Wishes to lovers in your own words. Beautiful wishes to a young couple and spouses who have lived together for many years

Many people, when creating families and building relationships, are guided by couples in love with whom they know. It can be a family of friends or just good friends. No less number of couples look with admiration at their loving parents, grandparents. Therefore, both on Valentine's Day and on the anniversary of meeting your loved ones, I want to express respect to them and tell them about the delight they are experiencing. You can choose congratulations for lovers in poetry or prose, or you can surprise your friends with beautiful pictures. Long, short, funny greetings are great for forwarding on February 14th. They will help bring a couple of lovers joy and happiness.

Original congratulations in verse for friends and acquaintances in love

Looking with rapture at friends and acquaintances in love, many are surprised how they manage to find a common language so easily and solve life's problems without quarrels. The answer to this question is really simple: mutual understanding, care and love can work wonders. It is such wonderful couples who find it easy to find simple solutions to difficult situations. Sending congratulations to such loving couples on February 14 is a must. Warm friendly wishes will certainly bring them positive emotions and help once again make sure that they are on the right track and know how to set an excellent example of good relations with their friends.

You are the proof

What is love in the world

You succeeded in the cut of everything

To meet each other in the world.

Now loving hearts

They started beating faster...

And your shared dream

Here - here it comes true ...

And there is no more beautiful couple

And stronger for sure...

Love keep a warm light

He is extraordinary...

You are such a lovely couple

I can't take my eyes off you!

Love chained you to each other

And as you can see, it's serious...

Everyone envy you little by little,

With white envy looking at you.

You are in love and, thank God,

Be happy here and now!

The strongest couple in love

I dedicate my poems...

And I wish you the most faithful,

Fantastically bright love!

Let your hearts warm

Her warm, deep light.

Someone thinks it doesn't happen

You are the answer to this!

Funny congratulations in prose to couples in love on Valentine's Day

For long-familiar couples and childhood friends, you can send not only touching, but also cool congratulations. They are sure to please the recipients and help them cheer up. It is better to send congratulations to lovers in prose on February 14 at lunchtime, because in the morning the couple will be busy with a joint homemade breakfast and presenting gifts. Therefore, it is advisable to send cool congratulations to lovers when they are already ready to answer the congratulator, express gratitude or convey congratulatory words.

On this wonderful romantic holiday, when you can already hear the timid breath of spring through the blizzard winter, when hearts awaken for love, on the eve of the thaw, I want to congratulate you with the warmest and most sincere words on Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Delightful love, unique happiness, infinitely pleasant evenings and passion every day! Affectionate words, crazy hugs, intoxicating kisses, gorgeous flowers, burning candles and long-awaited events!

This holiday is not accidental for you. This is another day for people who love each other so that they can say the most tender words to each other! Congratulations on this day. Keep your love, take care of this mutual feeling all your life. It makes you happy!

Short congratulations to lovers - for parents, grandparents

The sweetest couples - their parents, grandparents on Valentine's Day should also send warm wishes for many years of health, strong relationships and mutual understanding. On their examples, you can grow true love, which is based on care and respect. Short congratulations to parents in love and representatives of the older generation are best chosen in poetic form. Beautiful wishes in verse are great for such a bright day and help create a festive mood. But you can send congratulations to such a couple in love at any time convenient for the sender.

You won't find such a beautiful couple

I look at you and rejoice again.

I wish you not to lose each other,

Kindle the fire of love over the years!

Love is not for everyone

For someone who can feel.

I wish you both knew

What a happy one who appreciates it!

You are so perfect for each other

What can not be described in words!

I want tenderness in my ear

Whisper until old age!

Take care of each other, love

And live for love

Let the souls soar winged

The common days will be long.

Beautiful congratulations on February 14 for familiar couples in love - in pictures and video postcards

Ordinary poetic congratulations or wishes in prose can be replaced with attractive postcards and cool pictures. They will help to beautifully convey congratulations to couples in love on February 14th. You can choose different pictures for your friends, differing in content and execution. It is recommended to select congratulations to lovers in pictures, based on the preferences of the couples to be congratulated and the age of the lovers themselves. For example, a young couple or those who are just about to get married and are at the stage of developing a relationship can send cool postcards. Older couples (parents, grandparents) can be sent more restrained and touching pictures.

What congratulations can be sent to couples in love on the anniversary of their acquaintance?

