Bruises under the nails on the big toes. How to get rid of a hematoma under the nail. There are bruises on the legs

Subungual hematomas or bruises located under the nails are formed as a result of the accumulation of some amount of blood in the space under the nail plate.

Reasons for the formation of hematomas under the nails:

  • a blow to the finger;
  • pinching a finger with a door and other squeezing effects;
  • subungual hematomas on the toes can be formed due to wearing tight shoes;
  • playing football in inappropriate shoes or other injuries can cause bruising under the toenails;
  • much less often, subungual hematomas are formed as a result of taking medications that affect blood clotting.

  1. A small pink spot appears, the nail bed becomes crimson, the nail turns blue. The person feels numbness, pain.
  2. Formation of a large purple spot, reduction of pain.
  3. After a few days, the hematoma turns blue, its edges become sharp, the area decreases, pain is present only when pressed, there is no discomfort.
  4. After a week, the bruise turns black, decreases by itself to 3-5 mm in diameter. The edges remain clear, there is no pain. In a week, the hematoma can resolve on its own.

Use common sense and practice various safety precautions - don't let your fingers get caught in doors or heavy objects fall on your feet.

Most often, a bruise under the nails is formed in the following cases:

  1. If you accidentally hit your foot on the furniture, the capillaries on your fingers burst. Blood from damaged vessels is instantly collected in the tissues under the nail plate.
  2. A bruise under the nail may appear after an accidental pinching of a limb.
  3. Football players and basketball players are at risk of getting such an injury.
  4. The reason for the formation of a bruise under the toenail may be the use of shoes that are too narrow.
  5. Falling on the leg of a heavy object.
  6. Hemorrhage may be due to increased fragility of blood vessels.
  7. Dislocations and fractures of the limbs are often accompanied by the formation of hematomas under the nails.
  8. Blackening of the plate may be associated with infection with a fungal infection.

There are several stages in the formation of bruises:

  1. Immediately after the bruise, blood from damaged capillaries enters under the nail plate. The victim sees a small spot of a red tint. Gradually, the damaged area begins to darken. The patient complains of severe pain and numbness of the finger. The area of ​​the blood spot under the nail increases. It takes on a purple hue.
  2. In the future, the hematoma becomes dark blue.
  3. In the process of recovery, the stain decreases. The victim practically does not feel pain.
  4. After about 3-4 weeks, the bruise under the nail completely resolves.
  5. The duration of the recovery period depends on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the person.
  1. When choosing winter shoes, keep in mind that you will wear them with warm socks. Don't buy boots (or any other footwear) that make you feel uncomfortable.
  2. Often people get bruised toe, hitting his foot on the corner of the furniture. You need to be careful when moving around the house.
  3. Don't skimp on sports shoes. This is especially true for people who are professionally involved in football or basketball.
  4. Don't forget to trim your nails regularly. When wearing narrow shoes, you can damage the nail plate.
  5. Improper nutrition can lead to poor nail health. They begin to crumble and can be damaged even from a slight mechanical impact.

Bruises under the toenails appear as a result of hemorrhage from burst vessels. If the injury was severe, then it leads to partial or complete exfoliation of the nail. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If it was not possible to avoid losing a nail, do not be discouraged. This phenomenon is temporary: it gradually grows back, although it becomes uneven or thickened.

What does a bruise look like under a nail

According to external signs, a bruise under the toenail is characterized by a blackening of the plate, a throbbing pain is felt under the nail. As a result, the blood does not come out from under the nail, so it stagnates, the finger swells, most of it turns red.

Over time, these symptoms subside, but the hematoma cannot resolve on its own, it disappears only after the healthy plate has completely grown back. Rarely, but a bruise appears on the finger itself.

First aid for the appearance of a hematoma is to cool the bruised area to reduce pain. Wrap your finger in gauze, run cold water, or place a plastic bag with ice cubes over the bump.

Hold for 3-6 minutes, remove for 15 minutes and repeat the procedure. Apply until the pain is gone.

You can speed up the healing process by opening the nail (if the hematoma is small). You can do this with a doctor or on your own:.

  • prepare the nail: disinfect the plate with iodine, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • use antibacterial agents to treat the needle, heat its tip until a red color appears;
  • pierce the central part of the hematoma through the nail so that blood flows out of the hole;
  • fix a sterile plaster on the wound;
  • for three days, do not leave the house or wear open shoes so that the foot does not suffer.

Medical therapy

Several methods are used to remove blood from under the nail. As options - removal of part of the nail or trepanation of the nail to drain (drain) the accumulated blood. To this end, the nail plate is perforated with a hot metal wire, either by screwing in a hollow needle, or electrocautery is used (not possible with acrylic nails due to the risk of ignition). All these methods allow the blood under the nail to drain outward, which in turn reduces pain. Drainage does not occur immediately and in extreme cases can last up to one and a half days.

Immediately after injury to the finger, a purple spot appears, which gradually becomes purple-black. It is clearly visible through the nail plate. Often the hematoma is round, less often it is elongated. In addition to an unaesthetic appearance, a person experiences a sharp pain and a feeling of pulsation in the affected area.

If the bruise appeared as a result of wearing tight shoes, then the pain is not so strong, but for a long period it does not go away, even if you take off your shoes or shoes. Puffiness often appears on the finger. As the nail heals, it acquires a greenish and yellow tint.

Causes and symptoms

A bruise forms under the nail as a result of an injury, such as, for example, pinching the finger with a door, hitting it with a hammer, and the like. But on the toes, bruises under the nails can appear as a result of wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes that squeeze the fingers, thereby injuring them.

