Ways to increase lactation of breast milk. What foods to avoid while lactating. Special teas to stimulate milk production

Lactation is the secretion of milk from the mammary glands of a woman intended for feeding a child - and how to increase lactation and keep it for a long time, read further in our article.

Every woman who has given birth, regardless of her age, nationality, nature of nutrition, can feed her child exclusively by breastfeeding. In some tribes, children under 2 years of age still eat only mother's milk. For our reality, this is impossible. However, for the first six months, it is advisable for a child to eat only mother's milk. But due to some mistakes, the mother's body can produce it in smaller quantities than required. How to increase lactation if there is not enough milk in the evening in accessible ways? Why is this phenomenon observed at night and does the mother's menstrual cycle affect lactation? For what reasons can a child lose the most natural food for himself?

What determines the amount of milk produced in a nursing mother

1. From the age of the child. If about 80 grams of milk per feeding is enough for a one-month-old baby, that is, an average child at the age of 1 month drinks about 600 grams of milk per day, then at the age of 4 months this volume already reaches 900 grams. It should be noted that these figures are very approximate and are based on the recommendations of mixture manufacturers (you can read on their packaging).

2. From the baby's appetite and the frequency of feeding. There are babies who breastfeed often and well, and there are those who are not too willing. This is confirmed by the weight of breastfed children, their weight gain. One child will gain 500 grams in a month, and the other 1 kilogram. But both will be the norm. That's just the second baby is probably an "active sucker", who likes to spend a lot and often at the breast. And the one that is “slenderer” likes to play or take a nap more.
According to the needs of the child, the amount of milk produced also changes. A decrease in lactation is possible, for example, during a child's illness, when his appetite decreases. But these problems with milk will be temporary. And as soon as the baby gets better, everything will be fine. But only if the mother has not already begun to supplement the baby with a mixture.

3. From the well-being of the mother. Many mothers sleep 5-6 hours a day, take care of the baby alone, and even deal with household issues. It is clear why milk disappears under such a load. It is necessary to try to sleep with the child, including during the day. Do not do other things at this time - entrust them to your mother, for example. You can even spend 2-3 days in bed with your baby (relevant for babies), give them breastfeeding more often, enjoy it and rest easy. To - increase the lactation of breast milk at home, this is the best way.

4. The amount of liquid the mother drinks. Normally, this is at least 2 liters. But this volume includes everything that enters the stomach of mommy. In fruits, for example, there is also a lot of liquid. It is very important not to ignore the signals of your body - to drink when you feel like it. It is good to keep a small bottle of drinking water always at hand. Including on a walk.

5. Time of day and day of the woman's menstrual cycle. Usually, in the evening, a woman produces milk more slowly. This is due to daily fluctuations in her hormones. But despite this, you need to breastfeed your baby in the evening. And especially at night, when the lactation hormone prolactin is produced. Women who don't breastfeed at night may start menstruating as early as 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth. And this is the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. Yes, and during critical days, milk also tends to be produced a little slower and less, which can also cause certain problems. A child during the mother's menstruation may cry during feeding, badly suckle the breast. Many believe that this is due to a change in the taste of milk during menstruation, supposedly it becomes bitter. In fact, just sucking the right amount of milk for a child is more difficult. Sometimes doctors in such cases advise to express milk a little in the morning or even at night, when there is a lot of it, and offer it in the evening to supplement. Such an option is possible. But you only need to give supplementary food from a spoon, from a syringe or drinking bowl, and not from a bottle.

How to understand that there is not enough milk

There are several reliable signs.

1. Small weight gain in the absence of congenital or acquired lactase deficiency. Usually children in the first 3-4 months add 600 grams per month or even more. If a child gained, for example, 300 grams in the first month (weight gain is considered from what it was at birth, and not from the minimum - children normally lose up to 10% of their weight in the first days after birth), then he probably eats too few. And the reason for this may be a violation of the feeding regimen. Mom feeds the baby on schedule, but holds too little at the breast. He does not have time to suck out enough milk. The fix for this is quite simple - you need to feed the baby more often, do not remove the breast while the baby is napping (during REM, superficial sleep, characterized by movements of the eyeballs under the eyelids, twitching of the limbs, etc.) and make sure that the baby sucks milk and swallowed, and not just held a nipple in his mouth. This will also help increase lactation. You can wake up and feed the baby if he sleeps too long.

2. Restless behavior when sucking the breast, crying. If the flow of milk from the breast is very weak, the baby, shortly after the start of sucking, breaks away from the nipple, begins to arch, scream. If at the same time you do not hear how gases are leaving him, his stomach is not tense, no bubbling is heard in it, it is quite possible that the problem is in the amount of milk. Try offering him another breast if it seems fuller to you. Started sucking calmly? So, that's exactly the problem. Most children have a so-called favorite breast, which they suckle well. Accordingly, there is more milk in this breast. Why does one breast become "favorite"? It may be more convenient to hold the baby on this side when feeding. Or the nipple there is more convex, easy to grip. However, if you need to make the breast fuller, you need to offer it to the child constantly.

