Fluffy gray cats. What are the fluffy cat breeds

According to the English writer George Mikish, people get dogs, and cats people, apparently classifying them as useful pets. It's a joke, you might say, but as they say, every joke has some truth to it. Yes, these pets are more independent, characteristic and even somewhat arrogant than dogs. But this not only scares people away from them, but makes them respect, love and appreciate even more. In addition, different breeds have their own characteristics that must be considered when choosing your pet.

Representatives of the most ancient breed, which were depicted next to the pharaohs, definitely attract attention. Their gracefulness, royal posture and confident look leave no room for doubt that they were once truly considered sacred. Despite her proud appearance, she is very playful, agile and extremely curious. She can show character, as she does not like to sit on her hands. But with other pets, the Abyssinian gets along quite well, as well as with children.

A cat with average proportions and characteristics, but distinguished by amazingly shaped ears. They seem to be turned inside out, and the owners of curls are joking - so as not to miss a single rustle. There are several varieties with coats of varying lengths, but they all carry the longhair gene, and fluffy kittens can appear in a smooth-haired family. The coat of cats is distinguished by silkiness, softness and lack of undercoat.

As for the character, they are distinguished by intelligence, playfulness and obedience. Their upbringing will not cause difficulties, because these cats can even be walked on a leash.

A cat shrouded in mystery, arousing interest and attracting more and more people who want to buy it, regardless of the cosmic price. This is the only cat that has gained popularity without being recognized as a separate breed. According to the authors of the breed, this is the result of crossing cats - Asian leopard and domestic, as well as a serval. But skeptics are sure - this is nothing more than a kind of savannah.

But be that as it may, these are graceful, large cats, whose weight can reach 14-15 kg. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of a leopard. Like all cats, they are curious, playful and great with children.

An explosive mixture of temperamental wild leopards and docile domestic felines, however, took only the best qualities from both. Immediately striking is her intelligent, graceful appearance and leopard color.

Moreover, from wild ancestors, the cat also inherited a voice that varies from a gentle purr to a roar, and a love of water. Bengals love to communicate, play and are very mobile. Loneliness is not for them, with such a pet you will not be bored.

A graceful cat with satin black hair and a graceful physique, beautiful, with a touch of exoticism and mysticism - this is. Representatives of the breed attract not only with their chic appearance, but also with their noble origin, balanced temperament and unpretentiousness. Even if the cat is angry, she will not rush into battle, it is easier for her to hide from everyone and come to her senses in silence.

Powerful, well-developed animals, with a pleasant plush coat, have long gained popularity. They are very colorful, have a serious look and match his character. They have all the classic feline habits, but everything in moderation - curiosity, independence, friendliness and playfulness.

The owners note that they will never completely obey the owner, appreciating their own freedom and territory. This can be called a plus, because such a pet can do without the attention of the owner for a long time and not bother with its presence.

Burma (Burmese cat)

These are representatives of an ancient breed, depicted in temples and worshiped her. Today, the cat is not only popular with lovers, but also with breeders. Thanks to their attention, two types of breed appeared - European, with a triangular muzzle, and American - with a more rounded one.

One of the advantages of cats of this breed is their silky coat, which is very sensitive to external temperature and can even change color. As for the character, such a pet is very playful and suitable for families with children. After all, even in the midst of the game, the Burmese will not use claws and teeth. She does not remember resentment and always remains friendly.

This is the result of selection work, for which the Burmese cat and the Persian chinchilla were used. The cat received a muscular Burmese body and beautiful fur from a Persian. very sociable animals, they can listen to their owner and even relieve stress.

They can hardly endure loneliness, love to be in the family circle and get along well with all members - people and animals. These cats have another quality that is endearing - they can smile.

This is a relatively young breed, its representatives have a slightly fabulous appearance. They have a triangular muzzle with huge saucer eyes and large ears. Their main property is a meaningful and very piercing look.

- this is a real companion, because the pet will follow on the heels, participating in any business. Representatives of this breed are playful, curious and sociable. If you need a cat that will walk "by itself", then the Devon Rex will not work.

The history of the breed goes deep into the centuries, and its age is over 3000 years. And during this time, its representatives have not changed much. It has a beautiful coloration and gracefulness of a wild cat, but sociability and need for attention gives it away as an absolutely domestic animal.

They can hardly tolerate loneliness and can even be intrusive, demanding affection. Otherwise, Mau are no different from other cats - they love to play, show curiosity and are very smart.

Not a very common breed of cats, however, deserving attention. This is a Thai cat with a blue fur coat and expressive eyes - orange or amber. Their characteristic quality is attachment to their family. They are ready to follow on the heels, showing interest in any processes.

They are also very playful, if they are not given special toys, they themselves will find something to do with themselves. do not get along with other cats, showing a clear sense of ownership. They will not tolerate other pets and will be very jealous.

Cornish Rex

Graceful cats with exotic curly hair have already won the love of many. They are stately, have high paws and a light body - real aristocrats. Their silky coat is often compared to karakul - it is soft and pleasant to the touch.

The owners are unanimous - pets have a lot of advantages. They are intelligent, clean, smart and love not the house, but their owner, of course, that the latter cannot but bribe.

Werewolf cats, werewolves, cat wolves - as soon as they don’t call really strange representatives of this breed. They became an accidental result of selection work, but nevertheless they were recognized and received the name -. Cats have no hair around the nose and eyes, hair with gray hair and bright yellow eyes that add mysticism to the animal.

But the appearance does not prevent them from being sweet and friendly, cats love to be the center of attention and sometimes require affection. They can get along with cats and dogs, but small animals and birds will be perceived by them as prey.

