Electrolysis contraindications and consequences. Electrolysis by current: description, contraindications and reviews. How long does the electrolysis procedure take?

Health is our strategic value, and we are taught to take good care of these reserves from the earliest years. It would seem that the basics of a healthy lifestyle have long been known. However, both the human body and its various states have not yet been studied to such an extent that the answers to all questions are obvious, and the recommendations are unambiguous. Moreover, there are many interesting health facts that will surprise you.

The benefits of fresh juices

We have all heard about how useful fresh juices are and that you need to drink them with all your might and at every opportunity. However, the latest opinion of dietitians is destroying this costly theory in the bud. At best, in their opinion, freshly squeezed fruit juice is just a portion of extra calories, at worst - a concentrate of glucose and fructose floating in a glass that is harmful to the body.

With frequent use, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and problems with the mucous membrane are possible. Doctors got a little less vegetable juices than fruit juices, they called them harmless, but said that it is much more beneficial to eat raw vegetables as they are, along with fiber. In addition, vitamins and microelements are rapidly destroyed in freshly squeezed juices upon contact with air.

Is it harmful to live near the airport?

It is generally accepted in society that living in close proximity to airports is much less harmful than, for example, living near a 24-hour alcohol market. We will not argue about the convenience store, but we will argue about the planes. If it is less than 5 km to the airport and to airliners traveling at low altitude, then the daily noise level on average exceeds the permissible norm by 3 times.

This threatens with chronic hypertension, disturbed sleep patterns and quality, and the development of coronary heart disease. The excess of the permissible level of carbon dioxide, as well as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide does not benefit, however, for this you need to move the house even closer - by 2 km. A distance of at least 10 km is considered safe.

Is cleanliness a guarantee of disease?

Not quite so, but the principle of the "golden mean" is no less important here than in everything else. Excessive diligence in maintaining cleanliness is a direct provocation of an increase in the risks of certain pathologies. These include, for example, type 1 diabetes in children.

At least, this is the conclusion reached by scientists who studied the sick group, selected at random. Excessive cleanliness of parents in it was revealed as a common pattern in most children with diabetes. Apparently, a small amount of even pathogenic bacteria serves as a kind of inoculation, hardening for the body.

Lie in the direction of the target!

Physical education is good for your health - this is an indisputable fact. The trouble is that laziness spoils everything (chronic fatigue, lack of time, etc.). Recently, a group of researchers delighted us with the experimentally proven fact that lying down and imagining yourself actively exercising is much more beneficial than just lying down.

Diligent and conscientious imaging helps not only stimulate general circulation, but even strengthen muscles and improve neuromuscular conduction. And this, by the way, means that if you do not tighten the shape, then at least you can prevent muscle atrophy in bedridden patients, which is especially important for the elderly.

Biological (internal) clocks and electronic light

No one is particularly surprised by the statement that electronic gadgets are not useful. Much has been said about their harm to the eyes, and about the risk of developing oncology (by the way, nothing and no one proved), and about the development of pathologies of the spine.

Let me add one more item to the list - a violation of biological rhythms due to prolonged exposure to the backlight of a monitor screen, phone, tablet, electronic "reader", etc. The result is a disturbed night's sleep, a deterioration in the production of melatonin, general weakness and fatigue. The list of the consequences of violations in the work of the biological clock can be continued, and it will look no less sad.

Watching TV close is not harmful!

The US Eye Protection Center says the distance to the TV makes no difference for eye health.

Watching TV for a long time is really harmful because of the overwork of the visual apparatus, but the distance to the screen has nothing to do with this. But what is especially dangerous is "forgetting" to blink.

An interesting fact is that the Health Day, celebrated annually on April 7, is held every year under a new motto related to a specific disease or problem.

Hypertension, food safety, diabetes, bacterial resistance to drugs are all topics in recent years. Depression has become a major concern for Health Day 2017 as an alarming problem.

Are tests so harmless?