As a result of such an injury, the nail plate is damaged and a hematoma is formed, which we can see through the nail plate.

Blood under the nail is the main sign of a hematoma.

After an injury, there is a change in the natural to red, maroon or other dark color under the nail.

The most common symptom of a hematoma under the nail is pain.

The pressure created between the nail plate and the nail bed, where blood collects, causes quite severe pain.

The pain that accompanies a subungual hematoma can also be caused by other injuries, such as bruise, sprain, fracture of a limb, traumatic skin wound, and injury to the nail.

If your finger is injured, ice should be applied first.

If a finger is injured with a nail lesion, it is necessary to apply ice to the site of injury or pinching as soon as possible. In the absence of ice, any available cooling method can be used. For example, use packages with frozen foods.

To reduce the likelihood of the spread of the inflammatory process, you should take some kind of anti-inflammatory drug. For example, Ibuprofen.

If, as a result of an injury, the nail plate has been removed, it is necessary to wash the affected area with antibacterial soap, apply an ointment that includes an antibiotic (Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Synthomycin, etc.) and apply a sterile bandage. With such an injury, the patient should definitely consult a doctor.

For the fastest resorption of a hematoma, ointments, gels - Troxevasin, Venitan, Venoruton, etc. can be used.

A fairly common consequence of a bruise under the nail is its exfoliation. The reason is quite simple: after the disappearance of the hematoma under the nail, there is a free space and its attachment to the tissues of the finger is broken.

As a result - rejection of the nail. There is nothing terrible about this, since the nail grows constantly, so it will soon grow back completely.

The only thing is that it can change its shape a little or become more rigid and rough.

In the event that the nail has peeled off, it is necessary to immediately fix it with a plaster or a sterile dressing to avoid inadvertent snagging or undermining. If possible, unnecessary physical exertion should be avoided, especially if the toenail has exfoliated.

Apply a cold object to the bruised nail. This will reduce pain and help stop the development of a hematoma.

After a strong blow, the nail can easily peel off. The injured area under the nail plate should be immediately lubricated with an antibacterial agent. Be sure to apply a bandage to prevent infection. In case of severe damage, you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist.

What is the danger of a hematoma

The risk of detachment of the nail after receiving a strong blow is quite high. The damaged area is not protected from various microbes. Fungal infections are especially difficult to treat.

Sometimes there is a deformation of the new nail that has grown after detachment. Even the most professional pedicure specialist cannot hide such a defect.

When a hematoma appears, it is necessary to immediately take up the prevention of mycosis.

Most often, hematomas on the extremities do not pose a threat to life. They are fairly easy to treat or go away on their own. But in some cases, you need to see a doctor urgently:

  • the hematoma is large and occupies almost the entire nail;
  • the patient has unbearable pain, which may be the result of a fracture;
  • when the color of the nail has changed without injury.

To find out if the joint is damaged, the traumatologist will prescribe an x-ray examination. If the bruise is not due to an injury, additional diagnostic methods will be performed.

First aid for nail injury

In the event that the hematoma is small (no more than a quarter of the area of ​​​​the nail plate) and there is no severe pain, home treatment can be dispensed with.

However, there are cases when medical assistance is indispensable. You need to contact a medical institution if:

  1. The hematoma is widespread and occupies more than a quarter of the area of ​​the nail plate.
  2. If the patient feels acute pain. Intensely pronounced pain syndrome may be a sign of a broken finger.
  3. If the change in the color of the nail occurred without injury.

Immediately after the injury, the site of injury must be cooled.

You need to apply ice, a cold compress to the finger, or simply substitute it under a stream of cold water. In especially emergency cases, you can even use frozen food packages. Cold at the site of injury should be no more than 3-5 minutes. Then a break is made for 15 minutes, if necessary, the procedure is repeated. Cold is applied until the pain subsides.

Then the damaged area must be disinfected with an antiseptic agent: iodine, hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate solution. With a cotton swab dipped in the product, the nail and soft tissues around it are wiped. Simultaneous administration of an anti-inflammatory drug will help slow down the development of the inflammatory process.

If the injury is too severe, resulting in a tear or complete removal of the nail, it is necessary to quickly wash the wound with an antibacterial agent. Then you need to apply a sterile bandage, after lubricating the wound with antibacterial ointment, and take the victim to the doctor.

The formation of a large hematoma, which occupies the entire area of ​​​​the nail, is the reason for contacting a specialist. To treat such patients, doctors resort to emergency treatment. To remove the accumulated blood, the specialist performs drainage.

With a special tool, he pierces the nail plate in the center of the hemorrhage. After that, a sterile bandage is applied to the sore finger.

In particularly difficult cases, it is necessary to remove the nail plate. The procedure ends with suturing. Intense pain may indicate a broken finger.

About prevention

As preventive measures that will help avoid bruising on the nails of the big toes, use the following:

  • wearing loose shoes;
  • avoidance of injuries, accuracy when closing the door;
  • short cutting of nails;
  • the use of foods rich in vitamins;
  • timely examination by doctors in the presence of diabetes mellitus, the first signs of ailments;
  • the requirement to comply with the rules in a profession associated with an increased risk of injury to the nails.

You can protect yourself from minor injuries and finger bruises if you are careful at home and at the workplace with heavy objects. There are other measures that will help avoid bruising under the nails caused by other reasons. Wear comfortable shoes and don't put too much stress on your feet. If the problem is the result of wearing high heels, discard it.

