Applique for children from geometric shapes templates. The simplest applications of geometric shapes. Applique of geometric shapes at school

To get acquainted with colors and shapes, as well as to develop thinking and imagination with children, you can create applications from geometric material. These activities are good not only because they allow children to develop and learn about the world, but also because of the availability of the materials themselves. In this article we will show you how to make different applications from geometric shapes.

Application: a house of geometric shapes

"House". Application for the little ones

Applications for small children should be as simple as possible and consist of a small number of details.

To create a children's applique in the form of a house of geometric shapes, we need:

  • templates for cutting shapes;
  • cardboard with an image of the final picture applied to it;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brush.

Application "Big House"

After the child has mastered simple applications, you can move on to complex ones. To make it easier for a child to create large applications on his own at first, it is necessary to print ready-made templates on thick paper.

Templates usually have two parts. On one, the contour of the drawing is applied, and on the second the geometric figures themselves, which must be glued along the contours.

Application: machine made of geometric shapes

Boys are very interested in cars made of geometric shapes. The figures themselves for creating appliques by older children are cut out on their own, and small children need to be given already cut blanks.

Application: animals from geometric shapes

Making animal applications from geometric shapes is no less exciting, but small children will need the help of adults, since they consist of a large number of details. The principle of application is the same as in the previous master classes.

Application: geometric chicken

Applications can not only be glued, but also played around this process. In order to play an exciting game for kids, we need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens or paints;
  • glue;
  • brush.
  1. On a sheet of white cardboard, draw the main outlines: the sun, chicken and chickens, and also draw the grass and clouds.
  2. A chicken, sun and four yellow circles, which are to become chickens, are made of cardboard of the corresponding colors.

We lay out a sheet of cardboard with drawn outlines and details on the table and begin the performance for the child:

"The hen went out for a walk, to nip fresh grass,

And behind her are the children - yellow chickens.

The sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud

(we roll the sun over the picture and remove it).

Darkness has come, don't go outside the gate:

Who got on the street - got lost and disappeared

(we remove the figures of chickens).

The chicken looked around, but the chickens were not visible.

The chicken began to call the sun

“Come out, honey, hurry! I'm offended without the sun -

And the chickens are not visible! "

The child is asked to “find the chickens” by gluing them to the cardboard.

Nadezhda Studenikina

Program tasks:

Learn to create composition of geometric shapes.

Anchor names geometric shapes.

To consolidate the technique of cutting a circle from a square, a triangle from a square along the office.

Teach the skills of accurate glue handling (carefully stick the elements).


Colored cardboard, scissors, glue, brushes.

Box with geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, today we will have interesting occupation... In this magic box I have geometric figures... Let's remember what they are called.

The teacher takes turns out of the box geometric figures, children call them.

Educator: - Guys, what size are these figures?

Children: - Large, medium, small.

Educator: - Guys, do you know which of these geometric shapes, for example, you can make a house. What do you think geometric shapes are needed for this?

Children: - Square and triangle.

Educator: - Right.

(I show by example figures)

Guys, but from geometric shapes you can make not only a house, but also much more. Let's take a close look around and name objects, toys, furniture, etc. that remind you geometric figures.

Children: - Answers of children.

Educator: - Right. Well done.

And now we will do it. Each of you has a set of colored squares of different sizes on the table. Each square has an outline of a circle or triangle. To execute application of geometric shapes, need these figures first cut out on the drawn square, and then lay out on paper, making up some composition... And only then carefully glue the details of your compositions... And so, think carefully what composition you want to complete and get to work.

Children cut and paste geometric figurescreating your compositions... At the end lessons the educator together with the children creates works, considering each of them, encouraging the best.

The upbringing of a child begins at birth. Growing up, he begins to know the world around him. At about 3-4 years old, the child goes to kindergarten. In the garden, he is given the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills that the child develops through the systematic repetition of the necessary exercises.

What is taught in kindergarten?

She studies until she turns seven. After that, the child is sent to school, to the first grade. In kindergartens, children are taught labor, elementary skills, and given the necessary knowledge.

At 3-4 years old, children learn how to properly hold pens, pencils, spoons, etc., take care of themselves and their clothes, get acquainted with numbers and letters, as well as with geometric shapes. To consolidate the knowledge gained and generalize the existing ones, the teacher conducts didactic games.

At the age of 5-6, children begin to prepare for admission to school. At this age, they learn to count within 10, compare objects, navigate in space, write and letters, read, do crafts from geometric shapes, get acquainted with geometric bodies.