All of these examples of congratulations for couples in love can be used not only on Valentine's Day, but also on the anniversary of their acquaintance. You can supplement such beautiful poems with personal wishes that take just a couple of lines, attach an original picture. The length of the congratulation verse for lovers can be anything: from a short quatrain to a long poem. If desired, warm words can be rewritten in a purchased or homemade postcard.

Your eyes are burning with passion

And reflect light and happiness!

After all, you found love in the world,

You are lucky to meet each other.

Live golden before the wedding

Keep faithfulness to old age!

So that you have many children

And the marriage was consecrated by God!

From time immemorial, lovers have dedicated touching poems to each other, in which they expressed their fiery feelings and sang the virtues of a hearty chosen one. Many poems by famous poets are written on the theme of love, so if you wish, you can always pick up beautiful poetic lines and recite them to your loved one. On the eve of an important event for lovers, relatives and friends try to come up with an original congratulation, the words of which will be remembered for a long time and penetrate into the soul. Today we offer some beautiful congratulations to a couple in love, suitable for a variety of holidays - whether it's an anniversary of an acquaintance or a wedding anniversary. Such touching congratulations for lovers can be read aloud or sent by mail in a greeting card.

Found each other in the present
And they found their happiness ...
Now they aspire to the love port
Hearts are like ships in the harbor.

Appreciate what you find
Love hard, never change...
It rarely happens on earth...
So beckons this sweet captivity!

How many secrets and fabulous miracles in the world,
But the mystery of love is a riddle of riddles.
Let her always lift to heaven
And the taste of her embrace will be sweet!

You are the proof

What is love in the world

You succeeded in the cut of everything

To meet each other in the world.

Now loving hearts

They started beating faster...

And your shared dream

Here it comes to fruition...

And there is no more beautiful couple

And stronger for sure...

Love keep a warm light

He is extraordinary...

Original congratulations to couples in love in prose on their wedding anniversary - from relatives and friends

Every couple in love has their own personal important dates - many celebrate the day they met, annual wedding anniversaries. In honor of the holidays, a solemn banquet is often prepared with invited relatives, friends and colleagues. Therefore, for such an event, it is better to prepare in advance beautiful congratulations in prose with wishes for lovers of all the best - happiness, love and harmony. As a rule, it is better to pronounce such a congratulation at the festive table in the form of a toast, raising a glass to the health of two people in love. We are sure that those present will support your sincere fiery speech, and the "heroes" of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised by such a sign of attention on their holiday.

You are still so young….. Your love is younger than you. Take care of your little miracle. Keep it like your future baby or baby. Let your feelings go hand in hand with you. May you never feel the slightest taste of parting! It is not for you. For you - only love, only happiness and joy.

I am very glad that I know such an unusually beautiful couple! Only you, my dear and only, deserve the best in the world. And take all the best! As long as there is love between you, all the most beautiful things belong exclusively to you!

Dear and beloved! You are two light clouds. These clouds are inseparable. We wish you to sail together through the sky of life, and not pay any attention to the difficulties! Remember that only love can win in the world. Take care of her!

Short poetic SMS congratulations for two lovers

On the eve of the holiday, I want to beautifully congratulate the two lovers, wishing them all the best in life. However, it happens that it is not possible to pronounce the words of congratulations in a personal meeting - in this case, short SMS sent to the phone will be the best way out. Such short poetic SMS congratulations for a couple in love will support the atmosphere of the holiday and bring many pleasant minutes to the "heroes" of the occasion. By choosing the appropriate option for a short SMS congratulations, you can always convey to your familiar couple in love the most sincere wishes for their significant date.

Let joy live in this world
For simple, dear people,
Many times let the sun rise for you,
Be happy in your life!

Let love inspire you
Friendship makes hearts happy
Let the dream of barriers not know:
Happiness will be endless!

Let everything in life be as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and good luck,
And the heart is kind and warm!

Funny congratulations to lovers on February 14 in Valentine pictures

Valentine's Day is one of the most long-awaited holidays in many countries of the world. Despite the February frosts, you can feel the imminent approach of spring and the first warm days in the air. The holiday of February 14th is a great occasion to surround your loved one with care and attention by arranging a romantic dinner or giving an unusual surprise gift. According to legend, on this day, lovers are patronized by St. Valentine, who descends from heaven and connects the two "halves" together. It is believed that marriage on Valentine's Day promises lovers a long and happy life filled with love. Many are specially preparing to confess their tender feelings to their chosen one on February 14 - with the help of a bright red “valentine” postcard. In our selection you will find different options for cool congratulations on February 14 in pictures, with the image of scarlet hearts, angels and roses. Let these beautiful attributes of Valentine's Day find their addressees on this wonderful holiday.

