Annunciation. folk signs, customs, rituals. What is impossible and what can be done in the annunciation

Major Orthodox holidays are approaching, such as the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Easter. In 2018, the Annunciation falls on Holy Saturday, just before Easter.

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is a holiday for all Orthodox, it is celebrated annually on the same day, April 7th. This feast is one of the twelve important feasts after Christ's Sunday. On this holiday, it is customary to observe a number of rituals and traditions.

Annunciation, signs and customs, conspiracies, rituals, what and when to think: traditions and customs of the holiday

Many traditions and rituals are associated with the feast of the Annunciation. On this day, you can’t have noisy fun, sew and knit, work.

In the old days in Russia, on the Annunciation, it was customary to let pets out into the street, as they say, “listen to spring”. At the end of the church service, they kindled a large fire, thereby calling for warmth, and unmarried women led a round dance around the temple, which had the name ‘’crooked dance’’.

On this holiday, it is forbidden to lend money and give something from home. There is a belief that in this way you give away your well-being and health.

On the Annunciation, from ancient times, it was customary not to cut hair or even comb it, so as not to confuse fate.

Annunciation, signs and customs, conspiracies, rituals, what and when to think: on this big holiday there are some signs

In order to have good health, on the Annunciation it was necessary to wash with melt water.

You can not wear new clothes for the holiday, as they will not be worn and will soon tear.

If there is still snow on this day, do not expect good shoots. Clear weather promises a good harvest and a fairly warm summer. Well, if it rains, then wait for a lot of mushrooms in the fall.

Also, if thunder breaks out on this holiday, as the omen says, you should expect a lot of mushrooms in the fall.

Annunciation, signs and customs, conspiracies, rituals, what and when to think: on this day it is customary to make conspiracies and what you can think of on this holiday

In order for good luck to accompany the whole year, honey must be purchased on this day. They need to smear the palm of their right hand and close it with the palm of their left hand, then spread their arms to the sides and pronounce a conspiracy

Annunciation conspiracy for good luck: ‘’ Like a honey melts, a hand sticks to a hand, so that luck sticks to me, God’s servant (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen''.

For those who wish to attract material wealth, it is necessary not having time to wash in the morning, to give alms, writes the portal 1rre. Go to church early in the morning, and when you leave it, give alms. But do not forget that before this you do not need to wash and have breakfast.

A conspiracy for profit is a very ancient, but relevant way at the present time. It is especially important for people involved in entrepreneurial activities. It is on the feast of the Annunciation that you need to sprinkle your store with charmed water before the first buyer appears in it. The conspiracy over water is as follows:

‘’The Good News announced a miracle. The good news leads people to temples, and my conspiracy will call people to my shop. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen'.

On one of the five great holidays - the Annunciation, you can make your deepest desires.

As the people believe, on this day the heavens open and you can ask God for happiness, glory and wealth. To do this, you need to go outside at night, find the largest star in the sky and say: “God, give me great glory, happiness and love.” At the same time, you must not forget to make your innermost desire and it must come true.

This event was first depicted in the Gospel of Luke. It describes the visit of the archangel Gabriel to Mary, who brought the good news that she was chosen as the Mother of the Son of God. He approached her and said: "Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with you." The virgin was frightened, but the messenger calmed her, explaining that she was chosen from among many women to complete the great work of the Creator in saving the human race.

The evangelist pays special attention to the devotion to faith that characterizes the girl. Mary humbly and gratefully accepted the honor declared to her with deep trust in God's intentions. Despite the special significance of this event for Christianity in general, the feast of the Annunciation was not officially approved for a long time. The Church of the Eastern Rite introduced it into the liturgy in the 5th century, while the Catholics recognized it only in the 7th. Initially, the focus was on the image of Christ, who, at the moment of the good news, began his sojourn on earth. This day was worshiped because it became the date of the incarnation of the Lord in human form.

Later, in the era of the Early Middle Ages, a significant date began to be identified with the Mother of God, as the one through whom God's plan was fulfilled. This is evidenced by the ancient temples of the Annunciation dating back to the 9th-10th centuries, built in honor of the Virgin Mary. One of the most common prayers of Orthodox believers is associated with this holiday. The troparion "Our Lady of the Virgin, Rejoice", along with "Our Father" is included in the list of morning prayers that must be read. He is present in all solemn liturgies. Among Western Rite Catholics, this prayer is known as "Hail Mary".

