Where are the girls found? Where can you find a good girl? Where to find the girl of your dreams? Where and how to find a normal girl

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To begin with, it should be understood that the criterion of a normal girl cannot be unambiguous. Each person has their own concepts of normality, and how to follow them. Someone wants to see their chosen one in a dressing gown and at the stove in the kitchen, but for someone, the ideal option would be the one that can suddenly break into a foreign city or enroll in French language courses.

But still, there are several features that most often fall under this definition.

The virtues of a girl

It doesn’t matter what character a girl has, hobbies or hobbies. There are things that can be called virtues and they should be observed by everyone. It is quite logical that this is what the guys will pay attention to when choosing or the first meeting. Here are a few of them:

1) Decency- this is how a girl behaves in society. Here stereotypes about modesty, manner of speech and behavior with strangers come into play. And yes, these stereotypes are worth listening to.

2) Respect- A girl should respect herself and those around her. Although, this is also part of the behavior, and it is in it that it is expressed.

3) Culture of speech- A lot of people like to listen to the voice of girls. It's beautiful, melodic, and you shouldn't pollute it with obscenities, insults, or completely insane phrases like "theirs."

4) Housekeeping- any relationship begins in order (most often) to become a family with this person in the future. So, share some responsibilities around the house. And if a girl lives on a bag of dust and eats only fast food, then they are unlikely to want to make her the keeper of her hearth.

5) Reading Many girls want guys to spend time alone with them. But such moments should be interesting, because the same topics for conversation quickly exhaust themselves, and this is the best way to find new ones.

6) Well-groomed- not all girls have an excellent appearance, but it is not as important as they themselves think about it. But ironed, well-groomed clothes and clean hair are much more important.

7) Liberation- it's great if a girl behaves modestly in a company and does not allow herself too much. But it's not very good if she continues to behave like this in bed. Don't ignore the importance of sex in a relationship. If a girl is embarrassed by her partner or herself, this cannot be called a virtue.

Do not forget about behavior with men - there is nothing wrong with light flirting, but the main thing is that you cannot use the fact that a man behaves accordingly. She should not humiliate him, trying to insult, ridicule, or, even more so, hit him, relying only on the fact that he will not be able to respond in kind, just because she is a girl.

Criterias of choice

Perfect people do not exist, and you should not try to become such a person. But you can become perfect for someone alone. Each guy has his own criteria for an ideal girl, but all of them can be attributed to one group:

  • the beauty. Yes, yes, the girl still has to be beautiful. Although everyone has their own ideals of beauty: someone likes tall blondes with bright makeup, and someone will pay attention to a sultry red-haired girl with waist-length hair.

No need to chase everything at once, just stick to one image.

  • The character of the girl. The way she behaves with a particular guy, with her friends and strangers. Although, self-esteem can and should be attributed to all types, it should always be present.
  • Femininity. It is quite logical that a guy wants to see a girl in a girl, not a guy in a skirt. He has a desire to feel more masculine against her background.
  • The perfect girl should have the perfect job. Something from the category of childhood dreams or hobbies, or something that is really interesting to talk about.

But one caveat - at the same time, the girl should earn much less than the man.

  • The ideal girl should get along well with the company of her boyfriend, friend or husband. Although, this concept is quite extensible. Someone wants to see her always there, but for someone, on the contrary, the ideal relationship between his girlfriend and friends is when they have never seen each other.

Unfortunately, some of these criteria can reach the point of absurdity. On the other hand, the owners of just such "absurd" parameters will surely be able to find someone with whom they will be interested.

Those who are definitely not worth getting to know

Since there are criteria for what kind of girls guys like, it is quite logical that there is also what they do not like.

It is better for guys to avoid such girls, and for the girls themselves, try not to fall under any item from this list:

  • Excessive intelligibility and meticulousness. No, of course it’s great when a girl is very careful in choosing her possible partner, but if she doesn’t want to communicate with you because you are a fish according to the horoscope or wear size 43 shoes, that’s too much.
  • Those who try to blackmail a man somehow. There can be many ways - personal information, dating, sex, guilt or favors - these are all attempts to keep a man nearby by force. It cannot be allowed to do so.
  • Very concerned ladies. Financially. When a girl's first question is, "What car do you have?" it's not very good. The guy in this case is considered as a wallet, which is not very pleasant, and even very expensive.
  • Fanatics from the institution of marriage. These are those for whom marriage is the goal as such. And not even a family, children and a joint future, but how many guests will come and where they will go on their honeymoon. Marriages with such girls rarely last long and do not end successfully.

