Proper washing of bed linen. How often change bedding. Than Wash: Choosing detergent

Of course, household appliances greatly facilitates the life of a woman, but so that the machine does not spoil the underwear, it is recommended to find out before starting washing, how the bed linen is washing and which temperature is to be installed for gentle care. No household appliance can choose the mode and temperature, which is well seduced by things and cause changes to their shade, mold and quality. Therefore, I think that you can find out, it is worth finding in advance at what temperature to wash bedding, especially when the washing is carried out regularly.

How to wash bedding in a washing machine? The first and important stage of such manipulation is considered to be the right preparation, which is necessary before placing it in the drum.

It is known that if the care of bed linen was carried out wrong and a lot of dirt accumulated on its basis, this is 4% weightlifted fabric. This leads to the emergence of difficulties during machine washing. All small garbage and other components that fall on the material there will remain there.

For example:
  • fats that are distinguished from the skin;
  • dust particles;
  • body lotion;
  • protein compounds.

Bed linen is recommended to carry out immediately after removing it from the bed, otherwise it will be in a basket or a basket, it will be caught up and saturated with an unpleasant odor from other dirty things. This leads to the appearance of yellowness or unpleasant gray shade. How to wash such a stained material? For this purpose, the kit is pre-rewinded in a pelvic with soap, and then poured for clarification. After the stirable bed is erased in the usual way in medium degrees. The box where dirty things are stored must be well ventilated, as well as having fun for ventilation. Very dirty clothes are not stored in them.

If you do not want damage or deformation of the tissue when washing in a typewriter, it is also worth choosing a powder or gel that depends on the final result. So, how to wash bedding correctly, what needs to pay attention to after buying such a thing?

It is important to note that poorly charged or wet clothing should not put it in the basket, because after 1-2 days the mold will appear, significantly spoil the condition of the tissue.

How often wash bedding? So that the material is not covered with the yellow and did not acquire gray, it should be washed once a week.

At what temperature is bedding erase? If the fabric is colored and bright, then the temperature is less than 70 degrees. In other cases, it is permissible to put high regime (up to 80-90) degrees, which will gently wash the fabric and will carry out powerful disinfection of the material. After all, from high temperatures, ticks and other microorganisms die.

When washing the bed linen in a washing machine, it is important for the first thing to separate colored fabrics from colorless. It is also recommended to divide the silk tissue and cotton. To firm bedding well, pillowcases and a duvet cover should be turned out, after which it is clear to the brush's corners (preferably tooth). All sticking threads should be cut, because during the washing process (especially on textile), tightening may appear.

How is the laundry temperature considered correct? Powder manufacturers argue that their detergent is able to care for things even in cold water. But professionals say that underwear is carefully and is well erased only at elevated temperature, which literally flips all the accumulated dirt. Moreover, hot water breaks fats, often present on the basis of dirty linen, thereby improving the quality of washing.

How many degrees are better to choose? It is difficult to get confused in such information, so it is best to read the information you are interested in on the labels to the product, where the optimal temperature mode, degrees, powder type and other are written. Also, it is not worth excluding from the sight that the temperature is to choose the temperature after purchasing the powder, because it also carefully and deduce well on a certain temperature mode.

General principles, how to wash bed linen, if you do not know what to choose the temperature:
  1. 40-degree water is well suited for any material from which linen is sewn. It seets the dirt of light and moderately. But to wash the strongly dirty fabric stands, pre-insight in the soap solution.
  2. Washing 60 degrees allows you to wash the resistant stains, however, before placing things in the drum, pollution is treated in advance to detergent. How often do you need to wash bedding on such a temperature mode? Do it costs 1 time per week.
  3. Boil mode (its temperature is 95 degrees) can erase things while simultaneously conducting disinfection. Such degrees lead to the fact that the fabrics are completely abandoned.

Do I need to wash new bedding? Yes, if a woman just bought a set, it is recommended to do, in order for all the surplus paints erased, and the fabric got rid of the unpleasant smell. If it is too dirty, how many degrees choose?

In this case, the liner care is carried out at a temperature of 95 degrees, which will allow to reliably wash all the dirt from the tissue. Also strongly dirty things should be soaked in advance with the addition of powder, which will allow you to pump contaminated places.

What mode wash bedding? So that the fabric is fine with it, it is recommended to choose a specific program. But how to choose it? The washing mode depends on the material from which linen is sewn.