It is important to eat right. Include in the diet the necessary amount of vitamin C, which helps strengthen blood vessels. If bruises appear on the body that are not associated with injuries, immediately visit a doctor. These may be symptoms of diseases of the circulatory system or other pathologies that need to be treated immediately. Be careful and take care of your health!

Treatment with folk methods

It is possible to use treatment with alternative methods only with small subungual hematomas and full confidence that there is no damage to the bones.

The best remedy for hematoma, including subungual, is cold. The sooner a cold object (ice) is applied to the site of injury, the less bruising will be.

For the treatment of subungual hematoma, a solution of potassium permanganate is used.

If the hematoma has already turned black, and the pain has subsided, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, prepare a strong (dark cherry color) solution of potassium permanganate and heat it. The solution should be hot, but not scalding. Dip a finger into the solution and incubate for 15-20 minutes. Such a bath helps soften the nail plate and release gore.

To relieve the "pulling" pain, a leaf of white cabbage can be tied to the injured finger.

Hello Vera! To understand how to get rid of bruises under the nails, you should first understand why and for what reasons these bruises appear there.

Subungual hematomas or bruises under the nails occur as a result of the accumulation of blood when the nail plate is damaged. The most common cause of such hematomas is pinching fingers with doors. They are usually very painful.

The cause of a bruise under the nail plate can be not only an injury such as a jammed door, but also just a blow. And in case bruises appear under the toenails, the reason may be wearing narrow dress shoes. Since it creates constant pressure on the nail plate.

Sometimes it happens that the fingers were simply stepped on somewhere in public transport, and bruises formed from this.

With such mechanical damage to the nails, it is better not to try to remove the bruise on your own, but simply wait until the nail grows a little, and you can cut off the damaged part. By the way, regular pressure of shoes on the nails can also cause not only bruising, but also detachment on the nail plate, or its rejection from the pad, that is, onycholysis. In such cases, I would advise you to first of all refuse shoes that create pressure on the nails and discomfort when walking. And, secondly, contact a pedicure specialist in a beauty salon. So that he removes all the detachments from the nail plate and seals them. Also pay more attention to home nail care: use specialized strengthening coatings, and regularly soak your feet in sea salt baths. This helps to strengthen the nails.

Subungual hematomas (subungual hemorrhages), in which mechanical damage is excluded, may appear under the influence of drugs - due to prolonged combined use of medications. Therefore, it is worth reviewing, if possible, the intake of these medications, or approaching the treatment of the underlying disease more delicately and carefully. Maybe replace some drugs with others, or, in general, abandon them.

Abnormal nail color can also be mistaken for bruises. For example, the blue-black color of the nails can indicate melanoma and nevi (neoplasms on birthmarks). In this case, it is better to consult a doctor for advice.

If the bruises are of mechanical origin, you can try to get rid of them faster with the help of pharmacy creams / venotonic gels, such as: Troxevasin, Venoruton, Venitan, etc.

A bruise under the nail is a blood clot that forms after a bruise. Blood from damaged vessels begins to accumulate under the nail plate. After a blow, a person feels pain in the injured finger. The bruise under the nail quickly increases in size.

  1. If you accidentally hit your foot on the furniture, the capillaries on your fingers burst. Blood from damaged vessels is instantly collected in the tissues under the nail plate.
  2. A bruise under the nail may appear after an accidental pinching of a limb.
  3. Football players and basketball players are at risk of getting such an injury.
  4. The reason for the formation of a bruise under the toenail may be the use of shoes that are too narrow.
  5. Falling on the leg of a heavy object.
  6. Hemorrhage may be due to increased fragility of blood vessels.
  7. Dislocations and fractures of the limbs are often accompanied by the formation of hematomas under the nails.
  8. Blackening of the plate may be associated with infection with a fungal infection.


The formation of a hematoma is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • damaged tissues swell;
  • in the area of ​​​​the injured nail, the skin quickly turns red;
  • any attempt to change the position of the bruised finger leads to severe pain;
  • the patient feels a pulsation in the affected finger.

Symptoms persist for 2-3 days. After that, the nail plate begins to darken. With strong impacts, not only blood vessels are damaged. The nail itself does not withstand mechanical stress. As a result of injury, it exfoliates.

How does a hematoma form?

There are several stages in the formation of bruises:

  1. Immediately after the bruise, blood from damaged capillaries enters under the nail plate. The victim sees a small spot of a red tint. Gradually, the damaged area begins to darken. The patient complains of severe pain and numbness of the finger. The area of ​​the blood spot under the nail increases. It takes on a purple hue.
  2. In the future, the hematoma becomes dark blue.
  3. In the process of recovery, the stain decreases. The victim practically does not feel pain.
  4. After about 3-4 weeks, the bruise under the nail completely resolves.
  5. The duration of the recovery period depends on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the person.

What needs to be done first?

Apply a cold object to the bruised nail. This will reduce pain and help stop the development of a hematoma. After a strong blow, the nail can easily peel off. The injured area under the nail plate should be immediately lubricated with an antibacterial agent. Be sure to apply a bandage to prevent infection. In case of severe damage, you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist.

Treatment Methods

After the blow, the patient feels severe pain, since there are quite a lot of nerve endings in this place. To reduce pain, the victim is prescribed painkillers (Analgin, Ketorolac). When exfoliating the nail plate, it is necessary to wash the wound. After disinfection, an ointment with a wound healing effect (Troxevasin, Venoruton) can be applied to the damaged area. Important! The damaged nail must be fixed to avoid accidental snagging. To do this, you can use a sterile dressing or plaster.

