Family: the role of a man in a modern family. The role of men in the family and society

A man, unlike a woman, treats the family more rationally solving problems from an appropriate point of view. In his eyes, the requirements for a wife include many requests for appearance.

Among the strong half of humanity, it is widely believed that the second half should look like this in order to raise the authority of a man. In other words, look great, be healthy, hospitable, good-natured, and so on.
Of great importance is often the relationship of the chosen one with friends and relatives. On a subconscious level, a man is looking for a caring mother, a passionate faithful lover, a wise adviser and a devoted friend at the same time.

Being a leader by nature, the stronger sex painfully perceives criticism from a woman. In no case should a man be distracted while he is performing his duties at home. Because of what, a man can even experience a drop in self-esteem, self-confidence, authority as a master. In turn, this will lead to conflicts within the family, which in the future may reduce the desire or even discourage him from doing something in the life of her husband. The head of the family needs moral and psychological support and acceptance with all the advantages, disadvantages, hobbies and interests. However, for this, he must also show sincere love and care for a woman, be patient with the negative character traits of his life partner.

First of all, it is necessary to establish relationships within the family, and only then proceed to the implementation of life priorities.
When a young man is looking for a suitable girl, his own life priorities and attitudes are of great importance. Most men, entering into marriage, want to see a good housewife and caring mother for their future children. In addition, he hopes to find a true like-minded person and assistant in achieving and realizing his goals.

Only next to a real woman will he feel capable of fulfilling his functions as a father, breadwinner and protector. It is important that a man feels that he is needed, loved and appreciated. At the subconscious level, he compares his wife with the image of his own mother. Despite the dominant role in the actions and decisions of the rational approach over the emotional one, the representative of the stronger sex is sensitive to the psychological climate within the family, which is created by the woman.

A man is born to be a leader and a provider. This is his natural calling. Exactly the same as a woman - motherhood. With the development of gender equality and the employment of the fairer sex in those professions that were traditionally considered male, the role of the earner began to be downplayed. It is not uncommon for a woman to reach career heights while receiving a salary more than her husband.

This undermines the authority of a man, reduces his self-esteem, because such a situation is unnatural. The spouse seeks to achieve in life certain, planned heights. The wife should help him in this. In addition, the role of the provider has the highest priority. If the girl is responsible for the psychological climate in the family, then the young man is responsible for material well-being and prosperity. Ideally, his relatives and friends (meaning family) should not be in need.

He has a great responsibility also because he determines the priorities for the development of the family as a whole.
Children play an important role for him, although the paternal instinct appears later than the maternal one. However, he is looking for a healthy mother for his future children. The appearance of the chosen one plays an important role, she must be sexually attractive for the purposes of procreation.

A woman is looking for a father in a man, a reliable support and a friend. Traditionally, the male also dominates in sexual relations. It is important for parents to educate, having developed in their son since childhood, such qualities as courage, will, sanity, the ability to make decisions, and be responsible for their actions. To have the ability to sacrifice one's selfish interests, as well as to make sacrifices, if necessary, for the good of the family. Otherwise, he will not be able to fulfill the tasks facing him when the time comes to create and lead his own family to development.

Many marriage unions often break up only because they did not distinguish in time the role of a man and a woman in a family in a relationship.

Often a man does not want to take full responsibility for the family, and a woman does not want to be a housewife at all, striving for an easy and beautiful life.

What should a wife be responsible for?

  • Follows life.
  • Takes care of children.
  • Provides in the house comfortable conditions, a cosiness.
  • Supports her husband.

Responsibility of a man

  • Family safety guarantee.
  • Problem resolution.
  • Supply.
  • Providing housing.
  • Budget management.
Both are responsible for quality sex.

