Miracle children aura color 6 letters. The extraordinary abilities of Indigo children are truth and fiction about the new generation. Indigo children birth time periods

At the end of the 20th century, information about the existence of special children haunted anyone. Only a lazy parent did not try to classify his child as a “caste” of the elect: he went independently before his peers - “indigo”, quickly learned to read - “indigo” ... The list goes on and on. And, despite the fact that experts have been studying the phenomenon of indigo for about thirty years, scientists have not advanced in their work. New hypotheses appear, and the very phenomenon of "indigo" is overgrown with myths and legends.

Indigo children birth time periods

It is possible to determine exactly whether you or your child are indigo, only through the study of the aura - bioelectrography. But nevertheless, experts say that they managed to establish the time intervals during which, according to scientists, "violet" children were born:

  1. In 1984, there was a parade of planets, and it was in this year that the indigo was born, after more than a decade of silence.
  2. The main period of indigo birth was in the mid-nineties - early 2000s. But there is evidence that the wave of the emergence of indigo fell on the period from 1987 to 1995. At this time, the aura in children was with a predominance of the old color, but with a little bit of a new - saturated blue.
  3. In the period from 2004 to 2012, children were born with a crystal aura - crystals. There is evidence that crystals were also born in 1998.

Origin of the term

This term was first used by Nancy Tapp, an American psychic psychologist. In her work "Understanding your life with the help of color" (1982), a woman described the phenomenon of miraculous children with a deep blue biofield, which esotericists interpret as a color beyond mental abilities and higher intelligence. Of course, people of the new generation have other features, but for the first time they started talking about the emergence of "violet" children precisely from the point of view of the biofield.

Then, in 1982, interest in wonderful children began to grow continuously in various parts of the world. The terminology of the phenomenon also differed. The Japanese called children with a heartfelt blue aura - "children of light", the Germans - "star children", and the French - "Teflon".

But after the appearance of the book to the world - "Indigo Children: New Children Have Come" (authors Lee Carroll and Jen Tauber) - all these concepts disappeared. The book finally strengthened the term “indigo children” in light use. The authors described real, modern children with their unique energy and supernormal abilities; told the situations that happened in the lives of these unusual children.

Features of indigo children

They say a lot about Indigo children, but to a greater extent - these are just speculations and hypotheses. In addition to the corresponding blue-blue color of the aura, the guys are distinguished by special talents and some mental characteristics. Unfortunately, parents often make the "diagnosis" themselves, considering their child the chosen one. But, as practice shows, some mental characteristics of a child may indicate not at all about genius, but about very specific neurological disorders and diseases (hyperactivity, autism, including its form - hospitalism - attention deficit disorder). In any case, it is extremely difficult to determine if only your child is indigo without the help of a doctor. But you need to know some features of the psyche and behavior of the "children of the future". After all, as you can imagine, not only the white or blue color of the aura distinguishes indigo from other children.

Psychological features of indigo:

  • Closure. Often parents of Indigo children say that a child can sit or lie alone for several hours in a row, not responding to appeals addressed to him. What is important, the baby looks very focused at such a moment.
    Asocial behavior in the offspring can manifest itself from an early age: getting into a child or adult team that is alien in spirit, the indigo becomes silent. If he happens to communicate with his own kind, then, as a rule, the baby does not have problems with adaptation.
  • An indigo child cannot be forced to sit down at a textbook if the child is not interested in the topic proposed for study. Children, from early school age, have a contemptuous attitude towards teachers, because these children do not have idols and authorities. That is why, in the United States and Western European countries, they open schools for indigo, where they apply advanced teaching methods. In our country, for the closed and asocial indigo child, the family form of education is still the ideal option.
  • According to most experts, "children of the world" are distinguished by increased arrogance and consider themselves "royal" persons. This myth has become one of the reasons for the misunderstanding and rejection of indigo children by society. In fact, the biological and spiritual age of an indigo child can be radically different. The kid considers himself to be an adult, so his self-esteem corresponds to the self-esteem of an adult. And, of course, his views do not lend themselves to adjustment. How many adults do you know who, after several decades of their lives, are ready to renounce their opinion ?!

