Funny rebuses for children. Rebuses

Rebus - a logic game in which you need to solve the answer in the picture. The latter depicts objects, animals and plants, letters and numbers. It matters their mutual location. Even for fidgets, rebuses can become an exciting occupation, if you submit it in a game form. For example, you can invite to teach a child how to solve spy encryptions.

And from the most simple puzzles pictures for preschool age to get to relatively complex. We assure: if your child is passionate and learn to include logical thinking, over time you will learn from him how to solve puzzles in pictures.

Rebuses are invented on a huge set of topics. The main thing is that every word, letter and subject that serve as an answer to the picture were already familiar to the baby.

How to solve rebuses for children with letters in pictures?

If you are interested in rebuts, then, most likely, you know the advantages of these logical tasks. They develop memory, intelligence, the speed of thinking, the ability to navigate the situation and apply the knowledge gained.

To teach a child for 6-7 years, how to solve the tasks, to start, it began to explain to him the rules. No need to insist that he remember everything at once. Most likely, you yourself do not know everything yourself. Better for the day to explain one or two and reinforce thematic tasks. The latter can be printed (more convenient to occupation on the street) or show from the monitor. In the following classes, it is also better not to offer too much material. It is important to explain the chad that at first he needs to be correctly identified and called the item shown in the picture. And only then in relation to this word, apply the rules.

So, we read the basic rules! In particular, we will define what the comma, crossing, an inverted object and other subtleties in pictures.

  • What does the comma at the beginning or end of the rebus?
    The comma at the bottom or above in the picture means that from the name of the image of the subject it is necessary to discard one letter at the beginning. Accordingly, we see two commas - throwing two first letters. These icons are found very often.
  • What does an inverted comma at the beginning or end?
    Rules for inverted commas are similar to the rules for ordinary commas (see the previous paragraph).
  • What do you mean crossed and finished letters?
    The crown letter in the picture means that from the name of the drawn item you need to be excluded (and add another if it is specified). Discarded to the left or right of the picture - it is necessary to add it to the word at the beginning and at the end.
  • What do the numbers in the rebuses mean?
    Figures can have two values. Do they stand over the word? To guess the answer, you need to rearrange the letters from place to place in the designated order. The name of the number can be part of the word (often use "hundred", "five"). The curved figure means that from the word you need to exclude a letter with such a sequence number. It should be remembered that some numbers, as well as items, may have several names (a unit - "count", "times", "one").
  • What does plus mean, the sign "equal"?
    If between words (symbols) costs the plus sign, then they should be added to each other. Sometimes "+" means the pretext "K", the necessary is selected in meaning. The sign "equal" (for example, A \u003d K) suggests that all the letters "A" in the Word should be replaced by the letters "K".
  • Vertical or horizontal trait in tasks?
    The horizontal feature means simultaneously "under", "software", "over" and "on" depending on the context. Used with letters or pictures, when one part is drawn below the feature, the other is higher. Sometimes indicates a fraction (half of something, that is, "floor").
  • Location of letters in the picture and prepositions
    It is important to look at the set of letters. If they are placed one in another, it means that the pretext of "B" is added to their names. One letter is drawn after another - refers to the pretext of "for" or "before."
  • The subject on the picture is drawn upside down? To get an answer, you need to read the word on the contrary. Short words Children 6-7 years can be turned over in the mind. True, the number of such tasks is quite limited.

Most often, several rules are used simultaneously in the rebus. It is believed that in 6-7 years, children are already familiar with letters, clearly know their names. If the younger schoolboy has not come across a comma yet, to teach him a new icon will not be much difficult.

Examples of pools in pictures for children 6-7 years old with answers

Children 6-7 years old and less much better perceive the material in binding to a memorable event. Rebuses about animals will unrave yourself with delight, if they offer their child the day after visiting the zoo. A first-face girl who burns the desire to enter music school, musical rebuses will be interested. And the child, impressed by the planetarium boy, will like pictures about space.

About animals and birds

Giving children a task about birds or animals, make sure that he has already come across such names of animals, and also understands everything shown in the picture.

