Sizes from smaller to more. Sizes s m l

Are you planning to do shopping? Shopping, buying new things, change style and image - Lesson, Certainly, fascinating and interesting. However, the incomprehensible letters, which indicate the dimensions s M and L, XL, XXL can make some confusion in the process of buying like things if you do not know what they mean.

How to determine the dimension of clothes

We are accustomed to assume that the main indicator to determine the size is half of the chest girth. It is important to correct the measurements. The centimeter tape should be accurately horizontally, tightly pester to the body without a strong stretch or savory, and pass through the most outstanding breast points.

The person who produces measurements should be in full underwear or light summer clothing. In order for the decoding of s dimensions S M to be as accurate as possible, we recommend to produce additional measurements:

    chest girth;

    waist girth;

    hip girth.

We produce the waist measurements on a bare body, without retracting and without protruding the belly, the position of the body should be relaxed and natural. Hips are measuring in their widest place.

Keep in mind that if your type of shapes, for example, correspond to the sizes of T-shirts S M l, then this does not mean that the same dimension will have skirts or pants.

Compliance with digital signs

There are several generally accepted labels of dimension: Russian, European and American. Usually an international letter designation system is used.

In order to decide, S M l is what sizes, let's say, that the letter designation is the first Literor of the corresponding English word:

    S - Small (small);

    M - Middle (medium);

    L- Large (big).

The letter X (EXTRA) may mean very small (XS) or vice versa is very large (hl).

For women


Chest girth (cm)

Girth hips (cm)

To determine S M l What sizes on the Russian manner of the dimensional range is better to use a special table. Standard European Dimensional Women's Clothing Mesh Translated Russian Size S M l looks like this:

    S - corresponds to 44;

    M - for the value of 46 cm;

    L - Means Russian 48.

For men

Sizes Sizes S M S M L for men has a similar look. The principle of determining male metric values \u200b\u200bis the same as for women's clothing:

    S - corresponds to the 46th;

    L - Means 50.

The size of men's clothing S M L, unlike feminine, includes such an indicator as neck girth. It is important when choosing and buying classic shirts.

Those who are easier to navigate in the usual dimensional grid, that with the help of tables easily converts European designations to the female Russian size S M L.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of clothes

Despite the fact that there is a generally accepted table of sizes with M L, the dimension of clothing from various manufacturers can differ significantly. Sometimes it happens that the Winter Collection will be more fully valid than the summer of the same brand. Please note that the goods can be made for the market of a particular country, and there may be another metric system in the go.

It is better to use not averaged data for confidence, and the tables of the size of that brand whose clothing you are going to buy. Usually this information can be found on the manufacturer's website.

The most correct way, how not to make a mistake when buying clothes, it remains fitting things in the trademark brand store. If the purchase of clothes is planned in the online store, then it will be right to visit the real outlet and make the fitting of several things of the selected brand.

If we summarize the data, then a summary table of conformity of the dimension series of female and men's clothing is obtained.

Two main problems of a modern person are to lose weight and eat. The size of the clothing for the current fashionistas is not just the ability to choose a thing in a figure, but also a real reason for pride. The cult of weight loss today, alas, not myth.

Size is not the main thing

Fashionable magazines sabotage unhealthy Huddobu, laying out photos of models suffering from anorexia derived from excessive desire to lose weight. Popular designers no longer conclude contracts with models whose size of clothing approached XXS.

The gods of fashionable Olympus were realized on time, which provoke a massive weight loss to minimal units among women, girls and very young girls, demonstrating as stalls of painful thin models. Therefore, many brands from clothing stores were seized with dimensions less than XS, so that the beauties do not have to lose weight for the sake of the last size on the hanger.

In fact, the size of the clothing does not define perfect forms. When selecting a wardrobe, other parameters should be taken into account: growth, weight, body, structure of the skeleton and bone thickness.

There is no guarantee that, reaching the minimum size, the girl will be perfectly looking in any clothes. The main thing is to select a thing in accordance with age, the features of the figure, emphasizing the best and hiding unnecessary. And then no one will pay attention to the size number on the clothing label.

What are the sizes?

The choice of size today is quite wide enough so that the lady of any dimensions managed to choose a wardrobe. However, among normal, ordinary, xs, s, m, l, xl are isolated. These are the most running dimensions that are created on the figures of the standard type. For those who have asymmetric proportions, an atypical physique, the body weight is exceeded or, on the contrary, it is not enough, there are sizes that go beyond the standard: XXS, XXL and the like. In those countries where the population massively faced with the problem of obesity (USA, UK), the size of the clothing has several marks x (xxxl, xxxxl, xxxxxl, etc.).

How to choose the size of clothes?