Other features of indigo:

  • Most parents diagnose indigo syndrome in the first days of a newborn's life. Unlike other children, they consciously look at the mother and father from the very cradle.
  • Chosen children cannot tolerate falsehood and deception, in any of its manifestations. They know how to seek the truth from others; have good intuition, and always help parents make the right decision.
  • In an indigo child, both the right and left hemispheres of the brain are developed. Extraordinary children are inclined to study the humanities and natural sciences, they are able to think logically.
  • From early childhood, phenomenal offspring do not like to play with toys. It also testifies to their spiritual and emotional maturity. Adults, imprisoned in the bodies of children, study this world, but they do not ask questions. After all, the nature of the true structure of the world is familiar to them from birth.
  • Indigo babies have an innate creativity and a high level of intelligence. And here, as a rule, parents fall into "sweet deception", mistaking a precocious toddler for indigo. Remember: "children of light" are by their nature such little psychics: they have well-developed telepathic abilities and supersensitivity.

The uniqueness of indigo lies not only in the speed of mastering the skills of reading or writing, but also in the ability to concentrate on the process that captivated them. Although Indigo children are often diagnosed as "hyperactive", doing what they love, they show perseverance that is unusual for children, and even for some adults.

It is interesting: an indigo child is often called insensitive, and the reason for this is the lack of fear of his own or someone else's death. But such indifference is dictated by wisdom, since the indigo perfectly understands what happens to a person after physical death. And if you want, the kid will be happy to share his knowledge with you. However, it would be wrong to write indigo in a row of soulless personalities. Such children have the ability to sincere empathy.

How to Raise an Indigo Child

Many parents, in whose family a phenomenal personality is growing, are interested in: how to raise such a special child? After all, it is clear that there is no point in applying the traditional approach of upbringing to such children. Most of the parenting habits of modern parents are borrowed from their ancestors. But the methods of the past must be abandoned, since they are a product of the old model of energy exchange.

There is another special kind of indigo children. The unique crystal guys got their name from their colorful aura. The color of the biofield of such babies can change several times a day. But regardless of the "color", there are always white spots in the picture.

These children are very similar to their indigo peers, but they still have several characteristics. For example, it is crystal babies who are diagnosed from early childhood with psychomotor and speech retardation (PMTCT) and autism. Yes, indeed, miracle children begin to speak quite late (at 4-5 years old). Psychologists explain this by the fact that for crystals, verbal communication is not the main one, since they have well-developed telepathic abilities.

Crystal children are much more sensitive than other peers, therefore, they may show healing abilities from an early age.
Kids with a crystal aura are very fond of animals. It is believed that they understand pets, therefore, they love to play with them.

Indigo theme in literature and feature films

You can learn more about the "indigo" phenomenon in the Russian documentary film "Indigo" by Sergei Kraus.

Not so long ago, artistic pictures about brilliant children and their purpose appeared:

  • Indigo (2003);
  • Indigo (2008);
  • "Indigo children. New test for adults ”;
  • tape "Evolution of Indigo"

Books on how to live, love and raise an indigo child:

  • Siegfried Boitinas "Who are they, Indigo Children";
  • Lee Carroll, Jen Tober "Indigo Children";
  • Peggy Jay Jenkins "Education of Spirituality in Children."


Children of the future came to this world in order to teach us new laws of life and, accordingly, to fulfill their mission. They are the sprouts of our future, but mankind has not yet prepared the "soil" for the growth of these sprouts ...

In conclusion, I would like to say: an indigo child, like the most ordinary child with ordinary abilities, needs care and love. Without parental support and understanding, any toddler can become vicious and aggressive. Regardless of the color of your child's aura, he is a small personality worthy of your affection and warmth.

