I am the happiest mom! "I am the happiest mother in the world!": A touching story of one adoption Being a mother of girls

Oh, I thought and wondered about what kind of childbirth to tell, and did not decide ... And I decided to write how three moss babies were born.

I got pregnant at 20, my pants were full of happiness! And still, from the age of 14 I already dreamed of children, all the time I thought that I would have a big family. As my classmates, I did not think about my future profession, I was more worried about the question of when I would get married and have children. And now, having got married and learned about my most interesting situation, I was very proud and incredibly happy! I walked very hard, for 3 months I did not get out of bed from toxicosis, and then from powerlessness, because I did not eat anything, and if I managed to swallow something, it did not stay there for more than 5 minutes. All day I lay at home alone. Once I fell asleep, and I dream about my late father, he stands in a white suit and pulls his hands, but I don't fit - I'm afraid. Then he says quietly: "Go!" Where to "go"? Why "go"? I never asked, but I woke up in a cold sweat. I was seized with such fear, horror nightmare, I jumped off the bed and tear into the street, well, where the strength just came from, I don't know. I jumped out, closed my eyes - it was summer, it was warm, beauty ... I raise my head - the sky is so beautiful, soft blue, the sun is bright. I feel that I feel bad, I got to the shop, I sit, enjoy myself, here and the yellow apples are so sweet at hand, in general, I came off on apples in three months. Then I could not get up, and stayed there until the evening, until my husband came.

We lived at that time in Kazakhstan, but I got registered in Russia, from us to the city an hour away by train. Everyone predicted a boy for me, they say, your stomach is sharp, and you eat meat, but I really only ate bananas, instant noodles and meat, I could not look at everything else. I didn't care who was born, as long as he was healthy! They could not see it on the ultrasound. I seemed to agree with everyone, but in my heart I felt the opposite. Doctors predicted "caesarean" for me, tk. the pelvis was very narrow, for some reason I was afraid of the operation. Every day I instilled in myself that I would give birth myself. Since I got pregnant, it means that I need to endure everything that is given to a woman from above.

The seventh month I passed with a "two fingers" opening, and at the end of the seventh month contractions began. Apparently, my body could not stand such torture. At 12 at night I wake up my husband, I say: "Let's not sleep together." He looked at me, of course, with not very understanding eyes, but stood up. My beloved cat Vanka also woke up. If I went to bed, sat on top of my stomach, I knew that I was in great pain. I couldn't wait for 6 hours, because We did not find the car to go, and had to wait for the train. Closer to 6, we hobbled to my mother, did not have time to come to the gate, and she opens the door, says: "I woke up at night and could not sleep, I immediately thought about you." Here it is, maternal instinct, even through a dream works.

She went with me, and in the train she crushes me so much, everyone sees and understands, but that doesn't make it any easier for me! Contractions are becoming more regular. Strangely, at the moment of the peak, if a man passed, I was ready to tear him to pieces. When she let go, she whispered to my mother: "What the hell are they walking around here!" The taxi took us to the hospital in about five minutes, and I told my mother: "I won't go until we have eaten." Such an appetite broke out, she was ready to eat the elephant, my mother took me to the cafeteria at the hospital, I stuffed pies in my mouth, and said: "It's time!"

They took me to the prenatal room, there was a girl under a dropper, I periodically read such horror on her face that I forgot about my pain. I suffered for another hour, during this time I managed to peel off the washbasin from the tiles, I myself do not understand how it happened, and rearrange the beds. And so I heard the first "affectionate" words of the midwife ... But I did not pay attention to her, and did not see anyone at all ... I was afraid to touch, slightly supported my daughter, a little baby ... She was lying on my stomach and so tenderly sucked mother's milk ... It is such a feeling of euphoria, it is impossible to convey in words! I think all moms will agree with me! I named my daughter Elvira. Now my joy is already great, and sometimes I feel scared that a little more time will pass, and she will become independent, leave to build her life, become a mother herself ... So sad and at the same time joyful, but nothing can be done, this is life!