  • Married girls. It is possible that someone wants to sleep with a married girl, but you definitely shouldn’t start a relationship with her. If only because if she is not faithful to her husband, then in the same way she will not be faithful to you.
  • Mothers of sudden children. Of course, children are the flowers of life, and it is bad when a child grows up without a father. But not every man is ready to start raising someone else's child. It is especially bad when this child "suddenly" appears after 2 weeks of relationship.
  • ardent feminists. There are those who defend the rights of women and want equality. And there are those who are trying to humiliate men in all available ways. You should not communicate with such people, if only because after an hour of communication it will end with insults in your direction.
  • A lover of reading magazines and living by points. Finding these is easy. Usually, after the next question, they take out a notebook and make a mark in it. And everything is simple here - if she checks whether you fit on certain points, then she chooses a man not for herself, but for her magazine. You definitely don't need it.

Any man will add something of his own to this list. But this is already everyone’s business, but it’s worth communicating with the listed types of women as carefully as possible, and even more careful to start relationships with them.


But with this, everything is just simple.

There is a lot of advice in the spirit of "you need to look for a good girl in the library." Let's be honest - libraries have long outlived their usefulness, and there will only be a very old-fashioned girl who is not familiar with the Internet.

Again, popular phrases that “a good girl will not go to a club” are also meaningless. Indeed, in clubs it is not necessary to do something inadequate, drink yourself unconscious and pester strangers. You can enjoy your time in other ways.

Therefore, if you see a girl you like, then you should just approach her. It doesn't matter where - at school, on the street or at a rock concert. You still won’t recognize her character until you talk, but only on a beautiful appearance, relationships cannot last too long. Although, for some, this is enough.

own behavior

Describing a number of requirements for girls, do not forget about yourself. There are situations when guys find their ideal soul mate, and she suddenly refuses to communicate, wrinkling her nose in disgust. It's a shame, yes, but if the girl is adequate, then there is a logical reason for this that needs to be found and eliminated.

Therefore, if a guy has high requests for girls, then he must also meet the bar set by them:

  • grooming– like a girl, any guy should take care of himself. Yes, it's insanely difficult, but it's one of the many things that immediately jump out at you. No one will hang out with a guy who hasn't showered in weeks with a piece of lettuce sticking out of his beard.
  • Prosperity And this is where stereotypes come into play. A man's ability to earn money characterizes him perfectly, especially if he has achieved his own. You don’t need luxury cars and dinners in expensive restaurants, but at least to treat the girl to coffee and, if necessary, pay for a taxi - there should be money for this.
  • Ability to speak Communication has always been an important part of a relationship. And it is very difficult to communicate with someone who hides his eyes or cannot connect an intelligible sentence. Yes, and the obscenity does not color the speech, even the "severe brutal man", the image of which some take on. Crazy look, to be honest. You can’t speak and whom you recently met. You will automatically classify yourself as a guy you can't date, who only has dirty fantasies on his mind.
  • Sense of humor- do not forget that many girls just have crazy mood swings that even they themselves cannot control. Therefore, this role is assigned to her interlocutor, and the best way is humor. Although, you don’t need to tell bearded jokes from Uncle Petrosyan or stupidly send in the spirit of Pavel Volya.
  • prospects- although they do not admit, but everyone considers almost every interlocutor as a potential partner for life, and even a little more. They are very interested in what the guy wants from life in the future. The desire to be an ice cream bus driver is very cool, but only until the age of 12. For older ones, it is no longer encoded.
  • Behavior- like a girl, a guy is expected to behave decently. It could be table manners and the ability to wear a suit, or the ability to spit seeds farther than anyone else. This is where everyone has their own personal criteria, so it's better to behave the way you are used to. Or at least match what is expected of you.



