Elegant curly updo. Collected curls at the bottom. Waterfall curls and fishnet hairstyles

A beautiful hairstyle is an important part of the image of any woman. Agree, it's so nice to leave the salon with a beautiful haircut. But usually there is neither time nor opportunity to go to salons very often. Therefore, it is worth learning how to do simple hairstyles on your own that are suitable for every day.

Simple hairstyles

The simplicity of the hairstyle largely depends on the length of the hair. The owner of a short haircut will simply need to wash her hair and style it with a hair dryer and styling mousse. And longer hair is much more demanding on the hairstyle. But there are plenty of options for simple hairstyles.

Simple hairstyles for every day

Simple hairstyles - bun

The most popular and simple type of hairstyles can be called hair, collected in a bun. Depending on the imagination, they can be stabbed into various intricate knots using hairpins. This hairstyle looks very unusual and original.

Simple hairstyles - braids

A great option for young girls will be hairstyles with a variety of braids. There may be one, two or more - it all depends on the case and fantasy. For lovers of loose hair, various styling products will be good helpers. Loose hair can be smoothed with an iron, making it perfectly smooth, or curled with tongs or a hair dryer. Curly hair is enough to style with a gel with the effect of wet hair. Hairstyles for every day will help every woman look irresistible, regardless of the routine and dynamism of her day.

Simple hairstyles - "Fishtail"

At first glance, it may seem complicated. But after a few workouts in front of the mirror, you will learn how to easily braid this braid. Fishtail is perfect for any occasion. The hairstyle looks great on straight and shiny hair, and emphasizes highlights well.

  • First, comb your hair well and mist lightly with water or styling spray to keep your hair from getting electrified.
  • Now divide your hair into two equal sections. For convenience, you can tie the tail and separate it.
  • On the left side, separate a thin strand and throw it over to the right side.
  • Separate the same strand on the right side and connect to the left.
  • Now repeat these steps step by step until you reach the very tip.
  • Secure the fishtail with a rubber band.

Simple hairstyles - "Romance"

This styling can also be called an "inverted tail". It is very easy to make and looks flawless. The hairstyle is suitable for hair of any structure and length, except for short ones.

  • First, wash your hair and apply conditioner.
  • Then dry your hair with a hairdryer, directing air from the temples to the back of the head. Smoothly comb your hair and collect it in a regular ponytail. The height of the tail can be any.
  • Slightly loosen the elastic pulling it down a little, and divide the hair at the base into two parts.
  • Lift the tail up and thread it through the hole at the base.
  • This way you will get a curl.
  • The tail can be left straight, or you can curl its tips onto a curling iron. It will turn out a very romantic and feminine hairstyle.

Simple hairstyles - from twisted strands

This simple hairstyle will beautifully remove hair from the face, to create we need a comb and a hairpin. It is performed very easily and quickly, and is suitable for both medium-length and long hair.

  • First you need to divide your hair into two parts, making a straight or zigzag parting. We select a strand of hair near the forehead and twist it into a light flagellum in the direction away from the face.
  • Holding the flagellum in your hand, select another strand from below and add it to the twisted one, scrolling them together. Then select the third flagellum and do the same.
  • We continue until all the hair on the right side is woven into one large braid.
  • Temporarily fasten them with a hairpin. We do the same on the other side.
  • At the end, we connect the right and left flagella into one tail and fasten with an elastic band or hairpin.

Simple hairstyles - pigtail headband

You can make a braid in the form of a rim on long hair and medium length hair. It is suitable for a business meeting, and for a walk, and for a party. The main thing is to choose the right accessories.

  • First, wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer. To prevent frizzy hair, pull it out with an iron.
  • Before you start weaving, comb your hair well so that it does not fall apart and does not get tangled.
  • At the temple, select three small strands and apply styling foam to each, this will allow the hairstyle to last longer.
  • You need to weave the bezel as well as a regular spikelet, gradually capturing and weaving new strands. Important - new strands should be taken only from the side of the bangs.
  • After the bezel is above the gossip forehead, and you have reached the second temple, we continue to weave the braid, adding strands already on both sides.
  • We braid the braid to the desired length and secure with an elastic band. Loose hair can be curled on a curling iron or formed into a bun.

Simple Hairstyles - "Spanish Knot"

This simple hairstyle is perfect for wet weather. To complete it, we need varnish, spray conditioner and studs.

  • Wash your hair and spray them with a conditioner spray.
  • Comb your hair and make a low ponytail at the back of your head.
  • Braid the ponytail and twist it into a knot, securing with hairpins. Make sure that the hairstyle is smooth, because smoothness is its main feature.

Easy Hairstyles - Side Ponytail

This is a very simple and quick solution for creating a charming look. You can pre-straighten or curl your hair, and for more volume, you can lightly comb your hair.

  • Make an asymmetrical ponytail by gathering the hair on one side, at any height convenient for you.
  • Fix them with an elastic band, the hairstyle is ready.

Photos of simple hairstyles for every taste

Today there are many ways to beautifully collect hair for every day or for a holiday. You can make a classic smooth hairstyle, or you can choose a more free style and decorate the strands with hairpins. For any length of hair there are different options for collected hairstyles, so every woman can fit an interesting idea for her haircut. As a rule, short styling is all kinds of weaving, ponytails and bunches. Here you can use different decorations, because the collected hair needs good fixing. In everyday life, such styling will be very practical and comfortable, and on holidays it will provide the most elegant elegant look.

Collected hairstyles for medium hair

Many people prefer different haircuts of medium length. If the strands reach the shoulders, deviating by no more than three fingers, then such a haircut can be classified as medium in length. Simple and neat styling for medium hair will help you always look stylish. Any hairstyle on strands of this length is neat and cute. Even if there is no time left for styling, you can quickly and elegantly collect your hair.

With the help of ordinary elastic bands and hairpins, you can embody different hairstyles for a medium haircut. Great feminine hairstyles can be a spectacular option for a festive evening. The hairstyle collected on medium hair looks prettier if you make it on curls. You will need to wind the strands, and then fix each of them on the back of the head.

Another way to collect medium length hair is to make a beautiful pigtail with a bun. You need to take a strand near the temple, and braid a spikelet out of it, grabbing the rest of the strands. When the braid is ready, you need to twist it into a bundle and secure it with stealth.

There are many interesting weaves that will allow you to create a beautiful image. Based on the braid, you can make various complex weaves.

With the help of styling products, you can make a more lush braid. Such a pigtail looks luxurious and will be appropriate for a date or an important event.

The back hairstyle is collected on medium hair - this is a classic of all time. Such styling opens the face, emphasizing the natural beauty of a woman. Behind the head there will be a beautiful design of strands, which looks very elegant.

Updo hairstyles for medium to long hair

An interesting styling can be done from a high ponytail. You need to twist the tail into a special roller and wrap it with strands. The resulting bundle is stretched to the sides and fastened with hairpins. The finished bundle can be decorated with a comb or hairpins.

Another way to create ponytail styling can be done even without a roller. Having collected a tight tail, you need to divide it into strands, which are folded into separate bundles and wrapped around the tail.