"New race", "a special kind of homo sapiens", "people of the future" - all these are indigo - children with a purple or blue aura, phenomena, each of which may have from 5 to 20 different talents, including the gift of foresight, prophecy , spiritual vision, reading other people's thoughts.
Even Academician Vernadsky predicted that in the 21st century a person will learn to communicate with the noosphere and intuition will be the only channel of communication. It seems that just indigo babies, instead of the usual logical method of trial and error, use intuition, thanks to which they receive information from above, and therefore can see and feel many things that are inaccessible even to adults.
The authors of the first book about "children of a new generation" Carroll and Tober defined the concept of "indigo child" as follows: this is a child who has unusual psychological characteristics and behavior patterns, a high IQ, determination, persistence in getting what he wants and originality of thinking. In this case, it is wrong to link the concept of "indigo" only to modernity. After all, gifted, unusual children, from whom great geniuses grew up, were there before. These are, for example, Lomonosov, Mozart, Michelangelo, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Wolf Messing. From an early age, such children surprised and surprise (and sometimes frighten) adults with their talents and childish wisdom, demonstrate outstanding abilities in various spheres of life, master the technique, having barely learned to walk. The only difference is that at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, there were much more such children. By the way, outwardly indigo is no different from other children. Perhaps with their eyes - they have a bright and wise look (regardless of the color of the eyes). Already in the first months of life, they have a completely meaningful expression on their faces and can gaze intently at individual objects, as if thinking about something. Later, indigo shows not only extrasensory abilities, but also complex characters, sometimes they are completely uncontrollable, hyperactive, "suffer" from the fidget syndrome. Scientists have found that such children have deviations not only in behavior, but also in the very genetic structure of the body. This "new biological species" differs from ordinary people by more advanced genetics and, as a result, biology. In Indigo children, both hemispheres of the brain are well developed. And the immune system of the "kids of the future race" (as some researchers call them) is 25 times stronger than that of ordinary children.
Here are just a few examples that have shocked Russians lately. Born in Norilsk, Styopa Fedorov began to talk in the very first days of his birth. As soon as the midwife took the newborn in her arms, he clearly pronounced the word "dad", a few hours later he already said "mom", and the next day, hearing that his father should come to the hospital soon, he quite meaningfully asked: "Who? Who?" Dad?" Professor Vladislav Lugovenko, who is studying children with supernormal abilities, believes that the indigo child Stepa owes his appearance primarily to cosmic radiation, which is especially active in the Arctic zone. But two girls from Novosibirsk, each became famous in their own area. Yulia Levchuk surprised her mother for the first time at the age of two, saying that the tree was in great pain when the boys broke a branch in front of her eyes. At the age of three, Julia shocked scientists by drawing a schematic outline of a person. She highlighted the area of ​​the stomach in yellow, depicted the heart in red, and around the head marked a blue cloud - according to the girl, the soul. Schoolgirl Yasya Fasberg is a diagnostician, a forecaster, and a predictor in her family. She sees the past and the future, “feels” the weather and “scans” diseased organs.
At the end of the last century, researchers discovered another group of unique babies - these are crystal children. The auras in these children, as it turned out, are not round or even blue - their energy shells resemble crystals. Outwardly, they are distinguished by the fact that, unlike hyperactive indigos, they are calm, closed, they like to be alone and communicate with nature. Scientists believe that "crystals" are the next form of indigo children and they are designed to raise humanity to a new, cleaner and more harmonious height. Crystal children can telepathically communicate with animals, "read" information from the water, and understand what the grass is rustling about. Like the Little Prince Exupery, they live by the principle: if you wake up, clean up your planet.
The assumption that indigo and crystals come to Earth in order to save the world, or at least make it a little better, finds its full confirmation in the case of great creators and scientists. Coming into the world, these geniuses create masterpieces, thanks to which humanity moves forward. In their works, going through years and centuries, we sometimes find not only inspiration, but also answers to many life questions. Isn't this an outstanding mission of unique children ?!

There are many versions about who the so-called Indigo children are, what caused their appearance and how to bring them up. For ease of understanding, let's see why these children are called Indigos. The term "Indigo children" was introduced into the lexicon by people from the environment of the study of paranormal abilities - when examining the aura of unusual children, they revealed that they have it in a dark blue color - the so-called Indigo color. No one could explain this phenomenon in any intelligible way, and the name Indigo children remained. For ease of perception, we will leave this term in this article.