The main thing for any guy to remember is that the more requirements from you, the more requirements for you. If you want to see a gorgeous girl next to you, excellent in everything, you will have to match. If you are not able to monitor your body or speech, then your chosen one can quite rightly afford the same.

When you are young, you don’t really think about who to walk with and who to fall in love with, but time puts everything in its place. Over the years, you understand that you are not ready to exchange for one-time sex, easy intrigues, and the requirements for girls become much higher.

Where to find a normal girl, and not another headache? A girl who cares about you, not your apartment, money and car? Which does not have the goal of blowing your brains out every day? Who doesn't try to manipulate and take advantage of you?

1. Date more

The magic of big numbers works in relationships. The more girls you meet, the greater the choice. There are thousands of girls around, and you limit your horizons to your class, yard, group, work or social sphere. Go out to places you rarely go. The more active you are in life, the more beautiful girls you will meet on your way.

2. What kind of girl do you want

Decide for yourself what kind of girl you want. What kind of appearance and qualities should she have. Define the main parameters, but do not drive yourself into a narrow framework. Make a rough portrait of the girl. Then it will be much easier for you to sort out the girls if you know who you want.

3. Habitats of girls

Meet a bar, club or Tinder with a girl, and then hopes for her high moral standards? There are no diamonds in mud. Look for a girl in ordinary dreams, where there are good girls. You will meet 100 more good and beautiful girls in the subway than in a drunken club.

4. Wrong girls

Mercantile, evil, always dissatisfied, pessimistic and capricious ladies are not worthy of your attention. Do you want to be constantly guilty? Immediately send a forest of girls who endure the brain, demand gifts, command and do not make you happy.

5. Weed out the girls

You take a girl who loves you back and then you try to date her. She may have many qualities that you do not really like. Instead of breaking up, you try to fix her or tolerate a little. But it won't be better. It is not possible to change an adult. Change girl. If you don't like something about a girl, then move on. Why suffer all your life if you can find the one that suits your soul and body already after the next life?

6. Be alone than with just anyone

Better to be alone than with just anyone. If you settle for little but never find the girl of your dreams. It’s better to be alone than it turns out that you can’t meet a pretty girl because you have a “temporary” woman at your side. Be free and there will be a lot of opportunities to meet new chicks.

7. Take your time with the final decision

Take your time with weddings and promises of eternal love. Give you time. It will reveal all the ins and outs of the girl and how you fit together. Don't rush into a final decision. Enjoy relationships, love and sex.

Where are normal, adequate and good girls? They are, only you need to find the one that deserves you. Stop sleeping and dating anyone...

Today, probably, most guys are asking this question: how to find a girl for a serious relationship? And to be a real friend for many years, a like-minded person, a good mother to future children, an understanding and caring person. And even if long-term relationships do not lead to marriage, even if they end in separation, but in order to stay together as long as possible, the chosen one must be as reliable as a hypothetical wife. But where to meet such a girl? Let's try to answer this puzzle.

Conversations. It's hard to talk to stupid people. If keeping up a conversation with her seems like real torture for you, then most likely you are not a couple. Even the cutest face will quickly get bored if a girl cannot talk to you on an equal footing. This applies not only to "silly people", but also to arrogant persons who initially put themselves above the rest. What is it like to feel like a "henpecked" when the relationship, in general, has not yet begun! Whims. If your chosen one lives only one day and whims, then perhaps she is still a child and is simply not ready for a relationship? If she is extremely dear to you, then you can wait. This, of course, is old-fashioned - this was done in the century before last, when a wealthy man could wait five or six years until his young chosen one, clearly of school age, matures. But who said that this is not your option. And now there are quite happy marriages between a professor and a student. And even if you and her are not so in terms of physical age, but in terms of moral, but a girl can someday overcome this teenage capriciousness. If you are ready not only to meet, but also to educate this “child” a little, then you can try.

Is it right to choose only beautiful girls when searching?