High styling also looks beautiful, for example, a high bun. To make it, you need to collect the ponytail above the back of the head and wind the strands around the base. This method should be remembered in order to know in daily life how beautifully and quickly to collect hair. There are interesting high styling, similar to buns. For example, you can collect the tail and stretch it under the elastic through the strands. The wound ponytail should be slightly fluffed and secured with hairpins.

Collected hairstyles based on a bun

Owners of medium and long haircuts can experiment with bun hairstyles. This styling is suitable for any event and daily life. Even the simplest bun, which is neatly assembled and securely fastened, can become a beautiful styling. If you look at the collected hairstyles photos, you can see that many of them are based on a regular bun.

The bun is a universal styling at all times, because it never went out of fashion. To form a bundle of strands, it will take a little time and a minimum of improvised means: only a comb, an elastic band and a few hairpins.

The bundle can be:
Low or high;
tight or loose;
Smooth or careless.

To make a bundle, you need to collect the strands and twist into a tourniquet. A neat bundle should be twisted from the tourniquet and tightly fixed on the head. Additionally, the finished styling can be decorated in various ways, for example, with hairpins.

You can make hairstyles gathered at the back if you tie a low bun. You will need to tie the strands into a low tail and wind around the base.

An ordinary bun becomes much more elegant if you braid around it with a braid or even several braids on both sides. It is very simple to do this - you need to leave a few strands when the tail is going. From these strands it will be possible to weave a braid and wrap around the base.

How beautiful to collect short hair

Short hair can easily be pulled into a regular ponytail. You just need to comb the strands and secure with an elastic band. A short ponytail looks very stylish and will enliven any look.

More elegant styling is done using weaving. You need to take a strand from one side and twist it, getting the strands towards the neck. At the back, you need to fix the strands with invisibility, giving them the shape of a resembling shell.

It will also turn out to make a very small beam. In order for it to last a long time on short hair, you need to collect the strands in the tail with an elastic band, and only after that wind the hair around the elastic band. The finished bundle must be well fixed. You can also fluff it up a bit to give it a more chunky look. Thinking about how easy and beautiful to collect hair in a short time, you should pay attention to this styling.

For any length of hair, you can beautifully fasten the strands at the back to create an elegant styling. If you decorate such hair with flowers or elegant hairpins, you will be able to do your own styling for a holiday or wedding. Owners of long hair can collect hair in a hairstyle with volume, and girls with a shorter length will be surprised how easily and quickly you can put your hair into such a beautiful hairstyle. Therefore, the hairstyle hair collected at the back is a great option for short haircuts.

If the length of the hair does not allow you to completely collect them in a ponytail or bun, you can use hairpins and collect at least some of them. Gradually pinning strands, even for an extremely short haircut, it will be possible to make a collected hairstyle. You should look at the hairstyles collected from the back of the photo to find the best option for yourself.

How beautiful to collect long hair

It is believed that long flowing hair gives the girl a special charm, emphasizes her femininity and makes her more attractive. But only collected hairstyles can create such different and stylish looks. Many of these hairstyles can be easily done on your own and they will suit any girl beautifully.

A very elegant updo that has become a classic since ancient times is the braid. Today there are many different weaves, but the traditional three-strand braid is known to every girl and is very popular. Long pigtails are a collected hairstyle that shows off the length of the hair.

Recent seasons have brought popularity to the French braid. When braiding a French braid for long hair, you need to fluff each strand a little to make the weaving massive. The result is a very lush collected hairstyle that attracts the eye.

You can choose more delicate weaving options to create a cute, delicate look. It will be very simple, because braids are always associated with tenderness and femininity. For example, from four strands it will turn out to weave a beautiful voluminous braid. To make such a styling, you need to collect the strands and carefully comb them. Next, you need to separate the four strands and intertwine them with each other until the weaving is completed. At the end, you need to secure the braid with a hairpin or elastic band.

It should be borne in mind that the braids are weaved in different ways: in the middle or on the side, from the back of the head or from below. The braid looks fresher and more stylish, and with a few embellishments, you can turn it into a sophisticated evening hairstyle.

The reverse spikelet is also worth the attention of the fair sex. To weave a reverse spikelet, you must first collect the curls in a ponytail and divide them into two strands. Usually weaving starts near the neck, but you can choose any point for the base of the braid. The resulting styling is well fixed, after which you can fluff the strands a little. The reverse ear looks quite lush, so slightly fluffy curls will give it even more volume.

Hairstyle collected hair at the back is especially popular among owners of long hair. Various hairstyles of this kind can be done with your own hands. Moreover, such styling is great for work, walks, holidays and any events.

Hairstyles with tails

If you love collected styling, you should pay tribute to the ponytails that every woman does from time to time in her daily life. The popularity of this styling is explained by the fact that it will be very simple to make it. Of course, there are several ways to improve the formation of the ponytail and make the hairstyle more interesting.

You can make different hairstyles with a tail:
Strict and smooth tail;
Tail on top;
Lush tail on the back of the head;
Funny ponytail on the side of the head;
Romantic tail with curls.

For long hair, you can make a ponytail tied with a strand. It is done in this way: collect the tail, leaving one strand, and secure with a thin elastic band. Then take the remaining strand, pull it under one elastic band and wrap it around the ponytail to make it look like the ponytail is tied with hair. Secure the twisted strand with an invisibility.

A good styling option for long hair is the Greek style. Greek hairstyles look very gentle, romantic and feminine. To do the Greek styling, collect the strands in a loose tail. Then, you need to slightly move the elastic band away from the base in order to stretch the strands under it, as if winding them around the base of the tail. The remaining tips can be hidden under the finished styling.

Collected evening hairstyles

It's no secret that the collected hair is considered a classic for evening wear. This is a great option for birthdays, graduations, and even weddings. When the hair is collected up, you can see the beautiful dress of the woman, her face, neck and shoulders. Therefore, styling for an important event is of great importance and a professional is often hired to create it. However, many of them are easy to repeat with your own hands. For example, you can curl your hair with a curling iron or curlers, and then fix the strands.

Different hairstyles gathered up are easily turned into evening ones. The main secret of an evening hairstyle is accessories. Massive brooches, tiaras, headbands with stones, flowers and floral arrangements can make a real masterpiece out of ordinary collected hair.

To make your own styling in the evening style, you just need to make a bun, ponytail or braid. Then choose jewelry that will match the outfit, and fasten them to the strands.

If you figure out how to collect short hair, you can even make a wedding styling. After all, you can easily fix a veil or wedding jewelry for the collected strands.

Usually evening collected hairstyles for short hair and other haircuts are a kind of bun or weave. Most often, individual strands or curls are fixed, which looks much more luxurious than ordinary light hairstyles.

Since the collected hairstyles look charming and suitable for any occasion, you should choose some of them for yourself. Every woman from time to time makes herself such a styling, either in everyday life or for a holiday. Therefore, the importance of such hairstyles in the life of a modern woman cannot be underestimated.

