European-style wedding script - what the celebration should be like. Registry office or visiting ceremony? The Secret Knot ceremony

You need to organize your time starting in the morning.

8:30 - cars should be at the groom's house.

8: 30-9: 00 - buffet with light dishes at the groom's house.

9: 00-10: 00 - the time allotted for the road to the bride's house (may vary depending on the distance).

10:00 - the motorcade must be in place. The bridegroom and his escort are greeted by the bridesmaids and escorted into the house. There, the bride's father brings his daughter out to the groom. The future husband with words of love gives the bride a bouquet. Guests go to the room, where a table with light snacks is set. If your wedding night scenario involves a ransom, allow enough time for it.

10: 30-11: 30 - time for the road to the registry office.

11: 30-12: 00 - preparation for the ceremony.

12: 00-12: 30 - solemn wedding ceremony.

12: 30-13: 00 - congratulations to friends and family, photo and video filming, champagne. The groom carries the bride in his arms, they are sprinkled with coins, rice, petals.

13: 00-13: 30 - road to the church, where the wedding will take place.

14: 00-14: 45 - wedding.

14: 45-15: 00 - congratulations.

15: 00-17: 00 - time for a walk. In the summer, you can include a buffet table in nature in a picturesque place with the participation of musicians in the script of a wedding evening.

16: 30-17: 00 - while waiting for the newlyweds - a buffet table for guests.

17:00 - young people drive up to the place of celebration. Guests go out to meet them, stand on both sides of the aisle, forming a corridor through which the bride and groom pass. Ahead of them - children, showering the path with petals, guests also shower the young with rice and petals.

The presenter wishes the newlyweds peace, harmony and love together with the guests. In the hall there is a table with a pyramid of champagne glasses. The two upper glasses tied with a ribbon are intended for the young. Incorporate this spectacular moment into the scenario of the wedding evening, it is very beautiful.

The presenter offers to congratulate the newlyweds and drink champagne in their honor. After everyone congratulates the newlyweds, the presenter invites you to go to the buffet table. At this time, the musicians entertain the guests, and the newlyweds put their outfit and makeup in order.

17:30 - everyone is invited to the wedding table. Guests are seated according to the cards laid out on the tables. The host makes the first beautiful wedding toast in honor of the newlyweds. Then the guests start eating. At this time, pleasant, not loud music sounds.

This is followed by toasts and congratulations from the parents of the newlyweds: first the groom, and after a while - the bride. Then, a stage performance can be included in the script of the wedding evening, which greatly enlivens the holiday and causes everyone to be merry. There can be several rooms - at the request of the bride and groom. Next, the floor is given to witnesses who make a toast, talking about love and smoothly leading to the contests for newlyweds. For example, do newlyweds remember the details of their first meeting. Further, the music that sounded on the day of acquaintance or other symbolic, memorable music for this couple sounds.

The newlyweds' dance is announced, balls or one big ball fly up to the ceiling, which bursts at the climax, small balls, confetti fly out of it. Be sure to include this beautiful sight in the script of your wedding evening. By the end of the dance, all guests come out onto the dance floor.

18:30 - the host invites everyone to a dance break.

19:00 - Hot snacks begin to be served and guests sit down at the table.

19:30 - those who wish to make toasts and wedding greetings.

19:45 - contests.

20:15 - variety show, dancing.

21:00 - competition or auction of portraits of the newlyweds previously drawn by guests.

21:20 - dancing.

22:20 - they take out the wedding cake with the lights off, with firecrackers and lights. The newlyweds make an incision in the lower tier to the applause of the guests. The host puts up the first piece for auction.

22:35 - sweet table.

22:45 - the bride throws the bouquet, and the groom throws the garter.

22:55 - "dance of wishes" - the newlyweds are dancing, and the guests wish them happiness and prosperity.

23:00 - the program ends with a solemn speech of the newlyweds.

    European-style weddings are becoming more and more popular among today's youth. What is the difference between a European-style wedding and the usual Russian one? Remember the foreign TV shows, their wedding ceremonies are saturated with a different spirit, they are distinguished by special elegance, style, good taste, and a single color scheme. There are no homemade decor items, colorful dishes, dolls on the car, cheap ribbons. Everything is done professionally, richly, stylishly.

    How to organize a European style wedding

    If you have made a responsible decision to make a wedding in a European style, then keep in mind that the wedding ceremony and the wedding ceremony take place within one day. Calculate the time correctly so that it will be enough for a walk, a photo session, a festive buffet table. A European wedding presupposes a leisurely pace, regularity in everything; haste and vanity are unacceptable here.

    Decide on a color scheme for your wedding. Banquet hall, wedding arch, flowers, dishes on tables, bridal bouquet, seating cards for guests, invitation cards, wedding cake are decorated in the chosen color and its various shades. Experienced stylists working with wedding accessories will help you organize your holiday correctly.

    The image of the bride and groom: photo

    Europe is, first of all, classics and sophistication in everything, and the outfits of the young were no exception. The bride wears a snow-white floor-length dress of extraordinary beauty for the wedding. It can be embroidered with precious stones, rhinestones, sequins, beads, and decorated with lace. A chic veil is necessarily long, even stretching like a train along the floor. The groom - preferably in a classic tuxedo, but if there is none, then in a stylish black suit, vest, white shirt, tie.

    Banquet hall decor in European style

    The highlight of the European wedding is that it is celebrated in nature, in some beautiful picturesque place. For this purpose, a park, a river bank, a blossoming green meadow of a country house, and even a passenger liner are suitable. If the cold season does not allow this, then a restaurant with a spacious banquet hall is chosen as the venue for the wedding.

