Ideal wife: What a man needs from a woman. How to make a man Madly want to want: follow this instruction

The top request with which women turn to me for consultation is the problem of losing the interest of a man. In this regard, the woman feels an unnecessary, defective, disadvantaged, as if Chiffonier in the abandoned corridor of relations:

- Julia, the beginning of the relationship was wondering! I could not dream to meet Sergey that a man could be so attentive, sensitive, generous and loving. I lacked time to ask myself a question: "Does he love me?", After all, the answer was obvious. And now, 4 years later ... He forgot what flower shop and "Thank you" after dinner of 3-dishes! I like a cute addition, and not a woman who treated at the beginning ... sometimes it seems that if you collect things and leave, then in the morning they will not even notice! - Rumidates 34-year-old Ira, a charming blonde, beauty in every sense, but such an unfortunate.

Classic. Sad, bladder and ... not hopeless!

Despite the seeming deadlock of the problem with which a huge number of women faces (for if it was loving or not needed, what can you do?), There is a way out. I will share with pleasure, since I want women to be happy and loved not only at the beginning of the relationship, but also a lifetime.

You can highlight three main reasons for the loss of the interest of a man to more recently such a welcome woman.

1. Loss of interest in a woman to themselves.

This state is Stop!, In which the ladies gradually forget about their own desires, needs, hobbies. She no longer visits the pool or yoga classes. Published a foreign language, the dancing of the belly, the girlfriends saw last year, and the mistirt of his favorite walks became a memoir. Life stopped. And all this is because it is now in a relationship.

2. The woman ceases to be an interesting man.

The first reason automatically leads to the second - a man sees a sad, boring woman next to him. Such I do not want to solve and amaze, because everything he could have learned, idle, and did not gain the new one ... a man can continue to be sincerely love, but the stars from the sky of a woman from claim 1 do not receive.

3. Rolling a woman to two extremes in the image and behavior:

  • Woman tank. This is a special line of behavior, even the raus of women who see the child in a man. She also got a job on the second job, and the crash of the store pulls, and the jacket of her husband from dry cleaning did not forget, dinner out of three dishes plus compote, with children, he was looking at the children, in the evening of the neighborhood about the possibility of the employment of the in the evenings in the sofa, scratches the area Abdomen and answers all questions: "And everything suits me!" And a woman from the unbearability of being, eternal fatigue and bewilderment: "Why is it so impossible?" plows even more. It seems to her that a man needs to help and inspire. She is a battleship, next to which is safe, habitually, sons comfortable. Who wants to pamper such a woman, to protect her, give gifts, wear in their arms, to be a strong man, in the end?!
  • Comfortable woman.This is another extreme of behavior in the relationship - some FIFA, which does not require anything with the motto in life: "In order for only you, cute, it was good, and I am right here, don't worry, don't worry about ..." A comfortable woman is needed to ask a man about help, to declare His needs or disagreement, have interests and hobbies. In general, live the life of an individual. It is in a relationship, it means that you need to adapt, obey, justify, regret and worry about the man so that he does not injure the nervous system. Such is economical, so it is extremely attractive for immature men (let's be frank - only the infant will allow themselves to be comfortable, so as not to invest in the relationship!) She can not give flowers, not to serve a coat, not ask about well-being.

And in the first, and in the second case, women forget about the main thing - a man's man, but you should always remain a woman. Soft, light, mysterious and ... own-oriented!

An interesting woman is mysterious, unpredictable, there will always be a new face or a trait that will surprise a man. It is like a matryoshka, exploring which it is amazed by versatility, multi-glasses and a variety of the inner world. Roller with my author's technique "Matryoshka" you can look at my YouTube Channel.

What to do, so as not to turn into the one that is not expected?

  • Love and invest in yourself.

And the keyword is to invest, because only a love can be born through action. Caring for body and appearance, filling the soul with various hobbies, fascinating work, the development of talents, training and desire to learn more, learn is love. Such a woman will always be interested in a man, because she is fascinating in itself. Loving himself always "a little busy" and a man wants to seek her location, time, emotions constantly. Plus a versatile, harmonious and fascinated woman - this is a stimulus to match, becoming better, stronger, courageous.

  • Show your talents.

To be filled, cheerful, enthusiastic interesting is amazing. But it is important to remember that you are in relationships and a man you need to show yourself-clever. For example, an interesting story or a new fact that a woman will voiced by dinner. Or deep reflections on what seen in the news. The main thing is that the themes fascinated the man and you do not "part with the news."

