16 weeks pregnant what a tummy. Ultrasound examination. Other possible problems of this period include

Moms who already have children can feel some kind of life inside themselves, although, they say, usually the movement of the fetus is felt exactly in the middle of the term. And it is desirable to note this day, it will help to more accurately calculate the date of birth. As you remember, the age of the embryo is simply calculated: the estimated week of pregnancy minus two. So at 16 weeks pregnant, your 14 week old baby has already accomplished a lot. There is already calcium in his bones, his muscles are gradually getting stronger, he is constantly moving and grimacing: he frowns, opens his mouth, imitates sucking movements. Now he can move both arms and legs. His skin is still reddish because the blood vessels are still close and the subcutaneous tissue is not as developed. And perhaps the most significant event of this week is the time to open your eyes. The baby's eyelids have already parted.

A little later, when you already feel the movements of the baby, you can determine the degree of his activity. Ideally, every ten minutes you should feel his movements. And on the ultrasound, it is quite possible that you will be able to find out the sex of the child. In girls, by this time, the uterus and vagina have already formed. In the same way, in boys, the genitals are already formed, although the testicles have not yet descended sufficiently and are located in the abdominal cavity.

When this week comes to an end, the baby will noticeably grow up. The head is up to 32 mm, and its chest and abdomen are up to 31.9 and 31.6 mm, respectively. The placenta continues to thicken and now reaches 18.5 mm.

Women who have this pregnancy is not the first, can feel the movement of a new life from the fourth month. But mostly it happens later - by the 20th week. Over the next month, the fetus will grow even more, become stronger and it will be difficult not to notice its movement.

Now the height of the cervix is ​​already about 16 cm. Now your tummy is growing and doing physical exercises is not so convenient, but necessary. Because flaccid muscles do not add health. In addition, the less you move, the more prone to constipation. And constipation can provoke a threat of miscarriage. Plus constant discomfort.

Not instead, but together with physical exercises, it makes sense to choose the right menu. There are foods that cause mild relief. Unlike drugs and some herbs.

Sometimes hormonal changes can cause serious kidney disease. Like pyelonephritis. And even an excess of progesterone can cause it. Any urinary tract infection can cause kidney infection. And in order to monitor the condition of the urogenital area, you are recommended to do urine tests before each appointment with a gynecologist.

The kidneys should generally be in the zone of your special attention. Because kidney disease during pregnancy can then develop into chronic kidney disease.

16th week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

In general, you note that the discharge suggests that everything is going well. By all indications. The discharge is light or milky. There aren't many of them. When leucorrhea appears, you immediately call up your gynecologist and, if necessary, undergo additional tests. As a rule, a smear on the flora. You know that even thrush can mask infections, and you don't give them a chance.

There is no bloody discharge and there has not been yet, but when there were slight pains in the abdomen, you immediately called an ambulance. And a little treatment brought you back to normal. Do you remember that during pregnancy the cervix is ​​very loose and injured at the slightest careless touch. Although the doctor says that sometimes slight bleeding can indicate a possible erosion of the cervix. And therefore, the slightest suspicion is an occasion to check them again and undergo a small examination.

16th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

The other day at the clinic, you met a nice woman. As it turned out, she is a vegetarian and is also expecting a baby. And you thought: is it possible to remain a vegetarian during pregnancy, when so many vitamins are needed for the development of a child? Will the decision of the expectant mother to give up animal proteins affect the health of the baby?

According to your doctor, not very strict vegetarianism, which allows the use of dairy products and eggs, is perfectly acceptable and acceptable. Especially if you take additional vitamins. Much more serious is the situation when vegans completely refuse any animal proteins. Deficiency of certain amino acids can adversely affect the development of the fetus itself.

Strict diets and fasting at this time are simply contraindicated. And even in very religious communities, regardless of religion, an exception is made for pregnant women. The health of the unborn child depends on her diet.