    The style of decoration of the banquet hall is restrained elegance in everything. The room for a European wedding is decorated with garlands of natural and artificial flowers, selected in a single color scheme. Europeans choose light colors such as white or cream, which are diluted with some other bright color. There are many flower arrangements around the tables for guests, they symbolize the creation of a young family.

    There are separate tables for 6-8 people in the hall, the place for each guest is indicated on the seating plates. Guests are seated according to their interests - married couples are seated separately from free guys and girls. A luxurious table located on a hill has been prepared for the young spouses.

    Tables and chairs are draped with light transparent fabrics and satin ribbons. The room is modestly and tastefully equipped with illumination - chic chandeliers, garlands of lights, candles. The prepared hall resembles a place for a royal couple's wedding ball, with all its appearance obliging guests to look as elegant and beautiful as possible.

    Dress code for guests

    At a Russian wedding, it is customary to choose one witness and one witness. Europeans have a different tradition - the bride and groom have many friends, bridesmaids, they are all considered witnesses at the same time. Bridesmaids wear dresses that are chosen or sewn in the main color of the wedding. Styles and styles of outfits can be different, they depend on the characteristics of the girl's figure. They have the same bouquets in their hands. The bridal bouquet and boutonnieres of the groom's friends are decorated with the same flowers.

    Friends of the groom are simply obliged to look rich and stylish at a European wedding. They choose the same tuxedos or suits, and the ties and vests try to match the color of the bridesmaids' dresses. The newlyweds, together with the witnesses, seem to form a single composition, strictly in harmony in color. The rest of the guests at the wedding are free to choose an outfit to their liking, the only requirement is men in suits, ladies in chic evening dresses.

    European style wedding script

    All European weddings are roughly the same, under the same scenario. If you have chosen this style for your wedding, think over all the details in advance. At such a celebration, there are no trifles, each nuance plays its own role. If staged successfully, the wedding will be a great holiday that you will remember for a lifetime.

    Beginning of the wedding meeting of the young

    In the morning, the groom's wedding cortege drives up to the bride's house. At the very entrance they are met by girlfriends who accompany the groom into the hall of the house. His heart trembles with excitement, now his beloved will come out to him. Five minutes later, the bride and her father leave the room, the groom kneels down, says words of love to her, and gives her a wedding bouquet. Before leaving to the place of the wedding ceremony, it is advisable to cover a small buffet table.

    And in the coveted place there is already an arch, decorated with garlands of flowers, draperies of transparent fabric. A path leads to the arch, along which the young will go to the altar. Chairs for guests and flower arrangements are placed on both sides of the walkway. The European wedding is led not by the toastmaster, but by the administrator - the manager who gives certain instructions and coordinates the processes at the wedding. Solemn music sounds, the administrator announces the beginning of a touching action.

    Wedding progress which contests are suitable for guests

    The groom and his friends are waiting for the betrothed at the altar, where she goes arm in arm with her father. He symbolically transfers her to his future son-in-law, thereby expressing the hope that he will take care of her and keep her out of trouble. Ahead of the procession are the bridesmaids, followed by a little girl in a white dress sprinkling a path with rose petals and a boy carrying wedding rings on a pillow.

    After a short speech by the priest, the newlyweds exchange rings, pronounce the words of the oath, expressing their feelings, hopes for the future. With an oath, young people emphasize confidence in their choice, willingness to be with their spouse for the rest of their lives. This is an extremely touching moment that brings tears of affection to everyone present.

    After the completion of the marriage registration ceremony, the bride and groom go on a wedding walk and a photo session. To do this, they choose a beautiful place in nature, against which bright colorful photographs will be obtained. A light buffet is organized so that guests can satisfy their hunger. It's not a bad idea to invite several musicians for a walk, performing light lyrical melodies.

    At the designated place of the banquet, the assembled guests await the wedding cortege. They become a living corridor along the path; they shower the bride and groom with rose petals. The lobby of the restaurant greets newlyweds and guests with a pyramid of crystal glasses with champagne, playfully sparkling with beams of bright light. The young take the top two glasses tied with ribbons, the rest are for the guests. Everyone approaches the newlyweds, takes glasses, congratulates them on the creation of a new family.

    The presenter invites everyone to go to the festive table, the guests take their places according to the seating plates, and begin their meal. Toasts and congratulations sound, light jazz or classical music plays, artists perform pop numbers. At the wedding, the floor is given to the groom's parents, after a short pause - to the bride's parents. The first dance of the young people is performed, their love story is played, decorated with a slide show or a film.

    The host announces a competition for newlyweds called "Romantic meeting". He asks three questions to the bride, but the groom does not hear them, since at this time he is listening to music on headphones. The bride answers questions regarding their first meeting. Then the same questions are asked to the groom. To the applause of the guests, he answers them. For the young, the same music plays as on the first date, they dance.

    During the wedding, another interesting competition called "portrait" is offered. The entertainer asks his friends to draw a portrait of the bride and groom on a piece of paper. The guests take turns approaching the sheet and completing one detail at a time. When the jointly created masterpiece is ready, it is put up for auction. The money earned goes to the youth fund.

    How to end the evening beautifully

    When the climax of the European wedding comes, the lights are turned off in the hall, and a gorgeous wedding cake is brought in to the solemn music. Sparklers and firecrackers are lit around the cake. This honorable circle includes the bride and groom. They cut the first slice of the cake, eat it together to loud applause from the guests, and kiss while shouting: "Bitter!" On the young, rose petals and small balloons are flying from above. After that, each of the guests receives a piece of cake from the newlyweds for a symbolic amount of money.

    The familiar tradition of throwing a bridal bouquet is also present at European weddings. The bride, standing with her back to the unmarried girls, throws a bouquet at random. It is believed that whoever has caught the bouquet from the hands of the bride will soon marry herself. The groom, having removed the garter from his wife, throws it to the single guys. The wedding ends with a "dance of desires" - music sounds for the young, and while they are dancing, each guest pronounces a wish for them. After that, the guests accompany the newly-married couple on their honeymoon trip.