  • silk and Atlas - in this case, the fabric is recommended to wash on the Manual Washing program, which does not heat the water more than 30 degrees (then the material does not lose the form and its own color);
  • flax and satin is laundered at any mode, at which the temperature can reach 40-90 degrees;
  • bamboo, sitheria and batter are erased on a "delicate washing" with a 40-degree temperature;
  • polyester brings on the Synthetic program also by 40 degrees;
  • the calico is erased on the "cotton" with a temperature of 60 degrees.

If strictly adhere to these rules, the underwear will last long, without changing its color, not covered with rollers and without losing the form.

Do I need to wash new bedding, what program is it better to do? As mentioned earlier, it is desirable to rinse new linen. In this case, the mode depends on the material used in the manufacture. However, high temperatures at the first wash are better not to use, because the material is clean, it only requires refreshment.

Observing the above-mentioned councils and rules, it will be carefully and properly care for bed linen, because the correct care is necessary for it for a long time to light and spoil appearance.

In some washing machines, the selection of water temperature for washing occurs automatically - for example, when choosing a "Silk" program, the washing occurs at a temperature of 30 oC, and intensive wash for things with strong pollution implies water heated to 60 degrees. At other models, the selection of the washing and temperature program is "by user choosing": loading underwear into the car and selecting the program, the hostess independently sets the desired water temperature.

The minimum water temperature at which the washing machine is erasing is 30 oC, the maximum depending on the model is 90 or 95 degrees.

With an independent selection of the temperature of the washing step, as a rule, is 10 oC; The following values \u200b\u200bare used automatically for usually:

  • 30OC (cool water) -, used in such basic modes as "wool", "silk", "delicate underwear", "Manual washing", "soaking";

  • 40OC (Warm Water) - one of the most popular temperatures, it is it that the programs are fast washing for slightly polluted linen, washing products from colored fabrics, mixed linen, synthetics, delicate washing of cotton products;

  • 60OC (hot water) - Washing cotton fabrics, intensive program for things with serious pollution. At this temperature, bed linen, towels and tablecloths, children's clothing, white cotton fabrics are usually erased;

  • 90 or 95OC (very hot water)The mode can be designated as "boiling" - used for disinfection of cotton fabrics, washing very contaminated clothing and things with solar stains, laundry treatment for the youngest children. As a rule, the use of such a regime implies pre-washing at 60 degrees.

Which temperature to choose for washing the fabric of different types

When choosing a temperature for washing, it is best to be guided by the information specified on the product label. However, if it is impossible, you can be guided by the general rules.

  • natural Wool Things (as one hundred percent, and with the addition of cotton or synthetics) is erased at a minimum temperature - 20-30 degrees;

  • clothes and underwear from silk and stuff with lace trim also requires special delicacy, the recommended water temperature for washing - 30 oC;

  • web of viscose silk require the same gentle handling, as well as natural silk, the water temperature for washing should not exceed 30 oC;

  • tweight curtains erased at 30-40 degrees;

  • loven, Nylon and Capron Less demanding to temperature - fibers withstand temperatures up to 50-60 ° C, while chemical bleachers cannot be used for their washing. These restrictions apply to things from natural fibers with the addition of synthetics - even if the content, for example, Lavsana is 5%, when the permissible temperature is exceeded, the thing may be deformed;

  • fabrics of 100% cotton, flax or You can wash at any temperature, however, the brightly colored fabric is not recommended to expose to very hot water - with systematic washing at temperatures above 60 ° C, even the most durable painting quickly fishes;

  • sportswear (fleece, thermal underwear, clothing from membrane fabrics) is erased as careful as possible, at a temperature of 30 oC and using special means;

  • jeans erased at 30-40 degrees, it avoids the deformation of products and keep the color of the tissue;

  • down jackets and clothes on a synthetic lining Also erased at low temperatures - from 30 to 40 degrees.

What else depends the choice of temperature for washing

The higher the temperature of the water - the greater the damage it causes the structure of the fabric even with a gentle washing. Therefore, the maximum allowable water temperature is recommended to choose only when it comes to washing strongly contaminated things. And in this case, it is better to increase the time of the impact of detergents by selecting a program with soaking or pre-cycle.

Therefore, in order to "refresh" one or another wardrobe subject, it is better to use the most gentle programs and slightly warm water - 30-40 degrees. This temperature is usually provided for short daily wash programs.

In addition, the choice of detergents affects the optimal water temperature. Traditional powders are usually designed for washing in any water - from cold to boiling. At the same time, special detergents usually have limitations. For example:

  • eco-friendly Bias can be used at a temperature not higher than 50 ° C, in hot water enzymes decompose and the agent loses its effectiveness;

  • liquid washing shampoos designed to work at temperatures up to 60 degrees;

  • means for washing membrane fabrics Used only for washing in cool water.