Force the husband to be the head of the family

Actually, this is quite easy to do. It is enough to put him in your union in the first place. This means that no matter what happens, pay attention to it in the very first place. Nothing should be more important than the interests of the husband. Don't let this seem old-fashioned to you. But remember some of your actions. The husband calls home and hears on the phone: "Oh, I'll call you back later, I'm talking with my girlfriend now." Thus, you show disrespect for the faithful, a demonstration that you have a lot of more important interests than showing attention to your husband. Such trifles accumulate, and now the man does not feel at all like a significant person in his own family.

The husband is the head of everything

  1. The main relationship in the family is your relationship with your husband. They should always be given first place. On the second - children.
  2. Often, women still have a child as a priority. After all, the husband - what? He's an adult, he'll wait. And this position undermines the family from the inside. And the same child suffers as a result.
  3. Often, in general, women in the first place appear everything and everything, except for their spouse: friends, work, their own interests, except for their husband. Because of this, the family is slowly falling apart.

Respect for the husband must be felt in the house - then the conflicts will disappear by themselves. And if your relationship has not yet reached a level where you trust each other and can trust one another unconditionally, you need to accustom your partner to the idea that he is the most important person in the family.

Women's role in the family

What was said above is the basis of the relationship. If it is set, then all other issues - domestic, sexual, financial, work - are dealt with by a woman, and it is already much easier for her to do this. She, as it were, manages all this complex organism called "family". Here is her foundation:
  • Partner in the first place.
  • Love.
  • Money.
  • Relationships built on respect.
  • Clearly defined goal of the relationship (strong family), dreams, tasks of the family.
Everything else is built on this foundation: creativity, your own or joint business, family traditions, etc.

Role differences

The division of men and women in the family into certain roles is due to both psychological and physiological characteristics.

It has already happened. A man performs the mission of a breadwinner, head, protector. It is very important that a woman is aware of this and has a need for it, even if she earns more than her husband.

Women's mission is to create an atmosphere in the family, to radiate satisfaction with life.

Often, women choose for themselves the male role in the family, and this negatively affects the relationship of the spouses. But it’s more convenient for her: having male energy, it’s easier to move up the career ladder, earn more, and it’s easier to survive. And she prefers to survive, defend herself, fight, as if forgetting how important it is to appear before her man as soft, feminine, flexible, understanding, creating an atmosphere of home.

Everyone in the family should do their own thing - only then it harmoniously develops and exists. If everyone fulfills his destiny, everyone is satisfied and happy. Otherwise, problems arise.

A very important condition for a happy family is the desire of both the husband and wife to work continuously on relationships. Many divorces happen when one of the partners does not consider it necessary to constantly invest their efforts and efforts in the relationship. Meanwhile, love and happiness are not momentary sensations.

This is a process that needs movement and development. To do this, you need to make an effort so that they then more than pay off.

Men and women are different, so it is natural that the roles of husband and wife in marriage are also different. Unfortunately, no one teaches us this science at school - the science of relationships, and we don’t study such a subject at the institute either. In this world, everything is harmonious and everything exists and develops according to certain laws. The family - as the most ancient of all human institutions - also lives in accordance with a certain hierarchy.

The husband interacts with the outside world, ensures the protection of the family and its material well-being. The deep meaning is hidden in the words "to be married" - that is, behind her husband, a woman feels absolute security and confidence in the future. A wife is an assistant to her husband in all his affairs, his rear and inspiration (due to her presence in his life, a man strives for results). The wife supports her husband in everything, including in mistakes and failures, maintains home comfort and intimacy in relationships.

The husband is the engine, the wife is the fuel on which he rides. A woman feeds the family with emotions and energy, a man calms a woman, helps to “deal with thoughts”, cope with emotional intensity. In the nature of a man - achievements, in the nature of a woman - preservation. And nothing else.

This distribution of roles is inherent in human nature. The unwillingness of spouses to fulfill their natural roles, their desire to play the role of another, makes people in the family unhappy, leads to material distress, drunkenness, problems with children, betrayal and divorce.

Today, most of the problems are related to the fact that women take over the function of the head of the family, and men give way to them without much resistance. There are women who do not want or cannot give a man his primacy. And there are men who do not want or cannot take this championship. If you want to be happy in family life, then both parties need to make an effort on themselves so that the husband rightfully becomes the head of the family. The viability of the family depends on the faithful observance of their roles by husband and wife.