When my daughter was 3 years old, I learned that I would become a mother again. It is a very great joy, this happiness, when you are expecting a desired child ... But this happiness can be taken away by soulless, callous people who, probably, are not given to know real motherhood!

Alexey and Denis congratulated mom on her anniversary!

On December 29, Lyudmila Mishina celebrated her 60th birthday - the mother of the first Olympic champion in the history of Mordovia! Her family celebrated her birthday in a new house in Ruzayevka, which the legendary Greco-Roman wrestler built for his parent. The conqueror of Athens himself and his brother, master of sports of international class Denis Mishin, were also present at the celebration.

“My birthday is a very pleasant event for me,” says the hero of the occasion. - Firstly, children came to me. On such a significant day, Lesha and Denis are always by my side. Relatives, girlfriends, work colleagues also came to congratulate - there were many guests. Celebrated in a new home. It turned out, and the housewarming was celebrated, and the birthday was celebrated. There used to be a small old house on this place, which I got from my grandmother. There was no sewerage system, water was carried from the pump ... ”.

The future Olympic champion was born and raised in that house. Having become a professional athlete, Alexey really wanted to improve his mother's living conditions and did it. With the prize money for winning the 2001 European Championship, I bought her a two-room apartment. “And we made a dacha out of an old house,” says Lyudmila Nikolaevna. - But homeless people began to huddle there, started a fire. Lesha decided to restore the half-burnt house. But in the end, he built a two-story house with large comfortable rooms. He and Denis brought new furniture there. On the eve of the round date, Lesha was running around, finishing everything. I even managed to install cable TV. So from the apartment I again moved to separate mansions with all the amenities. I am proud of my sons, they do everything to make me feel good and live a long and happy life. I am the happiest mother in the world. "

The past 2017 was special for the Mishins, in October Alexei's wife, the famous fencer Sophia Velikaya, gave birth to a daughter. “I am now twice a grandmother,” says Lyudmila. - Lesha and Sonya have a son, Olezhka, and now they gave me a granddaughter. A very beautiful girl, cheerful, smiling all the time. And a calm enough child. Lesha now lives in two cities - runs between Moscow and Saransk. "

Lyudmila Mishina has a complete understanding with the eminent wife of her son. “Sonya and I sometimes call each other, we communicate on Skype,” says the champion's mother. - When my granddaughter was born, I went to discharge from the hospital. She used to babysit her grandson Olezhka. Sophia returned to sports early, so we, grandmothers, me and Sonya's mother took care of the child. We try to support children in every possible way. Lesha has a full set of sports awards, and I have a full set of grandchildren. And Denis is still in search of his soul mate. I hope it will be determined soon. My children are very attentive, they try in every possible way to please their mother, share all the news with me. Lesha continues his career, is going to perform at the Ivan Poddubny tournament. I thought he would finish with sports, but he still does not stop. Young people step on their heels and health is no longer what it was in youth, but he continues to fight. I don’t know how long it will last. But I always support my son. I have experienced a lot with him - both losses and victories ... ".

It is generally accepted that a happy and strong family is necessarily a mom, dad and one or more children. But, unfortunately, this formula is not always correct. And confirmation of this is the large number of childless couples who cannot have their own child.

Some women, after long and fruitless attempts to conceive a baby, calm down and even find positive aspects in the absence of children. But others believe that if you cannot give birth yourself, then there is nothing wrong with adopting a child.

This is exactly what Victoria, 44, did.

The verdict is sterility

I grew up in a large and friendly family. We have four parents, I am the oldest. Therefore, I could not even imagine how a family can live without children.

In the last year of the institute, she married a very good man who did not look for a soul in me. Only one thing was upsetting - it was not possible to have a child in any way. Already all my sisters, even the youngest, jumped out to get married and gave birth. And we are still just the two of us.