Rebuses about the family, about mom

Who for the child is Mile all, if not mommy! And who he gladly meet every time mom and dad? Babies really like to recognize and guess grandparents, sister and other relatives in encrypted pictures. Print or draw pictures of the brighter and start having fun, at the same time teaching the child!

About sports about health

Rebuses about labor, health, sports, professions and many others can be used as thematic gaming benefits. In the graduation group of kindergarten, the first classes of school or at home is scheduled or a conversation on one of the topics? The mystery in the form of a picture will allow you to learn the material better than the usual faceless story. Kids will be interested in non-standard material feed.

Rebuses for fairy tales

Fairy tales with familiar characters, modern or classic cartoons are an inexhaustible to store inspiration. If the child is not very interested in logical mysteries, you can try to captivate him with guessing your favorite characters. Mysfresses on this topic are much larger than is given as an example. Knowing interests and favorite fairy tales of your child, you can create rebuses in the form of applications yourself.

An important stage of development of a preschooler is to improve logical thinking.

For a schoolboy, it will be an additional bonus in the learning process, so it is worth starting to develop it long before the school. Let the impetus in the formation of elementary logic can give rebuses - riddles in the form of drawings. This is a kind of intellectual game, during which is happening.

Performing simple tasks using logic will not be afraid of complications with. Rebus is a word encrypted in the picture. In the form of a prompt in cipher, various signs, letters, additional drawings are offered. Their breakdown requires children of eruditions, mixtalks, interest.

The breakdown of rebus is a very exciting occupation. But you can quickly lose interest if the task will not be selected by age.

Reburs for children 5 years

present the simplest options for a solution - a set of letters and picture. Their connection should eventually form a new word. The birth of a new word causes the children delight. When the technology of solving them will be mastered, you can go to more complex options. For those who do not know the alphabet, the rebuses are made up of cheerful color pictures. They depict familiar household items, the heroes of fairy tales, animals, birds.

Rebuses for children 6 years

more complex, with the use of signs, knowledge of which means: commas, sign of equality, point. Pictures and detached letters that can help read an adult make it possible to make a word, removing extra letters or replacing some others.

Rebuses for children 7 years

completely complicated by the fact that they appear on a par with signs and pictures. They become longer, can consist of several words. Some need to be read in an inverted form or right left.

Rebuses that can be downloaded on the website "Preparing for School" are colorfully decorated and very skillfully selected. In addition, there is a detailed guide to the action, which describes the technology of solving different types of places, and all answers to rebuses are on the last page of the selection.

They can be downloaded, and then - easy to print on the printer.

Children love to solve a variety of riddles. And this is not only a cheerful, but also a very useful occupation, developing a small person, including its shaped and logical thinking. Especially good for the development of these abilities such logical tasks as rebuses.

By the way, it is interesting to solve them not only to children, but also adults. Even if these are ordinary cipherrotects with pictures. So such a joint pastime can gradually turn into an excellent family tradition.

We present to your attention children's rebuses in pictures, at each card you will find answers.

*** - Means that we do not know the answer to this task if you solve, be kind, write in the comments, thanks.

Answers to rebuses (From the left and right): Wart, bruise, ***, preparation, Belmo, hygiene, hematoma, stretcher, fever, injection, mole, operation, tetanus, malaria, plaster, flatulence.

Answers: Butterfly, chocolate, peacock-eyed, shrimp, watermark, crab, ***, cockroach, grip, blind, mosquito, scorpion, drone, dragonfly, fly, bumblebee.

Answers: Scalpel, Charmanaka, Chisel, Guitar, Locks, Whistle, Drill, Lock, Color, Drill, Spit, Costfall, Soler, Light Bulb, Swirl, Freezer.

Answers: Incubator, switch, brush, radio telescope, key, radiotelephone, clip, radiolmp, stewing, electric saw, cartridge, electric pump, tube, electric drill, bookmark, electromotive, heroic, electric guitar.

Replies to rebuses in pictures: Fish Sword, Mackerel, Midhog, Puff, Hammer Fish, Middle Marese, Fish-Saw, Rocky, Fish Belt, Carp, Needle Fish, Haltus, Fish Ball, Tolstolobic, Fish-hedge, crucian.

