Characteristic of stone blue topaz. Topaz - Magic and Medical Properties of Stone, Zodiac and Color Signs

Topaz is a gemstone, many-sided and magical, with a train of history and myths, whose zodiac sign is scorpion.

Topaz itself is a silicate of aluminum with high fluorine content. Known this stone from the old days. His discovery and origin Many are associated with an island in the Red Sea. And the name has a translation from Sanskrit language, denotes "Fire", "Flame", "Heat".

The color gamut stone is diverse, has many shades:

And even gray.

It is from the quantity and type of impurities that the color of the stone depends. This is a precious mineral, and its value depends on its natural qualities. The most expensive is the red-orange and red-violet topaz. The lighter, the more cheaper, the smaller he has magical properties.

Properties of topaz, charms.

It is believed that this mineral has many properties. He exposes intrigues, subordinates, incites passion, reduces fear. It was believed that this stone brings to fruitless couples the joy of the appearance of heirs. Topaz ranked to therapeutic stones. It was used to treat asthma, angina, gout. Topaz helped with insomnia and seizures. Many sailors were wore to topaz in a silver fraction for successful swimming and protection against storms.

Astrology Topaz.

In astrology, Topaz is a stone, a sign of the zodiac, to which he patronizes is strictly not defined, however, he is contraindicated by the fish, calves and December Sagittarius.

Topaz - Stone, Zodiac sign - Gemini and Scorpio.

First of all, Topaz is an amulet for scorpions and twins. Scorpions are protected by blue and lilac topases, and twins - yellow, golden and transparent. Positively affects the stone on many.

So for the Aries and Leo, pink, red and golden tones of topaz are suitable, and for crayfish - blue and green, the virgin and the Capricorn are purple and brown. Many signs of the zodiac can use topaz as charm.

From a long time, there is a belief that if you give a native or close person a product with a topaz, then this means - wish this man happiness and all the best. Topaz patronizes family happiness, protects against passions and anger.

Topaz. Healing properties.

Since the patron of Topaz is Jupiter, then radiating a warm glow, the mineral is beneficial to the immune system of the body, the psyche and treats inflammatory processes throughout the human body. Some healers still use topaz in the treatment of bleeding, asthma attacks, nervous disorders.
Lithotherapists use this stone for diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Magic stone.

In India, the pink topaz is still considered a symbol of the return of hopes. And in the east, in the subway, this stone is chosen as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. In Russia, this stone was honored. It was Topases that were used in the frame of the expensive salary of the Gospels, they were decorated with "Cap of the Kingdom of Kazan", they were inserted into the Tiaremen Tsareven, to the headwives of the court ladies. Recently, Topaz re-won the former love and reverence.

Topaz is a symbol of prudency, prudence, spiritual purity, tenderness, love, friendship and other clean relationships. The name of the stone is associated with the place of the first find on about. Topazios (Red Sea).

In the possibilities of the mineral to make its owner with decent, honest and generous, protecting him from malice and ill-fame.

Magic Properties of Stone Topaz

Like all other beautiful stones, Topaz magic properties showed still long. Since that time, he took over the role of amulet with certain values. Mineral will help to cope with problems, solve complex things. At the same time, he elevates the Spirit, but does not tolerate lies. It is believed that the crystal should wear the one who seeks to wealth or is in search of truth.

Great value of Blue Topaz had for sailors who believed that the mineral would help reassure the storm and the other swelling element. Therefore, in the era of great geographical discoveries, the stone was always present on the ship and had to bring it out of the fog, save during the storm. And in the Middle Ages, the blue crystals were incredibly popular among the Crusaders, who brought it out of long-range hikes as a gift for the ladies of their heart.

The value of stone Topaz

The value of stone Topaz is wisdom, good and peace. Therefore, he can make his owner with an optimist, teach to rejoice in life and feel the inner pacification. Topaz owners, as a rule, are honest, wise and decent people. They do not fall into hysterics and unfortunate anger, on the contrary, sociable, interesting and generous. Well, if they are not so, the stone magic topaz will make them such.