Therefore, if you use special means, choosing a temperature for washing in a washing machine, you need to get acquainted not only with the composition of the fabric, but also with the instructions on the package.

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Wash at 30 or 60 degrees?

The recent "environmental" campaigns convinced people to erase things at 30 degrees instead of 40 to save both energy and money. But what about health and hygiene issues - and for you, and for your washing machine? If you suffer from allergies or asthma are either infected with molds, it is recommended to wash bedding, towels, scarves and underwear at a temperature of 60 degrees to destroy bacteria, dust ticks and their eggs. Dust pliers adore wet warm conditions, but the sunlight kills them, so after washing, post your things to dry out on the street. The study of hospital pillows conducted by the State Health System of Britain found that a third of their weight consisted of dust ticks and their excrement, bacteria, dead skin and saliva patients. Although the study did not establish that the exchange of pillows contributed to the spread of infections, it found that synthetic pillows, contrary to popular belief, are not healthier than dying. Perhaps because the fabric used in the latter, sweat it is more dense to prevent the feeding of feathers, and provides a more efficient barrier. Wash and replace the pillows (not only pillowcases) often. Although you probably do not want to go so far as the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in New York, which, according to the newspaper The Times, using large pillows on a goose down, replaces them once a month.

An episodic wash at 70 degrees helps maintain and washing machine clean and free from sediment. Permanent washing at low temperature contributes to the growth of mold and bacteria in the rubber gasket of the door. From time to time it must be wiped with a weak cleaning agent or a solution of white vinegar. The door must always be left open to reduce mold accumulation. Low temperature is suitable for everyday washes, but to protect your health and indoor machines, it is necessary to wash it from time to time in hot water.

ANSWER:?60 degrees (from time to time)

When choosing a washing machine, it is important to pay attention not only to the energy consumption class, the capacity of the drum, but also on the washing modes presented in this model. In modern models, a large number of modes and functions have been developed, the correct use of which guarantees the preservation and purity of the product for a long time.

Manufacturers of washing machines in the latest models represent a large range of modes and additional functions used to expand the capabilities of this unit, and affecting its cost. Before setting the program, it is necessary to get acquainted that it means, and when recommended for activation.

In different models, the same type of programs may be insignificantly different to the temperature, the duration of the process, the amount of rinsing, the pressure rate.


All models contain basic modes for different types of tissues. Choosing one of them, you can adjust the temperature, the amount of rinsing, the spin speed. In this case, the electronic module controls the selected indicators, not allowing their exceeding to reduce the quality and not damage underwear. The number of additional programs depends on the brand and price segment of the model.

  • Cotton (Flax). It is used to care for non-painted, non-locking colored products made of cotton, flax at a temperature of 30, 40, 60, 90-95 ° C. Includes 4-time rinsing with a spin at maximum speed. Duration - from 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on temperature.
  • Synthetics. Erasing synthetic, mixed fabrics at a temperature of 40-60 ° C with a spin on high revs. Duration - 1 h. 30 min-1 h 50 min.
  • Handwash. Used for thin fabrics with labeling "Only hand wash". The drum slowly rotates with large pauses. The program provides rinse in a large amount of water with a temperature of 30-40 ° C without press for 50-60 minutes.
  • Wool. In gentle mode, the drum slightly shakes in a small amount of water with a temperature of up to 40 ° C, preventing the formation of katips, shrinkage things. Pressing with minimal revs. The cycle time is 1 hour. Woolen products are loaded at 2/3 from a valid norm, since wet wool is heavy, and the overlap of the drum wear the engine.
  • Silk or delicate wash. Used for delicate cleaning of viscose, silk and lace products. The drum rotates slowly, with large pauses. Water temperature - 30-40 ° C. Rinse in a large amount of water without squeezing. At the end of the cycle in a duration of 1 h. Pressing at minimum revolutions.
  • Express Washing (Fast). Apply for glorified things. Washing at a temperature of 30-40 ° C with a spin at maximum revolutions lasts 15-30 minutes.
  • Daily wash. Use for clothing with small pollution. The water temperature is 30-40 ° C, presses on large turns. Cycle time - 40-60 min.
  • Preliminary washing (soaking). Dirty underwear is maintained to 2 hours. In water with a temperature of 30 ° C before the main washing. In this case, the detergent is placed in compartments for the main and preheaking.
  • Intensive wash. It is used to clean particularly contaminated non-thinning things from cotton, flax, synthetics. The cycle lasts 2-4 hours, depending on the model, divided into several stages: pre-soaking - 15-25 minutes; Slow washing at 60 ° C - 20-30 minutes; intense at 95 ° C - 30 minutes; slow at 60 ° C - 30 min; intense rinse; Pressing at maximum speed. In this mode, the machine works at maximum loads with high water consumption and electricity, so this program is recommended to run in exceptional cases.
  • Biofase. The detergents with enzymes effectively remove the stains of biological origin at a temperature of 30-40 ° C. There are several types of enzymes that eliminate certain contaminants, so they choose bio-funds, focusing on the appearance of spots.
  • Eco-wash. The program gently and carefully removes old pollution. Suitable for all types of fabrics. Relevant to overtake children's things.

