Maternity hospital bag what you need list. Which bag is the best to put your things in? What you and your baby need in the postpartum ward

Hello dear blog visitors.

Every woman preparing to become a mother asks the question: what should you take with you to the hospital? I would like to take into account all the nuances so that later you do not worry about a forgotten cap for a baby or compression stockings for yourself. The hospital bag must be collected in advance. Today we will find out what the expectant mother needs to take with her.

At 35 weeks, a woman needs to prepare everything she needs for herself and her newborn baby. First of all, you need to take care of the documents. In a medical institution you need to have with you:

  • the passport;
  • generic certificate;
  • exchange card;
  • a certificate on the passage of fluorography by the husband - if the delivery is partner;
  • medical policy.

If childbirth takes place under a contract, then you will need a document confirming the right to give birth in a specific medical institution.

It is advisable to keep the documents in a special folder, which will allow you to easily find them and protect them from damage. Keep the folder close at all times, so place it on the very top, not the bottom of your bag. Documents will be required upon admission to the maternity ward.

Bag to the hospital: a list of things

In each specific medical institution, the list of necessary things varies, depending on the requirements and rules. Therefore, you need to take a list in advance from your gynecologist, where it is indicated what can and cannot be taken.

Since there will be a lot of accessories, it is best to divide them into three parts. In the first bag, put what you need for the maternity ward, in the second - the necessary things for the postpartum ward, and in the third - everything for discharge.

Thus, you do not have to carry a lot of bags with you at once, relatives will bring you the necessary things when it is necessary. Place the accessories in clear plastic bags or bags. Regular bags in the hospital are prohibited.

For the delivery room you will need:

  • rubber slates or slippers;
  • cotton socks;
  • a bottle of still drinking water with a volume of 0.5 liters;
  • disposable razor;
  • compression stockings;
  • scrunchy;
  • mobile phone and charger.

If we talk about whether it is necessary to take a bathrobe and a nightgown, then it all depends on the rules of the hospital. In most medical institutions it is forbidden to bring clothes, everything you need will be given to you in the maternity ward.

Items for the postpartum department

The postpartum period is caused by profuse bleeding - lochia, as well as the onset of lactation. It is important to consider this so that the newly-made mother feels comfortable. So, a woman in the postpartum department will need:

  • 6-7 disposable panties, which can be purchased at the pharmacy;
  • packing of breast pads;
  • nursing bra;
  • 2 packs of sanitary napkins for the postpartum period;
  • antiseptic cream for the prevention of nipple cracks;
  • personal hygiene products (antibacterial soap, towel, toothpaste and brush, hairbrush, toilet paper, shower gel, wet wipes, nail scissors);
  • 3-4 pairs of cotton socks.

Remember that you will not be allowed to use strong-scented cosmetics in the ward. Therefore, we leave perfumes, deodorants and sprays for body and hair at home. The fact is that extraneous odors can cause an allergic reaction in a newborn. Deodorant can be taken solid, without a pungent odor.

Bag to the hospital - a list of things for the baby

For a newborn person, a separate bag is needed - the list of things for a baby is impressive:

  • packing diapers;
  • baby cream, powder;
  • wet wipes;
  • 3-4 thin caps;
  • anti-scratch;
  • 2-3 pairs of socks.

In some maternity hospitals, it is allowed to use clothes brought from home. In this case, you can supplement the set with a pair of warm and a pair of thin undershirts, two or three sliders, and a bodysuit.

Bag to the hospital for discharge

It will be handed over to you on the day you are discharged. What do you need to consider? The bag should contain things for mom and baby. Mom will need cosmetics, bra, panties, clothes. And for the baby you need to prepare:

  • diaper;
  • thin hat;
  • thin undershirt and sliders;
  • blanket or envelope.

If the discharge takes place in winter, then you need to take care of warm things for the baby: a warm hat, a suit or overalls, warm socks.

Modern traffic rules prohibit transporting babies in a car that is not equipped with a baby car seat. Therefore, on the day of discharge, it is better to dress the baby in a transforming overalls, which allows you to fasten your baby in an infant car seat. If you decide to use a blanket or envelope, then choose models with special slots for seat belts.

Ready bag to the hospital

There are ready-made bags for the maternity hospital on sale. This is a great option for those who don't want to waste time shopping. This option will come in handy if the birth occurred prematurely, and the relatives do not know what exactly the mother and baby need in the hospital.

Ready-made bags differ in content and price. The standard set includes pads, disposable nappies, panties, breast pads, wet wipes. There are sets that are complemented by diapers for the baby, shower gel and washcloths, things for the newborn.

You can choose a kit with a minimum content for the postpartum period, or you can purchase a complete kit. Remember that the bag in the maternity hospital is collected individually, taking into account the requirements of the medical institution. Therefore, be prepared to supplement the purchased set, or remove some items.

Maternity hospital bag: buy or assemble yourself?

Ready-made options do not differ in a democratic price. Therefore, if you want to save money, it is better to collect everything you need yourself. Who can use a ready-made bag for a maternity hospital? Women who gave birth ahead of time. In this case, the mother simply does not have time to collect everything she needs.