  • Do not turn the soul inside out.

An experienced masterpiece of world literature will be in memory for a long time, but it is unlikely to want to reread daily. So in relations - telling everything about himself in detail, and even at the beginning of the relationship, the woman risks to get admiration for character or femininity, but will not save interest. Therefore, "lay out yourself" gradually. This does not mean that you need to pose, but also you do not need to lose your previous 30 years in detail. Give a man the opportunity to make your edges constantly, and not to be stored with a dish.

  • Do not wait, but ask.

A big mistake to believe that the man himself guess about your desires and will give what I want. Not. Of course, in the period of romantic courtesies and the conquest of a woman "Peacock Pavlin". Later, when the female is conquered and makes sense to make excessive efforts, there is no way to gently remind or ask to make / bring / donate / respect. Often I hear in response: "What should I humiliate and miss?" On the contrary! Please emphasizes femininity, the need for supporting and supporting a strong man. Please inspires men and they want to help, please a fragile woman. Be sure to thank for attentiveness! A man wants to pamper you again and again.

Mile ladies, only the attitude of the man depends on you. As you are to yourself and he is to you. Stay true to yourself and your interests, fond of life, fill as a person!

Increase your own self-profit daily and then the chosen will be in question: "Favorite, what can I still do for you?". And I, Julia Lansk, sincerely wish you happiness in love!

05.07.2018 10:21:16

We continue the cycle of articles about

"The greatest misfortune of women is a man of her life"
Maria Nurovskaya

"Hello, Oksana.
Many thank you for your wonderful newspaper. Special thank you so much for the topic "Culture of Nonorance". Of course, I used to know what is better not to scream, but quietly agree, but when the emotions take the top - you stop controlling yourself.

After reading your articles, began to control your emotions and words. First I put the goal, which I want to get from my man, thinking about the conversation - and then I'm already starting to act. And, most interesting, everything turns out without difficulty, quarrels and clarifying relationships.

My man began to strive to build a warm trust relationship. He had confidence. Yesterday I even gave me a romantic dinner at home, it was very nice and unexpected. Although before that there was never such a thing, and together we for about a year. During dinner made me an offer to marry him. Once again, thank you very much !!! "


Now the most important thing is to root and consolidate this habit in your life. And then one day there can be a harmful thinney in the head: they say, since I am so diligent and cultural that half a year I didn't figure it out, now because it did not make a bucket with garbage, you can roll the scandal!

And all! It can be said that all semi-annual work on the beautiful female way to the Nammark. The main thing is to be vigilant!

What to do to husband never yell

The culture of neulation is very beneficial when it comes to upbringing her husband.

Using this culture, a woman after a month or another will notice how the relationship is warmed in her family, how scandals will cease. She will noted that the husband began to fulfill her requests - even those that he had always ignored before.

But still a woman is offensive that she is all such a tactful and delicate, never yells on her husband - and he still allows himself to break and shive at her.

How can a smart wife teach her husband anymore not to raise a voice on her?

This can be done very gently, without any ultimatum and threats using only a friendly conversation.

For a start, a woman for three to four months itself observes the culture of non-radiation. After the deadline, when you can proudly note that you put this wonderful habit of behaving like a lady - you can begin to conduct cultural and explanatory work with your husband.

The husband should know and see your advantages in the face, so you need to talk about it. And talk, of course, tight.

Let's start with the fact that all conversations should be carried out when a man is calm and fed - that is, it is completely satisfied with life. It is important to emphasize. Many women do not attach importance to such important trifles and stood conversations with her husband when he is in a bad mood or tired. And if the husband refuses to talk in this state - they begin to consider it a "stupid egoist." Yes, so, unfortunately, it happens quite often.

So, the husband came home from work, rested, calmed down and dinner. You told him a couple of compliments about what he he was a good husband or father, so that he would configure the friendly way.

Noting that he is in the pleasant arrangement of the Spirit, you can start a conversation:

- Dear, I want to ask you something about male psychology. You noticed that I generally stopped screaming at you or grumble, and for three months I have been using the tactics of neopnia?

- Yes, what's the matter?

- The fact is that I solved: if I'm angry or strongly dissatisfied with you, it doesn't make sense to yell on you anyway. If you really are wrong with something, then, shining and spoiling you a mood, I will only aggravate the situation. After all, in a bad mood you are no longer able to do something useful. Right? What do you think?