So, how to choose the right clothes, if the size does not go beyond the framework of the standard? The problem is that in different countries there are their own systems for measuring body parameters. Accordingly, the dimensions are distinguished by the nomination. On clothing labels, MEX, UK, RUS and others are usually indicated. There are universal international designations of volumes, it is XS, S, M, L, XL. The size of the clothes in this case is calculated from the body measurements produced earlier. Today, this way can be purchased not only upper clothes, but even bathing suits, shoes and underwear. The table below shows the compliance of the size of Russian, European, American and Mexican standards.

The size

  • Rus(Russia) - Russian sizes.
  • Uk.United Kingdom - British sizes (United Kingdom of Great Britain).
  • USA.United States of America) - American sizes (United States).
  • EU(Europe) - European sizes.
  • Mex.(Mexico) - Mexican sizes.

Thus, it is clear what kind of size matches.

XL size is what?

Many people confuse their names, do not know how to determine or simply cannot remember the sequence of size, counting the small XL, the size of the XS, on the contrary, the largest. How to figure out the sizes? There are several tricks.

In order to remember once and for all that S is ideal for skinny girls, and XL is the size of larger ladies, first of all you need to know why they are given exactly these letters. So:

  • XS - Extra Small(very small).
  • S - Small.(small).
  • M - Medium (middle).
  • L - LARGE (large).
  • XL - Extra Large (very big).

Thus, it is obvious that the letters of sizes are abbreviations from adjective English, which characterize the essence of each size. Now those who know English will easily remember that XS - Extra Small, which means it is designed for miniature fashionistas, but choose Extra Large (XL size) should be girls with more magnificent forms.

Dimensions of men's clothing

However, this is not all you need to know about the size of the clothing. It is important to remember that, despite the same names, the size of things for men and for women differ values. For example, the male size of XL is not the same as the size of XL female. Below is a table that describes the dimensions of men's clothing by analogy with the female.

The size

From the table it is clear that men's sizes are a bit larger, it should be considered, picking up a suit or a spouse / brother's shirt / friend without his immediate participation. It is also obvious that the size perceived as a very large XL size is not even overall in the table. Therefore, in this ratio of the male XL, the size of the clothing is equivalent to the female size of L. When choosing costumes and jackets for a man, the most recent value has a Rostovka, which is necessarily indicated on the label. Only knowing it and its usual clothing, you can pick up the perfect suit.

For teenagers and the smallest

For children, there are also their sizes, but their body grows very quickly and changes, therefore it makes no sense to indicate dimensions, here things need to choose only with the help of fitting. However, it is important to know only two parameters to choose a newborn: the age of the baby and its growth (length). Teenagers can choose their own things by standard sizes, trying on several options to unmistakably find their own. Usually children from 4 years most suitable size XS. in the shop children's clothing, children's The size of XL is rather the child from 12 years old. Although here again everything is individually.

If, according to the final, it was still not possible to navigate and remember, for example, the size of XL is what, or to choose a suit yourself, it is better to discard the constraints and seek help from the professional consultant-seller of the clothing store.

The modern clothing market is so diverse that sometimes it is difficult to determine only with the size of the desired clothing model. However, there are problems here. Often the question arises: 44 Size - is it m or s?

International Size

In some countries, it is installed as, for example, in Russia. No one causes disputes marked with numbers 42, 44, 46 or 58, as the dimensional grid in Russia is clearly defined, and clothing manufactured in Russian enterprises strictly complies with standards.

Modern modnic has a question 44 size (s or m). This size of the clothing is the most chassis on the Russian market. Consider a question more.

The labeling of letters is customary to use in European countries, as well as countries of Asia and China. But if clothes from Europe can clearly determine which size it is, then the products from China do not always meet the usual standards. It is aimed at a wide range of consumers, mass production and large volumes of products. Often there is an incorrect marking on such clothes, simply called the production marriage. However, such things can be found on the market and even in brand stores.

European Size

Modern fashionista very often began to buy clothes through online stores. It is very convenient, especially since very large selection and excellent opportunity to save time. Basically, clothing presented in such stores has European clothing size labeling.

The conscientious seller will always provide decoding of the parameters of a particular model for the convenience of choice, but not always. Big questions cause 44 size: is it m or s?

Modern fashion dictates international standards, and one of them is an international dimensional grid. To begin with, decipher the abbreviation, which we used to see on clothes:
1. XXS, in other words, EXTRA EXTRA SMALL. The literal translation is "very, very small."
2. XS, in other words, Extra Small. Looks like "very small."
3. S, otherwise Small. Accordingly, the translation of the literal is "small".
4. M - MEDIUM, translated "medium".
5. L - LARGE, in other words, big.
6. XL - Extra Large, very large.
7. XXL - EXTRA EXTRA LARGE. The literal translation denotes "very, very large."