Another option when a ready-made kit comes to the rescue is a difficult pregnancy. Here, for a woman, concern for the preservation of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child comes to the fore. In this case, it is wiser to buy a ready-made set of necessary things and save yourself from exhausting trips to numerous children's stores and pharmacies.


Preparing for childbirth is an important and crucial moment. The expectant mother should make sure that everything needed is prepared in advance. Already by 36 weeks, you need to collect bags with things for the hospital, as well as documents.

It is better to divide your belongings into three parts and pack them in separate bags. For the delivery unit, mom needs to prepare everything that will make childbirth comfortable. Upon admission to a medical institution, the first thing you will be asked for is documents. They should be placed on top of things so that they can be easily reached.

For the postpartum department, it is important to prepare supplies not only for yourself, but also for the baby. If the pregnancy is difficult, or premature birth has occurred, then a ready-made bag to the maternity hospital will help to solve the problem with supplies for the maternity ward.

The discharge package should include clothes and cosmetics for the mom and items for the baby. Do not forget that in winter you need to prepare a warm set of clothes for your baby: a suit, a hat, socks and a winter envelope. Having collected everything necessary in advance, the mother will feel confident and comfortable, both in the maternity ward and in the postpartum ward.

Dear readers of our blog, share the link to the article with your friends on social networks and leave your comments. Tell us how you collected things for yourself and your unborn baby at the hospital. Or maybe you bought a ready-made bag? Then share your experience, how useful your purchase was.

Instructions for a beginner, a cheat sheet for the experienced

Collecting bags becomes a real challenge for many. What to take? What not to take? Will I have time to collect everything? And if I forget something ?! Our material will help you make getting ready easier and more enjoyable: just follow the instructions.

When to start collecting?

Many mothers-to-be begin to pack their "troubling suitcase" almost after seeing the coveted plus sign on the test. Others, on the other hand, postpone these exciting chores until the last moment. Let's agree: there is nothing wrong with these training camps, on the contrary, these are very pleasant cares that help to tune in to childbirth and a meeting with a future baby. Even if you forget something, nothing terrible will happen, all vital things in the hospital are available by default, and your loved ones will be able to bring everything you need for your personal comfort.

Important! A good time to start fees at the hospital, provided that you are not indicated for prenatal hospitalization, is 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

How to pack?

It is most convenient to divide all things into three groups:

  • (your relatives will bring it to you later).

Accordingly, you will need to collect not one, but three "emergency suitcases" at once. But you will be sure that everything is in place and you do not have to lug a heavy bag.

Important! All things should be packed only in plastic bags! In most maternity hospitals, cloth or leather bags are prohibited for hygienic reasons. Tip: take three bags of different colors or make noticeable labels so as not to get confused.

Sibmoms tell

On the eve of giving birth, I packed my things in identical bags from the supermarket and folded them in the hallway. Not only did my husband almost carry out my “disturbing suitcase” along with the trash, so in the end we mixed up the packages and arrived at the maternity hospital with contractions armed with an embroidered blanket and dress for discharge. Fortunately, we live nearby, my husband quickly went, exchanged them while I was being registered.

Willingness # 1: delivery package

This package is the most important, because these are the things you will take with you to childbirth, where none of your loved ones with an insurance package will not be allowed to pass.

So, in this package we will put:

  1. Documents: passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, generic certificate, exchange card. If the husband is present at the birth, then a package of documents is required for him too: his passport, marriage certificate, results of fluorography (the list is better to check in the hospital);
  2. Rubber slippers- it is convenient to take a shower in them and it is easy to wash them - this quality will be useful in the postpartum department;
  3. Disposable diapers- it is better to take a large package (15-20 pcs) - they will come in handy during the discharge of water and discharge during childbirth and in the postpartum period.
  4. Still water- sometimes very thirsty during childbirth.
  5. Thick socks- it can be chilly in the delivery room.
  6. Toilet paper or wet wipes;
  7. Bathrobe and oversized T-shirt(however, in most maternity hospitals their own clothes are prohibited - they give out sterile "overalls" of cheerful colors).
  8. Hygienic lipstick.
  9. Additional package in order to put clothes in which you arrive at the hospital
  10. Mobile phone and a charger for it.

Sibmoms tell

I never thought that chapped lips could cause me such discomfort in childbirth. In maternity hospitals, the air is always very dry due to constant quartzization, and the intense "breathing" of contractions dries the lips even more. Next time I will definitely take lip balm with me.

The first days in comfort: "postnatal" package (Second package)

Here you need to pack the things that mom and baby will need. Only the essentials! Why would you drag a heavy bag to the hospital? On the first day after giving birth, if you see that you are vitally lacking a table lamp or your favorite silver spoon, your loved ones will gladly bring you everything you need.

Things for mom:

  1. Hygiene supplies: toothpaste and brush, soap, shampoo, moisturizer, comb, hair clip);
  2. Disposable postpartum panties 5 pcs;
  3. Special postpartum pads or regular softest super absorbent 2 packs;
  4. Postpartum slimming bandage if you plan to wear it
  5. Nipple healing cream or ointment;
  6. Personal utensils: mug, spoon, you can take a small thermos;
  7. Bra for feeding and inserts for it.

