What to do beautiful status. beautiful statuses

Do you want only the most beautiful statuses on your page? It’s not at all difficult because you have a whole selection in front of you.

Phrases about relationships

1. A dragon lives in each of us. The main thing is that your soul mate can cope with it.

2. Imagine what would happen if none of us exchanged for chance, and always followed our feelings ...

3. Sometimes you really want to believe that everything is in God's hands, and someday he will definitely organize a meeting for us with the love of our life.

4. Everything should change as often as possible, except for the partner - he should be changed as little as possible.

5. Anyone who receives a “good morning” message in the morning is incredibly happy.

6. A translator is not needed for a smile and joy.

7. I would like to never let people dear to my heart out of my life, but this cannot be avoided ...

8. The mood does not always have to be good, family life cannot be imagined without quarrels.

9. For a good life, I need him and life itself.

10. Give joy, if you want, disinterestedly, but never give it too much for nothing.

Statuses about the eternal

Each of us sometimes thinks about what goes beyond the routine. And this is worth it to change the status in the social network to the best and most beautiful phrase .

1. It is impossible to hold on to the past all the time: the hand simply will not be able to grab hold of the new that will definitely come.

2. Perhaps humanity will never be able to find a cure for pain in the soul.

3. Pride is difficult to appease, and just as difficult to forgive.

4. There should not be too many words: it is more difficult to hear the main thing.

5. We should never think about what would happen if we could bring life back and prevent mistakes.

6. The strongest marriages are with those you trust, not with those you love to madness. This makes it easy and painful at the same time.

7. We all know about this, but why not remind yourself as often as possible that life is fleeting.

8. Maybe the time will come for something, but maybe it won't. But it will definitely go away.

9. Living in the past is impossible, not remembering it is also.

10. Start every day with what you're afraid of. The rest of the day will be much easier.

Beautiful statuses for girls

How to please a woman? It's simple - you need to show her very beautiful statuses .

1. Gorgeous girls are those who were made so by their men.

2. The most worthy argument in a dispute with a woman is a hug.

3. Make your mothers, grandmothers and wives less bored.

4. Breakups can happen in our lives, but they definitely don't have to be painful. This way you will know that you are really getting rid of the excess.

5. The beauty of life is that happiness happens even when you don't expect it. And this is the most common.

6. I could trust you, but we haven't gotten that far yet.

7. A dream is not necessarily something material, not even necessarily something spiritual. A dream can turn out to be an ordinary person.

8. Every self-respecting man should be able to cope with the whims of a girl. Even the most prudent woman can someday be offended.

9. A child born to loving parents is incredibly happy.

10. Each of us dreams of being a princess, but the trouble is that some men do too.

Beautiful words

In the soul of even the most rigorous mathematician lives a small but romantic. Therefore, each of them should set himself only the most beautiful VK status.

1. Before crying into a pillow over another failure, think about the pillow itself. It is likely that it is more expensive than what you are going to cry over.

2. Not getting an animal if you are not ready to take care of it is also a worthy deed.

3. Expectation - like seasoning, sets the relationship piquancy. But, as you know, every seasoning is good in moderation.

4. Looking at people is like putting on a hat. Forgotten once - then you regret for a very long time.

5. Beautiful love can be very difficult, happy love is always the easiest.

6. No pity for friends, no pity for enemies, no pity for guys, nights without dreams. We will endure everything - just let a tear not touch my mother's eyes.

7. Take care of the sleep of those who once took care of yours.

8. A common cause brings together better than the most luxurious dates.

9. You can’t chase someone else’s happiness - you still won’t catch up. It’s better to start right away with compiling / creating / sculpting your own.

10. Good memories are made to bask on a rainy day.

If you are still not sure whether your VK statuses are really the most beautiful, pick something up here!

The stars are the tears of angels scattered across the dark velvet of the firmament.

Lifestyle... If music, then an alternative... If you love, then... with all your heart... If you dissolve, then... without a trace... If you leave, then... beautifully in English... If it's morning, then... in tender embraces... If crying, then... from happiness... If it's day time, then... night... If you live, then... brightly... If you feel , then ... sincerity ... If a look, then ... beloved eyes ... If you walk, then ... by the hand ... If you hope, then ONLY FOR YOURSELF ...

People don't appreciate mornings. Through force, they wake up to the sound of an alarm clock, which breaks their sleep like an ax blow, and immediately indulge in a sad fuss. Day by day they become accustomed to violence and day by day they wean themselves from pleasure.

I'll make coffee. You're stronger!
You smile, taking me by the shoulders... Don't leave, I don't feel good without you.
I will cuddle up to you, desperately, to the point of trembling. Again unshaven and slightly prickly.
You ask: "Am I good?" No, you're not good... just the best.