    European style wedding video

    The wedding will fly by quickly, before you have time to look back, as the banquet is over, the guests will disperse. But forever will remain in the heart a fireworks of feelings and emotions, a kaleidoscope of events of this unforgettable day. Treat yourself to the pleasure of being extraordinary, not like others, choose a European-style wedding for yourself!

    There is no ransom, crazy dances and obscene contests at a European wedding. In organizing such a wedding, special attention is paid to a spacious restaurant with a park, live music and a light buffet table. In this case, the presenter connects to the celebration only at the wedding ceremony. Despite the inconspicuous participation of the host, a European-style wedding script is being drawn up for him.

    How does the daily routine of newlyweds look like, and what are the advantages of a European wedding - read the article.

    Where does a European wedding begin?

    At a European-style wedding, the newlyweds have no witnesses. The role of the bride's assistant can be performed by any of her bridesmaids. Therefore, all the girlfriends dress in the same dresses and are next to the bride in the morning. According to European traditions, the bride is dressed up at the hotel, from where she comes to the place of the visiting ceremony. If the bride spent the night at home, then the girlfriends meet the groom at the gate, and invite him into the house without any ransoms and competitions.

    The groom's morning looks a little different. The groom arranges a small buffet table for friends at his home, after which he calls in for a bouquet and goes to the bride's house. There he should have a serious conversation with the father of his beloved, after which the young couple goes to the registry office or to the site for the ceremony. Up to this point, the presenter may not participate.

    Registry office or visiting ceremony?

    Where the painting of the newlyweds will take place is up to them to decide. This can be an ordinary ceremony in the registry office or a symbolic wedding in nature. The most important thing is that the young people should get married on the same day. Either the couple goes from the registry office directly to the temple, or the priest comes to the visiting ceremony to bless the newlyweds.

    The participation of the presenter begins with the painting. After the registry office, the presenter organizes a meeting of young people. He distributes to all the guests a prepared speech with wishes, any white cereal (rice, semolina) and rose petals for sprinkling the young. Near the exit, the presenter creates a "live" corridor in which each guest conveys his wishes to the lovers.

    If an exit painting is foreseen, then the presenter will take care of the seating of the guests, conduct a ceremony of symbolic painting and organize entertainment. A distinctive feature of the visiting ceremony is that the father leads the bride to the arch, and beautifully dressed children accompany the young, showering the path of the newlyweds with flower petals. Another feature of the European wedding is the mutual vows of the young people, which they voice after the cherished "Yes". It is best if they write important words in advance on sheets of paper.

    Buffet after the ceremony

    After the painting and wedding, the guests congratulate the young, and go to the buffet table, where a table with champagne awaits them. Glasses of sparkling wine are in the shape of a pyramid, but guests do not take them themselves. Champagne is served by the waiters, whose function is to monitor the filling of the glasses throughout the evening. After drinking champagne, the presenter announces a musical break so that the young can put themselves in order.

    The presenter should pay special attention to the first 15-20 minutes after painting. This time is perfect for a photo shoot. First, organize a joint photo and video shooting with guests, and then - personal filming of the young. While the couple will be photographed, guests will be able to take seats in the banquet hall.

    European style banquet

    At a European wedding, the host places the guests at small tables (4 or 6 people each). Newlyweds and parents sit on a small hill, and the guests' tables are arranged in the shape of the letter P. In summer, a banquet can be arranged outdoors, placing tables in the park area of ​​the restaurant, but most often the feast takes place in the hall. A European wedding is celebrated in a light, relaxed atmosphere. Each table orders its own treats from the menu, with live music playing in the background (violin, saxophone or piano). Congratulations from the guests do not sound like ours, from the place, and each guest goes on stage to propose a toast or sing a song for the young. Therefore, the presenter needs to prepare two microphones: one for himself, and the other to set on the stage for the guests.

    The task of the host at the banquet is to create an atmosphere, to conduct light competitions, mainly with the aim of acquainting guests, to announce the performance of artists.

    Most often, the program includes:

    • Performances by vocalists, dancers or magicians.
    • As a surprise, bridesmaids or friends of the groom can prepare a dance or song together.
    • Parents dance.
    • The first dance of the young.
    • Contests.
    • Fireworks.
    • Selling the first slice of the wedding cake.
    • Throwing a bouquet.
    • Accompanying the young on a trip.

    The presenter can announce the concert numbers as a pop entertainer (officially from the stage), or he can follow the course of the program directly from the hall.

    Sweet auction

    At the end of a European wedding, it is customary to hold an auction for the sale of the first piece of wedding cake. Since the bride and her shoes are not stolen at such a wedding, the European newlyweds "earn extra money" in a civilized manner, arranging fair trades. After the sale of the first tidbit, the young treat the guests with cake and various sweets, traditionally found in the candy bar.

    Honeymoon trip

    Another feature of the European wedding is the throwing of the bouquet. In some weddings, the bride tosses the bouquet in the banquet room immediately after cutting the cake. But there is one more option. In Europe, young people do not sit up with guests until midnight, and after drinking tea, they immediately go on a honeymoon trip. And when the guests see the young off on their way, the bride throws the bouquet right out of the car window. The surprise lies in the fact that the girl never finds out before her arrival which of her friends caught the bridal bouquet. It is important for the presenter to have time for the departure of the newlyweds to conduct all the contests and ceremonies, and for the remaining guests - to regulate the time of the concert program.