Cats of this breed are called dachshunds or bassets because of their low posture. And, indeed, the mankchin actually has excessively short legs. But such a physiological feature does not affect the health of the animal, and otherwise it is an ordinary cat.

Of course, these cats cannot jump as high as their long-legged counterparts, but this does not detract from their playfulness and activity. By nature, they are similar to dogs, they do not mind walking with a harness, they are devoted to their family, sociable. But at the same time they are able to stand up for themselves.

These are the most beautiful cats - Asian aristocrats, who once lived in temples and imperial chambers. They have amazing, crystal blue eyes, the look of which radiates universal calmness, and, like other bobtails, a shortened tail.

Asians are playful and even apport with pleasure; they do not release their claws during the game. But they can bite if they feel that a person has crossed the border. Therefore, it is not the best option for young children. These cats can get along with other pets, but they will definitely show their leadership qualities.

This breed originated from Siamese cats, having adopted some qualities from them. They have an elongated, elongated muzzle, expressive, slightly squinted eyes and surprisingly sized ears. very graceful, with long paws and a light body.

Representatives of this breed are not suitable for people who cannot pay enough attention to them. Orientals are trusting, loving, mobile and talkative. They gladly meet the owner and do not hide their emotions.

Not a very common breed of cats with a wild color and purely domestic ancestors. - This is the result of crossing Abyssinians with Siamese. They are of good physical development and medium in size. As for the character, they are very sociable, sociable and cheerful pets.

If the owner does not have time to pay attention to the Ocicat, then you can get out of the situation by getting another pet - a dog or a cat. The pet will be able to find a common language with a new family member and will be less bored. These cats tend to choose one owner, but at the same time communicate with everyone. They have a loud voice and are not averse to "chat".

Participants and favorites of exhibitions - these cats have long managed to win the love of breeders. They are beautiful, graceful and petite, have a luxurious, silver-blue fur coat and emerald eyes. - a real aristocrat who shows restraint and calmness, even if she is torn by curiosity. She will not impose her company, but is not averse to being with the owner.

It takes time to gain her trust, and this applies to humans and other animals alike. The cat loves to explore everything new and watch the events taking place. Therefore, they can often be found looking out the window or exploring all the nooks and crannies of the dwelling.

A very fashionable breed that attracts attention, because it is a large hybrid of a serval and a Siamese cat. Of course, the offspring of such love has undergone a number of changes and selection work, but the result has justified itself. inherited the wild appearance and qualities of a domestic cat, but only through several generations.

The nature of the savanna depends on how much wild blood flows in its veins. The smaller, the more accommodating and trusting she is. Of course, the first litter of a serval and a cat will cost fabulous money, but it will be better to keep a pet in aviary conditions. Subsequent crossbreeding of offspring with domestic cats reduces the cost of kittens and makes them more domesticated.

Representatives of an ancient Thai breed, which in their homeland was nicknamed "moon diamond". Due to the dark muzzle and paws (point), the Siamese is often confused with other cats, but it is distinguished by a more refined, narrowed muzzle, large ears and almond-shaped eyes.

Very smart and not devoid of waywardness. She likes to draw attention to her person, but she can easily endure 10-12 hours of loneliness. Allegations that cats of this breed are angry and aggressive are not confirmed, since with proper care and good attitude they are excellent pets.

The amazing cats, whose name translates as "snow shoes", are actually an oversight on the part of a breeder of Siamese cats. Not knowing who the father of the offspring with white socks was, the woman did not leave this unattended, and, continuing the selection work, she identified the culprit, it turned out to be an American Shorthair cat.

And so these proud, not devoid of independence, cats appeared. They love water, sing and are trainable. Due to their beautiful appearance, these ladies are well suited for a show career.

Due to their resemblance, they are often confused with Siamese cats. The blood of the ancient Siamese flows in their veins, and the Thais themselves were known as early as the 14th century. she is very beautiful, she has a dark muzzle, against which crystal blue eyes literally shine. But owners who have secrets appreciate its other qualities more - humility, love of love, a sharp mind and quick wit.

People are sure that if you take a Thai cat into the house, then later there will be no talk of pets of other breeds. In addition, there is a belief that a cat of this breed brings happiness and good luck to the house.

Modern breeders are increasingly setting the goal of getting an affectionate, domestic cat with the appearance of her wild counterparts. So the toyger was the result of the desire to breed a cat with a tiger appearance. The cat turned out to be beautiful, stately, with a striped fur coat.

And, besides, careful selection and selection made the character of the pet very inviting. very affectionate, loving, balanced, this cat is ideal for families with children. The cat loves to communicate not only with his family, but also with guests.

These are unusual curly cats from the Urals, information about which appeared in the 40s of the last century. They immediately interested breeders who are still improving the breed. Curly coat gives a funny and mischievous look.

But even more people who want to have such a pet are attracted by their amazing character. Cats of this breed are very tame, affectionate and loyal. They are unobtrusive, but they can support in difficult times, they are patient with children's pranks and are very attentive. An ideal pet for a friendly family.

Another name for the breed is, whose representatives came from Scotland. Their feature is interesting, curved and hanging ears. In addition, the Scottish Fold cat has a strong body, round eyes and a thick, pleasant coat.

The pet has a very funny look, causing positive emotions. This is especially noticeable when the pet is curious. It is also an affectionate purr, kind and friendly. He will be glad to be with his family, but he can also find something to do alone.

- this is the abbreviated name for representatives of this breed, they are the fruit of crossing American and Persian cats. But the breeders pursued the goal - to get an American with a Persian color, and the result was a Persian with short hair. Moreover, an exotic cat is similar in all respects to a Persian, except for a fur coat.