Sibmoms tell

With such gratitude, in the postpartum period, I recalled my husband, who “smuggled” a small thermos into my bag! Milk arrived badly, I wanted a warm drink all the time. A thermos with tea was very helpful, especially at night.

Things for the baby:

  1. Baby soap(more convenient liquid with a dispenser) and wet napkins for wiping the priests (both are useful);
  2. Child cream and powder;
  3. Diapers for newborns (the package must be marked 2-5 kg ​​or "Newborn");
  4. Clothes and diapers: maternity hospitals usually provide clean, sterile diapers, but you can bring your own if you wish. You can also grab a couple of sets of seasonal clothing: undershirts, romper or pajamas, a pair of socks, a hat.

Going home: package for discharge (Third package)

You will not be lucky at the hospital with this package- it will be delivered to you before discharge by your relatives. And this is an important reason to treat his fees with all responsibility - it will be a shame to stay on the eve of discharge without cosmetics or a ribbon for the baby's envelope.

Things for the baby:

  1. Pajamas or undershirt with sliders, hat, socks;
  2. Or diaper: thin and flannel if you are going to swaddle your baby;
  3. An elegant bedspread, blanket or warm envelope- depending on the season.

Things for mom:

  1. Smart and comfortable clothes(best of all - a spacious dress, in jeans you will most likely be uncomfortable), outerwear and shoes;
  2. Cosmetics: to feel more confident and happy to pose for the first photo with your baby.

Sibmoms tell

Girls, be sure to collect the package for discharge! And then my friend was not "confused" and my husband forgot to bring her ... boots. I had to check out in my grandfather's bots of 42 sizes.

1 .06.2015

Then you will definitely not lose it!

My gynecologist said that the bag for the maternity hospital should be collected as early as 35 weeks, explaining that even if the pregnancy is going well, labor can begin at any time at 36-42 weeks. I, unfortunately, did not listen to her ... In my first pregnancy, I put off collecting the bag for the maternity hospital for a long time, buying a dowry for my daughter.

As a result, I had to collect the bag urgently just before leaving for the hospital (I gave birth to Alice at exactly 38 weeks). It's good that everything you need has already been bought from me. But, even to collect all the things and put them in packages, it took me a lot of time.
In the second pregnancy, my main bag was ready at 33 weeks, I did not want to risk it)

How to find out what things you need to take with you to the hospital

Surely, the maternity hospital of your choice has an official website, where, as a rule, you can find a list of necessary things. At some maternity hospital, it is very generalized, and some maternity hospital provides a detailed list with recommendations and even requirements.

It's great if you have the opportunity to go to the hospital for exploration. Usually, in the reception department there is always a list of necessary things that you can take a photo with your phone. Alternatively, ask the front desk nurse for a list.

In general, be guided by the list offered by your hospital. But, of course, this does not mean that you cannot take something extra (something that, in your opinion, you may still need in the hospital).

In accordance with sanitary standards, it is forbidden to bring things to maternity hospitals in bags made of fabric, leather and other dense materials.
Therefore, as a rule, things are put in ordinary plastic bags with handles. It is recommended to sign the packages (for example, write your full name on a piece of paper in large block letters and stick it to the packages with tape).
It is not worth taking a lot of packages, usually 2 packages are taken. So that one package can be taken for the birth itself, and in the second you can put things that will be useful to you after the birth in the ward.

My list (for example)
Package number 1 (for childbirth):
  1. Documentation:

- passport (original + copy)
- OMS policy (original + copy)
- SNILS (original + copy)
- exchange card
- generic certificate
- ultrasound, doctors' opinions

  1. Slates (washable slippers)
  2. A bottle of drinking water without gas 0.5 l.
  3. Phone, charger
  4. Disposable absorbent diapers size 60x90 (10 pcs.)
Package number 2 (after childbirth):

1. Clothes (robe, nightgown, nursing bra or top, socks)

The shirt must be taken in such a way that it is easy to free the breast for feeding the baby. It is not necessary to buy a special nursing shirt, they are usually very expensive. You can buy a regular cotton wrap shirt or with thin straps.

Nursing bra or top
I bought a special nursing bra, but, unfortunately, I did not guess the size and, even before the birth, it turned out to be small for me. It's good that I measured it in advance and managed to buy a top for feeding. More precisely, I wanted to order such a top in the online store, but, by a happy coincidence, I remembered that I had seen a similar top in the Magnet-cosmetics store in the lingerie section. There I bought several of them in different colors, because the price for them was five times lower than a special top for feeding. Later, in a store for pregnant women, I looked at such tops for feeding and did not see the difference in quality with those that I bought in Magnet.

Such tops support the chest well, do not squeeze it and are practically not felt on the body. And, which is very important, they stretch, i.e. you can easily choose your size and not worry that it will then become small for you (after childbirth, the breast may increase by a whole size, or even two). It is very quick and easy to free your breasts for breastfeeding in such a top.

I am attaching a photo of this top from Magnet-cosmetics:

2. Breast pads

What are they needed for.
After giving birth, almost all women are faced with the problem of milk leakage from the breast. The reason for this is hot flashes during the formation of lactation, because a lot of milk is produced. Usually, hot flashes disappear a month after the birth of a child, when lactation is already beginning to improve and milk is released as much as the child needs.