But no! First of all, because your own concepts of beauty may change over time. They say that you cannot build life with a face or a figure, and this is an occasion to pay attention to the beauty of the soul. By the way, you can also fall in love with the “gray mouse”, if she suddenly hooked with a well-aimed word or showed such helplessness that you had the opportunity to act as a noble knight. And if she can support this feeling in you - that you are needed, in demand and in general - a superman, then bravo to the “gray mouse”! Just don’t get carried away yourself and don’t try to provide the same services to the first beauty, because she can let you know that you are not a knight, but her slave. Of course, if the beauty is not proud, then you can make friends with her first. The main thing is mutual understanding, and not pride in having some kind of “treasure”.

I want to meet the girl of my dreams

So we got to the moment when we will tell you exactly how you can find a girl for a serious relationship: Vkontakte or dating site In the age of the Internet, many people get to know each other this way. Moreover, many families create, starting with a dating site. The advantages are obvious: if you are embarrassed to get acquainted, then on a dating site it is not so strongly felt. The disadvantages include the inability to immediately assess who is on the other side of the chat: the girl of your dreams or another disappointment, if not a scammer at all? Make new friends while walking around the city Walking around the city, you can meet a lot of pretty girls. Of course, they may be busy or not have a desire to get acquainted, but at least one of them will surely respond to your offer. You just have to start and wait. Of course, you should not approach everyone in a row, but if you liked the girl, why not decide? The main thing is not to be too importunate, so as not to frighten away this creature with your assertiveness. A butterfly should not feel that its wings are about to collapse. You should not become for her a spider, deftly spreading the net. The companion also has the right to think. Leave it for this time and wait until this timeout ends. Try to just meet her in this place and entertain her with innocent conversations. Ease and understatement - that's what will push her to seek meetings and try to get to know each other better. Pay attention to the girls from your environment (work, study, company) Maybe that's where your happiness lies. Moreover, if you know each other, then you can probably know if this or that girl has a boyfriend or if she is free. Either way, it's better than guessing.

Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself Having found a more or less suitable girlfriend, do not rush to lead her down the aisle. A lot of marriages fail because spouses decide too early that they are right for each other. It is better to wait first, then to understand whether you get along or not? After all, a serious relationship implies the creation of a family, and even the appearance of children ... It’s better to think it over and check everything in advance than to suffer from the wrong choice later.

How to find the right woman to start a family

So, let's say you have found a worthy young lady that you love, you have already arranged a girl for a serious relationship, but you still don't know if this is the one with whom you want to share your fate? How to understand? What should you pay attention to?
    Honesty. Nobody likes liars, right? Think about it, can you live with someone who constantly lies to you? Therefore, be honest yourself, and look for a girl to match. Loyalty. Even one betrayal can destroy a marriage. Even in our enlightened times, treason is sometimes even killed ... And somewhere treason is even a criminal offense for which punishment is due, up to the death penalty. But on your part, the ability to forgive will be required, especially if the sudden betrayal was provoked by your own behavior. Sometimes a girl can cheat in retaliation if it seemed to her that you could not miss a single skirt or make eyes at a particular person. Be faithful yourself. The ability to listen. Indeed, who wants to communicate with someone who constantly interrupts or, God forbid, allows himself to say that he is not interested in what you say directly. It's one thing when it's a friend or a total stranger, it's another thing when it's the chosen one of life. If you both know how to listen to each other, and interrupt only in vehemence, then this is all right. But you will have conversations in unison. Interest. Despite the previous paragraph, love and relationships are still not an indulgence for boredom. If you or she are simply bored in communicating with each other, then this is an occasion to think very seriously, but is this the person with whom you can live your whole life?

Why is it so hard for me to find a girl for life, what is the reason

It's definitely hard to say. Everything here is deeply individual, starting from your passivity in serious matters, ending with personal emotional trauma, which degenerate into complexes. Ordinary shyness often becomes a serious hindrance. But even it can be used! Shy guys tend to be intelligent. So, get to know each other in the library, planetarium, etc. Girls who like “nerds” “live” there. Perhaps you yourself, without realizing it, subconsciously do not want to find a girl for a relationship because of some kind of negative love experience. Anything can help here, from realizing problems in yourself, to going to a psychologist. It’s also possible that you’re just unlucky so far ... In this case, we can only wish you good luck and remember that sooner or later Cupid will still shoot your heart with his arrow !