Indigo children are not just children with an unusual aura color (by the way, what an aura is, too, no one could really explain), they are, first of all, extraordinary children who literally differ from everyone from the usual idea of ​​children. From a young age, they talk about the fate of the world, show unique phenomena and talents, differ from others in an unusual line of behavior, have unique leadership qualities, as a result of which they reject all parenting patterns. One of the famous examples of the Indigo child is a boy who, at the age of 5, mastered the entire world repertoire of works for violin and at the same age performed with an orchestra of adult musicians as the first violin.

You can write many treatises on the topic of what they are - Indigo children, what are the features of their behavior, give examples from their lives and suggest possible options for their upbringing. But without a deep understanding of who the Indigo children are and what their purpose is on Earth, there will be more questions than answers. And the parents of such children are, first of all, interested in the answers.

Until the study of Indigo children is approached one-sidedly, that is, to look for the causes of unusualness in material or physical factors, it will be impossible to understand their features, differences from others and methods of upbringing. Only after the invisible mind and soul and their potential properties are taken into account, only then will there be an answer to the question "who are the Indigo children?"

In order to clarify most of the questions regarding the Indigo children, you need to recall the idea of ​​D.I. Mendeleev about the trinity of man and the world around him, about the fact that everything around has three essences: mind, soul and body (material shell), and mind is the main one among them. It was the study of the mind that the follower of D.I. Mendeleeva V.I. Vernadsky. He was the first among scientists to formulate the concept of the structure of the noosphere, that is, the sphere of the mind - the environment in which perfect, true knowledge is contained and with which the human mind is absolutely compatible. From here it becomes obvious that the giftedness and high intelligence of Indigo children is not due to heredity, not genetic changes or upbringing (i.e., the essences of the material world), but precisely to the special properties of their invisible minds and souls, the potential of which is several orders of magnitude higher than the generation of children that preceded them.

Vernadsky predicted that in the 21st century a person will learn to communicate with the noosphere and intuition will be the only channel of communication. The main feature of Indigo children is their way of knowing the world around them: in contrast to the usual logical method of trial and error, they use intuition, through which they receive information from Above about which decision will be the only correct and most effective in a particular situation. It is this unique property that determines their categorical nature in their statements, their willfulness and denial of stereotypes, and these qualities are manifested from a young age. The denial of this property of Indigo children can cause a lot of contradictions and conflicts in the upbringing process, since parents, by habit, try to raise a child in accordance with their views on life, assume that the child is unreasonable and does not know anything about the world, therefore, does not have the right to vote. This discrepancy in the views and understanding of the parents and the child causes a huge number of conflicts, rejection, nervous breakdowns, etc. In especially acute cases of such conflicts, the child's resistance to parents can develop into any diseases that are difficult to cure. And by and large, Indigo children do not need education as such in the generally accepted understanding, since the approach to their upbringing should be based not on providing the child's body with food and environment, but on the revival of their mind - the Divine essence, which was born not in the material world, but given by God and enclosed in the body. There is no greater trouble for such a child than atheist parents. Due to the high giftedness of Indigo children and the high risk of misunderstanding and rejection by parents and others, there is also the likelihood of antisocial behavior in such children, since this is the only form of protest available to them in early and adolescence. In view of this, it is necessary to warn parents against attempts to subjugate Indigo children, to impose their vision and worldview on them, as this is fraught with the fact that in an older age such children may become drug addicts, suffer from alcoholism or lead an antisocial lifestyle.

Indigo children are not just children with a "dark blue aura", they are children who have in their minds many gifts and talents, the number and purpose of which is several times greater than the giftedness of the children of the previous generation.

