All interesting about the figure 3. Figure three - what role does she play in human life? Language learning methods

Hello, my dear readers!

One berry, two, three - just three berries.

And another advice when your baby responds to your questions, his answers must be complete, and not one-room. (Single-hidden - it means one word).

Take a rule, your classes with the baby start with the repetition, what they learned on the past lesson with the baby.

I give an example, as you can become acquainted with the number and number "3".

Prepare the material that you will count with the baby, and let them be only in "2". When you have already made sure that your baby coped well with the score within 2. Leave on the table only one type of items with which you continue to work. Let's see the drawing, because you can count on pictures.

  • Offer to calculate the baby, how many mushrooms in the picture? (Remember the right account of the subjects) here you can beat, saying the baby that we are with you now in the forest and will collect mushrooms.
  • Then count how much mushrooms on another picture?
  • Offer to calculate how much mushrooms found?
  • How did the number of three? (it was 2, and even one added, 3)
  • What is more than two mushrooms or three mushrooms? (Two less than three, and three more than two per one)

In brackets, an example is like your baby must learn how to argue what his answers must be deployed. Such reasoning skills will be very useful when your baby becomes a schoolboy.

Now you can designate the number of "3", how to do you already know, do not forget to fix it or spread, or to flick the digit, and you can simply paint, or shade the number you draw, for example, by inclined lines.

To get acquainted with the digit, you can use different didactic material in mathematics. It may be an artistic word and riddles and rebuses, choose what your view is suitable for your lesson with the baby. Diverse your classes, make them interesting, play more, become a baby partner, and not a strict teacher and everything will turn out.

Yes, make sure that your child is not tired, during the class with children of 3 years, the duration of the occupation is 10-15 minutes, in one more age from 5 years 20-25 minutes. Better divide into several classes, then what you want to teach your baby.

Didactic material in mathematics. Digit "3"

Merry poems

And for a twos - look - the number of three figures - the third of the icons is the content of two hooks.

Cope with a triple

I will tell you, not easy:

Will not leave the triple far!

Troika is "somehow"

Yes "Something like." Troika - in class

Tonished middle peasant.

Troika is always waiting

Tips at the board

And sighs from shame and from longing.

P. Mumin.

Three teeth at the old fork, three - in the notebook at Danilka: he did not reach the lesson, and the triple got.

What sisters! Right miracle!

This wash dishes,

That dishes wipes

Puts everything on the shelves.

Well, the third picks up

On the floor fragments.

A. Barto

Troika is not twice, it is positive,

But it is not good,

and satisfactory.

3 - This is a snake cable camp with his puddler. He dances snake-in the crochet, a cerulus.

You look at the snake -

Why is this figure three!

   Tritriy there is a traffic light, they are clear for the chauffeur: the red light - no drive,

Yellow - Be ready for the way

And the green light is Kati.


Triangular board, and on it - three hairs. Wailing - thin, voice - ringing.


Near the forest on the edge

Three live them in the hut,

There are three chairs and three circles,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without tips,

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three Bears.)

He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three fire. He looks at me in turn.

(Traffic light.)

Different three has eyes,

But it will not open them immediately:

If the eye opens red -

Pave! It is impossible to go, dangerous!

Yellow eye - wait,

And green - pass.

(Traffic light.)

Name the fairy tales, in the names there are numbers 3. ("Three pigs", "Three nuts for Cinderella.")I'm standing on three legs,

Feet in black boots.

White teeth, pedal.

What is my name? ..


Three brothers went to the river to swim. Dawa bathes, the third on the shore


Fought, went out,

The third hought.

(Buckets and rocker.)

One pours, another drinks,

The third greasure yes grows.

(Rain, earth, plants.)

Merry tasks


Hedgehog in the forest went,

For lunch mushrooms found:

Two - under the birch, one - at Osin.

How many of them will be

In a wicker basket?