Meat, milk and products made from them are a source of protein. Of course, there are proteins in nuts, seeds and legumes. But it is hardly possible to replace the fish. But all kinds of cereals, salads from vegetables, fruits and juices from them will benefit. And separately about the salt. It is advised to use iodized salt. But if there is a tendency to edema, salt can be replaced with soy sauce.
You need at least one and a half liters of water per day. And preferably ordinary water, and not at all carbonated and not mineral. This can upset the balance in the body.

On ultrasound, you can already see the baby's clavicles and lungs. And he himself is already behaving quite independently, deciding whether to appear in all its glory during an ultrasound examination or simply turn away.

It seems that just recently you learned about a happy event in your life - the birth of a future life in your body, and 16 weeks of pregnancy have already passed.

How many months is this? One obstetric month has 28 days. So, four obstetric months have passed.

What happens in a woman's body?

All the unpleasant moments of the initial period of pregnancy were left behind - constant nausea, lack of appetite, frequent urination. The best period in all respects has come when you can enjoy every day in such a wonderful position.

  1. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the condition of the expectant mother improved significantly, her appetite increased. It seems that you can afford whatever you want, but you should not be led by your appetite - this is fraught with complications. Weight over the past period should increase by about 3 kg. If the increase is much greater, and you feel good and there are no edema, you will have to reconsider the diet - limit the consumption of starchy foods, sweets.
  2. Strength, calmness appeared, the mood does not change every minute under the influence of hormones, peace has come.
  3. All discomfort, soreness, discomfort in the chest are gone. Preparing for lactation, it swells, continues to increase. The blood flow increases, as a result of which a venous pattern appears. At the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman can secrete colostrum from her breasts. Squeezing it is strictly prohibited. This can lead to irritation of the nipples, which will increase the tone of the uterus and lead to the threat of miscarriage.
  4. Amniotic fluid increases in the uterus and reaches 250 ml. The weight of the uterus by 16 weeks is about 250 grams. It is located in the area between the pubic bone and the navel. You can feel it on your own. As the uterus grows at week 16, there are pains in the abdomen, back, inguinal and hip regions. This is due to stretching and thickening of the ligaments. Enlargement of the uterus can also provoke a negative intestinal reaction: bloating, diarrhea, heartburn.
  5. The future mother's blood supply increases - after all, the body at 16 weeks should receive oxygen, as well as nutrients not only for itself, but also for the baby. As a result, the mother may suffer from bleeding gums or frequent nosebleeds.
  6. By the 16th week of pregnancy, many women may experience changes in skin pigmentation or the appearance of age spots.
  7. The muscular network of the intestines is sluggish, as a result of which constipation occurs, fraught with the threat of miscarriage. It is necessary to consult a doctor, to resolve the issue of regular bowel movements.
  8. The hormonal influence of progesterone at the 16th week of pregnancy can cause pyelonephritis, threatening premature birth. The expectant mother should be careful with various infections of the genitourinary system.
  9. The center of gravity in a pregnant woman shifts, body weight increases - the load on the legs increases. A woman gets tired faster, heaviness in her legs appears, a characteristic “duck” gait.

Photo of the tummy during this period

How does mom feel?

At the 16th week of pregnancy, some mothers still do not feel their condition, some do not even see their stomach. Especially if this is the first pregnancy: the abdominal muscles are quite elastic. Its size increases intensively in the following weeks. Below are photos of the abdomen of women at 16 weeks pregnant.

With a second pregnancy, the mother at week 16 can feel the first touch of the fetus. Those who are expecting their first child may feel the sensation of moving the crumbs in the stomach a little later - after 17 weeks.

Different mothers have different feelings, the child is not constantly in motion. It may even subside for a couple of days. Nevertheless, the first gentle touches of the baby give unforgettable impressions - from this moment comes the awareness of motherhood.

Discharge during position

At the 16th week of pregnancy, blood circulation in the genitals increases, as a result of which the volume of secretions may increase, but not the color and consistency. If the discharge smells unpleasant, has a curdled consistency, yellow or green color, you should immediately contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Such discharge can be a manifestation of an infection that also threatens the baby.

No less dangerous are too abundant or liquid, with brownish streaks of discharge, which can inform about premature birth. An urgent consultation with a gynecologist and treatment is required.

