Homemade hair lamination with gelatin. Better lamination. Hair lamination at home with gelatin (recipe) How hair lamination is done

Hello. Many have heard of lamination. This is an invaluable treatment for beautiful and well-groomed hair. See our roundup on modern hair care and take note of homemade hair lamination recipes and products.

Magic procedure

This is the only way to call manipulation, which makes the curls shiny, voluminous.

What is lamination? This is the restoration of lifeless, brittle, dry hair by covering it with a cellulose film, making it dense, manageable, and shiny.

Many people carry out this procedure in the salon.

There are several types of techniques:

  1. Classic. When each hair is simply covered with a protective film.
  2. Phytolamination. Application of a protective film along with medicinal herbal supplements.
  3. Biolamination. Method using natural cellulose.
  4. Glazing - application of a protective layer and hair dyeing.

But not all women can afford such an expensive pleasure. Do not despair, there are ways to improve the condition of your hair at home.

Advantages of lamination

Let's name the advantages of this procedure:

  • Makes hair manageable, shiny, beautiful, keeping the required shape. Heals split ends.
  • Retains the color of dyed curls for a long time.
  • It lasts from 2 to 3 weeks, it is absolutely harmless.

There are also downsides.

  • It does not have a cumulative effect, it must be repeated after 2-3 weeks.
  • Not recommended for long hair that is prone to hair loss. Weighted hairs will fall out even more.

But here, too, there is an excellent way out.

Gelatin hair mask

Any mask with gelatin has a laminating effect. See how to perform the manipulation step by step:

  • Pour 1 tbsp into a saucepan. l. gelatin.
  • Pour in 3 tbsp. l. hot water, stir well, cover.
  • Leave to swell for 20 minutes. It can be slightly heated in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Add 0.5 tbsp. l. balm for hair. If the mixture turns out to be thin, add a little more balm, just do not overdo it.
  • Wash your hair, dry it slightly.
  • Apply the mixture only to the hair, not getting on the scalp.
  • After applying the laminate, cover the head with a film, warm it on top with a towel.
  • Heat your hair with a hairdryer, pressing it against the coiled head.
  • After heating, hold the mixture for another 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with lemon water (1 tsp for 1 liter of water) without using shampoo.

These proportions are suitable for short strands. For other lengths, calculate the amount of liquid as follows: 1 part gelatin and 3 parts liquid of any composition.

Secrets of home lamination without gelatin

To make homemade laminate flooring, you can do without gelatin. To do this, use mustard powder and chicken eggs.

There are no strict proportions here: break a raw egg, pour dry mustard in small portions, bringing the mixture to the thickness of sour cream.

Then rub the mixture into the locks, comb with a not very frequent comb, wrap your head for 1 hour, then rinse without shampoo.

More effective egg-based lamination recipes.

Mask with egg, kefir and mayonnaise

  • kefir - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons

Keep the mixture on your head for 30 minutes.

Home lamination with castor oil

  • egg -1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • castor oil - 1 tbsp l.
  • vitamins A, E - 2 drops.

Keep on the head for 30-40 minutes. Instead of castor oil, you can take burdock, coconut, olive oil.

Very effective mask with kefir

The beneficial properties of kefir are used by many women. Simply put it on your head before each wash and keep it on for 5 minutes.

Hair after lamination begins to shine beautifully, it is easy to fit into any hairstyle, to please your mistress with a well-groomed look.

How to tame naughty curls

A lot of problems are created by intertwining, curly curls. To cope with this problem, you can apply keratin straightening. This procedure will not only straighten unruly curls, but also nourish the hair structure with keratin.

If you have time for a salon, it is best to do a professional straightening. If this is not possible, then try to do it at home.

Whether to do straightening and how is keratin useful?

  1. Thanks to this substance, the hair becomes thicker due to the film that has covered it.
  2. They receive protection from the harmful effects of the external environment,
  3. The hairstyle takes on a pleasant, well-groomed look.
  4. The result is visible immediately after the session. For curly strands, this is not harmful, but even useful, because the procedure does not distort the structure of the hairs.
  5. Stays on hair for up to 3-6 months.

Before laminating your hair, you need to buy a set with keratin, which should be enough for several sessions.

Each kit includes instructions that you need to carefully study.

The instruction reads:

  • Wash your hair twice with a deep cleansing shampoo.
  • Dry with a hair dryer, comb.
  • Divide hair into strands.
  • Pour keratin into a spray bottle, 80-100 ml of the product is enough.
  • Spray on the strands, retreating 1 cm from the roots.

Important! Try to use an adequate amount of keratin. If it is not enough, then the saturation of the scales will not occur. If there is a lot, then the strands will be untidy, greasy in appearance.

  • Comb the strands with a wide-toothed comb.
  • Hold for 20-30 minutes.
  • Dry the curls with a hairdryer.
  • Heat the ceramic iron to a temperature of 230 ° C, then straighten each strand, ironing it 4-5 times.

Many women use Coco Choco Keratin and are very satisfied. According to reviews, the grooming effect lasts up to 6 weeks.

Care is not difficult:

  • do not wash your hair for 3 days;
  • do not tie the tail, do not curl;
  • Do not visit the bathhouse for 2-3 days;
  • use salt-free shampoo;
  • do not stain for 2 weeks;
  • to preserve keratin when washing, use a protective serum.

