Conspiracy Theory June 25 “Conspiracy Theory. Plastic and food. Safety regulations". Announcement. Documentaries. First channel. Disposable packaging - one time only

Plastic bottles, containers and utensils have firmly entered our everyday life. But simultaneously with “plasticization”, there are more and more reports about the danger that this material is fraught with: under certain conditions, it releases toxic compounds that, when they enter the human body, gradually undermine his health.

American scientists claim that up to 80% of the "plastic" substances found in the human body get there from building and finishing materials, in particular, from such popular plastic windows, furniture, but most of all from utensils: all kinds of compounds pass from food plastic into products. nutrition. Domestic manufacturers, in turn, assure that certified plastic utensils are absolutely safe. True, they make a reservation: if you use it for its intended purpose.

The most common polymer materials (or plastics) are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, and polycarbonate. They produce both technical and food plastics. The polymers themselves are inert, non-toxic and do not "migrate" into food. But here are the intermediate substances, technological additives, solvents, as well as chemical decomposition products that can penetrate into food and have a toxic effect on humans.

This process can occur during storage of products or when they are heated. In addition, polymeric materials are subject to change (aging), as a result of which degradation products are released from them. Moreover, different types of plastic become toxic under different conditions - some cannot be heated, others cannot be washed, etc.

Dangerous fragility of plastic

Polyvinyl chloride is a chlorine-based polymer. It is distributed all over the world because it is extremely cheap. It is used to make bottles for drinks, boxes for cosmetics, containers for household chemicals, disposable tableware. Over time, PVC begins to release a harmful substance - vinyl chloride. Naturally, from the bottle it gets into soda, from the plate - into food, and from there - directly into the human body. And vinyl chloride is a carcinogen. A PVC bottle begins to release this dangerous substance a week after the contents have been poured into it. A month later, several milligrams of vinyl chloride accumulate in mineral water. From the point of view of oncologists, this is a lot.

Often plastic bottles are reused, tea or fruit drinks and even alcoholic drinks are poured into them. Markets sell milk and butter in plastic bottles. Five-liter bottles have replaced buckets and canisters for summer residents, and advocates of a healthy lifestyle go with them to springs for “living” water and store Epiphany water in them for a year. Experts are unanimous: nothing but water can be refilled into water bottles. And even then not in all. Only PET bottles can be reused. PVC bottles release toxic PVC.

However, many experts are sure that any bottled plastic remains neutral only in the absence of oxygen, that is, as long as the water retains its original chemical composition. As soon as the bottle is opened, the water quickly changes its properties, after which the plastic inevitably changes its properties. As for the "living" and holy water, its healing properties can only be preserved in glass containers.

How to distinguish hazardous PVC products from safe plastic? You need to look at the bottom. Conscientious manufacturers put an icon at the bottom of dangerous bottles - a three in a triangle. Or they write PVC - this is how PVC is designated in English. But there are few such bottles with honest inscriptions. Harmful capacity can also be recognized by the influx on the bottom. It happens in the form of a line or a spear with two ends. But the surest way is to press the bottle with your fingernail. If the container is dangerous, a whitish scar forms on it. The "correct" bottle remains smooth.

Disposable cups can only be used for water. It is better not to drink sour juices, sodas, hot and strong drinks from them! Hot foods are not recommended to be placed in polystyrene plates.

Convenient, practical, but risky

The time for picnics is approaching, and in order to minimize household inconveniences, we stock up on plastic plates. Pour tea from a thermos or alcoholic drinks into plastic cups. Cheap, practical, but not safe.

Disposable plastic utensils cost a penny. But plastic is a delicate material. Cracks in the world. Melts from the heat. For strength, stabilizers are added to it. Plastic is getting stronger and... more toxic.

Polystyrene (indicated by the letters PS) is indifferent to cold liquids. But as soon as you pour a hot or alcoholic drink, a harmless glass begins to release a toxic compound called styrene. Plates made of polystyrene are often used in summer cafes for barbecue. And the client, in addition to hot meat and ketchup, also receives a dose of toxins.