Often, to make the correct diagnosis, the patient is asked to pass one or another test. However, not all of them are so harmless. For example, computed tomography, in addition to being associated with radiation, in some cases requires the introduction into the body of a special radiopaque substance that has a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys.

Frequent complications are associated with the delivery of tests. The most annoying thing is that most tests do not answer the question of what pathology you have, but show what kind of disease you do not have. The most offensive thing, perhaps, is that in many cases the tests simply help the doctor save time on talking with the patient, from which much can be found out without laboratory diagnostics.

The health of the teeth and the entire oral cavity is the most important indicator of the quality of life of a modern person, including both his appearance and the ability to experience the joy of delicious food and human communication.

By the way, by the age of 60 a person in most cases loses more than half of his receptors, but since this happens gradually, he does not feel discomfort from this very significant loss of taste sensitivity. But a newborn baby has 3 times more of them than the average adult. Given the monotony of his diet, it seems to us that this is at least unfair.

Wisdom teeth - why do we need them?

First of all, this third row of molars has nothing to do with any wisdom. In addition, they do not perform any important functions, at least for a modern person. Wise teeth owe their name only to the approximate age of a person at the time of their eruption (it is believed that by this time he should already have at least some wisdom). The fact is that before the age of 16-18, they simply have nowhere to grow - there is no place for them on the jaw.

With the development of the human brain, the structure of the jaw bones also changed: they became less pronounced and shorter, as if going deep into the skull. This evolutionary transformation continues to this day, which leads to the fact that many people no longer have enough space for additional molars in the jaw.

By the way, until now scientists have not come to a consensus why this "root set" grows much more often among Europeans and Americans than among residents of Asia. Are they getting smarter faster than us, or what?

Why do we grind our teeth?

In medicine, the phenomenon when a person clenches his teeth in a dream until it squeaks is called bruxism. In childhood, before the appearance of permanent teeth, this happens at least occasionally to almost everyone. Among adults, no more than 15% of the population suffers from bruxism. The symptom is not harmless, since the compression force can be such that the teeth crumble or loosen, the jaw joints suffer.

It is customary among the people to attribute this phenomenon to worms, and even a countermeasure is proposed - smearing the navel with kerosene. Scientific research has led to the conclusion that emotionality, an increased level of mental stress and anger are to blame. By the way, alcohol makes the problem worse. It turns out that balanced people have more intact teeth, not only because they do not interfere with their own business.

Dental health diagnostics ... by plane

If nothing hurts in the mouth, this does not mean that everything is fine there. As yet invisible and not causing concern, cavities, poorly placed fillings, nascent abscesses and other problems sometimes suddenly manifest themselves in the sky during an air flight.

Overboard pressure changes, ascents and descents are all factors that cause unexpected intensifying pain that disappears without a trace after landing. Doctors recommend not to ignore barodontalgia - this is the name of this interesting, but rather unpleasant phenomenon. Thanks to this manifestation, many dental problems can be solved with more gentle methods, while they have not yet declared themselves in full voice.

Interesting facts about health for children

However, many of them will be of interest to adults as well.

  • You can never sneeze without closing your eyes.
  • Men blink almost half as often as women.
  • The imprint of the tongue is different for each person.

  • More people are killed by donkeys every year than by plane crashes.
  • The average time to fall asleep is 7 minutes.
  • During the first two years of a child's life, his parents, on average, do not get enough sleep, equivalent to 6 months of normal life.
  • Newborn babies have such a strong hand grip that they are able to hold their own body in weight.

  • In every fifth pair of twins, one of them is left-handed.
  • We experience different tastes in different parts of the tongue. The "sweet" and "salty" receptors are at the very tip, the "sour" ones are on the sides, and the bitter taste is in the center.
  • During a conversation, microscopic drops of saliva fly out of a person's mouth - about 2.5 drops for each spoken word.
  • We use 72 muscles to say one single word of medium length!

  • Contrary to popular belief that there is a shortage of boys being born, about 105 male babies are born for every hundred girls.
  • Man is the only primate who is able to consciously smile!

