Happy birthday to a client of a beauty salon. Pay what you want: a unique promotion from Beauty Story. How to congratulate employees on the birthday of a beauty salon

An effective newsbreak that you should use to develop and promote your business. And if you do it in an unusual way, you can provide a good push to start word of mouth. In the salon business, the most difficult task is to impress guests. Exceed expectations and surprise everyone - get an influx of customers. In addition, combine business with pleasure. Strengthen the team, have an interesting time and attract media attention to the salon.

Holiday for customers

Most people are not interested in the age of your company and the number of anniversaries. To draw attention to the upcoming event, prepare a bright and attractive offer. Place it on a banner or banner, print flyers and distribute it in busy places in the city, use social networks to advertise on the Internet.

The list of invitees should include regular customers, representatives of suppliers, as well as the city administration. The first two groups are the main partners of the beauty salon. Their presence makes the holiday a corporate event, becoming a source of advertising and expanding the client base.

High-level salons additionally invite deputies, the head of the region, the mayor, representatives of government structures that will be useful for business.

Main goals

First of all, it is networking. A lot of people gather in one place, where new acquaintances are easily made, on the basis of which strong business ties can be built.

Key features:

  • Establishment and expansion of the circle of contacts. People like to buy from a specific person, not an anonymous company. The event will last at least a couple of hours, which is enough to fully communicate with several guests.
  • Development of cooperation. At a birthday party, you can meet useful people, potential investors, or find the client of your dreams. Prepare a unique offer for everyone. Create in your mind the right association with your salon, so that in the future, if a need arises, a person will immediately remember you.
  • Development of business relations. During the conversation, touch on the topic of your services by inviting the interlocutor to solve a problem. If in the end the client is satisfied with the result, your advice will become highly valuable for him and in the future he will definitely contact you again.

The accumulated client base provides a stable income and allows you to quickly promote services. By inviting regular customers to your birthday, you can make relationships with them stronger. Offer them subscriptions to services or a discounted annual card. Then they are guaranteed to contact only you during this time.

Choosing gifts

In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the degree of importance of each guest. These can be branded souvenirs, a catalog with the services of your salon, discount coupons, certificates, cosmetics samples, boxes of chocolates, letters of thanks.

When choosing, adhere to the following rules:

  • Regular and VIP clients are given more expensive gifts that can be used for a long time (beauty bag with a company logo, a watch, a bag).
  • A one-time and potential client should prepare small branded souvenirs - key rings, calendars, notebooks, diaries, pens, magnets.

Corporate gifts reflect the values ​​and priorities of each company. A big plus in favor of the reputation of the salon will not be cheap, impersonal souvenirs, but original and useful gifts.

How to organize

The number of guests at the festival depends on the popularity of the institution. Large networks invite hundreds of people and rent special halls or restaurants. If there are 10-25 guests at the event, it can be held in the salon itself. Set a buffet table in a separate room, and choose the largest room for the main action.

To organize the leisure of a large number of people, consider an entertainment program and a buffet table.

The holiday will be remembered by guests if you prepare an interesting scenario. You can entrust its compilation to an event agency or do everything yourself. When preparing the program, keep in mind that there will be a lot of people unfamiliar to each other at the holiday. To create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, avoid being overly creative.

Write down scenario events every minute, starting from the preparatory stage, ending with the transportation of guests. This way you will minimize the formation of empty niches when guests have nothing to do, and guest stars do not have time to work out their program.

As an example, how to spend a birthday in a salon that is just opening, you can take an artist's workshop. Inside, arrange illustrations of paintings, easels, unfinished portraits. On the multimedia screen, launch pictures with photos of fashionable hairstyles, nail designs. In the official part, imagine the masters working in their genres: painting - make-up artist, graphics - eyebrow artist, sculpture - beautician. Next, organize master classes and show a bright show program.

For a working salon, the plot of the script can be based on the image of a witch who has lost her beauty and health. She goes to look for a salon that will make her a beauty. In the course of the story, guests are offered a series of themed games that prove the effect of various procedures. At the end, the witch turns into a princess.