Parameters 44 size

It is known that 44 clothing size worn young ladies with a rather fragile physique, but sometimes determine, 44 clothing size is s or m, it is difficult. Let's figure out in parameters 44 size.

To make a output (44 Size - is it s or m?), It is necessary to establish what parameters it corresponds to. To do this, we give an example comparative table.

As can be seen from the table presented, 44 sizes are satisfied with a wide range. The difference is almost 3 cm. And in order to more accurately determine the appropriate size of your type of figure, you need to measure your volumes, and more precisely, the amount of chest, waist and hip.
The question of choosing 44 sizes is not important if the parameters of your figure correspond to the lower indicators, but if they are borderable with the top, then it should be revised the question of purchasing clothes 44 sizes and think about the amount of 46.

Size parameters S and M

Pay attention to another table.

In the table you see the size parameters in comparison.

As can be seen, the permissible error in size is 3 cm.

If you compare the second table with the table above, you can try to conclude, which represents 44 size (this s or m). Uniquely you can answer that this is the size of M.

But if you like your clothes to sit on you quite tightly and completely felt the body, you can try Size S. We should not forget that different manufacturers have a dimensional grid, and before you purchase a particular thing, we recommend familiarizing with it, Perform measurements of your own body.

Modern online stores provide a dimensional mesh in an expanded form, on the basis of which it is possible to accurately define the suitable size suitable on your parameters. It often happens that it is the ideal thing sized thing on you, but another manufacturer has the same clothes under the Marking M. and in order to determine more precisely, 44 Size is M or S, we recommend that you measure your parameters and received The result is compared with the size of the manufacturer's dimensional grid.
Good luck shopping!

It would seem that there is nothing easier than buying clothes, especially knowing your size. But how to identify your size if dimensional tables differ in different countries? Yes, not just in the numerical equivalent - sometimes the sizes are labeled and letters! To choose a deal on the figure, consider the size tables on the example of clothing for top. Let it be sweaters!

Compliance of clothing size

Most often, it is possible to know the size scale correctly in the country - a broadcast manufacturer. For example, there are special European storage standards, American. In the USSR, too, used their, separate sized table, which now enjoy some Russian manufacturers. But it is necessary to approach this question very carefully, since most Russian workers factories moved to European standards.

The table can see which dimensions and in which countries, as well as their correspondence to measure the volume of the figure.

As a rule, in the fitting room of any self-respecting store there is a sizes matching table or decryption - which marking corresponds to the generally accepted size. But sometimes things even at one manufacturer can be greater than or worse - mild. It is better to try on, and at the same time looking for you a style or not at all.

Little sizes include sizes from XS to M in the international clothing marking system. S - "Resin" (small in English), M - "Medium", that is, the average.
  • breast volume and hips - in the widest places;
  • the volume of the waist is in a narrow place (the waist can be high enough);
  • the length of the legs and hands can be measured using its old clothes, ideally sitting on your figure.

To choose a Chinese clothing size, it is enough to simply compare your standards with data from the corresponding tables. In this case, you can use the sizes matching tables:

Making Male Clothing Sizes

Size, Russia International Standard Breast girth, see Waist girth, see Hip girth,
Sleeve length, see The size,
44 Xxs. 88 70 92 59 S.
46 Xs. 92 76 96 60 M.
48 S. 96 82 100 61 L.
50 M. 100 88 104 62 XL
52 L. 104 94 108 63 Xxl
54 XL 108 100 112 63 Xxxl
56 Xxl 112 106 116 64 Xxxl
58 Xxxl 116 112 120 64 Xxxl
60 Xxxl 120 118 124 65 4XL

Compliance with female clothes

Size, Russia International Standard Breast girth, see Waist girth, see Girth hips, see Sleeve length, see Size, China
38 Xxs. 76 58 82 58/60 S.
40 Xs. 80 62 86 59/61 M.
42 S. 84 66 92 59/61 M.
44 M. 88 70 96 60/62 L.
46 M. 92 74 100 60/62 L.
48 L. 96 78 104 60/62 XL
50 L. 100 82 108 61/63 Xxl
52 XL 104 86 112 61/63 Xxl
54 Xxl 108 90 116 61/63 Xxxl

Important: Almost every Chinese brand uses its own size table. This means that you need to look for it either on the product page, or on the manufacturer's website.

Chinese dimensions are denoted by letters S, M, L, etc. Sometimes the size is expressed by numbers. It is worth remembering that Chinese manufacturers, indicating the size of their products, next to the dimensional grid. Another point to consider is an error. Usually the desired size will be a pair of centimeters less declared in the amount of (from 1 to 4 cm).

As an option, going to make a purchase in a Chinese store, the right page can be opened using a car translator. Of course, the readability of such a translation will be dubious, but the words of the hip, chest, waist, legs will be understood. Compare your standards with data on the site, it will immediately become clear what size from this manufacturer is suitable for you. Do not be upset if it is more than you are used to buying in American or Russian stores - this is another feature of Chinese clothing.

