Urine test jar for newborns. How to wash a child correctly? Pharmacy and homemade options

The good news is that it is possible to collect urine for analysis from a baby!

Sooner or later, each parent is faced with the question of how to collect urine for analysis from his crumbs. They say it's easier with boys ...

After completing the course of a young fighter specializing in girls, I report.

This is real and not even as difficult as it seems.

1. The first way, the most civilized.

Buy special sterile urine bags in the pharmacy. We bought a universal one that is suitable for both a girl and a boy.

Buy a sterile drainage bag from the pharmacy

Urine collection bag for babies- This is a bag with a hole, which is attached between the legs of the child using a special hypoallergenic Velcro. It costs 15-25 rubles (February 2011). BUY MULTIPLE PIECES AT ONCE. At least 3 pieces.

My attempt to stick the urine bag under the diaper led to zero result - the diaper was swollen, and the urine collector was empty and, as a result, damaged. Then the next morning I undressed the baby, stuck the urine bag between the legs as indicated in the instructions (having thoroughly washed it before that) and put it in the crib, making sure that the child stood and did not sit on the bottom (the bag dangled between the legs at this time). You can open the tap with water, you can wear it on the handles until you pee. Not a drop wasted :).

Pour the collected urine into a sterile jar, which you must first boil or at least scald with boiling water ().

Recently, in Moscow, they are demanding to take biomaterials in special sterile containers bought at the pharmacy. Several times I have refused to accept urine collected in a jar of baby food. So check this question in the laboratory.

2. The second way. If you couldn't buy a urine bag.

a) This method was taught to me by a friend who was with her daughter in the hospital. Use one that has been cleanly washed with soap (even better - brand new) plastic bag... A clean bag is cut from the sides and tied around the legs. And that's it! We are waiting, sir.

Use a plastic bag by cutting the sides and tying it around the baby's feet.

It turns out a bag between the legs, which collects urine

b) If a child very tiny and cannot take a vertical position, place the bag under the baby (see photo). Some will leak out (do not forget to put an oilcloth!), But the collected amount is quite enough for analysis.

Take a clean (!) Plastic bag

Place on the baby's pouch. Some urine will flow out, but the rest will be enough for analysis (use oilcloth)

In my opinion, it is more convenient to tie it around the legs and take it on the handles in an inclined horizontal position and stay like that with the baby for half an hour.

It will be very good breastfeed, almost all tiny babies pee while eating mom.

Transfer the collected urine from the bag in a sterile container(special disposable plastic, which are sold in pharmacies or any other glass). Baby food cans work well.

Remember that you need a child be sure to wash before collecting the analysis.


It is not necessary to squeeze the described diaper into a jar and take this jar to the laboratory. First, the urine is filtered. Secondly, the fibers of the fabric get into it.


If you fill a jar (for baby food or a special plastic one) 1 cm from the bottom, this will be enough.

Without exception, all parents, sooner or later, are faced with the need to collect urine. Unfortunately, not all mothers know how to do it right. Collecting urine from a small child is usually the most difficult. Often, such tests are essential for making a correct diagnosis. It is important to know how to collect biological material, in this case urine, as this can affect the correct and timely detection of the pathological process in the child's body.

How to properly collect urine for children under one year old and older. General rules

  1. The baby should be washed before collecting the analysis. The process of washing in boys and girls should be carried out from front to back, in order to avoid the ingestion of the intestinal bacterial flora on the mucous membrane of the organs of the genitourinary system;

  2. If a child is not washed, bacteria can be detected in the urine, which will lead to a false test result.

  • for morning urine is necessary, it is better to use its middle portion. That is, if the child urinates, it is advisable not to collect the first and last part of the urine;
  • it is necessary to deliver urine to the laboratory as soon as possible, within 1-3 hours;
  • can not be stored in the refrigerator, freeze urine;
  • do not collect urine in advance in the evening - long-term storage of the material leads to distorted results. There is a destruction of the cells in the urine, the turbidity changes and the reaction of the environment shifts;
  • the minimum amount of urine is 15-25 ml - 3-5 teaspoons.

About ineffective techniques

There are several basic ways to collect an analysis from a small child.