Also, the mineral will help people who are tormented by obsessive states, various fears, depression. The stone successfully copes with these and other states. And the ancient Greeks that the stone was the most beloved, attributed to him the ability to give men the prudence, generosity, communicability, wisdom and sexual strength, and women - beauty.

Topaz - stone, the magical properties of which allow you to use the mineral when you need to focus, get together with the Spirit and make the right choice. Crystal reconciles harmful, eliminates doubt, misunderstanding and other negative relations.

This is a stone of inner enlightenment contributing to the joyful and complacent mood of a person who is wearing. Thanks to its magical properties, the stone dispels any fears, will help to immerse yourself in peace and serenity state. This is a stone optimist. It gives its owners to objectivity, honesty, the location of others and their friendship. Positive energy of the stone will protect from black magic and a bad eye, dispels evil spells.

Very often, Topaz is called "heavyweight", with no so much for their weight as for imposing their thoughts, subordination to their will.

Especially the mineral is appreciated by women who have believed that crystal will help them to preserve beauty, protects against infertility, brings closer from spouses and keeps the family in the family.

In addition, this crystal contributes to the preservation of loyalty. Beloved is always faithful to the mistress of Topaz, and his owner is the most faithful mistress. The properties of the Topaz blue allow you to find new friends, make your owner enjoyable in communication. Mineral is driven away by hatred and anger.

Mineral contributes to success in diplomatic missions, negotiations, increases material benefit, prompts the right decision, and also develops intuition and fantasy. Also in the forces of the crystal to increase the vitality. People suffering from a lack of harmony, unable to sort out their own desires and purposes, should take to topaz, which will reveal all the mysterious vital patterns for helping its owner.

However, the topaz of the blue property exhibits not only the magic, the golden mineral gives the life of its owner to peace and tranquility. Pink crystal creates a sense of security, with his help a person becomes more confident. H2: Mystical Topaz

In magic, crystals are used to protect against the "evil eye", witchcraft and other negative impacts. Wearing a topasic product is an excellent means to combat depression and fears. They spread great doubts and eliminate anger. Yoga consider a mystical topaz stimulant Sakhasrara - the highest chakras. They used it to achieve a certain vision, personality compounds with the highest mind.

It is best to install topaz to the gold, who is suitable for such a decoration, so it is mature creative people. Their mineral encourages the work and manifestation of hidden talents. However, this natural material is not so easy in wearing. To do this, you need to get used to it, and him - to his owner. It is believed to be accustomed, he can even change color. So, aggressively yellow stone after the "taming" can be a calm golden shade, which indicates that he is used to you.

Therapeutic and magical properties of Topaz

Stone Blue Topaz Property Shows not only magical, but also therapeutic properties. In the Middle Ages, this gem considered the best tool so as not to choose. It was believed that if there is a poison in food or drink, the stone should change its color. Probably, therefore, the stone was used for jewelry of royal cups.

Many people are confident that it is the topaz of blue in color that the immune system is responsible for the immune system and helps in the fight against depression. This is a good remedy for the treatment of angin, female infertility and bone diseases. Lithotherapists argue that there were cases when the stone helped cope with heart attacks, strokes and diseases of the endocrine system. It also helps with liver diseases, spleen, gallbladder. It is useful to wear it with sexual dysfunction, infertility, rheumatism, arthritis and to improve the operation of the circulatory system. In many countries, with the help of Topaz, eye disease is treated, including myopia. They believe that it is possible to cure nervous disorders with its help, get rid of insomnia and nightmares, making a dream strong and healthy. Wearing a product with a toopase insert exacerbates the taste of its owner. And some folk healers with topazy products remove the bouts of bronchial asthma, stop bleeding. It is recommended to wear a stone on the body and for the prevention of colds, for
Disorders of the body's protective forces. The positive influence of gem on people with high pressure, astesma and gout are noted.