Tin Can Mystery

Any polymeric material ages under the influence of light, heat, heating and contact with various substances. Then it becomes cloudy, absorbs odors and ingredients from the contents and releases toxic substances. Food manufacturers indicate that the shelf life applies not only to the product itself, but also to the packaging. This is especially true for canned goods. For example, they can detect a toxic substance - biphenol. Plastic film containing biphenol is lined on the inside of cans to keep the metal from coming into contact with food. From here, biphenol can pass into the contents. That's why:
  • ditch canned food in favor of fresh and frozen foods.
  • transfer food from opened cans to glass, even if it is a short-term storage (under the influence of oxygen, the corrosion of cans increases dramatically and the content of lead and tin in food begins to increase rapidly).

Follow the label

At one time, to simplify the sorting of plastic, a special international marking was developed - triangles formed by arrows with a number inside. The number indicates the type of plastic. Instead of a number or under a triangle at the same time as the number, you can find the letter code of the plastic:

  • PET
    Polyethylene terphthalate: bottles for carbonated drinks, water, juices, dairy products, vegetable oils, cosmetics, etc.
  • HDP
    High density polyethylene: packaging bags, garbage bags
  • PVC
    Polyvinyl chloride: building and finishing materials, furniture, shoes, medical products, water bottles, food packaging film
  • LDP
    Low density polyethylene: detergent bottles, toys, pipes
  • PP
    Polypropylene: medical products, hot dishes, food packaging film
  • PS
    Polystyrene: disposable tableware, cups for dairy products, yogurt, electrical insulation film
  • Other types of plastic: multi-layer packaging or composite plastic

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Tarakanova, technologist at Bytplast
Plastic used for the production of products that come into contact with food and children's assortment is subject to mandatory examination for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and is certified. And if the manufacturer declares, for example, that the product is intended for drinking water, then it is checked as a container for drinking water. The manufacturer is required to label his products. Food plastic has a generally accepted label - "glass and fork." It may say that it is intended for cold, bulk or hot products, for use in a microwave oven or for freezing, sometimes a temperature range is indicated. “Snowflakes” indicate that the container is suitable for freezing food, “wave oven” indicates that the dishes can be heated in the microwave, and “shower plates” indicate that the containers can be washed in the dishwasher. This marking is also used by some Russian manufacturers, including us.

Polypropylene glass (marking - PP) can withstand temperatures up to +100°C. But it does not tolerate a chemical attack - it emits formaldehyde or phenol. If you drink vodka from such a glass, not only the kidneys suffer, but also the eyesight. Formaldehyde is also considered a carcinogen.

Disposable packaging - one time only

Buy food, plastic utensils and cling film only from reputable manufacturers and only in reliable stores.

In order for plastic utensils to be safe, they must be used strictly for their intended purpose. Food plastic of different brands has different properties. One brand of this polymer raw material is intended for the production of water bottles, the other is for bottles with carbonated drinks. Yogurt cups are made of plastic of a grade that makes it possible to produce a light and cheap container by casting, while being neutral with respect to milk fat, and pudding cups must resist sugar.

Therefore, experts insist: in no case should plastic packaging be used as containers for storing food, and disposable tableware should not be used repeatedly. How plastic will react to contact with ingredients for which it was not intended, what compounds can be formed in this case, no one has investigated. Especially insidious are fats and acids, which can draw free toxic compounds out of plastic.

There is another important point. The plastic container must be washed before reuse. Disposable packaging was not intended for washing, so the result is unpredictable.

The release of all kinds of compounds from plastic is greatly enhanced by heating. Therefore, only special containers can be used in the microwave oven.

  • Store food in glass and ceramic containers.
  • Try to avoid plastic-packed products as much as possible, give preference to products by weight.
  • Cut off the top layer from food stored in plastic packaging.
  • At home, immediately remove the packaging film from the products.
  • Buy drinks only in PET bottles and do not reuse them.
  • Buy baby food only in glass or cardboard.
  • Do not use plastic utensils for baby food.
  • Do not microwave food in plastic containers.
  • Do not keep water in pitcher filters for a long time. In the morning and evening, replace the remaining water with fresh water.
  • A cloudy water pitcher should be thrown away.