To which doctors I did not turn, to which healers did not go. Almost all the money we earned went to hospitals and medicines. But there was no result.

When it finally became clear that I could not get pregnant myself, we were advised to use in vitro fertilization, in other words, IVF. This was, perhaps, the last straw and we grabbed it with our "hands and feet"

And so it began: preparation, injections, egg collection, fertilization, embryo implantation. And the expectation: it will take root, it will not take root. The first time, the rejection happened at the very beginning. The second time I was pregnant for four whole months.

After the second miscarriage, I had a nervous breakdown. I sat all day, staring at one point, stopped caring for myself, became very stout. The doctors suggested that we try again. But then my husband could not stand it. And after six years of marriage, I was left all alone.

Child "from other people"

I don’t know how I would have survived this nightmare if not for my mother. She moved in with me and did her best to return me to a normal life. And when she succeeded a little, she said:

"If God did not give you a child through the womb, then he wants you to take it from other people."

And I seriously thought about adopting a baby. First of all, I got into the Internet. And there are full of horror stories that in orphanages there are only children of alcoholics, drug addicts and sick people. And stories about how the child was taken and then returned back. I hesitated for a long time, and then decided:

“It cannot be that I can’t cope with any“ legacy ”.

And she began to collect documents for adoption. It took me half a year to go around the authorities and collect information. I had to buy a separate portfolio for the papers, because they no longer fit in the folder.

And now it's all over. And I, with my mother, sister and friend, stand in the lobby of the baby's house and wait for a meeting with the head. And next to us are ten bags with gifts and gifts for children.

And in the office, the manager, after a detailed conversation, suddenly suddenly says:

“And you know, we have one little girl - a copy of you. Do you want me to introduce you? "

And the teacher gives birth to a small miracle: legs, hands - sticks, on a thin face - only little eyes. And a shock of red curls. Well, just like my childhood.

“This is our Sonechka. She is 2.5 years old. " - says the manager. "And this ..."

But the baby does not listen, but rushes to me:

“Have you come to be my mom? Will you give me a cookie? "

And everyone who was in the office could not resist crying.

I am the happiest mom

This year my Sonechka finished the fourth grade. And on the report card she has only 4 and 5. And also my girl studies in a dance studio and takes vocal lessons from a professor at the conservatory. Because she seriously dreams of becoming an artist.

Sonya and I often look at old family photos. And every time I am surprised how she looks like me at the same age. The same red curls, the same freckles, the same eyes.

And I also never tire of thanking God and my destiny for giving me the joy of motherhood. Because I am the happiest mom in the world!

The whole world around suddenly changed on the day when I realized that the man was born not from someone! And I have! I am very happy!

I am happy because I sing a lullaby, because my little hands confuse my hair, because the meaning of life falls asleep on my hands, because I kiss my chubby cheek every evening ... Happy ... because - mom!

If you have ever seen the eyes of a happy pregnant woman, then you will agree with me that no diamonds can compare with the beautiful sparkle of these eyes.

Happinnes exists! I know him! I know the color of his eyes, his laugh ... And it calls me Mom!

Soon there will be happiness, which we have been waiting for ... Small such ... with tiny arms, legs ... And with your eyes ...

Happiness is when you wake up and realize that you are not alone, that you have the very person for whom you are ready for anything, because you are his mother!

Happiness is when you come home, and your child runs to you, hugs, and kisses, and holds you tightly, so that it doesn't go anywhere.

Someday we will miss the crumbs on the couch, painted wallpaper and loud at 7 am: "Mommy, wake up!" The happiest time is now, while our children are with us, at arm's length, at the distance of a quiet "Where are you, baby?"

Words that can heal any spiritual wounds, restore faith in the best - “Mommy! I love you very, very much! ”When your tiny treasure utters them and hugs you tightly ... there is just a lump in your throat ... Lord, thank you for giving me this happiness.

I really wanted you. I loved you even before you were born. I'm ready to die for you. I like being a mom.