    Video from a European wedding

    How the presenter works in a European-style visiting ceremony, watch the video:

    Recently, more and more weddings are held without the usual bride ransoms, button accordion songs and noisy contests. From Europe came the fashion for more laconic and restrained celebrations. European style wedding Is a fashion trend. This article will focus on the features of a European wedding.

    European wedding script

    Primarily, European is extremely thoughtful down to the smallest detail. In the entire scenario of the holiday, there should be a special one, to which everything obeys, from the color of the tablecloths on the tables to the bride's bouquet.

    The script is drawn up by a specially hired person - the wedding organizer. All the hassle of organizing the holiday lies with him.

    The bride and groom are invited to choose a color, according to which the hall for the ceremony and banquet will be decorated. The presence of this shade is also desirable in the attire of the guests.

    In the case of a European-style wedding, you cannot do without a photographer. A good wedding photographer in Kharkov will be able to make a great photo session, having prepared wedding attributes and accessories in advance in accordance with the main color of your wedding.

    A particular an attribute of a European wedding is a mailing out of invitations. They are made on expensive paper, in a beautiful font and sent to guests in advance (2-3 months).

    Carrying out a wedding ceremony in a European style

    European wedding ceremony takes place not in our usual registry office, but, as a rule, in some beautiful natural corner, be it a park, forest or a country estate. Recently began to practice onsite marriage registration service, provided that all costs of transporting the registrar fall on the shoulders of the newlyweds.

    At the place of registration, an altar is organized, near which the newlyweds enter into their marriage. A carpet path leads to the altar, on both sides of which there are places for guests. A dance floor and tables are also being created, on which refreshments will be located.

    A special place in European style wedding ceremonies occupied by the bridesmaids. Their dresses are sewn in a single color that matches the overall style of decoration.

    European wedding ceremony does not last long. After the announcement of its beginning, the groom and his friends go to the altar and stand on one side of it. On the other side are the bridesmaids.

    Then a girl and a boy walk to the altar, carrying flowers and wedding rings. After them, the father of the bride follows the aisle, who leads her to the groom.

    In Europe, the marriage is carried out by a priest, in our country the marriage is contracted by the registrar. Then the bride and groom exchange wedding rings and pronounce wedding vows.

    After the ceremony, a festive dinner awaits guests. They are seated at tables in accordance with a previously agreed plan.

    Gifts from guests are folded on a separate table set in the designated area. Guests also receive gifts from the bridegroom. These are usually sweets or souvenirs.

    Wedding ceremony ends with cutting the cake, then the bride calls unmarried ladies to the center of the dance floor, turns her back and throws them a bouquet. After that, the guests continue to have fun, and the newlyweds go on their honeymoon trip.

    Onsite marriage registration- an interesting, original and modern solution that allows you to get rid of conventions and formalities, and to hold a wedding without the traditional visit to the registry office on the day of the celebration. An off-site registration ceremony is beautiful, romantic and touching, and most importantly, there are endless possibilities for organizing and holding a wedding.

    How much does the visiting ceremony cost?

    It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since the cost is made up of so many factors. To understand the approximate prospects for holding an exit ceremony, first of all, it is worth deciding whether the registration will be official or not. The cost of such an official registration is indicated on the official website of the UZAGS in Moscow, so I will not dwell on this issue. So, the cost of an exit ceremony, in my understanding, consists of the following questions:

    • Location. The fact is that if the ceremony is held far from the restaurant, the newlyweds will have to solve the issue of transferring guests from the place of the ceremony to the place of the banquet, and this is a significant part of the costs. Likewise, with a ceremony and banquet outside the city.
    • Number of guests. This issue affects the size of the ceremony area, the number of chairs, and the size of the transfer, and even the number of photographers and videographers. Of course, the more guests there are, the more the budget for the ceremony will grow.
    • Site cost. This question should be the first that the bride and groom ask the landlord. Often, unscrupulous banquet complexes are silent about this, and ultimately, a couple of weeks before the wedding, they shock the couple with the news: “How? Didn't you know? We have lease of the site N thousand! ". Further, of course, the calculation is simple: the higher the rental price, the less budget your ceremony will be.
    • Decor options. Everything's possible. And a homemade beautiful corner and tons of professional decor. Everything will depend on the desire of the couple.
    • Wedding registrar services. The registrar market varies greatly in cost, find out what is included in the cost of its services. And be sure to choose the registrar to your liking;)
    • Additional options. What is the cost of DJ services and sound equipment rental? The more participants, the larger the budget, the trend is simple. I do not advise you to neglect the services of a DJ in the absence of such a line in the budget, since the visiting ceremony is a complex event, the success of which depends on all participants in the process.

    Preparation for the off-site registration ceremony

    The basis of a successful onsite registration is an interesting and well thought-out scenario literally in minutes. However, the script is the “soul” of the ceremony, and its “body” is the choice of location, original design, preparation of musical accompaniment and a number of other aspects responsible for what the newlyweds and guests of the celebration see and hear.

    Off-site registration can be carried out in almost any place that is allowed for visits and holding public events - in picturesque corners of the Moscow region, in old estates, in unusual places in the capital, etc. The choice of seats is almost unlimited.

    The basic design of the visiting ceremony is made up of chairs for guests, an arch with a place for a wedding receptionist, and decorative elements - bouquets of flowers, ribbons and others. You also need to prepare two very important things - umbrellas in case of rain and blankets in case of cold weather. Umbrellas and blankets are provided for each guest, and are selected so that in style and color scheme they are combined with the decoration of the ceremony.

    Musical accompaniment is the basis that creates the atmosphere of the ceremony. There are many options for music, but live music can create real romance. Usually string quartets, saxophone and harp are chosen for the ceremony, but very often a DJ is responsible for the music at the registration, whose capabilities are wider than a musician.

    Onsite marriage registration: how does it happen?