Updo bridal hairstyles have always been popular with brides of all ages around the world. This phenomenon is easy to explain: the collected hairstyles are not only comfortable and practical, but also look very gentle, making the image of the bride perfect and refined. and a floor-length wedding dress are indispensable elements of the traditional image of the bride; this is a combination of grace, nobility and impeccable taste. In anticipation of the wedding season of 2017, we have prepared for you an overview of the most fashionable hairstyles with collected hair, among which you will undoubtedly choose your ideal option. In addition, many of them are extremely easy to perform, which also adds to the attractiveness of hairstyles with collected hair. When choosing a styling option, think about accessories and jewelry with which you will decorate your hair, because they always attract attention and make the image of the bride complete and complete.

So, dear future brides, here is a selection of 30 best collected hairstyles for medium and long hair, with which your solemn look will be unsurpassed.

1. Casual romance


Modern should not be excessively tightened and polished to smoothness. On the contrary, to look like a fashionable bride, in 2017 choose a loose and slightly casual hairstyle with a bohemian touch. In addition, you don't even need a hairdresser to replicate this look, this hairstyle is easy to do at home on your own. Leave the front strands loose for a romantic look.

2. Sweet beehive


Unlike the previous hairstyle, this hairstyle with neatly collected hair is especially suitable for a formal wedding in a classic or traditional style. "Shell" or "French Twist"- always up-to-date hairstyle to create an elegant and stylish look. To balance the proportions of such a voluminous hairstyle at the back of the head, release a few strands in front to thinly frame the oval of the face.

3. Luxurious waves


Thinking through the wedding image, keep in mind that the dress should be combined with each other and look harmonious. A strapless or low-cut dress looks best with large, slightly careless curls, curled and gathered at the back of the head in a loose bun. The image of a glamorous diva will be complemented by long rhinestone earrings and makeup in the style of "Smoky eyes".

4. Pearl placer


Pearls are a great bridal accessory that will add shine and texture without overwhelming the look. Light, airy waves, collected in a low bun, look especially gentle with a hair brooch decorated with pearls. In addition, wedding dresses are also often decorated with pearls, so this is an ideal option for a wedding look in one style. Pearl jewelry looks harmonious on both dark and blond hair.

5. Collected bean


If you think that it is impossible to make a stylish collected hairstyle on short hair, you are mistaken. Such a wedding hairstyle is available even to owners of trendy haircuts, you just have to stock up on a sufficient number of invisible hair and strong fixation varnish. If desired, you can also use overhead strands or a chignon. Just do not overload your hair with additional accessories.

6. Intertwined waves


Gorgeous wedding hairstyle, made of small curls, collected in a voluminous, but at the same time light, almost weightless knot. This hairstyle looks especially airy on blond hair. Don't forget about accessories. Sometimes one small detail sets the mood for the whole image. In this case, an elegant pearl hairpin perfectly complements the delicate look of the bride.

7. Woven curls


The secret of this hairstyle is in the harmonious combination of simplicity and chic. It is especially suitable for owners of thick and long hair, which will give the necessary volume to this hairstyle. Roll the curls on large curlers or a large-diameter curling iron, intertwine and collect in a sophisticated bun, and release individual strands in front and on the sides for a more casual look.

8. Flower tiara


Tiaras and crowns are the most popular wedding accessories, because every girl should feel like a queen on her big day. And although many brides choose hairstyles with diadems and tiaras, very often their image looks heavy and overly dramatic. If you want to be a queen in a more gentle and soft way, you will love the updo, adorned with a small bunch of lilies of the valley or other fresh flowers.

9. Refined simplicity


Very often we imagine wedding hairstyles in the form of a high smooth tower, filled with tons of hairspray. This image has remained far in the past, because now naturalness and naturalness are at the peak of popularity. A loose and unconstrained bun, woven from plaits and curls and gathered low at the back of the head, is that exquisite simplicity that will emphasize the romantic mood of the wedding ceremony.

10. Original accessory


The veil has long ceased to be the only possible wedding addition. An interesting bright accessory can bring a highlight to the image of a modern bride, which will make the hairstyle more original. If you plan to use a spectacular hair clip or an unusual comb, give up complex styling in favor of a regular hair bun. Otherwise, the hairstyle will be overloaded with details and may look “heavy”.

11. Royal lightness


This amazing hairstyle seems light, airy and not difficult to perform, but in fact it takes time and the professional hand of an experienced master. But if you choose this option for your celebration, you will not regret a minute. After all, this is truly a royal hairstyle with which you will look stunning. A hairpin made of beads, rhinestones or pearls will complete the look.

Related video:

12. Stylish harnesses


Hair plaits are now so popular that they are widely used in wedding and evening hairstyles. Hairstyles with plaits look stylish and original, this is a worthy alternative to the usual pigtails. The bundles twisted from the side strands are intertwined and smoothly turn into a low bun. To complete the look, decorate your hair with a delicate handmade accessory.

13. Elegant headband


Collected hairstyles often look too simple. But with the right accessory, any modest bridal hairstyle can be turned into something stunning. The delicate headband, embellished with pearls and rhinestones, looks great as a wedding accessory, and the hairstyle looks elegant and sophisticated. Moreover, it is very easy to perform and does not require professional hairdressing skills.

14. High bun with veil


A bun is a classic wedding hairstyle that is relevant at all times. Although low bridal buns are more traditional, high buns lifted from the back of the head to the top of the head will help elongate the silhouette of a petite bride. Also, if you position the bun at the top of your head, you can pin the wedding veil down below it. Leave a few strands loose at the face to balance out the massive veil.

Video: Wedding hairstyle with a diadem

15. Glamor vintage


Many wedding hairstyles of our grandmothers are again at the peak of popularity. This hairstyle in the style of the 20s of the last century has not lost its relevance. Large curls look very structural and are fixed on the side with a vintage hairpin. To enhance the retro effect, the bangs must be styled with a “cold wave” using a gel with the effect of wet hair. It is thanks to the asymmetrical arrangement that the hairstyle looks trendy and perfectly matches the moment.

16. Free bend


This is a modern take on traditional bridal hair. Such a low bun is made of wavy hair, so it looks lush and voluminous. Unlike smoothly twisted bundles, in this version, the hairdresser does not tighten the loop of hair tightly, but fixes it in a slightly relaxed form, which makes it possible to examine the curls in detail. Exquisite decoration brings a festive touch to the image.

17. Fresh flowers


Flowers are not only an attribute of a wedding bouquet, but also an exquisite decoration for your hairstyle. Real flower wreaths are a popular option for summer weddings, but even a single flower will add natural charm to your look. Add a thin sprig of gypsophila along the French twist, and the usual classic styling will turn into an elegant hairstyle that emphasizes the natural beauty of the bride.

18. Wild curls


If your hair is curly in spiral curls, then you do not need to think of a suitable hairstyle for a long time. Separate the side strands and fasten them at the crown to get a hairstyle that resembles a "mohawk". This trendy holiday hairstyle will show off your face and neck, highlighting your high cheekbones and chiseled jawline. In this case, accessories will be superfluous, your hair structure is the best hair decoration.