3. Small amount of urination. After 10 days from birth, children begin to urinate at least 10-12 times a day. If you decide to use methods that increase lactation, then first make sure that this is necessary. After all, hyperlactation is no less unpleasant than a lack of milk. Naturally, this method of counting is effective only if the child does not receive supplementary food in the form of a mixture and any other liquid.

4. Too short intervals between feedings. It happens that the child greedily grabs the breast every half an hour, cries, and also at night. Even when feeding on demand, such intervals are considered too short. Most likely, for some reason, the baby sucks out very little milk and remains hungry. The reason for this can be both a lack of milk in the mother and her tight breasts, when, on the contrary, due to an excess of milk, the child cannot even take the nipple fully into her mouth. In this situation, you just need to express your chest a little.

Lactation crisis: what kind of "beast" and how to deal with it

After 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8 months from the birth of a child, a mother may notice that she has very little milk in her breast. The chest became empty. At the same time, the baby is worried at the breast, the intervals between feedings are reduced. The nights become restless, the baby is very often attached to the breast.

To save money, connoisseurs offer individual herbs and products that increase lactation at times, as they claim. Some of these tools are below.

1. Carrot juice. If you buy a store, then a special children's one. Or squeeze juice from carrots yourself. Drink a little with meals. Start literally with droplets, since this product is an allergen.

2. Dill water. You can cook it yourself from dill seeds. Pour one tablespoon of seeds with 250 grams of boiling water and wait until it cools. Dill water is also good because it saves both mother and child from flatulence. You need to take a small amount about 20 minutes before feeding.

3. Foods rich in protein. Since a nursing mother spends a lot of energy on a child, she definitely needs strength, otherwise problems with lactation may arise from fatigue. Well, to scoop them most effectively in protein products. Whole cow's or goat's milk is undesirable, since most infants do not tolerate cow's and goat's milk protein well. But fermented milk products, cottage cheese, lean meat, it is desirable to use daily.
Recommended daily amount:
- fermented baked milk or kefir - 1 glass;
- hard cheese - 30 grams;
- cottage cheese - 150 grams;
- meat (beef, rabbit, nutria, poultry) - 200 grams.

Folk remedies to increase lactation

1. Drink warm water or weak tea before and during feeding. And in general, drink more. Preferably fruit drinks, compotes, plain water.

2. Before feeding, pour warm water on the breast or make a warm compress. This will help the milk flow better.

3. Undress the baby before feeding, undress herself, then throw a blanket over both. Skin-to-skin contact and warmth stimulate the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes milk to come out of the nipples and “flushes” occur.

4. Feed lying down. A comfortable relaxed posture promotes good lactation.

5. Sleep together. If the mother does not have to get up at night to take the baby out of the crib and then get up again to put it down, and so on several times, she will be less nervous, tired, respectively, and there will be enough milk.

Only lazy people do not talk about the importance of breastfeeding: today all pediatricians support natural feeding and do their best to convey to future mothers the fact of the benefits of breast milk. But not everyone is lactating enough. The reasons that can reduce the release of milk can be varied: this is stress, and the physiological characteristics of a woman, and malnutrition ... But an improvement in the situation is possible if you know how to improve milk lactation in a nursing mother.

What will help improve the quality and quantity of breast milk?

Lactation is the period when a newly-made mother should not limit herself in food, walks, and emotions. Also, do not limit the number of feedings of the baby: if the baby asks to eat before the due time, the woman should feed him - this is how lactation is restored faster.

Improving milk production is affected by:

  • nutrition;
  • stress and nervousness;
  • walks;
  • feeding regimen.

Nutrition Features

As for nutrition, the main condition is that food should be varied, nutritious, healthy. Mom should stop eating heavy and fatty foods, because there is no benefit from it - she does not improve milk, and spoils the figure.

Portions for a nursing woman should be small (about half of what is usually eaten at one time), but you can eat several times a day. The main product of a nursing mother is beef or chicken soups. You should not refuse such drinks as milk, apple juice (exclusively natural), cocoa and black tea. But there is no place for carbonated water, alcohol and green tea in the diet of a nursing woman.

Any product used by the mother should have a comfortable temperature: the food should be warm, but not hot. It is the correct temperature of food that helps to increase milk production.

Nursing mother's dream

Lactation and its quality directly depend on how well the mother is resting. Many will say: “And when, in fact, to rest, if there is a baby in the house, and no one has canceled household chores?” So, dear mothers, almost every one of you has a husband, relatives, friends, relatives. Trust them for an hour or two of your baby and rest like a human being. But rest does not mean doing household chores (washing, cleaning, sewing, etc.). Better lie down and sleep. And you will see how your attitude to everything that happens is changing: you will also have time to take care of your home and family, your husband and child will be happy, and at the same time you will be rested and happy. In addition, you will notice an improvement in lactation, because lack of sleep and overwork may well reduce the production of breast milk.

If the child is naughty at night and does not let you sleep, rest with him during the daytime. Believe me, homework will not go anywhere, and along with additional rest, you will have strength, mood, and lactation will improve.