    Regardless of the theme and peculiarities of the wedding, off-site registration is carried out in approximately the same scenario. I will tell you how the visiting ceremony takes place, and also consider some of its nuances, which may not be noticeable at first glance, but play a very important role.

    Before the ceremony, guests are seated in chairs. The first rows are intended for the parents of the newlyweds and their close relatives. For convenience and proper seating, nameplates are attached to the front chairs. The seats in the back rows are free-standing.

    Along with the seating, the bridesmaids give the guests flower petals, which they will shower with the newlyweds after registration. For beauty and convenience, the petals are placed in special wicker baskets or original bags, decorated in a wedding style.

    Upon completion of the preparation, the wedding host announces the start of the onsite registration ceremony. In a short opening speech, the presenter talks about the course of the ceremony, about when and how guests should shower the newlyweds with petals, and also talks about other important nuances.

    Exit registration opens with the exit of the bridesmaids, who pass in front of the guests and stand to the left of the arch. The solemnity of the moment is emphasized both by a special musical accompaniment and by the girls' outfits, which are performed in the same style. Ideally, the bridesmaid dresses are custom made to match the style of the wedding.

    After the bridesmaids take their places, the groom's friends come out - their exit is also accompanied by a certain musical composition. However, the groom's friends do not have to be dressed in the same suits - it is enough to have the same elements in their image, most often these are boutonnieres for flowers, or ties or bow ties made in the same style and color scheme.

    It is important to note that the music for the bridesmaids 'and groom's friends' outings must be pre-selected. Also, before leaving, the wedding receptionist tells young people and girls how best to go to their seats, in what order to get up, and what to do directly during the ceremony.

    The groom's friends pass in front of the guests and take their places to the right of the arch. This arrangement is very beautiful and emphasizes the solemnity of the ceremony.

    Now it's the groom's turn - he also goes out to the arch to the pre-selected musical accompaniment. Usually the groom passes through the rows of guests who can greet him. The groom takes a seat to the right of the arch, closer than his friends.

    Finally, one of the most beautiful moments comes - the bride's exit. Traditionally, the bride goes to the groom accompanied by her father, brother, grandfather or other close relative, and this exit is accompanied by a beautiful and touching melody. However, there are no rules here, so the bride's exit can be any!

    The bride walks to the arch along the path between the rows of guests. At the arch, the father hands the bride over to the groom, and this important point can also be played up in an interesting way - usually the father shakes hands with the groom or gives a short parting word that only the groom hears. After that, the father takes his place in the first row, and the bride stands on the left side of the groom.

    It is important to note that until this moment the father's place should be free, usually the mother of the bride is watching so that no one takes the father's place. In order for everything to be done according to the script, the father is taken to the bride in advance, even before the ceremony begins.

    Finally, the most solemn moment comes - on-site registration. During registration, a solemn speech is made, which is discussed in advance and agreed with the newlyweds. Often, the newlyweds themselves take part in writing the speech, which turns the speech into a touching love story, which became the reason for this wedding.

    Closer to the end of the ceremony, wedding rings are brought out, and this can also become a very beautiful and original element of the wedding. The rings are placed on a specially prepared pillow (which, like other accessories, is made in the style of a wedding), and the pillow can be carried by a child or several children dressed in smart clothes.

    The pillow with rings can be taken out either by specially invited "wedding angels" or by children from among the guests.

    The first to take the wedding ring is the groom and puts it on the bride's ring finger.

    Then it is the turn of the bride, who solemnly puts the ring on the ring finger of her lover.

    After putting on the rings, the visiting receptionist makes a short speech, declaring the newlyweds husband and wife. Then he invites the newlyweds to walk along the path between the rows of guests, where a symbolic and incredibly beautiful ceremony of showering flower petals will take place.

    At the same time, all the guests get up from their seats and are preparing to congratulate the newlyweds passing along the path by shedding petals.

    A very important point: for shedding it is recommended to use petals either only of red color and its shades, or an assortment of red and white petals - such petals look very beautiful in photographs. If the baskets are filled with only white petals, the photos will turn out to be faded and expressionless. White petals have one more drawback - they will merge with the white dress of the bride (if the bride is, of course, dressed in a classic white dress), in this sense, red or assorted red, white or blue petals have a clear advantage.

    By the way, you need to take care of the petals in advance, and after choosing the place of registration, decide which petals will be used - natural or artificial (paper or fabric). If off-site registration will be carried out in a room with expensive floors, including marble, then preference should be given to artificial petals - natural ones will definitely fall under the guests' feet, and when crushed, they leave dark spots on the floor.

    The registration ceremony is over, and now the presenter gives the floor to the guests who can congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts. It makes sense to carry out this action in a specially designed registration area.

    Among the gifts there will be many beautiful envelopes - they are traditionally given to the groom, taking up space in the pockets of his suit. It is not very convenient and not very beautiful, so for envelopes it is worth preparing a special box, box or bag, decorated in the style of a wedding.

    After congratulations and gifts, it's time for a wedding photo session. The newlyweds are sure to take pictures with their parents, with individual guests, take common photos, etc. It was at this time that the most beautiful and important photographs for the family archive were taken, because in the future, during the banquet, it would be almost impossible to get such photographs.

    And the photo session ends with a series of general photos, in which the newlyweds and all the guests of the celebration are present!

    The ceremony is over and the wedding host announces the start of the wedding banquet. Newlyweds and guests leave the registration area with music, smiles and happiness in their eyes.

    Everything you need to organize
    visiting ceremony of marriage registration

    For registration of an exit registration, it is necessary to provide for many important little things, starting with the choice of a suitable exit registrar and ending with rose petals for shedding the newlyweds.