Possible pains and dangers

At the 16th week of pregnancy, pain may most likely be a precursor to the development of pathological conditions. Of course, pain is possible with an increase in the distance between the bones of the pelvis due to the growth of the uterus. But it is better to consult a doctor for any ailment with pain.

The abdomen at the 16th week of pregnancy may hurt due to:

  • pressure of the uterus on the intestines. It is necessary to carefully and competently build a diet. Dishes from raw fish (sushi), poorly fried meat, raw eggs, milk without boiling are categorically excluded;
  • constraining clothes, underwear, especially from synthetic materials;
  • wearing high heels - there is a high risk of not only getting problems with the veins, but also falling and injuring the stomach;
  • uncomfortable posture during sleep - now it is better to sleep on your side. You can’t sleep on your back either - the pressure of the uterus on the blood vessels can disrupt the blood supply to the baby.

ProductsUseful material
Meat, dairy, seafood.The lack of protein in the mother's body is replenished, the necessary protein is delivered for the growth of the fetus.
Cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, buttermilk, whey. Products must contain a minimum amount of fat.Calcium contained in foods is essential for strong bones and teeth.
Boiled fish (at least twice a week), seafood.Minerals and microelements (iodine, fluorine, copper, zinc) are vital for mother and baby.
Low-fat beef, veal, pork, poultry, especially rabbit meat.Iron, B vitamins.
Cereals, cereals.Complex carbohydrates.
Fruits vegetables.Various vitamins, trace elements, fiber for better digestion.

Fetal development and size

The 16th week of pregnancy is an active period in the development of the baby. The size of the fetus reaches 11-16 cm, weight - 80-120 gr.

  1. The joints of the arms and legs are fully formed. The calcium accumulated in the body of the baby strengthens the bones. The kid trains his fingers - he can grab and squeeze the umbilical cord with his hands. An individual pattern is drawn on the fingers. The baby can move his arms and legs, roll over, stretch, clench his fists.
  2. At 16 weeks, the baby holds the neck and turns the head. Ears and eyes move into place. The nose is formed, the eyelids are separated, cilia appear on them.
    The eyes are still closed, but the baby can move them in different directions. As soon as the eyelids open, he will begin to blink them intensively. Hearing is not yet formed, but the baby perceives sound vibrations with the surface of the skin.
  3. The muscles of the face are fully formed. The child can frown, frown, smile, open his mouth, wink. The video shows footage of the intrauterine life of a baby at 16 weeks of gestation.
  4. The skin is still transparent, small vessels are visible through it. The subcutaneous tissue is improved. A thin hairline is formed on the skin - lanugo. Together with the primordial lubricant that covers the body, lanugo protects the baby's skin and helps him through the birth canal at birth.
  5. The internal organs are actively functioning: the heart pumps blood twice as fast as in an adult. The immune system is being formed. The liver begins to produce bile. The intestines produce feces from bile. The stomach and gallbladder also do their job. The bladder also performs its function - every 40-45 minutes, urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid.
  6. At 16 weeks, the boys have fully formed genitals, but the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity, and not in the scrotum. In future girls, the formation of the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes is underway.
  7. The necessary hormones are produced in the adrenal glands. The pituitary gland works. The blood is completely formed. You can determine the blood group and its Rh factor. In the blood there are all cells, as in an adult - lymphocytes, erythrocytes, monocytes. Hemoglobin is synthesized.

Fetal ultrasound

At the 16th week of pregnancy, general blood and urine tests are performed. According to their testimony, the obstetrician-gynecologist decides whether to give the pregnant woman additional tests or not. In the normal course of pregnancy, this need does not arise.

Sometimes during this period, an ultrasound examination may be prescribed. Ultrasound is performed for possible pathologies. At this time, you can determine the sex of the child, although errors are not uncommon due to the small size of the fetus. Photo ultrasound of the fetus at 16 weeks of gestation.

Baby's first ultrasound

Girl or boy?

Before the advent of ultrasound, people tried to predict the sex of the unborn baby using various folk methods. One of these methods is the definition by the shape of the abdomen. Although doctors refute the reliability of this method, many mothers claim that it is quite effective.