Answers: sail, storm, thunderstorm, tornado, haze, flood, source, dew, blizzard, drops, snowdrift, slush, frost, ***, darkness, beach.

Answers: Pytel, insole, socks, snake, sleeveless, floor coat, shorts, blouse, carduz, lamps, strap, leggings, hat, ***, lining, sock.

Answers: scarf, hips, cake, sandals, down jacket, heel, sleeve, trico, skirt, hat, handkerchief, tarts, fracture, sweatshirt, cap, rates, vastern, sinel.

Answers: Hair, knee, mouth, fist, pupil, armpit, vertebral, bridge, macushka, elbow, vikhor, cartberry, leg, posture, clavicle, shin.

Answers to rebuses: Compote, Kissel, Lemonade, Antlekot, Cheese, Pie, Pug, Pampushka, Yolk, Skin, Truck, Meatballs, Branca, Iriska, Baking, Rogliac.

Answers: Potatoes, plum, apple, cranberries, cabbage, radish, currant, strawberries, dried fruits, coconuts, ***, buckwheat, zucchini, orange, cutlet, beans.

Answers to rebuses: Gorny, Knight, Gardener, Mother, Bodybuilder, Tanker, Naturalist, Tanner, Okulist, Tanker, Carpenter, Tokar, Firefighter, Trumpeter, Fisherman, Picador.

Answers: Stylist, archer, kitchen, spoon, stalencut, crackers, astronomer, kitar, miner, cattle breeder, dubler, crusader, animal husbandry, joiner, journalist, keyword, gold chief, spy.

Replies to rebuses: Barcas, Pomelo, rocket, tanker, Kolymaga, Mator, caretaker, rink, sailboat, tractor, submarine, motorcycle, cake, Motolodka, Emergency, Motosani.

Answers to rebuses: metro station, dolphinarium, greenhouse, planetarium, ***, Khlev, Kremlin, Yurts, Bell Tower, Barack, Dam, Mosque, Cathedral, Citadel, Feather, Elevator.

Answers: Ostrog, Funnel, Palers, Miscellaneous, Gimnaster, Shootout, Cartridge, Grenade, Pistol, Holster, Torpeda, Picky, Dart, Battle, Butt, Colt, Shooting, Slogaty.

Where did the rebuses come from

So, what is rebuses, where did they come from and what are they useful? This will go further conversation. The breakdown of words encrypted in pictures, for the first time began to be carried away in France in the XVI century. Of course, such entertainment was available to everyone, but they were engaged in them for most of the representatives of aristocratic surnames, since they had more free time for such entertainment. But other layers of society did not lose opportunities to fight words encrypted in pictures. They say that they were engaged even in not very respectable peteed facilities.

In our country, cipherrotects appeared much later. The vagabilities of the tasks that need to be solved "with the help of things" (it is so free to translate the word Rebus from Latin) began only at the end of the XIX century. At this time, the Russian Empire even began to publish a special magazine, which was called "Rebus".

Currently, the cryptograms of this type will not be very surprised. But there are no similar logical tasks, unfortunately, do not have. And it is in vain! Such a pastime is much more useful than sitting in social networks or for computer games. Especially for children!

Why do children solve rebuses

Most pools are a mystery where the picture is played. Exploded image with letters, numbers or signs. Folding together words denoting drawn items by adding or changing letters in their names, removing individual letters or syllables, you can turn the original word in the desired one. That's actually the whole task.

The interest of children to such puzzles is very high. And there is nothing strange. Some element of mysteryness always attracts children's attention to itself. And as a result, small men not only with pleasure are engaged in deciphering words, but also imperceptibly develop the necessary for study at school, and in general for life, quality. The solution of such text riddles contributes to the development:

  • horizons (kids remember new words and recognize their values);
  • speech (in the rebuses you can encrypt not only individual words, but also proverbs or patterings);
  • memory (primarily visual) and attentiveness;
  • logical thinking;
  • spuriousness, smelling and intuition.

In addition, thanks to the encrypted text reports in the pictures of reoxoil and first-graders, it is much easier to cope with the study of letters and numbers, and older children remember the spelling of various words.