Stress, anxiety and bad mood can reduce milk production. Any excitement, even the slightest, can affect the improvement of lactation. And although it is impossible to protect yourself from all negative emotions, it is still worth trying not to be nervous over trifles. If you feel some nervous tension, in order to relax, you can drink tea with mint or chamomile. This herb will help cheer up, besides, it is good for babies.

Walking in any weather

You can improve lactation by simply walking at a leisurely pace along the street, especially since you still walk your child in the fresh air every day. Do not neglect walks: they are useful for both nursing mothers and newborn babies. Indeed, in addition to the fact that fresh air and the surrounding nature have a positive effect on the mental state of a person, walking also helps to saturate cells with oxygen and maintain muscle tone.

Feeding mode

The child should eat on demand - it is this principle of breastfeeding that is relevant today. If you reduce the number of feedings (recall that it is recommended to feed a newborn every 3 hours, regardless of the time of day), you will not be able to increase lactation. If the child does not eat up and asks for breasts more often, you need to apply it as many times as he needs - perhaps this is a feature of the baby.

Lactation may disappear or decrease if the mother is not psychologically attuned to the breastfeeding process. In these cases, you need to do the following: put the baby on the chest more often and longer, and not only during the day, but also at night. It will be faster to improve lactation if the child sleeps next to his mother at night.

Improving lactation with food

Surprisingly, if you choose the right product, you can increase both milk production and quality. First of all, the newly-made mother should give up various smoked meats, pickles, spicy seasonings and spices. With them, improvement of lactation is impossible. Moreover, each product that is included in this group contributes to fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling, weight gain, and milk production deteriorates. Parsley, mint, sage should also be excluded from the diet.

It is better to improve lactation by adding any product from the following list to the diet:

  1. Warm tea. The product is absolutely harmless if prepared correctly. So, tea should not be strong, you can add a little honey or milk to it. You need to make and drink tea half an hour before feeding - so it will contribute to the release of milk.
  2. Cumin and bread with it (mostly black). Improving lactation occurs if you periodically chew cumin or regularly eat bread with it. You can prepare a drink with cumin: 1 tsp. seeds are poured with boiling milk and infused for 2 hours. 15 minutes before you need to feed the baby, drink ½ cup of this drink.
  3. It is recommended to make an uzvar from dried fruits (plums, apples, pears), slightly sweetening it.
  4. Non-carbonated mineral water - at least 1.5 liters per day.
  5. A nutty way to increase milk production is to eat several kernels a day. But here you need to be careful and attentive - nuts can be strong allergens, so do not overdo it with their use.
  6. Dill tea is good for lactation. You need to make a drink like this: dill seeds in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink twice a day for ½ cup.
  7. Herbs of lemon balm, oregano, nettle, hawthorn, dandelion as herbal drinks.
  8. Carrot and pumpkin juice, a natural drink made from blackthorn berries.
  9. Ginger.
  10. Hercules (as a porridge for breakfast with the addition of dried fruits or nuts) and buckwheat (fried in a pan, instead of seeds).
  11. Low-fat broths on beef or chicken meat.
  12. Dairy and dairy products. From cheeses - feta cheese and Adyghe cheese.
  13. Carrots, onions, lettuce, watermelons.
  14. Barley drink with honey and milk.

In addition, you should not refuse green vegetables - they are hypoallergenic and very useful if you need to improve lactation.

Special preparations

If the natural food product did not affect lactation, it is possible to use special preparations, but first you need to consult with a specialist about the appropriateness of their use. Such drugs are created on the basis of hormones responsible for the production of milk. A worthy alternative to them are special collections of herbs, which are sold in the form of lactogenic tea bags. In their composition, mint, fennel, anise, oregano, dill, chamomile, linden are more common. Such fees have little effect on lactation, but they help to improve the general moral and psychological state of a woman, they have a calming effect, as a result of which the production of breast milk is restored.

Physical exercise

There are exercises with which you can improve blood flow to the chest and increase lactation. Here are a few of them:

  1. Spread your arms to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor, and connect under the chest. Repeat swings from 20 times.
  2. Push ups. This exercise is familiar from school. But in this case, you don’t need to take the emphasis lying down: it’s enough to rest on the hard surface of the sofa or chair.
  3. Breast massage. You need to perform after feeding, massaging each breast in a circular motion.

Do not forget to wipe the chest with a soft terry towel after a shower, and pour warm water on the mammary glands during the shower.

Improving lactation will be successful if the mother follows these tips:

  • drink good water daily at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • use lactogenic teas and decoctions;
  • do not overwork, get enough sleep;
  • walk more on the street (at least 2 hours a day);
  • do not be nervous;
  • exclude physical activity;
  • abandon diets;
  • put the baby to the breast more often;
  • feed the baby at night;
  • do not give up your favorite activities;
  • do self-massage of the chest;
  • eat right and balanced;
  • express milk to the last drop;
  • if there is a decrease in lactation, you need to give the child both breasts;
  • correctly apply crumbs to the chest.

If you have problems with feeding, visit a doctor - he will tell you what and how to do so that lactation improves, and the mother and child do not feel discomfort. Try to do everything to keep breastfeeding, because mother's milk is the most healthy and nutritious.