Proverbs and sayings

  • To learn hardworking, you need three years to learn laziness - only three days.
  • The promised three years are waiting.
  • From the pot three tops.

Tongue Twisters

  • In the pond at the polycarp three casses, three carp.
  • Three ravens of the black, Pepherogolov flew.
  • In the mornings, my brother Kirill Three rabbits grass fed.
  • Three crows on the gate.


Behind the glass door is a bear with cakes. Again, Misha-Friendly,

How much is the pate?

The piddle is worth three.

And you will drive something.

Walked with a pick-up

Thick Uncle Robinson,

And with the pay on the attack

I got myself an umbrella.

Cheap umbrella, threerublev

But this is so healthy.

To hide under it

You could have three!

Ovechkay entered the store bought three rings, three rings - three beans


Help Ovechka

Donate rings.

Three dolphins sailed,

Wound up to the sky back

Running from three sides.

You, shark, get out!

Inseparable three sisters:

Katya, Masha and Alenka.

One two Three -

Play together, look!


We thought and tired,

Everyone we all got quietly stood.

The handles patted, once, two, three.

The legs slipped, once, two, three.

Hands! Wider shoulders!

Once, two, three, breathe smooth!

From charging will become stronger.

We will become stronger and stronger.

Kids, kids -

Friendly guys.

Kids, kids

They went to charge.

One two Three! One two Three!

Lift legs.

One two Three! One two Three!

Cheating fun.


About T in E T: 1) Striges, 2) Trio, 3) Triton, 4) Knitwear, 5) Tram.

Graphic task

Three lines separate vegetables from hares.

Elvira Usmanova
"Number and digit 3". Abstract of classes in mathematics in the senior group

purpose: - Find the knowledge of children about number 3., number 3.teach finding number 3 among many other numbers.

Continue to teach children correlate number with the number of objects.

Fasten the ability to write figure 3..

Improve knowledge of geometric shapes.

Teach to understand the task set and solve it yourself.

To form self-control and self-esteem skills.

Educate classes Mathematics

Travel course.

Guys, sit down more comfortable and listen carefully. Today we go to the fairy tale. And to whom, you will learn when you guess riddle:

Near the forest on the edge

Three live in the hut.

There are three chairs and three circles,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without tips,

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three Bears)

Lived - were on the forest edge of Dad - a bear, as his name? (Mikhailo Potapych)

Mama Majer. How was her name? (Nastasya Petrovna)

How many bears on the edge? Let's count (1,2) .

But they came running to their son. What's his name? (Mishutka)

How much became bears? (3)

So, two yes one more will work 3.

We walked the bears and went home - dining. Nastasya Petrovna began to cover on the table.

At first put a large plate on the table.

How many plates on the table? (1)

Then she put a smaller plate. How much did the plates on the table? (1 yes 1 Get 2 plates)

And then put the smallest plate. How many plates are on the table? (2 yes 1 will turn out 3)

What can be said about the number of bears and plates? (their equal)

And let's guys go to visit Mishutka. But we will not just go, and we will collect nuts.

Guys, how many nuts have we collected? (3)

And in my hand how many nuts (3)

We give these mushrooms to Mishutka.

Mishutka, you sit down, and the guys will tell you what kind of figures. (On the tables in children lie geometric shapes)

2) Work with geometric shapes.

Take so many circles how many red balls do I have? 2.

How many green balls (1)

Take so many triangles how much green balls do I have? 1

How many figures have become? 3.

And how many circles do you have?

Like out numbers 2 got 3? (2 and 1)

To out numbers 2 get numbers 3, you need to add one to two

Consider all options

Raise your left hand.

How many triangles left?

How many circles on the right?

- How many figures? 3.

How did we get? (1 and 2)

Mishutka, we love to collect flowers. Let's help him consider flowers (1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Blue). How many flowerfish? 3.

Put 3 different geometrical figures, so that it becomes 3. In this case, no figure should be repeated twice.

As we received number 3.?