Also, some, including me, have the problem of reflex milk secretion - i.e. when the baby sucks on one breast, milk flows from the other at this time. Reflex milk secretion can persist throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. With Alice, my milk was leaking until the very end of GW (a year and a month). Faye is now 10 months old and I still use breast pads - they turned out to be just a salvation for me.

There are disposable and reusable pads.
At first I bought disposables. And they cost me very dearly, for example, such Babyline brand pads (pack of 60 pcs.) Cost from 300 rubles. During the first month after giving birth, it took me 3-4 couples a day, ie. one pack was enough for me for about a week.

Then I learned about the existence of reusable pads. And, since then, I have only been using them.

3. Postpartum pads (2 pack) + regular night pads with maximum absorbency (2 pack)

Postpartum pads.
For the first birth I took Hartmann Samu postpartum pads, for the second - Peligrin (review). Postpartum pads will come in handy right after childbirth, when there is a very heavy discharge. You need to use them with mesh panties.

Night pads.
I bought "Libresse goodnight", two packs were quite enough for me. Then, at home, I already used the usual "Libresse Normal".

Stock up on the pads you usually use on critical days in advance. after childbirth, the discharge lasts an average of 2-3 weeks.

4. Disposable postpartum underpants with mesh (5 pcs.) + Regular cotton underpants (2 pcs.)

Mesh briefs are made of soft mesh fabric, thanks to which their "breathable effect" is manifested. Therefore, such underpants are recommended to be worn in the first days after childbirth, especially after childbirth with complications (caesarean, rupture), because they do not crush anywhere and do not rub, we can say that they are generally not felt.
I had both the first and second childbirth without complications, so after 2 days I already used cotton panties and ordinary night pads.

5. Towel large (for shower) + small (for face)

6. For shower(gel for washing, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, balm, baby liquid soap with a dispenser)

In order not to lug large bottles to the hospital, I took 3 small bottles (I bought them at Fix-price for a trip to Turkey) and poured shampoo, balm and gel for washing into them.

Also, to save space in the bag and ease of use, I took liquid baby soap with a dispenser. I washed my hands with it, and I used it instead of shower gel.

7. Cosmetic bag(mirror, comb, elastic band for hair, day and night cream, pencil, mascara, foundation cream, lipstick, cotton swabs, nail file!

8. Dishes(cup, spoon large + small, fork, plate)

9. Drinking water 0.5 l.

10. Cookies 1 pack. I took the Maria cookies

11. Wet wipes

12. Paper towels

13. Toilet paper

What you need to take to the hospital for a child

It should be noted such an important point - in our maternity hospitals, separation is still practiced, i.e. the kids are kept separately from the mothers, they are brought only for feeding. Babies are cared for by nurses in the children's department.

We were asked to bring diapers (I took Huggies Elite Soft # 1, pack of 27) and baby wipes (large pack). You may also be asked to bring a pack of cotton swabs, baby soap, or something else to care for your baby. Diapers for babies were allocated by the maternity hospital.

If in your maternity hospital there is a practice of staying with a child, then you need to take everything according to the list from the maternity hospital for caring for the newborn.

One more thing about getting ready to the hospital

If your husband or relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring you something you need to the hospital, you do not need to take a lot of things with you.
But, nevertheless, it is better to buy in advance and store at home what you may need, for example, a bepanten cream (may be required for breast care) and a breast pump.
If you are not so lucky and you will give birth 100 km away. from home (it also happens) - then, of course, you need to immediately take with you to the maximum all the things that may be useful in the hospital.

Do I need a breast pump

I bought a breast pump in advance and took it with me to the hospital when I gave birth to Alice. As it turned out, it was not in vain - it was very useful to me both in the hospital and after discharge, because had to express frequently.
When I gave birth to Faya, I decided not to take the breast pump. In the maternity hospital, I pumped with my hands and I didn't need it.

Whether you need it, you will only know after giving birth.
But still, if possible, buy in advance at least the cheapest one. If your relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring it to you at the hospital, leave it at home in the packaging (so you can sell it later if you don’t need it). Or don't buy, but look at the pharmacy or store, where they are always in stock. So that, in case you need it, your relatives or husband can buy the model you need and bring it to your hospital.

I bought the Mir Detstva breast pump from the Internet pharmacy, it completely suited me:

Also, in advance you need to collect at home a package of things that relatives will bring you on the day of discharge.

Discharge package

- clothes for you + outerwear (if it's cold outside) + shoes
- clothes for the child for discharge
- camera - it is imperative to capture such an important moment!
- gifts for nurses / doctor - at your discretion.

Do I need to bring gifts for nurses / doctor to discharge

Usually, we bring small gifts for the nurses who dress and carry the child for discharge. This is understandable - many want to thank the nurses of the children's department for caring for the little ones.
We were no exception and brought small gifts to the nurses of the children's department for discharge.