"Squeezing out the diaper or pampers"

Not the best way to collect analysis, although it is often used and should be avoided. The fact is that diapers use a special gel-like substance, which, in fact, ensures the absorption of moisture. When trying to squeeze out such a diaper, it is often possible to squeeze out a mixture of urine and this gel, which by itself will affect an adequate assessment of the analysis. It also makes no sense to wring out the diaper. Also, what kind of sterility can we talk about? This type of collection is categorically unsuitable for bacteriological research. So instead of the flora of the child's urinary tract, we get the flora that lives on a diaper or diaper.

"Potty urine transfusion"

Also not the best way. Collecting in a metal pot is a good option, but it needs to be boiled before collecting the test. If the pot is made of plastic, then this is not possible, and the use of household chemicals does not guarantee the expected effect. The number of leukocytes - white blood cells, in the urine of such a child, even if collected in a well-washed pot, will exceed the norm, and bacteriological examination will give a false-positive result.

"Seize the moment and substitute a sterile container for collecting analysis"

In this case, you have to rely on luck. It is advisable to prepare a container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy today, in advance. Not a sufficiently reliable option for collecting urine in a jar, even a jar treated with boiling water does not always guarantee cleanliness. Collecting urine from a baby under one year old is very convenient in the bathroom. The sound of the splash of the included water will stimulate the process of urination in the child. You can also give your baby clean drinking water to drink.

Often, after sleep, babies urinate, and they will have to "seize the moment" by substituting a previously prepared container under the stream of urine. This technique works well for boys.

If urine is collected from girls, a shallow plate or saucer can be used. Do not forget about the cleanliness and sterility of the dishes. Such dishes must be thoroughly washed and boiled. You can stimulate urination by placing a cotton swab dipped in warm water for a second - this will provide tactile stimulation of the child's urination.

"Using a urine bag or urine bag"

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to purchase urine bags in a regular pharmacy, but they are often available in hospitals. It is a polyethylene sterile bag with a special hole and an adhesive zone for fixing it on the child's pubis. These drainage bags are ideal for children under one year old. There are both urine bags for boys and for little women. On top of the bag fixed on the crotch, you can safely put on a diaper. To avoid irritation and dermatitis, it is best not to leave the receiver for a long time, overnight. In addition, having urinated several times a night, a "wrong" analysis is collected, which can cause unnecessary consequences. The urine collection bag is easy to transport. The hole through which urine enters is sealed with a plastic cap.

Unfortunately, this technique also has its drawbacks:

  • children are often very restless and constantly strive to tear off the interfering unnecessary thing;
  • irritation of the skin;
  • inability to collect the "necessary" portion.

"How to collect urine with a syringe from an oilcloth?"

A method from folklore. The bottom line is simple - the child relieves himself lying on an oilcloth, and the parents take urine with a sterile syringe. Oilcloth must be prepared (washed) in advance and wait for the moment of truth. The baby will not be comfortable at all to lie on a cold oilcloth for a long time. In this case, it is better not to dream of sterility.

"Method of collecting urine by catheterization of the bladder"

The method is described for general educational purposes only. The use of such a technique is possible only in a medical institution by a qualified specialist. Don't do this at home!

Failure to comply with the technique of performing catheterization threatens with formidable complications, such as infection or trauma to the urethra. The technique consists in introducing a flexible hollow tube (catheter) into the urethra and collecting urine directly from the bladder. The technique is good in a hospital setting, in cases where the child has a disrupted urination process. The analysis collected in accordance with all the rules is always sterile, if the baby does not have a urinary tract infection. The method is ideal for bacteriological research and urine biochemistry.

Algorithm for collecting urine from a one-year-old child using urine bags.

You can collect urine from a girl under one year old using the following method:

  • hygienic hand washing;
  • preparation of the child. The child should feel comfortable, should not cry. Psychological support is important;
  • you can use non-sterile gloves;
  • the baby should lie on his back with legs apart;
  • It is better to treat the crotch of the washed child with antiseptic wipes again, just before the collection procedure. First, the folds of the labia, and then the perurethral area with separate napkins. Movements should be made only from front to back, in order to avoid the drift of infection;
  • the skin is dried with dry sterile wipes;
  • preparation of the urine bag. Removing the protective sticker and applying the urine bag to the external genitalia, so as to ensure the flow of urine into the inside of the container .;
  • you can stimulate urination by the methods described earlier;
  • when the child went "out of necessity", the urine collection bag is closed or its contents are poured into a sterile container;
  • it is necessary to mark the sample. List the child's name and initials, age, time and date of urine collection.