And, of course, there is a lot to say about how much the smile, good mood and generally positive life mood prolong life and improve health. Research has also shown that loneliness significantly lowers the immune status, chocolate improves math skills, and cuddling before bed makes it easier to fall asleep and makes you sleep deeper and more restful. So smile, hug and indulge yourself in chocolate!

Health is one of the most important values. They teach you to treat your body carefully from an early age. The basics are known to everyone. However, the human body is not yet fully understood. Scientists and physicians cannot answer certain questions unambiguously. There are still many interesting facts about health that are worth considering and studying in more detail. We will talk about some of them in the article.

Is it true that cleanliness is the key to health?

In this matter, the principle of the "golden mean" is important. Excessive pursuit of cleanliness can lead to an increased risk of exacerbation of certain pathologies (for example, type 1 diabetes).

This is not just an assumption - scientists have come to this conclusion. Experts studied a group of children with type 1 diabetes. It turned out that those children whose parents observed excessive cleanliness were especially acutely ill. Scientists have concluded that a small amount of pathogenic bacteria can serve as a kind of hardening for the whole body.

Are fresh juices good for you?

Everywhere they say that freshly squeezed juices are very useful, they should be drunk for breakfast, lunch and at any other opportunity. However, nutritionists were quick to destroy this myth. A glass of fresh is just an extra portion of calories.

The body will not say "thank you" if you often drink freshly squeezed juices. Due to the constant use of this drink, problems with the gastric mucosa may occur.

Moreover, freshly squeezed juices are practically devoid of nutrients and vitamins. This is an unusual and interesting fact about human health - the body does not need juices, it needs fruits and vegetables as they are.

Doctors advise eating vegetables and fruits raw to get the most out of the food you eat.

Living near the airport - is it good for your health?

It is generally accepted that living close to an airport is not as scary as, for example, living in the immediate vicinity of a nightclub or bar. We will not argue about a club or a bar - it is really harmful to live near them, but you can debate about the airport.

If the airport is located at a distance of 5 kilometers or less from your home, then the daily noise level exceeds the permissible 2.5 times. An airport near your home can reward you with sleep disturbances, coronary artery disease and hypertension.

You need to live at a distance of 10 kilometers or more from the landing site. Consider this fact. Health needs to be taken care of.

Do you need physical education?

No one argues that sports are good for your health. But sometimes you just don't have enough energy to visit a gym or go for a run. Knowing an interesting fact about beauty and health, you can forget about sports exercises forever.

More recently, a group of researchers have found that lying down and imagining yourself actively moving is much more beneficial than just resting in a horizontal position. Conscientious and diligent imaging can stimulate blood circulation throughout the body and strengthen the muscle corset.

This discovery will help prevent muscle wasting in bedridden patients and the elderly.

Biological clock and gadgets

Gadgets are harmful - this is a well-known fact. Many people say that they spoil their eyesight, increase the risk of oncological diseases and pathologies of the spine.

Prolonged exposure to backlight from the screen of a phone, tablet and other devices can contribute to the disruption of a person's biological rhythms. As a result, gadget lovers will experience sleep disturbance. Moreover, the person will begin to experience constant fatigue and apathy. A gadget addict starts to turn gray early. As you can see, the list of consequences looks very sad.

Is it harmful to watch TV close?

In the center of ophthalmology in the United States, they found out that TV can be watched at any distance - it will not harm your eyesight.

Only prolonged TV viewing can harm the visual apparatus. Eyes get tired if you do not take a break from viewing. Distance from the screen does not affect eye fatigue in any way.

Is computer diagnostics of health status useful?

Often, in order to make a more accurate diagnosis, the patient is asked to undergo some kind of test. Unfortunately, not all health tests are harmless. For example, computed tomography requires the introduction of a radiopaque substance into the body, which adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys.

It's a shame that all computer tests do not answer the question: "What disease do you have?" They only show what pathology you do not have.