Also read: Annunciation 2016 fortune-telling, signs, customs

Church and folk traditions of the celebration of the Annunciation

Christianity and paganism on the territory of Russia were closely intertwined. A bizarre mixture of church dogmas and ancient customs is also characteristic of the celebration of the Annunciation. The laity believe that on this day every prayer will be answered, and by performing simple actions, you can secure good luck and prosperity for the whole year.

Church canons

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos traditionally coincides with the time of Great Lent and its special milestones. If it does not fall on Bright Week, as well as the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), then the order of the church service is as follows:

  • Great supper. Likewise with Easter and Christmas services, the service begins the day before and continues throughout the night. The time at which the service is held is not chosen by chance and has its own history. It goes back to the era of the birth of religion. In the early days of Christianity, when neophytes were especially severely persecuted, night and early morning were the safest times for services. This symbolism has carried over to the present day.
  • Matins. One of the longest annual cycle services. It differs from the daily canon in a set of prayers, which, according to believers, have special power. Therefore, many try to get to the Annunciation service. During Matins, food is blessed. This event is characterized by a special rite - the breaking of bread, during which the priest blesses the bread and wine and distributes it to the parishioners.
  • Vespers. The final stage of the celebration is the evening service. It is performed in the order adopted for this day of the week.

Since the Annunciation coincides in time with Great Lent, in honor of the holiday, the church allows relief. On such a great day, a fasting parishioner is allowed to eat fish and wine. If this date falls on Wednesday or Friday, then the strict fast at these moments is canceled.

folk customs

In Russia, the Annunciation often coincided with the beginning of work on the ground, so it was perceived as the beginning of spring, the moment of the final departure of the cold. Such symbolism contributed to the emergence of rituals and beliefs associated with fertility. It was believed that before this date nothing could be planted and sown, since the earth was still asleep.

To increase and preserve the harvest on this day, the ancestors performed the following rituals:

  • Firewood was burned in the oven and the resulting ash was mixed with salt consecrated in the church. The resulting mixture was scattered around the corners of the field or garden. It was designed to protect the owner's site from an evil eye, to protect plantings from hail and harm caused by people.
  • Grain blessing. The elder man in the house baptized the spring crops prepared for planting with the icon of the Annunciation in his hands and spoke to the harvest.
  • The crumbs from the bread consecrated during the morning liturgy were mixed with seeds for planting. Also, for the same purpose, the ancestors added a little Annunciation salt to the grains.

For peace between family members, well-being at home and health, the following techniques were used:

  • Everyone had to eat the consecrated prosphora on an empty stomach and drink it with water taken from the church. This remedy was supposed to protect a person from diseases and troubles, to give good luck and prosperity.
  • Preparation of Annunciation salt. Each family member living in the house had to take a handful of salt, which was subsequently heated with a corresponding conspiracy-wish in a pan and poured into a common bag. This mixture was considered a powerful remedy against diseases and a protective talisman against the evil eye. It was poured not only to people, but also used for animals, birds.
  • Women whose husband had a violent temper or a bad temper had to call their spouse 40 times "cute". Then, according to legend, he will be affectionate and helpful all year.

The ancestors also had rituals for the fulfillment of desires, which were to be carried out on Annunciation days. These actions include:

Symbolic release of birds into the wild. In 1995, the church resumed this ceremony on a national scale. But if now it is a beautiful ceremony, then in the old days this ritual had practical significance. Then it was believed that in this way you can get rid of troubles and failures and gain prosperity. To do this, it was necessary to purchase a bird the day before or in the morning and tell it about your problems and requests that were addressed to God. Then during the service they were released. It was believed that the bird would fly straight to the Lord, since on such a great holiday the heavens open.

Conspiracy-prayer to the archangel Gabriel. If a person had a special desire, then in order to fulfill it next year, it was necessary to go to the crossroads at sunrise, and bowing 3 times to the east, read a prayer to this angel three times and state the request in your own words. Merchants and other merchants on the Annunciation did not miss the opportunity to strengthen their fortune. In order for the trade to be successful and there were always many buyers in the shop, on the day of the celebration it was necessary: ​​In the morning, before the arrival of the first buyer, sprinkle the premises and goods with charmed water. As a whisper-prayer, texts were used that said that “as the people go to the temple on a holy holiday, so the buyers came to me.” Visit the church, be sure to wait for the holiday bells. When the bells start toll, it was required to pick up a purse and say certain words about the multiplication of money in it. Give generous alms to the beggars standing near the entrance to the temple. Thieves also have their signs on this day. Previously, there was an opinion that the fraudster who steals some thing on this day, even if it is of little value, a mere trifle, will be lucky on his way all the next 12 months. This belief is typical for the day of the Good News. If other dates are accompanied by their own rites to increase fertility, prosperity, improve health and fulfillment of desires, then the thieves used the opportunity to receive the “amulet” only on April 7th.