Recently, such logical tasks use even compilers of textbooks. In primary classes, they are often asked as homework. Older children can offer not only to solve cryptograms, but also to make them. Such an exercise is also an excellent warm-up workout. Moreover, such tasks are also creative work. After all, the majority contain a picture that the child will have to draw on their own.

Differences of children's rebs

Mathematical puzzles are considered the most complex, in which the letters are replaced by numbers in any mathematical expressions. The so-called cryptoremiffs are considered the most complex. These are rebuses in which the mathematical expression is encrypted not just a set of letters, but a completely meaningful phrase. Of course, this version of the puzzles is only suitable for children who are already well versed in arithmetic acts and read well.

A more common option is alphabet. In them, the word is encrypted with letters, syllables or ash words. To solve this task, one letters must be removed, others replace. Often, to solve such puzzles, it is necessary to use smell and attentiveness, since the solution may depend even on the location of letters and syllables relative to each other. Younger schoolchildren who know the alphabet well and can read perfectly perfectly with similar tasks.

The challenges with letters and pictures are perfect for the kids who have just begun to study the letters. Similar tasks not only teach the baby to think and reason, but also allow you to remember the letters faster and learn to read. Such puzzles and younger students are suitable. Their solution is a good warm-up for the mind.

But text puzzles in pictures are a great version of developing classes for children from 3 years. They are considered the most simple and quite forces even such babies. About this version of puzzles worth telling a little more.

Rebuses in pictures

The logical tasks in which only pictures are used are suitable for kids who have not yet mastered the alphabet or only started the development of this science. Most often they consist of two pictures. From the names of the items depicted on them, and the new word is obtained.

In such rebuses, the child should not be removed or attaching the letters to those found. Just connect them together. However, it is not necessary to assume that such tasks are too simple. The trick is that many items are often called differently, for example:

  • painted eye can be called "Eye" and "Oko";
  • the stylized window can be used in this value or denote the word "frame";
  • funny physiognomy can be decrypted as a "face" or both "face", etc.

Similar puzzles not only teach a child to reflect, but also significantly expand his vocabulary.

For older children, rebuses are more complicated, in which the picture is depicted in the turned out. In this case, it is necessary not just to guess that it is drawn on it, and also to speak this word as a back in advance, for example: nose - sleep. Sometimes in such tasks, the image is not turned over, but indicate the direction of pronunciation of the word by the arrow.

If the baby has already begun to study the alphabet, it can already be offered to solve a text cipher, in which the picture is accompanied by one or two letters. Such tasks greatly simplify the process of memorizing the alphabet, and classes turn into an exciting game, not a straining child.

How to solve text ciphers with a child

With the help of logical tasks, it is enough just to turn the training session in the merry game. But for a start, the parent must also be familiar with the basic rules of solving such tasks. Although there are no special tricks in this matter.

Any rebus reads from left to right (sometimes from top to bottom), unless otherwise specified or not specified as an arrow. All names of objects are used in the nominative case of the singular. Of course, if several items are depicted, the word should be used in a plural.

Riddles for children - rebuses with or without answers may be simple and complex. Each rebuses in pictures for children must correspond to the development of the child. That is, for example, rebuses for children with answers for 8 years must comply with the knowledge that your child gets, going into 1-2 class.

  • Logical puzzles for children can be depicted in the form of pictures, letters, words or numbers. The category of such "straggling brain" tasks helps to develop not only the mathematical warehouse of the mind, but not standard, which goes beyond the usual, thinking.
  • If your child goes to grade 4, then to guess lung rebuses to him very quickly bother. Any puzzles must develop logic, of course, constituting the riddles on their own, you can write answers. But it is better if your child will solve the rebuses on his own (not peeping), and for the correct answer should receive remuneration (praise or something delicious).

How to make rebus

Puzzle riddle, certainly logical and developing, but the baby at 7 years old does not know many mathematical and trigonometric concepts, so such riddles should be drawn up by age and on acquired knowledge.

Make up interesting rebuses for children is very simple, first you need to deal with the basic rules.