    For off-site registration
    you need to take care of:

    • choosing a suitable place of registration
    • choosing a field registrar
    • a folder for a marriage certificate and a pen for signatures
    • wedding rings and a special ring cushion
    • musical accompaniment ideally suited to the tastes of the couple (this can be a harp, a DJ with the appropriate equipment, a string quartet)
    • if a large wedding is planned, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a microphone and sound equipment in advance so that all guests can hear well the speech of the visiting registrar and the vows pronounced by the newlyweds
    • duplicate of registration certificate
    • rose petals and seating cards

    How to behave during the ceremony?

    Be yourself. You have already done everything, prepared all the contractors, chose the host of the ceremony. Look at your loved one and don't think about anything. We advise you to put the table of the recorder and the recorder itself on the side of the arch, so that nothing and no one interferes with you enjoying each other. Do not look at guests, do not look at the receptionist, look your soul mate in the eyes.

    Unifying wedding ceremonies

    On their wedding day, the newlyweds unite their two lives, their personalities, by saying "YES" and taking vows of eternal love and respect. A beautiful symbol of this decision to go together and build a life together, once became uniting wedding ceremonies, different in performance and origin, but invariably filled with the meaning of the merger of two loving souls.

    1 Ceremony of creating a hearth

    This tradition came to us from the United States. Traditionally, immediately after the exchange of vows, the ceremony of lighting a common candle takes place, symbolizing the creation of a hearth. Most often, the mothers of the bride and groom light candles, representing two families. From the candles of their mothers, the bride and groom light their own candle, symbolizing the union of two families and the creation of their home. Fathers can also join this ceremony, their participation will reflect the agreement and understanding in the families. The shared candle of the newlyweds can be larger or different colors, or placed in the center between the candles of their families, symbolizing respect for their loved ones. After the ceremony, the bride should keep all three candles to keep the hearth warm. In our country, this ceremony is also very popular among newlyweds. Unlike American weddings, there are no strict rules for this ceremony in our country. It can take place after the marriage registration ceremony, and at a festive banquet, or be the final stage of the holiday. But the meaning of this spiritual tradition is the same in all countries.

    2 Sand Ceremony

    Since ancient times, the sand ceremony has been carried out at weddings by the aboriginal islanders in Hawaii, where you can find sand of any color. This beautiful ceremony is popular among modern newlyweds and has become a symbolic attribute at weddings. The ceremony is carried out immediately after the exciting "YES!" or before the exchange of vows. For it, the bride and groom each take their own vase of sand, while the color of the sand of the bride and groom is different, symbolizing the individuality of each of the newlyweds. Then each of them pours sand from their vase into a common vessel. This vessel with the resulting bizarre sand pattern symbolizes the unification of two lives, two destinies into one, which will never be divided. The newlyweds can be joined by their parents, personifying harmony, understanding and harmony in families, as well as friends and relatives, as a symbol of the unity of everything that surrounds the bride and groom.

    3 Hourglass Despite the transience of time, all newlyweds want to preserve their feelings and harmony of the wedding day for life. The unifying ceremony "Hourglass" is held as such a symbol. The hourglass vessel is simultaneously filled by both newlyweds, each pouring sand from his own vase. This process means that they want to combine the time of their entire life separately into one joint life. The hourglass is kept by the newlyweds as a reminder of the immutability of their decision to spend their entire life together, because the number of grains of sand in the vessel will forever remain unchanged.

    4 "Love Tree" ceremony Planting a tree as a sign of creating a new family is an ancient tradition that exists in the cultures of many peoples of the world, in which the tree is associated with love and family. The bride and groom getting married are like young shoots of trees, which have to find their true mate in order to weave their lives with her, support each other and strengthen their love and family over the years, as the roots of the tree grow deep in the depths of the soil. The Love Tree ceremony is held after the exchange of vows between the newlyweds and their consent to marry. If the wedding ceremony itself takes place in the open air, then the solemn planting of a tree will be its logical continuation to the accompaniment of beautiful romantic music. If the wedding ceremony was indoors, then after its completion, the bride and groom go to the garden or park, where the "Tree of Love" ceremony will be held. The tree can be planted in the garden in front of the house or in a beautiful pot that will take its rightful place in the new home of the newlyweds. It is also symbolic that the newlyweds collect soil for planting in the gardens of their parents (or take it from domestic plants), thereby personifying harmony, understanding and mutual respect in their families, which they want to create in their own. A mixture of soil from parental homes with love and care during planting and further care will give wonderful fruits in the future, as well as a family in which everyone treats their beloved with love and care, will be strong and prosperous.

    5 Stone ceremony

    6 Ceremony "Locking the Castle"

    There is another wedding tradition that came to us from Japan - the ceremony of "Locking the Castle". The idea of ​​this wedding ceremony is quite simple: connecting the hearts and souls of the newlyweds forever. After the ceremony, having united their lives forever and locked the lock, the newlyweds release the key into the sky in balloons, throw it into the water or bury it in the ground, thereby symbolizing their desire and desire to be always together.

    7 Wine ceremony # 1- wine aging

    Like good wine, marriage gets better over the years. Following this thought, many newlyweds choose the wine ceremony as the unity ceremony for the wedding. For this ceremony, the bride and groom must write vows to each other, not wedding vows, but those that they can only read on a specific anniversary, chosen by them. After the ceremony, a bottle of the selected wine and wedding vows are placed in a wooden wine box, on which the initials of the newlyweds and their wedding date can be engraved. The box is tightly sealed or closed with a padlock. The period of its storage is determined by the newlyweds themselves. Opening this box on their anniversary and reading the love vow left several years ago, the couple will once again plunge into that wonderful romantic atmosphere of their wedding day.