And now you need to carefully listen to the opinion of your husband about how it is really important and useful never to yell on it and always behave tactfully and delicately. Of course, it is important to agree with him - he has such a smart man!

And then, when he once disrupts and scribbles on you - you first silent and do not scold in response. Well, the maximum is offended, which is quite natural.

When you calm down and come to the peace-loving state of the Spirit - you can start a conversation on the topic "Why it makes no sense to yell on you." Just need to remember one important detail: so that the husband perceive your words and even began to agree - it is necessary to talk to him calmly and respectfully, without reproaching him and not seeking to suppress!

That is, it is important to control your veneer of communication. With my husband, you need to talk not as a guilty child who has to teach good manners, but as an adult, a serious and thinking person who has the right to his opinion.

Otherwise, trying to "go" to her husband or forced him to do everything "as I said" - you will achieve a completely opposite result.

Because it is necessary to do with a person just as you want him to come with you ...

So, in a soft and respectful form, you begin the conversation:

"Dear, I fully agree, sometimes I really behave wrong, and it is very angry with you and annoying. I understand why you shout at me. You do this not to humiliate or offend me, but in order for me I began to behave differently. You do that I am better.

But you understand that, shining on me, you spoil me the mood.

Your shouts I perceive as an insult, it's like me anyway that if you hit me. I also hurt and hurt, I suffer from it. And you are perfectly able to understand me, because if I spoke on you - you would feel the same. Right?

That is why I do not cry at you.

And, in addition, you see how long my mood is spoiled after your screams. I don't want to do anything at all. I disappear the desire to be a good wife and mother. Maybe you should learn to not shout at me? After all, the benefits from this still do not. I would be much more pleasant if you just said in a calm form, when I misinterpret myself, and why don't you like it. And I will try to become better. I will not get up my mood, will not burn energy from stress, and the motivation will really appear. "

With a man with a calm temperament, this method can work perfectly right away. The husband will cease to increase your voice at all.

If you are lucky to a choler's husband with an explosive character - this conversation will have to spend several times. Ultimately, a common sense will return to her husband, and it will begin to restrain his buoy temperament.

If it does not help

If common sense never comes - there is one very simple way.

Think: Your husband would never allow himself to shout on the DPS, who stopped his car. Never, even if the DPSnik knew himself quite a bit (demanded bribes, for example, or spoke different unpleasant things). Your husband just would restrain myself with all my might, tolerated his tricks and even tried to talk politely. Why? Because otherwise, he may threaten serious problems.

Your husband would never allow himself to shout on his boss or business partner. Why? Because otherwise, he would have trouble.

Even the most choleric choleric has the ability to discharge in certain life situations. Because it is important for him!

So you need to make it so that it has been important not to scream at you.

Suppose you speak with your husband about his cries, and he explains that he simply can not stop, he does not have enough strength, conviction or something else.

Then you can ask what could convince him. After all, if he continues in the same spirit - one day you will have nerves, and you will require a divorce. In principle, the husband is afraid of this, but can not realize the mind.

It can offer, for example, a fine in fairly large size. Patterns are fined, so why don't you have right? :) After all, it is much better just to finish your husband, instead of yelling on him in response.

If the fines do not act - it can perfectly worry the floor washing or washing. Shouted once - went washing dishes. Shouted twice - you will have to wash the floors. On the horse your calm and salvation from the divorce. You understand - a serious thing!

A woman is really much easier not to yell on her husband. Her psyche several times perfect psyche of a man. When she becomes a mother, she has to wake up several times overnight to feed and plan to pee a baby. And she does it completely calmly. Men are not capable of such, their psyche is not so flexible.

Therefore, to teach her husband to tactfully behave with his wife only, using a smart approach to his weak and inflexible psyche.

Let's make a conclusion. What did we come to?

Yes, you can raise my husband. You can teach it not to raise your voice. And you can even teach him to do something for you. But it is real only when you know how to educate yourself so that your character becomes flexible and perfect.

Education of a husband is first of all upbringing yourself!

Well, about how to cause a husband a desire to help his wife, take care of her, to do what she needs. For example, serve a coat, bring products from the store, prepare dinner, sit with children, and invite a wife on dates. And so that he makes such things without additional requests and persuasion.