After the birth of a child, it is important to think about getting them all the necessary substances that only full breastfeeding can give. You can stimulate lactation by including special products in the diet: this will allow you to maintain “natural feeding” without supplementary feeding with mixtures and give the baby a full range of vitamins and minerals.

Restrictions on the menu for lactation

There are foods that can harm the production of milk in a woman's body. They retain water in the tissues, so the release of milk may slow down. In the mother's diet, such food should also be absent due to its harmfulness to the baby, because we are talking about:

  • Smoked products (meat, fish), especially hot smoked products;
  • Salted food;
  • Spicy seasonings, spices;
  • canned foods;
  • Food additives (monosodium glutamate, preservatives, etc.).

Among the seemingly harmless tea herbs and garden greens, there are also “violators” of milk production. These include sage, mint, parsley, and they should not be on the menu at least in the first 2-4 months of lactation.

The best foods for excellent lactation

There are foods that can be eaten periodically for optimal breast milk production, and the main ones are described below.

1.Warm tea

The easiest option is to drink green tea with honey (not strong) or weakly brewed black tea with milk. If a baby or mother is prone to allergies, it is better not to abuse honey, but add milk to tea. If you drink a drink 30 minutes before feeding your baby, milk production will definitely increase.

2. Caraway and caraway bread

You can chew cumin, or eat black bread with its seeds. You can also prepare a cumin drink for yourself: brew 1 teaspoon of cumin with a glass of boiling milk and leave for 2 hours. You need to take this drink half a glass 15 minutes before feeding.

3. Uzvar

Uzvar is a compote of dried fruits (plums, pears, apples, apricots), some sugar, water. It is recommended to take uzvar in a glass twice a day. And it will strengthen lactation and is rich in vitamins.

4. Pure water

Suitable for increasing milk production and plain water, non-carbonated and clean. It should be drunk up to 2 liters per day, then there will be no problems with feeding. But just before feeding, it is better to drink a drink with a more pronounced lactogenic effect (for example, a glass of milk or a cup of green tea).

5. Nuts

The mass of useful components in nuts will not only allow the baby to grow better and improve health, but also to eat breast milk in sufficient quantities. Every day you need to eat 2-5 pieces of almonds (without salt and roasting), but do not abuse it because of the risk of abdominal pain in the baby (causes gas formation in the child and can cause severe constipation.). Other nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts) work similarly, but are quite oily. You can also prepare a cedar cocktail: 1 table. pour a spoonful of pine nuts with a glass of water overnight, boil in the morning, add honey and drink.

6. Dill tea

Our grandmothers used dill tea as a lactogenic remedy. A spoonful of dill seed is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted overnight in a thermos. Drink twice a day for half a glass. You can replace dill seeds with caraway seeds, anise. On the basis of these plants, another herbal tea can also be prepared: 20 g each of anise and dill seeds, 30 g each of hay fenugreek seeds and fennel fruits, crush and stir. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist and take 2 times a day for a glass of infusion 15 minutes before feeding.

You can make yourself a dill milkshake. To do this, mix the crushed dill seeds with kefir, season with nutmeg, salt, strain and drink before breakfast.

However, it is worth remembering that both anise and dill can cause allergies.

7. Herbal tea

Plants that increase lactation can be purchased at any pharmacy. Among them, oregano, nettle, lemon balm, dill, anise, hawthorn (berries) are popular. You should make fees from them (combine in equal proportions), brew a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and take 100 ml three times a day. A doctor's consultation before consuming any herbs is required.! They can cause colic or allergies in a child!

8. Nut milk

Nut milk is easy to make. Grind 50 g of walnuts, pour 250 ml of hot milk, cook until slightly thickened. Add sugar to taste in the drink, take it in 70 ml. before the next feeding (30 minutes before).

9. Lactogenic products

There are foods that can increase the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation and supporting it. Many of them are of animal origin, high in protein, so they should be on the menu according to the daily norms for lactating women. Here is the list of products:

  • Low-fat meat soups, broths;
  • Fish and lean meats;
  • Hard cheese, Adyghe cheese, cheese;
  • Dairy food.

From non-animal food, seeds, carrots, honey, as well as vegetables and fruits, which have a lot of fiber, accelerate the production of the desired hormone.

10. Juices

Freshly squeezed juices. Juices prepared at home are much more useful than store-bought ones, they must be taken immediately, without standing in the refrigerator. Perfectly cope with the increase in milk juice of carrots, currants, blackthorn berries. It is important that the juices are fresh, without preservatives, diluted with water.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

11. Barley water or barley coffee

Barley coffee is an excellent tea substitute. It is better to drink such drinks with honey, sugar and milk. These barley drinks can be bought at the grocery store in the diet section.

12. Radish with honey

There is a drink that does not taste great, but works just as well as juices. This is radish juice. Squeeze the juice, dilute it equally with water, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of liquid. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such a drink should not be taken.

