Types and functions of hair dryers. How to choose a good hair dryer so that it lasts for many years

Navigating the variety of modern hair dryers is sometimes difficult. Buying for yourself the most expensive product with many functions is also not an option, because high power and fashionable “bells and whistles” are not suitable for every person. Meanwhile, a properly selected hair dryer will not only make it possible to make model hairstyles on your own, but also keep your hair healthy.

What is a hair dryer for?

Many consumers believe that a hair dryer is needed solely for drying hair. However, modern devices perform much more functions. With their help, you can:
  • straighten curls or, conversely, curl hair;
  • give hair volume;
  • lay strands in any direction, up to vertical "ridges";
  • create any hairstyle;
  • heal hair.
Generally, hair types vary from person to person. The speed and temperature of drying that is suitable for one person may worsen the condition of the hair of another. Professional devices allow you to adjust the temperature and strength of the air flow in such a way that all family members can adjust the hair dryer to their needs: women and men, adults and children.

Types of hair dryers

Despite the huge variety, all hair dryers are divided into 4 categories.
Appliances. Such devices, as a rule, differ in average cost, not very high power and decent size. They dry long and thick hair well, but people with sparse hair should be careful: if the air flow is not adjusted, such a device can do harm. Experts advise using household hair dryers only occasionally. They are not suitable for permanent use, since the supply of warm air to them is organized unevenly, and if handled carelessly, hair can be burned.

Compact devices.
The smaller size makes it easy to take with you on your travels. They have less power than conventional hair dryers, so it will take longer to dry your hair. However, the lower cost, compact dimensions and the inability to dry the hair make them very attractive to people who need a hair dryer not to create hairstyles, but only for drying. Compact devices are often supplied with batteries, which allows them to be used outdoors or on trips.
Hair dryers-brushes (multistylers).
These devices are suitable for owners of thin and not very long hair. Their power is low, but the abundance of various attachments allows you to create any hairstyle, make curls, straighten curls and style your hair without the use of gels and varnishes. Hair dryers-brushes are very easy to use and allow you to create hairstyles without professional skills. The most modern models are equipped with touch sensors that independently determine the temperature that is optimal for drying and styling each type of hair.
Professional hair dryers.
Such devices have the highest power and are designed for use in salons. Some users prefer to buy professional hair dryers for home care, however, this requires certain skills. You will have to style your hair quickly, otherwise a too powerful device will simply dry your hair. The advantage of professional devices is a large number of nozzles. At the same time, such devices are suitable for any type of hair - you just need to set the correct settings.

Hair dryer specifications

Devices for drying and styling hair differ not only in price and manufacturer. Modern hair dryers have different power, as well as an unequal number of speeds, heating modes and additional functions. It is from these parameters that the cost of a particular model depends. When buying, try to choose a hair dryer with optimal characteristics for yourself: then you will not have to overpay for extra power and unnecessary functions.


The speed of air supply, and hence the duration of hair drying, directly depends on this parameter.

Depending on the power, hair dryers can be classified as follows.
Less than 1500W:
such indicators are typical for hair dryers-brushes. They are safe for all types of hair, but they will take a long time to dry long and thick curls. Low-power devices are perfect for people with thin and not very long hair for styling and hairstyles.
From 1500 to 1900 W: compact models or budget options for household hair dryers have similar power. Such devices quickly dry hair of any length and density. In the absence of power adjustment, such devices may be unsafe for people with weakened hair.
More than 2000 W: household and professional models have such high power. They are able to dry a thick mop of hair in minutes. When buying such a device, be sure to ask about the possibility of adjusting the airflow rate, because, working at maximum power, the device can dry out thin and sparse hair, making it even more weakened. In most cases, the price of hair dryers is directly proportional to their power. However, there are also models of 1200-1600 W on the market, which have a higher cost than devices designed for 2000 W.

Number of heating modes

The ability to control the temperature of the air jet is an extremely necessary feature for a hair dryer, especially if it is a high power device. The more temperature ranges you can set, the more expensive the price of the device. Professional devices have from 4 to 6 modes, but for home use such a number of switches is not required. For most consumers, three temperature ranges are enough:
  • maximum heat can be used to dry thick and long hair;
  • medium temperature is suitable for quick drying of thin and weakened curls, as well as styling thick hair;
  • at a minimum temperature, it is good to style dyed and damaged hair.

Air flow rates

Most models, including professional ones, have 2 air speeds. Expensive devices with a lot of adjustments for non-professional users can be a waste of money. Two speeds and three temperature settings are enough to create hairstyles, and at low speeds it is convenient to style the hair, and at high speeds - to dry. When choosing a hair dryer, pay attention to the autonomy of the speed and temperature switches. In budget models, power can be adjusted with one toggle switch, which is not very convenient. It is better that separate switches are provided for speed and temperature. In this case, you can combine different settings, adapting the device to your needs.

The presence of an AC motor

The service life of a hair dryer largely depends on the quality of its motor. The most reliable are models equipped with an AC motor. It is often installed in large household appliances and is characterized by a long service life. So, some manufacturers give up to 7 years warranty for hair dryers with an AC motor: such products are considered to be of the highest quality and are of high cost.