The decoration of the salon should correspond to the theme of the holiday. The original flower arrangements look beautiful. Decorating with fabrics will make the atmosphere more festive. The decorated space can be used as a photo zone.

All guests should send out invitations by letter or email. More preferable is the first option. The text of the invitation is written on behalf of the company and includes 5 to 7 lines. It indicates the time, date, place, location, dress code. Prepare your own invitation text for each group of guests - thank customers, express gratitude to suppliers and partners for cooperation, promise media representatives a spectacular event with an interesting program.

In honor of the birthday, it is worth making promotions aimed both at attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. It is better to approach each target group individually. To offer men a haircut with a free beard styling, for women - a 20% discount on all cosmetics. A great incentive to come to your salon is to get a bonus that you can use later.

Throughout the event, do not forget to give gifts to guests. Run a lottery where you can win a free service. And be sure to organize professional photography, as well as make a thematic photo zone. Hang a large-format banner with your logo on the wall, and then post the photo on social networks, on your own and other sites. Engage beauty bloggers and well-known network people. Consumers trust the opinions of the people they read more than standard ad formats.

Holiday for employees

A successful holiday increases the team spirit in the team, increases the loyalty of employees, and also non-materially motivates them. At corporate holidays, people have the opportunity to get to know each other better. Informal communication well forms a sense of belonging, when the employee associates himself with the company, and the company with himself.

Inviting all the employees to the birthday of the salon is worth it. The holiday will suit everyone if you work out the questions in advance:

  • Compliance of the event with the interests of the whole team. To better understand how to mark, conduct an oral survey or questionnaire. Employees will be interested if they can prepare the program themselves.
  • Voluntary attendance. If an employee refuses to participate without a good reason, it is likely that he has hidden conflicts with colleagues.
  • The possibility of leaving the holiday at a convenient time. It is better to think over the rules of the event in advance and announce it to the employees.

Employees will be pleased if they receive congratulations and gifts. These can be souvenirs with the company logo of the salon or items that can be used: small sets of cosmetics, boxes of chocolates, sweets for employees' children. A good financial motivation would be the payment of bonuses on the occasion of the salon's birthday. The monetary equivalent of success must be felt by every member of the team.

You can spend the holiday in the salon or restaurant. So that the event does not turn into a simple “dinner at the expense of the company”, it is necessary at the stage of its preparation to think over the tasks that it should solve. In the solemn part, it is worth thanking each employee, highlighting his successes, which are a common contribution to the team result. And in confirmation of his gratitude for the work to present gifts.

A corporate holiday is a great opportunity for a manager to have a heart-to-heart talk with employees. Informal communication allows you to get to know colleagues better and contributes to the establishment of mutual understanding.


A corporate event on the occasion of the salon's birthday is an effective tool to stimulate customer interest in services and optimize relationships within the company. With a competent organization, you can significantly increase the competitiveness of your business. You will maintain the loyalty of regular customers, attract new ones, provide additional advertising, creating demand for salon services in the near future.

SMS-mailing: 4 chips for effective work with clients

Before starting work with the mailing, take care to sign a letter of guarantee to ensure the delivery of messages. Also, thanks to the letter, the name of your salon will be registered, and your customers will be able to see it in the "Sender" column. In addition, salon clients must sign an agreement to receive mailings from your company - this is required by the law "On Communications". Otherwise, your mailing is considered illegal.

Depending on the informational occasions, mailing lists are custom and automatic.. The former are needed to create a mailing list for all or part of the customer base and inform, for example, about salon promotions. With the help of the latter, we congratulate clients on their birthday through Arnika, remind them of visits or inform about their cancellation or rescheduling, and collect feedback on the quality of the salon's service.

Here are some examples of messages.

New Year's greetings can sound like this:

« Dear ___ we want to say thank you
For staying with us!
And in the New Year we want to wish
May we continue to be friends!
Your studio ____ tel._____

« We congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! We wish you health, success and good mood! Sincerely, beauty salon ___»

« Happy New Year! Be always beautiful and give your loved ones your attention and good mood! Over the past year (s), you have become not only clients for us, but also good friends. We are grateful that you choose us! Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!! Sincerely, Salon ______»

Happy birthday greetings are as follows:

« Dear ____, the staff of the spa salon ___ wishes you a happy birthday and wishes you good health, happiness, good mood and no adversity!»