19. Fairy Princess


Every girl feels like a real princess on her wedding day. If you think the traditional tiara is too casual, opt for a bejeweled headband that looks like a crown but is stylish and modern at the same time. In this example, the accessory is in the center of the whole look, so in order not to detract from it, twist the hair into a soft bun and leave the ends slightly tousled.

20. Color play


Color is a great way to add uniqueness to your bridal hairstyle without the extra effort. This is especially true if you want to show the play of shades and overflows inside the collected hairstyle. In this case, the dark roots contrast nicely with the lighter ends in a loose knot. Since ombre coloring is now at the peak of popularity, this hairstyle will appeal to fashionable brides.

21. 2-in-1 option


When choosing a wedding hairstyle, it is sometimes very difficult to stop at one option and you want to try on many images. If you haven't fully decided whether you want to collect your hair or leave it loose, pay attention to this hairstyle that combines both options. The front strands are pulled back and pinned up at the crown, revealing a beautiful line of shoulders and a graceful neck.

22. Gorgeous braid


One of the perks of a look without a veil or accessories is the ability to use braids and braids, which are incredibly popular this year. In addition, braiding is a great way to show color variations in your hair with highlights and highlights. Braid from the temple to the back of the head a side lace braid, reminiscent of a magnificent headband framing the face, and you will be inimitable on your wedding day.

23. Artificial hawk


Have you ever thought that such a daring faux hawk could be used as a bridal hairstyle? In this case, the curls laid in the form of a Mohawk look very cute and gentle thanks to tiny crystal flowers located on both sides of the hairstyle. This proves that any hairstyle, designed in the right style, will look appropriate.

24. Luxurious rose


Even if your ceremony will be in a traditional or conservative style, you need to be creative in choosing a wedding look. At first glance, this hairstyle looks like a low, smooth bun, but upon closer inspection, it opens up in front of us in the form of a blooming rose. Entrust the execution of a hair flower to an experienced master, and the admiring glances of the guests are guaranteed.

25. Antique Goddess


This is the hairstyle of a real Greek goddess who came down to us from Olympus in all her splendor. It combines conciseness and volume, and looks advantageous on the owner of long thick hair. In addition, Greek-style hairstyles involve the use of accessories instead of a veil, in this case, an ornate hairpin with pearls and crystals emphasizes the spiral structure of the styling.

26. Lightness and grace


There are many ways to make short, thin hair look light and airy, but the easiest of them is to curl the curls to add volume. You can't do without an elegant accessory. This delicate pearl tiara is the perfect accent if you have thin hair, as it delicately adorns your hairstyle without overwhelming the whole look. Do not overdo it with styling products so that the hairstyle does not look flat.

28. Weightless veil


A wedding hairstyle with a veil is an ideal option for many reasons. You can cover your face before the main oath, or cover your shoulders as you walk down the aisle to the altar. If you are planning a luxurious ceremony, take on board the images of the brides of the royal dynasties, who most often choose an extra long veil with a train. So that the veil does not hide the beauty of the hairstyle, it must be attached at the bottom of the back of the head.

28. Modern retro


Modern hairdressing trends have brought back the fashion for vintage hairstyles. In this case, the retro image includes a cold wave and a bouffant that was fashionable in the last century. "Cold wave" is performed with a curling iron or irons with a large diameter, laid on its side and fixed with a large number of styling products. When choosing a retro hairstyle, think over the whole image in advance and pick up a dress in the same style.

29. Fashionable asymmetry


All the hottest trends of 2017 are found in this hairstyle - delicate floral details, loose braids, a slightly tousled bun and asymmetry. Two thick French or Dutch braids start at the temple and gently lead to the side bun. But first of all, it is necessary to wind the hair to give the hairstyle the desired volume. Decorate the hairstyle with elements of greenery and wildflowers.

30. Forest nymph


Floral wreaths and crowns are still on trend, especially when it comes to rustic summer weddings or outdoor celebrations. Moreover, wreaths of leaves and greenery are especially popular this season. The image of an innocent forest nymph will be completed by a modest collected hairstyle, careless and as if slightly disheveled by the wind. The strands of the face remain free, emphasizing a charming romantic look.

And finally, a tutorial video from

Every day we strive to look attractive and stylish, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to think over the image from head to toe and the hairstyle plays an important role in our appearance. But in the modern rhythm of life, there is not much time left to create complex styling, so girls prefer simple hairstyles for every day that do not require time and effort.

Being different and surprising others with new images is not as difficult as it seems, we offer you a selection of beautiful, interesting, elegant, daring, cute and unusual hairstyles for every day. Thanks to detailed photo tutorials, you can easily learn how to make them yourself and change every day.

Hairstyle for every day - ponytail to the side

- not at all a boring hairstyle, as some people think, especially if it is a side ponytail. This hairstyle can be seen on many celebrities from the red carpet, there are a lot of options for such a tail, and it takes no more than 5-10 minutes to create a hairstyle.

Option 1 - tail on the side with curls

To create such a hairstyle, you need to make curls, for this you can use curling irons or curlers. Then we collect the hair from the side, while there is no need to make the tail tight, a few strands can be left near the face, and wrap the tail with a strand of hair.
Option 2 - smooth tail
If you chose this version of the tail, then the hair should be smooth and shiny, if necessary, use an iron to straighten your hair.
Option 3 - ponytail
Another, no less popular, version of the tail on the side is the ponytail with a fleece. Before collecting the hair from the side, we make the desired bouffant and fix it with hairspray, now you can make a tail, and wind the ends onto a curling iron.

Tail inside out - easy hairstyle for every day

If there are 5 minutes left for the training, then this hairstyle will become a lifesaver for you!
1. We comb the hair and collect it in a ponytail, the location of the tail can be behind or on the side.
2. Then, with the help of an elastic band, we make a tail, stepping back a little from the roots.
3. Above the elastic, divide the hair into two parts and thread the tail through the resulting hole. Hairstyle is ready! If desired, it can be decorated with a beautiful hairpin or flower.

Hairstyles for every day with braids

Braids and weaves can be a great hairstyle for every day, and it is not necessary to be able to weave, even with the simplest weaving you can create a unique hairstyle.

Volume braid with fleece

This hairstyle is suitable not only for every day, but can also be a great addition to the evening look.
1. Separate part of the hair from the top of the head and make a pile.
2. We begin to weave a French braid, while grabbing small strands on both sides of the head.
3. Do not weave a braid that is too tight, it should be a little loose.
4. At the end, fix the hairstyle with hairspray

Loose braid on the side - a simple hairstyle for every day

The side braid is a fairly popular hairstyle, and it is also very easy to make. You can choose different types of braids for the side braid, it can be a regular three-strand braid, a fishtail braid, or more complex weaves.

Lightly tousle your hair, you can give them volume with a pile. Just gather your hair on one side and braid.

This hairstyle is perfect for owners, as it will look lush and light.

Braid around the head

Only girls with long hair can afford to make such an unusual hairstyle.

1. We divide the hair along the parting into equal parts.
2. On each side we make a low tail with a thin elastic band. We wrap the elastic band with a strand of hair.
3. Weave a braid on both sides (it can be a braid of three strands or a spikelet)
4. Now we throw the braid to the opposite side and fix it with hairpins. We do the same with the second braid.