    8 Wine ceremony # 2- combining two varieties of wine

    The unifying wine ceremony at a wedding symbolizes the idea that two people, as different as two varieties of wine, have decided to merge their lives into one. During it, the bride and groom pour different sorts of wine into a common vessel, each from its own vessel. The groom then pours some wine from the common vessel into his glass, and the bride does the same. After that, they drink wine from a common vessel for uniting their two lives into one family. Guests are also invited to drink a new wine created as a symbol of a new family, harmony and mutual respect for her.

    9 "God's Knot" ceremony

    “Where one can be powerless, two will support each other. The knot of three ropes will not be frayed soon ”- these ancient lines illustrate the importance of the family in the Christian religion. The unifying wedding ceremony of the "God's knot" has its origins in this religion, in which it is believed that two people united by God are stronger than separate individuals. In the Christian religion, marriage is more than a union between a man and a woman; it is also a union with God. Therefore, the wedding ceremony of the "God's Knot" is a knot weaving by the newlyweds of three ropes, symbolizing each of them and God. The rope representing God is in the middle so that his love will continue to support the family. Each rope is attached to a metal ring held by the groom. And the bride, in turn, weaves them together. The ropes have specific colors: gold represents God, red represents the groom, and white represents the bride. During the ceremony, the master of ceremonies can tell the story and meaning of everything that happens to parents, friends and relatives present at the ceremony. You can also complement it with slow, soulful music to complement the special atmosphere that is created at this ceremony.

    10 Tying the Knot Ceremony

    After the consent of the newlyweds and the exchange of vows, one of the unifying ceremonies "Tying the Knot" is held. The newlyweds each take their own rope, which is different in color, and tie them with a sea knot under the story of the symbol and essence of this ceremony. By tying their two ropes, the newlyweds personify their lives with them, which they want to tie together and forever, to unite them with a common goal and essence of existence, thereby presenting a unique gift to each other. Like a knot, love and family support and empower throughout life, and like a rope, marriage grows stronger after trials and pressures.

    11 "Secret Knot" ceremony

    Among the followers of the teachings of Feng Shui, there is a wedding tradition "Secret Knot", which is carried out with the aim of blessing the family for good luck, harmony and longevity. According to this tradition, you need to wrap the rope around the hands of the newlyweds 6 times without crossing it. These six circles symbolize the infinity of the circles of birth and resurrection. In the Catholic and Anglican churches, it is customary to tie the hands of the newlyweds only once as a sign of cementing their marriage forever.

    12 Chemical ceremony

    Molecules are similar to humans, some do not react, and some combine to form a new element. This is the meaning of the chemical uniting ceremony at the wedding - to unite your lives and create a new family. For this ceremony, each of the newlyweds must pour the substance from his small (100-200 ml) flask into one common (1000 ml) flask. After that, the molecules react to form a new chemical element. Of course, in order to obtain the desired result, it is necessary to provide for the correct chemical elements. One possible option is as follows: In a large flask 2/3 white vinegar and 1/3 water In small flasks 2/3 baking soda and 1/3 water. After reacting, the compound will fizzle, and after the release of carbon dioxide, it will turn a beautiful purple color.

    13 Feet Washing Ceremony

    This tradition is rooted in the gospel and is a great idea for a Christian wedding. As a wedding ceremony of unity, it represents the fact that both family members respect each other, are devoted and ready to always support each other. For this ceremony, the bride and groom take off their shoes, put their feet into a basin and pour water from a beautiful jug, lightly washing each other's feet. After that, they dry their feet with a towel, which may be their initials or the date of the wedding, and put on shoes.

    14 Rose Ceremony

    In the language of flowers, roses mean love, and one rose means the phrase "I love you." During this ceremony, the bride and groom exchange roses as the first gifts to each other, in a new capacity as spouses. If desired, the bride and groom, having exchanged roses, can present them to the mothers of their beloved. After the ceremony, the couple can plant their roses in the garden in front of their house to keep their first gifts to each other as husband and wife. Each anniversary you can give each other a rose, which will mean that your marriage is based on love. Unfortunately, in family life, there are difficult moments ... when an accidentally thrown phrase can offend the person most important to you. After all, the easiest way to upset is those whom we love the most. And here, when it is difficult to find the right words to explain yourself, remember your wedding ceremony of roses and put a beautiful rose in your chosen vessel on your wedding day. The flower will say for you: "I am sorry", or "I forgive you" or "I need you."

    15 Salt Ceremony Since ancient times, salt has been considered a sign of wealth and harmony in the home. In connection with this impartation, there are several variants of the unifying ceremonies associated with salt. The bride and groom pour salt in each of their vessels into one common one, symbolizing the prosperity and harmony in the families of their parents and their individuality. Another variation of this ceremony is that the groom takes a handful of salt in his hand and pours it on the bride, who in turn does the same. It symbolizes eternal harmony and respect in their home. You can also invite parents for this ceremony, symbolizing the union, love and harmony between the two families.

    16 A ceremony with a drawing

    One of the most recent wedding unification ceremonies is the patterned ceremony. It symbolizes the union of two creative personalities, which, in turn, will become the basis for new creative achievements. The white canvas at this ceremony is the beginning of a new joint journey, and the colors that the bride and groom will paint with is their life, the one they want to create together. The bride and groom are painted with different colors that symbolize their individuality, and the resulting creation is them together.

    17 Jigsaw ceremony

    This is one of the new wedding uniting ceremonies. One of the possible options for its implementation is that the bride and groom combine different elements into one picture (it can be made of wood or cardboard), symbolizing the unification of their two lives into one. Also, to connect the puzzle, you can invite parents and guests, inviting them to write their name and wishes on each element. These elements will symbolize the entire environment of the bride and groom, united by their pair. As a logical preparation for this ceremony, you can also make wedding invitations in the form of puzzles, collecting which guests will know the place and time of the ceremony.