Collecting urine from boys under one year old:

  • be sure to wash your hands before testing;
  • preparation of the child. The child should feel comfortable, should not cry. Talk, calm down;
  • you can use non-sterile gloves;
  • the position of the child is similar to that described in the previous method;
  • It is better to treat the crotch of the washed child with antiseptic wipes again, just before the collection procedure. Treat the genitals, movements should be done only from front to back, in order to avoid the introduction of infection. Pull the foreskin slightly and clean the outer opening of the urethra with a new tissue. Do not force the opening of the head, do not injure the child;
  • preparation of the urine bag. Removing the protective sticker, the sticky surface of the urine bag is attached to the child's skin, ensuring the tightness and flow of urine into the container;
  • when the child went “out of need”, the urine collection bag is neatly closed or its contents are poured into a sterile container for analysis;
  • it is necessary to mark the sample;
  • the analysis is ready for transport to the laboratory.

A newborn baby is examined monthly by a pediatrician and prescribes the necessary examinations. Among them is urine analysis. When given to a baby girl, many parents get lost. But there is no need to worry, because there are several ways to quickly and easily collect urine from a girl.

With the help of improvised means

Many mothers in the old-fashioned way use the tools at hand to collect urine from the girl. These include collecting with a plate and bag.


Collecting urine from a girl in a jar is usually carried out using a large flat plate, which must be thoroughly rinsed and treated with boiling water.


  • The method is very simple and publicly available.
  • It's easy to make at home.


  • This method will not be able to collect the average portion of urine.
  • If the plate is poorly cleaned, the test will show incorrect results.

The newborn is laid on the back and a clean plate is placed under her ass. After waiting for the baby to urinate, you need to gently lift it and, pulling out the plate, pour the urine into a sterile jar. The bank is tightly closed, supplied with a referral with the baby's data and sent to the laboratory.

The baby can turn the plate over. The best way is to collect urine in a urine bag.

Plastic bag


  • This collection method can help out in the absence of another suitable container for collecting urine.
  • Collecting urine in this way is quite easy.


  • Collecting in a bag cannot be called the most hygienic way, since the bag can be non-sterile.
  • The bag may slide out and urine will spill onto mom and surrounding objects.

Taking a regular package, its handles should be cut. So you get the opportunity to tie them on the baby's legs. After securing the bag to the girl, take her in your arms so that the child is upright. Then the urine will not spill out, but will remain in the bag. As soon as the baby urinates, drain the urine into a prepared sterile container.

For tiny babies, another option is possible: put an oilcloth and a plastic bag under the girl and wait for urination.

Using a urine bag

Putting the washed girl on her back and pushing her legs apart, talk to the baby so that she calms down (you should not put a urine bag on a naughty child). As soon as the newborn stops moving, carefully place a bag of urine collection bag over her genital area. Now it remains to wait for the crumb to urinate, carefully remove the bag and pour the urine into a sterile container, which is tightly closed with a lid.

  • Pay attention to washing your baby. You should thoroughly rinse all the folds and move from the pubis to the anus.
  • It is also important to thoroughly wash the hands of the parent who will collect the material for analysis with soap and water.
  • No need to try to get your baby's urine by twisting a diaper or diaper.
  • Do not store collected urine for more than two hours unless you want to get tested again.
  • Collection should be carried out only in a sterile container.
  • It is optimal to collect the child's first morning urine for analysis.
  • If the girl does not urinate for a long time, you can resort to certain tricks that can stimulate her urination. For example, you can give the baby a drink, pour water nearby, stroke her tummy slightly below the navel, wet the diaper on which the girl lies, and also lower the palm of the crumbs into a container of warm water.
  • Also, a cotton pad moistened with warm water can act as a stimulus for urination in a girl. Place it between your baby's legs and the result will be very quick.

In the first year of life, a child should be regularly examined by a pediatrician, undergo specialists and tested. And if difficulties usually do not arise with a blood test, since you just need to bring the child to the clinic in the morning and then calm down, then before collecting urine from an infant, parents are often lost. Let's figure out how to collect urine for analysis from a nursing baby, in particular, from a boy.

Using a urine bag

This method of collection is preferable because it allows you to easily collect urine for analysis.