13. Dandelions

Dandelion has the best effect for increasing lactation from herbs. It can be applied in the following ways:

  1. Grind fresh young dandelion leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, salt, let it brew for 30 minutes, and drink 100 ml 2 times a day in small sips. To improve the taste, you can add lemon juice, honey, sugar.
  2. A decoction of dandelions: add a glass of boiling water to 1 teaspoon of crushed dandelion roots and leaves and insist for an hour. Then strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
  3. Dandelion milkshake. Mix a glass of milk with 4 glasses of kefir, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dill leaves, dandelion petals, 10 g of grated walnuts and beat with a mixer. Drink half a cup for breakfast.

14. Ginger tea

Peel the ginger root, chop, boil in a liter of water for 3-5 minutes. Cool, drink 50 ml 4 times a day. If desired, you can flavor the tea with honey, lemon.

15. Vitamin mass

From dried fruits, you can cook not only compote, but also prepare a vitamin mass. To do this, rinse well 100 g of dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes, add the same amount of walnuts or pine nuts, grind everything into a homogeneous mass. It is allowed to put honey in it to taste. You need to eat a vitamin "dish" half an hour before feeding the baby, washed down with warm tea.

16. Hercules

If you eat cereals rich in fiber for breakfast, it will not only be useful for the intestines of a young mother, but also increase milk production. Oatmeal is especially good for this purpose. You can cook cereals in water or milk, eat muesli, or pour oatmeal with water, leave overnight and consume with kefir. Porridge goes well with dried fruits and honey.

17. Buckwheat

Experts advise washing buckwheat groats, then frying it in a pan and eating it like seeds. This is also beneficial for lactation.

18. Watermelon

Watermelons are an excellent product for lactation - they should be purchased only during their ripening season (from August). Do not buy watermelons until August, they can be dangerous due to the high content of nitrates and pesticides.

19. Carrots and onions

Onions, carrots are easy to get, and their ability to influence milk production is also high. Fresh and boiled, boiled, carrots and onions have a positive effect on lactation, so try to add them to all dishes.

20. Salad

To increase lactation, it is useful to eat any kind of leaf lettuce that is seasoned with olive oil or sour cream.

Additional tips for new mothers during lactation:

  • Do not be nervous;
  • Observe the regime of the day, sleep;
  • More rest;
  • Avoid stress, overload;
  • Be sure to feed your baby at night. Moms take note!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

The only product that is ideal for a baby is breast milk. The most perfect milk formula cannot replace it 100%. Experts counted more than 400 components useful for the baby in the composition of milk. So far it has not been possible to synthesize everything artificially.

Fortunately, almost every mother can breastfeed. In only 3-5% of women, the body is physiologically unable to produce milk in the amount that the child needs. These are mothers who have serious problems with the hormonal system. Breastfeeding is not always safe for women with heart disease or cancer. In all other cases, the lack of milk is explained only by ignorance or non-compliance with the rules of lactation.

milk in the head

Milk production is a hormone-dependent process. When a baby takes a nipple into her mouth, a nerve-reflex impulse is sent to the hypothalamus of the mother's brain, which causes the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. The main one, prolactin, stimulates the production of milk in the alveoli. And oxytocin "compresses" the corresponding muscle cells of the alveoli, pushing the milk into the excretory streams. In response to breastfeeding, prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland several times more. Thanks to this, a new supply of breast milk is prepared already during feeding, and 2 hours after it, about 70-75% of the sucked baby is restored for the next meal. Therefore, the more often the baby snacks, the more milk is produced. However, nature will not allow the development of a "crisis of overproduction". The volume of milk produced by each gland is strictly regulated by the intensity of its use. No need, no production.

How to increase lactation?

Do not give the mixture in the first days of life. Milk comes on the 3rd-5th day after birth. No need to be nervous and bottle feed your newborn. A woman who has given birth produces a very concentrated liquid, which contains all the necessary nutrients for the baby. The volume of colostrum is small, but it will be enough for the baby - the tiny stomach does not need more.

Apply to the chest as needed. Do not wait between feedings. Demand creates supply.

If a hungry child begins to turn his head, open his mouth, you need to give him a breast. You should not “replace” a nipple or a bottle of water: up to 6 months, a baby can do without “additional drinking” - breast milk completely fills the need for liquid. And sucking on a pacifier will calm the baby, but will not give the mother's body a signal to produce a new portion of milk.

Do not shorten the feeding time. There is an opinion that the child should be near the mother's breast for no more than 10-15 minutes. But the baby does not owe anything to anyone. A newborn can be applied to the breast 12-15 times a day, each time for half an hour or even an hour. This is useful and mutually beneficial: after giving birth, mom needs to recover. And "feeding non-stop" gives her the opportunity to sit quietly or lie down with the baby. There is no need to be afraid of "falling out of life". The period of "constant feeding" lasts only the first 1.5-2 months. A grown baby will no longer want to suckle for hours at the breast - he has too many other things to do.

Pay attention to the child. Ideally, when the child is with his mother all the time. He is used to being cramped and warm in the womb, and after birth he expects to meet exactly the same conditions. It is worth the first 1.5 months to be with the child around the clock, carry it in your arms or in a sling, sleep together, offer breasts to any squeak and grunt.