Spit waterfall - a very beautiful hairstyle for every day

Spit-waterfall fell in love with many girls for their beauty and simplicity. This hairstyle is suitable for every day, and if you wind your hair, then with such a hairstyle it is not a shame to appear on a holiday.

Hairstyle for every day - bun

The bun is one of the most popular everyday hairstyles and there are a huge number of variations of this hairstyle. A bun hairstyle can be afforded by girls with different lengths and types of hair.

Bundle of braids

One option is a bundle of braids. To make such a hairstyle is quite simple, you need to collect the hair in a ponytail, and then braid one or more braids. Now, with the help of hairpins and hairpins, we fix the braids in such a way that we get a bunch.

In the photo lessons below, you can learn how to make several options for beams.

Bundle with a roller or sock

A popular, simple and at the same time beautiful hairstyle is a bun with a roller, or, as it is also called a “donut”. If you do not have a special roller, then do not despair, you can use a regular sock instead).

Hairstyle for every day - curls and curls

Cute curls, elegant curls, Hollywood waves - these and many other types of curls you can do yourself. Usually there are no difficulties in creating such a hairstyle, so it is suitable for every day. There are a lot of ways to create curls, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself, depending on the method and type of curls you want.

Large voluminous curls

These curls can be created using curling irons or curlers. It will take from 10 to 30 minutes to create a hairstyle, it depends on the length and thickness of the hair. To create curls, use foam or styling spray, then your curls will last all day.

Spiral curls with flagella

And this type of curls is best done in advance, namely at night. First you need to wash your hair and wait until the hair dries. Then we separate a small strand of hair (the thinner the strand, the less curls) and twist it into a flagellum. We do this with all the hair and go to bed, and in the morning we are happy with a simple hairstyle for every day!

Light waves with a straightening iron

The method is quite controversial, but fast. This method is suitable only for those girls whose hair is easy to style and keeps it for a long time. We divide the hair into 2-3 equal parts, then we twist one part and draw it several times with an iron to straighten it. We dissolve the strand and see light waves. Do the same with the rest of your hair.

High ponytail - easy hairstyle for every day

A high ponytail is a fairly common and simple hairstyle, but I will show you some interesting and unusual options.

High tail - extra volume

Having made such a tail, the hair will appear not only thicker but also longer. And the secret is simple: first, we separate half of the hair from the top of the head and make a tail out of them, and collect the lower part of the hair into a tail, but slightly lower than the first. Now we lower the hair and we have a lush and voluminous tail. This hairstyle will look great on wavy hair, they will hide an extra ponytail and no one will know your little secret.

High tail - decorate with braids

Do not forget that weaving can be added to any hairstyle and the tail is no exception. It can be a few small braids of their tail, which will give a twist or weaving, which smoothly turns into a tail and becomes the main decoration.

Hairstyles for every day - photo

Retro hairstyle

graceful shell

Miniature braid - decorate the image

Braid + loose hair

Bouffant and curls

Simple hairstyle with interesting details

Light romantic hairstyle

Tail with two bands

hair bow

Pigtail on the side

Braids on both sides

Simple fishtail braid hairstyle

The biggest problem for women is the creation of a simple and beautiful hairstyle. We are always tormented by questions - how beautifully to collect hair at home, what items will be needed for this and what hairstyle is most relevant for women of different ages. After all, the same type of hairstyles are terribly boring: tails, braids, just loose hair. I suggest you consider simple and quick ways to collect hair.

Bundle (for absolutely any length)

Let's start with a standard hairstyle for hair of almost any length, bun. The perfect combination of simplicity and elegance: the bun is perfect for both jogging in nature and for a social evening. If you are interested in such a light and strict hairstyle, then I recommend reading how to beautifully collect hair in a bun, below.

The ideal material for hairdressing experiments is, of course, long hair and medium length hair, so first I’ll tell you how to make a bun for these types. All we need is a few invisibles, an elastic band, a comb and two or three minutes of free time. First, we collect the hair in a tight ponytail at the back of the head, crown or closer to the temples, then twist and fasten with invisible pins or hairpins. Ready!

I also suggest you watch the video tutorials:

The first is a side bun for medium to long hair.

The second is 5 types of bundles using a hair bagel and more.

It is worth remembering that the type of beam must be selected based on its external parameters. Be guided by three rules: neck, face oval, figure. You are the owner of a swan neck, any bunch will suit you, both on the very top and on the back of the head, but the first option is much more advantageous in terms of elegance. But, perhaps, it is difficult to call your neck a swan, then you should make the bun as low and more voluminous as possible in order to focus on the hair itself.

The second is the oval of the face - if your "oval" is close to the "circle", then make a weak, deliberately careless bun, you should not tighten your hair too much. The third - a figure - definitely, a strict tightly tightened hairstyle is suitable for thin or slender women, but for full ones, again, it is advisable not to pull the strands when fixing with invisible hairpins or hairpins. Give more freedom to your hair!

Is it impossible to make a bun on short hair? You are wrong!

The task is much more difficult - it is to make a bunch of short hair, above the shoulders, then you can’t twist it and fix it with invisibility. In such a case, I offer you this method.

1) Comb your hair well and tie a ponytail.

2) Comb the tail

3) Lower and twist under the bottom. You should get a voluminous sloppy bunch

4) Secure the bun with hairpins or bobby pins

5) Remove part of the bangs (if any) behind the ears.

6) Done!

There is also another way to create a bun on the head.

Of course, the bun is quite common and easy to create, but far from the only one, so I suggest you consider other hairstyles for hair of various lengths.

Stunning hairstyles for short hair

As a rule, short hair is not even braided, but combed, straightened, sometimes curled, or put on a headband.

If you have such short hair, then you can not bother about a complicated hairstyle. The best option is to straighten your hair or curl it, it all comes down to the shape of your face.

Types of hairstyles for a rounded face shape:

If you have an elongated or oval face shape, then straight hair or a light curl is more suitable.

Sometimes it happens that the hair is naturally sparse and thin, voluminous hairstyles cannot be made from such hair. Here are some great hairstyles for short and thin hair.

Tip: most often women use bouffant or grow long bangsto hide the fullness of the face.

A video tutorial on hairstyles for short hair will also help you.

Exclusive hairstyles for medium hair

For medium hair, a much greater variety of hairstyles opens up than for short ones. But even here you should not get lost among the various curls and styling.

Various braids and tails for this type of hair are very popular now. From the usual tight braid or ponytail to the French fishtail. Loose hair never loses its relevance.

"Fishtail" tightened and weakened.

Curly and deliberately carelessly combed hair.

I propose to consider a high, at the same time simple and elegant hairstyle for medium and long hair.

1) We collect a high tail, the higher the tail, the higher the hairstyle itself. You can do below.

2) We fix the tail with invisibility and wrap it back. Spray with varnish.

3) We twist the tail into a roller and fasten it to the hair with invisibility.

4) Stretch the beam, giving it a more voluminous look.