  • This plastic bag makes it much easier to collect urine.
  • It is inexpensive and available in all pharmacies.
  • Thanks to the adhesive base, it adheres well to the child's body.
  • The velcro is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the baby's skin.


  • A urine bag must be purchased at the pharmacy, and sometimes the mother does not have such an opportunity.
  • If the bag is not properly attached, the urine will not get inside and will have to be collected again.

Lay the washed and dry wiped baby on the back. Spreading the legs of the baby, talk to the baby and comment on your own actions until the baby completely calms down. Next, carefully attach the drainage bag so that the penis is inside.

Wait patiently for your baby to urinate. So that the bag does not come off, and the child does not worry, take the baby in your arms. The bag filled with urine must be carefully removed, then the contents are poured into a sterile container and taken for analysis.

With the help of improvised means

Many parents use the old-fashioned way to collect the tools at hand - banks and bags.

To the bank

This method of collecting urine from a boy is one of the most common.


  • The peculiarities of urination in boys allow you to accurately collect the middle part of urine in a jar, you just need to "catch" the stream.
  • This is an affordable and very simple way.


  • If the jar is not sterile, the test results will be incorrect and the test will have to be retaken.
  • Parents' clothing and the things that surround the child are at risk of being damaged by splashing urine.

Lay the undressed baby on a diaper, not forgetting to put an oilcloth under it. Take the jar in your hands and wait. As soon as the baby starts urinating, let the first drops fall onto the diaper, then substitute the jar and collect the required amount of urine. Close the container and wrap it in a plastic bag (this will save your own bag from possible leaks).

The bank needs to be sterilized, but it is better to collect the urine in a special container for analysis

In the package


  • The method will help out when there is no urine bag or other container.
  • The advantage of the method is its general availability, as there are plastic bags almost everywhere.


  • The bag may not be sterile and the results may not be reliable.
  • The handles of the bag can come loose, and if the bag slides to the side, the mother and everyone around the baby can end up in the urine.

The handles of the bag are cut so that it becomes possible to tie them around the baby's legs. After securing the bag on the child, you need to wait for urination. In this case, the child must be in an upright position. Next, the urine is carefully poured into a sterile container.

If the baby is small, you can put a plastic bag under the baby on an oilcloth.

  • You should not let your child urinate on the diaper and then try to twist it into a jar.
  • It is not recommended to keep urine at room temperature for more than 2 hours, as this will make the analysis unreliable.
  • The baby must be washed before collecting urine, and parents need to wash their hands using baby soap.
  • The container into which urine is collected must be sterile.
  • For analysis, it is best to collect the first urine that the boy excreted in the morning.
  • If you wait for a long time, and the baby still does not urinate, you can resort to small tricks, for example, pouring water next to the baby from one glass to another, lower the baby's handle into a plate of warm water, stroke the baby below the navel, give the baby a drink, or wet it a little a diaper on which the baby lies.

With the appearance of a baby in the house, young parents begin new chores, which are accompanied by certain questions. And one of these questions is how to collect urine from a baby? After all, the delivery of tests to the children's clinic is a prerequisite.

What is the best time to collect urine

The collection of the analysis is carried out in the morning, and in the near future it is sent to the laboratory.

Urine is only stored for a few hours and for accurate results it should not be collected in the evening by storing it in the refrigerator.

But there is an analysis for which urine is collected throughout the day - according to Zimnitsky. The rules for collecting this analysis should be described in detail by the pediatrician who writes out the referral.

What to collect the urine of a newborn

There are many ways to collect urine from a child at home. All of them are time-tested, but there are three most common ones that make this task easier for many parents and do not create severe discomfort for the child.

The first way. Urine collection

Special urine bags are now sold in pharmacies. They are already sterile and do not require much hassle when collecting urine. They look like a small bag with a hole at the top. For reliability, there are special Velcro fasteners on the bag, which are glued to the perineum and do not allow the bag to budge. Velcro is completely hypoallergenic and does not cause irritation even on the most delicate skin.

How to properly collect urine with a drainage bag

Before starting the procedure, the baby should be thoroughly washed with baby soap. The child is laid in a horizontal position, and a urine collector is attached between the legs. The whole procedure is carried out only in an upright position, if the baby is still unable to stand on his own, he should be held in his arms. For a quick effect, you can stand next to a tap and open water.

After collecting the analysis, urine is poured into a prepared sterile jar. It is not necessary to attach the urine bag under the diaper, this collection will result in an empty container and a full diaper.