When love dies, you will not understand it right away... and you will sit near its remains for a long time, but not because you love, but because you remember how you loved...

The day begins with happiness, happiness rose before anyone else! Happiness smiles at mom, turning her smile into laughter. Happiness slapped on the floor, barefoot and without pants, my happiness is bare-assed, it’s unthinking, it’s random and not peaceful, here it breaks, there it crushes, Above the lip is a kefir mustache ... Here it runs to me!

I am silence. But not yours. I am your madness and rage. Gift me. But not to you. I will get you dearly. Medicine i. But not yours. I will become a drop of poison to you. I'm somebody's paradise But for you, I'll be the fire from hell.

The worst thing is when you want to cry - but not why, you want to say - but there is nothing, you want to leave - but there is nowhere, you can stay - but there is no reason ...

And it seemed like it was close to heaven, but you stubbornly continued to fly into the fire, like a night moth burning in this flame, tell me how to live and I will build life anew ...

I want him to sit on his knee and say: Will you marry me? I would answer: I don’t even know, but he would take my hand, put on the ring, and say: And who will ask you!

Beautiful statuses in contact - I don't love anyone, I don't need anyone. She whispered and quietly wiped away her tears.

I wish everyone to meet such eyes, looking into which you will see happiness!

I want happiness... such a small one... with small arms and legs and with your eyes...

But yesterday I learned to leave beautifully, proudly and loudly, slamming the door. And maybe I slipped in a terrible hysteria on its reverse side ... But I left wonderfully

They say that it hurts, feeling love, to watch her leave ... But even more painful, holding her hand, letting go ...

I really want to change ... But I just can’t understand, either myself in this world, or the world is in me ...

Lacks. Constant and different. words. Courage. conscience. Brains are missing. Not enough for a skirt. And strength. Often. People. You. And courage...

Only the second half of my heart makes it beat joyfully and passionately, fills my existence with meaning and warms me at night...

Happiness is falling asleep with a smile on your lips and waking up with love in your heart...

When the spotlights go out, the audience simply leaves, and only those who are closest remain behind the scenes ...

In the silence of the night, words are not needed, now he no longer needs me ... Tears in his eyes, in the smithereens of a dream ... And a dumb question - what have you done?

I lost my happiness. We searched the whole house. Not behind the curtain, under the bed, not in the kitchen and under the table. Suddenly I look - a pair of heels sticks out of the suitcase, There, curled up like a ball, my daughter sleeps sweetly. I will not give my suitcase with happiness to anyone!

Solitude is the island that gives rise to our aspirations...

Angels on earth are called "mama"

Cigarette in one hand... coffee in the other... eyes looking at the phone... a mess in my head... everything is wrong again...

I want to be the dawn in your eyes, I want to be the sunset of your soul, I want to be a spark in your heart, burning with passion and love, I want to always be with you, I want to love you and be loved forever!

The gods decided to take revenge on us... and gave us the opportunity to love...

I just love autumn, children's orbits and I don't know how to be alone. I will definitely find the shoes of my dreams, the man of my life and myself ...

One talked a lot, the other wrote a lot. And the third came and put the ring on her hand. Took her away and made her happy!

Never let him break you. Never cry into the phone. Don't say you're bad. That he became cold. Hang up first. Goodbye first. And the first to quit if everything goes to the bottom. To fill this all-consuming abyss that is getting wider between you.

I can't stop anything! I am a contradictory creature.
The more categorical the ban, the more irresistible the desire.

The most beautiful eyes are those who look at you with tenderness. And it doesn't matter to you whether they are brown, blue or green.

But they don’t fall in love with beauty ... They fall in love with laughter, forever curly hair, dimples on their cheeks, a mole above the lip or even a scar above the eyebrow. But beauty is not. They just want beauty.

You can make up your eyelashes, lips, apply blush ... But only a beloved man can “draw” a sparkle in the eyes.

And what did you find in it? Happiness.

Close your eyes, say that it was fate, I'm letting you go, enough tears, suffering, pain that we caused each other, the heart is locked, but it's really not easy, but rather it is necessary, and not our fault ....

The worst thing is loneliness, whether you are rich or poor, stupid or genius. Any of us can be lonely...

It's just that my foolish hope always lives in me, even when there is no real chance.

The best thing in life is to find someone who knows all your faults, mistakes and weaknesses and keeps thinking that you are totally amazing!
For you, it was a journey to a magical land of talking animals, crazy hatters, evil kings and the Jabberwock. For Tim Burton, it was Tuesday.

Briefly about myself: an unbalanced mental state... prone to aggressive inappropriate behavior... in a word... honey...

Just be close to her... She lives with your smiles, stares into the void... Even your selfishness is pleasant to her... She just needs to know that you care about her...