Congratulations for couples in love on the anniversary of their acquaintance in poetry and prose

For many lovers, the day of acquaintance becomes an important and significant date. Indeed, the first meeting of two "halves" is remembered for a lifetime, because it is on this day that two human destinies merge into one. According to tradition, on the anniversary of their acquaintance, lovers exchange gifts, arrange surprises for each other in the form of romantic trips and unexpected pleasant deeds. It is better to choose congratulations for couples in love on the anniversary of their acquaintance with a special meaning, trying to put all the tenderness and passion into the words. Open your heart for your loved one by dedicating a beautiful congratulation on the anniversary of your acquaintance in verse or prose to him - let this day become only your holiday for many years to come.

Today is the anniversary of our relationship! Congratulations and I want to wish you - always be yourself! You are an amazing person who deserves all the stars in the sky! I thank fate for intertwining our life paths. You are my happiness, my motivation and my inspiration! I love you very much!

Congratulations to couples in love in verse and prose is a great opportunity to show the kindest feelings and wishes on the anniversary of your acquaintance, wedding or other important day. On February 14, short funny congratulations for lovers are best suited, with words of love and passion - write them on a picture or a “valentine” greeting card. Lovers, happiness and prosperity to you!

May it never end! Even if you knock on your house of quarrels and disagreements. Love each other, appreciate each other, do not lose each other! Love is something that is better than any gift!

  • In love on this day!

This day is the happiest of many days in the world! We are glad to know such wonderful people like you. We are glad that this day brought us together again. We wish you, sincerely - sincerely, from all our fiery hearts - the fire of eternal love! Eternal love is an irreplaceable gift. Take care of him so that he does not lose, under any circumstances, his eternity!

  • Your love is strong!

Fifteen minutes ago, the hands on the clock trembled. This is not magic, this is not hallucination! It is the power of your love that has shown how strong it is. If there was ordinary love, the hands of the clock would enjoy the fact that they do not need to move. And here is a miracle! Don't watch time, don't worry about how fast it goes by! Lovers are the only couple of people on earth who can never think about time!

  • We wish you drop by drop - Everything!

I want to wish you a little .... A drop of real faith, a drop of real love, a drop of real hope….. Why - a drop? Because the word "real" makes this drop the size of infinity! I wish you never lose a drop of this infinity!

  • Appreciate and keep...

How good it is that in the stream of these raging - raging lives you managed to meet each other! Not everyone is blessed with such happiness. This luck is not given to everyone. Appreciate and keep what the mood of lucky chance gave you!

  • Moon and Sun in love!

Imagine that the sun is you and the moon is your relationship. Represented? We wish you to always have a lunar-solar mood, lunar-solar optimism, lunar-solar nights! All the best to you, my lunisolar ones!

  • Key to destiny

You have a lot to wish for! In order not to repeat myself, I want to wish you to find the key to eternal happiness, and keep it in your hearts filled with love to the very brim!

  • Long Years of Love

Longevity I wish your love, you - a couple in love! Such longevity, which according to turn into eternity.

  • Let there be Love!

May happiness never leave you! May luck and mutual understanding also always be with you. The main thing is that all good things are not lost, splashed, and do not stop! May Love be with you!

  • For a couple in love, everything is beautiful

I am very glad that I know such an unusually beautiful couple! Only you, my dear and only, deserve the best in the world. And take all the best! As long as there is love between you, all the most beautiful things belong exclusively to you!

  • Beautiful wishes for two lovers

Dear ours! Our wonderful! We are very glad that you met. And we don’t even want to think that this could not have happened! You were created for each other by all the destinies of the world! Be proud of this circumstance!

  • Lovers: boyfriend and girlfriend

You are still so young….. Your love is younger than you. Take care of your little miracle. Keep it like a future baby, or baby. Let the feelings go hand in hand with you. May you never feel the slightest taste of parting! It is not for you. For you - only love, only happiness and joy.

  • Two lovers

For a long time you went to each other. There have been many obstacles in the way of your life. But you overcame them to be the happiest and most in love! And stay like that, without turning off the road of your destinies, no matter what difficulties or difficulties you overcome! Be the happiest!