A person's happiness cannot be complete without an occupation with the help of which he could prove himself as a qualified specialist or a creative person. And if this activity is well paid, it means that it delivers additional satisfaction, plus it opens up new opportunities. How to find a normal job is a concern for many young and experienced professionals. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to find a decent option the first time, and the second attempt is not always successful. In order for valuable personnel to be less subjected to such stress as an unsuccessful search for a vacancy, it is worth carefully preparing for this in advance.

What do you need to know about good work?

To choose the most suitable option, first of all, you need to concentrate on what you want to receive from the selected vacancy. A professional activity that helps to realize one's abilities can already be liked. The feeling that the skills and knowledge of the specialty are highly valued from a professional point of view by colleagues and management is certainly pleasant and significantly increases self-esteem. High-quality work requires decent pay, which must satisfy the needs of the applicant, so salary is not the last thing in finding a job.

What will help you get the best job?

You will have to realistically assess your own abilities, which you will have to discover and use for the benefit of the enterprise that provides the vacancy. When making a specific decision on which vacancy to stop at, it is better to initially carefully work on your own insecurities and try to demonstrate your talents more vividly. The acquired knowledge and experience are already an excellent basis for successful work, the main thing is not to forget to develop them and hone your skills. If we add very useful business and personal qualities to all professional achievements, then the employer will surely like such an employee and he will be guaranteed a place in the state.

The main aspects in choosing a job

Those who have already had to look for a job already know that this process is not easy and is not always carried out smoothly and gives a positive result. To simplify your task, you need to clearly know what you would like to get as a result. To do this, with the help of clear criteria, you will have to narrow the range of searches, perhaps this process will take a little more time spent waiting for the required vacancy, but there will be much fewer unsuccessful attempts.

You will have to immediately determine for yourself which options you need to view, intellectual work or physical labor. It is necessary to think and connect with each other, the received specialty and a possible vocation. If, for example, a person is in excellent physical shape and cannot live without physical activity, he may like the profession of a coach or instructor in his sport.

Whether it will be public or private work, this should be considered from the very beginning. Service in the state structure will appeal to those who have high business and disciplinary qualities. These people are used to taking on a lot of responsibility and are willing to uphold the strict rules of their chosen profession. Such work is encouraged by the state in the form of a salary and certain benefits. Work in a private enterprise pays better, but there is no opportunity to receive the benefits that work in a state organization provides.

A few tips for a successful job search

Searching for a job can be easier if one of your friends or acquaintances helps with their recommendation. If one of them has a free place in the workplace or office, and you would have had it just right, and even the work turned out to be in the specialty. This would be the simplest and most efficient result.

If the job search process is carried out personally, without the help of acquaintances, then it happens most often with the help of the Internet. When arranging an interview, it must be remembered that absolutely everything that happens during this meeting is decisive. Appearance, completed questionnaire, conversation, and even apparent calmness or anxiety can affect the outcome of the interview.

A well-written resume plays a big role in finding a job. All the information provided in this document helps you take the first step towards a successful career. When compiling a resume, it’s better not to overdo it, you shouldn’t lie and ascribe to yourself what you won’t be able to do later. It is better to try as best as possible to describe your own existing skills and worthy qualities that will be very in demand in a particular job.

Acquaintance with the initial information about the organization offering the vacancy and resume is the initial stage of acquaintance between the employer and the applicant. And, as you know, the first impression leaves an indelible and unmistakable imprint.

How to find a normal man?

Yesterday a friend called, again complaining about her family life. He says it’s good for you, you are your own mistress, no one will reproach you for burnt cutlets or new shoes. I didn't want to answer. Of course, I feel good, no one blames me. I just want someone to fry these cutlets!

No, in fact, you can fry cutlets for the first man who comes across who, by chance, wants to talk to me. Feed, warm in the crib - and here it is! I got a man! Everything is as simple as twice two, but only something all these “first come across” do not cause any desire to transfer minced meat and time to them. All the more I don’t want to let them into my favorite bed.