The giftedness of Indigo children implies the presence of a large number of phenomena and gifts inherent in their minds from birth from Above, which begin to manifest themselves in them in early childhood. Phenomena and gifts are the same talents, only not artificially developed or acquired in the process of upbringing and education, but given by God for realizing a person's destiny in being. Man, unlike animals, has a purpose not only to reproduce and multiply, but also to dominate the Earth. To realize this purpose, the capabilities of the body are few, it is also necessary to develop the capabilities of the mind, that is, the man-master on Earth as a result of his perfection is a person who has true knowledge about everything on Earth and fully uses his gifts and talents. To date, there are more than 80 identified (based on noospheric knowledge) phenomena and gifts that Indigo children possess in large numbers. Reading other people's thoughts, the ability to receive intuitive information about everything that happens for many thousands of kilometers, clairvoyance, foresight and prophecy are just some of the main phenomena that Indigo children possess. On the path of perfection and transformation of a person into the ruler of the Earth, that is, knowing everything about the Trinity Earth, each individual receives before birth in his mind a part of true knowledge, for the sake of which his soul and mind are embodied in the material world. This knowledge determines the individual purpose of a person - that sphere of activity about which he has perfect, true knowledge in his mind. That is, every child, and especially the Indigo child, is already a potential genius: poet, politician, philosopher, economist, administrator, etc. All people on earth have a certain destiny, since in order to gain the Eternal Life of the soul, a purpose is given in being, fulfilling which a person walks the shortest path to Truth. The difference between Indigo children and other people who also have a purpose is the knowledge from a very early age of this purpose, feeling it and the desire to follow it. Hence, such an irrepressible thirst for knowledge among Indigo children, their propensity to experiment, the brightness of the manifestation of inner gifts. The task of parents and society is to help such a child discover and realize the knowledge inherent in him; not to teach the old, dead experience of past times and other people, but to help bring new knowledge to our world. If we exaggerate some of the facts, then we can conclude that parents need to learn from Indigo children the perception of the world, and not impose their vision.

Already now there is a problem of determining which child is a gifted creator (the so-called Indigo), and which destroyer, sent as punishment to his parents for certain violations of Divine laws. The behavior of both a gifted child and a destroyer is characterized by non-standard behavior, sometimes turning into inadequacy, since they do not fit into the average statistical framework of behavior. Since there is no clear picture yet - who the Indigo children are, then society begins to face the problem of separating gifted children from simply disorderly and inadequate ones. Both of them can do poorly at school, but Indigo children - due to the fact that they learn the material ten times faster and are inattentive to their studies the rest of the time, and destructive children - due to their low learning ability. These children have a lot of similar behavior traits, but fundamentally, they are completely different. Today, there are already biocomputer (noospheric) technologies that make it possible to carry out the necessary diagnostics of the child's potential. A system for defining the purposes of people, identifying their talents and abilities based on noospheric knowledge has already been developed, tested and proved its effectiveness. Knowledge of the exact purpose and potential of the child will facilitate the mutual understanding between parents and children tens, if not hundreds of times, and will also allow teachers to see the reasons for certain “unusual” children. If you know that a child's destiny is, for example, an artist, then it will become clear why he is so active, why he is impulsive and is more interested in creativity, and not in the exact sciences, respectively, and it is pointless to demand from him interest in such aspects.

It is very important to note the fact that the best teachers of Indigo children can only be people who have in their minds a destiny for pedagogy, who have knowledge of what the soul, mind is, how to use intuition and communicate with God. Only such teachers are able not only to understand, but also to feel the method and approach to raising Indigo children that they need. Having a mission to teach and educate children, the teacher is able to intuitively feel the talents of the child, to form an individual approach to him without prejudice to the learning process, etc. Not enough, perhaps, and many pages to describe all the advantages of the intended teacher in relation to the Indigo child. If you imagine what, figuratively, an eagle can teach a baby tiger, then you can imagine what the fruit of such training will be. Likewise, in reality - a person with logical thinking is unlikely to be able to find a common language with an intuitive child - he will either "break" it, or write it down as "underdeveloped."

Understanding all the features of Indigo children and what exactly these features are caused by, a reasonable question arises - what caused their appearance on Earth? Moreover, their number has been steadily increasing over the past few decades.

The emergence of the generation of Indigo children is caused, first of all, by the urgent need to fundamentally change public consciousness, to identify weak points in the established views on issues of upbringing and education. In a global sense, the appearance of Indigo children is predetermined by one goal - by their example, the Lord teaches us to communicate with Him. It is time to realize the fact that lately the usual views on education are giving a deep crack. Corruption during admission to universities, inattentive and sometimes boorish attitude of teachers to children, low teachers' salaries, staff shortages in education can undermine society radically. If we add to this the huge number of adolescents and adults addicted to alcohol and drugs, which is due to the fact that people cannot find "their place" in life, then the problem appears on an even more global scale. It becomes obvious that it is not enough just to teach a child, it is important to give him knowledge about what he is intended for and give him the opportunity to realize his destiny. Goethe once said: "A man who knows his destiny becomes a genius." But even the most gifted and brilliant child can be “broken” by giving him the wrong upbringing and false goals in life.

