The fattest child in the world. The fattest children in the world and their story

Unfortunately, in our time, humanity is gaining weight every day. Modern pediatricians are sounding the alarm: more and more often their child patients have morbid obesity. Some babies weigh more than a normal adult. Who are they

In the first place, of course, Jessica Leonard. Her appearance can horrify anyone and make parents suspect that Jessica ate every two hours and threw terrible tantrums if her parents did not comply with her requirements. The girl consumed 10,000 calories a day! She lost the ability to walk and could not withstand even light physical exertion. For this reason, the girl's cardiovascular system began to be in serious danger. Instead of playing and running like all children, Jessica had to roll to get from one place to another. Her daily "diet" consisted of many bottles of Coca-Cola, 15 hamburgers with fries and several kilograms of chocolate. The child's breakfast consisted of white bread, potato chips and two liters of soda. Every day she wanted to eat more and more! Seven-year-old Jessica was probably the most obese child in her age group, weighing 222 kilograms. The girl's mother, Caroline, is the one to blame for what happened. It was she who, in early childhood, taught the baby to unhealthy food, because the baby's diet is completely dependent on the mother. Fortunately, at the request of child protection services, Jessica was taken to a re-education center and is now learning to control her appetite. Today, she has already lost most of her weight without undergoing surgery. But still, in the future, the child will need it to get rid of excess skin, as well as to straighten deformed bones.

To date, the most in the world is Dzhambulat Khatokhov from Russia. This 13-year-old boy weighs 150 kilograms. He was born with a normal low weight, but by the end of the first year he weighed more than 28 kg. By his third birthday, Jambik could lift solid weights. When he was four years old, his weight reached 42 kilograms. Unfortunately, the mother of the child does not believe that her son has obvious abnormalities, and believes that doctors are exaggerating when talking about being overweight. But the fact remains, and today this is the fattest child (photo attached).

In the top three "leaders" is Lu Hao, who weighs about 60 kilograms. This toddler eats three bowls of rice at one meal, and no matter how hard his family tries to restrict the boy's diet, he continues to gain weight. Therefore, Lu is on the third step of the ranking in the nomination "the fattest children in the world."

In fourth place is Suman Khatun. This Indian girl weighs five times more than normal children her age. Food eaten by a child in a week can feed her entire village.

According to doctors, the fattest children in the world, such as Suman, suffer from a hormonal imbalance, as a result of which they feel hungry all the time. The girl lives in Bengal, and her normal lunch includes two giant bowls of rice, two bowls of fried fish, two fried eggs, and a few omelettes. Lunch comes immediately after two breakfasts of biscuits, bananas, rice and eggs. The mother of the child, Beli Bibi, does not know how much her child eats daily, because immediately after a home meal, the girl goes to ask for food from her neighbors.

Naturally, the fattest children in the world, due to excess weight, cannot grow up as healthy people. Parents are to blame for this, who often do not attach importance to the seriousness of the situation and are in no hurry to take action.

The fattest child in the world can rightfully be considered Jessica Leonard from Chicago, USA. For the first time they began to talk about her in 2007, when the girl amazed the entire world community with her appearance on several well-known TV channels. At that time, Jessica was 7 years old, and she weighed 221 kg! The girl's problems with high weight did not arise by chance - her taste preferences occupied the main place in her life.

Jessica's mother said that her daughter constantly asked for food, and already half an hour after a hearty breakfast she wanted to eat again. Moreover, the child’s constant diet included only the most, to put it mildly, unhealthy food, the infamous fast food. Huge portions of french fries, fried chicken, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, pizza, and, of course, sparkling water - this is only part of her daily diet.

For children her age, the normal number of calories per day should be about 1800. Jessica received about 10,000 kilocalories per day, which is more than five times the norm. When her mother was asked the question: “How could you bring your child to such a state?”, She answered: “I simply could not refuse her. She threw terrible tantrums, and with tears asked for more. And I couldn’t calmly watch my child suffer, so I followed her lead and bought everything she asked for.

At 3 years old, Jessica weighed as much as 77 kg, at 4 years old her weight reached 100 kg, at 7 years old - more than 220 kg. In truth, such numbers simply do not fit in the head. As she grew older, she developed problems with mobility, it became difficult for her to speak, and in some cases she needed the help of her mother. After a series of TV reports about Jessica, which shocked the world, it was decided to put the girl in a clinic, where she was forbidden to eat everything starchy, fatty and fried, and was also forced to exercise.