Additional functions

A large number of additional adjustments and accessories makes the hair dryer more functional, but significantly increases its cost. The most advanced models include the following set.
Nozzle concentrator.
This device is a tube 5-7.5 cm long, narrowing the air flow. The optimal concentrator nozzle width is from 6 to 9 mm. The narrower opening is for careful styling that will take a lot of time. At the same time, a width of more than 1 cm will lead to the fact that the air flow will be directed not only to the treated strand, but also to nearby hair. In this case, it will turn out not at all the hairstyle that you intended. The concentrator should move freely along the body of the hair dryer, so you can install it at any angle to the strand.

Nozzle-diffuser. This device is designed to dry hair quickly and safely. But to give the hairstyle additional volume and splendor with the help of a diffuser is unlikely to succeed: for this you need to have certain skills and professional dexterity.

Active (swivel) diffuser. If the nozzle for quick drying is usually smooth, then the surface of the active diffuser is dotted with small pins. During operation, they vibrate, alternately capturing curls, resulting in quick and gentle drying. In this case, the user receives a relaxing head massage and additional volume at the hair roots.
. Equipped with a negative ion generator, the device is able to care for hair, giving it shine and removing static electricity. Tourmaline-coated hair dryers have a similar but stronger effect on the hair. They generate more ions than devices with an ionization function, however, the cost of such devices is quite high.
Cold air supply.
For more durable styling, many hair dryers have a cold air setting. By pressing a special button, the user can turn off the heating element - and the hair dryer will work in cold air mode. This feature is useful when creating curls of various calibers. Fixing with a cold stream a curl formed by hot drying and styling allows curls to hold on for the longest possible period of time.
Nano Oil.
This technology allows you to protect the hair from overdrying. With the help of a special dispenser, the hair is saturated with oil microparticles, which makes it possible not to use additional protective agents during drying.
Humidity sensor.
If you do not want to set the desired temperature and air flow every time, you will certainly like a hair dryer equipped with a similar sensor. Such a device independently determines the degree of hair moisture and, in accordance with this, sets the optimal drying mode.
When buying a hair dryer, you should pay attention not only to the functionality, but also to the reliability of the unit. The case must be made of a durable heat-resistant material, and it is desirable that not a metal, but a ceramic heating element be installed in it. In this case, the strands will be heated evenly, which will prevent damage to the hair during drying. It is also worth paying attention to the length of the cord: in household models, this figure should be at least

Without which most of the fair sex cannot imagine life - hairdryers. So...

hair dryer ( English fan) - an electrical device that produces a directed stream of heated air. The most important feature of the hair dryer is the ability to deliver heat precisely to a given area.

Origin of the word "hair dryer" associated with the German mark FOEN, registered in 1941 and referring to the warm alpine wind "hair dryer".

Hair dryer device

A hair dryer is usually made in the form of a piece of pipe, inside of which a fan and an electric heater are located. Often the body of the hair dryer is equipped with a pistol grip.

The fan draws air through one of the pipe sections, the air flow passes the electric heater, heats up and leaves the pipe through the opposite section. Various nozzles can be installed on the outlet section of the hair dryer pipe, changing the configuration of the air flow. The inlet section is usually covered with a grate in order to prevent large objects, such as fingers, from getting inside the hair dryer body.

A number of models of hair dryers allow you to adjust the temperature and air flow rate at the outlet. Temperature control is achieved either by connecting a different number of heaters in parallel, or by using an adjustable thermostat, or by changing the flow rate.

Types of hair dryer

This type of hair dryer is designed for drying and styling hair. It gives out a stream of air with a temperature of about 60°C and high speed. There are hair dryers in which the temperature is adjustable, and can produce both a cold stream of air and hot. They try to put protection against overheating in the hair dryer in order to avoid damaging the hair with hot air. Modern hair dryers also have an air ionization function, designed to remove static charge beforehand, as well as promising smooth and silky hair.

This type of hair dryer, unlike a household one, is distinguished by the ability to produce a stream of air heated to a temperature of about 300-500 ° C, but at a low speed. Various models of technical hair dryers may also have modes with a lower air temperature, for example, 50°C. There are models that allow you to receive air with temperatures in the range of 50-650°C in steps of 10°C or continuously adjustable. Some models allow you to adjust the air flow.

How to choose a hair dryer (household)

Choosing the right hair dryer will allow you to create great hairstyles, facilitate hair care and help you create your own unique style.

Before you start studying the characteristics of modern hair dryers and the variety of models on the market, decide for what purpose you need this “unit”. If you only use a hair dryer to dry your hair, you need a reliable hair dryer with minimal features. If you are a frequent traveler, you might be better off looking at compact models. If, like most women, you like to create masterpieces of hairdressing art with your hair at home every week, then you need to approach the choice of a hair dryer with all responsibility, since you will need a device with a good set of nozzles, power, various temperature conditions, etc. d.


When choosing a hair dryer, you need to pay attention to its shape, because. The hair dryer is made in two types - an ordinary hair dryer and a brush hair dryer. Which model you choose depends on how comfortable it will be for you to use it.

An ordinary hair dryer has a handle, which is located at an angle to the main part, most professional hair dryers have this shape. However, what is an advantage for professionals, brings some inconvenience in everyday life, in order to use such a hair dryer on your own, you need to have some skill. In addition to professional hair dryers, travel hair dryers are also made with handles, which are small, light, and also have a folding handle.

