Congratulations on the day of the migration service. Holiday greetings will come in handy on the day of the migration service worker

On May 6, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Decree "On the Establishment of the Day of the Migration Service Worker". June 14 was chosen for the celebration.

The history of the Russian Migration Service begins in 1992, when the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. In 1990, it was transformed into the Ministry of Federation Affairs, National and Migration Policy of the Russian Federation, and already in 2002, the functions of monitoring immigration processes and the actions of federal executive services were assigned to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Federal Migration Service came to its current structure gradually, starting in 2004. In 2004, a corresponding decree of the President of Russia was issued; on January 1, 2006, the territorial bodies of the migration service were formed. Now the main priority of the FMS of Russia is the protection of the national labor market and the proper organization of the work of visiting foreigners.

I send to the holiday
hello your huge
Service workers
You are in a daily, paper routine
Do not be upset
With your dreams.
Among documents, certificates and visas
Let life be a surprise
Gives a surprise.
career flies
Let it go up fast
And let on top
Success awaits you.

People move back and forth
And you always help them in this!
Let it be nice to work with people
I wish you only successful work!

Always check everything meticulously and strictly,
Let only good people into our country!
I wish you health and lots of money
Smiles and a sea of ​​wonderful news!

Congratulations on the Day of Migration Service Workers and I want to wish you never lose vigilance, confidence, strength, determination and optimism. May every day of work be marked by success, may every moment of life be full of smiles of loved ones and joyful feelings of happiness.

immigration officers,
Warm, fiery greetings to you.
Thank you, everyone should say
That they travel across the sea to meet the dawn.

Your work is very troublesome,
Papers and references - and do not count.
We wish you career growth
And enjoy more rest.

immigration office guys
I want to congratulate you today.
Let a pile of papers and references
You will always be on the shoulder.

I wish you success in your work,
And in life - warmth and kindness,
For happiness, love and prosperity
Fate may be generous.

Documents, documents - FMS keeps records.
Who came, who left - they know everything.
This service is not easy, at work - fuss:
Help prepare and issue passports.
Who else could perform such a service so soon?
We dedicate congratulations to the migration service!

Migration Service
We celebrate the day
Happy Holidays to all workers
Congratulations on this.

You can't get without your service
We are neither in Paris nor in Oslo,
draw up documents
It's not easy without you.

We wish you good luck
Both in life and in work,
To smile happiness
And you were respected.

On the day of the migration service
Here's what I want to say:
In honor of great worldwide friendship
We need to accept many
Well, if they are illegal
Suddenly penetrate into our country,
We are neither more nor less
We will send them home!

Today, your professional holiday,
The day of your service is not easy,
Congratulations -
July sunny time.

Let the everyday life of the migration service
Pass without excesses, evil,
After all, your work, we know, oh, not easy,
But we always look forward to you.

I congratulate the workers
Migration Services.
I wish you success
Prizes - only immodest.

Let work bring joy
We really need your work.
May fate send in abundance
Happiness and health to you.

The Migration Service is walking today!
And we heartily congratulate her,
So that the reports all converge,
There was order at work.
So that luck finds
And she was everywhere!
We wish you health and colorful days,
Let the glass be filled fuller!

Congratulations: 25 in verse, 7 in prose.

Congratulations on the day of the migration service in verse

Well, here is the day of the migration service
Today he came to us to remind -
Important, of course, is the friendship of peoples,
But the main thing is to fulfill all the laws!

Let the influx of illegal migrants
Many times more likely to be reduced!
And I wish you to live in peace,
And in life only strive for the best!

Happy Migration Service Day
I sincerely wish you congratulations at this hour!
Let congratulations flow, flowers,
May your cherished dreams come true!

And service duty only pleases you,
And on the day of the profession I wish you now
Just smile, never lose heart
I wish you more wealth!

I wish you on Migration Service Day
Good luck, promotion, success,
As well as selfless, long friendship
With everyone who came to live in the country!