What is the difference between hair lamination and keratin straightening?

Lamination is covering the hairs with a protective layer.

Keratin straightening heals the hair and also gives it a well-groomed, healthy look, saturating the hair with keratin from the inside. Even after the first session, the curls become silky, healthy, smooth. Keratin straightening lasts 5-6 months. What to give preference, each girl decides independently.

Healing wrap

Hot silk wrap is used to treat lifeless hair. Due to the hygroscopicity of the silk structure, as well as the effect of high temperature, the healing substances penetrate into the scales of the hairs.

Therefore, a hot wrap helps to restore, smooth strands, reduce inflammation of the scalp epidermis, and helps in the fight against aging of hair and skin.

How is silk wrapping done? It is necessary to carry out this manipulation 3 weeks before dyeing the hair or 3-4 days after it, so as not to "nullify" the effect of the hot treatment.

Step by step action:

  • Wash your hair with a silk protein shampoo, dry slightly with a towel.
  • Apply 30-40 mg of the product to the comb.
  • Having retreated from the roots by 1 cm, slowly comb the strands in order to evenly distribute the composition. Do not cover with foil.
  • Leave on for 6-7 minutes to absorb.
  • Rinse well with water without shampoo.
  • Apply scalp massage serum to wet curls, hold for 2 minutes, then rinse.
  • If scalp redness appears, don't worry, it will go away quickly.

Ionic hair coloring

Colored hair lamination makes it possible to combine dyeing with healing. The paint does not penetrate into the hair shaft, therefore it does not spoil its structure.

In addition, the paint is under the film, which makes it possible for it to stay on the curls longer. The required color lasts up to 6 weeks. Looks especially beautiful on medium hair, giving it a beautiful volume. The only drawback of this manipulation, the maximum effect can be achieved only after the 3rd session.

For curly girls, ionic coloring will be of great benefit, because this manipulation will help make the most naughty curls obedient.

A spray can be purchased for laminating all hair types. After reading the instructions, you can independently carry out this manipulation.

Folk recipes

Masks prepared according to folk recipes are very popular.

Girls with a light shock can prepare a suitable laminate with gelatin using juices, that is, dissolve the gelatin not in water, but in juices.

Lemon juice will give the cascade an even whiter tone, and carrot juice will give it a slightly golden sheen. (Dissolve gelatin in juice only in a water bath).

An excellent laminate for strengthening the strand can be prepared with mineral water without gas, adding 2 drops of lavender oil and liquid vitamin A.

Blondes and brunettes can take advantage of effective folk recipes.

1. For hair growth:

  • dilute gelatin with water;
  • drip 2 drops of burdock oil, steam for 3 minutes;
  • apply to strands and skin.

2. For moisturizing... Brunettes should use nettles, blondes should use chamomile:

  • boil the broth;
  • dissolve gelatin in broth;
  • add 0.5 tsp. honey.

Hold the mixture in a water bath, apply to the hair, hold for 45 minutes, then rinse with water.

3. To add volume t certain strands:

  • dissolve gelatin;
  • add a pinch of colorless henna;
  • steam for 4-5 minutes.

4. For oily hair:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. shampoo.

Keep the mixture on hair for 45 minutes, then rinse with water.

Dear readers, as you can see, all the ingredients are inexpensive and affordable. Try to do everything at home. How much does hair lamination in the salon cost? This pleasure is not cheap. The price depends on the length of the curls, starting from 1,500 rubles.

December 31, 2018

Every woman knows that it is impossible to have a luxurious haircut without good scalp and hair care. If the curls shine delightfully, soft and silky, grow well and are not damaged, it is always a joy. Among the numerous salon procedures designed to make strands beautiful and healthy, lamination is especially popular.

But today it can be carried out at home with the help of folk recipes and professional cosmetics. Let's figure out how to properly make hair lamination at home, reviews of recipes and the features of which we will discuss today.

Hair lamination is a cosmetic procedure during which special formulations are applied to the curls, which include various useful substances of natural and synthetic origin. After the procedure, the curls acquire softness and obedience, get rid of split ends and brittleness, become smoother, shinier, saturated in color and thick. Moreover, on each individual hair, a breathable film is formed, which protects it from the negative effects of external factors. Lamination can be done at home and in the salon.

But many women prefer the home option, as it has many advantages:

But negative aspects are still present when lamination at home:

  • it is difficult to find the most suitable recipe or professional remedy;
  • any mistake in the procedure can lead to negative consequences, including loss, slow growth, loss of volume and the opposite of the desired effect;
  • with a very long head of hair, the procedure will require outside help and considerable effort both when applying the composition and when washing it off;
  • fragility of obtaining the effect;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions is possible (but this is also typical for the salon procedure);
  • hair can start to get dirty and greasy faster.

Important! A careful and careful approach to home hair lamination will help to significantly reduce the risk of negative consequences of the procedure. Correctly selected hair care will also help prolong the effect obtained.

Gelatin hair lamination

Homemade gelatin lamination is one of the most affordable recipes. The procedures are especially delightful for women who suffer from too thin and frizzy hair. The remedy for such a procedure is easy to prepare and can be purchased at any store. The duration of lamination will not take more than an hour. Moreover, the composition of gelatin contains substances strengthening and nourishing hair, and not just creating a film on it.