For beginners to master the art of styling at home, it is better to purchase a hair dryer brush. It is much lighter in weight, and the hand does not get so tired when using it. In addition, the cylindrical hair dryer does not hinder the movement of the brush and allows you to give the air stream in different directions. Used for styling hair with all kinds of nozzles: "comb" - for combing wet hair; "warming hand" - for splendor; "satin brush" - for shine, "shaped" - for volume and waves.

Hair dryer power

Many sellers, helping customers to choose a hair dryer, recommend paying attention only to its power, they say, the larger it is, the better the device. This is not quite the right approach. The only factor that depends on this characteristic is what temperature the hair dryer can provide, and, accordingly, how quickly it dries your hair. Models from 200 to 2000 W are on the market, and an increase in the power of the device does not directly affect its cost.

You should not chase devices with the highest value of this parameter, if it is important for you not how quickly you dry your hair, but what hairstyle you will get after that. If you use a hair dryer that is too powerful, you simply will not have time to do the styling and, as a result, you will get a complete mess on your head. In addition, powerful hair dryers are not recommended for those with thin hair. For normal hair and everyday needs, a good option would be to purchase a hair dryer with a power of 1200-1600 watts. Less powerful hair dryers for those who are looking for a travel hair dryer (they usually have a low rate) and for those who have very little experience in hair styling. More powerful, respectively, for professional virtuosos.

temperature and speed

The next technical characteristics that you should pay attention to are how many speeds and temperature levels the model has. Having a hair dryer with several modes, you can adjust the pressure of the air jet and change its temperature from warm to hot. The more of them, the more you can make combinations for drying and styling hair, the more freedom for creativity.

We note one more quality that many models of hair dryers possess. This is the function of supplying cold air ("cool"). When styling, you first dry the curl of the desired shape, and then turn on the “cool” mode for fifteen seconds to fix the result. The high temperature makes the hair elastic and manageable, and the cold air jets cool the hair and fix the shape for a long time.


If you will not only dry your hair with a hair dryer, but also do styling, you need to carefully choose the set of nozzles that this or that model has. Almost all hair dryers come with two nozzles: a concentrator and a diffuser.

The concentrator is the most popular nozzle among hairdressers, it has a tapering flat end and is indispensable for styling and modeling hairstyles. Hairdryers with only a concentrator are produced by all manufacturers, most often in the travel format.

The diffuser is the second most popular nozzle, but its functional characteristics are not so indisputable. The diffuser is a wide bell, with a narrow part put on the end of the hair dryer. Due to the numerous holes, it, like through a sieve, passes a powerful stream of air through itself, turning it into a light warm breeze. This nozzle was invented for quick drying, it performs this function, as it covers a larger area than a concentric nozzle. It saves time, besides it makes a powerful hot air stream softer, diffused and gentle, protects the scalp from overdrying.

In addition to the diffuser and concentrator, a variety of nozzles in the form of brushes are available. Hair dryers with a set of such nozzles are usually not very powerful and are designed primarily for styling.

- The nozzle in the form of a half round brush is useful for hair with "chemistry" if the curls need to be straightened. The half nozzle easily lifts the hair from the roots and smoothes the strands.
- Standard round brush with plastic teeth - for creating curls.
— Nozzle-comb — for care, drying and giving volume.
- Wide comb - for drying and styling.
- Standard tongs - for curling curls.
- Small-diameter tongs - for curling small curls.
- Round brush with natural bristles - to add shine.
- Brush with retractable teeth - the creation of curls, the possibility of tangling hair is excluded.


Many modern models of hair dryers are equipped with an ionization function. This system is designed to fight the negative effects of positive ions on the hair, neutralizing them with a stream of negative ones, and at the same time retaining moisture. Negative ions smooth scales and reduce static electricity. As a result, your hair becomes shiny and manageable.


Tourmaline technology has appeared on the market recently. It allows the production of positively charged ions in much larger quantities. These hair dryers can dry your hair up to 70% faster and make your hair smooth and shiny.

Hair Drying Technique

To create volume on medium to long hair, start drying with your head tilted down and your hair hanging down. Tousle the hair with your fingers against the direction of growth and vigorously direct the air stream in different directions. When your hair is half dry, lift your head and style your hair as desired. Comb short hair first with a hair dryer, and then tousle with a brush against hair growth, bending your head forward. When drying and styling, hold the hair dryer in such a way that the air flow goes from the roots of the hair to the ends. With such drying, the hair scales lie down correctly and the hair acquires shine. And do not bring the hair dryer too close to the head, the optimal distance is at least 20 cm.

When choosing a technical (construction) hair dryer, it is important to consider its main functions, which are of great importance:

It's no secret that every woman dreams of being irresistible. And little tricks help her in this: styling, makeup, fitness, a beautiful dress, and so on. If you are used to watching your appearance, you simply cannot do without a hair dryer. But how to choose it? What is the best hair dryer? The rating of the best hair dryers of 2018 will help you make the right choice.

In addition, in this article we will tell you what you should pay attention to at the time of purchase and what you need to consider in order to get the best hair dryer and not be disappointed with it.