Rebuses in pictures for children can decide both children of 4 years old and schoolchildren from the first 4 classes. It all depends on how simple the meaning will be laid in them.

And so the rules for drawing up:

  1. Use commas. The commas can be inverted, can stand on top or bottom, right or left of the word or picture.
  2. Replacing letters. The letter can be crossed out or equal to another. For example, M \u003d g or M - crossed out, and under it it is
  3. Use numbers. The numbers can match each letter of a certain word or be this word.
  4. Position the letters in different positions. They can be located on each other, each other, near, inside, are divided by a fission line (fraction), etc.
  5. Out the pictures upside down.

Reburs for children with answers. Pictures rebuses for children

How to solve rebuses

Developing riddles, mathematics rebuses and other puzzles in pictures can be guessing according to the following rules:

  1. If the word costs one or more commas, for example "Pre + Logic" ", therefore, from the side with which these commas are worth removing unnecessary three letters. As a result, the word "logic" should be obtained from the word "logic". At the beginning of the riddle, the word "pre" and "+" is worth, which means that we add the result "Log" and the answer will be the word "pretext".
  2. If the word "year" is given, which is inverted upside down and below it is "r \u003d m", then in this case, firstly, the inverter means that it is necessary to read the backwards, i.e. Not a year, and the dog, but the task "r \u003d m" means the replacement, therefore, in the word "Dog" we replace "M" on "M" and get a "house".
  3. The numbers are a working tool in puzzles. So for example, an elephant image is given, and below it is crossed out of the figure 2. We teach such puzzles to count the ducts, remember the letters and develop associative thinking. Here is a solution: in the word "elephant", each letter corresponds to the figure, the letter "C" - 1, "L" - 2, "O" - 3, "H" - 4. According to the task, we need to remove the number two, then we remove the appropriate Letter, and get - "Sleep".

In the same way, the numbers under the picture can be mixed, this means that an adagram is given to the picture and you should position the letters in the numeric sequence that is specified. Example: the picture "Crab" under it numbers 3, 4, 2, in addition from the picture there is a letter "and" + the "braid" with a comma from above. With the help of numbers, we get "ADB" + "and" + "Kos" \u003d apricot.

Pictures of Rus

Images can choose any, it can be as separate animals or objects, or real photos. Pictures rebuses for children 7-8 years for interest should be real, i.e. Real photography of deer, elephant, cat.

About animals

In such tasks, animals must be encrypted. Moreover, the mystery itself should not hint on the specified character.

Rebuses about animals

Rebuses about the family

In such mystery, the answer must contain the word associated with the family, for example, Mom, Dad, Grandfather, Grandma, etc.

Rebuses for children

About health and sports

Answers must correspond to the subject of sports and health. The baby can give a prompt in advance and say that the answer for this task is associated with a sport or a healthy way of life.

Rebuses for children with answers

Adults are trying to develop children through games and entertainment, using various forms for this. Coloring, a mystery, a mobile game for the specified rules, simple puzzles - all this serves to train children, prepare them for school.

Of course, the kid of preschool age does not yet know or badly knows the letters, so crosswords and other complex puzzles are not for him. Therefore, at 6-7 years old, they introduce him to rebuys. Usually it is the simplest puzzles with one mandated word. At this age it is more important that the child understands the principle of using pictures, syllables that make up the necessary word. I understood and remembered what the letter is and for what it is needed.

For elementary school, you can use more complex puzzles that require the ability to read and write, for example, such as crosswords. Rebuses and puzzles for children 9-10 years old with answers in pictures are often used in school lessons. At home, together with parents, children may well form a rebus themselves, drawing it, or using coloring.

Gradually, they become more complex, there can be whole phrases, or to make special terms. Rebuses in physics, rebuses for chemistry or mathematics are used in lessons and extracurricular activities to strengthen the cognitive activity of children, develop their logical and creative abilities.

The first rebuses appeared in the 15th century in France, where they turned into pictures illustrating the game of words. To us, to Russia, these verbal logical puzzles in the form of pictures came only to the second half of the 19th century. Then this intellectual game found itself faithful fans of the most different age. Sold up the complex rebuses fell in love with adults, and then attracted to this children, starting with preschool age.