  • Happiness, happiness, happiness!

Dear and beloved! Happiness, happiness, happiness! As many as there are planets and unknown worlds in the sky!

  • Believe in your Happiness!

I congratulate you on the occasion of the meeting! Live together as long as the planets. Let your life be decorated with good people, pleasant events, romantic atmospheres .... Believe in happiness so that it believes in you.

  • Cloud wishes for lovers

Dear and beloved! You are two light clouds. These clouds are inseparable. We wish you to sail together through the sky of life, and not pay any attention to the difficulties! Remember that your Love will conquer them!

  • You are made for each other!

You are very suitable for each other! You yourself know this, but we want to remind you once again about it. We have never met a more beautiful couple than you. We are sincere about this! We want to wish, bypassing platitudes, billions of bouquets of happiness! In these bouquets, all your desires will be filled with smiles, fulfillment of desires, passion, mutual understanding, understanding, compromises, positive and optimism! And may none of the bouquets ever wither!

  • All life miracles!

What do you wish for all the beautiful wishes to come true? I wish you all the miracles of life that can only happen to truly lovers! Let miracles fall on you like a pleasant and unexpected rain!

  • You are near, you are in love

We are glad to have you by our side! We want to gather more and more often, so as not to quarrel ever. You are angels who live on earth. And we want to always be your friends. And we personally want to wish you peace, because everyday life can push you to conflicts. We wish you all the magical and wonderful! Never leave each other, because fate itself united your hearts!

  • Appreciate every day...

Appreciate every day that God has given you! May there not be a drop of bitterness in your lives, which have merged into one. May your life be filled with only sweetness. We love you very much!

  • It's nice to admire you!

It's nice to see a beautiful couple! You are a couple that strikes not only with its beauty, but also with its special harmony! Thank you so much for showing up! Thank you for showing up with us! Be happy longer than ever. Love - the same! And infect with your smiles all those with whom life will connect you!

All the best and fabulous to you! Let your feelings become even more beautiful, more romantic, stronger .... May your love please and warm your feelings with its sincerity.

Beautiful wishes for two lovers -

Love is the most beautiful, tender and reverent feeling. It fills human life with meaning and paints the world with rich, bright and friendly colors. People who have found their soul mate become kinder, gentler and more tolerant of others, endure hardships more easily and look confidently into the future. However, in society it is not customary to give congratulations to lovers just like that, just because people met, decided never to part again and found happiness in each other. Basically, refined phrases in prose or funny, playful short poems coincide with certain holidays, such as February 14, an anniversary or a wedding date. Beautiful words are said aloud at a personal meeting with a couple or written on postcards with romantic pictures and sent by mail to please attention and show lovers their kind, sincere and touching attitude.

Gentle beautiful congratulations to lovers in verse

On Valentine's Day, it is necessary to congratulate all acquaintances, lovers, friends and relatives on a wonderful, tender and romantic holiday. An ideal option for such a pleasant greeting would be beautiful and inspirational poems that speak of love, devotion and other quivering feelings. Such beautiful and touching works can be read aloud during a personal meeting, holiday party or corporate party. Inspirational, sublime lines will appeal to every person and will warm even the coldest hearts with their gentle sound. And this is the most important meaning of Valentine's Day - to make people a little kinder, sincere and happier. Moreover, not only those who have already found their soul mate, but also single men and women of different ages who, like children, believe in a fairy tale and really hope that one day true, devoted and tender love will come to them.

An equally good idea is to write a beautiful poem on a Valentine's card and present it to relatives, friends or work colleagues along with cute presents and warm wishes. Such a manifestation of attention is always greatly appreciated and causes a lot of bright, pleasant impressions. Relations between people improve and become more frank, cordial and sincere. *** You, like Yin and Yang, are beautiful Love shines in you so Complementing, so each other Live the fairy tale again. So that the world that surrounds Protects you from losses So that you stay together Opening the door to happiness ... *** Happy holiday to all lovers Happiness and love inspired Happy Valentine's Day! Be always united: In work, life and work, In love, hope and care. Let love surround you, God help you in everything. The sky will be bright blue On Valentine's Day. *** Love transforms people. And you are a great example! Any of you now shines with Visible beauty! Just your appearance, And everyone who surrounds you, Will feel admiration for you And will not be able to look away!