When do you need medical help

The formation of a large hematoma, which occupies the entire area of ​​​​the nail, is the reason for contacting a specialist. To treat such patients, doctors resort to emergency treatment. To remove the accumulated blood, the specialist performs drainage. With a special tool, he pierces the nail plate in the center of the hemorrhage. After that, a sterile bandage is applied to the sore finger. In particularly difficult cases, it is necessary to remove the nail plate. The procedure ends with suturing. Intense pain may indicate a broken finger.

What is the danger of a hematoma under the nail?

The risk of detachment of the nail after receiving a strong blow is quite high. The damaged area is not protected from various microbes. Fungal infections are especially difficult to treat. Sometimes there is a deformation of the new nail that has grown after detachment. Even the most professional pedicure specialist cannot hide such a defect. When a hematoma appears, it is necessary to immediately take up the prevention of mycosis.

How to avoid hematoma formation

  1. When choosing winter shoes, keep in mind that you will wear them with warm socks. Don't buy boots (or any other footwear) that make you feel uncomfortable.
  2. Often people get a bruised toe, hitting the foot on the corner of the furniture. You need to be careful when moving around the house.
  3. Don't skimp on sports shoes. This is especially true for people who are professionally involved in football or basketball.
  4. Don't forget to trim your nails regularly. When wearing narrow shoes, you can damage the nail plate.
  5. Improper nutrition can lead to poor nail health. They begin to crumble and can be damaged even from a slight mechanical impact.

Folk methods

There are several effective ways that can help with damage to the nail plate:

  1. Fresh wormwood leaves need to be crushed until juice appears. Apply the mass to the site of injury and fix it with an elastic bandage. After drying, change the compress.
  2. Decoction of St. John's wort can be used not only in the form of compresses. To speed up the healing process, it should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  3. Thanks to plantain, you can stop the inflammatory process in the wound under the nail. The leaves of the plant must first be crushed and applied to the sore finger. Plantain helps relieve swelling and reduce pain.
  4. To prepare the infusion 4 tbsp. spoons of chopped lemon balm herb pour 2 cups of boiling water. The broth will be ready within 30 minutes. Soak a piece of cloth in the infusion and apply to the sore finger. The compress should be applied 3-4 times a day.

Bruising under the toenail. VIDEO

Bruises are the result of internal hemorrhageand impregnation of surrounding tissues. When hit, a rupture of subcutaneous small vessels occurs, which leads to local bleeding. Damage to blood vessels deep in the tissues is called a hematoma, it is accompanied by more aching pain compared to a slight bruise and has a larger volume.

Causes of bruising under the nail plates

There are many reasons why bruises appear under the nails. The main ones are listed below.

  1. A hematoma can form on any part of the body that is impacted from the outside. No one is immune from such a phenomenon as a bruise on a nail. It is possible to get a nail injury by closing the door, hammering nails, dropping a tool on the floor, moving furniture. You can be injured both at home and at the workplace, dealing with weights, tools, machines. A subungual hematoma causes severe physical pain, but at the same time spoils the appearance of the nails. Upon impact, not only can a hematoma form under the nail, but the nail plate itself can burst, while the nail is deformed.
  2. Bruises under the nails sometimes also appear with a severe bruise, dislocation, fracture of the hand, or damage to the foot. In these cases, bruising can capture a large radius, including the nails of the extremities.
  3. The appearance of subungual hematomas sometimes provokes the wearing of tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  4. A bruise that appears sometimes also indicates weak vessel walls that can rupture anywhere on the body, forming painful hematomas, including under the nail.
  5. The cause of hematomas under the nails is angiopathy, which appears with diabetes mellitus and leads to weakness of the vessel wall.
  6. Bruises under the fingernails or toenails can also appear after taking medications that directly affect the blood clotting index.
  7. Bruising under the nails is the result of professional artistic activity, often ballerinas and dancers face this phenomenon.

Most often, the bruise occurs on the big toe. He also suffers from wearing tight shoes. A hematoma on the nail of the big toe causes discomfort when moving, does not allow you to put on shoes without pain.

What does a bruise look like under a nail

At the moment of impact, the blood flowing out of the damaged vessels collects under the nail. Since it cannot flow out due to the high density of the nail plate, it remains under it. The blood coagulates, changing its color over time, until it completely resolves.

In the first minutes after a nail injury, it turns red, after a few hours it becomes blue, and after blood clotting it turns completely black.

The returned blood clot resolves for a very long time, the old nail plate slides off, is replaced by a new one. Often, in order to remove it from under the nail plate, you need to wait until the damaged nail grows completely, gradually cutting and cleaning it.

The accumulated blood clot under the nail plate is not a favorable environment, especially if the nail burst during the bruise. If no measures are taken, then infections can develop under the plate, leading to the destruction and decay of tissues.

The hands and feet, as well as the nails, can become covered with black spots with a fungus, skin melanoma. They are very similar to nail hematomas, but compared to them, they do not disappear as the nails grow, but continue to destroy and deform it.

Methods for treating bruises under the nails

How to treat a hematoma on the big toe? If the limb is damaged and the radius of the bruise captures the nail plate, then not the nail separately, but the entire hematoma should be treated.