Compatibility Stone Topaz with zodiac signs

If we decided to wear a stone Topaz, the zodiac sign must be taken into account. After all, any natural stone when used can not only benefit, but also harm your owner. Astrologers believe that Mystical Topaz is the November stone, therefore, it is ideal for scorpions. This opinion is one for the ancient oracles, and for modern predictors. They also agreed that the toopasic decorations of scorpions were simply necessary, because, often falling into extremes, the people of this sign of the zodiac need to restore balance and help in making the right decision. Particularly reasonable and wisdom lacks young scorpions. And they can get it outside by gem. When Scorpio becomes independent, controversial, uncontrollable and his self-confidence passes all borders, it becomes necessary to put up, restore relationships, to establish the former contacts. At this time, this mineral will allow you to reconcile with people, avoid stressful situations and take yourself in hand.
Since Scorpio has enormous opportunities and prospects in self-improvement, then such a desire will sooner or later appear in everyone who was born under this sign.

Blue Topaz Stone Properties: To whom it fits

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that there is not only blue topaz, who is suitable what color you also need to know. A variety of topazy shades allows you to choose the most beautiful gem. As for scorpions, they most suitable mineral with a blue and lilac shade. At the same time, gem teaches not only to know itself, meditate, concentrate and reflect, but also to establish a harmonious relationship with the surrounding people, to understand them. And this is very important for scorpions in the second half of his life. Topaz stone properties and zodiac sign Scorpion are closely interrelated. It is irresistible to women-scorpions, and male scorpions are vital wisdom and prudence.

It is surprising that the mineral does not carry any of the signs of the zodiac and gets well with everyone who wishes to take advantage of it. However, it is not recommended to the Caltz, as the constellation, opposite to Scorpio, and weighs, fish.

Yellow and golden transparent variety is good for twins. Yellow - suitable for virgin and can be used by lions. Cancers recommended samples of blue, blue and green shade. Aries and lion is better to wear golden, red and purple varieties, and the Virgin and Capricorn - all transparent, lilac, brown and greenish shades.

According to Pavel Globa, Topaz in the horoscope is a very "solid" stone that makes its owner carefully look at what is happening around it, in particular on premonitions, signs, instructions, as well as on the people. However, according to the astrologer, the gem may worsen the family life of its owner, which is why he is contraindicated to people with large families. From the point of view of the Globa, Topaz can destroy the usual happiness of family scales, fish or calves.

Amulets and talismans: who suits Topaz?

Wearing a stone better on the right hand on the index finger in the rings or ring. You can use in a bracelet or pendant. It is desirable that the metal is yellow. Surprisingly, the gem in the neighborhood with other stones can not only not lose its properties, but also favorably affect its owner. Depending on the color, the mineral corresponds to all chakras.

Amers with a topaz insert are used as a means to attract success in work, to attract material wealth and good luck. It is considered a talisman of merchants, travelers and scientists. In the form of brooches or coulon gives its own owner of vitality, helps to overcome difficulties and allow all trouble. We carry such amulets contribute to getting rid of female infertility and male sexual weakness.

It is believed that each gem has a certain energy, which is capable of in one way or another to influence the person. It is important to know the properties and signs of the Zodiac Stone Topaz, so that the mineral brings to his owner good luck and fueled it only positive energy. Incorrectly selected mineral can attract the mountain and illness.

Mineral species and properties

Topaz - a stone that is attributed to a large number of magical and healing properties. He is active affects the nervous system of man, His behavior and reaction rate.

The main colors, the properties of the stone Topaz and to whom it fits:

Magic characteristics

Topaz is a kind link between man and universeHe helps in knowing both the world and himself. Influences intuition and contributes to the development of extrasensory abilities in a person, is often used by yoga during meditation to plunge into trance faster.

Magic properties and to whom the stone is suitable:

It is also believed that Topaz is actively protects the owner from damage and evil. For this purpose, it is better to wear a stone in a pendant or ring.

Major Medical Properties

Mineral has a positive effect on the body. He feeds a person with active energy and takes boredom, fatigue, depressive condition. Decorations with topaz recommended to people with health problems and psyche in particular.