There are also disadvantages to such a gelatinous procedure for hair at home - it is not always possible to obtain the desired effect the first time and the duration of its preservation is not great. According to the reviews of women, 3-4 lamination procedures are needed so that the curls become smooth and thicker. It is worth remembering that gelatin on the hair of every woman behaves differently. Therefore, for the first time, it is better not to try to apply it before important events and important events.

Usually, in addition to gelatin, a recipe for lamination of hair includes any mask or balm, water, as well as other components of your choice that are available at home: juices, herbal decoctions, chicken eggs, lemon and other ingredients. First, gelatin swells in warm water in a glass container covered with a lid, and then other components are added to it. The product is applied to the curls as a mask.

When cooking, gelatin should not be very heated and brought to a boil. It is advisable not to apply the composition to the hair roots when lamination is carried out: you need to step back 5-10 cm from them. You can learn more about all the features of preparation and use from.

Hair lamination without gelatin at home

There are recipes for lamination at home without gelatin. They have about the same effect as formulations with this product.

Here are some of the most popular ones:

Important! The lamination composition with or without gelatin is applied to clean, slightly damp hair, which is additionally wrapped in cling film and wrapped in a towel. The number and frequency of home hair treatments may vary. But women who have tried folk recipes on themselves recommend using them after each shampooing at first, and then at will.

You can independently carry out the lamination procedure at home with the help of special professional cosmetics. Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and shops, you can find a variety of shampoos, masks, balms and other products with a laminating effect. There are also special formulations for the procedure and whole kits, which include deep cleansing shampoo, laminating agent, foil and a product for washing your hair after the procedure.

According to women's reviews, the following products are most popular among branded and professional cosmetics for lamination:

Important! It is necessary to carry out home lamination with professional products on clean hair. They are washed with a deep cleansing shampoo, dried with a towel without using a hair dryer. Then the composition is applied to the strands, after which each of them is wrapped in foil and ironed with an iron. Rinse off the product according to the instructions. Most often, this should be done 30-40 minutes after application with running warm water and professional shampoo.

Every woman and girl dreams of luxurious curls. The effect after this procedure is impressive with the results! The photo shows the hair before and after hair lamination.

The classic procedure consists in covering the hair with a thin protective film that protects and restores the hair. The preparation contains proteins, cellulose, oils that nourish the hair shaft.

This product does not contain pigments, therefore it does not change the color of the curls. However, in modern salons, preparations containing coloring components are used, which not only laminate, but also tint the curls.

How long does hair lamination last? The shine of smooth hair after a salon procedure lasts 3-4 weeks.

There are such types of procedure:

  • biolamination;
  • shielding;
  • phytolamination;
  • glazing;
  • elimination;
  • glossing.

All types are aimed at improving the curls, as well as creating the desired volume and smoothness. Their difference is in the composition of preparations that are applied to the head.

Biolamination is performed using a preparation that contains natural ingredients - dandelion and zucchini extracts.

Phytolamination is similar to the previous option. The preparation contains phytoelements that saturate the curls with vitamins. After that, a slight shade appears.

The shielding not only gives smoothness and volume, but also nourishes the core from the inside. It is more of a medical procedure than a cosmetic one.

Glazing - restores and colors dull strands. To do this, use paints that do not contain ammonia. These formulations contain ceramides that repair damaged rods.

Elimination is also based on recovery and partial staining. Only in this case, the paint begins to act on the strands without the help of an oxidizing agent. In this case, the tone of the strands remains for a long time.

Glossing is a procedure in which the head with the applied product is wrapped in foil and then ironed with a hot iron. High temperature promotes rapid penetration of the product deep into the hair

Hot hair lamination

The hair lamination procedure is cold and hot. In terms of effectiveness, the second type is better, however, it is used on healthy and intact curls.

This procedure increases volume by 15-20% and also eliminates split-tip problems. To make the effect vivid, a special regenerating mask is made before the procedure.

The procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour. First, the hairdresser slightly moisturizes the hair, and then applies a special protein composition. The texture of the preparation is a colorless gel.

For good penetration of the gel into the hair structure, the master heats up the strands. The heating technology consists in cyclical cooling and heating of the curls. When heated, the hair scales open, and the gel penetrates inside, and when cooled, the hair is "sealed".

Finally, the hairdresser washes his hair, dries and sets his hair.

This procedure should be carried out only by an experienced master, who must correctly observe the temperature regime and time frames. Otherwise, the hair could be seriously damaged and must be cut completely.

Keratin hair lamination

What is better lamination or keratin hair straightening? These are two different procedures. Lamination produces a temporary cosmetic effect in which the curls are covered with a thin layer of silicone. In this case, there is no cumulative effect. After 3 weeks, the curls return to their original state.

Keratin straightening is a medical procedure during which the strands are saturated with keratin and restored from the inside. After the first session, the hair becomes smooth, silky, healthy, obedient. The effect of straightening with keratin lasts up to 6 months and is cumulative.

Straightening is chosen by owners of tight curls, as well as coarse unruly hair.

Lamination of curly hair or keratin straightening is advisable in such cases:

  • damaged curls;
  • dry strands;
  • split ends;
  • tight naughty curls;
  • long-term negative effects of the weather.