What can you donate?
Flowers and candy are often presented to nurses. I don't think nurses need flowers. If you want to thank, it is better to buy something that will definitely come in handy for them. For example, good tea or coffee.
You can give sweets in addition to coffee or tea, but it seems to me that they already have enough of this stuff) Better - good tasty cookies. Or cheese and delicious sausage - as we brought our nieces to discharge - the nurses were very happy)

I repeat, to thank the staff of the hospital or not, is a private matter (desire, ability) of everyone. After all, they don't work there for free. And if you don’t give anything, no one will reproach you for this.

Pregnancy is a great time and you will be meeting your baby very soon. It is important that everything is ready by this moment. If you are 34-36 weeks pregnant, most likely you have already chosen and purchased some things: a crib, a stroller and many other important household items that you and your baby will need at home.

But before the baby appears in your home, there will be another important stage for which you must be ready - childbirth and postpartum stay in the hospital. It is very important that the first hours and days of your baby and your motherhood are spent in comfort and peace. It is important that everyone is calm: both you and your loved ones. Therefore, you should prepare for this period in advance.

There are many lists of things for a maternity hospital, especially on the Internet, and many of them are completely different. It is advisable to clarify in advance what list of things is recommended in your maternity hospital. It can be found on the website of the maternity hospital (if any) or by phone.

You can use any source of information, but often the lists contain the minimum necessary list of things, and as experience shows, there are things that are worth taking with you, but nothing has been written about them.

Our list is perhaps the most complete and has a description of what this or that thing is needed for. So, in short, by the time of childbirth you should be ready

Most likely, the bags you prepare for the maternity hospital will not be collected one hundred percent (there may not be things that you use every day, for example, a comb or slippers.) hanger. Our tip: write small cheat sheets on the partially assembled bags and attach them. For example, "for bag number four, report the blue dress (hanging in the closet in the bedroom) and boots." When all the bags are ready, be sure to show them to your loved ones, so it will be easier for them to navigate which bag and when to carry.

The first bag is for the prenatal ward (you will travel with it to the birth). It should contain the following things:

Bag 1: package to the prenatal ward

  • Documentation:
    • the passport;
    • medical insurance policy (compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance) (if you make a photocopy of your passport and policy, the hospital staff will be very grateful to you);
    • exchange card of a pregnant woman;
    • referral to the maternity hospital (agreement with the maternity hospital or doctor);
    • birth certificate (issued in the antenatal clinic, if not, then it will be issued in the maternity hospital after childbirth);
    • insurance certificate of state pension insurance (where SNILS is indicated).
  • Mobile phone and charger (if allowed).
  • Washable slippers. The rules of maternity hospitals prescribe exactly washable slippers. This is justified for hygienic reasons: they are easier to keep clean. Then, in the postpartum department, you will put on the usual ones, and in these you can go to the shower.
  • Bags for clothes. Upon admission, you will need to change your clothes, and your clothes will need to be given to your relatives accompanying you or deposited. It will be very convenient if you have bags in which you put everything.
  • Shoe covers (one or two pairs). When you enter the emergency room, you will need to change your shoes, but you can put on shoe covers. They can also come in handy if you need to pass to someone from your loved ones. If they are not useful upon admission, give them to your relatives accompanying you. Perhaps they will visit you in the postnatal department and there they will definitely come in handy.
  • Disposable razor. Many maternity hospitals still require crotch shaving. If you do not have time to prepare at home and so that you are not tormented by a hospital razor, take a disposable one.
  • Disposable Toilet Seat Covers and Wet Toilet Paper Wraps: These are useful after a procedure such as an enema and during childbirth.
  • Disposable paper handkerchiefs and wet wipes can be useful in the prenatal personal care unit.
  • Still water bottle. They won't give you anything to eat, but you can and should drink. Take a bottle with a sports neck.
  • Compression stockings. More and more often, doctors recommend that pregnant women wear compression stockings for childbirth, or bandage their legs with elastic bandages. Compression stockings are designed to protect the legs and significantly reduce the risk of complications by preventing blood clots from forming in the veins of the legs.
  • If you intend to deliver by cesarean section, you MUST have elastic stockings and a postoperative bandage with you.

All these things should be put in a plastic (washable) bag: they will not let you in with a cosmetic bag or handbag.

Bag 2: maternity hospital bag

The second bag is for the postpartum ward (it will be delivered to you after the birth). Now there are two of you, and things from this set in the hospital can be divided into 4 categories. Take a look at the picture below. Also note that all things must be packed in bags or a special transparent bag for the hospital. They will refuse to transfer things in a regular bag and your loved ones will have to repack everything in packages.