Choosing a hair dryer

Not every woman knows how to choose a good hair dryer. Our recommendations will help you not to make a mistake. So what should you consider when buying? Here are some criteria:

Instrument weight

A quality hair dryer can't be too light. Of course, it's nice to hold an almost weightless "toy" in your hand. But in practice, this means that the motor winding is not very reliable. It is much better to choose a heavier model. In general, the more “weighty” the device, the longer it will last.


Many women are sure that the higher this indicator, the better. However, this is not the case. To buy a good hair dryer, it is better to focus on averages. The fact is that a hair dryer with a power of more than 2 kW, of course, dries hair much faster, but regular use of such a device unnecessarily dries out the hair. Your curls will very soon become dry, brittle and more like straw. Therefore, a power of 1.4–1.7 kW is ideal for daily use.

Housing material

It is very important to consider two things here: the temperature of the device can be quite high; when dropped, the case may simply burst.

So the ideal option in this case is impact-resistant heat-resistant plastic. Additionally, it is worth paying attention to the materials from which the nozzles are made. This is especially true for stylers and brushes. Ceramic ones are considered the best, they do not injure hair so much. But if you regularly use protective products, the type of brush coating is not so important.

Interesting fact. In 2018, the manufacturer of robot vacuum cleaners Okami Group released 3 successful models at once, one of which topped the overall rating of robot vacuum cleaners. The best choice in the segment up to $500 (30,000 rubles).

Number of modes and functions

The ideal option is when the hair dryer has 2 temperature settings and at least 2 speeds. At the same time, the best hair dryers of 2018 most often have an ionization system and are able to supply cold air. It is believed that these qualities allow you to make perfect styling and carefully care for the strands.

In any case: the more options for settings, the better. So you can choose the optimal program that suits your hair type.

Nozzles and their quantity

Many devices have add-ons. For example, almost every hair dryer has a concentrator nozzle. Some models have attachments to add volume or straighten hair. It all depends on your preferences. But remember, the more complete the equipment, the more expensive the device.

Hairdryer with a brush or regular "duika"

On this occasion, heated debates do not stop among the ladies. What is the best hair dryer? What do you prefer: a hair dryer brush or a regular model? In our opinion, it's not even about the preferences of girls. It all depends on the length of the hair.

The fact is that hair dryer has a rather small power compared to conventional models. So styling of thick hair you will do for a very long time. And if your hair is at least a little longer than average, the hair dryer will automatically wind the strands, tangling or even pulling them out. Therefore, such a device is more suitable for those whose hair length does not exceed 8-10 cm, and the hair is not too thick. For everyone else, it’s better to think about which good styling tool to choose among the classic models.

Professional hair dryers

We have compiled a short list of professional hair dryers for you. These models are distinguished by the fact that they can be used for a long time with increased load, which is required in beauty salons. Most often, such a device is suitable for all types of hair. The best professional hair dryers most often have sets of a large number of nozzles. But such models are much more expensive. If you don't use force-drying often, it may be better to opt for simpler models.

Braun HD 730 Satin Hair 7

A fairly high-quality model with a power of 2.2 kW. There are as many as 6 operating modes and independent adjustment of temperature and airflow rate. This is very important for professional models, as it allows you to customize individual settings for each client.

Also, there is a cold flow supply system and a removable filter. The only drawback of this model can be considered that the kit comes with only one diffuser. But for a good hairdresser, this is not so important.

Braun HD 730 can be attributed to the middle price category. Its cost varies from 50 to 58 US dollars.

Cofin CL–4H

This hair dryer also has sufficient power - just over 2 kW, and 4 built-in operating modes. The air ionization system allows you to add shine to the strands and save your hair from the effects of static electricity. Additionally, a “cold” drying is provided, which is activated by an independent button.

There are two nozzles of the concentrator type of different diameters in the kit. The hair dryer has a very long (3 m) electric cord equipped with an anti-twisting system. This is very important for salon employees, as it saves them from having to delve into tangled wires.

The price of the model varies at $40, which is also good news.

Rowenta CV 7430

Despite minor flaws, the hair dryer from the Roventa company is in no way inferior to previous models. With a power of 2.4 kW, this unit does not dry hair at all. Perhaps this is due to the special "RESPECT" technology, which allows you to save much more moisture than with conventional drying.


  • both a diffuser and a concentrator are available, which allows using the device for modeling various hairstyles;
  • independent system for regulating the speed and t C of the air flow;
  • "cold drying";
  • ionization system;
  • 6 different modes;
  • the presence of an LCD monitor that displays information about the selected mode.

Almost the only drawback can be considered a rather short electrical wire (1.5 m), which is not always enough to work in the cabin. Well, the price of $ 65 also can not be considered a great advantage.

Valera Swiss Nano-6200 Light SuperIonicT

This device is rightfully included in the TOP lists of popular hair dryers in 2017-2018. Although the Swiss company has released this device for hair styling at home, hairdressers are also extremely pleased with it. There are all the "bells and whistles" of professional models:

  • ionization;
  • cold air supply;
  • independent speed and temperature control mode;
  • fast cooling function.