Thus, keratin straightening is able to "cure" strands after numerous dyes and perms, eliminates fluffiness and at the same time does not harm the hair.

How to do hair lamination at home

For the procedure at home, it is best to choose a professional product that can be ordered on Internet portals or bought in a specialized store. As a rule, the kit contains everything you need for this action.

Cosmetics for hair lamination must be purchased depending on their type. You can ask a qualified technician to find the appropriate tools.

Hair lamination kit contains:

  • special shampoo;
  • mask;
  • laminating agent;
  • balm.

The shampoo should match the condition of the hair and its color. For example, for blondes, a composition with chamomile extract is suitable. This tool perfectly brightens the curls and makes them alive.

For weakened strands, it is necessary to select a composition with panthenol, which contains vitamin B5, which nourishes the hair shaft.

The mask should have a moisturizing effect. It is preferable if such a mask contains lipids that fill the curls with nutrients. After using the mask, the laminator lays down on the strands more evenly.

The laminating agent is the basic element of the kit. Proteins and antioxidants should prevail in its composition. These substances protect curls from dryness, and also restore intracellular metabolism.

A balm or conditioner is needed to nourish and protect the strands, so it must contain vitamins and carotene. The balm must have an antistatic effect.

There are special shampoos with a hair lamination effect. That is, this tool contains a small amount of laminating components. He, like a professional laminate, envelops each hair with a protective film.

These shampoos contain beta-carotene, a substance that actively repairs damaged curls and promotes their growth. In order for the strands to become thick and voluminous, you must regularly use this tool for 1-2 months.

Home lamination technology:

  1. Wash your hair with a special shampoo.
  2. Apply a tinting agent if colored hair lamination is planned.
  3. Apply a nourishing mask to the entire hair length.
  4. Apply the main product - laminate. As a rule, this composition should act within 30 minutes.
  5. Warm up the curls with the applied product with a hair dryer. But, this is in the event that warming up is allowed by the instruction. Warming up is performed to speed up the chemical reaction. It should be used in an average temperature regime.
  6. Wash off the product after half an hour with plain warm water. You do not need to use shampoo.

After the procedure, the hair should be dried naturally - in the air.

Home hair lamination recipes

Professional tools can completely replace simple ingredients that are in the arsenal of every housewife. The most popular remedy is gelatin. It is inexpensive, and the lamination result is not inferior to the salon procedure.

Gelatin hair lamination

Lamination of hair with gelatin gives it a healthy shine. The owners of thin and rare strands will be especially happy with the procedure. After all, gelatin greatly increases the volume of the hair.

Gelatin contains collagen - a protein that gently envelops each hair, creating a protective film on it. In addition, gelatin perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the curls.

Home hair lamination products:

  • gelatin - 1 pack;
  • boiled water;
  • nourishing mask;
  • plastic bag.

Gelatin lamination technology:

  1. Boil water and then cool to room temperature.
  2. Take a glass bowl and pour 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin there.
  3. Pour water in the proportion: for 1 spoon of gelatin - 3 tablespoons of water. The amount of composition should be proportional to the length of the curls. If the curls are long, then the products should be taken twice as much.
  4. Dissolve gelatin very carefully so that there are no lumps in the composition. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, the container must be covered with a lid so that the gelatin swells.
  5. While the gelatin mixture is swelling, you should go to the bath and wash your hair.
  6. Apply a nourishing balm.
  7. After a quarter of an hour, check the gelatin mixture: if there are lumps, then it is necessary to warm up the composition in a water bath. Then add 1 tablespoon of the mask to a bowl. The composition should be like jelly.
  8. Wash off the balm, and then blot the curls with a towel.
  9. Apply the prepared mixture to washed hair. Put a small bag or a hat on your head, and wrap it with a soft towel on top.
  10. Warm up your head with a hairdryer for 15 minutes, and then walk around with a mask for another half hour.
  11. Wash off the gruel with warm water without using shampoo.

Basic Rules:

  • do the mask no more than 1 time per week;
  • avoid contact of the composition on the skin;
  • in a water bath, gelatin should not boil;
  • there should be no lumps in the composition.

To achieve excellent results, one procedure is not enough. You need at least 5 procedures for the effect to be cumulative and in a month your hair will acquire an unprecedented volume and shine!

Oil lamination of hair

Hair lamination at home without gelatin can be done with oils. Natural ingredients and fatty acids perfectly nourish each hair, enveloping it with a delicate film. Unlike a professional procedure, oil masks not only give a stunning visual effect, but also heal the curls from the inside.

The effect of hair lamination with oils is cumulative and lasts much longer than 2-3 weeks.

For the procedure, essential oils and vitamins in ampoules. The prepared mask is applied to clean strands, and then kept for at least 1 hour. To improve the effect, the head is wrapped and warmed up with a hairdryer.

For lamination with oils you will need:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp a spoon;
  • burdock oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • castor oil - 1 tbsp a spoon;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • yolk - 1 pc;
  • vitamins A, E - 5 drops each.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to a clean head. After 1.5 hours, wash off with shampoo.

This mask is great for split ends and should also be used in summer when the strands are exposed to the scorching sun.

To laminate your hair with cocoa butter, you must:

  • cocoa butter - 1 glass;
  • grape seeds - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tablespoon.