Let's get acquainted with the differences.

  1. With a boy, the tummy is neat, sharp, protruding forward.
  2. A woman from the back is difficult to mistake for a pregnant woman. Almost until the end of pregnancy, the figure is preserved.
  3. With a girl, the tummy is oval, oblong, blurred on the sides.
  4. The level of the abdomen is higher than with a boy.
  5. The abdomen is enlarged to the sides and up. The waist is noticeably widened.
  6. The belly is visible even from the back.

The photo shows the bellies of pregnant women expecting boys at 16 weeks of gestation.

Your baby's real age is 14 weeks, but according to medical canons, you are now 16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. This difference in calculations occurs because doctors consider the period from the last period, but you got pregnant later.

The 16th week of pregnancy has come: this is already the second trimester, and the expectant mother feels much better. Most likely, you are no longer tormented by toxicosis, and the tummy is noticeably rounded. Now is the time to look at the first grimaces of your baby in the photo. Surely you have already begun to feel the first tremors. If you are 16 weeks pregnant, your baby's gender can be more accurately reported on an ultrasound.

Fruit size

When 16 weeks of pregnancy comes, the size of the fetus reaches approximately 11 cm, and the baby already weighs 100 grams. And his body is already bigger than his head. From this point on, the fetus will become more and more proportional. For comparison: now the child is the same size as a newborn kitten. The fetus at 16 weeks of pregnancy is actively moving and kicking, right now the expectant mother will feel his first movements. His body parts begin to fall into place. The formation of facial muscles is underway, and from that moment on, the baby actively builds faces and grimaces, frowns, drives with closed eyes, twists his mouth and even smiles when he feels good. The ears slowly but surely move to the middle of the head, the eyes also take their permanent position on the face, the eyelids are almost formed, and very soon the child will open his eyes for the first time.


A child at the 16th week of pregnancy begins to actively develop and grow. In the near future, he should double his weight. His kidneys and bladder are already working well. Urination occurs once every 15 minutes, later it becomes less frequent. The baby's heart circulates blood at a high speed, about 20 liters per day. And the composition of his blood became almost like that of an adult. The baby's head is no longer so pressed to the chest, he can already hold it straight, the neck is very well developed at this stage. Your baby is already opening his mouth well and drinking amniotic fluid. Very soon, the child will begin to control the expression of his face. The 16th week of pregnancy is the period when your baby's hair begins to grow, but it's still impossible to say for sure what color it will be.

Mom's body at 16 weeks

Your uterus is growing and getting bigger, giving more room for the growing fetus. There is more amniotic fluid, now its volume reaches a quarter of a liter. The chest swells even more and becomes very sensitive. Blood vessels appear on it due to increased blood flow.

You can forget about a beautiful waist: the stomach at the 16th week of pregnancy begins to grow at a breakneck pace. Finally, he rounds up, and the expectant mother looks pregnant quite definitely. Of course, no one is upset about the disappearing waist - it will definitely return after childbirth. The belly at the 16th week of pregnancy is not yet very large, but it is already becoming impossible to hide your interesting position.

It's time to choose and buy clothes for expectant mothers, but always with a margin, as your tummy will grow very quickly. In women for whom this pregnancy is repeated, the stomach will be much larger than in those who experience this wonderful condition for the first time. Be sure to monitor your weight: its increase throughout pregnancy should not exceed 16 kg, provided that you carry only one baby.

Mom's Feelings

If you are 16 weeks pregnant, your feelings begin to change. At the moment, you still do not feel full-fledged shocks from the stomach, but already there is a feeling that butterflies are fluttering in your tummy. Most women may mistakenly think that they have gas in their intestines, but this is not the case. These are the first movements of your crumbs that you felt. Not everyone has this happening right now, but do not worry ahead of time. A little more, and you will also feel these movements.

When the 16th week of pregnancy comes, the sensations of fatigue, nausea, discomfort disappear, and the woman begins to feel energetic and cheerful. The frequency of urination also returns to normal. But still, do not forget that each organism is individual, and some pregnant women do not feel well until the very birth.