Topaz helps to strengthen the reproductive function of a person. He helps to solve problems with potency, girls - with infertility and complex pregnancy.

Such decorations can be worn by spouses who have not been able to start a child for a long time.

Therapeutic properties of Topaz and to whom the stone is suitable:

  • Fast healing of damaged tissues, an increase in the natural abilities for regeneration. It has a soothing effect and helps to normalize the work of the thyroid gland. It is recommended to wear topaz people suffering from insomnia and other problems with sleep. Normalizes the work of the central nervous system, helps to calm the nerves and avoid psychoneurological diseases.
  • Helps cope with the problems of the spleen, gallbladder and liver. Protects from stress and energy exhaustion.
  • It has an antiviral effect, which protects the body from entering viruses and bacteria. Promotes cure from migraine, helps when stopping bleeding.

Features of London Topaz

This mineral is artificial: it consists of nanocrystals and unprofessionals to distinguish it from the present is quite difficult. Gem is considered almost the only stone that does not lose their healing and magical properties even after processing:

Horoscope and socks

In order for the mineral to give a person only a positive impact, it is necessary that he suggests him as much as possible. Fortunately, the mineral is allowed for socks to all twelve signs of the zodiac.

For each of the signs of the horoscope, it is worth choosing your shade of the mineral to enhance the strengths and mask the shortcomings of your owner.

Compatibility of zodiac signs

Artificial London mineral fits all the signs of the zodiac with the exception of calm and water leaves, which have too soft character and are most susceptible to someone else's influence. The remaining gems are selected by representatives of this or that sign of the zodiac depending on the color gamma.

Who comes on the horoscope stone Topaz:

  • Aries are suitable minerals of pink, purple and gold shades. Enhance such natural qualities as wisdom, prudence, the ability to make faithful solutions. Most suitable for young girls who have insufficiently life experience.
  • With a mild character and internal kindness, Blue or Blue Topaz are needed, which will protect them from the bad evil eye, the negative impact of outside and wicked people. For women, the mineral will become a reliable defender, men will help to better understand themselves and their best sides, opportunities. Promotes the acceptance of the right solutions.
  • Gemini - whose nature are very contradictory, not always able to hold back their anger and other negative emotions. Blue gem can have a soothing effect on them, to make softer and puffy, suppress excessive impulsivity. Men are more suitable stones of yellow and golden shades.
  • First of all, London Topaz is recommended for cancer. With it, it is unnecessary self-confident crayfish will be able to pacify their character and think about their actions in advance.
  • Gordy Lions Topaz will help reveal exactly the sides whom they lack: sensuality, vulnerability, credulity. For this purpose, it is better to wear a pendant with insert. Ring with topaz will help to establish relationships with loved ones and make them more harmonious.
  • The weak side of the Virgin is its excessive emotionality and impulsivity. The mineral of the golden and lilac shade will help in making the right decisions and will contribute to the dominance of the mind, not feelings.
  • Weighs most of all lack love and friendly support, so the main task of the gem is to normalize these parties. Topaz feeds the scales with additional energy, helps in achieving its goals and accepting responsible decisions.
  • Women scorpions stone will help keep their negative thoughts and bad thoughts under control. It helps to liberate and get rid of insecurity.
  • Strels Moon Topaz will help become more concentrated and confident. Most of all the representatives of this sign lack independence and determination.
  • Capricorn is important to balance their natural energy, not to give her a yield too often. They do not know how to keep themselves in their hands and calculate several moves in advance, relying on chance. It is better to select the stones of greenish and golden shades.
  • Fish is suits enough and are not modest. Also, representatives of this sign are more than others are subject to psychoneurological diseases and dangerous incidents. They are important to learn how to feel calm and peaceful.

How best to wear mineral

In order for Topaz to put the maximum number of positive effect on its owner, it is important to adhere to certain rules when it is worn. Since the mineral is home, it is from time to time it is necessary to feed energy and not to be out of the apartment. Long-term foundation outside the house may adversely affect the properties of the stone.