By nature, exotics are gentle purrs who love to sleep with their owner, sit on their hands and be caressed. Due to their phlegmatic nature, the breed is recommended for older people. Such cats provide comfort and a calm atmosphere, without fuss and dirty tricks.

The appearance of these cats is quite ordinary - medium size, short hair, they are compact and well built. But it gives out their uniqueness - a short, curved (twisted, straight or broken) tail. It's like a fingerprint, because no two tails are the same.

They love to play, jump, purr or meow loudly, noisy and noisy. does not like to sit idle and is constantly busy exploring everything around. But at the same time, cats of this breed are devoted to their owners, they are in good contact with children and other animals.

Semi-longhair cats

These are representatives of a semi-wild breed, whose ancestors are considered to be a bobtail from Japan. These pets are called lynx cats, because outwardly they are very similar to them, and, in addition, they are adapted for life in a wild harsh environment. Life in the Kuriles made cats large, hardy and fearless, and crossing them with a Siberian cat had a fruitful effect on their character.

- a large cat with a short tail and semi-long, dense hair, the claws of these cats are not retracted, they love water very much. They are very attached to the owner and can even protect him, driving away strangers.

Maine Coon (Manx raccoon)

Cats with lynx tassels on their ears and a raccoon tail, huge (as for domestic cats) size and expressive muzzle are the dream of many. Despite their somewhat wild appearance and size (males can reach 15 kg), these pets are affectionate, playful and sociable.

Of course, they have a number of features, for example, they like to climb into the water, not all of them are tame, but all of them are “talkative”. They do not release their claws unnecessarily and like to be always near the owners, but at the same time they do not interfere.

This breed is descended from the Abyssinian, but is distinguished by semi-long hair all over the body and longer hair around the neck, panties and tail. A feature is their color, in which light and dark tones alternate, capable of forming stripes. The more stripes a cat has, the higher its price.

Somalis are not sofa cats and their playfulness does not go away with age. However, these are not destructive pets and usually do not cross boundaries. They are suitable for large, noisy families with children and other pets.

Representatives of this native breed are quite large, well-built and beautiful animals. Their peculiarity - a special "Van" color - is a white fur coat with reddish-reddish spots in the muzzle and tail, and their presence on the back is also allowed.

- This is a very sociable cat, amenable to training and loving water procedures. She not only loves affection, but is ready to turn her back at every opportunity. Representatives of this breed also need walking and feel great on a leash. Of course, they are still not dogs and it is enough for them to walk 1-2 times a week.


This is the abbreviated name for these cats, it has a chic fur coat of the Persians and the original color of the Siamese. There are many legends and tales around the breed, and they are called "sacred". It is difficult to say what is true and what is fiction, however, the Burmese are distinguished by a truly “holy” character.

They are playful, but not dirty, active, but in moderation. They do not impose their communication and agree to wait until the owner has time to communicate. The Birman cat gets along well with children, but does not like excessive noise and tense environments.

They are called Siberians with Siamese sophistication, cats and cats of this breed are beautiful, large and very colorful. But this is by no means the merit of the efforts of breeders, but the result of an accidental love between a Siberian cat and a cat with a Siamese color (it is not known for sure whether she was Siamese or Himalayan).

It is a long-liver, its coat does not cause allergies and does not require painstaking care. She has a certain charisma - she loves to show off very much, but is distrustful of strangers. Perfectly adapts to new conditions and loves his family.

Once upon a time, this large, colorful animal with long luxurious hair lived in the Norwegian forests. Naturally, this determined his hunting qualities and endurance, but selection work turned the cat into a cute domestic creature that retained a high intelligence and beautiful appearance.

Suitable for home keeping, she is very balanced and calm. Likes to communicate, but sometimes not averse to seclusion. He gets along well with other pets and is good with children.

Cats of this breed are hard to miss - because they have an extravagant appearance - a wide muzzle with a flattened nose and chic hair. The breed has undergone a number of changes, not always positive, but today it has no flaws, and its representatives are healthy and active.

- this is an ideal companion who does not like loneliness and is not adapted to live on the street - only with a person does she feel calm and confident.


A young amazing breed of cats that can completely relax all muscles, which is why its name is translated as a rag doll. These are quite large animals with beautiful hair. Born with white hair, after a year and a half, it acquires the most incredible colors.

- absolutely collective cats, it is difficult for them to be alone, and they are ready to follow their master anywhere. They are phlegmatic, they like to lie around, but they are not averse to playing, especially with children.

This is an aboriginal breed of Siberia, it is believed that it originated from wild forest cats. Stocky, large (the weight of cats reaches 12 kg), fluffy - cats of this breed cannot leave anyone indifferent.

It has a developed hunter's instinct, therefore, even if lost, the pet will not disappear and will be able to provide itself with food. Also, this quality helps to rid the house of rodents. These pets are unpretentious in all aspects of life, smart, but somewhat reserved.

- snow-white (blue and black individuals are less common), graceful beauty - with blue, greenish or different eyes. She is a regular participant in various exhibitions and is popular.

The Turkish Angora does not require much care, it is smart, intelligent, calm, gets along well with children, but can be "on its own mind" or overly sensitive.

Bald cats

This is the fruit of crossing a short-legged Munchkin and a bald Sphynx, he turned out to be squat and naked. Representatives of the breed have a very touching, defenseless look, so they were named like small children -. By the way, long-legged kittens can also appear in the litter of these cats.

These cats are not hunters, so they do not show aggression during the game. This allows you to keep bambino in the same dig even with mice. They are gentle, affectionate and playful.