5) We fix the edges of the beam with hairpins or invisible to the hair.

Video tutorials on hairstyles for medium hair will also help you a lot.

Simple and charming hairstyle:

Stylist tip:

If you have a rounded face shape, then do not tighten your hair, but give your hair more freedom.

Long hair and how to tame it

There is a huge range of hairstyles for long hair. In this master class, we will consider the lightest and most elegant hairstyles.

  1. Comb your hair well, take a small section of hair at your temple and braid it.
  2. Braid the same braid on the other side.
  3. Make sure the braids are the same length
  4. Secure the braids at the back of the head with invisible hair over the rest of the hair.
  5. Ready!

The video tutorials below will also help you.

Hairstyles with ponytails for every day:

Braids for long hair.


Follow the same advice as for medium hair, don't pull your hair too tight and don't style with hairspray if your face shape is more round or square than oval and elongated.

Modern hairstyles are easy to style and original solutions. Even if you have little to no time, you can create a stylish hairstyle in just a few minutes.

And today we will discuss modern hairstyles with high styling, and also talk about how to create them yourself, at home.

Collected hair up always causes a share of sympathy. In addition, this hairstyle looks charming paired with any hair accessory. Styling variations may vary depending on the style and direction of the hairstyle. For example, you can create a romantic hairstyle for a gala evening or style it in an elegant style for a business meeting. As a matter of fact, we will discuss all the popular hairstyles for today, but you will choose for yourself which event this or that styling is suitable for.

Modern high styling means a variety of styles, as well as additional accessories. The classic twist hairstyle is very popular among many fashionistas. In turn, designers recommend paying attention to a twist in a romantic style. To create such a hairstyle is very simple with the help of hairpins and hairspray.

The hair is twisted and styled on top, and then fixed with hairspray and hairpins. Additionally, you can release a few strands of hair to create a luxurious look in a romantic style!
A romantic bun hairstyle with a headband can be a great option for every day. All you need is to collect your hair in a high bun, leave a few side strands, which should later be curled with a cone-shaped curling iron. So, you will create a romantic image of a modern fashionista. And to make it more convincing, use a headband!

A high braided hairstyle is another trendy option for the new season. Pay attention to how often designers use a variety of braids in their collections! Hairstyles with high styling, implying braids, are popular with both young girls and adult women. In addition, today, there are a huge number of fashionable styling that allow you to create a universal image.
Provence-style oblique-semicircle hairstyle is a great solution for everyday life. To create such a styling, you need a few hairpins and hairspray. Comb and collect them in a braid. Wrap the pigtail at the back of your head in a semicircle. You can complement the hairstyle with an original accessory with a rim, a flower, etc.

In addition, you can create an original hairstyle with the help of a classic braid. To do this, gather your hair into a ponytail with your hands, and then create a simple three-strand pigtail. Lift the braid up and fix it with hairpins, our hairstyle is ready. This styling can be complemented with pearl jewelry or flowers!
High plaited hairstyle is another easy option to create a trendy hairstyle for a romantic evening, for example.

This hairstyle looks very stylish and at the same time forms the image of a romantic fashionista. A braided hairstyle implies a lot of twisted strands. So, initially we take one strand of hair and twist it several times, then fix it with hairpins and hairspray. The main advantage of a twisted hairstyle is that it can be shaped in any way you like.

In addition, you can experiment with a trendy bow-style hairstyle. Of course, it is suitable only for special events, but still, this fashionable styling looks very stylish and elegant. It is not necessary to create a voluminous hair bow, you can make a beautiful and modest bow.

wedding hairstyles

Wedding hairstyles are a separate topic for discussion. After all, a modern wedding hairstyle should be not only solemn, but also harmoniously combined with fashion accessories, be gentle and romantic.
Modern hairdressers pay great attention to twists. These are twisted hairstyles that are easy to style. They look casual and can be combined with curls. As a result, we get a beautiful tandem of a twisted hairstyle, laid up with curls.

Evening hairstyle up: our choice

Today, more and more stylists are paying attention to high styling. They look very elegant and emphasize femininity and beauty. For stylists, they recommend choosing a bun hairstyle, high and voluminous styling! As an additional accessory, you can use a thin headband or a hairpin encrusted with stones.

Trendy updo hairstyles vary by style and event. These are two important points that should not be ignored. Before choosing a hairstyle, think carefully about the image, because it depends on this whether it will develop as a whole or not.

If you ask men if they prefer long or short hair, most of them will tell you long. You can consider yourself one of the luckiest girls if you have beautiful and healthy long hair. After all, you are not among those representatives of the fair sex who have to go broke to buy hairpieces and dream that their curls fall below their shoulders. Be grateful to nature for the natural beauty bestowed upon you. But what is the use of long hair if you wear it loose all the time, without taking advantage of the opportunities that it opens up?

Long hair: for or against?

Most women want to have long silky locks because they can be done with almost any hairstyle that is known to mankind: from simple waves to complex buns.

But not every girl can do a beautiful hairstyle on her own, even if she has luxurious hair. Hairdressing is an art that not everyone is able to master. But the basics to comprehend by everyone. So check out some interesting and simple tips with which you can transform yourself for the better in a short time. If you think that updo hairstyles are too simple for a certain occasion, there is always an option to decorate them with various hair clips or elastic bands and they will shine in a new way. Dare!

The best ideas for hairstyles with collected hair

  1. Long tail on one side

    This hairstyle looks simple yet romantic. First, make soft and airy curls with a curling iron. Fix the resulting curls with hairspray. Gather the strands to one side and secure with an elastic or decorative elastic band.

  2. Neat bun

    This chic and sophisticated hairstyle may seem complicated at first glance, but it is actually very easy to do. Gather your hair into a low ponytail and then start twisting it to form a bun. Secure with a rubber band. Finish off by adding an elegant, beautiful barrette and you're done.

  3. Fish tail

    Braids are a great option for hairstyles. French braids are a classic example of this, however we'll take it one step further with the fishtail braid. This beautiful braid may seem a bit tricky to do, but with a few practice sessions, you can easily make it. First, divide your hair in half. Then grab a small strand from the outer edge and move it to the center. Now also grab a strand, only from the second side. Continue to separate the strands on each side alternately until you braid the braid. Decorate it with decorative clips.

  4. half-beam

    "Half beam" is really easy to do. First, gather the front of your hair. Pull them forward over your forehead, then secure with an elastic band. Then collect the middle part of your strands in such a way that you get a tail. Twist it into a bundle and create a bundle. Secure with a simple elastic or decorative elastic band. Now wrap the hair we left on the forehead around the bun and pin it up. Use hairspray to hold your hair in place. you can either leave some of the strands straight or use a curling iron to create beautiful soft curls.

  5. Ballerina bun

    It takes a little practice to do it. The bundle can be constantly improved by adding various accessories to it. First, we collect the hair in a high ponytail, securing it with an elastic band or a hairpin. Comb them lightly in the tail to make the bun appear more voluminous. Then twist your hair into a ponytail and wrap it around the base, creating a bun shape. Insert hairpins along the base of the bun to secure it to your head. You can sprinkle with varnish if you wish.