« From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you pleasant surprises, warmth, joy and prosperity! Your beauty salon _____, tel. _____»

Sometimes congratulations can be accompanied by a discount message.

« _______ Happy Birthday to you! Happiness! Health! Beauty! For you today a 10% discount on all types of services!!!Always yours, beauty salon _____. Address, tel.»

“Studio ___ congratulates you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! Be beautiful! Be with Us!

“_____, salon ______ gives you a 20% discount on all types of massage with _____! Happy Defender of the Fatherland! You can sign up by calling ______

"We congratulate you on Men's Day,
We want to win in everything
Health to have steel
And don't lose your spirit! Your beauty salon _____ tel._____ »

« Beauty salon _____ congratulates you on the upcoming spring holiday! We wish you that all your dreams and desires come true. We are waiting for you: address, tel.»

« Happy spring day to you, dear ladies! Beauty salon _____, address, tel.»

“Happy spring day, affectionate, wonderful Holiday of all young ladies and ladies! Let him be kind and charming, bring the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgifts to you! Beauty salon _____, address, tel.

Take the time to create lists of recipients depending on tasks. Segmenting the database will allow you to send more targeted messages, build more effective relationships with customers and get the most bang for your mailing list. The mailing list in Arnika can be generated both manually, with a selection of clients in turn, and when working with categories of clients. You assign categories yourself and call them the way you like. The main thing is that you yourself feel comfortable and easy.


Why does the client sometimes not receive the message? There may be several reasons. There are situations when his phone number is simply not included in the client's card. Also check if Arnika has a checkmark in the client card indicating consent to receive messages. Often, if the client's phone is turned off for more than a day, messages will not be delivered to him either. And finally, there are situations in which the subscriber complains to the operator about the flow of spam coming to his number. And your message is identified exactly as spam and does not reach the recipient.

Arnika has all the functionality of SMS mailings. With us you can arrange marketing campaigns, always be in touch with your clients and realize the maximum potential of your salon.

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Dear clients!
In December 2013, our beauty studio turned 10 years old!
We are always glad to see you in our salon! We have tried and will try to make your visit to our salon bring you pleasure, and the results of the procedures - health and beauty!

Congratulations - feedback from our customers:

Galina Mikhailovna, greetings to you from Moscow! :)
Eyebrows turned out great! Thank you very much for your work! You are just super master!

I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on a significant date!
I wish you prosperity in your work,
welfare improvement,
The speedy implementation of all your plans and ideas into reality.
Stability, reliability and new forces,
So that every new day
It only brought you joy!
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to your customers!

I got into the salon "Izumi" by accident about 10 years ago. And since then I like everything about it: an attentive, hospitable team, wonderful craftsmen. You come here and you are greeted as the most welcome guest. Well, the fact that in determining my venerable age, people, as a rule, are mistaken for 10 years is entirely the merit of Galina Mikhailovna, Natalia Makarova and many other employees of the salon. Thank you, my dear ones, for your sincere concern, for helping to fill my life with pleasant moments.

Sincerely, Olga Lozhkina

I have known Izumi salon since the very opening! The spirit that reigns in this wonderful house attracts me! Highly qualified specialists work wonders! Always, in step with the times, and with an individual approach to each client, the whole team treats! I express my gratitude and admiration to the hostess Galina Mikhailovna!
Happy birthday Izumi!! Prosperity, good luck, prosperity!!
Your devoted Zulfiya Valieva!!

Beauty salon "Izumi" turns 10 years old - it already means a lot! Namely, the flow of customers does not dry out despite the competition and crises.
On my own behalf and on behalf of the young clients of Izumi, I wish the salon to flourish to the envy of competitors, to continue with love and professionalism to give beauty and good mood to Petersburgers and guests of our city of all ages.
Let your golden hands cut, style and color with pleasure, do massages, peelings and permanents, and also introduce the latest achievements in hairdressing and cosmetology! Thanks to all this, let the salon develop to the delight of present and future customers, as well as the employees themselves!
I express my special recognition to the hostess of the salon - Galina Mikhailovna Osoblivets. Checkmark, you have been my constant master for 20 years. I entrusted my beauty and the beauty of my children to you. Let them be fulfilled
ALL your dreams and aspirations!