Representatives of the breed have a very exotic appearance, however, bred in Russia. Cats do not have a coat, they are very graceful, but have well-developed muscles.

Very inquisitive, active, but not dirty. He chooses one master whom he adores. For the rest, he finds a special approach - he knows who plays with him, who feeds him.

Folded and bald, however, who have won love and reverence, they look very peculiar. They have warm, soft skin that feels good to the touch.

As for the character, they are very gentle and devoted, not jealous of other animals and not aggressive. They have pride, so they will not humiliate themselves and beg for a treat. But they will definitely try to pull it off.

The birthplace of the breed is the northern capital, it was here that bald cats with a model appearance appeared. Shorthaired ones may also appear in the world, but in character they do not differ at all from their naked counterparts.

These cats will wake you up in the morning, take you to work and welcome you with joy. They are friendly to all family members, but the pets simply idolize the owner. The plus is their cleanliness, the minus is excessive "talkativeness".

A rare breed - its representatives are naked and lop-eared, very attractive to fans of unusual cats. have a serious, and even angry, look, which has nothing to do with their character.

Cats are loving, gentle and devoted. They are easy to train, cheerful and positive, but demanding. It will not be difficult for them to follow on the heels of the owner, substituting their back or jumping on their knees - they will definitely receive their portion of affection!

Cats are one of the most amazing and unusual pets. They may have different appearance and temperament, small and not very weaknesses, but in any case, they get along with a person and become part of his family.

Most cats and cats have thick and soft fur. She is their dignity and an object of admiration. Many owners are proud of their pets and even put their photos online. Some individuals have especially long hair, thanks to which they are champions in the world. The most fluffy cat in the world is Colonel Meow, but there are other individuals that are worthy of people's attention.

It is not uncommon for pets to have personal pages on social networks, where their owners publish new photos of their idols. Undoubtedly, caring for cats is quite difficult, but it's worth it.

We bring to your attention the top fluffy cats, which are known all over the world for their wool.

cat sky

Until recently, the cat Sky was considered the most fluffy cat in the world. This animal is literally buried in snow-white wool. If you look at the pet from afar, then it can even be confused with a small cloud. The owner of the cat admits that she often wants to stroke and hug her pet, as he has a very beautiful view.

  • The name Sky was also given to him not by chance. From an early age, the fluffy cat was restless, but at the same time affectionate. Then the hostess gave him such a nickname, which in English means heaven.
  • The long and fluffy tail of a cat is his calling card on the Internet. Skye is a celebrity of sorts where she lives permanently.

The cat has its own Instagram account, where the owner regularly publishes new photos with his participation.

Cat "Colonel"

According to the length of his fur, a fluffy cat named Colonel Meow won in the world. The pet is a cross between a Himalayan and Persian breed. It has an ash gray color and an impressive size.

The history of the cat is not simple - he was taken from a shelter in October 2011 in Los Angeles. It is not known how and why he ended up there, but soon the animal found its loving family. The owner immediately realized that the cat's hair was too long. The nickname became attached to the animal itself because of its appearance. The owner often had to clean houses, clean carpets and other surfaces. However, Anne-Marie Evie did not even imagine that her pet could become a record holder..

  • The average length of the "hair" was 23 centimeters. And this is an absolute record among fluffy domestic cats.
  • Previously, the longest-haired cats were not listed in the Guinness Book of Records, and Colonel Meow became the first. Next to him is the record for the oldest cat in the world, which was born in 1977.

Fame and popularity came to him after the publication of Anne-Marie photos on social networks. The photo of the beautiful cat went viral due to its appearance – it seemed that Colonel Meow’s face expressed contempt and displeasure, which users laughed at.

Due to the recognition of the fluffy cat, about 176,000 people signed up for the animal's account. More than 70,000 likes regularly appeared on the photo. Then the hostess started a cat account on Youtube.

The owners did not seek to capitalize on the popularity of the cat, but the constant requests to show the pet and the creation of new funny memes improved the quality of life of the hostess. The most fluffy cat in the world Colonel Meow even participated in the filming of a video with a charity start along with other popular cats.

The life of the fluffy record holder was not long - in November 2013 the cat was admitted to the hospital, and then died in January 2014. An autopsy revealed that Colonel Meow was suffering from chronic heart muscle disease.

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Cats of different breeds accompany a person throughout the history of his existence. Warm, soft and fluffy with a free character, like the wind, with a tail and ears, and without these "devices". Sometimes they present gifts in the form of kittens or their playful amusements, which are so pleasant to watch. Being eternal and devoted companions of ours, they have won our favor so much that we dedicate songs, pictures, write books about them and make films about them. It's time to get to know them better. Today we have 20 of the most popular cat breeds with descriptions and photos. And they adequately represent their family. All these breeds of cats are beautiful in their own way. Their photos can easily decorate the desktop, become the background on the phone, they can be presented to a loved one.

20 most popular cat breeds

From the descriptions it will become clear what is the difference between the kittens:
  • In the length of the coat;
  • Dimensions;
  • Color and pattern on the coat;
  • The size and shape of the ears and tail;
  • In character traits.
Well, for now everything is in order!

1. Scottish Fold

The facial expression of this fluffy reflects his character. The Scottish cat breed is calm, inquisitive, noble and friendly. It is often possible to observe how, with frisky kids, an imperturbable mother gracefully sits.

There is another feature of these quadrupeds - their ability to sit on their hind legs. But the handsome man's ears confidently bend down. Its thick and soft fur is so pleasant to the touch.

2. British breed

The most intelligent cat breeds are headed by this serious-looking handsome man. Did you know that the British cat breed is considered to be distant relatives of not just anyone, but the Cheshire cat itself. But, despite the fact that their faces are decorated with a slight mist of a smile, the character of these short-haired strong men is independent and serious.