The treatment gave a result: after a year and a half, she lost 140 kg! Now the girl had to undergo several operations to remove excess skin. When her 10th birthday came, Jessica looked completely different - like a normal healthy girl. She started going to a regular school and interacting with her peers like any child her age.

The whole world tirelessly follows the fate of an unusual girl, and rejoices with her every success. But still, no matter what turn her fate takes, Jessica Leonard went down in history as the fattest child in the world.

A guy lives in my yard, who in childhood was a little larger than his peers. As soon as they didn’t tease him in the yard! Moreover, few people knew the name of the guy, because except for a cutlet, a fat man, a bun and other very unpleasant words, they did not address him in any way.

Oh, and then the poor fellow suffered too much! However, the guy grew up, stretched out, lost weight, and all bullying sunk into oblivion. Moreover, this ex-dumpling has become a star not only of the court, but of the whole district!

Why am I? When I came across a photo of a Chinese boy, Lu Hao, on the Internet, I accidentally remembered that neighbor of mine. And I also thought that compared to this plump Asian, our guy from the yard was thin.

Lu Hao was born weighing only 2.5 kilograms, but after three months he began to actively gain weight. Thus, at the age of 3, the giant baby weighed more than 60 kg, which was five times the norm!

The father of a well-fed boy once shared with reporters:“He has an appetite — God forbid. He can eat three bowls of rice and chicken at a time and drink a liter of milk. It scares me: I can hardly master even one plate ... "

Parents admit that they tried to limit Lou's food more than once, but all attempts ended in terrible tantrums of their son. They recall that the last time they tried to transfer the boy to a vegetable diet, he cried loudly and broke everything that came to hand, demanding "normal" food ...

From the age of 4 to 5, Lu rapidly gained another 22 kilograms, despite participating in active sports such as swimming and aerobics. Doctors are seriously concerned about the health of the baby, because with such a weight it is very difficult for him to move around. However, the followers of Hippocrates only shrug their shoulders: they cannot find the real reason for Lou's rapid weight gain. Together with other children of his age, Lou attended kindergarten. However, unlike the rest of the kids, the sturdy kid did not go there on foot: the child's legs simply could not withstand such a load. Therefore, the superboy's mother had to carry him to the garden on a motorcycle with a sidecar.

Previously, doctors believed that the cause of the boy's obesity was a tumor in the brain, but the terrible diagnosis was not confirmed. Lu Hao has a lot of toys, but his favorite is Superman. This superhero is a real fat boy idol. He dreams that when he grows up, he will have his superpower. When asked if he wants to be able to fly, like his favorite hero, Lou answers with humor: “No, I don’t want to fly, I’m too heavy for that. So I'm just going to kick ass."

We sympathize with this guy and hope that he will cope with his problem!

These kids are amazing. Their stories seem implausible, the photographs shocking. But which of them will surprise you more: a young genius, a five-year-old "mountain of muscles" or a girl who became a mother in her sixth year of life?

The smartest kid

Seven-year-old British citizen Oscar Wrigley is rightfully considered the smartest child in the world. At two and a half years, the boy's IQ was equal to the IQ of Albert Einstein as an adult (160)! He was immediately accepted into the Oxford Mensa Club, whose members are the most intelligent people on the planet with an IQ of 130 and above. To date, the young genius has already mastered the high school program, simultaneously studying 6 languages ​​\u200b\u200band reading university biology textbooks.

The youngest drummer

American boy Julian Pavon became the youngest professional drummer in the world. The young musician was born in 2005. Three months after his birth, he began to beat the rhythm. At 15 months old, Julian was signed to his first music contract. Then the boy performed the percussion section for the anthem of one of the American basketball clubs. Already in the year and eight, Julian recorded the first album. After that, fame came to him. Videos on youtube, where a two-year-old baby with a pacifier in his mouth beats rhythms on a drum set, gained thousands of views ( Now the concerts of the young musician gather full houses.