Oral health is a very important indicator of a person's quality of life. Beautiful and healthy teeth are an attractive smile, and a healthy mouth is an opportunity to experience the joy of delicious food and human communication.

By the way, by the age of 60, a person loses more than half of their taste buds. But the loss of receptors occurs gradually, so a person simply does not notice it and feels comfortable. But a one-week-old baby has 3 times more taste buds than an adult.

Why does a person need wisdom teeth?

The first step is to say that these teeth have nothing to do with wisdom. In addition, the third row of molars does not perform any significant functions. They got their name "wisdom teeth" only because they grow much later than others. It's just that the jaw is still small up to 16 years old, and there is no place for them on it.

Scientists still cannot answer the question of why wisdom teeth appear only in Americans and Europeans. In Asia, for example, the third row of molars does not grow.

An interesting medical fact about human health is bruxism or teeth grinding in a dream. In childhood, almost everyone faced this phenomenon. In adulthood, bruxism rarely makes itself felt. Only 15% of the adult population grinds their teeth while sleeping.

Grinding teeth is a rather serious symptom, as a person can clench the jaw so hard that teeth begin to crumble.

Some believe that bruxism indicates the presence of worms in the body, especially when it comes to children, but this is not the case. Usually unbalanced, angry and emotional people gnash their teeth in a dream. Such individuals are not advised to consume alcohol - this can aggravate the problem.

How to diagnose dental health on an airplane?

If your teeth do not hurt, this does not mean that they are in perfect condition. Air travel can reveal incipient abscesses, tooth decay, or poor quality fillings.

Ascents, descents, changes in pressure overboard - all this can dramatically increase a toothache, which will disappear as soon as you descend to the ground. Doctors recommend not to ignore this phenomenon and advise you to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Thanks to this, you can quickly identify dental problems and fix them before they make themselves felt.

10 health facts for kids

  1. It is impossible to sneeze with open eyes.
  2. The nose and ears grow throughout life.
  3. Representatives of the stronger sex blink half as many women.
  4. On average, a person falls asleep in 7 minutes.
  5. Each person has their own individual tongue imprint.
  6. Newborn babies have a strong grip - they can even hold their own weight.
  7. Each part of the tongue is responsible for its own taste bud. For example, we taste salty and sweet food with the tip of the tongue, the center of the tongue feels the bitter taste, and the sides of the sour taste.
  8. With every word spoken, a microscopic drop of saliva flies out of a person's mouth.
  9. We use 70 facial muscles just to utter one word.
  10. Laughter can destroy viruses and cancer cells.

This is also useful to know

The following health facts everyone needs to know:

  • By reducing your salt intake, you will extend your life. "White death" is harmful to the human cardiovascular system. If you consume no more than three grams of salt per day, you can increase life expectancy by 5 years.
  • The peak of brain activity falls at the age of 22, but from the age of 27 this organ begins to age.
  • If you eat fish 2 times a week, you can significantly improve the work of the heart.
  • Swiss scientists have proven that if you are constantly under stress, your teeth will begin to crumble.
  • A slice of chocolate eaten in the morning prevents the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • On one square centimeter of human skin, there are 12 points that feel cold and only 2 points that react to heat. Therefore, during a cold snap, massive colds begin.
  • Scientists have identified foods that rejuvenate the body. These include apples, strawberries, red grapes, pomegranates, oranges, bran, herbal tea, and black currant.
  • Currants (any), sea buckthorn, wild rose and black chokeberry improve vascular tone and prevent the appearance of varicose veins.
  • Coffee is able to protect the human brain from destruction.
  • Cucumbers can improve the condition of the body as a whole. This product can be eaten or made into masks and baths.
  • Honey can improve mental alertness.
  • Doing sports should be no more than twice a week. Everyone knows that playing sports improves your mood. But if you exercise more than twice a week, the opposite effect may occur. Frequent exercise can lead to loss of appetite, poor sleep, headaches, fatigue, and other problems.
  • Only 10% of the world's population breathes correctly. When breathing, you need to use not only the chest, but also the abdomen.
  • It so happens that when you follow a diet, weight does not go away. In this case, think: how much do you sleep? Scientists from Canada have found that excess weight appears due to problems with sleep.
  • Kiwi masks can rejuvenate the skin.
  • Have you ever wondered why men love meat more than women? Everything is very simple. Meat products add strength and promote the production of testosterone, the male hormone.
  • Parsley leaves and root can boost immunity.
  • If you eat 30 grams of walnuts daily, you can extend your life by as much as seven years.