Bosch PHD 9760/9769

A very interesting model from the Bosch company closes our list. Customer reviews tell us that this hair dryer is one of the highest quality and most thoughtful options. It has almost everything:

  • 6 different speeds;
  • built-in ionizer;
  • cold air supply system;
  • diffuser + concentrator;
  • long electric cord (3 m);
  • 3 temperature modes;
  • 2 speed options with independent adjustment;
  • removable filter.

In addition, the hair dryer is quite heavy, which means that the motor is made to last and will not fail after a month of operation. True, you need to adapt a little to the weight, but these are already trifles. Well, the most pleasant moment: all this splendor costs about 50 "American presidents", which is very democratic for such a configuration.

Compact models for home use

Already from the name it is clear that "home" models have much less power, and therefore dry hair much longer. But on the other hand, such models are much cheaper than professional ones. If you travel often, pay attention to compact models. They most often do not have additional diffusers, but they can fold. Such a hair dryer can be carried even in a medium-sized handbag. Our small rating of the best hair dryers at home also includes 5 models.

Bosch PHD 5781

Very powerful (2 kW), but at the same time compact model. It has built-in overheating protection and independent adjustment of flow rate and temperature. The hair dryer is quite light and has a weight of only 450 grams.


  • cute design;
  • the presence of an ionizer;
  • 3 operating modes, including gentle;
  • removable grille and filter;
  • There is a nozzle "concentrator".

There are also some flaws:

  • in the "Turbo" mode, you have to hold the button forcibly;
  • the electric cable is not very long, 1.8 m;
  • the price is about $ 45, which is a little expensive for a "home" model.


This hair dryer is a great choice for those who do not want to spend a lot of money. "Vitek" is more than affordable, about $ 15, but at the same time it has all the charms of professional models:

  • power 2 kW;
  • built-in ionizer;
  • six adjustment modes;
  • comfortable folding handle;
  • diffuser + concentrator.

Among the unpleasant moments, one can note the fact that recently models of this brand with some kind of marriage have periodically begun to appear. But if this happens, the device will be replaced under warranty.

Gamma Piu Style-08

But this hair styling device, unfortunately, cannot boast of a price. It is not so small for him - from $ 60. But this model has a lot of advantages:

  • electronic temperature control unit;
  • tourmaline lattice-ionizer;
  • 6 operating modes;
  • metal filter that can be cleaned;
  • comfortable ergonomics, the device fits perfectly in the hand;
  • The buttons are located in the middle of the panel, which allows you to operate both with the right hand and with the left.

But there are no shortcomings in this model, in general. Apart from the price, of course.

Philips BHD002

One of the best compact models in terms of "price-quality" ratio. Three temperature settings and a power of 1.6 kW, a cold drying system, a folding handle, a concentrator nozzle. And all this for just over $20. As you understand, there are no particular shortcomings in this model.

Polaris PHD 2038Ti

And here is another budget one of pretty good quality.


  • powerful (2 kW);
  • light (slightly less than 0.5 kg);
  • has a built-in ionizer;
  • the mode of "cold" drying;
  • comfortable handle;
  • There is a "Quick Dry" mode.

However, this model also has one rather significant drawback. If you use the hot setting frequently, the concentrator may melt.

hair dryer

And now let's talk about hair dryers with round brush heads, and choose the best hair dryer of 2018 among them. Among the models presented can be hair dryers with both a rotating brush and a permanently fixed brush.

BaByliss 2736E

This model is one of the recognized leaders in this matter. Despite the rather high cost (from $ 85), this hair dryer is the leader in customer reviews. The kit includes a storage case and 4 nozzles with different functions. Also, there is ionization of the hair and the function of "cold" drying, a removable filter. Some nozzles have a ceramic coating and an auto-rotation system.

The hair dryer is quite reliable and has a wonderful styling quality.

Philips HP 8664

This hair dryer brush is a bit more affordable (about $65) and also has many benefits:

  • ionization system;
  • 2 brushes of different diameters;
  • 2 directions of rotation;
  • installation of optimal t C drying;
  • "Quick Curl" mode.

Unfortunately, this unit also has disadvantages. When styling hair that is too long, the hair dryer brush sometimes “chews” the hair and tangles it.

Braun AS 330

With this hair dryer-brushing from the Brown company, you can easily get crayons and large curls, give your hair a beautiful volume. And the device is not so expensive, from 40 US dollars.


  • quality assembly;
  • “speed + heating” with 2 modes in each;
  • 3 different nozzles, including volume;
  • there is a strand release function.

The disadvantages of this model include the lack of an ionizing system and a cold air supply mode.

Scarlett SC-276

And this, in all likelihood, is one of the most budget models of this direction. The Scarlett hair dryer has as many as 5 nozzles for various purposes, is equipped with an ionization system and costs no more than 17-18 conventional units. Very light, fits easily into the hand. Scarlett SC-276 is equipped with overheating protection. When it gets too hot, it just turns off.

The disadvantages of the model include the fact that there is no cold air supply system, and the hair dryer itself is not very durable. However, for such money it is possible to survive.