Second way. Jar

This method is the most proven. For collecting urine, a jar specially purchased at the pharmacy or any glass jar of baby puree that you have at home is suitable. The jar must be thoroughly washed, rinsed with boiling water and dried completely.

How to collect urine in a jar

The baby should be washed and laid on a clean oilcloth. The jar should be held in hand, as soon as the child begins to write, the jar is put under the stream and typed. In order not to scare the baby, you should not make sudden movements.

Thus, you can collect urine from a boy; a bank will not work for a girl.

For girls, a deep, clean and sterilized plate is used, which is placed under the butt. When the baby goes to the toilet, the plate is very carefully pulled out and the contents are poured into a sterilized jar.

Third way. Plastic bag

The package is the progenitor of the modern urine collection bag, as it has the same principle of operation.

To collect the analysis, only a new plastic bag with handles is used. The handles are cut and tied on the child's legs. As a result, it looks like a homemade urine bag, which is located between the legs of the child.

When collecting the analysis, the baby should be in an upright position so that urine does not spill out of the bag. After collection, the package is untied, and the contents are poured into a prepared container.

Cons of each method

Despite the ease and availability of each of the methods, they have their drawbacks.

Urine collection method disadvantages
Urine collectionIt is not always possible to collect urine the first time.
  • A child should be watched for a long time;
  • When the baby is active, you may not catch the stream;
  • With a sudden movement, the process of urination may be interrupted;
  • Not suitable for a girl.
Plastic bag
  • Lack of sterility;
  • The kid feels discomfort and inconvenience;
  • When removing the package, the contents may spill.

Features of collecting urine from a girl

Collecting urine from a girl is more difficult than from a boy. Before starting the collection of the analysis, the child must be washed in the direction from the genitals to the priest this will prevent bacteria from entering the vagina. Be very careful when washing, as the noise of the water can create urination. After washing, the crumb is wiped dry with a towel or napkin.

The classic and modern way of collecting urine from girls:

  1. Classical. This method requires a small deep saucer sterilized with boiling water, which is placed under the baby's ass. To speed up the process, you can stroke the tummy of the crumbs clockwise. After collecting the analysis in a plate, it is poured into a jar, and the child is washed again, since with this method urine gets on delicate skin and can cause irritation.
  2. Modern. This method uses a urine bag. When using this method, the child is washed away, then laid horizontally. The urine bag is glued between the legs on the girl's labia with an adhesive layer, and the child is placed in an upright position.

Stimulating urination in an infant

To shorten the waiting time while collecting urine, you can use several methods:

  • During the night, you can offer the baby more liquid, if he is breastfed, then more often apply it to the breast;
  • Before you start collecting urine, you can bare the baby's bottom - the flow of cool air will speed up the process, help provoke urination. The main thing is not to let the child freeze (no more than 7 minutes);
  • You can open a tap with water - the sound of water will help the baby to tune in the right way;
  • Try a gentle clockwise abdominal massage on the area where your bladder is located.

All these methods will help to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time, and most importantly, without unnecessary inconvenience and discomfort for the baby.

How much needs to be collected

When the child is still a newborn, it is very difficult for parents to carry out the procedure for collecting urine. And after the child gave the cherished 10 ml. urine, they carry them joyful to the laboratory. But, unfortunately, not every laboratory accepts such a small amount of urine for analysis. Any pediatrician, together with the issuance of a referral for analysis, must explain how much urine needs to be brought.

According to Sulkovich- To pass a urine analysis according to Sulkovich, you need to collect all the urine that is collected on an empty stomach in the early morning.

According to Nechiporenko- But when passing a urine test, you need at least 17 ml of collected fluid.

The limited framework was created for a reason, because urine analysis is always done in a detailed manner. Indicators such as the specific gravity of urine and some other health indicators are very difficult to obtain from a small amount of biological material.

What not to do

When collecting a urine sample from a child, there are actions that cannot be performed:

  • Urine should not be squeezed out of diapers or diapers, and urine should not be poured out of the pot either, such an analysis will not give reliable results, since tissue fibers and bacteria get into it;
  • Urine analysis is stored for a very short time, therefore, collection is carried out only in the morning;
  • Urine is not collected if the infant has taken antibiotics the day before;
  • The collection container must be clean and completely sterile to prevent bacteria from entering the assay.