What can and cannot be done on the Annunciation?

The Annunciation, like many other church feasts, has its own rules and restrictions. Some of them are especially strict, like not doing anything.

People say “on the Annunciation, a girl does not weave a braid, a bird does not build a nest.” The legend of the cuckoo is connected with this belief. The legend mentions that this bird does not have a home due to the fact that it deliberately violated the Lord's prohibition. Since then, she has been forced to throw her eggs into other people's nests and be persecuted by everyone.

It is also impossible to perform the following acts on the Annunciation Day:

  • To lend something or, conversely, to give money and things to strangers. Otherwise, you may lose your well-being, health, peace and peace in the family. This requirement should be strictly observed, even if the person asking you for something is well known and it is inconvenient for you to refuse him. It is important to ensure that nothing is taken from your home. Therefore, on April 7, it is undesirable to invite guests. The holiday is usually celebrated with family.
  • Sewing, weaving, knitting. Many peoples of the world associate a thread with life, so anyone who picks it up for work can confuse their fate, bring problems and troubles.
  • Take care of your hair. You can not only cut your hair, wash your hair, but even comb it because of the danger of destroying your destiny. Hair may also fall out as a punishment.
  • Wear new clothes. New things will quickly break or irreparably deteriorate, and during the year there will be no opportunity to purchase others. Girls who violate the ban will not get married until the next Annunciation.
  • Don't start something new. Otherwise, there will be no success in business. The modern sign that serious things (construction, business, etc.) cannot be started on Monday had a different interpretation in the old days. Previously, it was believed that one should not take on any business on the day of the week corresponding to the past Annunciation. For example, if this celebration fell on Wednesday, then it was considered an unlucky day next year.

This day should be spent as you would like. According to legend, it is believed that what this holiday will be for you, this will be the whole year. Therefore, you should not take offense at the Annunciation, swear with the people around you. On the contrary, it is necessary to spend the day in a good, bright mood. Don't be alone. Even if you don't have your own family, take the opportunity to visit your relatives, meet your friends. For people who have pets, it is advisable to feed them well. Crumbs of consecrated prosphora should be added to food. Thus, the owner protects not only himself, but also his pets from diseases for the future.

Folk omens for the Annunciation

The ancestors had a large number of signs associated with the Annunciation. Many of them came to us, for example, about the weather.

Folk signs and observations concerned not only the weather, but also human life. There was an opinion that:

  • Whoever gets drunk on the gospel will have bitter drunkards in his family.
  • The one who kindles the stove will have a fire in the near future.

Which signs to believe and which not, each person decides for himself, and let the Annunciation bring joy to your home.

Annunciation: signs of what can and cannot be done

The Annunciation is one of the great Christian holidays, along with Easter and Christmas.

The Feast of the Annunciation is a day of rest, freedom, blessing of good deeds and prayers. On this day, one should pray, read the Bible and avoid reckless noisy feasts.
On April 7, as well as on other Christian holidays, any work is strictly prohibited, as a symbol of non-attachment to human values: money, work and well-being. As the Gospel tells, one should think about the Kingdom of God, and God will give everything else from above. Of course, not all employers will appreciate the reverence for the holiday, but freed from the necessary work, you should devote the day to God. The ancestors believed that on this day the Mother of God sows fields, meadows and crops with seeds of flowers, plants and herbs from the sky, therefore it is absolutely impossible to work and interfere with her. It is forbidden to quarrel, because having quarreled on this sacred day, you can never make peace.
The most famous proverb associated with the Annunciation sounds like: "The bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids." There is a belief that the cuckoo once, it was on the Annunciation, decided to create a nest, but the Lord destroyed it and made the cuckoo a widow. And the second warning applies not only to hairstyles, but also to various sewing, knitting, weaving and other things related to threads. It is believed that the Lord determines the future by interweaving the threads of people's destinies. Therefore, to engage in all types of weaving on this day means to anger God and bring misfortune and separation into the house.
Even on this day, you can’t give money, borrow things, and generally take something out of the house. So you can give God's blessing of the Annunciation, and with it your life energy and health to other people.
There is also a ban on clothing. You can’t dress up in new clothes on this day, as it has been noticed that such a novelty will not be worn later: it will be torn, lost, or dirty without the possibility of recovery.