British breed cats are unlikely to allow themselves to be sat on the handles and cuddle.

3. Maine Coon

If we talk about the qualities of character, then the Maine Coon cat breed is good friends. They watch people's lives with interest. But meikun will not be satisfied with only an observational position. These playful pets are very playful.

And, despite the fact that the meikun is quite weighty, he is far from being a goof, but even a gymnast can envy his mobility and ease of movement. And on top of everything else, Maine is also a chatty comrade. His "vocabulary" is huge!

Even the name of the breed evokes thoughts about the cold, and, accordingly, about a fur coat! Yes, the Siberian cat breed is one of the most well-dressed. Any inhabitant of the north can envy her fur coat. But this breed boasts not only the density and beauty of fur. But the strength of the animal is rather big.

Big cats even have huge paws. And yet, they remain very graceful. The Siberian looks amazing, which, with all its vastness, easily, like a cloud, “hangs” on the fence, or jumps like it flies!

This breed is amazing! Describing angorok, one would like to switch to “the best” at the beginning of any sign that characterizes it! For example, it is known that this is a smart, active, beautiful, trainable cat!

And besides, she is very attached to the owner and the place, and she has a huge vocabulary of "words". Did you forget to read “most” before each sign? And it is right! She has no equal!

Even of this breed they say that the main decoration of the Siamese is the look of their slanted blue eyes. We all know how amazing cats of this breed are. They are beautiful, refined, with short thick hair of a wonderful color.

The pattern on their muzzle and paws is elegant. But it turns out that this family is distinguished by great love for the owners and their incredible affection. Both adults and even a kitten are characterized by softness in behavior.

And in the cat kingdom there are “dachshunds. These are Munchkins, a cat breed with short legs. Just imagine that the paws of an ordinary animal are almost 2 times smaller than they should be.

But Munchkins usually do not worry about this and do not see it as a disadvantage, they use their peculiarity to make people fall in love with them even more! They have learned to use their tail as a support when they squat on their hind legs.

All owners of this beauty are delighted! They describe a true ideal! For them, the Burmese cat is cheerful, gentle, patient, and friendly. At the same time, as soon as she starts up in the house, peace reigns there.

Burmese live in peace even with dogs and children who are not averse to tearing this cute shorthair on every passing occasion.

9. Persian cats

Who has a flattened nose and eyes like saucers;
And act like a boss, don't even laugh.

Even the little Persian kitten seems to be frowning and slightly surprised. But that's just how it seems. In fact, these calm cats love their owners very much and try to please them in everything.

10. Himalayan cats

If you compare cat breeds with photos, peaches and Himalayans, it is easy to find similarities. However, let me show you these magnificent furries in all their glory, and you will understand that they are a separate race. And in color, and in character, and, if desired, to spend time more actively.

11. Exotic cats

More than once, these, with a round head and downcast cheeks, blew up the Internet with their photographs. The plush beauty of these babies touches. And their gaze falls in love once and for all.

A breed that is famous for its curiosity. From an early age, they learn to poke their snub noses into everything. That is why both babies and older pets look funny. You just want to put a photo with them on your desktop so that you can start your working day with a smile.

Somalia, this is the royal blood in the whole family. But cat happiness began not so long ago, for a long time this breed was considered a marriage. It is difficult now to imagine that such a graceful little animal with a complaisant character and crowned ears would not be considered a format.

From a distance, the European Shorthair will remind you of your Vasya with a watermelon ornament on her belly. And this is the main beauty of the breed: he is like a native to us all, like the one who is always with us, from childhood he was both a friend and a doll to us. We sometimes like to hang out with photos of our Vasilkov, remembering how much warmth he gave us.

What is it, or rather, who? And this is the shine of wool? What about the look? Is this a pet? These are the jokes sometimes given by the cooperation of nature with breeders. An amazing cat, graceful, with a lynx look. And at the same time, devoted and loving.

Plush purr pleasantly surprises with its beauty. The description of the breed of the Russian blue cat should begin with its unearthly beauty, steel color, it shimmers with blueness.

Huge bright green eyes play along with this. This aristocratic cat is playful, loving to amuse its owners with its mobility.

17. Korat

Those expressive eyes seem fixed on you. And indeed, she loves to watch, so that at a convenient moment Her Majesty Grayness can come up with a game out of everything, and fun for us.

And her name is consonant with the unit of measure for jewelry. However, the cat itself is a kind of jewel.

It is sometimes easy to get confused with names, for example, Cornish Rex. A breed of cats, but it seems that the conversation is about dogs. But there are character traits in these purrs, which so remind us of dogs - fidelity and affection.

The ears of these elite wearers of astrakhan fur coats are huge, as if they are ready to catch our every word.

Who else can boast of his hare tail, no matter how smoked? This strong cat, it turns out, is also very brave. He can not only hunt, but also fish: water does not frighten him.

Beauty is different. For example, the fact that the character of the sphinx is just wonderful. True, sometimes he can play too much, and accidentally use his claws. Over time, you begin to love all the folds of this bald beauty. Appreciate the devotion and desire to touch the pet to you.

This collection includes the most beautiful breeds of cats, there are those who have been known for centuries, there are also new genera. Whatever kittens you choose for yourself as a pet, or a portrait of them as a headband, or a gift to loved ones, we are sure that you will enjoy getting to know these fluffy lumps of happiness.

Fluffy cats are very pleasant in terms of tactile sensations. You can compare them with soft toys. As for the varieties of long-haired cats, there are plenty of them. Persian cats are a classic representative, Turkish Van or Napoleon cats are also popular. All these breeds are united only by the length of the coat, otherwise each cat has its own specific features that affect their behavior or the way they are cared for.