Do not formula feed. If it seems that there is not enough milk, do not try to "diversify" the diet. The first thing to do is to make sure your suspicion is correct. Unreasonable introduction of supplementary food can stop their own "milk production". While the baby is suckling, he sort of makes an order for the next time, for another feeding. That is, during feeding, the amount of milk necessary for the baby is consumed, and then as much as he needs will appear.

Don't skip feedings. Sometimes mothers think - once I will give the baby a formula, and the milk will "accumulate" for now. This is mistake. The body cannot work "in reserve". As soon as the alveoli are filled with milk, but it does not leave, production slows down. You can't accumulate milk - you have to use it all the time.

Eat varied

The contents of the plate do not affect the functioning of the pituitary gland. And contrary to prejudice, the taste of mother's food does not affect the taste of breast milk. Eat your favorite foods, not just "lacto-stimulating" foods. Special dietary supplements and useful supplements will help make lactation successful. The main thing is that mom trusts them. A doctor or lactation consultant will help you choose the best remedy.

Don't worry about trifles. When a mother is nervous, stress hormones enter the milk. This is not scary, but a constant excited background can affect the development of the child's nervous system. Properly adjusted does not prevent mom from resting and getting enough sleep. Sleep with your baby without stopping feeding. It is actually impossible to crush a child, which many women are afraid of, mother will always hear him. And the baby will give a signal in time - it will kick.

Don't waste time getting a massage. Everything will be fine anyway - start feeding soon. Some manipulations with the breast to stimulate the outflow of milk make sense only before pumping, when the mother needs to leave. For example, light stroking movements from the base to the chest - no need to wrinkle, twist, just lightly stroke in a straight line or in a spiral. Or a shower - not hot, but warm and pleasant. The jets can be made stronger and make circular movements.

Normal weight gain. Is the baby gaining 125-130 g per week? So, milk is enough for him!
Regular urination. If the child pees at least 12 times a day, everything is in order.

Feed in a comfortable position. In order for the milk to flow well, the mother needs to feel comfortable: relaxed, sitting or lying comfortably. It is very important to follow the correct attachment to the chest. The child should capture most of the areola of the nipple and actively empty the breast - so the mother does not hurt, and the stimulation is good: there will be as much milk as needed.

Don't skip night feeds. A baby up to 1.5-2 months old should have 2-3 feedings from 12 am to 8 am. At night, much more prolactin is produced in response to breast stimulation. If you stop night feeding, it is possible that lactation will completely disappear. Yes, and large breaks in food are harmful to a small child. His glucose level may drop sharply, and the nutrients will not be enough.

Natalya Kudryashovadirector of the Family Support Center
Happy Parenthood "Rainbow of Motherhood"


LaktoMama tea is a good way to increase lactation.

All this is correct, but how to endure without supplementary feeding with a mixture, if the baby has eaten both breasts, everything hangs on the chest and whimpers bitterly that he did not eat enough. Or he pulls his chest, then cries, grabs his chest again, counts a little and cries again, because he hasn’t eaten ....

10/14/2012 00:24:01, EvgeniyaD

Comment on the article "Dairy factory: how to increase lactation"

How to increase lactation. Problems with lactation. Breast-feeding. As a rule, at this age there are feedings around dreams (before each sleep and after each sleep) and several times at night, from this age it is possible to give two breasts for feeding, not at all ...

Tell me, pliz, ways to increase lactation, huh? We want to switch completely to breastfeeding without supplementary feeding. Well, something is not very good for us after such a thing. But walnuts increase my lactation, especially if they are washed down with hot tea. Only at your age did we get diarrhea from them...


And walnuts increase my lactation, especially if they are washed down with hot tea. Only at your age we had diarrhea from them: (And so you can try teas for lactation and often apply and feed at night and express after feeding and massage the breasts and baths for the breasts with warm, almost hot water.

How many supplements per day were there in the last days? Who advised you to give water instead of supplementary feeding (let something fall off from him!)? What is the weight of the child, age, with what weight were they born, with what were they discharged? Did you have a consultant at home? Is the baby suckling effectively? Does it hurt to feed? How are you alternating breasts now? Do you give a pacifier?

second birth and lactation. Hello everyone and good mood! The question is: is there a repeat of the situation for the second time or is there a variant of a sharp appearance of milk after childbirth? Dear women, can you advise how to increase lactation? drinking milk and lactation.


both times the milk came on the 4th day. The first time it was terribly much, because I was stoned with oxytocin, this time it’s normal, we fought for the first month, now it seems to be getting better. I usually feed one, that's enough. Literally the night before yesterday, the right breast (it always rushes more strongly) felt like it was the size of the 8th (from the 5th) :) one breast was enough for 2 feedings in a row, as while the right one was feeding, the left one was filled. sorry not always :)

In the first birth, milk came on the 7th day.
In the second birth on the 2nd day.
I usually feed at one time with one breast (with established lactation).

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. how to induce menstruation I have a serious question: the baby will be 2 years old in June, I breastfeed him and plan to continue until 3 years old.