As you can see, there are many interesting facts about human health. Knowing some of them will help improve the condition of the body and contribute to the extension of life.

In conclusion, I would like to advise everyone - do not forget to smile and keep a positive attitude! It will prolong your life and cheer up those around you. Indulge in fruits, vegetables and chocolate!

In this material we will publish myths and facts about a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle - what is it? Each person has a different idea of ​​how to achieve good health. Some people think that it is enough to occasionally play sports for this, others believe that you need to go on a diet. In order to understand these biases, let's look at several popular myths and facts about healthy lifestyles.

Myth: Healthy lifestyle - available only to young people

Fact: Take care of your health from a young age. Of course, this saying was not invented for nothing. But old age in our time is not a reason to give up on yourself. In addition, older people have a lot of free time. Life in retirement allows you to acquire new healthy habits and part with old unhealthy ones. You can walk more with your grandchildren, take care of the garden and vegetable garden, slowly cook tasty and healthy meals, read, communicate actively and even get another education.

Myth: A healthy lifestyle is a constant diet.

Fact: Diet is usually called a restriction in the diet, which is of a temporary nature. And the new way of life is forever. In addition, the diet is often dull and tasteless, and there is a danger of gaining weight again. But healthy food is tasty, varied and satisfying, otherwise there is no question of health. It is much easier to start eating right than sitting on buckwheat with kefir for a week.

Myth: A healthy lifestyle is impossible in the rhythm of modern life

Fact: Indeed, it seems that a modern city dweller, who is also an office worker, has absolutely no chance of a healthy life. Chronic lack of sleep, constant stress, irregular meals with semi-finished products are a typical set of conditions for the existence of a city dweller. But in fact, you can make your life healthier, and if you have a rather busy work schedule, you would have a desire. Start small - save about an hour of working time by stopping going out for a smoke break, walk home and to work, buy frozen vegetables instead of dumplings, and train yourself not to watch TV shows before bed.

Myth: You need to drink 2-3 liters of water a day.

Fact: Of course, water will not do you any harm, but in large quantities, as you know, anything can be harmful. Even if you exclude all other drinks, you still eat vegetables and fruits and thus get moisture. If you overdo it, the result can be hyponatremia - a lack of salts in the body. This will significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular and other serious diseases.

Myth: There is nothing useful in frozen foods.

Fact: Frozen fruits and vegetables can be as good as fresh when picked and frozen correctly. What's more, cold processing and airtight packaging retains much more vitamins than fresh food left in the sun or in a supermarket fridge.

Myth: If you stay outside for a long time during the cold season, you will definitely get sick.

Fact: By itself, a decrease in external temperature does not affect the state of immunity in any way. Unless, of course, we are talking about extreme degrees of frostbite, when it is no longer necessary to worry about a cold. People catch colds not because of the cold weather, but because viruses enter the body. In winter, we are more susceptible to colds because we spend a lot of time in poorly ventilated rooms where viruses spread very quickly.

Myth: You cannot put on weight immediately after eating.

Fact: Researchers from the University of Oxford have found that fat is stored in the body much faster than previously thought. Changes in body fat, according to scientists, can be noticed already three hours after a heavy meal. Staying in great shape does not at all require strict diets and exhausting hunger strikes. Experts from the University of Rhode Island recommend following only one important rule - eat food slowly. Studies have shown that the majority of overweight people tend to eat significantly faster than lean people and that there is a direct relationship between the rate of food intake and weight.