Carried out in 2 stages:

  • biofase;
  • main wash.

At the second stage, the intensity of the drum rotation increases, the temperature rises to 60 ° C, the enzymes are destroyed, and things are processed by other components of the detergent. Pressing on large turns. The cycle time is 2 h.

Additional functions

Using these programs increases safety, comfort, process efficiency.

  • Stirring mode. Allows you to delay the switching on the cycle for 1-24 hours. Powder falls asleep into the powder, loaded into the drum underwear, expose the delay time, after which the machine automatically turns on.
  • Night mode. The program disables the spin and beep at the end of the cycle.
  • Half (partial) download. The function is relevant if necessary to extract a small amount of linen. When it is activated, the cycle time is reduced, fewer water is consumed.
  • Water control. The program automatically determines the amount of water required for efficient washing.
  • Script balancing. To reduce the vibration during annealing, the drum slowly rotates to a uniform distribution over the linen. Then the spin is activated on large revolutions.
  • Water transparency control. If necessary, increases the number of rinsing, until the remnants of the detergent are repelled.
  • Port. The function of the individual pressure is on the possibility of self-adjustment speed.
  • Plum. Water is removed from the drum without rinsing and pressed.
  • Rinse with drain. Lingerie is spawned several times with the subsequent spinning on the revolutions.
  • Disconnecting spinning. The program completes the cycle without prescribed.
  • Additional rinsing. Additionally, stuffing things for another 1 time.
  • Easy ironing. Disables the intermediate spin when rinse, at the end of the cycle lowers the number of revolutions. Lingerie remains slightly wet, less marked, which facilitates the subsequent ironing.
  • Control foaming. Surplus foam are automatically removed during the entire cycle.
  • Diagnostics of faults. When interruptions in the work of the unit, the electronic module conducts self-diagnostics and the displays displays the malfunction code.

How to choose a temperature and mode

The necessary program is selected relative to the product material and its degree of contamination. To help in the correct selection of the washing mode to save the quality of the product, the manufacturer indicates the labels of care guidelines.

To wrapping underwear with self-change of cycle temperature, spin speeds are focused on their maximum allowable indicators:

  • light cotton, flax - 60-95 ° C at 1400 rpm;
  • colored cotton, flax - 40 ° C at 1400 rpm;
  • synthetics - 40 ° C at 600 rpm;
  • delicate fabrics, silk - 40 ° C at 400 rpm;
  • wool - 40 ° C at 800 rpm.

Washing Rules in the washing machine

So that things are not spoiled, and the quality of cleaning was high, comply with the basic rules:

  • dirty linen is pre-sorted by type of fabric, color and contamination;
  • pockets free from content;
  • remove belts, poorly fixed accessories, metal objects;
  • button zippers, buttons, buttons;
  • terry products, pants, skirts, knitwear, socks turn inside out;
  • pillowcases and duvettes are turned, remove the goods accumulated in the corners;
  • to improve the quality of washing in the drum, loading underwear of different sizes;
  • detergents mitigating, bleaching agents are placed in special powder acceptance compartments;
  • used washing powders and gels intended for machine machines;
  • for different types of tissues, detergents have been developed;
  • do not exceed the dosage of the funds used;
  • comply with the permissible load of linen;
  • exhibit mode, temperature and spin speed depending on the loaded linen.

To extend the service life of the washing machine, the following rules perform:

  1. Overload linen significantly reduces the quality of washing, leads to a breakdown of an aggregate.
  2. Do not leave in the drum for a long time wedged underwear.
  3. Using high-quality detergents according to their intended purpose.
  4. Do not exceed the dosage of washing powders.
  5. Periodically conduct preventive cleaning of the machine.