The fattest kids

Jessica Leonard is a girl from the USA who became famous all over the world due to her size. At the age of three, Jessica weighed almost 80 kg. Over the next year, she gained more than 40 kg. And at 7 years old, the child already weighed over 220 kilograms! Due to the excess weight, the girl practically could not move, she began to have problems with her joints. Even Jessica spoke with difficulty. As her mother explained, her daughter constantly asked for food and threw tantrums if she was limited in food. Therefore, instead of the prescribed 1800 calories per day, the girl consumed up to 10 thousand, preferring to eat fast food and drink it with soda. After several TV shows in which Jessica took part, the girl finally decided to help. She was placed in a special clinic, where the weight of the fattest child in the world began to gradually decrease. For a year and a half, the girl dropped 140 kg.

By the age of 10, Jessica got rid of most of the accumulated fat. After that, she had an operation to remove excess skin. Now the girl continues to closely monitor her diet, leads an active lifestyle and maintains a normal weight for her age.

After such numbers, the weight of the fattest boy does not seem so big.

Chinese Lu Hao at 4 years old weighed 62 kilos. By the age of 5, the child gained another 22 kg. Parents try to restrict him in food and involve him in sports. But, despite all their efforts, the boy continues to get fat.

The most pumped child

Giuliano Stroe was born in Romania in 2004. The father of the young athlete, a former gymnast, instilled in his son a love of sports from the cradle. Already at the age of 2, the boy begins to engage in weights. Training takes place under the supervision of his father, who assures that Giuliano does exactly as much as he can. As soon as the boy gets tired, his dad finishes the workout. Thanks to gymnastic and strength exercises, the little athlete has become a record holder more than once. At the age of 5, he walked 10 meters on his hands, holding a 15-kilogram ball between his legs. After another couple of years, the boy did 20 push-ups on his hands, while his legs did not touch the floor.

The strongest children

Richard Sandrak was born in Ukraine, but spent his entire adult life in the United States. From childhood, the boy began to engage in strength training under the supervision of a trainer and, in addition, attended a martial arts school. At a young age, Richard began to surprise everyone around him with his childish physique. By the age of 8, he had the fastest and strongest punch in the world. In 15 seconds, he could make 110 punches or 30 kicks. Now Richard is 23 years old and he is no longer as wildly popular as he used to be. Indeed, at this age, having relief muscles is not such a rarity.

The title of the strongest girl rightfully belongs to Anya Belysh from the Siberian city of Omsk. The girl has already entered the Guinness Book of Records several times. At the age of 8, Anya managed to do 1,500 push-ups from the floor in 52 minutes without a break. At 13, she pulled two cars on a cable with a total weight of 2 tons 200 kilograms. Then she inflated and tore rubber heating pads, pulled heavy weights, performed complex gymnastic elements and performed in the circus. Now the girl is 18, but she continues to improve her skills. Moreover, her dad has a couple more ideas for records that Anya is going to implement.

The youngest tattoo artist

Three-year-old Ruby Dickinson from the UK has followed in the footsteps of her tattoo artist father. Her dad is serious about this hobby. Especially for his daughter, he ordered special equipment from the USA and fearlessly stretches out his arms and legs to her as a canvas. Two-thirds of his body is covered with tattoos and little Ruby often just paints over existing tattoos or draws small scribbles that will still not be noticeable against the general background. So far, the baby is sure that in the future she will connect her life with a tattoo.

The hairiest girl in the world

13-year-old Thai girl Supatra Sasupfan was constantly teased at school, called a wolf girl, a werewolf or a monkey face. But that was before Supatra got into the Book of Records. It turned out that Ambras syndrome, a rare genetic disorder, has been found in only 50 people on the entire planet to date. Thick hair does not lend itself to any modern methods of removal, but only begins to grow even stronger. Therefore, the girl's mother only sometimes trims the "fur" of her child. Supatra, in turn, is not at all shy about this particularity and grows up as a very cheerful, sociable child.

The youngest mother

In 1933, Lina Medina was born in Peru, who, 5 years later, became a mother herself. The girl's parents became worried when the baby's belly became very large. With a suspected tumor, Lina was taken to the hospital. However, the doctor made a shocking diagnosis: the girl is in her seventh month of pregnancy.

Doctors explained this phenomenon by Lina's early puberty. Her first menstruation began at 8 months, by the age of four, her mammary glands began to actively develop. There is still no answer to the question of who was the father of the child of a five-year-old baby. In 39, Lina Medina's father was detained on suspicion of raping his daughter, but nothing could be proved and the man was released.