When choosing a cat with long hair, you need to understand what awaits the owner. Without regular hair care, she will quickly lose her appearance, for which, in fact, such cats are purchased.

The origin of such cats can be understood from the name - we are talking about the territory of Iran, since it was there, in 1620, that a certain P. Valle first mentioned them. Then the animals were sent to Italy. The breed was considered, and is still considered, aristocratic, it has always belonged to the highest rank. Persian cats can be seen in films, in paintings, they are often inserted into cartoons. After importing such cats to Italy, they began to spread throughout Europe. The French were the first to know about them after Italy - it happened in the 17th century, but those cats were somewhat different from those that are found now.

There is an opinion that, which has come down to our days, contains a cross between the Angora breed from Turkey, there is also an opinion that manula cats have left their mark on the breed. The real boom of such cats happened only in the 19th century, in England, where there was an interest in the breed of long-haired cats.

A characteristic feature of this breed, in addition to long hair, is a small snub nose. According to the shape of the nose, there are separate species within this breed. There are cats that, because of the nose like a Pekingese, are called extreme. Standard representatives of the breed or classic Persian cats have an elongated shape. You can also meet hybrid types of cats of this breed.

The head, chest and back of these cats are large, on the other hand, the legs are short, which did not affect their power. The tail is short, the eyes are quite large, expressive, the color of the eyes, as a rule, corresponds to the color of the coat.

Of course, the main feature of Persian cats is wool, since Persians can be considered really long-haired cats. The length can be up to 20 cm, other long-haired cat breeds rarely reach 10-15 cm. The wool itself is thin and cannot warm the cat in cold weather.

For life in the family, such cats are perfectly adapted, moreover, there is an opinion that life on the street is contraindicated for them - they simply do not survive there. Cats are in good contact with everyone without exception - they can make friends with capricious personalities and with children. Attachment to its owner is noted.

Cats are very afraid to be alone for a long time, without their owners, so they should, if possible, be taken with you on trips, especially if you have a long trip ahead. Without the presence of the owners nearby for a long time, it can come to the point that they stop eating.

Persian cats are very calm, and, despite the difference in temperaments of individual species, there will be no aggressive ones among them. Catching mice is not about them. The main occupation of such cats is lying on the couch or doing some quiet business.

You will have to tinker with the hair of cats, on the other hand, the one who buys a Persian for himself will surely know its features. In order for the coat not to lose its elite look, it will need to be combed every day and spend at least a total hour a week on this.

You also need to monitor the cleanliness of the muzzle, as the eyes have a habit of watering. The hind legs and the area around the anus will have to be trimmed, but only if there is confidence that the cat will not participate in the exhibition. After bathing, you can not immediately comb the animal - you need to blot it with a towel.

Also, periodically you will have to cut the animal. Of the features of the diet, a large amount of proteins can be noted. They should make up more than half of the entire diet, but vitamins and carbohydrates should not be forgotten. The price depends on the specific class. You can find a kitten, costing from two thousand and from 25 thousand.

02. Ragamuffin

This breed is considered very young, it was bred in America in the late 60s, thanks to the crossing of an ordinary yard cat with an elite breed. The breed gained its independence only in the 2000s.

Such cats are formed in five years, before that such ragamuffin cats are in the period of formation. The chest of the animal has the shape of a wide rectangle, while the neck is short, which makes such a cat look very fluffy, since there are no visible transitions from the body to the neck.

Ragamuffin cats almost never have a white color, just as there is no special pattern in the style of color - it can be either monophonic or mixed. The coat itself is medium in length and soft to the touch.

The head is wide, oval in shape, the eyes can be either green or golden. There are cats with different colored eyes. The ears are set wide apart, the tips are rounded. The body is long and strong, the tail is also long.

If you need to choose a kind, non-aggressive pet for a family, then ragamuffin cats fit this description. They are neither aggressors nor hunters, cats will easily get along with everyone, including children. Free walks are not welcome, as the animals feel better at home, in safety, although some types of ragamuffin cats may allow themselves to be taken on a leash. There is no problem getting along with other animals. They jump on hands willingly.

How to care? Here again we need to talk about the need for constant combing of wool - such is the fate of all owners of long-haired cats. You should immediately, as soon as the animal appears in the house, accustom yourself and the animal to the fact that you will have to do combing every week. Let the animal get used to the tool, smell it. The comb should be metal, and the teeth should be long.

We must not forget about the claws, since this breed is not intended, in most cases, for walking, during which the claws themselves grind down on the asphalt. For ragamuffin cats, you need to set aside time, about once a month, for the trimming process. It would be useful to install a special post or log in the house, on which the cat will grind its claws. Otherwise, furniture will act as this device, which no one wants.

Luckily, such cats rarely need to be bathed, only once a year, as they do this with great reluctance. You need to bathe them in warm water, using shampoo. As for nutrition, the following must be said - the owner himself chooses whether to give the cat elite food or natural products. The cost reaches about 50 thousand.

Breeding this breed was tried back in the 30s, and the first results were published back in 1936. It was only in 1951 that the Himalayan cat was successfully bred, the cat itself, in its body structure and coat structure, was indistinguishable from Persian cats, but the coat color corresponded to the Siamese breed.

In the future, there were some problems with registration, since breeders only produced hybrids of these breeds. The bureaucratic problem was solved only in 1984, when such cats began to be considered a variety of Persians. Now Himalayan cats can be either separate species or belong to the Persians.