Do not cost to wear decorations with topaz people in finding your second half. The magic properties of the stone does not include attracting the energy of the opposite sex. It is better to choose more suitable minerals for this purpose. Topaz can only strengthen the attractiveness of the girl or the determination of a young man, but does not increase their interest in them from other people.

Best, therefore, the mineral is combined with gold, copper and silver applies extremely negative. Does not tolerate the neighborhood with jewelry from other stones, so it is recommended to select jewelry jewelry in your headset with one gem.

How and with what to wear a stone depending on its purpose:

One should not be decorated with topaz constantly. The stone has the ability to "memorize" negative energy, which can go to the owner. From time to time, decorations should be removed and leave in a dark room.

It is believed that Topaz cannot bring happiness and good luck to false people with wicked thoughts. So that the stone positively affects its owner, you need to be as honest as possible, open and sincere, which means not to desire bad others, show sympathy and kindness.

The main advantage of Topaz is that it is a universal stone and is suitable for almost all people. Therefore, the decorations with the mineral will be a great gift for a close person or friend. There is a belief that, giving Topaz, a person transmits a new owner of a particle of happiness and well-being, notes as close and significant.

This name to the topaz belongs from the island in the Red Sea, which is not far from modern Ethiopia, Topazion. The magic of stone begins in an ancient Greek state, even more than two thousand years ago. Since the most time, the crystal won the glory of the giving wisdom, gives peace and helps the owner in good deeds.

The stone is found in many color variations from transparent to rainbow, that is, a mineral is overflowing with many shades at the same time. The most common colors are considered blue, blue and green, while the stones of gentle pink, sunny-yellow and red colors are found, rarely encountered smoky, so-called rauchtopaz, and colorless or transparent topases that are rude diamonds are considered the most rare. When choosing a decoration, it is worth understanding that each of the colors of Topaz has its magical power. It was believed that such gems could give people the ability to distinguish deception, improving its intellectual abilities and help in understanding people. Ancient travelers and navigators noticed that Topaz had the magical properties of a stone capable of influencing nature, soothing storms and storms. A detailed description of all the features of this miracle stone is shown below. The topaz is also described a miracle-stone of its properties and signs of the zodiac to which it suits.

Magic manifestations

Ancient people noticed from Topaz there are properties of a stone associated with magical forces. Of the topazs of different colors, shamans and magicians created various amulets that protect the owner from alien impacts, other forces and negative influences from other people. This stone is used to achieve peace, know yourself and the rest of the world. In the practice of yogis, the mineral is used during meditation to enhance the effect. This gem can truly be considered a magic binder between man and the world, since it helps the development of intuition and extrasensory abilities. Positive affecting the owner, he contributes to the development of generosity, frankness and devotion. The stone does not make lies and deceptions, he will help to discover conspiracies and goats of ill-wishers. Many successful people prefer to take a stone to negotiate and during the signing of major contracts. In addition, the mineral has a beneficial effect on love relationships, helping to remain attractive to the second half, save the seven strong. In friendship, this stone will bring equilibrium into relationships and help keep mutual trust.

Gem and yellow gems will help strong personalities to those who are used to being the leader, bringing prosperity to their life and inclined Fortune to the side of their master. The stone of the light blue shade will help get rid of the jealousy and torment of the soul, he will help protect the family couples from treason. Among other things, the gem is considered a patron saint of sailors and wandering people, as he has a strength to pacify a storm and find the way to his home. When choosing a dark blue stone, the so-called London Topaz, it will help develop intellectual abilities, will make it easier to obtain new knowledge and will improve brain activity. Also, the mineral of this color will help in making difficult decisions, will enter the owner more constructive and help detect to notice the lies of partners or opponents on business. Ruhathopaz, wearable in the bracelet or pendant, will help you better protect yourself from the evil eye and the unkind desires of other people.