Husband and wife are two communicating vessels. If a woman becomes softer, more feminine, treats her husband with love and patience, sincerely accepts him as the head of the family, the man gradually begins to resolve all issues and acquires all the features of a family leader. Of course, a man himself should take care of his natural role (do everything possible to provide for the family, not be afraid to make decisions in serious matters, and also be responsible for them), but, as you know, the retinue makes the king. And a wise wife chooses femininity and weakness, acceptance and love. She can be brave, but by no means strong...

A man should be respected in the family, he has the first and last word. The husband is consulted, he is not indicated. A man cannot be humiliated, reproached, decided for him. And, even if his decision was not entirely successful, this is not a reason to refuse support. A man needs to make mistakes, otherwise he will never cope with his insecurities and achieve nothing. A woman who cares about her husband and children, about their moral and psychological comfort, tries to control her emotions and feelings. Such an attitude makes a man more courageous and stronger, and the family as a whole is prosperous and stable.

There are different points of view on this issue and even more examples of complementary marriages, where a successful and organized wife lives with a man who is weak and irresponsible. Moreover, these unions are often successful and the people in them are unlikely to part. But in psychological terms, this is constant torment, mutual dissatisfaction with each other and absolute disorientation of children, who then themselves will experience problems in relationships.

And, if a woman, as it happens, really occupies a leadership position at work, is a leader, then for the well-being of the family, peace and love in him, it is advisable to deliberately give the palm of the house to her husband. As a bonus, a woman will definitely feel happy in this relationship, because it is this distribution of roles that corresponds to human nature.

The problem of family and marriage has become quite relevant in the modern world. On the one hand, this is due to the crisis and the transformation of family values, on the other hand, the family is an indicator of the well-being of a particular social system.

The meaning of the word marriage in modern use and in ancient times differs significantly. Today marriage is understood as a conscious family union of a man and a woman. The birth of children is a natural fruit of marriage, but this aspect of it is often not emphasized and it is implied that marriage is in principle possible without children. In ancient times, the meaning of the word "marriage" was strictly associated with childbearing - this applies not only to the Old Testament, but also to the New Testament times up to the beginning of the 20th century. The absence of children was perceived as a deep sorrow, and people begged them from God as a great mercy. Marriage without children was almost unthinkable. Nowadays, people are more relaxed about childlessness, and sometimes they artificially provoke it so that children do not interfere with enjoying each other. Of course, there are now married couples who grieve over childlessness and pray fervently, but there are few such examples. Most of these couples are looking for a way out not so much in prayers, but in modern reproductive medical technologies.

O.V. Rozina notes that marriage is a sacred thing, a key concept, as it goes back to the very beginning of Divine Creation, uniting husband and wife into a single spiritual flesh. At present, a number of negative trends can be traced in this area, which are the result of profound cultural changes in the social organism: this is the instability of marriage, an increase in the number of divorces, single-parent and dysfunctional families, a decrease in their educational potential, the spread of violence in the family, etc. On average, at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries, the ratio of divorces to marriages in the Russian Federation was 57.7%, for the first decade of the 21st century. it rose to 64.2%. This suggests that 2/3 of marriages are doomed to failure.

Why is this happening? It can be assumed that the negative consequences of democratization (social polarization, penetration of Western pop culture, emancipation of morals, orientation towards individualism, independence, freedom of action, etc.) have become the main factors that undermine the moral and humanistic foundations of marriage and family in modern Russian society. Obvious is also a violation of the volitional, emotional and personal component of the relationship. This is due to the fact that psychosexual pathologies are gaining momentum, both in relation to the object of claims, and in the way of satisfying drives. In addition, there is a violation of biological needs and the instinct of self-preservation (alcoholism, bulimia, drug addiction, anorexia). On the other hand, people do not know how to build strong family relationships, as a result, this becomes the reason for the increased conflict of the modern family man, fertile ground for family violence or indifference of family members to each other.