Immediately after injury, cold is applied to the injury site through a towel or cloth. The duration of the procedure is about twenty minutes, after which a break is necessary. This procedure will reduce the pain and size of the hemorrhage. The doctor prescribes painkillers. Locally, anesthetic gels can be used, at the resorption stage, after a few days, heparin ointment can be applied. In some cases, alternative methods can be used as an addition to the main treatment after consulting a doctor.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment with folk recipes allows you to speed up the process of resorption of the bruise at home. You can use the following methods:

  • the greatest effect in the treatment of subungual hematomas on the legs was noticed by traditional healers when using compresses with onion gruel;
  • plantain has a cooling effect, compresses with chopped leaves of this plant can relieve swelling around the nail and reduce inflammation;
  • fresh wormwood has an analgesic effect on subungual bruises, its juice, being absorbed into the nail, penetrates deep into the tissues and inhibits the inflammatory process;
  • St. John's wort tincture (1 tbsp flowers + 1 tbsp boiled water) helps fight subungual bruises from the inside. It is taken three times a day until the pain subsides;
  • baths with sea salt and essential oils help relieve inflammation and growth of the nail plate, which allows you to speed up the event of cutting the deformed nail with blood clotted under it;
  • lotions with a strong solution of potassium permanganate make it possible to relieve pain.

Medical therapy

With the formation of bruises under the toenails, you can seek help from a medical facility. The help of a doctor will be appropriate only until the moment when the blood under the nail has curtailed.

A bruise formed under the toenail is removed by opening the nail plate in order to extract uncongealed blood. To do this, perforation of the nail is performed using a medical drill or surgical removal of the entire nail plate. A medical needle or wire heated over a burner flame is also suitable. Hot metal easily melts tissues without causing pain, blood comes out from under the plate. A sterile dressing is applied to the perforation site, over time the nail slips. These procedures allow you to accelerate the growth of a healthy, even nail. Additionally, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, as long as there is a need.

Prevention of bruises under the nails

Preventive measures will help prevent bruising of the nails, in particular the big toes. These include:

  • a balanced diet containing foods rich in vitamin C (it helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels);
  • wearing comfortable shoes of your size;
  • taking the utmost care when lifting heavy objects;
  • compliance with safety regulations in the workplace;
  • refusal to wear high-heeled shoes;
  • a mandatory visit to the doctor if bruises appear in any part of the body, because this can be a symptom of a disease of the circulatory system.

Mindfulness in everyday life, a responsible attitude to one's well-being will save you from such troubles as bruises under your nails.

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1 Why do bruises appear under the nails

The formation of hematomas is a normal physiological process. Upon impact, the blood vessels are damaged, blood is released from them. It remains under the nail plate, as it cannot flow out of it due to the high strength of the nail. Over time, the blood clot may turn black and the finger may swell slightly. Then the hematoma changes color, the plate separates from the bed, and the nail becomes slightly convex.

A bruise that appears on the nail of the big toe can cause negative complications. Firstly, infections can penetrate into the space that forms between the plate and the nail bed. Secondly, the nail remains very fragile until it is completely renewed. If pressure occurs during its growth, it can be deformed.

A characteristic symptom of the formation of a hematoma is severe throbbing pain, which subsides over time. If the injury is severe enough, it may be permanent. When the plate grows together, the patient may feel discomfort, and the pain syndrome appears only as a result of pressure.

2 Reasons for the formation of hematomas

The main factors provoking the appearance of bruises on the fingers:

  1. Mechanical shock - occurs as a result of a heavy object falling on the leg or a pinched toe. These types of injuries are the most common. In addition, a bruise can appear with fractures.
  2. Uncomfortable shoes. If there is constant pressure, a hematoma appears. Discomfort occurs when a person puts on shoes. Often people who go in for winter sports suffer from bruises - due to the special structure of the shoes, the fingers experience constant pressure.
  3. The use of drugs that affect blood clotting. Bruising is rare for this reason. To solve the problem, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Cardiovascular insufficiency. With this disease, all organs, including the skin, suffer from a lack of oxygen. As a result, the body becomes weak and unable to resist disease. Usually, with such a pathology, all the nails on the hands and feet turn black.
  5. Serious diseases - diabetes, melanoma, oncology. Only a qualified specialist can determine the exact cause.
  6. Fungal infection - if the nail is affected by a fungus, its exfoliation is accompanied by itching and other symptoms.
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If the hematoma is not the result of external influences or wearing uncomfortable shoes, you should definitely go to the doctor.

Only a specialist can conduct the necessary research and detect the disease at the first stage of its development.

3 How to treat a hematoma

You can cure a bruise formed under the nail of the big toe on your own or under the guidance of a doctor. First of all, the damaged area must be placed under cold water to stop the blood, reduce its amount under the plate and the risk of subsequent detachment. Alternatively, ice cubes can be used. For disinfection, ordinary iodine is suitable. This first aid is suitable for all hematomas under the nails. Further therapy is selected depending on the characteristics of the injury.

  • Treatment with traditional methods

To remove the bruise formed under the nails, drug therapy will help. There are several options:

  1. Drainage - the site of the bruise is pierced so that the blood comes out. Then apply a bandage - it will prevent the spread of infection. Due to the elimination of blood, a bruise does not appear.
  2. Surgical intervention - the nail is completely removed, as a result of which the plate begins to grow again and acquires the correct shape.

Blood can be removed only if a little time has passed after its release. Later, you can get rid of the clot only by removing the nail plate. In some cases, you can do without a doctor and complex treatment. The nail will begin to grow and it will be enough to cut it off. But this is a long process that can take a long time - from three to six months.