Flexible packaging

Mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces, seasonings, juices, jams, as well as ready-made soups and cereals that require heating, are sold in packages - regular or "standing". Such bags are made from multilayer combined films. The choice of film depends on the properties of the product, the period and conditions of its storage. Soups, cereals, main dishes are packed in bags of films with a high melting point. Dishes in such packaging can be heated in the microwave or boiled directly in the bag. But physiologists advise eating them less often: the less chemistry in life, the better.

When purchasing instant products (those that only need to be poured with boiling water), pay attention to the packaging (cup, bag, plate). Although Rospotrebnadzor and certification bodies monitor the safety of materials, nevertheless, manufacturers often use polystyrene packaging. And when it comes into contact with hot water, it begins to release harmful monomers - styrenes. Therefore, it is better to transfer products to ceramic or enameled dishes and then pour boiling water over them.

Experts say that 80% of the “plastic” substances found in the human body get there from dishes: all kinds of compounds pass from food plastic into food. Domestic manufacturers, in turn, assure that certified plastic utensils are absolutely safe. True, they make a reservation: if you use it for its intended purpose. Let's see how people use plastic utensils.

Producing plastic dishes is super profitable. There are special printers for this. They ... print cups or plates. Today, almost anyone can produce plastic utensils. It costs a penny, but it sells like hot cakes.

The plastic itself is not harmful. It is made up of polymers. But for strength, various substances are added to it. They are just very toxic. PS mark. Polystyrene consists of carcinogenic styrene, which should never be heated. It accumulates in the liver and kidneys. Styrene very quickly destroys the reproductive function of a person. This can lead to infertility and impotence. True, there is not a word about this on the packaging. And not a word about the fact that these plates are ONLY suitable for cold food.

The only thing suitable for hot food is polypropylene. PP marking. It is believed that it can withstand temperatures up to 80 degrees. That is, it is also better not to pour boiling water there. Everyone has seen coffee vending machines at airports and train stations. We'll check which cups they pour hot coffee into. And what is its temperature.

Disposable cups can ONLY be used for water. It is better not to drink acidic juices, soda, hot and strong drinks from them. How plastic will react to contact with ingredients for which it was not intended, what compounds can be formed in this case, no one has investigated.

Most often we buy water in plastic. And most often, PET plastic is used for bottles. In the USSR, it was also called lavsan. Manufacturers claim that PET is non-toxic. However, they are silent about the fact that PET may contain toxins and carcinogens that affect hormonal balance. Many people reuse these bottles. They pour tea or other drinks, including alcoholic ones. Often they sell milk or sunflower oil in the markets. However, water bottles cannot be reused.

By the way, petrochemical products have already penetrated the food itself. French fries. This potato contains substances that are used in the manufacture of cosmetics, household chemicals and paints and varnishes.

Have you noticed that store-bought apples may not spoil for months? It is also a petrochemical product. Not wax, as everyone thinks, but paraffin. And there is absolutely no need to eat it. We will give useful advice - how to wash off this paraffin from an apple.

The stores are full of plastic utensils that, judging by the stickers, are suitable for the microwave. They have a special icon on them. We usually use this utensil without even thinking about its properties. Most often it is made of polypropylene. Which, as we remember, can withstand heating up to a temperature of 80 degrees. And now let's check - to what temperature the food is heated in the microwave.

Let's take a look at plastic lunch boxes. Can you put food in them? If so, hot or cold. Fat or not. Let's figure out what can be stored in plastic containers - hot food or cold. Can you put food in them in the refrigerator? We'll tell you what to do to stay healthy!

March 30 in the transfer Conspiracy theory Fish of the second freshnesswatch online- Fresh, chilled or frozen: which fish is better? It would seem that the answer is obvious: of course, chilled. But everything is not so simple. We are often sold fish of "second freshness", that is, thawed and refrozen. Moreover, often it is processed with preservatives, or half consists of ice glaze.

What do you usually see in the fish department? - A counter with fish on ice, which is supposedly chilled, and a refrigerator with deep-frozen fish. Are you also wondering where to end up? On the one hand, it is obvious that chilled fish is better, but on the other hand, everyone has heard stories more than once that it is actually just neatly thawed fish.

So is there really chilled fish on our shelves?

Together with an expert, we will go shopping to the counter with fish on ice and we will check according to three criteria whether the fish is defrosted or not. The main "document" of chilled fish is the eyes, gills and scales. We'll give you some advice on what to look out for.