  6. High braided tuft

    With a ponytail and braid, you can create an intricate, beautiful chignon. Try this high braided hair bun. First, gather your hair into a high ponytail and secure with an elastic band. Divide the tail into 4 equal parts and braid each part into a pigtail, fixing it separately with elastic bands. Start winding the pigtails around the base on top of each other. Finally, secure the chignon around the base with bobby pins or bobby pins.

As you can now see, you can do a lot of hairstyles with your curls, leaving aside the usual and boring ponytails. Try these options and you will see how your life is filled with colors.

Hairstyle can completely change the image. That is why simple ways to collect hair can perfectly complement your clothes and allow you to look different every day. In this article, we will look at beautiful and quick hairstyles that you can do yourself and change every day according to your mood.

The tail is perhaps the simplest and most popular hairstylefamiliar to everyone. When we want to remove the hair in a hurry, we usually do the ponytail. However, there are a variety of variations of this simple hairstyle that will help freshen up your look and keep changing.

  • The tail can be collected with an elastic band, a regular hairpin or a crab hairpin - it will already look completely different.
  • You can make it high on the crown or at the bottom, with or without fleece, on the side or straight.
  • Styling plays an important role - smooth elongated hair in the tail will look strictly, and curled small curls will create a deliberately careless chic.

Consider the most interesting ways to make a ponytail on long and medium hair.

Ponytail on long hair

Long hair leaves a lot of room for experimentation - you can make any ponytail with them, and every time the hairstyle will look great.

  • Ponytail looks especially luxurious on long hair - especially if they are healthy and well-groomed.
  • Such a hairstyle will look stylish and strict with straight hair, but in a casual style it is better to choose curls or soft waves, so you add freedom and naturalness to the image.
  • A ponytail also looks interesting if you curl the ends of your hair with large curls - this option is suitable even for the evening.

And, most importantly, you can make this universal hairstyle quickly and easily:

  1. Usually a ponytail is made with an elastic band: the hairpin fixes the hair weaker, and the tail can quickly fall down from the top of the head
  2. Comb your hair, lift it to the desired height and make a few turns with an elastic - it should hold the hair tight enough
  3. Then, if you want more volume, you can slightly loosen it and pull the upper strands

Tail tied with several rubber bands, is done very simply, but it looks unusual:

  1. It is enough to make the tail at the desired height, and then tie the hair along the entire length with a few more elastic bands, evenly distributing them.
  2. You can straighten the hair in each resulting part to make the links of the hairstyle more round - this will work great on soft and manageable hair, and will also help to add density to sparse hair.
  3. If you have coarse hair, just tie it with rubber bands a few times.

Hairy tail- another simple hairstyle that will look relevant both during the day as part of a casual style and at a party with a cocktail dress. You can make a ponytail with a pile on both curly and straight hair.

  1. To begin with, you need to make yourself a pile. Take a few strands of hair from the front and from the inside, start to move the comb from top to bottom - the more you do this, the more voluminous your hair will be.
  2. When you've bouffanted to the desired volume, make sure the outside of the hair is smooth.
  3. If necessary, comb the thin strands near the face from the roots to keep them smooth - they will cover the bouffant.
  4. After that, just take all the hair back and make the usual ponytail with an elastic band. With fleece, a high ponytail looks especially good.

Ponytail on medium hair

Most of the tails listed can be done on medium hair. Here are some more interesting ideas that will look especially good with shoulder length.

  • Tail on the side easy to make, and it looks very unusual. It is especially suitable for straight hair with slightly curled tips.
  • You can do it with a straight, side or side parting, each time getting a new effect.

You can make a tail on the side as follows:

  1. You need to comb your hair and take it all to one side.
  2. Secure your hair with an elastic band or a beautiful hair clip.
  3. If you choose an elastic band, you can make it invisible - to do this, select a thin strand of hair, make one or two turns around the elastic band and hide the ends inward.

  • Another interesting way to collect hair is tail turned out. This version of the tail looks original and complicated, but, in fact, it is very simple in execution.
  • Suitable for owners of straight hair - with curls, the curls on the sides will be almost invisible and may look casual.

How to make such a tail:

  1. First you need to make an ordinary tail at the desired height.
  2. Then divide the hair into two equal halves and turn the tip of the tail inward, as shown in the picture.
  3. The hair should be tied with an elastic band tight enough to keep the hairstyle in place.

Hair tied in a bun

A bun is another easy option to tie your hair up. It looks stylish in any situation, opens the face and visually makes the neck longer. It can also be done in many different ways.

Long hair bun

On long hair, the bundle turns out to be the most voluminous, which means that you can experiment with its shape to your heart's content.

A bun high on top looks sophisticated and is suitable for all occasions. If you want the easiest and fastest option - just comb your hair, make a high ponytail, and then start winding a strand of hair in a circle, securing it with bobby pins as needed. Usually buns are made on straight hair, but with curls this option will look interesting.

A high beam can be varied. In particular, you can make it even in two turns with an elastic band for the first time we make the tail, and the second - we fix the beam itself. If you're in a playful mood, make a bow out of your hair. To do this, simply divide the hair in the finished bun into two parts, and in the middle make one or two turns with the ends of the hair that did not enter the bun. It also looks interesting to combine the beam with various braids.

  • To make the bundle more voluminous, you can use an elastic band.
  • Just put it on the finished ponytail and straighten your hair in a circle, taking the tips inward.
  • It is important that the hair is evenly distributed over the elastic.
  • For a change, this simple hairstyle can be paired with braids or pinned up in a criss-cross pattern around the bun, as shown in the picture.

Bun on medium hair

On medium hair, making a bun is more difficult, but nothing is impossible - you just have to use more hairpins and invisible ones so that too short strands do not break out.

Bundle of two braids- an interesting and simple hairstyle that you can quickly create with your own hands. This simple hairstyle looks especially good with curls.

  1. To start, just make two classic braids in the back direction.
  2. Secure them with thin elastic bands, and then weave them together in the middle.
  3. Secure the result with hairpins

two beams- another unusual hairstylethat will look good on medium length hair:

  1. Make a straight or side parting and tie two symmetrical ponytails
  2. Then twist the strands of hair into bundles and wrap them around the tails in a circle, fixing the ends with hairpins from the inside.

Gather hair quickly: other options

There are many other quick and beautiful ways to collect hair - when choosing a hairstyle for yourself, you should proceed only from the type of face and hair structure, and also think about which hairstyle will best fit into your image. Here are some more simple and stylish options.

Malvinka hairstyle will emphasize the beauty of loose long hair, but, at the same time, open the face. It can be done very easily:

  1. Braid two thin braids on the sides
  2. Then connect them with hairpins at the back.

You can diversify hairstyles with different braids- voluminous or smooth, back or on the side, they will all look relevant.

Two beams pointing down- another simple and original hairstyle. You can make them in different ways. Here is the easiest option:

  1. Leave two thin strands on the sides, then make regular bunches in two turns of elastic
  2. After that, hide the elastic bands by wrapping them with strands of hair.