What is the role of men and women in the family?

In the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, it is clearly expressed that the first man created by God was a man, and for some time he lived in paradise without a wife: God created man as a man, endowing him with His divine grace and through it putting him into communion with Himself.

Until recently, it didn't take much effort to be a man. Masculinity was considered something self-evident. Mass culture offered clear and indisputable examples of the behavior of a real man - from the defender of the motherland on the posters of the Great Patriotic War to a series of movie characters. From time immemorial, it was believed: to be a man is, first of all, not to be a woman, to reject the female component of one's personality. Men build themselves not imitating their father, but starting from the image of their mother, especially if there was no understanding and loving father in their life. “Children begin their emotional life by identifying themselves with their mother,” explains sociologist Igor Kon. “But boys will soon find out that they are different from their mothers. They are forced to form their masculine identity negatively, through separation from their mother.” It turns out that a "real man" must abandon genuine emotions. He does not cry, rarely talks about his feelings, expresses them with deeds. After all, a real man is not afraid to set goals and achieve them. But not in any way: stepping over people is unacceptable. A man at all times knows how to make friends, knows how to love, knows how to take responsibility, do things, be calm, self-confident and reliable.

The social changes taking place in the world at the beginning of the 21st century, such as a large-scale change in the position of women in society, are transforming the traditional communication mechanisms between a man and a woman. Previously, a woman had to seem like an excellent mistress, who keeps the family hearth of love, but is by no means the main one in the family. Indeed, there are a number of natural differences between men and women, and modern society, in our opinion, will only benefit from their recognition. Instead of following the natural destiny and conquering new horizons of social and ideological freedom for herself, the modern woman, from the position of the modern man, refuses her own natural function. After long centuries of "slavery", the woman wanted to become free and did nothing but copy the idea of ​​"independent female personality" from the archetype of "man personality". And this manifests a deep distrust of the “modern woman” in relation to herself, her inability to be her own value for herself, i.e. be just like a woman, not like a man. This is the source of a deeply false orientation: a woman strives to get revenge on a man, to defend her “dignity”, to prove her “significance”, gradually getting used to comparing herself with a man.

The role of women in the world has changed significantly, there have been radical changes in the legal status of women, and the idea of ​​gender equality has begun to conquer the minds of people. The role of women in the vast majority of states has changed markedly compared to many other previous centuries.

The modern man, with complete irresponsibility on his part, not only allowed this, but also himself pushed the woman to work in all the institutions of modern society and modern culture. In most countries of the world, women have gained the right to vote, have become full participants in political processes. Women received the right not only to vote - but also to be elected. Today, women are represented in the parliaments and governments of all continents, and in the Swedish Parliament after the 2002 elections, women became 45%, and according to these indicators, Sweden came in second place in the world. African Rwanda took first place in September 2003, with 48.8% of women in parliament. Now a woman - a legislator, the head of the armed forces of the state no longer surprises fellow citizens and the world community, and this is an important sign of change.

It is significant that for many modern women, even the prospect of physical love is not of such interest as the narcissistic cult of one's own body, as the desire to show one's flesh in clothes or with a minimum of it, as physical training, as dancing, sports, money, etc. Having become addicted to egocentrism, a woman begins from a certain moment to be interested not in the man himself, but in what he can give her to satisfy her vanity and whims. Parallel to this, there is a decomposition and degeneration of the masculine type, which becomes more and more superficial as one gets used to a purely practical life, which in the modern world contributes to the degradation and denaturation of the masculine principle. The equality of men and women is a question of the equality of human existence. Discrimination against both men and women is unacceptable. Historical experience requires the observance of rights and the creation of conditions for the realization of the essential forces of a person, regardless of gender.