    Farewell to maiden name at exit registration

    This is a ritual that today symbolizes the bride's farewell to the girl's life and her entry into a new, now married, life. The essence of any farewell ceremony with a maiden name is that the bride somehow "Destroys" his old surname and thus enters into a new status. The usual such ceremony is arranged either immediately after registration or at the end of the wedding banquet.

    1. Let go to heaven

    This is perhaps one of the most common ways to say goodbye to a maiden name. It consists in the fact that letters of the bride's surname are made from some light material, balloons filled with helium are tied to them, and then the bride, along with the guests, lets the letters into the sky.

    This version of the farewell ceremony with a maiden name may have several options. For example, you can attach not individual letters to balloons, but the whole surname, or you can use sky lanterns rather than balloons at all.

    2. Send on a voyage

    If the wedding takes place on the banks of the river, then launching a small paper or wooden boat can be an excellent option for a farewell ceremony. The maiden name of the bride is written on the sail of such a boat, and then, in a solemn atmosphere, the bride launches it to sail.

    An alternative to launching the boat can be sealing the maiden name in a bottle: the bride must write her maiden name on a piece of paper, roll it up and put it in a specially prepared empty bottle, after which the bottle is solemnly thrown into the water.

    3. To surrender to the power of the flame

    A very unusual way to say goodbye to a maiden name, but at the same time deeply symbolic: burning the old name in the fire, the bride seems to be cleared of all the past and is reborn in a new status. For the farewell ceremony with the surname, in this case, only a sheet of paper, a marker, a candle and matches are required: on the sheet, the bride writes her surname with a marker, then brings a lit candle to the sheet and sets it on fire.

    For the ceremony to be beautiful, it is worth taking care of a suitable musical accompaniment or discussing with the presenter the opportunity to somehow "beat" it. For example, suppose the bride during the ceremony, following the leader, repeats the words of a special oath, in which she promises to proudly bear a new surname.

    4. Blow up

    No, no, of course, no one will really blow up the maiden name. Just for the ceremony, a large balloon is taken, filled with confetti and sparkles, and then inflated. After that, the bride writes her maiden name on the balloon, and then, to loud applause, the bride and groom burst the balloon together - bang! Not a trace of the old surname remained!

    Inside the ball, by the way, you can put a parcel with the common surname of the spouses written on it, and then the action will be even more symbolic: the bride will not just say goodbye to the old surname, but will also acquire a new one.

    5. Eat

    Confectioners spell the bride's surname on the cakes. The cakes are eaten by the guests.

    6. A humorous option: tightly close the can, after having folded a piece of paper with the last name into it, make an inscription on the can like "Open in case of urgent need."

    7. The most favorable option for parents, with which the bride can also express her gratitude to them for, so to speak, “using” the surname, is to return the surname along with thanks and gifts.

    Directly during the ceremony, it would be good to explain to the assembled guests what is happening now. For this, the bride can, for example, make a farewell speech, in which, in a serious or joking manner, she will thank her maiden name for serving her well, and solemnly promise not to return this name under any circumstances.

    How to entertain the guests before the visiting ceremony?

    In order for the wedding ceremony to be bright and unforgettable, the bride and groom should take care of many important details, including how not to let the guests get bored.

    During the gathering, you should not overload the guests with activities, but you should definitely immerse them in the festive atmosphere. The wedding host should definitely meet your guests, get to know them and talk about possible activities before the ceremony.

    1. Photo zone

    Now there are many opportunities for organizing a photo zone. The most classic option is to make a banner on the theme of your wedding, against which guests can take pictures either alone or in fun companies. As a rule, a table with various accessories and voluminous inscriptions for perky photos is also installed for the photo zone. The trend is to use a slate board instead of a regular banner. It can be beautifully painted and drawn in the style of a wedding.

    Don't forget about funny photo booths and even photo machines, which will become not only entertainment for guests, but also a part of your decor. It's a great idea to rent a Polaroid: guests will be able to take pictures themselves and attach photos with clothespins in a place prepared in advance. The main thing is that your photographers and videographers must work in the welcome-zone. It will also be very interesting for you to see how the guests gathered and communicated before the ceremony, because you will not be with them at that moment.

    2. Zone of wishes

    Think over the area of ​​wishes in detail: guests will be pleased to do this while waiting for the ceremony. You can buy a classic book for wishes - now the choice is simply huge, and you can also make an album specially in the style of your wedding and, for example, paste there Polaroid pictures taken on your wedding day. You can make special cards in the style of your printing and prepare a mailbox for them! Invite your guests to leave a return address with a promise to send them a postcard from their honeymoon trip! Also, cards in the form of flowers or fruits can be hung from a tree by strings or put into the pockets of a suitcase, which will also fill the welcome-zone with decor.

    3. Workshops and games

    Depending on the style of your wedding, you can think of small master classes for guests - culinary, floral, or even arrange a blind wine tasting. It will be right on your part to think over funny entertainment for guests from the first minutes of the event in order to immediately set a festive mood! Talk to the host beforehand about which games might work for your wedding. For example, you can divide all guests into 2-3 teams and prepare a flash mob with them, which they will implement immediately after the ceremony or at a banquet. Also for outdoor weddings, games that are usually played on the lawn or in parks are well suited: mini golf, petanque, a huge Jenga or even badminton. The main thing is that the activities are as simple as possible and everyone can take part in them, then each guest will have a feeling of personal care.

    In the end, I would like to turn to the brides and their grooms. Do not be afraid! Experiment! Ask for professional advice, they will definitely help you. The outing ceremony is a real magic that is done by the hands of mortals. You, too, will succeed in everything. Good luck and easy preparation!

    Putting all your worries in my reliable hands, you can completely immerse yourself in the experience of this magical moment, being confident that the exit check-in will be just perfect.