In addition to knowledge and skills, it is necessary to develop in children Teach them to think outside the box, find unnecessary objects or words. Logic needs to be developed with the help of certain didactic games aimed at this topic.

Concepts of geometric shapes

First of all, children are introduced to such figures as a square, circle, oval, rectangle, triangle. When preschoolers are well oriented in them and can accurately name each one, it is necessary to introduce new concepts: polygon, trapezoid and rhombus.

Having introduced them to the existing figures, the teacher not only repeats their names with the children, but also teaches them how to make crafts from geometric shapes, for example: a house, a tree, a chicken, a bunny, etc.

In the future, geometric shapes will be found in tasks in mathematics, drawing, applications.

As soon as the children have memorized all the figures, the teacher introduces the concept of "geometric bodies". differ from geometric bodies, so the teacher focuses the attention of preschoolers on their differences and features. It is very important to teach kids how to draw figures on a sheet, as well as cut them out of colored paper.

When doing paper crafts, geometric shapes must be placed in front of you for comparison or a sample. In the first steps, you can use templates for clarity.

Volumetric crafts

If at the very beginning children are just getting acquainted with geometric bodies, then by the age of 5-6 they should be able to draw the desired figure, be able to cut it out. All work should take place without the help of adults or peers.

Also, at the age of 5-6 years, children should be able to do crafts from volumetric geometric shapes. The work takes place under the supervision of a teacher and with step-by-step instructions.

  1. Preschoolers examine and analyze a sample of work (specify which geometric shapes they have to draw).
  2. A drawing of the desired figure is carried out on colored paper.
  3. After making sure that all the figures are depicted correctly, cut out.
  4. Using glue, they connect all the parts into a single whole.
  5. The work is ready, you can take it to the teacher.

As a result, children get the necessary volumetric craft.

Any object can be represented using colored paper in the form of geometric shapes. The main thing is your imagination. For example, if it is necessary to depict a house, then the walls, windows will be in the form of a square, the roof - a triangle, the chimney and the door - a rectangle. We "draw" a bear: the head, paws, ears - a circle, the nose - a triangle, and the body - a square. In the fish: the body is triangles, the eyes are circles.

The procedure for performing crafts consisting of geometric shapes

  1. First you need to decide on the application.
  2. Having chosen the desired pattern, children examine and name all the geometric shapes located in the picture.
  3. They select certain colors and draw the necessary shapes.
  4. Cut out each shape along the contour.
  5. Start gluing parts. It is important to remember that the largest part is glued together first, and the small ones are superimposed on top of it.
  6. When doing the work, the children demonstrate the craft to the teacher.

Thus, by doing crafts from geometric shapes, children develop their hands, as well as skills in working with geometric material. Using your imagination, you can depict any application from the desired figures.

Beautiful applique shapes help develop good thinking in young children. They have a positive effect on children's subconsciousness, thereby forming ideas about the outside world.

Before embarking on developmental activities, it is necessary to explain what geometric shapes are. They are the basis of an interesting lesson. After a while, the child will learn how to cut paper elements on his own.

Our material contains detailed instructions and drawings for developing applications. Ready-made sketches help to facilitate the task. According to their structure, the necessary elements are selected to create an unusual picture.

Classes should be selected based on the age category of your baby. For small children, it is best to choose appliqués consisting of 4-5 geometric shapes. The difference in color palette contributes to good memorization and memory training.

Geometric application "Transport"

How to make a geometric applique? In fact, everything is quite simple. When choosing a task, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the preferences of your child. For example, girls like flowers, birds, animals more. Boys most often choose cars, robots, etc.

As for the color combination, it is best for children with an impulsive character to choose light or pastel shades. They form maximum concentration and perseverance. In addition, such measures have a positive effect on the emotional state.

We bring to your attention an application in the form of transport. It consists of simple geometric shapes. This activity will appeal to children aged 3 to 4.5 years. It forms hard work, perseverance and accuracy.

Before starting the workflow, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • car picture;
  • brush.

The applique creation process takes place in several simple steps:

  • We begin to cut out the shapes that make up our "geometric" transport: a rectangle for the main body of the car, circles for the wheels, a square for the roof. Before you start cutting out objects, you need to decide on their color scheme.
  • Next, on a white sheet of paper, draw a road along which vehicles will move. After that, glue a rectangle in the center. Glue the roof over it. We lubricate each element with a small amount of adhesive. When the roof and body are dry, you can move on to the wheels.

The application is almost ready. Here you can give free rein to children's imagination. Let the child draw the doors and windows for his car.

