected in one way,
Tender love illuminated souls,
Which nothing can destroy!

Let the chintz, like a dove in the clouds,
Settle happiness with a spark in the eyes,
Will give a sea of ​​tenderness and affection,
So that life does not differ from a fairy tale!

A year ago, "I" and "you" ceased to exist for you separately, now there is only a loud "we". And even though your family is still young, great things start small. Be happy, live in love, harmony and understanding! Let the years pass, and you remain the same loving and faithful to each other!

Not everyone manages to live the first joint year after marriage without quarrels and tears! Living together and respecting each other is a whole science. But if you are lucky enough to comprehend it, then your boat of love will happily sail, bypassing storms and hurricanes! Congratulations on your first anniversary of marriage! We wish you that life does not become a test for your feelings, take care of each other!

In the life of a family year flew by,
And the cotton wedding day is coming.
We wish love and good deeds only,
Let there be no quarrels and strife!

Let the hearth burn reliably,
He is carefully folded with two pairs of hands.
Let him save you from troubles and sorrows,
Love and care, multiplying in the family.

Shooting cork, spray foam,
Whisk the fork like a lure!
This is the year of living together
That is summer and spring.

Plus winter and autumn
Which I will not keep silent about.
In a leap year
Plus just a little more.

Came calico wedding
Festival of cotton fabrics.
Oh, to splash vodka
On a rolled lip!

The champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown by.
He is a ribbon of light chintz
Flashed so fast for you.

Let it be just as easy, carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the high-water river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Replacing festive dresses with chintz
The family grew up for a year,
And as it should be for all one-year-old children,
She got up on her feet and walked away.
And let her go confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And let trust and tenderness help you
One day meet the centenary!

You said a year ago: "Yes",
Deciding to be together forever.
In one fate you connected two,
And all doubts forever forgotten.
With a chintz wedding, we lived a honey year,
So that you understand each other, value each other.
Let love bloom every year
Without giving up your union to adversity.

Fate commanded me to be yours,
And you can't say "no" to her.
I am yours as long as you love me
One year or a thousand years.
I'm yours while you wait for me
As long as you mourn me.
I want to give you so much of myself
As many as there can be!

Dear spouse!

Congratulations on our wedding anniversary. Today, our eyes also shine with love, and our hearts beat in unison. Over the years we lived together, we became an ideal couple, beautiful and harmonious. And we managed to create a real family in which our wonderful children grow up. May heaven keep our union. May love and tenderness fill our home with joy, warmth and comfort. Love you! Thanks for all!

Congratulations, my husband is with me,
Happy wedding year! Happiness to us!
We will be a friendly family
Let's build our love temple!

Although the date of the wedding is not round,
But it's too early to put points in life:
Look together from the corner -
Cooing like doves
Don't fall in love at all
Don't get separated from each other!
The whole century you coo, love!
And the wish is this:
Until the golden wedding to live
In happiness, health and peace!

You are two skates gliding down the river
You are two rowers on a fragile canoe,
You are two grains in one tight shell,
You are two bees on a vital flower,
You are two stars in the sky.
You are two rings, you are two crowns!
And though you sometimes frown,
You - two fates - in the fate of one!

The first year passed
Here comes another one -
Everything is going quite happily.
We sit, we drink, we eat.
Let it be stronger, louder, more often
A glass will hit like a seal,
So that the happiest events
You can't count in life!

Happy first anniversary,
We would like to wish everyone today:
So that your feeling does not wear out,
So that your great happiness - to be!
We congratulate you on your calico wedding!
We wish you always love each other!

You lived together for a whole year. Now you live side by side, together you meet all the joys of life.
We wish you never to be separated, to understand each other, to forgive each other, to love and, most importantly, to be completely happy!

Your happiness is like calico,
Your wedding is exactly one year old!
Let's sing and have fun
Love is leading you forward!
Let the husband be the captain
Always at the wife's own!
And I hope we walk
We are golden weddings!

It's a chintz wedding!
Everyone wants to congratulate you!
Wish you good and happiness
So that there is no bad weather,
To avoid separation
And there are various discords,
Lots of good things for you
Happiness and love as a reward!

A year has flown by unnoticed
And it seems like yesterday
You were the bride and groom
They played all night until morning.
Today we all celebrate
Your first anniversary is already.
We sincerely wish you
Wealth, love and children!

It's the wedding anniversary.
All in calico, she is the first.
We congratulate you, spouses
We wish you happiness in full,

May every day
love grows stronger
respect for each other
May your union be protected
Care, tenderness and patience.

May they always shine, shine
Your happy eyes
Let it be the strongest in the world
Your wonderful family!

The year flew by unnoticed
The family has been living for a year
Happy first anniversary
Congratulations friends!

Live together for a very long time
And have many children
So that love does not fade away
Easy and happy days!

To live to old age
For harmony to live
To understand each other
To be together forever!

The first anniversary is a print wedding. I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you to continue to confidently build your happiness, show love and care, jointly strive for dreams and desires, live in prosperity, fidelity, understanding, peace and joy. May your home always be comfortable, may success and prosperity be in it.

You have already lived a whole year,
You firmly sealed your union,
We want to keep it up
Save love and tenderness
From all adversity and turmoil
Protect your family!
So that there is always prosperity in the house,
So that the road is not difficult,
And to have you, hand in hand
We reached the emerald wedding!

Full of joys and worries
Your first year has flown by.
There were quarrels and reconciliations,
And magical moments.

I wish you from the heart
All hardships go together.
To avoid quarrels,
As a joke, a dispute to turn.

To, like a piece of art
Take care of your feelings.
Because love and respect
Pledge of fidelity and rapprochement.

Only you can do it
Prove to the big world
That there is no pair of you more beautiful.
I wish you only happiness.

So that even through the years
Remembered like never before
The look of your eyes in love
Happy calico wedding!

On this day a year ago
Changed the way of life -
You created your family
They became husband and wife.

Congratulations on your first date
I want to live richly.
And cherish each other
Live in peace and love.

Let the kids make you happy
Both girls and boys
There will never be trouble
There will be joy and advice.

Anniversary ... You have been together for a year,
May God keep your union.
Let there be no place for sadness
And love in the heart burns forever.

for each other you be a support
And always forgive each other.
Forgetting about grievances and disputes,
Carry love through the years.

You give each other only joy,
Even on the hardest day.
And understand that next to you
The best of all people!

You lived together for the first year,
Helping each other in everything.
Happy calico wedding today
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

May there be happiness in your house
Warmth of love and prosperity,
We wish to surround and further
Each other with trembling attention.

Keep the family hearth,
Do not be upset in vain,
Live in joy and peace
After all, your couple is so beautiful!

Print wedding:
Year - family experience.
Printed wedding -
This is your holiday.

This is just the beginning
bright path,
Let in family life
Enough love for you.

Let the heat not melt
The marriage will be stronger
May there always be enough
Joy in the eyes.

Bitterly! It's sad again!
How without these words?
And there are so many around
Calico flowers!

And so your first year has passed.
It was difficult for you, perhaps.
A year full of happiness and worries,
It will be very difficult for you to forget.

Keep the hearth flame
Appreciate each other as well.
And your feelings, as now,
You will pass through time.

Chintz wedding - so the year has passed.
There were many different, difficult concerns.
Together you learned to resolve them,
We want to keep it the same in the future.

So that love multiplies every year,
The beautiful wedding day was remembered again.
So that you can worship each other,
Share happiness and hardship equally.