Myth: It doesn't matter what you eat at night.

Fact: Eating too spicy and spicy food shortly before bed can seriously affect its quality, as well as cause nightmares. All this has been proven by specialists at the Sleep Disorders Center from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. They conducted a study with the participation of 389 people, and also found that 8.5% of all subjects experienced nightmares when they consumed spicy foods. Scientists attribute this to the fact that an increase in body temperature and an accelerated metabolism after such a meal lead directly to the activation of brain activity. Approximately every hour and a half, the sleeping person falls into the REM phase of sleep, which is characteristic of dreams. In addition, dysfunction of the frontal lobe of the brain develops, the mechanisms that are responsible for the regulation of emotional reactions and memory are disrupted. Thus, the digestive process can itself be the reason that a person will sleep poorly and feel overwhelmed in the morning.

Myth: Live yoghurts are part of a healthy diet.

Fact: Yes, indeed, yoghurts with live microorganisms are good for health, but the whole question is which yoghurts are considered live. Only unpasteurized (that is, produced without heat treatment) yoghurts can be considered as such, which can be stored exclusively at low temperatures and no more than a week (only in such conditions do beneficial bacteria remain alive). What has been on store shelves for weeks cannot be alive in principle.

Myth: It is enough to go in for sports once a week.

Fact: Experts believe that light, but daily workouts are ideal. If it doesn't work, then every other day. As a last resort, twice a week. From this, the muscles of the body will not suffer from excessive overload and stress, they will get used to constant work and will remain in good shape. Moreover, a regular, properly distributed load will not allow you to stretch muscle tissue or injure yourself. Do the exercises that you like, otherwise quickly give up this activity.

The winter months for most of us are accompanied by a breakdown, frequent mood swings and a decrease in immunity. There can be a lot of reasons, but the most obvious and quite possible of them is vitamin deficiency. The modern way of life, the desire to implement the set plans at work leads to the fact that many important issues for us fade into the background. Many do not even have enough time to prepare and consume balanced, healthy meals.

Overweight is becoming the most pressing issue today. Body positivity is promoted with might and main, claiming that every person should be what he wants and if extra pounds do not bother him, no one has the right to point out or condemn this problem.

Sometimes we open the refrigerator not because we are hungry, but because ... we lack love or recognition, we are scared or lonely. We "seize" resentment, anxiety or boredom, and the arrow of the scales treacherously shifts to the right ...

Probably the most important thing is not to allow yourself to get very hungry, then there will be no desire to eat something, and snacks, as a rule, are always harmful - if not fast food, then baked goods or sweets. Sweet must be replaced, not just abandoned. It's also important to prioritize minimally processed foods.

No modern health technologies can save a person from problems if he leads an unhealthy lifestyle. Prevention is definitely better than cure. Here are seven tips for living a long, healthy life. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle that helps prevent disease helps a person to lose weight.

Many people are familiar with the state of weakness. After all, we live in a very frantic pace of life. We are constantly in a hurry, constantly working. In the meantime, our body is daily exposed to stress attacks that make our immune system vulnerable. As a result, our body also begins to weaken and be vulnerable. So let's take a closer look at the reasons for the weakening of the body, which can appear not only due to stress.

The kidneys are one of the main elements of the urinary system. This is where urine is generated. Physical pathologies and diseases adversely affect the vital functions of this organ. The patient may need additional treatment. There are proven diagnostic methods that are capable of early stages.

In winter, the temperature outside drops and people spend most of their time indoors, which is why they move much less, but food consumption increases. There is a change in weather conditions, and the body's natural reaction to this is an increase in appetite, since not only a warm blanket or hot tea warms up, but also a high-calorie snack, which, of course, will add extra pounds.