It contains the juice of wormwood, the sweetness of honey, The brilliance of gems, the darkness of the night. She is torment and freedom ... But even a smart one is a fool with her! I dedicate poems to you, You excite my soul, you are mine, What I will do without you, I don’t know! But I will never fall in love! I want to wear your shirts on your naked body and make you coffee in the morning...

There is always a bit of truth behind everyone - "I'm kidding", a little knowledge behind everyone - "I don't know", a little emotion behind everyone - "I don't care" and a little pain behind everyone - "it's okay".

And even if we are not close, I am with you.

You are my little bundle. How long I've been waiting for you ... I walked for nine months, And took care of my tummy. Every day you give happiness, The meaning of life, joy, laughter! I love you my bunny! Every day and more!

If every girl writes a book about her love, believe me, every book will be a bestseller.

Loving you is like breathing... I just can't stop!

We are puppets in the theater of love, given into the hands of a puppeteer!!

After rain always comes a rainbow, after tears - happiness...

The most beautiful statuses on the Status-Tut.ru website! Beautiful quotes as a status will always be worth its weight in gold. We all know that beauty will save the world! And beautiful statuses are one small part of this, of course, a wonderful concept. Whatever you do, you need to do it beautifully. This applies, perhaps, to all aspects of our extremely multifaceted life. One of these aspects is communication on the Internet, where you will definitely need beautiful statuses. Indeed, nowadays we spend a lot of time in the virtual world on the pages of various social networks, and just like in real life, we want to show ourselves from our impeccable side. Beautiful statuses here will be very useful to you.

The most beautiful statuses are here!

Why are beautiful sayings in the form of status good? They arouse interest, intrigue, fascinate. To choose a beautiful status means to emphasize the romanticism of your nature, the desire for perfection. Of course, beautiful statuses will be of interest primarily to girls, but for guys who appreciate beauty, our site will help you choose the right status. Our beautiful statuses will allow you to join the connoisseurs of beauty. It is not always easy to choose the most beautiful status from the huge magnificence of excellent statuses, but you need to strive for this! You have an excellent opportunity to acquire a status of amazing beauty that will decorate your web page. Let's pick a beautiful status together!

The most beautiful statuses!

Invariably beautiful statuses will be in great demand, since the craving for beauty is inherent in any person. This category of statuses has always been in high demand among network users. And no wonder, because it's nice to see a beautiful saying on your page. And although many people sometimes opt for other types of quotes, nevertheless they often return to beautiful statuses. And all because, having seen such a status, it can be very difficult to pass by, since everything beautiful with great force attracts a person to itself.

Only beautiful statuses!

It is difficult to argue with the inexpressible truth that truly beautiful statuses fascinate and beckon. And do not resist this feeling. On the contrary, you need to succumb to it with pleasure and pick up an excellent status for yourself from among the most beautiful, which are presented in abundance on the site. And immediately after that, your beautiful status will begin to please you and your guests with their appearance, which will become more and more, thanks to the amazing property of beautiful things to attract people. Beautiful statuses are waiting for you in this section. Let's find the status together!

God made you an expensive original, don't become a cheap copy.

It was a wonderful dream, in this dream I am in love with you, you gave me new dreams, the hope of a new beauty. Looking into your eyes for a moment, I was able to see a wonderful world in which we, together with you, holding hands, walk. We go where there is no sadness, where there are no tears, and there is no longing. We flew in the clouds with you and now we found each other. Holding your hand gently, I hear the heartbeat in my chest, you hug me tightly to enter the new world with me. Where there are no tears and no sadness, in which you and I, together, holding hands, walk.

Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you might wake up and realize you've lost the moon while counting the stars.

She doesn't drink coffee... she drinks tea... she doesn't wrap herself in blankets... she dresses warmly... she doesn't cry into pillows... she cries out of joy in front of everyone... she doesn't expect a prince... she already found it...

You can draw long eyelashes, dark eyelids with mascara, circle and make up your lips. But the sparkle in the eyes of happiness, only a loved one will draw !!!

The most beautiful statuses - Life is measured not by the number of breaths, but by the moments when it takes your breath away.

When people say "Thank you for being you" - it's priceless.

Over time, you will realize that all this pathos and glamorous clothes are not important. And you will bite your elbows because you lost the girl who loved you more than life ...

I'm smiling. I'm crying. I play the role of that stranger that I invented ... So I'm alive ... And so be it ... After all, this is what I want !!!

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it ...

I want to sit on a bench, climbing up with my legs.... So that the wind blows my hair and plays with strands.... So that a ray of sunshine gets tangled in my hair.... I want to freeze, so that goosebumps.... I want someone to hug and warm, to snuggle and didn't let go...