Let's turn to the Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography and find out that the inscriptions "chilled" can sometimes be trusted. It depends on the type of fish. For example, carp, pike perch, carp can be chilled on the counter. Because this fish is grown in aquaculture, that is, on farms.

Before the holidays, red fish - salmon and trout - are in great demand. Often it is also sold as chilled. But this is a sea fish, and it is brought from afar, so it is most likely that it is pre-frozen. We will find out whether it is worth chasing chilled redfish or it is safer to buy deep-frozen.

There are chilled fish - dorado and sea bass - which are really brought to us chilled, mainly from Turkey. It seems that the path is also not close, how do you manage to keep the freshness? Let's find out.

But it's one thing to deliver, it's another to sell. What is the shelf life of chilled fish?

It turns out that it depends on what the fish came to us on. If by car - 4-5 days, if by plane - 8-9 days. But in order to slightly extend these periods, suppliers and sellers sometimes add strong preservatives to the water from which ice is made to store fish. We will find an insider supplier. According to him, this extends the shelf life of fish up to 20-22 days. We will also take ice for examination from large wholesale depots and from stores, check it in the laboratory for the presence of preservatives.

There remains one more important question. Do they manage to sell all the fish brought in and where do they put the one that did not sell? Let's ask the sellers about this, which is called "on the forehead."

Another part of the so-called chilled fish on the shelves is simply thawed fish. And it's still legal! How to distinguish defrosting? First, let the fish swim. Let's do this experiment.

Put the fish on your hand or lower it into the water. If the fish does not bend in the palm of your hand and sinks in the water, it is fresh. If it does not sink in the water, but the one placed on the arm bends in an arc, then it is defrosted.

Secondly, you need to remember the varieties of fish that fall on Russian shelves only in frozen form - mackerel, ice fish, halibut, tuna, red perch, hake.

Of course, we buy frozen fish more often. She's cheaper. Another question is, is it much inferior to fresh in benefits? A Norwegian research company conducted a series of experiments and found that frozen fish does not differ from fresh fish in terms of the composition of vitamins and other valuable substances.

Of course, this applies to fish that has been properly frozen and stored. Indeed, despite the adopted law on the amount of ice glaze, today there are still fish on the shelves covered with a thick layer of ice.

Let's see which of the manufacturers comply with the norm that there should be no more than 5% of ice by weight. We will submit well-known brands of frozen cod for examination in order to determine the amount of ice.

Many are familiar with the situation when, after defrosting a fish fillet, instead of a purchased kilogram, 500–600 grams of the product was obtained. Artificial weight gain is achieved not only with ice glaze, but sometimes with the help of polyphosphates, which retain moisture in the thickness of the muscles. Valeria bought a fish, and during the frying it started as if washing - foam over the edge. What is this foam? According to experts, this is exactly what phosphates are.

How to choose high-quality frozen fish? By form. The irregular shape of the fish does not mean poor quality, because sometimes it is frozen right on the ship in blocks, and it is deformed. At the address of manufacture. Since September 2017, the packaging of frozen fish must contain information about the place of catch and production of the product. This information is especially important when buying fillets, because if the producer’s location is far from the catch region, it means that the fish was brought to the factory frozen, thawed, filleted and then re-frozen.

But that is not all. After all, while the fish was being transported and sold, it could be thawed and refrozen a hundred times. And this is the most dangerous, according to experts. How to define it? Let's find out.

It is believed that a fish frozen several times will be heavier than a fish that is visually the same size, but frozen once. Let's check with the help of an experiment whether this is so.

Authors of the documentary cycle "Conspiracy theory" And Mikhail Mamaev give answers to simple questions that usually do not come to mind. Why does a liter of water cost more than a liter of gasoline? Why do pharmacies sell drugs that do not cure anything? Why is one cream ten times more expensive than another if their composition is identical? They deceive us and try to profit from our problems and needs.
We are forced to buy what we already have. And this is not an accident, but a well-thought-out mechanism. Manufacturers only care about money. "Just business, nothing personal."
This is a kind of conspiracy and we reveal how it works. With the help of insiders and experts around the world, Nobel laureates and former employees of multinational corporations, officials of international organizations and ordinary sellers. From global issues in our investigation, we reach the specifics. What appliances to buy, is it worth paying for bottled water, what food corporations are actually selling us, how to distinguish charlatans in white coats from real doctors?