It is worth noting that Lina gave birth to a healthy boy weighing 2.7 kg. Childbirth took place by caesarean section. At the age of 10, Gerardo, who considered himself Lina's brother, discovered the truth. Gerardo died at the age of 40 from a bone marrow disease.

Lina herself married in adulthood and gave birth to her second child in 1972. That is, the difference between the first and second births was 33 years.

As you know, you can get into the Guinness Book of Records not only for incredible achievements, but also because you or your body is somehow different from the norm. To date, the Book has several entries about the most complete people on the planet. The most amazing, stunning and terrible thing is that the first lines of the “hit parade” are occupied by children. About them and will be discussed today.

"Fat" title

People who have achieved great success in sports, studies, business, hobbies have always attracted the attention of millions and have been awarded with all kinds of awards. A little girl named Jessica Leonard also gained incredible popularity. She didn't sing or dance, she didn't play volleyball, and she didn't speak seven languages. The girl got into the Book of Records for being the fattest child in the world.

In 2007, when the whole world found out about her, the girl was only seven years old. But at this point, her weight has already exceeded the mark of 200 kilograms. When the baby became famous, the scale arrow approached the mark of 222 kg. The whole world watched TV shows with horror and incredible condemnation, in which Jessica and her mother took part.

Why so many kilos?

This question was perhaps the most popular then. The mother, with incredible calmness, answered that her daughter just really likes sweet soda and fast food. An adult did not notice or did not want to notice that the diet of the fattest child in the world is completely wrong. The mother said that after a hearty breakfast, 30 minutes could pass, and the child already demanded a new portion of food, which was immediately provided to her. She said that she simply could not stop her daughter, who did not know the limits in food. Did you want to?

cardinal changes

After several television shows showing the fattest baby in the world, the studio was literally inundated with angry and demanding letters from viewers. The people demanded that the child be helped and not let the situation take its course. Weighing more than two hundred kilograms and at the age of seven, Jessica could not talk. And not because she was still small and did not go to school, but because the fat bag hanging under her neck interfered with her. The girl could not even move on her own. Her mother either helped her, or the baby just crawled from room to room.

After indignant comments from the audience and with the help of experienced specialists, the girl was forcibly placed in a special rehabilitation center. During her treatment, Jessica said goodbye to almost 150 kg. Somewhere a strict diet and supervision of experienced doctors helped, somewhere surgical procedures, without which it was already impossible to do without at that time. About ten kilograms were removed from the skin alone, which had stretched during weight gain.

Stepping on your heels

Leonard's record has not been broken so far, but there is another child in the world who is literally stepping on her heels. The title of the fattest child in the world can get a Chinese boy who already at the age of three weighed about sixty kilograms. Experts from the Book of Records are closely watching the boy's life.

Nutritionists say that fat people are not born, they are made. So Lu Hao was born only 2.5 kg in weight. But the arrow of the scales began to run away from the norm three months after the birth of the baby. And three years later, the fat boy already weighed sixty kilograms. According to experts, his weight exceeded the norm five times!

"Giant" story

It is no longer surprising that in the case of Lu Hao, the parents did not care at all about the increased appetite of their son. The child ate everything and in very large quantities. The father says that the boy can eat three bowls of rice and chicken in one sitting and drink it all down with a liter of milk. To the question: “Where did you look?”, The parents of a fat boy from China answer that they simply could not refuse food to the baby. As soon as Lou received any restrictions in food intake, he immediately began to scream, swear, throw toys, cry and make trouble.

The inaction of the parents has led to the fact that at the moment the baby can hardly move. Only the father can take him in his arms, and the slender and fragile mother is no longer trying to overcome the overwhelming burden. The kid goes to kindergarten on a specially equipped motorcycle, he can no longer walk on his own.

And again, only after the world community found out about the baby, the parents began to take steps to reduce the weight of the child. They try to make him play sports, swim in the river, move more and eat less. But, as they say, no methods of losing weight on their son work, no exhortations have had the due success.

Blame genetics?

The parents of the Chinese fat man even tried to go to the doctors in order to find some kind of genetic predisposition to a lot of weight. However, after going through a huge number of analyzes and tests, the doctors did not find any deviations.

Going through all the cases of incredibly fast and dangerous weight gain, you always come to the conclusion that genetics is to blame in one case out of a thousand. Parents, be careful with your children!