Folk omens for the Annunciation

This holiday has long been observed for birds and the weather. If swallows are not visible on the Annunciation, spring will come late and will be cold. Frost, frost or wind and promised a good harvest. Rain on April 7 foreshadowed a dry summer, and a rich catch for fishermen.
On the Annunciation, everyone tried to go to church and bring home consecrated pieces of church bread - prosphora. These loaves were then crumbled and buried in the ground. According to signs, this foreshadowed a rich harvest.

Annunciation in 2018 what date

Many are wondering: when will the Annunciation 2018 be? Believers are often confused by the ever-shifting date of Easter, tied to the first Sunday after the full moon and the vernal equinox.

The quiet bright holiday of the Annunciation never changes its date, and in 2018, and in all other years, it is celebrated on April 7th. For Catholics and according to the old style, the Annunciation is celebrated on March 25th. It has been celebrated since the 4th century, and this holiday is set as the date preceding the Nativity of Christ by exactly nine months. Usually, Great Lent is still lasting for Orthodox Christians on this day, but in honor of the holiday, relaxation is possible: fish and red wine are allowed. However, in 2018, the feast of the Annunciation falls on Holy Saturday, so this day is the same strict fast, without wine and fish.

History of the Annunciation
The word Annunciation literally means good joyful news, when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that the Son of God would soon be born to her. He explained to her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of the Lord would overshadow her.
Mary, a simple earthly woman, brought up to the age of 14 at the temple, humbly accepts the divine will and answers: “Let it be according to your word.” After the utterance of these cherished words, the holy spirit descended, and the word was clothed in matter: Jesus was conceived, as the Gospel tells. Mary's consent, her willingness to accept everything that the Lord has prepared for her is an example for all believing Christians in interaction with the Supreme Creator. The coming to the earthly world of Jesus Christ was possible only with the consent of the ordinary girl Mary. This is how the world was saved: thanks to the convergence of the Divine will and the voluntary aspiration of man to God.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most revered holidays in Orthodoxy. It is celebrated on April 27, 2019. In the old days, there were many customs dedicated to it.

Some of them are still observed by believers. We will tell you what you can not do on the Annunciation, and what you need to attract good luck and prosperity.

What should be done on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

On this day, believers visit temples. At the Annunciation, the Blessed Virgin Mary is glorified, thanksgiving is made to the Lord God and veneration is paid to his messenger Archangel Gabriel, who brought the good news to Mary.

When the feast of the Annunciation falls on one of the days of Passion Week, the festive church service begins the night before with vespers. The Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated.

Prosphora is consecrated in churches. It is believed that the consecrated prosphora, which is kept at home, protects family members from various misfortunes.

In the old days, on this day, after the liturgy, white doves were released into the sky. In our country, this custom was revived in some churches in 1995.

According to beliefs, on the Annunciation the sky opens for requests and prayers. Some people believe that at this time you can “beg for glory from God. And as you have fame, you will definitely become rich and happy.” In the evening, if a big star is visible in the sky, you need to shout out: “God, give me glory!”

Annunciation - what not to do?

On this day, you can not work, do cleaning, sew, knit. As they say, on the Annunciation "the bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids."

It is better not to visit the hairdresser and even if possible not to comb, otherwise the hair will fall out. It is not customary to wear new clothes, otherwise they will tear or deteriorate.

The meaning of such prohibitions is not that certain actions cannot be performed, but that an Orthodox holiday is, first of all, a day that is dedicated to God.

What should be done on the Annunciation? Believers should be distracted from worldly, everyday affairs and devote themselves to spiritual concerns. Try to show more warmth and care towards friends and relatives, help the poor and sick people.

On the contrary, it is forbidden to swear, quarrel, and condemn people. Also, you can not borrow money and things, so as not to suffer losses. It was believed that the one who gives something from the house on the Annunciation spends family peace and peace on strangers.