Beautiful congratulations in prose to couples in love for the holiday

Probably the greatest happiness in the life of every person is to meet a soul mate and find mutual love. Someone is lucky very quickly and a loved one is at the very beginning of his life, at school or the first year of college, and some have been waiting for years for Cupid to pay attention to them and, finally, organize a meeting with a bright, quivering and bright feeling. But, whenever such a significant event as the unification of loving hearts takes place, it is always remembered with great tenderness and warmth, and not only by the lovers themselves, but also by relatives, acquaintances and friends. On Valentine's Day and other tender holidays, the happy couple is congratulated with beautiful, inspirational and reverent words in prose and wish the lovers to be attentive and tolerant, to please each other and never part. In addition to the generally accepted phrases, be sure to add a few pleasant words personally from yourself, so that the congratulations are more individual, sincere and touching. *** It's good that in the stream of these raging - raging lives you managed to meet each other! Not everyone is blessed with such happiness. Not everyone is given this kind of luck. Appreciate and keep what the mood of lucky chance gave you! *** Dear and beloved! You are two light clouds. These clouds are inseparable. We wish you to sail together through the sky of life, and not pay any attention to the difficulties! Remember that in the world, only love can win everything. Take care of her! *** What do you wish for all the beautiful wishes to come true? I wish you all the miracles of life that can only happen to truly lovers! Let miracles fall on you like a pleasant and unexpected rain!

Pictures and funny short congratulations for lovers on holidays

Not every holiday requires long pompous welcome texts. Sometimes, in order to cheer up and give joy, it is enough to send a short congratulation of a few funny lines to the lovers’ phone and supplement it with a cute, bright and cool picture. After reading optimistic and cheerful phrases, the couple will feel your good attitude and will appreciate the fact that even at the moment of a not too significant celebration you think of them with tenderness, warmth and love. *** I wish you to live in the city of Love, Of course, on the street of Concord, So that the windows overlook the Avenue of Dreams, The road to the sea called Happiness led! *** Love on the planet is not easy to find. But you managed to do it. I wish you to go through life together, Happiness drawing with white chalk! *** I wish, friends in love, That love inspires the body. To make the nights sleepless, Like transparent mirrors!

Pleasant congratulations to couples in love on February 14 in verse and prose

February 14 is ideal for congratulating couples in the brightest, most touching and inspirational words. Everything pleasant, tender and reverent can be expressed in melodic lines of poetry or in exquisite prose phrases. In both cases, congratulations will make a good impression and will remain in your memory for a long time. Lovers will be very flattered to know that close people, friends and acquaintances sincerely rejoice at their happiness and hope that the two halves who have found each other in this fast-paced world will always be together. To make congratulations on February 14 sound as natural as possible and be more personal, it should be supplemented with warm, good wishes. Tell the couple that their meeting is a real gift of fate and not every person in life has such happiness. Emphasize how harmoniously and beautifully lovers look together and how pleasant it is for you to call these people your friends. Simple but very sincere words, spoken from a pure heart and with an open soul, will give loving people a lot of vivid impressions and make them rejoice once again that just recently or many years ago, fate brought them together and made it possible to become truly happy. *** You are in love, and it can be seen - Eyes shine with warmth, Sometimes a little jealous Love is such a wonderful, Happy Valentine's Day I hasten to congratulate you now, You, like heroes from that picture, Where is a very glorious family! *** Valentine's Day is a wonderful romantic holiday, when the flowers of love bloom in the souls of lovers, and the melody of spring awakening is heard in the hearts. I sincerely wish you, dear lovers, pure, great, bright feelings and ennobling deeds. May every moment be filled with Love! *** Everything around sings, sparkles, Valentine's Day is knocking on your door. And you did not swear, And only confess your love. We want to fall in love again, And enjoy each other. So that in your personal life, Everything becomes much more beautiful.