Rowenta CF 9320

The cost of this brushing hair dryer is almost double that, about $40. However, all the necessary functions are present here:

  • 2 interchangeable nozzles for 50 and 30 mm;
  • ionization system and "cold" drying;
  • automatic rotation system;
  • ergonomic, the device is comfortable to hold in hand;
  • excellent build quality.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • the hair dryer brush is heavy and you need to adapt to it;
  • "cold" mode in practice is not so cold.

In general, this model is quite well balanced in terms of "price-quality" and rightfully takes its place in our rating.

As you can see, our rating does not award any places, it would not be quite correct. But we really hope that after studying this article, you can easily answer yourself the question of which hair dryer is better. The 2017-2018 rating compiled by us does not at all claim to be the “ultimate truth”. You can independently add any models of your choice to the comparison.

A household hair dryer is in the arsenal of almost every woman, because without it it is difficult to make a beautiful hairstyle, and just quickly put your hair in order. It is rather difficult to choose a suitable hair dryer from the entire range offered in stores, in this article we will tell you about what types of hair dryers are on the market today, and what criteria to look for when choosing a hair dryer and which manufacturer to give preference to.

Types of hair dryers

Modern household hair dryers are sold, as a rule, with a number of nozzles that significantly increase the functionality of the device. Based on the set of accessories included in the kit, there are three main types of hair dryers:

  • Hairdryer concentrator.
  • Hairdryer diffuser.
  • Hair dryer.

Hairdryer concentrator

The most popular and widespread model presented in stores. The purpose of such a hair dryer is to quickly dry and style hair. The nozzle of the hair dryer is hollow, has a cylindrical shape with a flattened end (nozzle). A jet of air is supplied through this nozzle in the desired direction.

Benefits of a hair dryer concentrator:

  • a large selection of models and modifications (presented in all price categories, produced by all manufacturers);
  • the ability to create a wide variety of hairstyles (smooth styling, curls) due to the use of a narrowly directed air stream;
  • universality (suitable for all types of hair, can be used on hair of any length).

Opting for this modification of a household hair dryer should be all those who use a hair dryer mainly for normal hair drying and for creating hairstyles from time to time.


  • adverse effect on the hair.

This disadvantage is manifested only in the case of incorrect selection of the nozzle-concentrator or inaccurate use of it.

When choosing a hairdryer concentrator, you should pay attention to models whose nozzle (air hole) size is in the range of 70-90 millimeters. Hair dryers with narrower nozzles will blow out too much air, which will negatively affect the condition of the scalp and hair. Hair dryers with too wide an air hole, on the contrary, will supply too diffuse a jet of air, which will not give you the opportunity to properly dry individual strands and create hairstyles.

Hairdryer diffuser

This modification has the opposite purpose compared to the previous version. The hair dryer diffuser is also designed for quick drying of hair, however, drying occurs not due to a narrow jet, but due to wide air flows. The nozzle-diffuser has a round shape and is equipped with special "fingers" with holes through which air is dissipated.

Advantages of a hair dryer diffuser:

  • fast hair drying
  • safety for hair and scalp due to dispersion of hot air stream;
  • giving the hair additional volume due to the action of air jets on the area at the roots;
  • providing massage of the scalp due to the impact of "fingers".

If you have brittle and dry hair, smooth and not frizzy by nature, then you should opt for a diffuser hair dryer. You can choose between fixed fingers and active fingers, depending on how much volume you want to add to your hair. Your hair will be beautiful, lively and not overdried.


  • the need for special skills to use a diffuser hair dryer when creating hairstyles;
  • inability to use for lush hair.

When advertising diffusers, manufacturers demonstrate the ease and simplicity of creating beautiful curls using nozzles with “fingers”. In fact, you will have to try very hard to get wavy strands, and it’s not a fact that the result will satisfy you (for example, you won’t be able to wind coarse hair in this way). Consider this fact before choosing this hair dryer modification.

There are other limitations and nuances in using a diffuser hair dryer. In particular, this is the possibility of using nozzles with active "fingers" exclusively for curly hair. And for the best effect on the hair, you must first apply styling products.

hair dryer

Hair dryer is the most expensive and functional type of household hair dryers. The styler set contains from two to ten attachments that allow you to create a wide variety of hairstyles. With the help of a hair dryer-styler, you can not only dry, but also curl or straighten your hair at the same time, give it volume.

Advantages of a hair dryer:

  • functionality due to a large number of nozzles;
  • save time by drying and styling at the same time;
  • ease of use at home;
  • Suitable for thin, dry and very damaged hair.

Many models of hair dryers have an ionic conditioning function, which provides additional protection to the hair.


  • high price;
  • low power;
  • the inability to use a hair dryer for normal hair drying.

This model of hair dryer is suitable for you if you style your hair every day, and you basically don’t need the usual quick drying function. If you do styling infrequently, using such a hair dryer in other cases will be extremely difficult.

The main criteria for choosing a hair dryer

How much power should a home hair dryer have?

Its performance depends on the power of the hair dryer. It is indicated on the body of the device in watts. The higher the power of the hair dryer, the more powerful air flow it creates. All hair dryers can be divided into three categories:

  • low power devices (up to 1500 watts). Ideal for gentle hair styling. Such power, as a rule, have stylers hair dryers;
  • medium power devices (from 1500 to 2000 watts). The best choice for home use. Having opted for such a device (with a diffuser nozzle or a concentrator nozzle), you do not risk damaging your hair when operating in a powerful mode;
  • high power devices (over 2000 watts). High power is typical for professional hair dryers. If you are offered a hair dryer with a power of more than 2000 watts for home use, you can safely refuse it - you do not need such a powerful hair dryer.