The modern woman is a dependent being. It depends on external circumstances, such as the behavior of the surrounding people and the opinion of the public. She constantly needs love, approval, care and prosperity. In an effort to get what they want, many women spend their time and life energy trying to change the environment and make loved ones give them a sense of self-worth. And, I must say, sometimes these female consumers end up with something. However, much more often, as a result of such attempts, women do not receive happiness, but nervous breakdowns, dissatisfaction with life and resentment at everyone who dared not give her what she needed.

Holy Fathers St. Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom, blzh. Theodoret and others, express the idea, which was formulated in a generalized form by St. John of Damascus: “Since the foreseeing God knew that a person would commit a crime and be subject to corruption, He created from him a wife, a helper to him and like him. She was supposed to be his helper so that the human race, even after the crime, would be successively preserved through birth. Despite the equal dignity and talents, the husband and wife within the family had different purposes from God, each his own. Their mutual relations had to correspond to the plan of God: the husband is the head of the family, the wife is his assistant [Gen. 2, 18, 20-24], and not only in family life, but in all the affairs entrusted to him by God.

A modern man, demanding from a woman independence, independence, initiative, strength, at the same time expects from her humility, weakness, and recognition of him (the man) as the head. That is, traditional patriarchal models come into conflict with modern conditions in which women and men become on the same level. And the woman herself today is no longer satisfied with the household duties of her wife. Her temperament has grown a lot and requires implementation in society on a par with a man. The family in this matter plays an extremely important role in the life of any person, and of the whole society as a whole.

In modern science, gender studies occupy an increasing place. In a certain sense, attention to gender issues is generated by feminist ideas that are spreading around the world. Once having achieved recognition of their rights, women turned the whole society upside down. The relationship between a man and a woman is obviously a very complex problem, otherwise many people would not have difficulties in resolving it.
As already mentioned, a married family is a union of two equal individuals. But gender stereotypes do not allow such relations to fully develop in modern conditions. For centuries, the man was the head of the family, the patriarch of his mini-state. The woman was in a subordinate position and financially dependent on the man. Today, the woman has reached a new level. Now she often does not depend on a man, she herself earns a living for herself and for the life of her children. The man lost his authority as the breadwinner of the family, and this was his main task for centuries. Until now, in some traditional societies, we can observe this type of hierarchy in the family, for example, in the Muslim world.

Courage is responsibility. The man is responsible for the end result. Not for explaining why it didn’t work, despite the fact that he did everything right. No, the man is responsible for making it work in the end. And if it didn't work, then he did something wrong.

A responsible man won't say, "You raised your child wrong." Where have you been? Have worked? So, you went to ensure that your wife raised the child, as she knows how, as she sees fit. Answer now for it yourself, do not blame her.

A woman, unlike a man, does not have the power to solve problems in relationships. Take away, hit, run away. It is not very important for a man to delve into the intricacies of his partner's condition, but for a woman it is vital. It is much more focused on the perception of the nuances of facial expressions, intonation - everything that betrays the emotional state of a person. Therefore, women are much more sensitive. Thus, it is easier for them to understand their partner. And the more a woman understands, the more she accepts him, the more she feels her partner, his feelings. Therefore, acceptance is the main female function in the family. Unconditional acceptance, motherhood and femininity.

Now we can generalize these two roles in any pair of "man and woman". A man is a responsibility, a woman is an unconditional acceptance. That's when both partners correspond to these roles as much as possible, then love and respect reign in the family.

Consequently, since a woman can do without a man in her social life, then the family loses its significance and may even disappear altogether as unnecessary.

The main conclusion, perhaps, can be made as follows - a woman today becomes a man with all his functions and responsibilities. Men, coming home, want to see a woman next to them, but they see themselves ...

Each gender has its own, special purpose from God, which must be realized in your life. The life of each person must correspond to those initial divine gifts that a person receives at birth, including gender. Attempts to change one's gender or to live by copying the opposite one is a rejection of the divine gift, a perversion of its plan, therefore such sins are strictly condemned in scripture [Gen. 19, 1-29; A lion. 18, 22; 20, 13; 1 Cor. 6, 9, etc.].