  • For you (everything for personal hygiene, breast care, cosmetics, personal care and important little things):
    • sanitary pads (it is better to take special urological pads). If you change your pads every 3 hours for a standard 3 day hospital stay, you will need approximately 24 pads;
    • panties. It is better to take mesh disposable panties (3-5 pieces);
    • disposable breast pads (3-5 sets), nipple antiseptic cream and postpartum bra;
    • liquid hand soap (preferably antibacterial);
    • for the toilet: toilet paper (choose the softest), disposable toilet seat covers, and wet toilet paper;
    • solid baby soap;
    • handkerchiefs, hand sanitizer if needed;
    • disposable absorbent napkins (for procedures such as ventilation of the perineum);
    • a cosmetic bag with everything you need (shampoo, shower gel, cotton pads and cotton swabs, a cap, cream, comb, toothpaste and brush, hygienic lipstick, antiperspirant);
    • a dressing gown and a nightgown (if the maternity hospital you have chosen allows you to use your own clothes);
    • towels: one for the face and hands, the other for the body. Disposable paper towels (in rolls) are very convenient;
    • socks;
    • home slippers;
    • garbage bags (there are no trash bins in maternity hospitals, the employees of the maternity hospital take the garbage or the mothers take it out themselves);
    • a pen and notebook for writing down valuable tips;
    • a cup and disposable tableware (for gifts from your loved ones);
    • disposable mask (for guests);
    • in the bag in the maternity hospital, you can immediately put a cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics for discharge (on the day of discharge, relatives will bring you bags 3 and 4, but you will see them only 10 minutes before going out to loved ones, this time is enough for you only to change clothes , and so you will have cosmetics with you and you will calmly have time to prepare for discharge);
    • postpartum bandage. The sooner you "take" the figure, the faster it will return to normal and the tummy will tighten;
    • electric kettle (boiler), if allowed. This device will provide you with boiling water not only for tea, but can also be useful for sterilizing a pacifier;
    • for free moments - a book or a magazine, or a tablet computer;
    • bed linen and a favorite pillow (if allowed).
  • For baby:
    • diapers (packs of 25-30 pcs are enough for 3-4 days);
    • wet wipes;
    • diaper cream;
    • moisturizer or oil (baby's skin dries very much in the first days and needs special care);
    • disposable absorbent napkins (for taking air baths and for examinations by doctors);
    • baby clothes (if allowed);
    • a bottle and a pacifier (it may not be useful in the hospital, but if you have it with you, it will be calmer).

Clothes for baby and mom

Your doctor came to you and said: "Today is the discharge!". You call your loved ones and ask them to bring bags 3 and 4. Before you go to a meeting with your loved ones, you must be given all the documents. Be sure to check the correctness of the paperwork:

  • Birth certificate (your baby will be registered at the registry office on the basis of this particular certificate).
  • Child and Mother part of the exchange card. You will then give the children's part to the children's clinic, and the maternal part to your doctor in the antenatal clinic.
  • Other documents (if any): part of the birth certificate retained by the woman; a copy of the voluntary medical insurance policy, the concluded contract (agreement) for obstetrics, etc. These documents confirm the fact that medical care and services have been provided to you and may be useful in the future in case of complications that arise.

Bag 3: things for the baby for discharge

Put your baby's belongings in this bag for discharge. You must yourself, in accordance with the season, decide what your baby will be wearing. It is better to prepare several options, especially if the time of discharge falls in autumn or spring, when it can get colder or, conversely, get warmer.

  • A diaper (preferably two).
  • Underwear (bodysuit, blouse and romper or overalls, thin cap).
  • Suit.
  • The swaddle is thin and warm (if you swaddle).
  • Outerwear: an envelope, a jumpsuit or a blanket with a corner and a ribbon, a warm hat.
  • Car seat. If you are going home by car, be sure to keep in mind that, according to the rules of the road, it is possible to transport a child in a car only with the use of special restraints. Therefore, it is worth thinking about an infant car seat or car seat in advance.

Bag 4: things to check out for mom

When you collect this bag, remember that your stomach and hips will not yet be in perfect condition, if you have gained a lot of extra pounds during pregnancy, then it is better to take loose clothing.

  • Lingerie. The underwear must be put on while still in the ward. In the discharge room, you will only wear tights if you are wearing a dress.
  • Corset: if you wear a corset under a dress or blouse, the photos will not show your not yet tucked up tummy.
  • Cloth. It's up to you to decide what to wear! It is better to wear a dress, as it will not be very comfortable in pants.
  • Outerwear for the season.
  • Shoes. Of course, it is more convenient to put on shoes without heels, but if you want to look your best, you can wear heels, especially since dad will carry the baby.
  • Cosmetics and jewelry. It is better to put on makeup in advance, while still in the ward, and you can put on jewelry already in the discharge room.

Things for dad

It should be noted that if you are planning a joint childbirth with your husband, you need to prepare things for the future dad. To attend the birth, your spouse must have the following documents on hand:

  • Test results (specify which tests will be required in your maternity hospital and when they need to be taken).
  • The passport.
  • Comfortable clothes and removable shoes.
  • Sterile kit for dad (surgical kit for joint childbirth).
  • If your spouse stays in the hospital for a joint stay, then he will need personal hygiene items: a towel, shaving accessories, change of clothes and underwear.

If you will be visited by relatives and spouse in the postnatal ward, prepare shoe covers and masks.

And most importantly: your loved ones should definitely know how to contact the maternity hospital and your doctor. Therefore, provide them with the appropriate contacts in advance.

In order for you not to run, collecting these bags, you can purchase already (bag 1 and 2): they contain everything you need from the best manufacturers. The packaging of each set is thought out to the smallest detail: it is a transparent, washable bag, which is allowed in the maternity hospital (main); two cosmetic bags with handles for mom and baby (inside the bag); a small cosmetic bag with empty bottles and important trifles; branded opaque bag (the bag is packed in it). The set contains everything for your comfortable childbirth and the postpartum period. Having bought a ready-made bag - you can safely go to the hospital!