Regardless of how old the rebus - for children are 6 years or schoolchildren, 16 years old, it is necessary to draw up or solve it according to the same rules. If solving crosswords, we know the question to which you need to find a response, the rebus is a game of words where the similarity of the sound of a wide variety of items and concepts is used and you need to find the answer, looking at the image.

  • The subject that we see in the picture of the rebus is always read in the singular, the nominative case, but it can have several values. For example, if we see the eye on the coloring page, then as a solution, it can be denoted by the word "eye". Or a drawing of an oak when we solve the problem, can be taken precisely as "oak", and maybe as a more general concept of "tree".
  • When it is necessary to use not all the word to solve, but only it part, then the letters are discarded if they stand at the beginning or end of the word are referred to. The place and number of commas indicate how much and how to discard letters. If the letter is discarded from the middle of the word, then it is shown by writing and crossing it.
  • If letters, syllables, pictures are in a certain order or inside each other, it means that when solving you need to use prepositions: "B", "on", "under", "for", etc. Often the position of "above", "under" denotes a horizontal feature.
  • If another (other) is consisting of some letters, then reading, add "from" (from-bs). When the letter is drawn on another letter, we use the "software" pretext (in I-C).
  • The replacement of one letter to another is denoted or a sign of equality, or leaving the letter I shifted, and they write next.
  • When they want to show that to solve, you need to read the word indicating the subject in the picture, on the contrary, the picture is placed in an inverted form.

Rebuses for children

Pupils of primary school, children of the age of 9-10 years old, begin to acquaint with rebuys in mathematics. These include those in the preparation of which are in numbers or numerical. Also, the mathematical are those in which the terms from mathematics are made. The rebusters also use mathematical signs \u003d and +.

  1. The sign \u003d indicates that all data of the letter in the word-figure is replaced with another letter or a combination of letters.
  2. The plus sign warns that parts of the rebus, between which he costs are in a word.
  3. The numbers in the rest indicate the letters that need to take from the word-picture and put them in the same order as they are written.
  4. The rebusa will be numerical ones (in-o-seven), and its part. (7th).
  5. For a child, 8-9 years old, the mathematical rebus will be the one where it is necessary to calculate the number of identical letters (seven-me).
  6. Rebus can be unraveled not in one word, but a proposal, including on the theme of mathematics.

These rules are also compiled complex rebuses in physics, and rebuses for chemistry, which are encrypted by the terms from these sciences.


All children, no matter how old they are, love domestic animals. Therefore, they will be happy to have answers in which their four-legged pets will be. Crosswords that need to be filled include rebus tasks. The answers fit under the figures as the riddle of the riddle.

Kinds of sports

Children from preschool age are engaged in physical education, and some even begin to get involved in certain sports. Therefore, they will not be so difficult to solve crosswords and other puzzles, where you need to show knowledge of various sports and sports equipment. And if the children consider that the tasks for them are too complicated, this is an adult signal that the topic of sports should be given additional attention, looking together on TV sports, or just downloading coloring about sports.


For years already in 5 children begin to get acquainted with the world of professions. Some professions are already familiar with them, they represent what they do and what the doctor and the hairdresser, the seller and the driver, the educator and military are different. He will tell him about other professions in school classes, the child will know about them from films and books. Check your knowledge about the world of professions and replenish them will help crosswords, coloring, puzzles from this section.


Reburs, which include only syllables, will be difficult for preschool age. They are designed for children over 8 years old who are confidently read and write. When rebuilding rebs with syllables, it is necessary to take into account the location of the syllables and letters between themselves and use the appropriate pretexts - "B", "U", "Over", "on", "under", "by", "for", etc.


The answers in these tasks will be names. This topic is familiar to everyone, so they are unlikely to be difficult for your children.


Crosswords and other puzzles of this section are designed to remind children of the city of the world, which they heard, and maybe even visited. Cities hid here behind the pictures and riddles, where animals, plants, with numbers and letters are depicted. But it does not hurt the answers. If you want to fix in children knowledge of geography, then use these rebuses, download coloring with the views of cities, remember with the children's games in the "cities".

How to solve and solve rebuses