May life be happy, serene,
sparkling like a life-giving stream,
Calm, benevolent, kind, gentle
And warm, like a father's threshold!

Countries bound by borders
Only the birds are not afraid,
And to us for the sea-oceans
You can't get there without visas, alas ...
But there is the FMS, they will tell you there,
How to solve a problem without problems!
The migrant, if necessary, will be prompted
All the subtleties of different systems.
We wish you a stormy career,
Love and family all the best!
Health, success and faith,
And do not get tired of papers!

Oh, that migration is not an easy phenomenon,
In Russia, the nations have become very mixed up.
Although this process is difficult to control,
There are people for whom everything is possible!
Today we congratulate loudly, together
Immigration officers!
We wish you never lose heart, and smile more often at work,
Believe me, if it is easier on the soul, then all worries become easier.

Happy Migration Service Day, I congratulate you,
May our villages and cities live in goodness and peace.
So that there is order, and the border is crossed according to the law,
I wish joy to Russia - the peoples of all the big house!
There are problems in your work too -
After all, Russia does not have rubber walls.
Thank you for your work, you are doing your duty,
So that no stranger could come to our house!

People go to and fro
They do not sit, apparently, in place.
And therefore, there are gentlemen,
who are responsible for moving.
Congratulations on your day of service,
Let them raise your salary at times.
So that you have love and friendship,
There was a hundred times more time.

Your Rare Talents:
Since you have become a wall,
Illegal migrants
You are being bypassed!
And since laziness is alien to you,
Motherland appreciates your work...
Happy Migration Day!
Let the raids wait!

Have you never been overseas?
Well, the dream has finally come true.
Do you see an unfamiliar sky,
Water plays under my feet...
Salaries are a little higher here
Here the conditions are a little easy.
Only here nostalgia suffocates,
In the country that is already behind.
There remained a cheerful childhood,
Classmates and friends...
Praise the Internet
That you can't lose touch with us.
Remember us more often
We don't care where you are now
But we are ready to share, as before,
Victorious laughter and grief of losses.

Not from a good life they packed their bags
And crossing the border into a foreign country now.
For us they are strangers or just immigrants,
It is difficult for them, and in support for them, you open the door.

. June 14 - Day of workers of the migration service.

Our time is a time of change. So the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation has gone through several reorganizations in the short years since its inception in 1992. At first it was the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of Russia.

In 2001, it was merged with the Ministry of Nationalities and transformed into the Ministry of Federation Affairs, National and Migration Policy of the Russian Federation (it’s even impossible to pronounce it on the first try).

At the beginning of 2002, by presidential decree, the functions of immigration control were assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Someone said on this occasion that this is the same as attaching a zoo to a meat packing plant.

In order not to get confused in the names, let's just say that in the first 7 years the FMS went through six reorganizations!

During this time, immigration laws have changed more than once. At one time, it became so tough that a lot of our compatriots who moved to Russia long ago became illegal immigrants almost overnight. The consequences of the migration policy of that time, the FMS disentangles to this day.

Currently, the FMS of the Russian Federation is an independent federal executive body that implements state policy in the field of migration.

Today, the Federal Migration Service has more than 30,000 employees in all regions of the country.

More than 5.5 million citizens of other countries received Russian citizenship through the FMS.

During the period of the exchange of Soviet passports for Russian ones, which ended in mid-2004, the FMS issued more than 131.5 million new passports.

The presidential decree establishing the Day of the Migration Service Worker was signed in 2007, when the FMS turned 15 years old.

Congratulating the employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia on their professional holiday, I would like to wish that when they part with their visitors, both sides smile sincerely.

On this holiday, employees of the migration service accept congratulations. Of course, the most diverse and joyful wishes await them. However, no one can please them more than you, their friends and family. Therefore, you have a great responsibility to choose exactly those words that will envelop the heroes of the occasion with a pleasant haze of sensations, give pleasant moments of joy and pleasure from the signs of attention of people dear to them. To help bring these plans to life, we have collected unique and beautiful congratulations that can fully convey to those who celebrate the day of migration service workers today your sincerity, love and respect.