How many speeds do you really need?

Most modern hair dryers have several speeds, thanks to the switching of which users can adjust the power of the air flow. The optimal number of speeds is three:

  • low;
  • average;
  • high.

These speeds are enough to operate the hair dryer at home, so it makes no sense to overpay for a multi-speed device.

The optimal weight of a household hair dryer

Few buyers pay enough attention to this criterion when purchasing a hair dryer, and it is very important, since the convenience of its operation will depend on the weight of the hair dryer. The lighter the hair dryer, the longer you will be able to freely hold it in your hands and give your hair the desired shape. At the same time, a quality hair dryer cannot be too light. That is why in this case it is important to choose the "golden mean".

What should be the length of the cord?

Some manufacturers save on the cord, which makes using a hair dryer extremely inconvenient. At the same time, too long a cord causes no less discomfort. The optimal cord length for a hair dryer used at home is 2.5-3 meters.

What should the body of the hair dryer be made of?

For the manufacture of hair dryers, manufacturers use polymeric materials. But the quality of plastic in different hair dryers may vary. You can stop your choice only on models made of durable plastic, which is quite hard and thick, does not bend and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Is the heating element material metal or ceramic?

In cheap hair dryers, the heater is made of metal, it gives uneven and intense heat. The result of such exposure is the evaporation of moisture from the hair structure, the hair becomes overdried, thinned, brittle, brittle. In more expensive models of hair dryers, a ceramic heater is installed, which heats up evenly. The heat from the ceramic element is safe, it does not burn the hair from the inside.

Normal motor noise level

The hair dryer cannot work absolutely silently due to its design features. But it shouldn't be too noisy either. The buzz of the hair dryer should be uniform, without crackling and other extraneous sounds, an intermittent sound during operation indicates a low quality of the device.

Useful features of hair dryers

Possibility to choose the temperature mode

A functional hair dryer must have several temperature modes of use. The presence of two or three modes will allow you to choose the right air jet temperature for each family member, as well as freely create a wide variety of hairstyles.

For home use, a hair dryer with three temperature settings is enough:

  • cool air;
  • warm air;
  • hot air.

The more temperature conditions (within reasonable limits), the more likely it is to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.

Cold air blow

Many hair dryers have a cold air function. It is activated by a special button or by simply turning off the heating. Having processed the finished hairstyle with a stream of cold air, you can significantly extend its existence in an unchanged form.


Models with an ionization function have a built-in generator of negatively charged particles. Due to the action of air with ions on the hair, they become shiny and smooth, and the process of hair styling is greatly simplified, the level of static electricity is reduced.

Humidity control sensor

The sensor built into the hair dryer allows you to determine the level of humidity in the hair and adjust the temperature of the air flow. As the strands dry, the device automatically reduces the airflow rate, as evidenced by the change in color of the indicator.

Automatic shutdown system

It will be useful for those whose hair drying takes a long time. As soon as the hair dryer is lowered onto the table, the device automatically turns off the power, and turns on again when you pick it up from the surface.

The best hair dryer manufacturers

Hair dryers are produced by almost every major manufacturer of household appliances. But if quality is in the first place for you, opt for a model from a manufacturer that is narrowly engaged in the production of hair care devices.

Among the brands that produce high-quality, functional and reliable hair dryers:

  • Remington (England);
  • Moser (Germany);
  • Rowenta (France);
  • Valera (Switzerland);
  • Coif in (Italy);
  • Babyliss (France).

Hair dryers from Bosch, Braun, Philips are also noteworthy.

Remember that high-quality equipment cannot have a low cost, so give preference to devices from the middle and high price categories. Decide for yourself which features are important to you, and which you do not need at all - you should not overpay for them.

A modern hair dryer is no longer just a primitive device with a fan and a spiral, but a modernized device with great hair care capabilities. If the first hair dryers simply had a devastating effect on the health of hair, then today's hair dryers are equipped with special technologies and a number of additional useful features for maximum protection.

For example, the cold air function protects the hair from overheating and fixes the styling. And such a function as air ionization is designed to remove static electricity from the surface of the hair and make them smooth, more manageable and silky. In addition, thanks to ionization, moisture is retained in the hair. It is not uncommon today to find hair dryers with a steam function. The steam supply keeps the hair moist while the hairstyle is being shaped. Steam also reduces the level of harmful effects on the hair structure.

Hair dryers differ from each other, both in technical indicators and in their purpose. Depending on the scope of application, the devices can be divided into three groups: professional hair dryers, household and compact.

Professional hair dryers

Professional models are designed for very heavy loads. They are actively used in hairdressing and beauty salons. These models simply must be as reliable and durable as possible. After all, they have to work 8-10 hours a day. The power of such models ranges from 1400 to 2600 watts. With such power, a rather strong wave of hot air is created. In the inept hands of an amateur, the device is unsafe. There is a risk of harming the scalp and hair health. But if the styling is done by a professional, then there is no reason to worry.