Applications from geometric shapes "Animals"

This developmental methodology is aimed at ages 5 to 6. At this time, the child already has a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat figures the body of this or that animal consists of. How to make a geometric applique for a child? Today we will glue the dog.

The paper structure includes: a head in the form of a circle, a body in the form of an oval, paws of small rectangles and ovals, a neck in the form of a cylinder. To decorate the neck area, we will make a small bow from two triangles.

Before starting classes, you must prepare the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • brush.

From the materials we need:

  • colored paper or cardboard;
  • white sheet of paper in A4 format;
  • glue in the form of a pencil.

A do-it-yourself master class for geometric applications takes place in several stages:

We carefully cut out the geometric components of our craft. Then we fix each element in its place. Experienced teachers recommend numbering every detail. This will allow the child to master counting and visual representation.

Lubricate the reverse side with adhesive. First we glue the head, then the rest of the animal's body. The final action will be a beautiful bow in a bright color.

The photo of geometric applications shows drawings and sketches. Here you can choose an educational activity for your child based on his age and preferences.

Photo of geometric applications

This article is intended for practicing the application with children. Geometric application will unobtrusively acquaint the kid with the basic properties of objects: size, color, shape. The drawing is made up of simple geometric shapes. Application is associated with cognitive activity and has a huge impact on the development of the child's creative and mental abilities. It will be of great benefit, help develop work skills.
When starting to introduce a child to the application, one must remember three main rules:
1) the child cannot hold his attention for a long time
2) he should be interested
3) the child needs praise for the work done.

Cut out geometric shapes in different colors and sizes before starting your class. pay attention to the baby's shape, its color and size. Help arrange the shapes in the right order.

Flower applique.

If the child is still very small, then it is better to perform the application together. Lay out the flower on paper and ask your baby to repeat after you. Show how to use glue and glue the picture.
At first, use 2-3 geometric shapes in the applique, for better memorization, pronounce the names and comment on your actions.

The flower is made of circles and squares. The circles are the petals of the flower, and the squares laid out in the form of a diamond are the stem of the flower.

Caterpillar applique.

The caterpillar is made entirely of circles and only the mouth required a small triangle.

Butterfly applique.

The butterfly applique will be more complicated, it includes new geometric shapes. The number and size of parts are increasing.

It is worth trying to make a big picture of geometric shapes with your child. To begin with, work out each element of the future picture separately (flower, butterfly, caterpillar), then collect the overall picture.
While doing applique work with your child, ask him, whom does he represent? Who are caterpillars and who do they turn into? Conducting classes with this method, the child develops a horizons.

Winter painting.

If it's winter outside, then you should try to make a simple winter geometric applique.

House applique.

First, we try to lay out a house of figures, and then glue it to the base for the application.

Herringbone applique.

We collect the Christmas tree from green triangles, and from small circles we make beads for the Christmas tree.

Applique snowman.

The snowman is also simple, it consists of circles of different sizes, one trapezoid and two different small triangles.

Application of geometric shapes "Cats and mice".

Geometric paper applique. Garland.

Our task is to teach the kid to stick exactly geometric shapes: circles and ovals, rhombuses and triangles, squares and rectangles, alternating them in color and shape. Show your child how to make a paper appliqué, imitating a garland on a string of circles and flags.

A ship made of geometric shapes.

The geometric application should be interesting, not very complicated and not very simple, only then can the child be interested in the work. Cut out various geometric shapes from colored paper and construct various ships from them. It can be one large ship or several small ones, with sails or a pipe. Glue the result you like on paper.

And if some of you think that working on creating appliques is child's work - they are deeply mistaken, skilled craftsmen create amazingly delicate and jewelry works from this technique. And then, those around them cannot understand at all from what material this or that is prepared. The main thing in any technique is to have a strong desire and desire to create something very beautiful and quickly move towards the intended goal.

Well, for your children, such an activity will always be interesting, even for the most restless. After all, this is, first of all, the creation of an element that is involved with cutting out figures, and children always like to cut. Then work with glue - which the kids often like too, especially when you can get dirty and pour something over, they can't do without it.

The main thing for work you should have under your friend such tools that will help you in creating geometric shapes: a ruler, a compass, a square, various drawing templates, scissors, a simple pencil, PVA glue, glue brushes, cardboard, sketchbook and, of course , colored paper.

With shapes like this, you can create bookmarks for books in the first place. They will be useful not only at work, but also as a gift from kids. After all, any work done by the hands of a child brings positive and refined feelings from a small soul.