Often, the full girls have a problem with the choice of clothing, as many manufacturers produce products only small and medium-sized products, and if large sizes are present in collections, they can look completely tasteless, and even the disadvantages are emphasized. But in fact, in very thin representatives of the beautiful sex, there are also difficulties with the choice of clothing. Despite the fact that the fashion industry is just as aimed at slim girls with, very small sizes are sometimes quite difficult to detect. In particular, it concerns girls not only very slender, but also small growth. Let's consider somewhat in more detail the smallest clothing size and what exactly the parameters of the shape is suitable.

What is the smallest size of clothes?

If you take a generally accepted labeling of clothes, which is now used absolutely in all countries, then the smallest size is XS. In general, it is a small size of S - from English "Small", but XS is an even more small size that is decrypted as "Extra Small". If you translate these sizes to the European system, it turns out that s is 36-38 sizes, and XS is 32-34 sizes. For one's own convenience, it is advisable to know what your clothes you have in both of these systems, since sometimes in Europe you can find brands that are only European sizes on their things. True, usually in the fitting room still hang plates, allowing to translate dimensions into different systems.

With what our smallest dimensions of clothing and what their relations among themselves in different systems we have decided, but let's figure it out in what parameters of the figures implies these sizes.

The smallest size of women's clothing XS is suitable for girls who have a waist equal to 60-64 centimeters, hips girth equal to 84-88 centimeters, and breast girth - 76-80 centimeters. And let the size S is not the smallest, but just small, it is also worth mentioning for the convenience of the ratio. To wear this smallest clothing size S, you need such parameters: waist - 68-72 centimeters, chest - 84-88 centimeters, and hips - 92-96 centimeters.

The main thing is that it is worth noting: do not trust blindly the dimensions that are indicated on the labels. Do not forget that clothes from, for example, the French brand, most likely, will be a little one, but American brands usually make sizes a little more. Therefore, be sure to try on several different sizes before you make a purchase.

T-shirt is the most popular object of outerwear. We put on T-shirts, going to nature, rest. As a clothing for home, 80% of people will prefer the T-shirt. Even to work, it will be with pleasure. And the T-shirt does not have any age, nor gender, nor weight. She loves children, young men, women and even the elderly. Thanks to a well-selected T-shirt, the figure of its owner can become slimmer, sports, sexier. Conversely, the unsuccessful Logson or size can also displease even the most perfect beauty. How to choose the right size of T-shirts?

Most often, we see on the label: size M, size L, or even steeper xxxl. What do these letters mean? Perhaps M is small, and what is it? Big or medium? Even more frustrating the letters of XXXL look. But, as Great Carlson said: "Calm, only calm!". Everything is quite simple.

To accurately determine the size of the T-shirt you need, we use an ordinary centimeter ribbon. So, wrap the ribbon around your chest. Now look carefully at the site of the start of the ribbon with a scale on it. The figure that you saw there, and become your key to defining the size of the T-shirt.

Suppose you are a representative of an excellent half. Measuring his chest girth, you saw the number 76 cm. This means that you can easily suit the T-shirt or 40-42 by Russian standards. If you managed to see the number of eighty, then you certainly need to buy a T-shirt size S (44-46). If the girth is equal to eighty-eight centimeters, boldly acquire the size M (or 46-48). T-shirt size L corresponds to the Russian 48-50. The size of L can buy if your chest girth is from eighty-eight to ninety-six centimeters. At 97-100 cm - the size of the T-shirt will be 50-52 or XL, at 101-104 cm -52-54 or XXL.

If you are a man, you will need to be guided by a slightly different scale. Letters in the sizes definition are used the same, but somewhat different. Consider in more detail.

Men's breast pickup froth showed 98 centimeters, know that a T-shirt (or 44-46) is suitable for you, 99-100 cm - size M (or 46-48). The size L (or 48-50) will perfectly sit on a man whose grumps will be from 101 to 110 centimeters. The T-shirt will correspond to 50-52 Russian when ticking the chest from 111 to 118 cm. Size larger or XXL (52-54) It is necessary to purchase a man with a chest girth not more than 122 cm. All that is more than this number - XXXL and, as they say "You need to measure."

If you do not have a centimeter tape or you do not want to bother with measurements and ratios, then just look at the size on the label of your most successful T-shirt. You saw, for example, size L, choose the thing in the store the same size. Most likely that it is her best for you. However, do not forget that only fitting T-shirts you like can give a rapid guarantee of an ideal landing. Even if you have to merry not one dozen T-shirts of different sizes and styles, a successfully selected thing will pay off all your efforts. Perhaps, in the future, the label of this particular T-shirt will tell you the right choice of size. Have a good shopping you!