From the Persian breed, they received not only the structure of the coat, but also a dense body, along with short legs. A massive head is noted, although the neck is thickened. The eyes are round, large, bright blue. The ears are set low, the ends are rounded, the tail is not large, but the proportions of the whole body make it organic in appearance.

The weight of an adult cat usually does not exceed 6 kg. As for the coat color, it most often includes blotches of red, black and blue - this corresponds to their Siamese ancestors.

Himalayan cat

The contours of the cat's facial mask are somewhat blurred, despite the fact that the breed standards suggest a clearer structure. It will not work to see the color of a cat in childhood, since it will form only after the Himalayan cat is at least two years old.

From the physique of such cats, a behavior model follows. The body of Himalayan cats does not allow them to travel to hard-to-reach places or deftly jump on tables, as other cats do. They will not climb curtains, more often they can be seen in a calm state. This does not mean that they will not play at all.

They love to play with small toys, balls and people. Of course, some boundaries cannot be crossed, otherwise the cat will simply go to a remote place. Noisy places are not for these cats, and if the house is noisy, then they prefer to wait until the noise stops. Himalayan cats love it when their owner pays attention to them. They are not particularly annoying, and will jump to their knees only when the owner makes it clear that this is possible.

For such cats, it is better to purchase beds or houses, as they like to sleep, but for the above reasons, equip places to rest on the floor or where the cat can get without problems.

All long-haired cats immediately lose their appearance if you forget to monitor the condition of their coat. It will take every day to work in this direction, and it will need to be done carefully. To prevent tangles or tangles of hair from appearing on the coat, it is required to use a comb with rare teeth. Such a comb is used for daily procedures, while at the time of molting, which also happens often, you need to use a comb with thicker teeth.

Such cats love to bathe, and the procedure itself is very useful for them and for their coat. As for health problems, due to the short muzzle, together with the peculiar structure of the nose, breathing is heavy, and teary eyes are also noted. The cost of such cats usually starts from 10 thousand rubles.

04. Napoleon cats

Napoleon cats were bred by crossing Persians and Munchkins, which ultimately resulted in the appearance with long hair, but small in size. For the first time they started talking about the breed in the USA, in the mid-90s, and the breed was registered only in 2005.

In addition to a compact body, they have a relatively small height at the shoulders. The length of the legs varies depending on the type of breed. The Napoleon Extreme breed is characterized by short paws, while the classical breed is characterized by long paws. The weight of an adult cat relative to other breeds of this class is small, it can reach no more than two kilograms. The admixture of the Persian is expressed in the presence of a flattened nose, small ears and pronounced eyes. The shape of the head should be wedge-shaped.

The nature of Napoleon cats is such that they endure all tests directed at them - games with children are meant when they are carried in a stroller, squeezed, hugged, etc. There is a strong attachment to the owners, a constant manifestation of affection. They are forbidden to be released into the street, because due to their size, they may one day not return from there.

Caring for Napoleon cats involves regular combing and trimming, and he also needs to provide conditions for physical activity, since such cats need constant movement. Together with a specialist, you will need to draw up a diet. Regular support from the veterinarian will also be useful.
For a cat with a rare color, you will have to pay about 80 thousand rubles, for a standard color they ask no more than 50 thousand.

There is an owner for every cat, as everyone's preferences are different. Someone prefers exclusively black cats, someone is a fan of bald ones, there is also a category of people for whom the fluffiness of a cat is important, that is, the length of its coat.

Not all fluffy cat breeds (even those that are beloved and in demand) can boast of an official status confirmed by major felinological associations.

How many fluffy breeds are recognized FIFe, WCF, CFA

Currently, just over a hundred feline varieties are legally referred to as breeds.. They received this right thanks to three authoritative organizations:

  • World Cat Federation (WCF) - registered 70 breeds;
  • International Cat Federation (FIFe) - 42 breeds;
  • Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) - 40 breeds.

The figures are not considered final, since often breeds (under different names) are duplicated, and new ones are periodically added to the list of recognized ones.

Important! Long-haired cats make up slightly less than a third - 31 breeds, whose representatives are allowed for breeding, have their own standard and permission for exhibition activities.

Top 10 Fluffy Cats

All cats, including those with elongated hair, are divided into several large groups - Russian aboriginal, British, Eastern, European and American. Only the Persian cat (and the exotic close to it) is truly long-haired, while the rest are semi-long-haired, even if they are called long-haired.

Among the Russian natives, this is a Siberian cat, among the British - a long-haired British cat, among Europeans - a Norwegian forest cat, among the eastern ones - Turkish Angora, Burmese cat, Turkish Van and Japanese Bobtail.

In the American cat group, elongated hair is seen in breeds such as:

  • Balinese cat;
  • York chocolate;
  • oriental cat;
  • ragamuffin;
  • Somalia;
  • selkirk rex.

In addition, such well-known breeds as the American Bobtail and American Curl, Himalayan, Javanese, Cymric and cats, as well as the Munchkin, Napoleon, Pixie Bob, Chantilly-Tiffany, Scottish and Highland Fold are noted for increased fluffiness.

The breed, whose homeland is Persia, is recognized by FIFE, WCF, CFA, PSA, ACF, GCCF and ACFA.

Her ancestors include Asian steppe and desert cats, including. Europeans, or rather, the French, met Persian cats in 1620. The animals were distinguished by wedge-shaped muzzles and slightly cut foreheads.

Important! Somewhat later, the Persians penetrated into Great Britain, where work began on their selection. The Persian Longhair was perhaps the first breed registered in England.

The highlight of the breed is a wide and snub-nosed nose. Some extreme types have a jaw / nose set so high that the owners are forced to feed them with their hands (since pets are not able to capture food with their mouths).