What is Yersiniosis. Causes, manifestations and consequences

Yersiniosis is a lesion of the gastrointestinal tract and generalized damage to the joints, skin, and other organs and systems. Intestinal disease is of an infectious nature, characterized by lesions of the musculoskeletal system and digestive organs. The bacteria are resistant to low temperatures and die only when heated above 60 degrees. It is also called refrigerator disease because bacteria often grow on food.

A pediatric doctor who treats diseases of the ear, nose and throat is called a pediatric ENT. This abbreviation came from the Latin names for the larynx (Larunx), ear (Otos) and nose (Rhinos). Another name for this specialist is otolaryngologist.

Unfortunately, both children and adults are afraid of the dentist's office. That is why we often postpone a visit to the doctor, referring to everyday life, eternal affairs and fatigue. When you finally find yourself in the chair of the dental office, it turns out that you have a lot of problems with your teeth, gums, sore nerves and oral cavity.

To achieve certain results in sports and improve the muscle frame, sometimes it is not enough to pay attention only to exercising in the gym. Most often, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet that helps to shape the relief of the body. Many, when starting classes in the gym, are faced with the need to select a personal diet.

The most interesting health facts that everyone should know about are collected in this article.

Cardiovascular disease is extremely rare in horses. English veterinarian S. Littlejohn explains this as follows: "Horses do not smoke, do not drink, adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and exercise a lot."

The only animals, besides humans, who are ill with the projection, are the henchmen. A third of the 250 Americans who contract leprosy every year catch it from armadillos.

Physical inactivity causes the same number of deaths as smoking worldwide.

In conditions weightlessness caries develops faster than on Earth. On the teeth of mice launched into space, microorganisms that cause caries multiplied more actively than usual. It is believed that in zero gravity, saliva is worse distributed over the oral cavity and poorly rinses microorganisms from the teeth.

Salt is harmful to the cardiovascular system of the human body. If its quantity is reduced by at least 3 grams per day, life expectancy will increase by 5-6 years.

The more educated a person is, the less likely brain diseases are. Intellectual activity causes the production of additional tissue to compensate for the diseased.

Medical studies in 2010 showed that someone who has no friends has the same health risks as a smoker who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

Feeding bread to ducks is extremely detrimental to their health and ecosystem. Feeding birds in the warm season, a person does great harm to birds .

Their natural instincts to find food, favorable natural conditions are dulled, and they become practically tame. The stomach of a wild duck is difficult to digest this food and the bird dies. Black bread is especially dangerous, which can cause heavy fermentation in the digestive system of waterfowl.

The number of cases of skin cancer caused by tanning salons significantly exceeds the number of cases of lung cancer caused by smoking.

74% of men and 64% of women in the United States are obese or overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health.

There is a movement called "Movement for the voluntary disappearance of humanity", whose goal is the gradual destruction of the human race, by voluntarily stopping reproduction, which will allow the Earth's biosphere to recover.

You were never interested in a question Why do common colds begin during a cold snap? This is because human skin is more sensitive to cold. For comparison: on one square centimeter of skin there are about 12 points sensitive to cold, and only 2 - to heat.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body produce its own aspirin.

McDonalds is suing a health-care company called McWellness, thereby signaling that a medical division may soon emerge in the medical field.

Air fresheners contain numerous chemicals that are hazardous to our health, such as formaldehyde, which can cause serious breathing problems.

Bananas are radioactive enough that the truck carrying them can lead to false alarms when checking radiation materials in American ports, and at the same time they are completely safe for humans.

Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar.

Sitting upright in a chair is bad for your back. You need to lean back and sit at an angle in 135 degrees.

Smokers are four times more likely than non-smokers to report feeling tired in the morning, and are 70% more likely to have hearing problems.

The newest and most expensive drugs are not necessarily the best and safest.

If you regularly consume orange or grapefruit juice, you can significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

A person in a lifetime travels a distance equal to three revolutions around the globe.

People who live on the coast live longer than those on the mainland.

Less than 10% of all people on the planet can breathe correctly. When breathing, it is necessary to involve not only the chest, but also the abdomen.