In order to "lay bare" these problems in society, the Lord gave the Indigo children such properties that allow them to defend their own point of view. The unique leadership qualities and heightened sense of justice of gifted Indigo children are the stumbling blocks that parents and educators face in the process of raising them. And in order to avoid this cornerstone, you just need to understand that the Indigo children are a new generation of people-reformers, called in the future to change our worldview and fulfill the Lord's plan in building a new society. It is for the realization of this goal that freedom-loving and the desire to obey only the Highest Divine laws are laid in them, at the same time the knowledge of Divine laws, on the execution of which their well-being and creative realization depend. Hence the heightened sense of justice and a vivid manifestation of the leadership's abilities, noted by educators and parents. Any attempts to alter these qualities can cause harm, comparable to barbaric interference in the genetics of a living being, since the characteristics of Indigo children are "inscribed" in their minds and souls like a gene code in DNA.

A deep sky color that inspires serenity is the color of dreamers. The blue aura is full of feminine energy, so its owners are inspirational and wise. They are born artists, leaders, or religious leaders.

In this article

Secrets of the sky color

To gain strength and relax, the owners of the blue biofield choose loneliness or a small circle of family. They are introverts. For them, harmony in everything is important. Therefore, when interacting with people, they easily manage not to lose confidence and remain calm. They are compassionate and caring.

Intuition is the strong point of the blue aura

The energy of people with a blue aura is similar to the energy of phlegmatic people. They are focused on themselves, on the development of their abilities. It is difficult for them to be distracted by things that seem meaningless to them. They are intuitive and wise in family life. They have developed intellectual abilities and a sense of beauty.

Although the mood of people with blue aura is not constant, they have many friends. The people around them feel a support in them, a friend whom you can rely on as yourself.

It so happens that the owners of a rich blue biofield become picky about themselves and others in the little things. They are driven by a desire for perfection, perfectionism. Combined with faithfulness to their own word and once chosen path, they can become prominent religious figures or famous scientists. Professions are suitable for them:

  • medic;
  • a priest;
  • teacher;
  • psychotherapist;
  • painter;
  • Writer.

Men with a blue aura are characterized by persistence in work, adherence to principles and strict calculation. They are drawn to the unknown. They can seriously get carried away with mysticism and esotericism and develop the ability of clairvoyance.

Unlike men, women are more reserved. Blue biofield is the feminine principle, so women with a blue aura are peaceful and calm. It's in their nature. They are wise and femininely attentive to the people around them.

In marriage, people with a rich blue biofield are loyal to their chosen one. But in family life, they should be more open, learn to trust their surroundings and boldly, without fear, express their feelings. The same applies to social life.

Shades and combination with other colors

The shades of the aura are constantly changing. They become dark and rich in moments of sadness. And with an emotional outburst (joy or enthusiasm) they become superficial and pale.

Human aura is full of shades

In addition to the main color, the human aura has additional colors, which can become the main colors over time.

Negative shades

If a person's aura constantly contains dark blue dirty clots, then this indicates that chaos is taking over his life. The owner of such a biofield is slowly breaking away from reality. This happens because of the sadness and adversity that a person is used to keeping in himself. But instead of solving problems, their owner tries to distract himself from them and distance himself from the world. The reason for this lies in the lack of confidence in their abilities. Increased suffering can lead to:

  • despoticness;
  • depression;
  • melancholy;
  • sexual promiscuity;
  • drug addiction;
  • psychosis.

The black color in the aura is a sign of sadness and loneliness. A person with such an aura wanders in search of a life path and divine power that will guide him and relieve him of experiences. Sometimes the reason for this lies in the willingness of the owner of the blue aura to selflessly sacrifice himself. For the benefit of another person, they are ready to endure the blows of fate, not suspecting that they are being deceived.

People with blue aura are patient. They are willing to work for other people. This is often used. The passionate desire of people with a blue aura to help will bring them nothing but doubt, suffering and black color.