Good congratulations to couples in love on the anniversary of their acquaintance

For every couple in love, the anniversary of their acquaintance is a very special and extremely important holiday. Sometimes it matters more than the date of the wedding, the moment of the first kiss and February 14, which is called Valentine's Day. After all, the history of happiness of each couple begins with an acquaintance, and it is this day that divides life into a lonely “before” and a joint romantic “after”. All these subtle points must be taken into account when congratulating lovers on the anniversary of their acquaintance. What is better to choose for an important event - beautiful, refined phrases in prose or cool, short poems - it's up to you to decide. Both options are quite appropriate and will be enthusiastically accepted by the happy couple. And if you add a congratulation with a small gift, a themed card with a romantic picture, a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers, lovers will be just in seventh heaven with joy and will remember your kind, warm and touching sign of attention for a long time. *** There is a reason for the holiday - Relationship Anniversary! You are together, and it's great, your couple is so beautiful! You hold on to each other, If you quarrel - put up, May all dreams come true And wishes come true! *** My dears, I congratulate you on the anniversary of your acquaintance! I wish you, my beloved, always be the happiest. Be glad you have each other! May your dreams come true and life brings only good surprises. Smile as often as possible, so you are even more beautiful! *** Today is a special and glorious day, For the two of you, he is also the main one. You will remember how it all began, How the wheel of love started spinning. How you met each other in your life, And all your days became happy. We wish to bypass all the evil barriers, And only find success on the path of life.

Kurban Ait - what date in 2016 in Kazakhstan. Beautiful congratulations on a bright celebration, pictures and touching poems

Father's Day 2016 - congratulations from wife and daughter. Funny and beautiful congratulations to the godfather in prose, poetry and pictures

Home " Problems " Wonderful couple. Compliments to the couple

A wedding is a solemn and exciting event. Young people are told different wishes, given gifts, hope for a long happy life together. But legitimizing a relationship and living a whole life together are two different things.

I would like the wishes uttered at the solemn moment of the marriage to be fulfilled, and the young people to live to a ripe old age, celebrating the golden and diamond anniversaries of marriage.

Wishes of happiness to a young couple in love

A beautiful couple in love deserves appropriate compliments. Looking at happy young people, those around them remember their own youth, plan their relationships, or simply rejoice for their love, slightly envious.

Youth is an enchanting and magical time, especially when filled with love.

This feeling changes everything

  • Of people.
  • their perception of the outside world.
  • Relationships with others.

When you meet happy lovers on the street, it becomes easy and cloudless in your soul, you want to say and wish them:

  • Make a promise to love each other forever, otherwise it will upset the whole world.
  • Looking at you, the sun rejoices.
  • Your hearts are forever linked together by Cupid's arrow.
  • This love belongs only to you, as the greatest of miracles.
  • Let your home be a palace to which you will arrive in a golden carriage.
  • I wish you eternal harmony and love.
  • In your union, all anniversaries will come in turn, including the diamond one.
  • The power of your love is limitless.
  • May a long life together be full of miracles, and may love not overwhelm the cup of patience.
  • Obstacles will not separate you, you will sweep away barriers with the power of love, and tenderness will heal wounds.
  • Perhaps your union is made in heaven.
  • I give wishes of love and happiness to a young married couple: so that love does not pass like youth, but lives forever.
  • It was the angels who fled from heaven, exchanging heaven for earthly love.
  • Your wedding will be the best gift to the world.
  • Your couple is love, harmony, charm and tenderness.
  • The ideality of your union does not need to be confirmed by horoscopes - this can be seen with the naked eye.
  • You are like strawberries with chocolate - a celebration of taste and beauty.

You can congratulate lovers with short funny phrases, poems taken from the Internet, or in your own words, coming from a pure heart.

Wishes for love in your own words to a middle-aged married couple

Middle-aged people who have lived together for a long time and retained warm feelings for each other are worthy of respect.

For many, it has become a good tradition to celebrate a wedding anniversary. Someone celebrates the holiday with friends, relatives and friends, someone - together with the second half.

It is customary to celebrate the following anniversaries:

Anniversary Wishes for the wedding
5 years - wooden So the first five years of a joint life flew by, full of difficulties, obstacles, troubles. But you managed to overcome everything. The family grew stronger and took root.

Let the wind of hope sway the lush branches of the family tree, raindrops fill them with good luck and joy, bringing new strength and health for further growth and strengthening.

6 years - cast iron I wish that the flame of love never goes out, flaring up stronger. Family life is like hot iron: both fragile and hard. Let adversity not break the strength of the union
7 years - copper Seven is a lucky number, and copper is a valuable and durable metal. Let the family not lose strength, and happiness has no price
8 years - tin Eight is the symbol of infinity. Let this sign accompany your love, and relationships remain flexible and strong.
9 years - faience Nine-acrobatic - flexible, gutta-percha and fearless. Love has been tested by time, but has not lost its purity and beauty.

Earthenware is the most durable and comfortable. Let life be filled with only convenient moments, strong relationships and beautiful feelings.