Admiring the crystal brilliance of multi-colored stones, filled with joyful delight. The amazing variety of colors is typical to topaz. Many centuries, the mineral was considered the most popular gem, sparkling and shone on important personnel and pleased the eyes of the treasure admirers.

The extraordinary strength of the crystal is in demand by healers and magicians.

History and origin

Curious finding found archaeologists during the excavations of the oldest refuge of primitive tribes in the Urals. Long narrow items from Topaz used for economic needs and for ritual rituals, and were also decorations.

According to the results of the excavation, it is estimated that the precious topaz is known for a person for a very long time, which confirms the famous decoration with a stone called "Hisella's Tone", which dates back to the X century.

In various historical epochs existed a fashion on jewelry. The period of revival of the Slary fashion on elegant outfits and aristocratic decorations from precious stones.

The diamond fund of Russia stores the magnificent Spanish Order "Golden Fleece", shining five pink topaz. Historically famous, a huge stone of a bragancan, decorating the crown of Portuguese kings, once again reminds that the gem is highly appreciated in those times.

Princes, boyars in Russia had a passion for precious stones, highly appreciated Tophaz, counting luxury item. The famous "kingdom of the kingdom of Kazan" also decorates the purest yellow crystal. Russian Mountain Master Mineral because of its specific gravity called "heavyweight".

Place of Birth

In Ilmeni, in the Southern Urals, the largest number of finds of the precious mineral of colorless and pale blue, over the period from the XVIII to the middle of the 20th century. In Ukraine, in Volyn mines there are reserves of high-quality wine-yellow color mineral.

In the middle of the last century, a sample was found at 117 kg. The five-tone gem was found in one of Brazilian government. Afghanistan and Pakistan are suppliers of high-class stones. On Ceylon with antiquity, jewelry topaz and today minerals from Sri Lanka come to the global market.

Physical properties

Heavy mineral, except for high density, is characterized by hardness, slightly inferior. Strong, durable mineral is not soluble in acidic solution, resistant to external influences. The strong glitter of the crystal, with a pearl sampling, makes the faceted stone by a real jewelry masterpiece.

FormulaAl2 (F, OH) 2
Density3,49-3.57 g / cm³
Refractive index1,606-1,638
AdmixtFe2 +, Fe3 +, Ti, CR, V
ColorColorless, golden-yellow, pale blue, yellow, yellowish brown, purple red, pink.

Medical properties

Multi-minded topaz is impressive, inspires and pleases. The manifold of shades contributes to the healing of many ailments. From how the stone looks like it depends on which organ the medical effect will be provided.

Topaz, as a healing stone, is applied for a long time. Previously, people were afraid of epidemics more than any other diseases. To protect against the inevitable hands, they always wore a natural stone.

There is an old belief that the topaz can change the color, if there are pens in food and drinks. That is why dishes, including cups, decorated with these gems. In antiquity, with the help of minerals, infertility was treated, indentation of the stomach, pain in the pancreas, poisoning and insomnia.

A lot of color gamut crystals has a powerful impact on health. And the sorceress of each instance is effectively in its own way.

  • The green stone was filmed by headache, allowed to consider the stone to improve the mood, in such a way nervous overvoltage was removed. Greenish shades of gems improve the work of the heart, remove arrhythmia.
  • Looking at the gems, a person comes to a signal, and then setting the body to certain actions. For example, red shades of crystals symbolize love, passion. Such minerals affect the body toning, help to focus, cause energy to fulfill the "supercount", pushing to proximity, stimulate intimate relationships
  • The energy vibrations of the crystal contribute to the rapid restoration of the body after the disease. It has a strengthening effect on the state of health, especially in the offseason, when being subjected to colds. Lithotherapists give recommendations, do not wait for the infection of viral disease, it is better to wear decorations with a stone in preventive purposes.
  • Take an example with a colorless and blue gem, their impact favorably affects the work of the immune system. Improves digestion, work out the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. The healing force of the stone improves the composition of the blood, improves blood circulation, eliminates Malokrovia. Helps the female body to cope with diseases in the urogenital system.
  • The mineral of a yellow shade helps to cope with the problems in the respiratory tract, accelerates healing from pneumonia. It is advisable to buy a jewel on the neck and wear to complete recovery. To strengthen the nervous system, improve mental and psychological state, should also, in a difficult period of life, do not part with a healing peasant.