This film is not about ecology, plastic pollution or landfills. No. We will talk about how plastic and petrochemical products directly affect our health. From which plate you can eat, and which one should be thrown away. Which glasses are suitable for carbonated water, and which ones are suitable for non-carbonated water. Everyone should know all this.

Experts say that 80% of the “plastic” substances found in the human body get there from dishes: all kinds of compounds pass from food plastic into food. Domestic manufacturers, in turn, assure that certified plastic utensils are absolutely safe. True, they make a reservation: if you use it for its intended purpose. Let's see how people use plastic utensils.

Producing plastic dishes is super profitable. There are special printers for this. They print cups or plates. Today, almost anyone can produce plastic utensils. It costs a penny, but it sells like hot cakes.

Plastic and food. Safety regulations. Conspiracy theory 06/25/2017

This film is not about ecology, plastic pollution or landfills.

We will talk about how plastic and petrochemical products directly affect our health.

From which plate you can eat, and which one should be thrown away.

Which glasses are suitable for carbonated water, and which ones are suitable for non-carbonated water.

Everyone should know all this.
Experts say that 80% of the plastic substances found in the human body get there from dishes: all kinds of compounds pass from food plastic into food.

Domestic manufacturers, in turn, assure that certified plastic utensils are absolutely safe.

True, they make a reservation: if you use it for its intended purpose.

Let's see how people use plastic utensils.
Producing plastic dishes is super profitable.

There are special printers for this.

They print cups or plates.

Today, almost anyone can produce plastic utensils.

It costs a penny, but it sells like hot cakes.
The plastic itself is not harmful.

It is made up of polymers.

But for strength, various substances are added to it.

They are just very toxic.

PS mark.

Polystyrene consists of carcinogenic styrene, which should never be heated.

It accumulates in the liver and kidneys.

Styrene very quickly destroys the reproductive function of a person.

This can lead to infertility and impotence.

True, there is not a word about this on the package.

And not a word about the fact that these plates are only suitable for cold food.
The only thing suitable for hot food is polypropylene.

PP marking.

It is believed that it can withstand temperatures up to 80 degrees.

That is, it is also better not to pour boiling water there.

Everyone has seen coffee vending machines at airports and train stations.

We'll check which cups they pour hot coffee into.

And what is its temperature.
Disposable cups can only be used for water.

It is better not to drink acidic juices, soda, hot and strong drinks from them.

How plastic will react to contact with ingredients for which it was not intended, what compounds can be formed in this case, no one has investigated.
Most often we buy water in plastic.

And most often, PET plastic is used for bottles.

In the USSR, it was also called lavsan.

Manufacturers claim that PET is non-toxic.

However, they are silent about the fact that PET may contain toxins and carcinogens that affect hormonal balance.

Many people reuse these bottles.

They pour tea or other drinks, including alcoholic ones.

Often they sell milk or sunflower oil in the markets.

However, water bottles cannot be reused.
By the way, petrochemical products have already penetrated the food itself.

French fries.

This potato contains substances that are used in the manufacture of cosmetics, household chemicals and paints and varnishes.
Have you noticed that store-bought apples may not spoil for months? It is also a petrochemical product.

Not wax, as everyone thinks, but paraffin.

And there is absolutely no need to eat it.

We will give useful advice - how to wash off this paraffin from an apple.
The stores are full of plastic utensils that, judging by the stickers, are suitable for the microwave.

They have a special icon on them.

We usually use this utensil without even thinking about its properties.

Most often it is made of polypropylene.

Which, as we remember, can withstand heating up to a temperature of 80 degrees.

Now let's check: to what temperature the food is heated in the microwave.
Let's take a look at plastic lunch boxes.

Can you put food in them?

If so, hot or cold.

Fat or not.

Let's figure out what can be stored in plastic containers - hot food or cold.

Can you put food in them in the refrigerator?

We'll tell you what to do to stay healthy!

Film Genre: Documentary
Film director: Alexei Buleiko, Kirill Vashchenko,
Conspiracy theory Plastic and food. See safety rules online at 13:15 06/25/2017