Violation of the ancient principle of the husband is the head of the family, the wife is his assistant leads to the destruction of the family or its inferior existence.

Despite the fact that it is the woman who is the keeper of the hearth, no matter how hard she tries, but if two people do not make an effort to save the family, nothing will work. In general, the guarantee of a strong and long family, as for me, is built on two long-known pillars - respect and mutual understanding. As trite as it may sound, there is no better way to save a family. And to hold a lot of opinions together, to show care and attention, tenderness and affection - all this comes from the aforementioned "whales" of relationships!


  1. Leonov V. Fundamentals of Orthodox Anthropology: Textbook, - M: Ed. Moscow Patriarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2013.
  2. Rozina O.V. Spiritual foundations of Russian culture. Book 3. - M .: Science and Word, 2009.
  3. Schneider L.B. Psychology of family relations. Lecture course. - M .: ed. Vlados-Press, 2004.
  4. Russian Federation. Federal State Statistics Service. Marriages and divorces.
  5. This fact has found expression in many languages, where the same word is used for man and husband.
  6. Veserberg B. Women in politics in Sweden. Genderstan - 2004 // Cooperation between men and women to achieve gender equality. Materials of the International conference. - Bishkek, 2005.
  7. Evola Yu. Man and woman. Revolt against the modern world. Julius Evola [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
  8. Gregory of Nyssa, On the Structure of Man. Chapter 17. - St. Petersburg, 1995.
  9. John Chrysostom. About virginity. Creations: In 12 vols. T. 1. Book. 1. - St. Petersburg, 1898.
  10. Theodoret of Kirsky. Explaining Difficult Scriptures. Question 38. - M.:, 2003.
  11. John of Damascus, Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. Book. 2. Chap. 2. 30. - M., 1992.

The role of men in the family and society cannot be overestimated. She takes a certain position, which has a great influence on the formation of personality. A man, as a rule, in most cases is a role model. This is a person who you want to be like, equal, be proud of his presence. That is why the presence of a father is so important for the upbringing of a child. Most children see their father as pride and power associated with an all-encompassing spiritual power. What is the role of a man in a family? Let's try to understand this issue.

An example to follow

It should be noted that boys from a very young age try to identify themselves with their father. They absorb the role of a man literally from the cradle. By observing how the father behaves in society and the family, the boy learns to take responsibility for what is happening. Social role - the role of a man who necessarily wants to achieve high results in life. For this reason, a male child loves to demonstrate his courage and courage to others, strives to perform some ambiguous actions. It is from his father that the boy learns everything that will be useful to him in adulthood. Unwittingly, he even partially adopts the character traits of the pope, regardless of whether he can really be proud of him or not.

Striving for the ideal

A father for children seems to be such a significant figure who a priori cannot have any shortcomings. Fathers, in the eyes of their sons, do not make even the smallest mistakes; they cannot make any rash acts. Only many years later, a grown child, as a rule, realizes that in reality everything is not so simple. The desire for the ideal is dictated by the role of a man. He seems so bold and powerful that you not only want to be like him, but also admire his bright personality. Often, the real shortcomings of a man are not noticed for the time being. This is due to the fact that a woman often idealizes the father of her children herself.


Society imposes certain requirements on a male person. The intention to realize one's true essence is perceived by others as an incredible dedication. Purposefulness is also one of the social roles of a man. In society, by definition, it is believed that a man should be able to set himself tasks to be solved and strive to solve them in a timely manner. The representative of the stronger sex should also provide financial support for the family. These are the demands of society. The social role of the stronger sex is often based on put forward expectations.

Social connections

The significance of a man is measured not only by achievements aimed at the benefit of the family. Its social role is much broader and more multifaceted. A representative of the stronger sex needs to be able to make useful contacts that may be useful in the future. The need to build social ties is necessary in order to constantly develop. The ability to make useful contacts is often extremely necessary and significant. Only in this way can a representative of the stronger sex be sure of his future, that he can financially provide for loved ones. A real man always takes responsibility for his own well-being and the happiness of his family.