Are you 16 weeks pregnant? What's going on with your appearance? You may notice that your nails are growing much faster than before, at the same time they can become very brittle. Do not be discouraged, this is a normal temporary phenomenon.

During this period, others begin to notice the glow of your skin. The flow of blood increases, due to which it becomes pink. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Up to 30% of women experience nasal congestion at 16 weeks' gestation. Even if you don't suffer from allergies or a cold, you can still feel stuffy and runny noses. This is not scary, and the child does not threaten in any way. The phenomenon is called pregnancy rhinitis, it is caused by an increase in estrogen levels, due to which swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs.

The 16th week of pregnancy has begun. What happens to the microflora of the vagina? There are more discharges, do not be alarmed, everything is normal. This is due to the fact that you have increased blood flow to the genitals, increased estrogen levels. It is worth worrying when the discharge is transparent and liquid, with streaks of blood. Normally, there should not be a strong odor. In the event that you do not like your discharge, it is better to consult a doctor.


Starting from the second trimester, namely when the 16th week of pregnancy comes, the libido increases markedly. An increase in libido will pleasantly surprise your partner. Having sex becomes more enjoyable, most women notice this. Sensations are intensified due to the flow of blood to the genitals. However, not everyone thinks so, some find it unpleasant to have sex during pregnancy. But mostly this happens because of the fear of harming the baby or because the stomach is in the way. The problem is solved: you just need to choose a position in which the woman will be comfortable and comfortable. Feel free to discuss this with your husband, because he is also confused about what to do with you.

At the full 16 weeks of pregnancy, weight gain should be approximately 5 kilograms. However, this figure may differ for each woman. If you are rapidly gaining excess weight or, conversely, not gaining it at all, be sure to consult your doctor.


At 16 weeks of pregnancy, a photo of the baby can be taken during an ultrasound scan, at this stage the baby is already clearly visible. It will fit on the picture completely, which will not be possible at a later date. It is possible to see how a child opens his eyes only with the help of 3D or 4D ultrasound, this is unlikely to be possible on a regular one. Normally, ultrasound should not be prescribed at this time, but if you missed the first, then you can go through it now.

At 16 weeks of gestation, it is not difficult for an experienced specialist to determine the sex of the child. On ultrasound, you can clearly see the genitals and understand who you are waiting for. The doctor will also take certain measurements, based on which, he will determine whether everything is in order. If you still have not felt the crumbs moving, you can see from the image on the monitor that it is moving.


There are a number of tests that you take each trimester of your pregnancy, and the second is no exception. 16 obstetric week of pregnancy is the period that is best suited for testing in the second trimester. You need to take tests that will show the level of hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-fetoprotein, unconjugated estriol. The results of these studies will help to identify possible deviations in the development of the fetus, to recognize some malformations, including Down's syndrome. The doctor, having studied the analysis data, will find out if there are any deviations, whether the fetus has a normal set of chromosomes.

If something is wrong, you will have to do an amniocentesis. The material for analysis is taken from the amniotic fluid, their composition is carefully studied, and a conclusion is made about the presence or absence of deviations.

A biochemical blood test is mandatory. Changing its composition can tell the doctor a lot. If something is wrong, you may be sent for an additional ultrasound, where the doctor will look at the condition of the baby and amniotic fluid. He will be able to determine if everything is fine, and you will once again make sure that the baby feels great at 16 weeks of pregnancy. You can ask for a photo of the child from the doctor who performed the ultrasound. It will remain in your memory.

At this time, abdominal pain should not be at all. You should not experience any pain, except in the lower back. If you have a pulling or stomach ache, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is absolutely impossible to sleep on a grown tummy, but it is also not recommended to sleep on your back, because you will be disturbed by uncomfortable sensations in the spine due to the heavy load. It is optimal to sleep on either side, in the fetal position - with legs slightly bent, as if trying to cover the stomach.

The enlarged uterus puts more and more pressure on surrounding organs, such as the intestines, which can cause constipation. In no case should you drink laxatives that increase intestinal motility!