What it will be numbers? (1,1,1)

Let's try to write figure 3 of chopsticks.


Three Bears.

Three bears walked home.

Dad was big big,

Mom with a smaller growth with him

And the son is simple.

Very little he was

With rattles walked

Dzin-Dzhin, Dzin-Dzin.

3. Writing numbers 3.

To record number 3., you need a sign - figure 3.

But look at it,

Speaker figure 3..

Troika - the third of the icons -

Consists of two hooks.

Sample writing display.

Letters in the air: And now let's try to portray figure 3 fingers

We shouted the arcs.

It is necessary try

Clear hand cleaned

Number"3" portray

4. Work in notebooks.

Coloring figure 3.. Connect numbers and points with a gentle number of objects.

5. Game - "Not mistaken"

Now we will play with you. The game is called "Not mistaken".

Before you bag. Here are hidden numbers. You need to find digit and touchwithout getting out of the bag what numeral, then pull out. Check whether you said correctly, and secure on the board.

6. Practical task.

Proverbs. Explain their meaning.

The promised three years are waiting. (They say jokingly when they do not believe in the emergency execution of this promise).

7. Outcome classes.

What did you learn? What today the number was received? How can I get it?

But this - look,
Performs a number three.
Troika - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

On the cardboard - three pictures:
At one picture - a cat,
On another picture - Krinka,
And on the third in the picture
Black Cat from Yellow Kink
Milk lacquer-drinks.

Running through the snow bunny
Behind him - dog husky,
The hostess runs after her
And all three run!
Now she will catch up
You, unfortunate bunny, -
And pick up the hostess
Your tail on the snow!
Look at the figure 3 -
Exactly swallow, see.

Old Town has three sons:
Senior smart was a kids
Middle Son and Syak,
The younger was an eccentric.
Brothers sowed wheat
Yes, they drove into the city capital:
Know the capital that was
Near the village.
The third digit is three.
Look carefully:
This is your bike
On the ground left the trail.
Well, how many are the bands here?
Well, how many wheels here?

Melnik with a sole son
On the forest once walked.
Suddenly they see - three doves
They felt and disappeared away.
Third call
Passengers, cats and dolls,
In the car!
Goodbye, write!
Mash with scarves, Machine!
Machinist, whistle!
Steam locomotive, puff!
And in the third carriage - from, bustle:
Vataga guys takes places.
They repeat during movement
Quantity, fission, bowl, lining.

Translation: S.Ya. Marshak
3 is a snake caster
It came out with his soften.
Before him dancing snake -
Tail with crochet, cervical arc.
You look at the snake -
Why is this figure three!

"Three glasses for an old man"
It is Larisa at the board,
Girl in a magnificent skirt,
And translates to glasses
Good deeds.
All in numbers blackboard.
- for the help of mom - two points,
For helping brother-kid
Point Nikitin I write,
And Gorchakov three points -
He drove the old man.
- For this little three points! -
Screaming Andryusha Gorchakov
And jumps out from the shop.
Three glasses for the old man?!
I need gain!
I spent almost half a day with him,
He could love me.


"Two and three"

Selery came to the first class.
Do not joke with her semen!
Consider knows us
Almost up to ten!
Not sin such a sage
Touch a smoky nose.
Severe seizhes in the first class,
With seryle, do not joke!
Consider knows us
Almost up to ten!
Not sin such a sage
Touch a smoky nose:
Here is somehow at the table
He asks a question ...
Two pies here, dad, yes?
And you want to bet,
I can always prove
What are them not two, but three!
They consider together.
Here is one, but two. Look!
One yes two ...
Finished son ...
Just three!
Well done!
Said Father.
And in fact three!
And because I will take two
And the third you take!

In numerology, the number 3 is associated with something divine, absolutely perfect. Everyone knows that three is a sign of the trinity, one of the most mysterious, beautiful and happy numbers.