10 years - tin Tin is a soft and malleable metal, it is like your family.

May the wife preserve kindness, care, flexibility and plasticity, and the husband, like a steadfast tin soldier, protect the family from adversity

15 years - crystal Your union can be compared to crystal: the purity and transparency of relations does not leave it, giving great value.

The ringing of a crystal glass filled with sparkling wine sounds in your honor

20 years - porcelain Congratulations to the couple on this anniversary. Let the wind of adversity not break the family cup, and let prosperity fill to the brim

Everyone's favorite holiday of St. Valentine - Valentine's Day - will not leave anyone without congratulations.

Loving people give each other gifts, say kind words, accepting congratulations in return. And it doesn't matter if they are said in verse or prose, it is important that from the heart.

The main thing- to congratulate a couple in love so that the heart tingles, and the words remain in memory, causing a flurry of emotions. Congratulate, not sparing kind words and feelings.

Beautiful wishes for a couple who have lived together for many years

To recognize a person, you need to eat a pood of salt with him. A loving couple at the age, having lived together for many years, but retaining the ardor of feelings, gathers relatives and friends for the anniversary, accepting congratulations, which are no less important for the elderly than for the young.

Despite the years lived, the hardships they endured, they saved love and tenderness, taught this to their children and grandchildren, increasing, and not wasting, mutual trust.

Now, being at the festive table, they accept sincere congratulations from the guests:

  1. your union serves as a great example for the next generation. Let the sorrows of life remain only a slight aftertaste on the lips, which will remove a glass of champagne. Bitterly!
  2. your patience and love for each other is boundless. They saved your family in various troubles and will never run out.
  3. Your house filled with happiness and the light of the sun's rays, family well-being and joy dwell in it.

    We believe that this will never leave you, and love will save you from trouble and disappointment. May all dreams come true.

  4. Age is not a problem it is just an experience of a happy life. Inspired by dreams of hope, your house will bypass all sorrows, worries, it will forever remain the abode of love and happiness.

A married couple, no matter how many years they live together, must tremblingly and tenderly keep the first feeling that arose between lovers.

Then love will not leave the family, preserving purity, mutual understanding and sensitivity in relationships.

This feeling, so that it does not cool down, should from time to time be fueled by the emotions of close and dear people, expressed in beautiful wishes.

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And not to be empty in it,
Comfort, warmth, to live in it!

I congratulate your wonderful couple, I wish you great, growing every day, love! Sincere affection for each other, mutual understanding, intimacy, awe, care, tenderness, attention, high feelings and emotions. Be happy together! Happy Valentine's Day!

Dear, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day! I wish you the ability to forgive, patience to ignore minor troubles, the strength to step over any circumstances together, inspiration to move on, endless devoted love to be together for many years!

You are a couple, you are a family, you are
One big and fiery love.
I give you valentine hearts -
I wish you daily warmth.

I want to cherish family happiness,
Protect each other from harm
Live in a realm of endless passion
Live in the kingdom of kindness!

Wish Valentine's Day
Keep your love so reverently!
Let quarrels, omissions and routine
Can't ruin your feelings!

Live always in peace and prosperity,
Add bright colors to your life
May you always be in order,
Say "I love you" this day!

Happy Valentine's Day,
I hasten to congratulate you,
And I'll tell you frankly
You are a great family!

I wish you much happiness
So that love lives for centuries
So that you do not know sorrows,
For two one soul!

Congratulations guys
Happy Valentine's Day from the heart.
Let family life give
You have cool turns.

To renew the senses
To burn fervently eyes,
So as not to give up despondency,
So that love invigorates you.

I congratulate you on Valentine's Day and I want to wish that days change into nights, summer heat - winter cold, and you always remain a beautiful and strong couple, in whose family love and happiness, joy and prosperity always live. I wish to understand each other perfectly and help each other to fulfill their cherished dreams.

To your family couple, on Valentine's Day,
I wish you harmony, kindness and warmth,
To make your dream come true
Let love warm hearts!

To reign tenderness and sincerity,
So that trouble does not touch the soul,
So that you are always near and dear,
To always understand each other!

I wish you family comfort,
Smiles, a lot of joy, warmth,
So that in your life every minute
Bringing you great happiness!

May at this hour the most holy Valentine
Your feelings will only strengthen!
I wish to live together until gray hair,
May harmony always reign in your family!