I got my period (with an older child) when I drank OK for a month. If I had known, I would have suffered with radical protection. No masses so cool, no stomach pains or searching for where to change a tampon in public places. And by the way, in the time of our great-grandmothers, when a woman was either pregnant or lactating for most of her reproductive age, the months were every few years and nothing.

my periods started about 1.5 months after the cessation of "round-the-clock" feeding. as I stopped 2 always and everywhere "to feed, so my periods resumed. And then I got pregnant :))

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. Is it possible after all this disgrace to restore lactation and breastfeed, or is it time to shed tears and transfer to artificial ...


I would in such a situation would refuse further GV. not because of pumping, but because of antibiotics. Or somehow do without antibiotics. I had a sad experience with my first child - almost immediately after giving birth, I needed to be injected with antibiotics. I fell for it (although later it turned out that I could have endured without them). so: we are still correcting dysbacteriosis and disturbed metabolism - we are already 5. The pediatrician who now "nurses" us says that if there is a very definite need for mother to be treated with antibiotics, then HB must be stopped - the child is more harm. and, by the way, yogurts, etc., restoring the flora, then I drank.

Of course, you can, especially at 4 months, when the baby is big and sucks well.
Only you are more careful with your breasts in the hospital - pump every 2-3 hours, be sure at night, dress warmer so that your chest does not catch a cold. Ask for antibiotics compatible with breastfeeding - then the husband or relatives will be able to carry milk home - give from a bottle.
I myself spent 3 days in the hospital at the age of 3 months (suspected appendicitis). I pumped, one might say, all my free time. At that time, we generally had a mixed one, and they fought for it with all their might, so after the hospital my boy sucked so-and-so ... :-). In general, at 3.5 we switched to full GW.

Health to you and the baby!

08/15/2005 03:34:25 PM, Irinka_2004

But who knows how to increase lactation after childbirth, maybe you can tell me some kind of diet? And then for the first time my milk disappeared as quickly as it appeared (I think due to the fact that they didn’t bring the baby to me, but had to hand express it).


Homeopathy Mlekoin (I think that's what it's called), Hipp tea.

At one time, I had enough milk, but just in case, I supported myself with green tea with milk and quite a bit of walnuts.

01/27/2005 03:52:21 PM, vira

Breastfeeding a baby is a huge happiness for a mother. The benefits of breast milk are invaluable for the baby and the longer he gets it, the better. Some women do not want to breastfeed and immediately transfer the baby to the mixture. And others, with all their desire, cannot feed the baby for various reasons. Often, as it seems to them, they simply do not have enough milk. How to increase lactation in order to prolong the sacrament of feeding granted by nature and fully give all the elements necessary for the baby?

Why breast milk can disappear

Hypogalactia - poor lactation formation occurs in only 5% of mothers. Often it is associated with hormonal failure and serious disorders.

Otherwise, milk deficiency is caused by factors and causes that can be easily eliminated:

  • unwillingness to feed, lack of mood in a woman;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress, overwork, lack of sleep;
  • early introduction of mixtures;
  • pumping and bottle feeding;
  • bad habits (and equally);
  • lactation crises;

Sometimes a sharp jump in the growth of the child is taken as a decrease in lactation. At this time, he sucks more and can suck as much at a time as he ate in two or three applications. The kid becomes capricious and whiny, often asks for breasts. This does not last longer than seven days. In this case, the mother produces no less milk than before, just its costs have increased. The only thing that can be done is not to panic and put the baby to the chest more often. Soon, milk production will increase, and there will be nothing to worry about.

Important! The more often you breastfeed your baby, the more milk you will get. Sucking is the main stimulator of inflow.

Ways to increase breast milk

Feed on demand

The baby should not be fed according to the schedule that grandmothers and some “wise” midwives talk about, but on demand. It is especially dangerous to accustom a child to an hourly feeding regimen in the early days. If the breast is not sufficiently stimulated, there is little milk. This leads to the early introduction of complementary foods and the baby. During the time of feeding by the hour, many women stopped breastfeeding as early as 6 months.

Sleep when baby sleeps

The basic rule for moms who are trying to feed, and clean, and wash, and stroke, and take a walk with the stroller. If you spin like a squirrel in a wheel from morning to evening, and get up several times at night, then the body is unlikely to like it. There will be less milk, and mom will become more nervous. Dirty floors and unironed diapers can all wait, but sound sleep, rest and good mood are the key to successful feeding that cannot be ignored.


Experienced mothers who have gone through a lactation crisis are advised to use a simple method that allows you to increase lactation at a natural level. It's called "skin to skin". To do this, it is enough to undress the baby and undress herself to the waist. Lie down next to or take the child in your arms.

Important! In order for the baby to properly grasp the nipple, his chin must touch the breast. The lower lip of the baby should be slightly turned out, and the areola should be visible above the upper one.

What foods increase lactation

A properly balanced table for a nursing mother is one of the important aspects of successful breastfeeding. Each product in one way or another affects milk flow. Some can increase it, some can reduce it, there are foods that increase fat content. There are those products that are strictly prohibited to use, as they radically change the taste of milk and the baby can.

New moms often try to get in shape and go on a strict diet. At the same time, they want to fully breastfeed the child, Butit's an impossible wish. One way or another, the body needs enhanced nutrition - this does not mean that you need to eat twice as much as before the birth of the child.