And all why? Because I want not you, but you to be taken, fed, warmed, and so on according to the list (the list also includes flowers, sweets and vouchers to the sea). Tell me, do you want a lot? I do not think so. A normal man should be able to take care of his woman. And, if you do not solve its problems, then at least do not create new ones. So, I agree to fry not only cutlets, but also cook borscht, and darn socks.

Unfortunately, I'm not lucky with normal men.

The last time the man who “tested” for the role of mine fell asleep already on the second date ... Although I noticed the catch even on the first. The fact is that he phoned his mother five times an hour. Of course, mom is sacred. But, he told her with whom (with me), in which cafe he had dinner, what he ordered. Then he called a second time, reminded his mother of something. Then she called - asked him to pick her up from her friend. In short, our conversation took less time on a date than his and his mother. On the second date, although I thought it would be different, nothing changed.

In short, while he once again phoned her, I began to imagine how I was frying cutlets, and my mother called him and asked if they were burnt? Well, no, I don't need such a mother's son. I want to be with a man, not with his mother.

The candidate who was before lasted longer - about 2 months. However, nothing really happened to us either. It turned out that he was already married ... It’s sad, but I didn’t want to put up with the role of a mistress, and leaving his wife with a three-year-old child was not part of his plans.

What is the saddest thing, after 2-3 such candidates, my self-esteem was melting almost before our eyes. I began to look in myself for the reasons for such bad luck (because others are lucky?). Found a bunch of shortcomings. And how many complexes appeared! And fat, and ugly, and I don’t know how to walk in heels. In short, I didn’t have to look for a man, but a psychiatrist.

But, worst of all, I began to agree with the common opinion among losers: “All men are goats!”. Although earlier I was sure that not all, but only one, and for each it is different.

Faith in normal men returned the case. Sat with a friend in the evening on the shore of the lake. People were resting around, it was quiet and calm. And then an interesting couple passed by us. The man quietly walked a step forward from his wife. She did not walk, but rushed after him like a hurricane. At the same time, she managed to bawl to the whole beach: “Oh, you are such a bastard! First, you sit at your work for days, and on the only day off, you even got enough with your friends !!! Can you ever be a man?"

A friend immediately commented: “Really, you bastard. Well, what kind of men, at least one normal one.

And I've been thinking. Why is he abnormal? He works day and night, on the only day off he took his wife to rest. Well, yes, I went over a little. Typical NORMAL guy!

And so my critical attitude towards the entire male sex divorced. There are good ones, you just have to look.

Another thing was interesting in a couple from the beach. The woman demanded that her husband be a man. However, she herself walked, scolding him all over the coast, humiliating him publicly.

Girls, honestly, if I had such a wife, I would not go out of drinking. The moral of this story is simple: if you want a normal man nearby, become a normal woman!

Perhaps that evening I realized all my mistakes. I want a normal man with whom I will be fine. But, I do nothing at all for my part, so that my man feels good with me.

Becoming a normal woman seemed easy. Well, I think you need to lose weight, go to the salon, change your hairstyle, learn to close your mouth in time - and trample! So they will get to know me more often, and there, in any way, one will be normal. I signed up for the gym, endured a bunch of diets, started running in the morning.

However, after all my torment and long work on myself, I was not lucky. They get to know me, but they are not the same. A married friend, the same one who regularly calls to complain about family life, advised: “you should lower the bar, otherwise you will never find the perfect one.”

Fig there! Lower the plank. I have now lost weight, prettier, wiser, become self-confident and all this in order to lower the bar? Oh no. I will look for my prince further. In addition, a great example is before my eyes - a grandmother who, although at 30 with a big ponytail, met her ideal man.

Grandmother was too educated and independent, as it seemed at that time. She herself entered the capital's university, she studied herself. She always wore a dress sewn in the latest fashion, painted her lips with foreign lipstick. She even managed to see the world, which in the sixties was a rarity for an unmarried woman. As she said, she had a lot of suitors, but not all of them. And then she nevertheless met the man of her dreams, my grandfather, with whom they still live in perfect harmony.

I know that my grandmother has an album with photographs before marriage. In many pictures next to my grandmother there are very stately men. It’s funny, but she doesn’t even remember half of them by name, although it’s a sin for her to complain about her memory.