The large-scale value for a person has uninterrupted work of the internal secretion glands. The problems of the endocrine system also refer to lithotherapists. Experts recommend topaz to restore the thyroid gland, to normalize the level of hormones.

Magic properties

"For those who wear gems, life and understandable, and simple - the gates are openly open, the mystery and dream are subject to" [V. Slets]

Topaz is filled not only by therapeutic properties, and also has magic potential. Choirs of gem influence the main aspects of life. Therefore, the use of gems for magical purposes is a very common phenomenon. The extensive palette of colors and a brief characteristic of the magic crystal:

  • Pink gem has powerful magical properties. It is resorted to solving personal problems. It helps to get rid of and recover after depression, avoid emotional shake, stress.
  • Magic stone Topaz green color radiates strong vibrations on the human energy field. The strength of the stone gives a feeling of calm, peace, helps believe in their own strength.
  • White topaz gives a stream of fresh thoughts and makes strong nerves. It helps to preserve the clarity of the mind, avoid the attacks of rage, aggression, turbidity of the mind in various stressful situations. Stone energy affects emotions, helps to control them. Crystal vibrations carry a protective function, closed by a man's biofield from the effects of negative.
  • Any of yellow shades has a property to influence character traits, balancing emotions. It is believed that the healing features of the golden stone are found by the ancient Hindus. They believed that the stone eliminates the psyche disorders and gives human optimism. In India, this stone is most popular today.
  • Blue topaz is the most popular in the wizard and magicians. The stone in the color of the Blue Lagoon appreciated those who left the sea. In antiquity, marigors crystal was used as a talisman. They believed, he favors the weather and keeps the ship in the storm.

In the distant past, people were unlikely to classify stones in colors. They tried the properties of the mineral in a more generalized form. In magic, the crystal was used then, also widely applied now. Magic stones vibrations help:

  • from the effects of dark forces, contribute to the purification of the biofield;
  • topaz "does not like" false, wonderful properties help to identify evil intentions and to endure liars;
  • affecting the energy ladies, contributes to the disclosure of women's charity, helps in the art of seduction;
  • in men awakens the former delets, passion and power.

If in the decoration next to the topaz there is a precious companion, the activity of the mineral is doubled.

Decoration with mineral

Jewelry Topaz does not leave indifferent, give nobility to anyone, even the simplest image. It is known that the cost of jewels depends on the quality of the crystal, which is used metal and the presence of other stones. Fortunately on sale abundance of treasures on any wallet.

  • gold earrings with blue topaz, weighing 24.03 carats cost $ 730;
  • gold bracelet, with minor gems, weighing 9.53 g costs $ 800;
  • gold ring 585 samples with blue topaz, the total weight reaches 9 g, costs $ 800.

Jewelry work of these high-class products, so decorations look as a real work of art.


Natural gem mainly bashed. Barely catchy or saturated shades are formed by impurities in the mineral of chemical elements.

Blue Topaz

Differs from other species by an aristocratic tint. A similar stone, weighing 300 grams belonged to Alexander I. Ural Topaz at all times was appreciated not as a row material, but an unsurpassed beauty collective sample. There are untreated stones that have become the present property of mineralogical collections.

Yellow tint

There are from golden to brownish tones of gem. The crystals of such tones are most numerous and mined in many countries of the world. The yellowness of the mineral originated due to chemical impurities in the aluminum ore. The deposits of minerals of delightful wine and golden-yellow shades are in Western Ukraine.

Pink crystal

Dear and rare instance. It is estimated along with elite jewels. Red shades of mineral are also in the staff at collectors and connoisseurs of treasure. Natural stones of pinkish or reddish-orange shades are expensive, so imitation began to appear on the world market, the price of which is lower at times.