The breed, originating in the USSR, is recognized by ACF, FIFE, WCF, PSA, CFA and ACFA.

The breed was based on wild cats that lived in harsh conditions with long winters and deep snow. It is not surprising that all Siberian cats are excellent hunters, easily overcoming water obstacles, forest thickets and snow blockages.

With the active development of Siberia by man, native cats began to mix with newcomers, and the breed almost lost its individuality. A similar process (disappearance of primordial qualities) took place with animals exported to the European zone of our country.

It was only in the 1980s that they began to systematically restore the breed, in 1988 the first breed standard was adopted, and a few years later American breeders appreciated it.

The breed, whose homeland is called Norway, is recognized by WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, FIFE, TICA and ACFA.

According to one version, the ancestors of the breed were cats that inhabited the Norwegian forests and descended from long-haired cats, once imported from hot Turkey. The animals have adapted to the new climate of the north of Scandinavia, having acquired a dense water-repellent coat and developed a powerful backbone / muscles.

Breeders put a stop to chaotic mating, having started purposeful breeding of the breed in the 30s of the last century. The Norwegian Forest made its debut at the Oslo show (1938) followed by a break until 1973 when the skogkatt was registered in Norway. In 1977, Norwegian Forestry was recognized by the FIFe.

The breed, which owes its appearance to North America, is recognized by the ACF, TICA, WCF and ACFA.

These are dense and rounded animals, with a short back and muscular thighs. The forelimbs are small and widely spaced, and also noticeably shorter than the hind limbs, due to which there is an association with a rabbit. A significant difference from other breeds is the absence of a tail in combination with long hair.

The start of breeding, for which the long-haired Manx was chosen, was given in the USA / Canada in the second half of the last century. The breed was officially recognized first in Canada (1970) and much later in the USA (1989). Since the long-haired Manx was found mainly in Wales, the adjective "Welsh" in one of its variants "cymric" was assigned to the new breed.

The breed, whose homeland is clear from the name, is recognized by FIFE, TICA, CFA and ACFA. A distinctive feature is the auricles curved back (the more pronounced the bend, the higher the class of the cat). Show kittens have crescent-shaped ears.

It is known that the breed began with a street cat with strange ears, found in 1981 (California). Shulamith (as the foundling was called) brought a litter, where some of the kittens had maternal ears. When mating a Curl with ordinary cats, kittens with turned-out ears are always present in the litter.

Introduced to the general public in 1983. Two years later, a long-haired, and a little later, a short-haired variety of Curl was officially registered.

Maine Coon

The breed, whose homeland is considered the United States, is recognized by WCF, ACF, GCCF, CFA, TICA, FIFE and ACFA.

The breed, whose name in translation sounds like “Maine raccoon”, resembles these predators only in a striped color. Felinologists are sure that oriental, British shorthair, as well as Russian and Scandinavian longhair cats belong to the ancestors.

The ancestors of the breed, ordinary village cats, were brought to the North American continent by the first colonists. Over time, the Maine Coon has acquired thick hair and increased somewhat in size, which helped them adapt to the harsh climate.

The public saw the first Maine Coon in 1861 (New York), then the popularity of the breed began to decline and returned again only by the middle of the last century. The CFA approved the breed standard in 1976. Now huge fluffy cats are in demand both in their homeland and abroad.

The USA born breed is recognized by FIFE, ACF, GCCF, CFA, WCF, TICA and ACFA.

The progenitors ("rag dolls") were a pair of producers from California - a Burmese cat and a white long-haired cat. Breeder Ann Baker deliberately selected animals with a gentle disposition and an amazing ability to relax muscles.

In addition, ragdolls are completely devoid of the instinct of self-preservation, which is why they need increased protection and care. The official registration of the breed took place in 1970, and today it is recognized by all major associations of cat lovers.

Important! American organizations prefer to work with ragdolls of traditional colors, while European clubs register red and cream cats.

Originating in the UK, the breed is ironically ignored by the prudish English breeders who still bar cats carrying the long-haired gene from breeding. Solidarity with English breeders is also shown by the American CFA, whose representatives are sure that British Shorthair cats should have an exceptionally short coat.

However, it is recognized by many countries and clubs, including the International Cat Federation (FIFe). The breed, reminiscent of the character and exterior of the British Shorthair, received the legal right to compete at felinological exhibitions.

The breed originating in Turkey is recognized by FIFE, ACF, GCCF, WCF, CFA, ACFA and TICA.

Characteristic signs of the breed are pronounced webs between the toes of the front paws, as well as waterproof thin elongated hair. The area adjacent to Lake Van (Turkey) is called the birthplace of the Turkish Vans. Initially, cats lived not only in Turkey, but also in the Caucasus.

In 1955, the animals were brought to the UK, where intensive breeding work began. Despite the final appearance of the van by the end of the 1950s, the breed was considered experimental for a long time and was approved by the GCCF only in 1969. A year later, the Turkish van was also legitimized by FIFE.

The breed, whose homeland is the USA, is recognized by ACFA and CFA.

(appearance and character) are very reminiscent of ragdolls, differing from them in a wider palette of colors. Ragamuffins, like ragdolls, are devoid of natural hunting instincts, are not able to fend for themselves (more often they just hide) and peacefully coexist with other pets.

It is interesting! The moment of origin of the breed by felinologists is not exactly defined. It is only known that the first trial specimens of ragamuffins (from the English "ragamuffin") were obtained by crossing ragdolls with yard cats.

Breeders tried to develop Ragdolls with more interesting colors, but inadvertently created a new breed, whose representatives first appeared in public in 1994. CFA legalized the breed and its standard a little later, in 2003.