Here you can download a list of necessary things that you need to take with you to the hospital, print and mark what else you need to buy. Those things that are already in our kits are marked in the list. List in the hospital.

Happy childbirth and happy motherhood!

You can see what the bag in the hospital consists of in our videos, which we shot especially for you.

In anticipation of childbirth, expectant mothers think about what things will come in handy in the hospital for them and their baby. A detailed list of everything you need can be clarified at the hospital where you are supposed to give birth. But there are general guidelines for fees.

There is no specific time frame for when it is necessary to collect things at the hospital.

At this time, you can start looking after both the crib and the stroller, as well as a minimum of clothes for the child. You can start preparing the apartment, disassemble and throw away unnecessary things, think over where the crib or stroller will be. In advance, you should think about blackout curtains or blinds.

What bag to put things in

In the maternity ward, it is better to clarify in advance whether it is possible to bring things in bags. Since most of these institutions recommend using packages. If it is not possible to clarify this information, you need to prepare roomy packages. To avoid misunderstandings at the front desk.

Bag number 1. For maternity ward

List of documents required for admission to the hospital:

Also required:

  • Washable rubber footwear.
  • Wipes for intimate hygiene, disposable handkerchiefs.
  • Sterile diapers 90x90 (1 package);
  • Soft toilet paper.
  • A bottle of non-carbonated drinking or mineral water.
  • Anti-varicose stockings.
  • Phone with charger.

You will also need towels (you will need 2 pieces), shower gel, shampoo, a set for brushing your teeth, a comb. You need to take with you 2 plates, a spoon and a fork, a cup.

Home clothes and sleepwear for the antenatal ward are also necessary if you have to go to bed early. But in most cases, you will have to change clothes in the maternity ward. The shirt will be given by the medical staff. You can take a snack with you - cookies, apples, bananas.

If the expectant mother wears glasses or contact lenses, they should also not be forgotten about them and all the necessary accessories.

Bag number 2. What you need after childbirth

The list of everything that is required after delivery can be conditionally divided into parts. Things for mom and what the baby will need. It is better to take them with you, unless you have to go to the hospital in advance.

Childbirth can be swift, and loved ones will not have time to bring everything they need. Some maternity hospitals have problems with baby diapers, and sterile gauze is used instead of postpartum pads.

The table contains a list of what the baby needs:

It is necessary without fail May be required (relatives will inform)
Baby liquid soap - 1 bottleMix - 1 box
Diapers (smallest size for newborns) - 1 packNipple bottle - 2 pieces
Diaper cream - 1 tubePacifier - 2 pieces
Powder (alternative to cream) - 1 bottleSliders - 3-4 pieces
Wet wipes - 1 large packUndershirts - 3-4 pieces
Disposable diapers 60x60 - 1 packCap - 3 pieces

The list of what a woman needs in childbirth can also be divided into what is needed unambiguously and what may be needed.

Something that might come in handy:

  • Breast pump.
  • Home clothing (if allowed at the medical facility).
  • Postpartum bandage (after an emergency caesarean section).

In the same bag you can put decorative cosmetics, which will be useful for discharge. It is better if everything is at hand, since the staff of the maternity hospital can rush to discharge and there will be no time to make beauty.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

Prenatal and postnatal first aid kit

When going to the hospital, you can collect a first-aid kit with you. It is worth taking the drugs that mom will need in it.

It can be:

  • Aspirin or Paracetamol, in a situation where, due to the flow of milk, the temperature rises and the general condition of the woman worsens.
  • Levomikol is an ointment for treating sutures of the perineum or after a cesarean section. This will speed up healing and prevent possible suppuration.
  • Vizin drops can be useful to relieve redness of the eyes after pushing.
  • Packaging Noshpy or Droverin.
  • Suppositories with glycerin for constipation. After childbirth or caesarean section, you may have difficulty with stool.
  • If a woman suffers from hemorrhoids, it is better to take special creams or ointments with you to the hospital. Since the disease can worsen after childbirth.
  • Packaging of antibacterial patches, sterile bandages can be useful in the postpartum ward.
  • Medicines that are taken by a woman constantly should be taken first.
  • It is better to take medications for colic in a child

Bag number 3. What things to take for discharge for a newborn baby

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby will vary slightly depending on the season.

These changes will affect, first of all, the "dowry" for the child.

Summer discharge

You will need:

Winter discharge

For winter, the discharge kit should consist of:

Discharge in autumn

If the baby is born in September:

  • Thick envelope with fleece.
  • Warm woolen blanket (as an alternative to the envelope).
  • A light blouse, on top of which you can put on a tight knitted suit with long sleeves.
  • Thin cotton shirt, blouse and sliders made of dense natural material (can replace the option from the paragraph above).
  • Dense knitted hat.
  • Thin cotton caps and denser knitted caps are an alternative to a cap.
  • Cotton socks and thick cotton booties, if September is cold, then woolen.
  • Anti-scratch mittens made of dense natural material.
  • A beautiful ribbon to tie up an envelope or blanket.