Tablenursing mother should include:

  • proteins - meat dishes, dairy, sour-milk products, hard cheese, fish, weak broths and meat soups;
  • vitamins, trace elements, fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals;
  • amino acids - butter and vegetable oil.

You need to drink 2 liters per day. liquids. You can’t drink a lot of water in the maternity hospital, since lactation is just being formed and the conversion of colostrum into milk on the third day will become very painful and plentiful. When the mother was discharged, and the child adapted to the breast, you should drink a lot of warm or hot liquids (this includes soups), mineral water without gas, teas that are sold in pharmacies. You also don't need to be zealous. A large amount of liquid will increase milk, but it will contain fewer nutrients and become less fat.

Anise, caraway, dill, fennel, nettle tea, barley coffee and decoction increase lactation.

Productsto avoid:

  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • exotic fruits;
  • citrus;
  • canned foods;
  • hot spices (onion, garlic, pepper);
  • food rich in carbohydrates (bread, pastries, sugar);
  • alcohol;
  • allergenic products;
  • sage, mint, parsley.

Drugs that increase lactation

In the case when a nursing mother correctly attaches a child, fulfills all the rules of natural feeding, and there is little milk or, as it seems to her, it disappears completely, you can quickly and effectively help her with medicines.

Existsseveral ways to increase lactation with the help of special drugs:

  1. Multivitamin complexes in the form of emulsions and tablets. The duration of administration depends on the duration of breastfeeding.
  2. Homeopathy. These drugs gently stimulate the production of prolactin and increase lactation. They also have a calming effect, relieve tension and stress. These include "Mleokin", "Pulsatilla". They are produced in granules and taken half an hour before a meal. Possible long-term use.
  3. Dietary supplements based on royal jelly or lactogenic herbs: "Apilak", "Femilak", "".

Important! First, consult an experienced doctor who will select the necessary drugs, starting from the individuality of the body and the mother and baby.

Folk remedies to improve lactation

There are many folk ways to increase breast milk. You need to treat them very carefully, because even the most harmless carrots or cumin can have an allergic reaction in a baby.

Herbs have different effects on the body. First you need to start small - with one weed. And if it contributes and does not cause a reaction in the child, continue to brew. And if there are no changes during the day, you should choose another herbal remedy.

sharethem into 3 groups:

  1. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they drink anise, cumin, hawthorn, dill, fennel.
  2. Oregano and lemon balm are brewed with overwork and nervousness.
  3. Nettle is drunk with severe exhaustion and anemia.

Some of the recipes

  • Cumin drink. A liter of boiling water is poured into 15 g of cumin seeds, peeled lemon, sugar. All boil for 5 minutes, filter and drink warm.
  • Dill infusion. Art. l. dill is poured with boiling water. They stand for 2 hours and drink a sip 6 times a day, without holding the decoction in the mouth.
  • Anise infusion. Seeds are poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Strain and drink three times 2 sips.
  • Collective infusion. 10 g of anise seeds, 20 g of lemon balm, 40 g of fennel, 30 g of galega are poured with a glass of boiling water, left to infuse and, after straining, drink half a glass for 10 minutes. before the start of feeding.
  • Nettle decoction. 20 dried leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, defended, filtered and taken for a week in a tablespoon. three times a day before meals.

You can purchase special lactogenic collections, in which herbs are collected in the correct proportions.

Products, which effectively increase the flow of milk of a nursing mother:

  • . The crushed kernels are poured with boiling whole milk and infused in a closed thermos. Drink little, sip during the day.
  • Carrot. Finely grated raw carrots are poured with boiled milk. They drink a glass, if desired and in the absence of allergies, add linden honey.
  • Radish. Grated radish is diluted with water, honey is added and gruel is eaten three times a day, 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cumin with sour cream. In a glass of sour cream, add Art. l. chopped cumin. Boil 3 min. take on st.l. three times a day. A very tasteless, but effective remedy that urgently enhances the return of milk.
  • Oatmeal. Flakes are mixed with dried apricots and nuts. Topped with milk or yogurt.
  • Buckwheat. The grains fried in a dry frying pan are eaten instead of seeds.

Rapid increase in breast milk supply

To quickly increase the return of breast milk, resort to some proven methods:

  1. Massage. Massage of the mammary glands stimulates the flow of milk a lot. Lubricate the palms with castor oil and with light smooth movements for 2-3 minutes. massage the chest, while the left hand should be on the chest, and the right hand under the chest.
    Back massage works well. This will require the participation of the husband.
  2. Cold and hot shower. Despite being busy and tired, you need to set aside a few minutes for this procedure. It will strengthen the tone, improve mood and affect the flow of milk. A jet of water makes a light massage of the chest and back.
  3. Bath. It is best taken before bed. Hot water is poured into a large bowl and placed on the table. The chest is lowered into it, periodically adding a hot portion of water. The bath is done no longer than 15 minutes. Then they dry themselves well and go to bed. This method is very good, because of the heat, the mammary glands urgently begin to work, and the flow increases.
  4. A large cup of hot tea with milk will be indispensable for a nursing mother.