"Izumi" is an extraordinary salon! Over the course of several years, the successful business, started by its conscientious mistress Galina Mikhailovna Osoblivets, not only does not lose its original level, but also develops. Salon employees, like Mrs. Osoblivets herself, constantly improve their skills, use new products in cosmetology and other areas of beauty maintenance, follow the latest in cosmetology and other arts that help us resist the harmful environment. Almost every time I also notice changes in the design, which, in accordance with the name of the salon, sound Japanese motifs. The salon hosts exhibitions of paintings and photographs by St. Petersburg artists, which testifies to the good taste of the owner of the salon. But the most important thing is that I can only trust her mind and hands with my appearance. Beauty and health salon "Izumi"!

Dear friends, happy anniversary!
I have been with you since the founding of Izumi, all 10 years, and I have never regretted my choice.
Haircut, styling, beautician services, manicure and pedicure - your care (work) helps me feel like a young and well-groomed woman.
Every time I come to the salon, as to good old friends, where you are always welcome, always ready to help.
Good luck and prosperity for many years to come! Keep it up!

My dears!
I sincerely congratulate you all on your anniversary!
Thank you for everything you give us, for your hospitality, for your smiles, for your golden and caring hands, for your advice, for your desire to make us more beautiful, more well-groomed and more stylish.
I have been visiting your salon for all these ten years and when I come to you, I always feel at home. You have a very comfortable, lovingly thought out every detail of the interior. This is where the care with which we furnish our own home is invested.
And, of course, many thanks to Galina Mikhailovna, the person who is behind all this comfort, for the coherence in the work of the salon and for its quality. It’s scary to think how much she had to do, how much she had to fight, demand, visit the authorities so that we, your guests (I don’t want to say the word “clients”), today could enjoy everything that we receive from you.
I congratulate you once again and wish further prosperity to the salon, to everyone who works in it, health and happiness in their personal lives, and personally to Galina Mikhailovna, in addition, I wish her legendary energy and her amazing fighting qualities never leave her.

Congratulations on opening your wonderful beauty salon. May everyone who visits it be satisfied, may your salon help any client acquire self-confidence and the aesthetics of external beauty. I wish you undoubted leadership among competitors and confident prosperity for many years to come.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the opening of the beauty salon. I want to wish from the very first days to gain momentum for success and prosperity, to win a wide audience of regular customers with brilliant craftsmanship, incredible imagination of specialists and magnificent works. Let the beauty salon become the undisputed leader in its field, let its activities allow customers to satisfy all their wishes, let its work bring you profit and success.

Congratulations on the opening of a new salon, we wish you a speedy recovery and a strong position in the beauty industry. We wish prosperity and income. We wish you more regular customers to whom you will give beauty and good mood.

I congratulate you on the opening of the beauty salon and sincerely wish you from the first days of work to create your own world of perfection, delight, splendor and irresistibility, your own temple of Aphrodite and Venus. I wish you an endless stream of customers, and, accordingly, profits, I wish you an inexhaustible source of fantastic ideas, and, accordingly, transformations!

I congratulate you on the opening of a beauty salon and from the bottom of my heart I wish with ease and charm to make a true Cleopatra from each client, and from each client - a gallant and imposing gentleman. An impeccable reputation, a pleasant atmosphere in the salon, brilliant ideas, great opportunities and high incomes.

Congratulations on your beauty salon. Let your salon become a temple of ideal and perfection, let the magnificent work and talents of your magicians turn every client, every client from young to old, from simple to capricious, into a real example of imitation and admiration. Good luck and good mood, wonderful ideas and enchanting days!

Congratulations on the successful opening of a beauty salon, we wish you to give your customers unforgettable images, always be in trend with the latest style and fashion novelties, and strengthen our position in the beauty industry.