White topaz

In the distant past it was called the "Siberian diamond". His glory was short, but very loud, his beauty was admired in Russia and outside. Amazing works from the gem were considered an alternative to diamond, although significantly inferior in price. Due to density and hardness, it is not amenable to destruction - this is a durable treasure.

Green mineral

It originated due to the natural effects of radiation, as a result of which its natural color was formed. In a natural environment, a similar copy is found quite rare, often the collectors are "hunting" gem. Unique samples of green tones, purity, beauty and gloss equate to.

London Blue

This mineral color is popular in Europe, states. Blue topaz is often exposed to exquisite cuts, for this, the jewelers are highly appreciated. This color is perfectly combined with a noble white metal. Compatibility of the mineral with transparent pebbles, very winning emphasizes the magnificent blue of topaz.


This is a gem of orange, with a pinkish tinge. Similar specimens are in Brazil. From the same deposits, yellow-orange, pink-lilac crystals are mined. Therefore, these shades sometimes rank to this high category. Yellow nuggets, thermally receive a noble shade of pink topaz.

Decorations of precious stones are chosen for several reasons. Who can approach the crystal by nature, style, mood, or according to internal state.

How to distinguish fake?

In popularity, the stone is known that there are pros and cons. Among the minuses is the spread of imitation of jewels. Real topaz distinguish from counterfeit under the power of an experienced expert.

External factor that requires special attention - this is an unnecessary bright tone. The natural color of the jewel has a soft, discreet color. Artificial origin of the crystals have a rich, thick shade, but it fastest faster in the sun.

For expensive samples, more cheap stones are often issued, more or less suitable for color. Since the topaz is hard for other gems, check it out to try. It is impossible to easily break or scratch.

Topaz low thermal conductivity, it is cool to the touch. In natural nuggets there are inclusions and microcracks, absolute purity stone - fake.

Stone care

Despite the fact that topaz is strong enough and does not dissolve in acid, but the weaknesses in it still exist. Gem is afraid of direct sunlight, which blooms its shade. We will have to care with a multicolored crystal splendor from the bright sun.

It can be cleaned by soap foam and water, dried in natural conditions. If you try to heat the stone, it can affect the color change, so it is better not to risk. Store stones in special boxes or cases. The faceted stone can scratch other gems, inferior to the top of the hardness.

Compatibility with the names and signs of the zodiac

Topaz, like other natural stones, has its own astrological properties. The impact of the mineral reacts to each zodiac sign.

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - you can wear, "-" - categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

At the calculations of astrologers it turns out that the twins, Capricorn and Scorpions are ready to interact with the crystal.

  • Twins from amulet will receive a feeling of pacification. This crystal is able to rejuvenate any conflict. Topaz This sign will provide protection.
  • Capricorns are devotional friends who sometimes forget that relatives and loved ones need their attention. The amulet helps to maintain the balance between friendly and family relationships.
  • Scorpions have the right to count on the power of the talisman, since the energy crystal is most compatible with this sign. Topaz protects against negative, pushes to the execution of the owner's plans.

The names that gem favorably affect:

  • Agatha, due to character, strive for independence. Crystal will provide support.
  • Anastasia sometimes feels defenseless, the amulet will give confidence, will indicate the path on which there will be no people who can offend.
  • Marianana is too stronger to himself and others, the mineral helps to reduce the bar of self-criticism, will teach himself to like and enjoy life.
  • Natalia is initiative, sometimes intrusive. With the help of a toopate amulet, there are ways to implement.
  • Larisa is characterized by excessive emotionality, which harms relations with the surrounding people. Topaz - Assistant in balancing an emotional state.

Gem energetically supports those who believe in the help of nature and their own strength.


Thanks to the impressive number of shades, the crystal can harmoniously adjacent to other precious and semi-precious stones. The cuts to which gem exposed is allowed to perform original decorations. The universal combination of topaz with diverse shades of metal allows you to create a fantasy bouquet, which is capable of a skillful jeweler.

Topaz - Mineral Wisdom and Calm

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