Simple hairstyles for short hair

Short hair is more difficult to collect - basically, they are styled with a brush and a hair dryer, tongs or an iron. All this can be fixed with foam or varnish, achieving the desired effect. However, a simple ponytail or bun can sometimes be done even on short hair, but you will need hairpins and styling productsso that all the strands are collected in a hairstyle.

Bundle with pins on short hair, it is often even easier to do than a ponytail. After all, if the hair does not reach the elastic band, nothing can be done, but in a neat bun you can collect hair of any length using hairpins and hairpins.

  1. First, comb all your hair back. You should not make a parting, because in this case you will not be able to use the entire length of the hair to the maximum.
  2. If you have a cascading haircut, you will most likely have strands of hair that can be fixed with one elastic band or a large hairpin. If not, just mark the location of the intended beam.
  3. Start collecting all the short strands closer to the crown, carefully securing them with hairpins. If the hair is very short, it can look a little messy, but it's still beautiful - especially on soft curly hair.

Hair tied under headband- a good way to remove hair from the face for owners of any short haircut. There are no separate instructions for creating a hairstyle with a rim: it can be combined with various styling options, depending on the characteristics of your short haircut.

As you can see, for any haircut and any type of hair, you can choose simple and beautiful hairstyles both for every day and for a special occasion. These ways to collect hair will not take you much time and are easy to get right the first time. However, it is impossible to list all the possible hairstyle options: do not be afraid to experiment and combine different elements in your styling.

Video: Simple hairstyles

Long curls loose over the shoulders are cute, but not always appropriate and also not very comfortable. It is much more pleasant to look at a girl whose long hair is gathered in. Laying can be done in completely different styles, the main thing is that it fits your image and matches the decor.



Do you think that the tail is too simple and banal? Then collect long hair in an unusual tail or experiment with its location.

  • Tie a regular ponytail. It can be located at the top or bottom of the back of the head, or even on the side - at your discretion.
  • Lower the band slightly.
  • Divide the strands at the head into two parts with your fingers.
  • Pass the tail through the resulting hole.

Incidentally, this approach is the basis of many hairstyles.

  • Collect long curls in a regular ponytail.
  • Separate a small strand from the bottom of the tail.
  • Wrap the strand around the elastic a few times.
  • Hide the end of the strand inside, fix with invisibility.

The hairstyle looks even more interesting if the selected strand is braided into a pigtail, and only then wrapped around the elastic band.

Tail - braid

The long hair of a regular ponytail can either be twisted into a bundle. The harness is performed as follows:

  • Divide the strands of the tail into two equal parts.
  • Roll each of the parts into a tight tourniquet, holding the ends so that they do not unwind.
  • Twist both strands together.
  • Fix the result with an elastic band.

A few more simple tail options can be seen in the video.


This very popular hairstyle for long haired women never goes out of fashion. It is only slightly modified and improved in accordance with modern trends.

The beam can be performed in a variety of ways and located in a variety of places: high on the top of the head, very low on the back of the head, or even on the side of the head.

A bunch is suitable for both strict business people and romantic windy nymphs and elegant gentle seductresses.

  • Gather your hair into the twisted ponytail we already know.
  • Carefully tuck the ponytail and attach its end as close to the elastic as possible.
  • Fix the bundle with hairpins.

  • Make a light pile.
  • Raise long hair up, twist into a tourniquet.
  • Form a bundle from the tourniquet and secure it with hairpins.
  • Release a few loose strands at the back and sides.

  • Divide the strands collected in a ponytail into two equal parts.
  • Braid each part into a loose braid.
  • Wrap the pigtails alternately in several turns around the base of the tail.
  • Secure the bundle with hairpins.

This is a tricky way that allows you to create a volumetric beam even from sparse fine hair.

  • Collect the usual high tail with a thin elastic band.
  • Put on a second elastic band at the base of the tail. It must be voluminous.
  • Distribute hair evenly around the entire circumference. To do this, it is better to tilt your head.
  • Put a third (thin) elastic band on your hair.
  • The ends of the hair sticking out from under the elastic, gently wrap around the bundle and fix with invisibility.

Little trick! If you didn’t have a very voluminous rubber band at home, you can make it from improvised means. To do this, you will have to ruin a thick terry sock by cutting off its end and wrapping it around an elastic band with a roller.


This is a simple hairstyle, suitable option for everyday styling. It is done simply and quickly. Having collected your curls in this funny roll in the morning, you can look great throughout the day.

  • Divide long hair into three sections.
  • Roll the right and left parts into a roll, moving in the direction from the face to the back of the head.
  • Fix the twisted strands with invisibility.
  • Collect the free middle part and roll it into a neat roller.
  • Fasten with pins.
  • Hide the ends of the hair in the middle.

See how little time it takes for such a hairstyle for a girl in the video.

If this hairstyle seems a little boring to you, diversify it by pinning a beautiful hairpin or an artificial flower on the side.

What a beautiful styling can be done using a hair roller, you can see in the video.


This is a very elegant hairstyle despite what is being done very simple.

If your long curls are naturally wavy, then before you style the shell, align them with an iron.

  • Moisten hair slightly and apply foam or mousse on them.
  • Carefully comb long strands and gently lay them on one side. If the hair is naughty and always strives to break out of the total mass, fix it with the help of invisibility.
  • Holding the side ponytail firmly in your hand, twist the hair with a tourniquet in an upward direction.
  • Hide the ends inside.
  • Secure the hair at the back with pins.
  • Fix with varnish.

The shell can be varied for every taste:

  • before styling, make a small bouffant on the hair to give volume;
  • release a few loose romantic strands on the sides;
  • lay the end of the tourniquet in a beautiful curl at the top;
  • fix the hairstyle with hairpins with decorative ornaments.

If your long hair is not thick enough, and you want to create a voluminous hairstyle, then a special roller will come in handy. This attribute, very popular with fashionistas of the 60s, hides inside the shell, creating the illusion of a large mass of hair.

The original hairstyle of hair collected at the back of the head in the form of a romantic bow can also be done in a variety of variations and in various ways. Here is just one of them:

  • Collect long hair in a high ponytail.
  • Take the second elastic band and make a loop from the tail so that its end is looking towards the face.
  • Divide the loop into two equal parts and spread them apart.
  • Throw the protruding end of the ponytail between two loops and secure it below with invisibility.

The ends of the ponytail can be arranged at your discretion, slightly twisting the ends if they are of sufficient length, or simply hiding them under the loops of the bow. If you want the loops to fit more snugly at the back of the head, fix them with hairpins.


The styling of long hair collected in braids looks very beautiful.

At present, fashionistas practice the most different ways of weaving braids: French, fishtail, four-row and others. How to braid unusual braids can be seen in the video.

Braids can be assembled into interesting arrangements in the form of wreaths, dragons, buns, etc. In addition, any of the hairstyles described above can be easily diversified by adding an element of weaving to it.

Loose long hair is more exposed to harmful effects: it burns out in the sun and dries out from the wind.

Lovely owners of chic long hair! Don't be afraid to experiment, putting your curls into different hairstyles, and you will be new and unique every time.