Congratulations to friends and acquaintances

In our life, sometimes people migrate,
as birds fly south to comfort,
but these processes are under our control,
the migration service, monitors that strictly.
On their Day, we wish more warmth,
and so that the work flows without problems! ©

Congratulations on Migration Service Day to colleagues and colleagues

We are colleagues here all at the same time,
So that everything is good in our country,
To be immigration, only by law,
So that there is no offense to everyone and that there is no dispute!
On our Day, I heartily congratulate all of you,
I wish you respect among the masses! ©

Hello to all of you who came to us,
But if only you are in peace,
Migration tasks,
We will resolve everything along the way!
And together we will all live in the house,
What is called a country.
We hope that someone came
Will not become a stranger in our house!
And I congratulate my colleagues,
And I wish from myself
Patience, strength and prosperity,
On the day of our service and always! ©

Funny congratulations on the Day of the Migration Service Worker

It is very difficult for us legally,
And besides, kindly
Provide in the country
Immigrants entry from outside!
Well, you are helping
You solve the question for us
To avoid problems
Topical, boring topics!
On the Day of the migration service,
We wish you friendship first
So that any question is always
Allowed, not "grew"! ©

Congratulations on the Day of Migration Service Workers in prose

This day is rightfully celebrated by representatives of the migration service. You make a huge contribution to the creation and maintenance of a prosperous state of society and healthy competition in the labor market. Not a single person who came from another state escapes your sharp gaze, you issue the most important document in our life - a passport, and register all migrants. Thank you for your clear, well-coordinated and timely work, for emotional restraint, which is so important in constant communication with people, for understanding and willingness to help. We wish you that the troubles and confusion bother you as little as possible in the workplace, troubles and difficulties are bypassed, and happiness and good luck are inseparable from you! ©

Happy FMS day, my friends,
I congratulate you heartily.
It is impossible to live without our service,
She is always in demand.

Income flows from us to the treasury,
We treat ourselves with kindness
We always have a sandwich
With caviar, butter and sausage.


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Create a postcard

We can find any moment

Migration Service, with honors,
The holiday is worthy of meeting now.
You colleagues, congratulations hunting,
And wish you all good luck at this hour.

Let the illegals forget the way
Cross the border without a visa.
'Cause we'll raise such an alarm
We can find any time.


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Create a postcard

You, daughter, passport people,
You write and deliver.
Labor in the FMS, vanity,
You get joy in it with your soul.

On your holiday, accept from me,
Congratulations gift.
Remove all seriousness from your face
And celebrate with cheer.


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Many human needs

On the day of the migration service,
You continue your work.
Many human needs
They take you to work.

Passport, visa, documents,
You do it in the FMS.
grateful clients,
They see miracles in you.

I congratulate you today
Our regional team
I completely trust them
I drink an aperitif for them.


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Keep migrants at bay

Migration Service Day,
Today they are celebrating in a big way.
Her employees are not lazy,
Keep all migrants under fear.

I congratulate you friend
You are busy with important work.
I want you to take care of yourself
He did not close his eyes with a banknote.


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Thank you for your service!

The FMS will find control
On an illegal mob;
From Tajiks, from Uzbeks,
To enter them into the card index!

FMS will help us
See the beauties of the countries.
Will issue a foreign passport,
For romantic trips!

When 14 comes
FMS will congratulate us.
And, quite without delay,
Will issue a passport, this very hour!

Thank you for your service!
We wish the service to prosper!
May the holiday be reckless
But drinks should not interfere!

Happy Migration Day!

Congratulations on Migration Service Day

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Congratulations to the service workers!
You can't see travel without them!
Illegals will not be obedient
Without control and their patronage!

We wish the Migration Service success,
So that much was subject to her!
We wish you without interference,
Handed over to all citizens-passport!