How is lamination of hair with cocoa butter done:

  1. Pour liquid cocoa butter into a container and heat in a water bath.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and leave in a water bath for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair and then dry it slightly.
  4. Apply the oil mixture to wet curls, wrap in a plastic cap, and then wrap in a towel.
  5. It is necessary to walk with such a mask for at least 1 hour. Then rinse with shampoo and air dry.

Laminating masks

Hair mask with lamination effect

For this you will need:

  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • flower honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • coconut oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • natural milk - 1 tablespoon.

Instructions for applying the mask:

  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply to unwashed dry hair. Put on a plastic cap on top, and then a warming cap.
  2. The procedure should be carried out in a bath or sauna, as the mass will flow from the head.
  3. After 40-60 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.
  4. Apply a moisturizing balm and rinse with water.

This mask very well restores dry damaged curls, restoring their natural shine.

Lamination with hop cones and flax:

  1. Take in equal amounts of flax and hop cones (1 tablespoon each) and pour them with a glass of water at a temperature of 80-90 ° C. Let it brew a little under a closed lid.
  2. During this time, you should wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Take the cooled infusion, strain it, and then dip your head in a bowl. Hold the strands in the herbal liquid for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Rinse the curls and dry naturally (no hair dryer).

In order for the result of the masks to be noticeable, it is necessary to apply them 2-3 times a week for a month. You can combine masks with each other - this will only improve the effect.

Pros and cons of hair lamination

Home lamination benefits:

  • amazing volume of hair;
  • shine and smoothness;
  • restoration of split ends;
  • elimination of static discharge when combing;
  • straightening curly and naughty curls;
  • the procedure is safe and allowed for pregnant women;
  • saving money on the purchase of expensive products.

Is hair lamination harmful? Despite the impressive list of advantages, this procedure has its negative aspects.


  1. Damaged strands (after numerous stains, chemicals, heat treatments).
  2. The "Asian structure" of the strands is thick and thick hair.
  3. Individual intolerance to gelatin. Before starting the procedure, you should test the effect of the substance on a local area - behind the ear. If after 15 minutes everything is in order, then you can safely laminate your hair.

If you do not have the listed contraindications, then the procedure can be done. However, it should be borne in mind that after lamination, the curls will have to be washed more often, and the tips will be cut more.

To avoid side effects, it is necessary to use natural ingredients in the form of oils, honey, herbal extracts. This will help to significantly improve the health of the curls.

Home hair lamination is a quick and affordable way to restore shine and volume to curls. And the procedure, made with natural oil components, heals and restores hair from the inside.

Lamination is a special procedure for treating hair with various means aimed at straightening and smoothing it. This procedure can be carried out at home using professional tools. But many women and girls have got used to making homemade masks using folk remedies to smooth curls and give them incredible shine. The most popular is home lamination of hair with gelatin, the recipe for which can be found. But there are no less effective ways to help achieve this result. Recently, many women of fashion have been actively using them and share their recipes and tips. From this post, you will learn how to make hair lamination at home without gelatin, using folk remedies and professional ones.

How to make hair lamination at home using folk recipes

Salon procedures at home - in our time it has become quite real, and with the same result! This section is for those who do not deny the positive healing properties of natural remedies, rendered both to the hair and to the entire body as a whole.
So, let's figure out how to do hair lamination at home. We use simple tools that you can buy at a pharmacy, a store, or that every girl has at home.

Coconut or cow's milk... Milk contains a large amount of proteins that affect the structure of the hair and it becomes smooth and straight. Due to its fat content, milk also has nutritional properties, which makes the curls also healthy and strong.
or sunflower... Olive oil is preferable, but if it is not available, you can use sunflower oil. Perfect for nourishing hair, making it silky, affecting every hair.
bee... Thanks to him, curls restore their elasticity, grow faster and become smooth and super hydrated.
and mustard... Thanks to mustard, the blood supply to the follicles improves and the working activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized. The egg cleanses the hair well and has a great effect on it in combination with mustard.
... Perfectly restores hair structure and makes them very smooth, also has nourishing properties, gives shine to curls.
Vitamin-oil complex... The combination of cosmetic oil and vitamins, acts not only as lamination, but also heals the curls.
... Due to the mineral and vitamin composition, it has a beneficial effect on the structure of the curls, by all means contributing to their growth.

Hair lamination at home - recipes for masks

How to make hair lamination at home without gelatin, we will analyze in mask recipes, but for effective use and a certain result, you need to follow certain rules.

1. Do not dye your hair or do professional curling before lamination. They must be clean and, depending on the mask, dry or damp.
2. It is not advisable to do this procedure often, maximum 1-2 times a month, depending on the composition of the mask and the structure of the hair.
3. After applying any lamination mask, be sure to wrap your head with a cellophane cap and then a towel to get the desired result.
4. To wash off the masks, it is better to make cool or lukewarm water, thus we will consolidate the result of its application.
5. Use a light shampoo and conditioner to wash your hair.

Home hair lamination, the recipes for which we will now consider in masks, is suitable for everyone, subject to the instructions and rules. Try not to break these rules so that there is no disappointment after the procedure, since each point is very important and should not be ignored.

The before and after photos of the lamination procedure below will show the result.

Now let's look at how to most effectively mix handy tools at home to get the desired result. Which ingredients will work best with each other, and in the complex will work many times stronger than each separately.