For October kids you will need:

In November, things from the winter list will do.

Spring discharge

For March babies, you can assemble the following kit:

  • Warm envelope on padding polyester or woolen blanket or plaid.
  • Cotton shirt and tight bike suit.
  • Lightweight jumpsuit with fleece.
  • Heavyweight cotton socks.
  • Woolen booties.
  • Dense "anti-scratch".
  • Thin cotton or linen cap, thick fleece or woolen cap.

If the child was born in April, you will need:

For a May discharge, a summer list of things is fine. You need to navigate by the weather.

Although the woman has a supply of "diapers" and wet wipes in the maternity hospital, it is better for her family to grab a pair of diapers and a mini-pack of wipes in case of unexpected circumstances. After all, mom is already packing her things, and urgently needed hygiene items may end up at the bottom of bulk bags.

Things for a newborn baby for discharge from the hospital:

Bag number 4. What should mom take for discharge

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby cannot do without clothes for a woman to be discharged. The spouses need to discuss in advance what to take for the wife for discharge. It should be something that she likes and fits well.

Summer discharge:

Discharge in winter:

  • Comfortable outerwear for the season.
  • Comfortable winter shoes.
  • Option 1 - jeans and a cozy jumper.
  • Option 2 - tights, tight dress.
  • Option 3 - leggings and a warm sweater.
  • Jewelry on request.

Discharge in autumn:

  • Outerwear if necessary, in September a warm cardigan will do.
  • Shoes for the season.
  • Option 1 - jeans and a sweatshirt.
  • Option 2 - leggings and an elongated lightweight sweater or tight tunic.
  • Option 3 - Tights and a loose dress.
  • Optional accessories.

Spring discharge:

  • Outerwear, taking into account the weather.
  • Nice and comfortable shoes.
  • Option - 1 jeans and a T-shirt and a light cardigan.
  • Option 2 - Pants shirt or blouse.
  • Option 3 - Leggings and tunic dress.
  • Jewelry and accessories are optional.

It is better to give cosmetics and hair dryers with things that are required after childbirth.

What to take for dad

Partner births are not that uncommon these days. Each medical institution has its own list of what the future father or another person who wants to take part in childbirth will need.

In preparation for joint childbirth, a man needs to undergo a medical examination - to make an x-ray of his lungs, to be tested. Most likely, it will be - AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis. You will also need a smear for staphylococcus, and the conclusion of a therapist about the general state of health.

Your partner needs to have:

  • Passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, therapist's conclusion and laboratory data.
  • A disposable set of shoe covers, a hat and a robe.
  • If permitted, just a change of comfortable clothing.
  • Light snack, water.

A camera or camera should be taken only with an agreement with your spouse. Childbirth is not an easy process and she may not want to be filmed.

Planned cesarean section: what you need to take for childbirth

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby with a cesarean section is not very different from the usual one.

It includes:

The rest of the list will not differ much from the usual one. It will also include:

After a caesarean section, there are dietary restrictions. On the first day, you can only drink water without gas. You can eat liquid and soft foods. Relatives need to take this into account when collecting food parcels for a woman in labor.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

In the maternity hospital, the following little things can come in handy:

What not to bring to the hospital

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby has limitations. They depend on the specific maternity hospital. Somewhere laptops, tablets, electric kettles are strictly prohibited, since their recharging increases the load on the power grid.

Usually in the hospital there is a cooler with drinking hot and cold water, a microwave oven. Somewhere you can't bring your own clothes (dressing gowns, nightgowns, pajamas), women in labor are given hospital "nighties" and dressing gowns.

  • Even if it is forbidden to bring your own clothes to the hospital, this does not apply to underwear. It should be made of natural fabrics, comfortable model.
  • If you can bring your own dressing gowns, pajamas, then they should also be made of light natural fabrics, easy to take off and dress.
  • Flowers with a strong scent are prohibited. It is better if the presented bouquet is made of gerberas, wildflowers or odorless roses, small in size.
  • You can not transfer to the hospital products that cause allergies or increased gas production in the baby.

A generalized list of things prohibited in the hospital:

  • Synthetic underwear and clothing.
  • Flowers with a pungent odor and a lot of pollen.
  • Confectionery with cream.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes.
  • Smoked, spicy, salty.
  • Dishes from white cabbage, cause increased gas formation and a newborn.
  • Chicken eggs and meat.
  • Milk, fatty sour cream (it is better to replace with fermented milk products - beefilife, kefir).
  • Soda water, sweet lemonades.
  • Cigarettes, alcoholic beverages.

When you leave the hospital, it is important not to forget to pick up all the necessary documents:

  • Card (exchange) of the woman in labor with all the necessary information about how the childbirth was going.
  • A special card of the child, fully filled in with information about him.
  • A birth certificate is provided to the registry office.

Preparing for a trip to the hospital, mom should make a list of everything necessary for herself and the baby in advance, sign the collected bags, tell your family where they will be standing.

It is better to warn your husband in advance about what things to take for discharge so that he does not confuse anything.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: a list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby

List of necessary things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby: