Day of textile and light industry. Day of workers in textile and light industry

Who can say thanks for the clothes we wear, the furniture on which we sit down, home textiles, which we use daily, for the upholstery of the car, on which we go ... Of course, you have to workers in the light industry! At your professional holiday, accept our congratulations. Let them never end the ideas, the fantasy does not run out on bright prints. We sincerely wish you prosperity, new achievements and creative finds!

Employees of ChBK "Shui Sitz" celebrated their professional holiday.

On the eve of KC "Pavlovsky", a solemn reception was held, at which the best workers of JSC KhBC "Shui Sitz" were awarded diplomas and gifts. It is rich in our enterprise by people, devoted production, professional professionals, thanks to which the plant works, as a whole. And so it is gratifying when the deserved awards are awarded to employees, the experience of which 20, and 30, and even 40 years in the enterprise.

With the words of congratulations, Deputy General Director of Chromov Vladimir Sergeevich spoke.

Thus, the honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation were awarded: award-winning Konstantin Leonidovich, Chaykina Irina Valentinovna, Queen Viktor Anatolyevich, Strukhovka Svetlana Nikolaevna, Spear Mikhail Avenovich, Chain Alevtine Nikolaevna, Yushu Nikolay Vitalevich, Finoheva Svetlana Alexandrovna.

Also, with the words of congratulations, the chairman of the trade union organization Solova Natalya Vladimirovna was given the honorary certificates of the Ivanovo regional organization of the Russian trade union of workers in the textile and light industry to the following employees: Sivertok Zhanna Vladimirovna, Kozlova Elena Anatolyevna, Tupikova Leonid Rostislavovich, Korovkina Nikolay Gennadevich.

A festive concert was held in a warm friendly atmosphere in the beautiful hall of Pavlovsky.

Day of workers in textile and light industry

Every second Sunday of June in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine marks the day of workers in the textile and light industry. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 11th.

The event has existed for more than 30 years. The Day of Email Industry Workers was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On Festive and Memorial Days". After the collapse of the Union, it was approved at the state level of the head of the republics with separate decrees.

The Russian history of light industry development begins in the XVII century. It was then that the first state linen and cloth manuffs began to appear, which dressed in residents of pre-revolutionary Russia, mainly forces of serfs. Then they were replaced by capitalist textile factories, on which the hired workers worked.

During the Soviet Union, the light industry began to develop rapidly. Linen, woolen, knitted and cotton fabrics appeared mainly in the central regions of the country.

In the Russian Federation, there are more than 15,000 enterprises and organizations related to textile and light industry.

The most famous manufacturer of products of light and textile industry in Russia is the Ivanovo region. Local enterprises are dressed and shove the whole country and even export products abroad.

Light industry by 40% provides all the necessary consumer needs of the citizens of our country. Despite this, workers of this sphere do not read, as doctors or teachers, but they invest no less work and bring no less benefit. Modest light industry workers celebrate their professional holiday every year in the 2nd Sunday of June.

When noted

The Day of Employees of the Light Industry is celebrated in Russia and the countries of the former USSR. For the first time, this holiday entered the story as an official celebration, under Soviet power, in 1980, October 1, by Decree Brezhnev L.I. (First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee of the USSR since 1964-1982) "On memorable and festive dates".

After the collapse of the USSR, the entire industry came into decay, they had difficulty times for the whole country, then people were not up to holidays, and the day of light industry was forgotten for a while. Reinday to celebrate this triumph of steel in 2000, after the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. from June 17th. According to the official document, the Employee Employee Day celebrates every second Sunday of the first summer month, i.e. in June.

Whose holiday is

According to the international classification, the light industry includes 25 units: textile production, shoe, leather, sewing, knitted, silk, chemical, etc. This holiday is celebrated, both veterans and existing workers of these areas of production. With a special scope, the celebration is celebrated in Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Novgorod regions. These areas are considered the center of the textile and light industry in Russia.

Almost every fifth family of Russia, works at the light industry enterprises, and of course they take part in the holiday events, go beyond the city, collect a festive table, invite guests to share fun with them. Because This holiday falls on a summer period, then as festivities, the management of enterprises organize mass trips to nature, picnics, contests. Fairs, exhibitions, modes are arranged in the central palaces of the city.

Interesting facts about light industry

1. Every year, 82 million tons of textile fiber are produced in the world, the production of which is spent 6 billion tons of coal and 8 billion liters of water.
2. The most popular types of fabric: flax, cotton, polyester, viscose, Lycra.
3. From 1996 to 2011, there is a sharp decline in the light industry, during which time almost 3 million people lost their jobs.
4. According to statistics, the average duration of "life" of women's clothing - 3 years, men's 6 years.
5. The first clothing that man came up with, was a loin bandage, the second - skirt.
6. In the Middle Ages, the person's belonging to the social unit was determined by the color of the clothes, so rich wore red shades, poor - gray and brown, bankers and merchants - green.


In the light industry of Russia, more than 2 million people work. They produce consumer goods: clothing, shoes, linen, everything you need for everyday life. All this product of domestic production is much cheaper than imported, but at the same time does not inferior to foreign counterparts. On this day, do not forget to congratulate your relatives and friends with a professional holiday, they will be very pleased to know that their work appreciate and respected. Our signs of attention will be the best gifts for them, and compliments and praise will give an incentive to work with great enthusiasm.

HISTORY HISTORY OF THE EMBERSHIP Employee Day originates in the Soviet Union, when this date was established by decree of state power. The event is dating from October 1, 1980, and all who has some attitude to this industry have been given to this industry. In 2000, the holiday received official status in Russia and received the name of the day of workers in the textile and light industry. They celebrate it on the second Sunday of June. This year he fell by the 10th day.

Employee Employee Day is considered a holiday of representatives of many professions.

The industry is quite extensive and includes representatives of such professions as seamstress, horsemen, those who produce shoes modern polymer tissues. Below to the light industry, the release of fur and creates a skin substitute. To present a person's life without products to date, thanks to employees of the light industry, it is impossible.

We are talking about things that surround us every day throughout our life. These are clothes and shoes, towels and bed linen, tablecloths and car covers. Most of the goods of mass consumption include the result of the work of this particular industry.

It covers the light industry the whole cycle of the production of things, from raw materials necessary for production, to trade of already finished products. Whatever difficult economic situation in the country, the industry will always be in demand. Its profitability depends on the needs of people.

Congratulations to the Email Industry Workers in their Professional Holiday

Everyone is forced to buy things of essentials that are constantly wear out, which means the need for their acquisition will be constantly. Against the background of a wide range of not only domestic, but also foreign things, the products are becoming more and better and competitive. There is simply no other output.

A person in everyday life constantly uses bodies made by employees of light industry. This means that each of us must be grateful to them for the opportunity to live comfortably, dress and shove, surround themselves to the item to help, which improve life.

On this day, congratulates all who work on this Nive. The best and most worthy workers in production are awarded with diplomas and encourage gifts. All whose labor activity is associated with the textile and light industry on June 10 will celebrate their professional holiday.

Frames from the film Valeria Todorovsky "Styles" very clearly demonstrated the state of the light industry in the 50s of the last century. Non-latch identical fabrics, identical shoes, and only rare attempts to somehow decorate their lives with the help of beautiful clothes. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Anyone can get dressed in accordance with their taste and financial capabilities, and the merit in this not only foreign manufacturers, but workers in our domestic light industry. Not only large, but many small enterprises work on the creation of beautiful, competitive products, which buyers would love to be worn. As recognition of the importance of their labor in the life of the Society by the order of the President in 2000, the Day of Employees of the Light Industry was established, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of June.