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  • Non-traditional methods of treatment

For self-treatment of hematomas, the following methods are suitable:

  • compress - after the blow, it is necessary to apply ice to the site of the bruise or immerse the finger in cold water;
  • means for active nail growth - all kinds of baths with essential oils, sea salt and other useful elements.
  • potassium permanganate solution - lower your finger and soar it for twenty minutes;
  • compresses from bitter wormwood - grind the grass to the state of gruel and apply to the injured area;
  • plantain leaves - relieve the inflammatory process;
  • onion - chop and apply to the problem area, wear for several hours.

It is impossible to completely remove the bruise in these ways, but folk recipes will reduce inflammation and accelerate the growth of the nail plate. Hematoma is a serious problem, so it is better to go to the doctor so that the nails do not remain deformed. Any medicines and folk remedies are recommended to be used only after a visit to the doctor.

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4 Prevention

The main preventive measures are aimed at preventing possible injuries. To do this, you need to follow the safety rules at work.

At home, care should be taken when performing any actions.

Injury to the nails due to tight shoes can be avoided if you correctly approach the choice of such products. It is better to buy comfortable shoes or boots than to chase fashion.

It is very important to observe the rules of hygiene and provide yourself with a balanced diet.

A bruise under the nail of the big toe is the result of internal hemorrhage with blood soaking in nearby tissue structures. Subungual hematoma occurs due to impact, in which small vessels located subcutaneously are torn. In the area of ​​damaged vessels on the nail of the big toe, a hematoma formation causes pain to a person, bruises under the nails can reach large volumes.

Why do

A hematoma under the nail plate can form due to numerous reasons.

Some of the few causes of bruising on the nails are:

  • On the human body, subcutaneous hemorrhage can occur in any area subjected to external impact. It is impossible to insure against a bruise under a fingernail or toenail. You can get injured in any way: when closing doors, hammering nails, falling tools, dragging heavy objects. A bruise under the toenail due to an injury hurts a lot, it is unpleasant to look at such a nail. Due to trauma and the resulting hematoma under the nail of the big toe, the nail can be deformed.
  • A bruise on the nail appears when a person is badly hurt or a limb is dislocated. With this option, hematomas spread to vast areas of the body, they can form even under the toenails.
  • Hemorrhage on the big toe may appear due to wearing shoes that are not sized.
  • Hemorrhages of the big toes appear due to weakened vascular walls. Such hemorrhages also occur in any areas of the body, cause pain.
  • Angiopathies due to diabetes mellitus cause bruising of the subungual zone.
  • If a person is engaged in ballet, dancing for a long time, then this will also cause hematomas of the subungual area.
  • Sometimes bruises form under the nail area due to taking medications that increase blood clotting.
  • Heart and vascular insufficiency, oncological processes, mycoses and other pathologies also provoke the appearance of bruises in the subungual area.

How does a hematoma appear under the nail

Why did a bruise appear under the nail plate? When an impact occurs, blood accumulates under the nail plate from the damaged vascular tissues. This blood does not flow outside the nail area due to the fact that it is too dense, so the blood is under the nail. Blood clotting occurs, after a certain period its color changes until it is completely resorbed.

A few minutes after the person was injured, the nail area becomes red, after a certain period it turns blue. When the blood has coagulated, the nail plate will turn black.

The process of resorption of the blood clot is long, the nail slips and is replaced by a new nail plate. The accumulated hemorrhage under the bursting nail, if the injury is not treated, is the cause of the attachment of the infectious process, which will lead to the destruction of tissue structures.

The soles of the feet and hands with nail plates are covered with black spotted formations with mycoses, melanoma of the skin. They are similar to hemorrhages, but with the growth of nails they do not disappear, but destroy the nail plate.

About treatment

How to treat hemorrhages on the nail plate of the thumb? If the leg is damaged and the hematoma captures the entire nail zone, the entire hematoma is treated, and not just the damaged nail. At the moment when the finger was injured, cold exposure is applied to it through the tissue surface.

The duration of such exposure should not exceed 20 minutes, then a pause is necessary. This manipulation will reduce pain and the area of ​​​​the area with a hematoma.

The doctor prescribes pain medication.

Locally, you can apply gels that relieve pain. After a few days, an ointment containing a heparin component is used. Also, non-traditional methods of treatment can supplement the basic therapeutic measures, which should be used after consulting with the doctor.

About folk methods of treating a bruise

How to remove a bruise? To do this, the following methods will help:

  • To cure a bruise will help the use of a compress with finely grated onions in the form of gruel.
  • Plantain compress will cool the injured area. Finely chopped leaves will relieve edematous changes and inflammation.
  • St. John's wort tincture is used. The proportion of its preparation is as follows: one tablespoon of flowers for the same volume of boiled water. Take 3 times a day until the pain disappears.
  • If you use baths, which include essential oils and sea salt, then the blood clots under the nail will dissolve faster.

When the nail is opened

If an extensive bruise of the subungual zone has formed, then you can get help in a medical institution. Such assistance is appropriate only until such time as blood clotting under the nail has occurred. The nail plate is perforated with a special drill or surgically removed.

For this purpose, a medical needle or a wire heated by a burner is also used. A hot needle melts tissue structures without pain and blood loss from under the nail. The operated finger is bandaged with a sterile bandage, after a certain period the nail plate will slide off.

Thanks to this manipulation, a healthy nail will grow faster. If necessary, use agents that destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation.