Problems at 16 weeks

The risk of miscarriage at 16 weeks is very low. Basically, 80% of miscarriages occur in the early stages and in the first trimester. But it can still happen in the second trimester. Statistics show that the percentage of miscarriages is 0.6% at this time. This terrible process can be provoked by addictions: smoking, taking drugs and alcohol. But not always miscarriages occur in women who smoke and drink. And it’s very disappointing when a planned pregnancy, a woman takes care of herself, eats well, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, leads an absolutely healthy lifestyle, but still a miscarriage occurs.

The loss of a child can be the result of health problems. If a woman has any problems with the uterus, a weakened cervix, there is an infection, there are chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the child himself - all these factors can provoke a miscarriage. About 1% of miscarriages occur due to amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy.

Signs that indicate that there is a risk of miscarriage may be discharge or bleeding (strong and long), accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen and lower back. Or very abundant discharge without blood, as well as discharge of blood with clots. In case of such symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. In this situation, every second is precious to save the life of the baby.

In any case, it is better not to wind yourself up and not to worry, as the risk of miscarriage is small, and every week it will decrease even more. Special exercises, work, light physical activity and sex should not cause a miscarriage.

Frozen pregnancy

All pregnant women are very worried that something is wrong with the baby. The probability of miscarriage exists up to 28 weeks. And this is not always a miscarriage, a missed pregnancy can still happen. 16 weeks of pregnancy also fall into the risk zone. Almost everyone believes that only the first trimester is the most dangerous period of the entire pregnancy. Unfortunately, this is not so. In the second trimester, there is also a chance of losing a child. From the first day after you find out that you are pregnant, you need to carefully monitor your well-being and, in case of any suspicion, immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the fact that the loss of a child will be a tragedy, there is a danger to the life of the woman herself. After all, a frozen fetus during a long stay in the womb causes severe intoxication of the mother's body, and if no measures are taken, death cannot be avoided. The fruit must be removed as soon as possible. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your well-being, but it is also necessary to know by what signs it can be assumed that your fetus is frozen. This applies not only to 16 weeks, but to the entire second trimester.

Signs of a missed pregnancy

  • The first sign is weakness. Not just fatigue, but a fainting state, when your head is spinning, dark dots flash in your eyes, you feel chills for no reason. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not turn a blind eye to such signs, explaining that you are just tired.
  • The second dangerous sign is pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. If these pains do not go away with a change in body position for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • If you have a fever for no reason, this is also a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. The temperature may indicate the onset of the inflammatory process, which is associated with the fading of the fetus. This symptom should not be ignored, as there is also a threat to life. Normally, the temperature should not rise!
  • At week 16, you could already feel the fetal movements. But there is no need to panic if you do not feel anything until this moment. So, if there were movements, but after some time they stopped, and you don’t feel anything for 10 hours, consult a doctor. But at this time, the movements may be insignificant, and you may simply not recognize them. In this case, the doctor will listen to the heartbeat, and everything will become clear.
  • At the appointment, the doctor will listen to a tiny heart through a special tube, measure the stomach, and see how the uterus rises. With a frozen pregnancy, these indicators do not increase. An ultrasound can also detect the absence of a heartbeat, so if you have any suspicions and your gynecologist is not there, go through an ultrasound. There they will unequivocally tell you that with the child, whether there is a missed pregnancy, or the alarm was false.
  • Discharge is a reason to see a doctor. If you have spotting at this time, you should definitely call an ambulance, and not go to the clinic. Blood can indicate both a threatened miscarriage and a miscarriage or missed pregnancy. In no case should you delay this, no matter what time of day you find blood in yourself.

There can be several reasons for the fading of pregnancy. Basically, this is a hereditary predisposition of a woman who has a genetic failure, which does not allow her to endure and give birth to a child. Diseases of the circulatory system can also provoke fetal fading, as the blood supply to the fetus and uterus is disrupted.

Another reason is infectious diseases. The most dangerous during this period are cytomegalovirus and rubella. In general, it is undesirable to get sick during pregnancy, so you need to be less in crowded places and, of course, not to contact with patients. It is believed that hormonal failure can greatly affect the development and course of pregnancy, and if the body lacks progesterone, then the fetus cannot be held in the uterus, and the uterus cannot grow. Experts say that if the patient has already had a frozen pregnancy more than three times, it is necessary to consult a geneticist.