And tailor and seam
And the crucider is hurried
I congratulate this day.
We are the best call!

So, the needle was broken,
Pattern so as not lost
Musa to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

All so that in life it turned out,
Life with whom it is necessary to contact.
So that there were no disorders
To all of you managed.

Easy industry day notes.
Your work is very important, we need and appreciate.
With this day I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and beloved.
Let him often bring you a big income.
Life let it be a fairy tale good and beautiful.
And success with luck will behave forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
Let your health be century.
Be loved and do not be dug.
Let all your troubles melt like smoke.

In industry light
The work is not easy,
Sometimes stand so hard
For a long time at the machine.

But, as in any work,
You probably have
Here is the work in honor
And light hand.

Allow you to congratulate
Drinking what is tight tea.
We wish you to make up
Competition in China.

Employees of light industry!
All of you with a significant day!
Let all your clear thoughts
Write innovations with a stream.

Successful, successful solutions,
Fasteners, flight, dreams.
So that there was no frequent doubt -
Ideas of love, beauty.

To live - health and joy,
Do not know what fatigue is.
Be able to always relax
Easy to rescue the problem.

Good legarol,
Congratulations to accept.
Your hands are golden
There is no price in the world.

And be hurting, do not look around,
After all, where without you.
Be happy and positive,
Let life pleases you.

Let you appreciate the authorities
Sincerely savor.
Know, your work is not in vain,
And in the people of his honor.

Today we celebrate the day of their employees,
In industry is easy: from the bosses to ordinary.
Let it decrease and good luck will not leave you themselves,
Well, quality with design - like brands of world.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And the stability of reliable, the prosperous centers.

Industry workers easy
Today, my congratulations.
I wish every good luck
In labor, success, loyalty in love.

I wish you to grow a salary,
And to work, so that you are happily hurried,
I wish you are rich,
So happily and fun you lived.

Employees of light industry
Needles you are all masters
In your holiday, I wish you sincere
The success of large and good.

Work always let go in
Things only in the mountain go
Let there be a place to joy
Estimated let your work be.

Light industry with us -
This is the most top class,
You offer the goods to the people
And it is essentially dressed!

You for this from the people - honor, praise!
We wish the factory color,
So that quality has improved all the time
Your money in the wallet was not placed!

So that you always accompany success
And the director often gave the award,
So that in families were joy and peace,
To happiness with your head!

All industry workers are light
Take congratulations from the soul!
You wish you wonderful things so much
For days you all were good.

We wish you health
So that you keep happiness from any trouble.
And, of course, joy with love,
And, of course, the fulfillment of the dreams.

Congratulations: 36 in verse.

Not every specialty has a professional holiday. However, the category of specialists, which will be discussed in this article, celebrates his day for more than thirty years. Weather, knitters, fashion designers, tailors, speeds and even furniture collectors ... All named professionals celebrate the day of the light industry, which every year falls on the second Sunday of June.


What is the number of light industry day: In 2017, he is celebrated on Sunday June 11

In which countries note: Mandatory in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Also, this professional holiday is celebrated in some other countries of the former USSR, but not with such a scope.

Who was established by the Day of Emergency Workers: In Ukraine, he approved by the President by Decree of June 9, 1994 (No. 285/94)

Traditions Celebration: Most often on this day, prominent specialists are awarded, as well as carry out fashionable shows.

The Ukrainian climate implies an impressive wardrobe: each average inheritant resident has at least three seasonal sets of shoes and clothing, in which you can comfortably feel on the street in any weather. Ukrainians with income above average most often prefer branded things, although many Ukrainian designers today are in trend. As for most consumers, they will gladly acquire clothes from domestic factories and companies. It is all employees of this industry and dedicated to the day of light industry 2017. Today these are the following areas:

  • Sewing industry (fur, haberdashery, shoes);
  • Textile industry (silk, cotton, knitwear, flax).