We always have a second to mess things up. And it won't take forever to fix everything...

May your path be guarded by the sky, may the moon soothe your sleep. Know that no matter where in the world I am. I need you. You are very needed.

My son hugged me and said: “You are the best mother in the world!” Then I asked him: “Why did you decide that? Do you know all the mothers in the world?”, and he replied: “You are the whole world for me!”

Headphones in the ears and the music is muffled, and no one is needed, because it's better that way.

How to forget - time will tell, how to forgive - life will show, how to love - will be shown by someone who forgot ... forgave ... and lived ...

I also want to quit this summer. No, don't smoke. Stop loving you. I'm going to put all our nights and holidays in a big box, wrap it with tape, cover it with gold paper, and throw it away. I will tie all our stars and promises into a knot, shove our letters and kisses into caskets, unload our walks in the park and holidays in the mountains, our fire and old photos into large packages.

It doesn't matter how you fall, it matters how you get up!

Sometimes there are moments when you just do not know how to survive until the evening. You only think about how to get home as soon as possible, undress and crawl under the covers with your head. And most importantly, you believe that the blanket will limit you from everything that happens around you.

September is coffee with cinnamon, maple leaves, multi-colored, as part of a children's drawing, warm, delicate buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke

They know how to speak beautifully... They know how to look after beautifully... They know how to deceive beautifully... It is so beautiful that time will pass - and you will want to believe in another beautiful fairy tale again...

When people love each other, they are ready to take off and crash together! You took off with me... but only I crashed...

When it rains, it's so convenient to hide your tears...

Every girl in her life has to cry, stumble and fall. Cry with happiness, stumble over money, and fall into the arms of the Beloved...

Love can be compared to the sea: someone likes the feeling of a storm with huge waves of feelings, and someone prefers calm, smooth water with a moonlit path to the horizon.

Even if you are an angel, someone may not like the rustle of your wings.

You know how you want to cry, without you... What's the point? If you are not with me ... You know how I want to love you without memory, because you are my happiness, I breathe only with you - but alas ... You know how I want to cling to you tightly - and not let go anywhere, but you can’t ... Why are you not mine? No answer! And you know what I feel when I see you, no ... And you asked what I want from you - no, so why are you not my dear ... After all, I can’t live without you ... After all, I happy only when you are near, because "I love you"

Gone! Where? Does not matter! What for? Does not matter. The main thing is happy!

Curly hair, a sweet smile on her face, a beautiful laugh ... and no one knows that she is completely confused in herself ...

We love: coffee, tea, rain, autumn, smile, sleepless nights on the Internet, morning snow. Everyone dreams differently, but dreams unite us.

Headphones in the ears, the Player under the pillow... He is back in her dreams and kisses her ear.

I don't understand why people hate mornings so much. After all, what could be wrong in the gentle tones of the dawn, in the clean air that gives so much energy, in the morning singing of birds - what ?? It's so wonderful!

Dance like no one can see you... sing like no one can hear you... love like you've never been hurt and live like heaven is already on earth...

You miss me today, you dial the number out of habit. The voice of the operator in response: "There is no more access to the heart ..."

How difficult it is to inhale the nicotine air, each time dissolving in sugar dreams. And dreams disappear like a flame from a match ... And I will not get rid of this bad habit

Do not climb into the soul, do not savor: "Who? With whom? When? And why? "After all, someone else's life is a dense forest, you can stumble yourself. And do not judge people - you are not gods!!! And do not envy, because envy is so black... Everyone has their own way!!! And everyone has one life!

The best antidepressant, after all - children's hugs!!! When your own heart beats nearby, and fingers stroke your hair and wipe your tears - all troubles recede ...

The most beautiful sunsets are not on the prairie, not in the savannah, and not even on the ocean... The most beautiful sunsets are where you are young, in love and full of hope!

what did you find in her? - I don’t know ... probably the meaning of life and the mother of my future children ... I’m proud to fall on my knees, even if I love madly, I’ll go to another, leave without regret, and I won’t even leave a glance. I’ll start joking, even laughing, but I won’t show sadness to anyone. Let them say that you can’t order your heart, but know that I will even order my heart !!!

I love you. Let not at first sight. But until the last breath.

It's like it's from paradise. Free, like a bird fluttering. All unearthly, like the wind, mischievous, shy, but friendly. A little proud as hell, you know? Like nature in Paris, you never know. Silent, everything speaks with a dance. Charm with a smile and a soft blush.

I'm not knocking on closed doors! In response, I silently close mine. I don't impose. The world is huge - and there certainly is someone who is happy to receive exactly my communication, my look and my smile. I'm not jealous. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn to somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and even more so, he is not worth my nerves or attention.