In the article:

The value of three numbers in numerology and not only

Not even knowing numerology, it can be understood that the figure three is actually unique. It is found literally everywhere, has a lot of reflections in the life of a person, in the religious sphere, in magic.

In the Christian religion, there are three sacred, because it personifies the Holy Father, Son and Spirit. Their holistic energy symbolizes unlimited love and light. What other interesting facts associated with the top three?

  • 3 Sky Paradise.
  • Survised Jesus Christ on the third day.
  • Three crosses located on Calvary.
  • Apostle Peter twisted Jesus three times.
  • Meeting a friend, take it to kiss three times.
  • Orthodox after Slavs clutch three times.
  • According to tradition, in a full-fledged family there must be a minimum of three people: mother, father and kid.

The figure is very many-sided, symbolizes the unity of this world. For many centuries, people believed that this number can be considered a symbol of a three-way pagan deity, which appears in the guise of a young maiden, adult ladies and a staring old woman.

Three also symbolizes equilibrium, maximum strength, indicating the most resistant geometric shape - a triangle. Such a digit is directly related to the most important processes occurring in the Universe: Birth, life, death. Therefore, many witchcraft plots are completed with such a line:

This will accomplish this force of three.

Troika in literature

Since childhood, we heard about the three-headed dragon, 3-ways encountered by the main character on the road, three-chain beings.

And if you appeal to the ancient epics, then in the history of Ilya Muromster there are three wisers. In the legends, 3 sisters are usually in families, as many brothers, and the hero of the fairy tale must, performing any task, should be chosen on one of three ways.

The Russian folklore confirms the magic meaning of the three numbers of our people.

Birth value under the number 3 in numerology

People who born the third number of any month are really special. This is sunny, happy lady children who are in constant development. Such people are endowed with an extraordinary energy potential, can do what they are not subject to others.

May 3: Danil Kozlovsky Tom Cruise July 3 Eddie Murphy April 3

According to numerology, a man born under this number is very dreaming, but is able to accomplish the majority of their desires. Such people are impractical, but very love to create beauty. The third numbers were born Pushkin, Vernadsky. Such people prefer to work in a team, along with others, loneliness may not be in hand. Rutin is what destroys such people from the inside.

Troika is trying to draw attention to their maximum, conclude everyone in hugs, to teach it easy to experience vitality. These individuals ideally show themselves as writers, artists, in the sports field. They are beautiful speakers who can become wonderful psychologists.

Plant numbers 3 - Dandelion, Successful days: Saturday and Wednesday, Happy Stone - Amethyst, Color: Purple and purple.

Positive traits

The most positive 3 is their desire to live, friendliness, cheerfulness.

They are sociable, eloquent, artistic and kind. They are characteristic of a good sense of humor, they love to support other people.

Negative features

The negative quality of the troika includes excessive chatty and vanity. Such people become gossip. If they understand that they cannot get around the enemy in any other way, they begin to build a goat in every way, they are trying to pump themselves, "they are not playing the rules."

Often, such people are very finely, experiencing a constant alarm. Unfortunately, to those who are born under the troika belongs to the proverb "Solominka will see in someone else's eye, he does not notice in his log." These people are very intolerant for disadvantages and misses others can be very impatient, boastful and jealous.

Magic number 3 in human relations

For those who, it is very important to know that they are loved and in demand from the opposite sex. Without emotional harmony, such people will not be able to live a normal and harmonious and happy life. Like no one else, they are able to love, be loyal to their partner or often sacrifice personal interests, desires in the name of the future pair.

There are always a lot of events in the fate of such a person. These personalities always want them to admire them, dream of being meaningful (both in the eyes of just friends and a loved one).

Children born at number 3, do not need to talk about disadvantages, loaning their attention on this. It follows, on the contrary, to be more favorable to them, encourage them for successes, good behaviors and make efforts to develop their talents. Such children are very susceptible to everything that others say and easily give up to re-education. However, the offensive criticism is remembered for many years.