The main task of such enterprises in Ukraine is that the maximum quickly recoup the day invested in them, differ in high production mobility and the operational change of the range, depending on trendy trends.

history of the holiday

The factory industry appeared for a long time ago: in the eighteenth century. This was facilitated by technical progress: special weaving machines and spinning machines appeared. So work from manual moved to the engine. And it is not surprising that the nineteenth is time when many enterprises developed incredibly rapid pace. He contributed to the development and the fact that the factories have now worked not drunk fasteners, but hired workers interested in the result and earnings. Then the rather protracted economic crisis came in this area, but after the war, the enterprises earned with a new force. In 1980, the day of workers in textile and light industry was solemnly approved. After the USSR falls apart, a huge stream of foreign products poured into the Ukrainian market, which practically pushed out domestic producers. However, currently there is an active recovery and rebranding of many manufacturers.

How to celebrate the day of the light industry in Ukraine?

Despite the fact that in the industry there are certain difficulties, this holiday is necessarily celebrated at each enterprise. Just imagine: in the country more than four hundred thousand people are involved in this area, and about eighty percent of them are women. It is not surprising that on the second Sunday of June on the day of the seamstress in Ukraine you can meet in cafes and restaurants large women's companies. There are no special traditions of celebration: rallies and festivals are not held from Soviet times. At the official level, today only awarding the best employees (both countries and a separate factory) are held. Also on this day, employees tend to receive well-deserved awards, after which they are sent to corporate.

Several interesting facts

  • the largest jute factory in the country that produces networks, bags, twine and rope is in Odessa;
  • the main centers of the knit industry in the country are Lviv, Kiev, Lugansk, Kharkov, Donetsk and Zhytomyr. Here the tailor day is celebrated in obligatory;
  • best shoes and skin produce in Kiev, Lviv, Zaporizhia and Nikolaev;
  • in Ukraine, more than 200 professional educational institutions, where specialists are produced for light industry.
  • importing things from developed European countries in the country are not as high, the main supply of fabrics, clothing and equipment are coming from Asian countries.

Congratulations on the Day of Light Industry


And tailor and seam
And the crucider is hurried
I congratulate this day.
We are the best call!

So, the needle was broken,
Pattern so as not lost
Musa to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

All so that in life it turned out,
Life with whom it is necessary to contact.
So that there were no disorders
To all of you managed.


Easy industry day notes.
Your work is very important, we need and appreciate.
With this day I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and beloved.
Let him often bring you a big income.
Life let it be a fairy tale good and beautiful.
And success with luck will behave forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
Let your health be century.
Be loved and do not be dug.
Let all your troubles melt like smoke.


Today we celebrate the day of their employees,
In industry is easy: from the bosses to ordinary.
Let it decrease and good luck will not leave you themselves,
Well, quality with design - like brands of world.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And the stability of reliable, the prosperous centers.


Accompanied by the mind
But they meet on clothes!
We would like a little bit
With fashion too, to be in Lada.
Fabrics to be hung
And do not "bag",
Footwear with a solid heel,
And good spirits ...
Congratulations to those people
From under whose magic hands
There is a miracle suddenly
Many things we need.
We hope for you -
Fashion designers and weave
Perfumes and tailors.
Congratulations on a good time
With your holiday of labor!
Your work needs us always!


Light industry with us -
This is the most top class,
You offer the goods to the people
And it is essentially dressed!

You for this from the people - honor, praise!
We wish the factory color,
So that quality has improved all the time
Your money in the wallet was not placed!

So that you always accompany success
And the director often gave the award,
So that in families were joy and peace,
To happiness with your head!

Do you know anything interesting about how to celebrate the day of the textile in Ukraine? If so, then share with our users in the comments under the article.

If you are looking for a place for a festive dinner in honor of your professional holiday, then welcome to our catalog: here you will find the best restaurants and cafes of Kiev with photos, descriptions and real guest reviews.

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