The modern machine machine is equipped with a large number of programs and functions for caring from any materials. Their correct choice retains the integrity of the product, improves efficiency, saves resources, prolongs the service life of the washing machine.

About the correct wash of bed linen is sooner or later every hostess is conceived. The cleanliness and softness of sheets and pillows is the key to healthy sleep and well-being in the morning. But white sheets are gray and yellow, the fabric is covered with rollers, heels strongly. All these problems can be avoided by the correct washing mode and gentle detergent.

In what mode washed

The washing mode directly depends on the type of fabric from which the bed kit sews. Most often it's cotton (, satin, less often -), Lena, Bamboo, Poplin and Silk. For delicate tissues, special modes with a neat spinning are provided, they include silk, silk and semi-cooler satin, bamboo.

On a note
Mode by type of material is often tied to a certain temperature and a duration of stay in a typewriter.

At what temperature to wash

At what temperature to wash linen, sorting by type of textile and the degree of pollution:

  1. 90 degrees - for disinfection and purification of severely contaminated linen. Only products made of 100% cotton, mostly white color are subjected to such tests.
  2. 40-60 degrees - for the usual washing of cotton and linen products, including Brsayev. It is important to get acquainted with the manufacturer's recommendations: Not all dyes are withstanding the temperature of 50 degrees and above.
  3. 40 degrees - the usual wash satin. The mode is "color" or "synthetics", depending on the quality of the material.
  4. 30-40 degrees on the same modes - most colored tissues. With severe pollution, a temperature of 40 degrees is allowed if the tissue is well painted - 60.
  5. Without heating and up to 30 degrees on delicate mode - Bamboo and Silk.
  6. But for gentle modes are not suitable, since the villi will not have time to be cleaned. Also, in contrast to smooth matters, terry products should not fill the drum tightly. What to wipe the pile, he must rinse well with water. Therefore, the "cotton" mode is selected. Temperature - 40-50 degrees.

Choosing detergent

Despite the high cost, compared with the granulated powder, the liquid agent is preferable for washing as a bed kit and other things. It is better folded, preserves the fabrics soft, does not leave the divorces, does not cause an allergic reaction and takes care of the state of the washing machine.

The use of the air conditioner should not be frequent. These funds make linen soft and fragrant, but regular use of their fibers.

If the bleach is used, then it is added to the minimum quantities. Aggressive substances in the composition of the funds destroy the fibers of the fabric. The abuse of bleaching products leads to a rapid spider textile.

Washing baby linen

What and how to wash baby clothes:

  1. The tool must be hypoallergenic. On sale there are special gels with a note "for children's linen."
  2. Bearing powders are not recommended.
  3. Children's things are erased separately from the rest.
  4. Soda-based powders are not recommended, because It is badly flashed.

Tip! Dear funds will completely replace the solution or chips of the economic soap. Fill it into the main compartment or in the cap, which put to the linen in the drum.

Bedding washing will no longer cause difficulties if you listen to these recommendations:

  1. Do not ignore the labels on the labels. Manufacturers recommend such care conditions that will allow you to enjoy a good condition and type of set.
  2. If there are buttons and locks on the underwear, before immersion in the machine they need to be fastened.
  3. Duples and pillows are turned inside out.
  4. Basic rule: white is erased with white, color - with color.
  5. Bleaches do not apply on colored tissues. For this there are stains with an appropriate mark.
  6. If the lingerie is strongly contaminated, it is soaked in the pelvis in advance. So the washing time is reduced, electricity is saved, and the product lasts the state of the new thing longer.
  7. Do not overload the drum. Incomplete loading machine will provide a more thorough rinse of things. The approximate weight of one set is 2 kg.
  8. The safety of linen depends not only on the method of washing in the washing machine, but also from drying, ironing and storage. Many tissue types are dried and stored in a dark place. Cotton in front of the iron should be a little wet.
  9. The replacement of the kit is carried out once a week. So underwear will not have time to do too much, and it will not need a long wash at high temperatures. Pillowcases can be changed more often, as they are dirty faster. Duples - a little less often, once a half weeks, because They preserve cleanliness longer.
  10. Linen is loaded into the washing immediately after removal. If it is long to lie in the basket for dirty things, it will be much more difficult to return to him.

It is not difficult to wash the bed linen. The first step is to purchase a high-quality kit with detailed instructions on the label. Modern washing machines and detergents provide the most gentle and efficient washing for any materials, including children's linen.