Recipe 1 - Coconut Milk + Lemon + Olive Oil

We use:

1. Coconut milk or ordinary cow's milk, which is available - 100gr .;
2. Half a lemon - 3 pcs .;
3. Olive oil - 50gr .;
4. Starch, whatever is at home. Makes the mask creamy for easy application.

Hair lamination with professional home remedies

There are home lamination kits made by professionals. This is a huge number of professional hair and scalp care products available to every layman. In the salon, hair lamination is not cheap. Even taking into account the fact that the same funds can be bought in specialty stores or pharmacies and made at home. How to make hair lamination by professional means at home, what is included in the kits, we will further disassemble.

Special products for hair lamination at home

Let's take a closer look at what is included in these professional home lamination products and the details of their use.
So, the composition of professional lamination products:

Independent use of professional tools

1 Lamination option with professional tools

1. First you need to rinse your hair well and dry it a little. We use a special shampoo for washing hair, which is included in each product. The strands should be clean and slightly damp. A special shampoo cleans the scales in our hair.
2. Now it's time for the "hot" phase. We apply a special professional product along the entire length of the hair, wrap it in polyethylene and cover it with a towel on top. We maintain the time specified in the instructions. Then we thoroughly rinse off the product and let the hair dry a little.
3. Apply the product for the "cold" phase and also maintain the time indicated on the package. After that, wash off the product from the head.
4. Apply the mask with balm for the specified time and wash off.
5. Apply fortified formulations to wet strands and let dry.
6. In conclusion, we treat the curls with a spray to fix the effect.

2 option for lamination at home with professional foil products

1. My head with a special shampoo.
2. Apply a professional mask to prevent hair damage for 20-30 minutes.
3. Oil is distributed along the entire length of the curls for deep penetration of the product with which we laminate the hair.
4. Apply the laminating agent directly.
5. We wrap small strands in pieces of foil and process with an iron, thus there is a kind of soldering of each hair separately.
6. Wash off the lamination agent.
7. We apply a mask or a fortified composition, depending on what is included in the set of this lamination.

For clarity, check out the video material.

Video - how to make professional hair lamination at home

So, how to make hair lamination at home without gelatin, as well as recipes for masks, have been disassembled in detail. The lamination process is a very efficient and highly affordable procedure. Where to do it and how, you decide for yourself. You can spend money on a salon procedure by entrusting your hair to a professional master. You can also buy a professional tool and independently make lamination with the means prepared in advance for you. The third option, the simplest, is to find the right ingredients and carry out hair lamination at home, to take care of the beauty of your curls, using folk recipes in masks, passed on by more than one generation and tested by a huge number of women. In any case, you will get the result you are striving for!

Hair lamination means covering it to protect it from the external environment. In addition, this procedure is very fashionable today, since, in addition to the protective and strengthening effect, it gives volume and shine to weak and dull curls.

The secret of lamination is that a composition of biologically active substances is applied to the hair, as a result of which each hair is covered with a special film that improves the hair structure and protects it from the negative effects of external factors. At the same time, the magic protective film perfectly permeates oxygen, but resists the loss of moisture and various substances necessary for the health of our hair.

Home oil lamination procedure

It is quite simple to make self-lamination of hair. This does not require special skills or devices.

Consider the order of the procedure:

  1. First you need to steam the scalp: this way the laminating composition will penetrate better. To open up all the pores, wrap a heated towel over your head for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the action 2-5 times.
  2. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath, let it cool slightly.
  3. Highlight the parting, then separate the strands on each side, gently applying oil to them.
  4. Massage the scalp so that the product is better absorbed and penetrated to the hair roots.
  5. The oil should be kept on the hair for about 1.5-2 hours, you can leave it overnight.
  6. Finally, wash off the product from your hair with your regular shampoo, conditioner, or mask.
  7. Rinse your hair again, blow dry your curls.

Application of laminating masks

As well as industrial, home lamination compounds smooth the "shaggy" surface of the hairs, cover their scales, which usually stick out in different directions. Masks gently envelop each hair, giving volume, heaviness, fullness. The strands look neat and well-groomed, do not electrify. Homemade lamination mixes are usually based on gelatin, a collagen of animal origin. If desired, you can replace it with agar-agar. The latter is obtained from algae.

Despite the simplicity and availability of the procedure, it is important to do everything right.

  1. Prepare the gelatin first. It needs to be filled with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3. For short hair, this will be one spoonful of raw materials and three tablespoons of liquid, for a medium-length hairstyle, double the amount, for long curls - triple. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, wash your hair and dry the strands a little.
  3. Gelatin is swollen, it is time to warm it up in a water bath to completely dissolve. If lumps remain, the mixture will be difficult to apply and rinse off, and the effectiveness of your event will suffer. The simplest gelatin mask is ready! It can already be used, but it is better to add some more ingredients and prepare a complete mask.
  4. Apply the mixture to the hair, leaving two to three centimeters from the roots. Distribute with a comb to the ends.
  5. Wrap your head with foil, wrap a towel and warm up for 10 minutes with a hairdryer.
  6. Wash off after an hour. Use shampoo if you like.