The happiest girl is the one with two names - Mom and Beloved.

My daughter and my son are everything to me: they are my life, my heart, my soul and the most important reason why I breathe! I cannot imagine life without them. I love my kids!

The greatest happiness is when tiny palms touch your cheeks, button eyes look at you with love, and the word “Mom!” Sounds from small lips.

Happiness is when you wake up, and it is not you who wake up your beloved half with a kiss, but your children, who fly into your room shouting: "Stop sleeping!", Begin to kiss and hug their beloved dad and mom.

There is someone who holds my heart in their hands, whose smile brightens my whole day, whose laughter shines for me brighter than the sun, whose happiness makes me happy. This is my daughter.

I became a mother - statuses about motherhood - You are Mom! Is it a lot or a little? You are Mom! Is it happiness or a cross? And it's impossible to start all over again, you pray for what is. You are the whole world, you are a rebirth of life, and you would like to embrace the whole world. You are Mom, Mom! Nobody can take this pleasure away from you !!!

All the joy of life fits into the smile of a child!

Motherhood is a job that you pay for is happiness.

Being a mother is not just a job, being a mother is not just a dream ... God entrusted me to become the most dear to someone for a reason ...

I move without noise, I see in the dark, I hear from afar, I can stay awake for days ... Am I a ninja? No, I'm MOM !!!

Happiness for mom is the smile of a baby that she wore under her heart for months. The first word and the first step when the son falls asleep in his arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years, happiness for a woman, just being a mother !!!

Being a mom is the most enjoyable job! The salary is paid with kisses.

I became a mother! - for a long time I imagined how I would say this phrase. Only three words, but how much sense. Now you just need to raise a person - and I will be happy.

It's good to be a mom, you always know exactly what you want ... SLEEP!

The biggest reward from fate is MOTHERHOOD!

Night is mom's private time! Do whatever you want! You can finish your morning tea, go to the toilet and comb your hair!

I AM A MOTHER! And this is the most important status in my life!

If you, freezing at night, instead of pulling a blanket over yourself, go and check if your miracle is frozen - you are a mom!

How magical and wonderful it is just to be MOM! These legs, these hands ... how can you not love them!

I have an Angel and his name is Sonny. Sonny has a guard and his guard - Mom!

Why does the horse get tired, but mom doesn't? Because mom is not a horse!

Children are joy, children are happiness, children are a fresh breeze in life. They cannot be earned, this is not a reward, God gives them to us by grace.

I pour coffee, take out a chocolate bar, grab my favorite book and lock myself in the kitchen for half an hour. - Mom, what are you doing there? - Children, do not bother me, I am making a kind mother for you ...

Motherhood is like a mortgage: if you fit in, then for life.

Earlier, when I heard the hysterical crying of a child from the neighbors, I thought they were cutting him there, but now I realized that it was just something: "the toy fell," "I want to eat," "they put on a hat," "kicked out of the toilet without being allowed to clean it. wall brush ", or" don't give my mother's phone. "

When a child appears in the house, silence, peace, order, money leaves him ... And HAPPINESS comes!

The most beautiful and sincere is in the smile of a newborn child.

Mom looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can you get used to it, to such happiness? This is now a surprise for the rest of my life: I am the mother of my daughter.

Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot darken those moments of happiness when you look at this little creature and realize that this is your child!

How wonderful it is to be a mother and to look into the eyes of children, to hold your miracle on the handles and to hear the sonorous laughter of children!

I will kiss the warm belly and cheeks of the donut again! Here is my favorite toddler! Happy mother is with you!

How unimportant everything around becomes - money, career, envy, clothes, cars ... when a little treasure is quietly sniffing next to you!

Nine months of "marathon" is nothing compared to your prize.

What's the sweetest sweetness in the world? Sugar - I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, marshmallow and sherbet. Only now I understood the answer. Native baby - the smell of the top of the head that remains on our pillow, tender fingers and marigolds, ass, knees and elbows.