About prevention

It is better to prevent the appearance of hemorrhages under the nail plates, and the following measures can help prevent these hemorrhages:

  • It is necessary to eat a balanced diet rich in ascorbic acid. Vitamin C will strengthen vascular tissues.
  • Shoes should be worn properly so that the toes do not pinch.
  • Strong overloads on the legs are unacceptable.
  • Be sure to follow safety precautions at work.
  • When lifting heavy objects, be careful.
  • Shoes with high heels are not allowed.
  • If hemorrhages appear in any area of ​​the body, then you should consult a doctor.

Preventive measures will always help prevent bruising. But if an injury has occurred and a bruise has formed on the nail area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thumb, or just a person’s body is covered with bruises for no apparent reason, then it is better to consult a specialist and get the appropriate treatment.

Everyone has had an injury at least once in their life. But not always when injured, a person turns to a doctor, since some injuries are not so dangerous. For example, if a hematoma appears under the nail, then many people believe that it can go away on its own and do not pay much attention to it. But is such an injury really safe? And how to relieve pain?

A hematoma under the nail is the formation of a blood clot that appears as a result of a strong.

It will depend on the strength of the blow whether there is a possibility of rupture of the vessels under the nail. Hematoma is manifested by acute pain, blue discoloration of the damaged area. Sometimes the finger under the nail can turn black and swell a little.

A hematoma under the toenail can most often form for the following reasons:

  • kicks while walking;
  • falling on the toes of various heavy objects;
  • walking in tight, uncomfortable shoes.

Hematoma on the toenail

Most often, they can appear when a person wears tight, uncomfortable shoes. It compresses the foot and small hematomas form under pressure, which cause discomfort and pain. On the hands, hematomas appear much more often. They usually form when or during a pinched finger in a door. How quickly a bruise goes away depends on its size and the force of the blow. If the impact force was small, then the bruise may disappear within 2-3 days.

If the bruise appeared on its own and does not go away for a long time, then you should go to a specialist to identify the causes of the disease.

Why bruises appear

Before you start treating an injury, you need to make sure that the patient has a hematoma. After all, darkening under the nail can be formed for other reasons:

  • Physiological impact. Usually, blue spots appear after a finger is pinched by a door or when it hits a heavy object. With a strong blow, the blood vessels can burst, this leads to hemorrhage under the skin. The result is a hematoma. If the blueing is very large, then you need to urgently go to the doctor.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes. If you wear uncomfortable shoes. It turns out that there is a lot of pressure on the foot and fingers, which leads to a strong blue of the legs. Before you buy new shoes, you need to make sure that they really fit you.
  • Medicines. Some drugs affect blood clotting. Therefore, minor bruises may appear.
  • Heart failure. Due to the lack of oxygen in the blood, the shade of the nail plate may change.
  • Onychomycosis. Fungal infection, in which the nail exfoliates, severe pain, itching, seals.

Injuries - the cause of hematomas

If there is a strong hematoma, then the doctor prescribes a certain treatment. But you can identify the causes of the injury, and determine the treatment yourself at home. A hematoma is a stoppage of blood in the vessels. It stagnates, and clots form at the site of the bruise. Since the nail plate is very strong, the hemorrhage occurs under it. Blood does not flow out, but accumulates under the skin. Therefore, the hematoma may become dark blue or black. The injury site may swell slightly. Most often, a hematoma under the thumbnail appears within a couple of hours. If the bruise appeared due to a bruise or uncomfortable shoes, and it is not the cause of any ailment. The hematoma will disappear within a week.

The speed of disappearance depends on how quickly the blue under the nail passes. After all, blueing can disappear on its own, but the blood clot itself may need to be removed from under the nail plate by a specialist.

Diagram of a hematoma

Hematoma under the nail treatment

If the hematoma under the big toe nail is slightly swollen after the impact, put a cold object on the site of the pain. Cold will reduce pain shock and prevent clots from forming. In addition, if the pain is very strong, then it is best to take an anesthetic. It will help relieve discomfort and reduce pain.

If during the impact the nail plate cracked or broke off, then the wound must be treated with an antiseptic. The wound can also be treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

After the wound is treated, you need to determine the location of the pain. If it has covered most of the nail, then it is best to go to the doctor. Since this may indicate a fracture or crack in the bone. You may need medical attention.

Puncture to remove blood

With the appearance of ordinary bruises, therapy is not needed. The bruising will disappear after a week. In order for the blueing to pass faster, it is necessary:

  1. Remove the blood clot under the nail. Usually, the localization site is pierced with a small (only disinfected) needle, the blood comes out through the hole. After the whole clot has come out, the wound is bandaged with a wet bandage. This method of treatment is not recommended for use at home. It is best if the doctor does the whole procedure. To avoid infection of the wound. In addition, the fastest way to get rid of - surgery. The old plate is removed so that after the disappearance of the bruise, a new one, even and strong, will grow.
  2. After the pain becomes less noticeable, and the bruise turns black, you can apply a solution of manganese. The injured finger should be immersed in a solution of manganese for 10-15 minutes. This procedure will help soften the nail plate and dissolve thickened blood.
  3. Reception Rutin. The drug helps to strengthen blood vessels. In order for the medicine to be better absorbed, it is recommended to take it in combination with vitamin C. All medicines can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. Before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor in order to avoid deterioration of health.
  4. Ketorolac, Analgin or Ibuprofen for pain relief. Medications will help eliminate pain for the first time moments of injury. The medicine will help to wear shoes without pain and discomfort.
  5. Hyparin ointment. The ointment has an antithrombotic effect. For the best effect, you need to apply it three times a day on the injured nail plate. The ointment is used until the nail becomes pale pink.
  6. If a small edema is visible on the plate and sharp pains are felt on the phalanx of the finger, then a compress of dimexide and novocaine (1: 3) can be put on the site of the lesion. Moisten the gauze with plenty of solution and apply to the affected area for 20-30 minutes. To keep the compress, you need to fix it with a bandage.