Pros and cons of hair lamination at home

The main advantage of gelatin is the presence of collagen, which is a protein known for its ability to preserve the natural beauty of the whole body. That is why gelatin is used as the basis for home lamination. The effect is achieved by covering the treated surface with a protective film in order to hide microcracks and other obvious damage.


  • The result of the procedure is an increase in hair density;
  • Smoothness and extraordinary softness, as well as impressive healthy shine;
  • Split ends restoration;
  • Electrification goes away;
  • Absolute security. Home lamination is allowed even for pregnant women;
  • Perceptible savings in comparison with a similar salon procedure.


  • Failure to comply with all stages of the recipe reproduction can lead to unpleasant consequences: overdrying, excessive fat content, etc.
  • Possible lack of effect;
  • The period when the hair begins to oily is accelerated;
  • The possibility of increasing dryness of the tips is noted.
  • The classic lamination method.

Hair lamination mask recipes

Depending on what you add to the gelatin base, the composition will become not only caring, but also healing. You can moisturize, nourish your hair, add volume and even shade it a little.

Fast home lamination mask

Mix the gelatin with a tablespoon of your hair balm. For aroma, drip citrus essential oil: lemon, orange, tangerine. Apply and rinse as described above.


This mask is suitable for dry hair. When preparing gelatin, fill it not with water, but with milk in the same proportion.

Split ends mask

The surest way to get rid of split ends is with scissors. But you can give the curls a well-groomed look, keep the length and prevent delamination. Add to the base a tablespoon of burdock oil and a capsule of oil vitamins A and E.

Nourishing mask

To nourish and restore curls, add egg yolk and a teaspoon of burdock oil to the gelatin base. Mix thoroughly. This mask will help dull, damaged hair to revive and shine with health.

Firming mask

If the previous composition is also applied to the roots, and not deviating from them, as written in the rules for use, the hair will receive a strengthening effect, will grow faster and become thicker.

Volume mask

While heating the gelatin with water, pour a tablespoon of colorless henna with two tablespoons of hot water in another bowl. When the base is ready, mix it with henna and pour in a teaspoon of honey, whipped yolk. This composition can also be applied from the roots.

Toning mask

In addition to the lamination effect, these masks are good because they add color to the hair, heal and vitaminize it.

For brunettes:

  • pour hot water over a tablespoon of henna and basma, the consistency should be like semolina of medium density. Mix with gelatin. Use as usual;
  • add a tablespoon of cocoa or ground coffee to the base;
  • prepare the base for the mask not on water, but on cherry or pomegranate juice.

For redheads:

  • add henna filled with hot water to gelatin;
  • mix gelatin for the mask with a decoction of onion peel instead of water;
  • use carrot juice as a base.

For blondes:

  • add lemon juice instead of half the norm of water.

Gelatin shampoo

The effect of the above masks lasts from one to two weeks. When time is limited, and there is no way to carry out a supportive home lamination procedure, gelatin shampoo will come to the rescue. It can be kept in the refrigerator for a week.

Pour three teaspoons of dry gelatin into half a glass of decoction of herbs (nettle, chamomile, birch leaves), pour in half a glass of shampoo. Warm up everything in a water bath. When you wash your hair, do not rinse off the mixture immediately, but hold it for 10 minutes.

Gelatin hair lamination

You will need:

  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l. - restores hair structure by filling in damaged areas
  • Warm water - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Coconut oil - 50 ml - restores, nourishes the hair, gives it shine;
  • Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops - "solders" hair scales;
  • Lavender oil - 1 drop - restores hair, nourishes, helps the rest of the ingredients to penetrate deeper into the structure.


Pour gelatin with warm water and let it brew for 15 minutes. In a steam bath, melt the coconut oil and mix with the rest of the oils. Add the gelatin mixture to the oils and mix well.


Put on plastic gloves and apply the mixture with your hands along the entire length of your hair. Then the head should be wrapped with plastic wrap / bag and a towel. You need to keep the mask for 40 minutes, and then you need to wash it off with shampoo.

There are no restrictions on the number and frequency of the procedure, because there is no oversaturation: the hair absorbs exactly as much composition as it needs. However, the effect of oil lamination lasts for about 3 weeks, so I recommend doing the procedure once a month.

Home lamination

Ingredients for Gelatin Hair Lamination:

  • regular food gelatin (you can buy at any grocery store);
  • ordinary warm boiled water;
  • a good mask or hair balm.

Detailed instructions for gelatin hair lamination at home:

  1. Boil water and cool it down a little. Pour 1 tablespoon of gelatin into the already cooled slightly warm water (you cannot use hot water). Gelatin lamination is done in a 1: 3 ratio, that is, for 1 part of gelatin, you need to take 3 parts of warm water. Some recommend using green tea, milk, or even herbal tea instead of water. Mix everything thoroughly and cover the plate with the diluted gelatin with a lid or flat plate for 15-20 minutes. The lid on top will prevent it from cooling and hardening. Gelatin will swell at this time. You can also fill it with cold water and leave to swell for an hour. Or just dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the bag with it.
  2. While the gelatin swells, you should thoroughly wash your hair with your usual shampoo, then apply balm and rinse your hair. You need to dry your hair slightly with a towel so that the water does not drain from them. Masks are not made on dirty hair, hair must be washed, preferably with balm.
  3. The gelatinous mass should be homogeneous. If it is not all dissolved, you can slightly warm it up in a water bath, while constantly stirring, bringing the solution to a homogeneous state. But in no case should you strongly heat the gelatin and bring it to a boil.
  4. Now you need to add half a tablespoon of your hair mask to the gelatin dissolved in water. The consistency of the mass should be similar to thick sour cream.
  5. Apply a gelatinous mass to wet hair, trying not to get on the scalp and hair roots, since gelatin can tighten the skin a little and there will be unpleasant sensations up to itching.
  6. From above, you need to wrap your head with a plastic bag as usual, you can use a special cap, and then with a towel and hold the mask for about an hour. It is believed that in warmth masks work better on the hair, which is why some even recommend warming up the hair a little with a hairdryer.
  7. After an hour, you need to wash off the gelatin from the hair with warm water (you cannot hot), you can apply a hair balm on the hair after washing off the gelatin for a couple of minutes, then rinse it off and dry the hair in the usual natural way.

Home lamination recipes

Egg lamination

Home hair lamination with an egg is suitable for any hair type. To do this, you need mustard powder, gelatin and 1 egg. Gelatin is mixed with warm water and 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, and after the gelatin is infused, an egg is added to it. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair (over its entire length) in an even layer and then left for 40 minutes. If skin irritation or other discomfort appears, it is recommended to wash off the mixture earlier.

Hair lamination with kefir

Lamination at home with kefir is prepared in this way: you need to take castor oil (1 tablespoon), 4 tablespoons of kefir, an egg and mayonnaise (2 tablespoons). All substances are mixed and applied to the entire length of the hair, from the roots to the very ends. Keep the mixture for at least 30 minutes and rinse your hair with water. If at the moment there is no kefir at home, it can be replaced with liquid natural yogurt.

Hair lamination with honey

Lamination of hair with honey at home is made from the following ingredients: honey (1 teaspoon), an egg, 5 drops of vitamins A, B, E, sunflower, castor, olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon). All components are mixed and rubbed onto the head and hair. The mask remains on the head for 40 minutes and then rinses off with water.

Fruit-based gelatin hair lamination mask recipe

For those with blonde hair, dilute lemon juice is suitable, for dark-haired beauties, carrot juice is suitable, and apple juice is suitable for all hair types. We need 1 tbsp. gelatin and 3 tbsp. juice, stir gelatin with juice and put in a water bath, apply to the hair.

Almond Oil Gelatin Hair Lamination Mask Recipe

We mix gelatin and water in a 1: 3 ratio and, depending on your hair type, add 1.5 tsp. almond oil for dry hair, 0.5 for oily hair and 1 tsp. for normal. Melt in a water bath and apply to the hair, keep it on the head for no more than 25-30 minutes.

Recipe for moisturizing gelatin hair lamination mask

The composition includes 1 tbsp. gelatin 1 tbsp. honey, then for blond hair we take 1 tbsp. decoction of chamomile flowers, for dark 1 tbsp. decoction of nettle. We brew the herb, mix the cooled broth with gelatin, add honey. Apply the mask along the entire length of the hair, rub into the roots.

Herbal Gelatin Mask Recipe for Hair Lamination

In 1 glass of warm herbal infusion based on chamomile, mint and nettle, add 1 tablespoon of gelatin and 2-3 teaspoons of shampoo. Let it brew and swell the mixture for half an hour. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, hold for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe for a gelatin hair mask based on mineral water

We take 1 tbsp. edible gelatin and dilute with 3 tbsp. mineral still water. Stir the resulting composition until a homogeneous gruel, then melt it in a water bath, let it cool, and apply it to the hair. The proportions are 1: 3 and depend on the length of the hair, the longer the hair, the more gelatin and other components we need. Gelatin already contains vitamin E, so you can add a couple of drops of vitamin A, lavender oil and lemon juice to the masks.

Henna-based gelatin hair lamination mask recipe

We take 1 tsp. gelatin 2 tablespoons water, 1 tsp. colorless henna, 1 tsp. mustard and 1 yolk. Stir everything, put it in a water bath and keep it on the hair for 40-60 minutes.

Egg yolk gelatin mask recipe for lamination of all hair types

Stir gelatin and water in proportions 1: 3, add 1 yolk, put in a water bath and apply to hair.

Recipe for a gelatin mask with sea salt and oils for hair volume

Apple cider vinegar gelatin mask recipe for dry and damaged hair

1 tbsp gelatin 3 tablespoons water and 1 tsp. Stir apple cider vinegar, put in a water bath and add 3-5 drops of lavender oil or any other essential oil, apply to hair.

Recipe for a gelatin mask for lamination of oily hair based on lemon juice

The composition includes 1 yolk, 4 tablespoons. vinegar, or better lemon juice, 1 tbsp. gelatin and a spoonful of shampoo. Stir and put in a bath, then apply to hair.

Hair Lamination Gelatin Shampoo Recipe

We need 2 tbsp. gelatin, 1/3 cup of herbal decoction, (you can buy the collection at the pharmacy) and 1/3 Shampoo. Mix the broth with shampoo and add 10 gr. gelatin. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath and stir until the gelatin melts. The shampoo is ready and can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. The head should be washed as with a regular shampoo, only it should be left on the hair for 5-10 minutes, then rinsed.

Video: hair lamination at home