Personal growth

The desire for self-improvement is inherent in the nature of a man. In fact, it is the father who should teach his children the basics of effective work on themselves. Character is trained through the efforts of the will. Children who have a good example before their eyes in the form of their own father will grow up to be strong-willed, purposeful individuals who can take responsibility for everything that happens. Society puts forward requirements for a man, according to which he himself must strive for constant personal growth. If a representative of the stronger sex stops in his development, then he will not be able to give anything to others. The nature of a man is to give away the accumulated knowledge and wisdom. His family acts as a kind of incentive for the sake of which all actions are performed. The social role is turned to constant spiritual growth. Self-improvement of the younger generation, ideally, begins with an unconscious imitation of the father. It is the father who must make it his duty to raise children, to teach them the basic patterns of behavior in the social environment.

Protector role

Everyone needs help and support from time to time. There is nothing shameful or shameful in this. The role of a man in the public consciousness is often correlated with the role of an active defender who really can do everything in the world. That is, a man should be able not only to come to the aid of the family when it is required, but also to effectively support a loved one with the help of a timely spoken word. Only in this way is real trust formed, interpersonal ties are strengthened. The family here acts as the main core, which helps to strengthen self-confidence, to see one's own unique capabilities. The boy learns to feel self-confidence by imitating his own father. When a child begins to identify with a strong dad, he grows a sense of his importance and power. The role of a protector really makes you feel like a self-sufficient person. As a rule, such beliefs are brought up in the family.

character education

Society often requires a person to completely obey a once established pattern of behavior. If his behavior for some reason deviates from the generally accepted norm, serious problems begin. Visible condemnation arises, disapproval of deeds and actions is formed. Educating the character of the younger generation is also a role that a representative of the stronger sex should take on. Unfortunately, this does not happen in every family. However, it is actually the duty of a father to teach his sons and daughters something new. Unlike mother's love, father's love does not have such an unconditional nature. His unsurpassed role is to teach the child to take full responsibility for what is happening, set goals and strive to achieve them. That is, in order for the father to begin to approve the actions of his offspring, he, of course, needs to try, make some efforts. After all, nothing happens in this life. If the mother in any case is always on the side of her child, supports in word and deed, then the father's favor still needs to be earned. Sometimes this takes a long time. Many children try in vain to prove all their lives that they have something to love for. For some reason, their own individuality and bright distinctive features are little taken into account.

Most children who have grown up try to prove their worth to their parents for a long time so that they believe in them. The role of the father in this is decisive. If support and support comes from him, the young man or girl actually feels quite protected. Otherwise, tension, insincerity and a sense of false prestige will certainly appear in the relationship. After all, any education of character necessarily begins in the family. Nowhere else will it be possible to nurture the individuality of the individual. Support, the desire to protect each other and take care - all this is laid through interaction with the closest people in the world. And nothing else.

Leadership skills

A man is so arranged that he initially owns the main position in the family. Based on this feature, its role is not just noticeable, but decisive, which is already undeniable. As a rule, the representative of the stronger sex has pronounced leadership qualities. These features encourage him to be responsible for everything that happens to his close and dear people. The leader also demands respect and wants his decision to be final in important matters. The ability to take responsibility makes his role truly inimitable and unique. The role of the representative of the stronger sex in the family is not limited to control and evaluation. He must necessarily guide, help, push for the development of both the spouse and the children. To be a man means to play your role as the head of the family unsurpassed. Not everyone is capable of this. Unfortunately, there are people who do not want to solve everyday problems, do not want to shoulder a heavy burden of responsibility.

Thus, the role of a man in a family is extremely great. It is not measured only by fulfilling one's gender responsibilities. Belonging to the stronger sex often imposes certain stereotypes on a person, makes him follow one or another setting. In fact, the strength of character lies precisely in learning to be yourself, to follow the voice of your inner being. In this case, it does not matter what gender the person belongs to.