Congratulations on the launch of the beauty salon, we wish this institution to become a place where people will be able to change their appearance for the better, find their own individual style. We wish you well-coordinated work, prosperity and success.

Issue Title: Happy Birthday Beauty Salon Wishes. Dear godfather, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! Let your life path run exclusively through beautiful, safe and flat areas. Let the internal energy only gain momentum and allow you to enjoy life to the fullest!

Dear birthday man, I wish you health and mind on your birthday. No wonder they say: If there was a mind, there would be a ruble. There will be no mind, there will be no ruble. And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of dreams!

From time immemorial they say they love to compare man with animals. That one has an eagle's eye. This one has the heart of a lion Well, if you think carefully, you are a fantastic and diverse animal, with which I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you the same varied happiness!

If you look at the sky and look closely at the stars, you will notice that they are all as different as people. A man is born and a new star appears in the sky. If a person is healthy, then his star shines brightly, if he is sick, dimly, he dies, and his star falls from the sky. Let's drink to your star shining very bright and never falling.

Let a kind artist paint your life with bright colors, and a talented composer write a major melody of your destiny. Sleeping Beauty had fairies, and may good fortune be your fairy.

Happy birthday. Let there be mood swings from good to excellent, let there be streaks of luck and incredible luck in life!

Dear boss, on behalf of our entire team and personally on my behalf, we want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you spiritual satisfaction, well-being in the family, material prosperity, optimism in everything you have begun, success and good luck. Happy holiday to you!

I want to wish my beautiful girlfriend on her birthday many happy moments of life, good mood, vivid emotions, true friends, and fulfillment of desires.

On your bright holiday, Birthday, I wish you good, smiles, sun and warmth!

My dear sun, my dearly beloved friend, happy birthday to you, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I am eternally grateful to you that you are always there and I can always count on your support and understanding. My dear, you are the best friend in the world.

May your life always be prickly, hard to reach, but sweet and bright. In general, raspberries! Try to mark it so that the neighbors sleep peacefully, and the district policeman does not have more work to do! Happy birthday!

The Spaniards love to wish their friends and relatives good health, great love, beautiful women, and most importantly, longevity on their birthdays in order to have time to enjoy it all. We wish the same to our birthday today!

I wish that a holiday of fun and family warmth always reigned in your house. May your family and friends always be there, and never let you lose heart. Happy birthday!

I wish you bright impressions and unforgettable moments in life, a fabulous life, endless health. Be happy, my dear, and enjoy every moment. Happy birthday!

Every day is a new shade of happiness, a new joy, a new mood... Great mood! All the colors of life for you! Happy birthday!

I wish you to always remain as radiant, cheerful, charmingly beautiful, and always be loving and loved, and very, very happy!

Your light, with which you envelop everyone who is next to you, like a cozy mother's embrace. As a child, it was the only place in the world where you could hide from all hardships and misfortunes. Thank you for bringing me back to my childhood with your warmth! Happy birsday, my dear!

Darling! Congratulations on your birthday! You are my protection and support. Next to you, I always feel more confident. Thank you for this! I sincerely wish you to be successful, successful in all matters, purposeful and optimistic! Happiness to you, joy, love!

On this day, let life give you its brightest colors, impressions and unforgettable moments! We wish you peace, light, sun!

Let relatives and friends bring you only happy news, let it be light and clear - outside the window, and in your soul.

Happy birthday! I wish you joy, creative ups, steep conquered peaks, and continued success! I wish you reliable people around, strong nerves and peaceful weekends, unforgettable trips and real family happiness!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to successfully overcome temporary spaces, circumstances, obstacles and negativity, desperately fight for a place in the sun and win in the ring of passion.

Today, four generations have gathered at this festive table! Grandpa, we all love you very much! And we want to wish you to be as young as your great-grandchildren, healthy as your grandchildren and wise as your children! You can be proud of us! Although we are proud of you and set you as an example! Happy birthday!

What would you like to congratulate? … I congratulate you on having someone to congratulate you! This, you see, is important. And this is your merit. Because I have never met such a smart, cheerful, sociable person. Stay the same forever! Congratulations!