Remember the signs that indicate that the pregnancy could freeze, but in no case should you wait for them. Be sure to stay in a good mood, rejoice, walk and enjoy your interesting position. And all will be well!

16 obstetric week of pregnancy is 4 months of waiting for the baby. A time when the focus is only on the unborn child.

What dangers can lie in wait for the mother at this stage? How to prevent possible problems and avoid unpleasant symptoms at week 16?

16 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo, how does the baby develop and feel?

Gradually, by the 16th week, the baby increased to 105- 115 mm, its weight is 80 g. Such rapid pace of development is considered normal. The child begins to perceive well all sounds, voices and music.

What has been formed, what is happening, what does the child look like?

For a week, the following processes occur in the baby's body:

  • Hemoglobin begins to be synthesized in the blood.
  • The legs are lengthened.
  • The chest is trying to make respiratory movements.
  • The adrenal cortex already produces all the necessary hormones.
  • Toenails appear.
  • Chaotic movements are replaced by more meaningful ones.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

On ultrasound, the doctor determines the size of the fetus, the presence of a heartbeat, the condition of the placenta. Mom can see how her baby stretches inside the tummy, plays with arms and legs, opens and closes her mouth, and even spits.

He can also smile sweetly, frown his eyebrows and rotate his head.

At this time, mothers usually find out the sex of the unborn child. In most cases, at week 16, the doctor is not mistaken, so parents can safely choose a name for the baby.

Video: Screening 16 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal heart rate at 16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

The tiny heart of the future baby is fully functional at this time, and pumps about 20 liters of blood per day.

To fix the heartbeat at this time is possible only with the help of ultrasound. Now its rhythm is 140-160 strokes in a minute.

What happens in a woman's body at 16 weeks pregnant?

During this period, thanks to a noticeably rounded tummy, a woman begins to fully feel pregnant. Many notice that hair and nails began to grow faster.

In general, a woman at this stage of pregnancy looks very attractive.

This week, the uterus begins to actively grow, the amount of amniotic fluid in it increases. This entails some inconvenience. The pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve causes pain extending to the buttocks and lower limbs. The pressure on the diaphragm makes it difficult for a woman to breathe.

The tummy grows - and this causes pain in the back, hips, groin. Problems such as itchy skin and stretch marks may also appear.

A pregnant woman may notice that the shoes have become tight. This is partly due to weight gain, partly due to swelling. Perhaps, for the period of pregnancy, the expectant mother will have to purchase shoes one size larger.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 16th week of pregnancy of the obstetric period

Changes in the body of a woman at the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 16 weeks pregnant

There are no special changes in the chest compared to previous periods. Its size does not change, and in some it continues to grow. A venous pattern appears on the chest.

In addition, in many pregnant women, the nipples increase in size. Painful tenderness of the nipples and breasts may disappear, but this does not always happen.

If fluid constantly leaks from the breast, it is very important to monitor hygiene, otherwise an infection may enter the milk ducts.

If this is the first pregnancy, in tight-fitting clothes, the grown tummy is already visible to others.

With multiple pregnancies, it grows much faster. Therefore, by week 16, the size of the abdomen may already be impressive.

First movements during pregnancy

Usually, the first, barely noticeable, mommy's tremors are noticed between 14 and 26 weeks, but most often - only after 18.

If a woman does not yet feel the movements of the baby - do not worry. Up to 20 weeks, there may be no movement at all.

Expectant mothers need to remember that the activity of the baby at this time is not constant, so the movements are still unstable.

Video: 16 weeks pregnant

What can and can not a woman at 16 weeks pregnant?

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, doctors recommend that mothers continue physical activity. But all movements should be smooth and unhurried.

From this point on, due to the growing tummy, the woman becomes less graceful. Therefore, now expectant mothers need to observe elementary caution.