These hair dryers are quite massive (weighing from 400 to 800 g). Compared to other types of hair dryers, professional models are the most noisy in operation. A professional hair dryer usually has two to three air speeds and three to four temperature settings. There is an option for rapid air cooling. Thanks to a special filter, this type of device is protected from the ingress of hair, small particles and household dust inside. The filter can be easily removed and washed with plain water or cleaned with a soft brush.

Almost all professional hair dryers are equipped with a ceramic heating element, which contributes to more uniform heating. It is also typical for them to have the function of air ionization, which is useful for hair.

All models are equipped with a well-insulated, thick and flexible power cord. The length of the wire is three or more meters. This is necessary so as not to restrict the master's freedom of movement during work. The service life of such a device is up to ten years or more. The cost of a professional hair dryer is an order of magnitude higher than conventional household models.

Household hair dryers

What's good for a professional doesn't always work for an amateur. Unlike professional models, a household hair dryer is designed so that you can use it yourself at home. Dry your hair, increase the volume of your hair, make styling to your liking - all this can be done by yourself and without much effort, if you choose the right hair dryer, as they say "for yourself".

Agree that styling on your own head is more difficult than on someone else's. Therefore, household hair dryers have slightly different parameters.

Firstly, they are smaller in size than professional "brothers". Therefore, it is more convenient to manipulate them. Secondly, they weigh less to make it easier for you to hold the device over your head. Thirdly, the power of household models is much lower and this is not a disadvantage. After all, the higher the power of the device, the faster the entire workflow takes place. With a high power hair dryer, you simply may not have time to style your hair before it dries, and instead of a neat hairstyle, you will end up with a complete mess on your head.

Household hair dryers, as a rule, have an ergonomic cylindrical shape and a comfortable handle. All sorts of "little things" in the form of a humidity control sensor (the light changes color when the hair is dried) and the introduction of an automatic switch-off sensor system (the hair dryer turns off when it is lowered onto the table) make working with the device as convenient as possible.

For daily home use, you should not buy a professional appliance with high power. No matter how protective functions a professional device has, it is not designed to be used every day. Therefore, for self-service, it is better to have a household hair dryer with an average power of 1200 - 1400 watts. This is quite enough for drying hair (the optimum temperature is about 60 degrees) and styling (no more than 80 degrees).

Compact hair dryers

It is easy to guess that this is a miniature device. There are models with a folding handle. Thanks to this design, the device fits easily into luggage. It is comfortable to take with you on a trip.

Portable models are usually low-power (do not exceed 1200 watts). Some of them are adapted to work on recharged batteries, which is convenient in circumstances where it is not possible to use electricity. The functionality of these devices is reduced to a minimum and usually they do not have protective functions like hot air ionization. If the hair dryer has a very low power (for example, only 400 - 600 W), then it should not work for a long time (the engine may overheat). They should dry long hair in several stages with short breaks so that the hair dryer can cool down.

Other types of hair dryers

Depending on the ability to make different types of styling, hair dryers are divided into the following varieties:

  • Hairdryers-concentrators. In appearance, the device looks like a flat narrowed funnel (it is also called a nozzle). This specific shape helps to concentrate the air flow and purposefully deliver it to the right place. You can model a single strand, leaving the rest of the hair temporarily wet. This approach makes styling neat, and also allows you to implement original ideas for hairstyles.
  • Hair dryers-diffusers. Models with a voluminous wide nozzle in the form of many small branched plastic or rubber “fingers”, which during the procedure lift the strands at the roots and create a light massage effect. This design contributes to soft, gentle drying of the hair, since here the hot air does not flow in a continuous stream, but is scattered over the entire area of ​​​​the head. Drying occurs mainly at the roots, and the ends of the hair can even remain slightly damp. Thus, the use of a diffuser hair dryer does not lead to brittleness and cross-section of the ends of the hair. Owners of thin hair are recommended to use just such a hair dryer. It is also the best option for drying damaged hair after a perm. However, this type of hair dryer is only suitable for drying hair and giving volume to the hair, but it is not suitable for styling.
  • Stylers (hair dryer-brush). The main advantage of this type of device is that it can be used to model different hairstyles. For example, wind curls, create volume at the roots, make curls at the ends, style your hair “from the face” or vice versa, and do the styling in a new way each time. For some devices, the working part can automatically rotate. This is convenient, but requires some skill. This type of hair dryer is often equipped with several nozzles. Thus, it can combine a hair dryer, brush, curling iron, curling iron, hair straightening plates. Stylers have little power because they are in close contact with the hair, but they are extremely effective nonetheless.
  • Multifunctional devices. Inexpensive highly specialized hair dryers can only do one thing. They have one nozzle. But it is impossible not to mention that there are also multifunctional models that are equipped with several different nozzles.

The more different nozzles, the wider the range of capabilities of the device. If you are constantly in search of new images, you tend to constantly change something in your hairstyle, then you should have a multifunctional device at hand. Only a model equipped with all the attachments listed above will give real scope for creativity. Of course, multi-devices are much more expensive than mono-hair dryers, but this is justified by the fact that you get everything you need for styling at once, and you do not need to buy each type of hair dryer separately.

A very important point - when using any thermal unit, you need to know the measure.

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