Vulnerable people have blue-green color in the biofield with dirty stains. They take everything to heart and suffer greatly from it. They need recognition and support, they sincerely try to achieve them, but they fail every time. Turquoise color in the aura is typical for emotional and unrestrained people.

Blue-violet color in the aura is found in people with a depressed mood. They are amorous and ready to help people, but they do it, as a rule, not with disinterested intentions.

A blue and pink biofield occurs in touchy and vindictive people. Such people are unpleasant in communication, any little thing can make them mad. They are bad leaders. The more pink in the aura, the less spiritual purity a person has.

Red shades in the biofield speak of fear. The person is scared and tense. He is in constant nervous tension and in anticipation of negativity.

Positive shades

Thoughtfulness is characteristic of all shades of blue aura. The owners of such an aura are altruists. First of all, they think about the concerns of other people.

  1. Light shades in the aura are evidence that a person is intuitive, he has a rich imagination. His head is filled with images that can transfer to the pages of a book or an artist's canvas. Such a person lives with lofty ideals.
  2. A bright and rich color in the aura is a sign of religiosity. Such people are constantly visited by spiritual insights. They devote a lot of effort to caring for the people around them.
  3. The blue-blue color of the aura is found in energetic people, filled with vitality. They are open to the world, love to make new acquaintances and travel.
  4. The aqua aura is found in people whose vocation is to teach. They are friendly, spiritual and peaceful. They easily take responsibility for their students and are ready to spend all their energy for the benefit of people.
  5. Blue in the aura, mixed with green, occurs in people whose life is full of stress, but they crave to get away from quarrels and scandals. It is important for them to get approval for their actions in society. In this they draw a positive attitude.
  6. People with pure blue in their aura are people who are content with their lives. Their thoughts and actions are pure. They live in harmony with the world around them. Their thoughts sometimes hover in the clouds, but they never forget about the earth. Patrons are often found among people with pure blue in their aura. Kindness for them is a constant feeling. They are ready to harm themselves, but to help those in need.

Significance in different cultures of the world

In Europe, blue is associated with loyalty. Christians identify him with the Virgin Mary. For them, blue is the color of humility, readiness to endure all life's hardships in silence and steadfastly. The color of strength and tranquility. The domes of churches are often covered with it, and the Savior is clothed in blue clothes on icons.

In Asia, it is the color of education and a happy marriage. For the Jews, blue is the color of Jerusalem and the inviolability of the Torah. In addition, in Judaism, blue is associated with the sky, which attracts the righteous to perfection and constant work on themselves.

In ancient Greece, blue was the color of Venus and meant female fertility and the flowering of life.

The gods of India had blue skin

In Hinduism, the bodies of Indra, Vishnu and Krishna are blue. For Buddhists, blue is the color of wisdom and emptiness, symbolizing the vastness of the sky.

Children with blue aura

Children, in whose auras the color blue predominates, are distinguished by high intelligence and developed beyond their years. From infancy, they are serious and endowed with discernment in their eyes. They learn quickly and grasp everything on the fly, because unlike peers who develop through logic, children with a blue aura rely on intuition.

Such children are usually called indigo. Having barely learned to walk, they amaze adults with their not childishly developed psychology and an abundance of talents and skills. They easily learn everything new, surprising and sometimes frightening adults with the ease of perception. In childhood, they are hyperactive, sometimes completely uncontrollable. In adulthood, they may show strong psychic abilities.

Indigo children are the future of our world

At the end of the 20th century, experts identified another category of gifted children. They are calm, closed in themselves, and their auras resemble crystals or cocoons. Such children live in harmony with nature. Scientists are confident that crystal children are a new stage in the development of indigo children.

The hypothesis that indigo children, be they fidgets or crystal children, appear in our world to make it better, finds its confirmation in the works of great scientists and creators of the past. Centuries pass, and people still cherish the heritage that their ancestors left behind. After all, it contains answers to many questions and even to those that have not yet been asked. Is this not the purpose of gifted children - to save humanity from many mistakes on the thorny path of development?

The video tells everything about indigo children - where they came from, the difficulties of raising such children and how to understand if your child is indigo.

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. Step into the fire during life, which opens the gates of immortality, and find true freedom.