Unfortunate moments of this period:

  • Pregnancy makes a woman distracted and forgetful. There is no point in fighting this, and in order not to forget anything, it is useful to make lists of important things and purchases.
  • Digestive problems often worry pregnant women. To reduce discomfort, you need to eat dried fruits every day, drink kefir at night. Do not forget that breakfast should be dense, and dinner should be light.
  • Poorly cooked foods, raw eggs and milk are undesirable during this period, as they can cause serious poisoning - and harm the baby.
  • During pregnancy, it is better to abandon cosmetic experiments, as some products can cause an unwanted allergic reaction. Particularly sensitive women can switch to special cosmetic lines for pregnant women.

16 weeks pregnant - how to understand that everything is fine?

Thoughts that something is wrong with the child haunt many pregnant women. Such fears are explained by increased emotionality, and often have no basis.

At this stage of pregnancy, such fear is unnecessary. If a woman is not bothered by frequent and intense pain and there is no bleeding, then with a 99% probability everything is fine with her and the baby.

Regular visits to the doctor will help the pregnant woman to always remain calm.

Popular questions about pregnancy at week 16 - answers a specialist

16 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic period - what is the difference?

  • obstetric term invented by doctors in order to make it convenient to calculate the date of birth. It is two weeks ahead of the embryonic period, as it begins on the first day of the last menstruation.
  • Embryonic term always counted from the moment of fertilization.

Allocations at the 16th week of pregnancy - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

At week 16, pregnant women have an increased amount of discharge. Normally, they should be transparent - or milky, watery, without a pungent odor.

A deviation from the norm may indicate the presence of an infection in the vagina.

Due to the preparation of the birth canal of a woman for childbirth. Pregnant women need to pay special attention to thorough hygiene of the genitals in order to prevent infection of the urinary tract.

Too watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, consultation with a doctor is required!

If the heartbeat of the fetus is not heard at the 16th week of pregnancy?

It must be emphasized that at this time the baby's heartbeat can only be heard during an ultrasound examination.

The absence of cardiac activity in the fetus, in most cases, means his death. But, in order to confirm this diagnosis, the ultrasound procedure will need to be completed several more times.

If at 16 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

Normal pregnancy is always accompanied by minor pain in the abdomen. All this is the result of an enlarged uterus.

However, if a woman feels cramps resembling menstruation, this is anxiety symptom. It is better, without wasting time, to go to the hospital.

Worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at 16 obstetric weeks - causes?

Such pain is often caused by stretching of the muscles and nodes that support the uterus. Most pregnant women feel them. The pain can be spasmodic or stabbing, and most often occurs with a sudden change in position.

Resting in a comfortable position should bring significant relief.

If the pain is accompanied by fever, trembling, bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 16th week of pregnancy, it stopped feeling sick, I don’t feel pregnant, there was blood?

Changes such as blood from the vagina indicate a possible threat of termination of pregnancy. A woman needs to see a doctor immediately.

If there is no blood, but toxicosis is gone, this is quite natural for this period, and should not cause concern.

16 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

Now doctors perform ultrasound to rule out possible pathologies in the development of the baby. Also, like other pregnant women, a woman takes the necessary tests.

All organs in the baby are already formed - which means that the risk of miscarriage at week 16 is becoming less and less. Therefore, women who become pregnant with IVF, can enjoy their position.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at week 16, or does it rarely freeze during this period?

You can determine the fading of the fetus if you carefully monitor your well-being. The disappearance of all symptoms of pregnancy is the first sign of fetal fading.

The following symptoms that appear after a few days are brown discharge, fever, dizziness, nausea. This condition is dangerous because the frozen baby remains inside the uterus - intoxication and infection can threaten the life of the mother.

Are SARS, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 16 weeks of gestation?

Basically, colds are dangerous in the first months after conception. The older the child becomes, the more protected he is.

But there are diseases that pose a potential threat to the health of the baby, even in the later stages. These include: rubella, sexually transmitted diseases, infectious inflammation of the urinary tract.

It is important for all pregnant women to understand that only a doctor can advise the safest treatment..

At the 16th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

Due to the fact that the hormonal background stabilizes at week 16, many women notice an improvement in well-being.

But this does not mean that now you can relax. See your doctor regularly and eat right needed constantly.