What else is allowed on the Annunciation? The Annunciation is celebrated during Great Lent. However, on a holiday, if it does not fall on Holy Week, you can eat fish, wine and oil. It is also customary to bake flour products from lean dough in the form of larks.

In those years when the Annunciation falls on Holy Week, the requirements for observing the rules of Great Lent remain in force even on the day of this holiday. You can not eat fish and eat vegetable oil. Locked also applies to wine.

In the old days, the housewives, getting up before dark, heated salt in a large frying pan for at least 10-20 minutes. At the same time, prayers were read. Such salt, adding it to food, treated household members, even seriously ill people.

There are 12 most important holidays in the Orthodox Church calendar during the year. The Annunciation, which always falls on April 7, belongs to such holidays. Consider what can and cannot be done on this day, if we take into account that this year the holiday falls on the mournful last day of fasting - Great Saturday.

If you study the calendars of past years, you will see that the Annunciation rarely coincides with Holy Saturday. Now on the Internet, on some forums, there is hysteria about this - they say such a coincidence is a sign of the soon apocalypse.

There will definitely be nothing like this, the end of the world, at least, such a sign is not written in the Gospel. But special attention should be paid to what cannot be done on the Annunciation in general and, in particular, if it falls on Holy Saturday, as happened in 2018.

Interesting materials on the topic:

Important! Usually this is a big holiday during which the post is weakened and it is even allowed to eat fish and have fun. But because of the current coincidence, you will have to spend the day in peace and prayer. Although, after visiting the temple, as the priests say, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to bake Easter for the Annunciation is already considered positive. Try to do this together with your family, not making too much noise or having fun, but spending time together pleasantly and with grace.

  1. You can bake Easter cakes and go to the temple to consecrate them. In the same way, you can paint eggs, cook other dishes for the Easter table.
  2. The people of the people on the Annunciation drove all the cattle into the yard, it was believed that this contributes to the early arrival of spring.
  3. You can eat fish and drink red wine in ordinary years, but this year, due to the strictness of the fast, it is on Holy Saturday that fish and wine are banned.
  4. In the morning after the service in the temple, be sure to go to the icon of the Virgin Mary. This is especially true for women, because the Mother of God is considered the intercessor of women before the Lord in their daily affairs. In quiet sincere prayer, you can ask for the appearance of a child or betrothed, for health, for a happy family life.
  5. If a woman has not been able to get pregnant for a long time, on this day she should turn to the Mother of God for help with a special prayer and an open heart.

What not to do:

  1. Have fun and make noise.
  2. Jump over the fire.
  3. Attend fun activities.
  4. Work around the house. Of course, preparation for Easter is not prohibited, but it must be done slowly, measuredly and for your own pleasure.
  5. Do not touch your hair or even comb it. There was a belief among the people that if you comb your hair on the Annunciation, you can confuse the lines of your life.
  6. Do not fish, hunt or harm nature in any way. The fact is that the onset of this holiday among our ancestors of the Slavs was associated with the onset of spring and the awakening of life. So, it is impossible to interfere with life in any of its manifestations on the day of April 7th.

Oh good news

It is from this phrase “good news” that the beautiful name of the holiday comes. You can read about the events that happened on April 7 according to the new style in the Gospel of Luke. In particular, it is written there that the Archangel Gabriel appeared in a dream to the unmarried Mary, who devoted her life to serving the Lord. He brought good news from God that Mary was destined to become the mother of the Son of God on earth and that after 9 months she would give birth from the Holy Spirit, for the virgin birth had already taken place.

Folk signs of the Annunciation:

  • What will be the weather on this day, such will be the day of Easter. This year it so happened that the difference between the holidays is only one day.
  • Also, the ancestors believed that good weather on this day promises a rich harvest. Accordingly, the opposite rule also applies.
  • Thunder on April 7 - to a huge harvest of nuts. If it rains heavily, then this year the forest will delight you with a large number of mushrooms.
  • If you do not see the swallows, then the winter weather will last another seven weeks.
  • Nothing and to whom should not be given from home on this day, including borrowing money.

Answering once again the question of whether it is possible to eat fish on the Annunciation 2018, it must be emphasized that it is not. This is because the holiday falls on Holy Saturday. The last day before Easter is a time of special sorrow and very strict fasting; in churches and monasteries this day is kept on water and bread. So, precisely because of the combination of dates on the Annunciation this year, fish is not allowed. Usually, when there is no such coincidence, on this holiday you can eat fish.