Gel Indovazin relieves pain and treats hematoma

What to do if the treatment fails? If a large hematoma remains under the nail after a week. And after removing the clots, the bruise remains the same. Then you need to go to the hospital urgently. The doctor will determine the cause of the lesion and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Perhaps it is not the hematoma itself that should be treated, but the problems in the body that caused such actions. Sometimes the appearance of bluing, these are the consequences of serious diseases.


Thus, a hematoma under the nail can form for various reasons. Most often this is due to a bruise or a strong blow with a heavy object. But sometimes there may be other reasons that can only be identified by a specialist. Ordinary bruises do not require treatment, and disappear on their own within a few days. Large ones take a little longer. If the bruise was severe, then some therapy may be required, which is prescribed only by a doctor.

It is a common injury in children and adults.
may occur without damage to the edge of the nail or nail bed (simple hematoma) or as a result of trauma to the nail bed, possibly with a fracture of the underlying bone.
Subungual hematoma usually occurs as a result of a blow to the distal phalanx (for example, when tripping or crushing tissue).

The patient may not attach importance to the previous injury due to its insignificance and / or chronic course (for example, friction in tight shoes).
Bleeding from the nail matrix and nail bed caused by trauma leads to the formation of a subungual hematoma.

In most cases, the hematoma is displaced as the nail plate grows, and its proximal border corresponds to the shape of the lunula. Sometimes the hematoma does not migrate because the trauma that caused it is repeated daily. An extensive non-migratory hematoma should be considered suspicious. With a nail plate trephine biopsy, it is often found that the dark band is a subungual hematoma, since the pigmentation is removed along with a fragment of the nail plate.

Potential complications of subungual hematoma include onycholysis, nail deformity (especially splitting), and infection. Complications are most likely with a late visit to the doctor, as well as with a fracture of the underlying bone.

Diagnosis of subungual hematoma:
Patients often complain of throbbing pain and blue-black pigmentation under the nail plate caused by a progressive hematoma. In most patients, pain is immediately relieved after simple trephination (removal of a fragment) of the nail.
If the mechanism of injury and the clinical picture suggest a possible fracture of the distal phalanx or intra-articular fracture of the distal interphalangeal joint, an x-ray is performed.

Differential diagnosis of nail hematoma

A nail bed nevus is a stable or slowly growing, painless dark spot on the nail bed or matrix.
Longitudinal melanonychia presents as painless pigmented streaks starting in the matrix and extending along the long axis of the nail.

Subungual melapoma may develop in a matrix as a painless dark pigmented band extending along the long axis of the nail. It is often combined with the deposition of pigment in the proximal part of the nail fold (Hutchinson's sign).
Subungual hemorrhages appear as reddish streaks in the nail bed and are more common in psoriasis than in endocarditis.
In cases of chronic or frequently recurrent subungual hematoma in children, child abuse should be considered.

Treatment of subungual hematoma

Subungual hematoma is usually treated with nail trephination (removal of the fragment) to eliminate extravascular blood and pressure, resulting in pain relief.
Trephination of the nail is a painless procedure, since there are no nerve endings in the perforated nail plate. The nail is perforated with a hot metal wire or paper clip, by electrocautery, or by screwing a hollow needle with a pointed end into the nail plate, similar to screwing in a metal bur. This allows the accumulated blood to drain outward. The hole should be wide enough for drainage, which can last 24-36 hours. At this time, the puncture site should be covered with a sterile gauze bandage to be changed daily.

If the hematoma covers more than 25-50% of the nail surface, some authors recommend its removal with an examination of the bed instead of trephination, since in such cases the likelihood of significant trauma to the nail bed and fracture of the distal phalanx is increased.
With deeper injuries, the nail plate is removed after conduction anesthesia of the finger, and restoration measures are taken on the nail bed.

Recommendations for patients with subungual hematoma:
Potential complications of subungual hematoma and trephination (removal of a fragment) of the nail should be discussed with the patient and/or their parents/guardians.
It is necessary to explain to the patient that residual pigmentation disorders disappear gradually, as the nail grows.

It is necessary to observe the patient for another week to exclude re-accumulation of blood or the development of infection.

Clinical example of subungual hematoma. A 22-year-old woman presented to the doctor after dropping an iron on her big toe the day before her visit to the clinic. The finger hurt at rest, and when walking the pain intensified. Examination revealed a subungual hematoma, which had to be drained to alleviate the patient's condition, despite the absence of an electrocautery device. For this purpose, a straightened paper clip was used, held by a clamp and heated in the flame of an alcohol lamp.

Puncture in nail plate performed with little effort allowed the blood to drain, resulting in less pressure on the nail and immediate pain relief. The remains of clotted blood were removed by slight pressure on the proximal nail fold. Although there was no certainty that there was no fracture, they decided to postpone the X-ray because the patient was not insured. However, the treatment proved to be effective, there were no complications, and no further investigations were required (case report presented by Richard P. Usatine, MD).