On this day, open your heart - towards new, vivid impressions, events, meetings! Happy birthday!

I will bring you coffee in bed with a bouquet of field daisies, together we will remember how young we were! Our children will come running, kiss you, give you their gifts! And I will be happy to see the joy in your eyes! My dear, gentle! Congratulations on your birthday!

Happy birthday, dear, dear friend! With all my heart I wish you to become the wife of an oligarch, to get your own jewelry factory so that every day you can change jewelry and dresses. I'm even better - three times a day: for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Just think about it! The whole holiday exists thanks to one person! And what a wonderful and versatile! Needlewoman and careerist, hostess and soul of the company, with a passion for travel and the ability to enjoy being at home May your life be as amazing and unique as your personality!

Brother! Happy Birthday to You. You are very close to me, even though we are cousins. Therefore, I heartily, wholeheartedly congratulate you and want to wish you to be self-confident, purposeful, cheerful. And, of course, happy! May good luck smile at you every day of your life!

My dear sister, You are a bright ray of the sun, an unearthly angel, my inspiration! I wish you joyful surprises, original gifts, the most beautiful, sincere words of congratulations on your birthday! Let all dreams come true, and friends give a good mood and the joy of communication!

I found a ditty, very suitable for our birthday girl: They say I'm fighting, they won't stay in the girls. Oh, and goryushko to whom I will get! She is a conscientious person, she knows how hard it will be for her husband. That's why she doesn't get married. In my opinion, she exaggerates her shortcomings. Such a beauty is a dream, and not only of a poet! God bless you good groom!

Dear mommy! On your birthday, I say: I love you and wish you delightful, bright happiness! May your dreams come true, may a young cheerful beauty always look at you from the mirror, may the house be bright from your smile! Sunny dawns to you, birdsong and endless well-being!

On your birthday, I want to say that you are the best and most worthy man not only in our city, but throughout the country. Happiness to you!

Happy Birthday! I wish this day to be the most unforgettable in your life! So that sorrows and worries bypass you and your life path looks like a fairy tale, which is described in books on your shelves!

Our birthday girl has one serious drawback: every year she becomes nicer and more attractive. But we will forgive her this shortcoming. We wish her to continue to be so young and energetic!

I raise my glass to express my hot feeling, warmed up by drinks, to the hero of the evening and wish him a happy birthday. I wish you to be like the light, to live for two hundred years, to sing songs and to die of love. Let's shout a loud "Hurrah!" in his honor.

I want you to go through life laughing. Adventure and wonder! Let them happen every day, not just on your birthday!

Birthday is an annual gift given to a person in order to enjoy the love and affection that close friends have for him. And so we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy!

May your life be cloudless, like the sky above the desert, full, like a jug of a hospitable Caucasian, long and interesting, like the Milky Way. And may your eyes always shine with happiness, like the aurora borealis over the pole!

I wish stability, dizzying success, incredible projects, creative ideas, brilliant achievements. And also, confidence, strength, perseverance and only worthy victories. Happy birthday! - Happy birthday beauty salon wishes

My dear girl, I wish you the fulfillment of your desires, so that true friends give you their care and warmth, and your beloved family protects you from all troubles and hardships. Happy birthday.

On this brightest day for you, we want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your house, and worries always remain outside the door!

Throw open the doors to the world with your shoulders, conquer it with your smile, and may your life be full of joy, fun and drive! Good luck in realizing your ideas and may any of your dreams come true!

Another smart person decided to collect all the birthday poems that are in the world. A grandiose collection has gathered, the scale of which is impressive.

May there be no place for any sorrows and disappointments in your life. I wish that all your brightest dreams come true, and give you a lot of joy and kindness. May every moment of your life be filled with the warmth and closeness of your loved ones. I wish all your undertakings to be crowned with breathtaking success!

I wish that happiness does not forget you, that joy knocks on the house and the fun continues! Happy birthday!

May there not be a person happier than you today. Make your deepest desire, and I will make it so that it will certainly come true.

On your birthday, I wish you to be someone's treasure, to have full prosperity and a true dream in life.