We will talk about it in the article

Success stories

How to return a lost her husband and his love!

In today's success story, our cadet does not just boast how she returned her husband, but will show you on specific examples, how and what she did for this.

"... The task seems to be simple, because a person I am sociable, but I have been tightened at me for 7 months. I began to seem to be bad, I went to the theater circle and met there with the head of the sales department of one large firm, we communicate with I still have been good friends.

Asked a colleague to introduce her not married familiar. He went on a date with him, he was late, "while I waited - I met another young man. It turned out to be a rather successful entrepreneur.

From solid men in the shopping center saw a deputy of our city Duma, he learned him from the election campaign, came up and met. Invited for coffee, it turned out, engaged in supporting small businesses in our city and is ready to help in business development.

Let's go to a restaurant with a girlfriend. A man came up to get acquainted, he talked to him, his girlfriends ignored him. He left, and after a while the waitress came and said that the man had already paid for our table. Pleasantly...

All new acquaintances began to care for me, and then the full Rowing room and the newly arrived for me of love that threw her husband was returned. With him, I did not live at that time for two months (I tried all your advice on the return of the thickened husband and passing eight weeks of course, I decided to use the removal method) ... "

That's right, the method works fine if the husband has long forgotten that his wife is value. It is worth it only to show his man in the form of a mass of the boyfriend - as he immediately seeks to return to himself such a precious woman :).

"... After the return of the husband in the first week of reconciliation, I got pregnant. This is a real miracle, because preceded this 5 years of unsuccessful attempts and treatment.

At my girlfriend's wedding, I liked one of the guests, and he actively cared for me, despite the fact that the husband was near. I used your advice, poured oil into the fire, built eyes. And then told her husband that this guest was completely lost conscience, so unscrupulously flirting with me, you just need to turn away ...

At the end of the evening, Guest admitted to love and told her husband that he had a real treasure! After this, the husband literally wore a few weeks ... "

The old instinct works perfectly well, and if someone tells her husband that his wife is a real treasure - he immediately believes in it. And starts to wear on hand :).

Please note how our cadet made everything competently, causing a healthy jealousy in the husband.

"... Thanks Oksana for your wonderful course, your books and newsletters. I believe that these materials should read every woman! They are so many truth written by simple, accessible every language.

I opened you for myself a year ago. And it would not be just a year - there was no such jerk in the development of my personality. Of course, to perfection still practicing and practicing. I reread your books 6-7 times, first to realize everything written, and now I reread in order to refresh in memory and apply these capital truths in life.

Now I am pregnant, I really hope that I will have a daughter, and I can transfer her knowledge and ideas about the world of relationships. It is noteworthy that I got pregnant during the period when I started doing at your course. Before that there were five years of fruitless attempts - apparently God did not give a baby, because I had nothing to give him. "I'm now" and "I'm a year ago" - these are two different people.

Thanks again, Oksana, for your works !!! "


If you want to return a man, or his love for you. If you want to become a valuable and expensive woman for him. If you want him to wore you on hand -

And together with us every day you will develop new and useful qualities in yourself!

If you decide that your husband does not have enough attention to you attention, does not jealous to the representatives of the opposite sex, then you need to act - apply a couple of tricks, in order to seduce your husband and return the same love!

So that the husband began to jealous, you need to make your relationship with more acute, and joint nights are unforgettable. The main thing is to reasonably use the recommendations below, in order not to worsen the position!

  1. Stop being an open book for your husband, stop telling him everything you need and do not. In communication hint at certain intimate details of your past, give the missing sharpness relations.
  2. Do not learn about each meeting and each call, answer gently and ambiguously, but do not arrange hysteries, worsen your position.
  3. Talking the phone barely audible, if possible, remove to another room, the main thing, do not replay, so that the husband did not rush to the disassembly and did not make a scandal with each other or colleague.
  4. When the husband is ringing - try longer not to take the phone, let him think, why are you busy. But at the same time it should not be heard of men's voices in the background, in order not to bring serious suspicions.
  5. Take yourself by self-education, more often be busy, less often appear home, exercise, which will allow you to hone your figure, increase self-esteem, enhancing the jealousy of the spouse every day.
  6. Make your appearance, make a massage, wellness procedures, change the image, visit the beautician - let the husband do not forget what you are beautiful, and that it is stupid to leave you without attention for a long time.
  7. Help your husband in Intyma, come up with this significant reason, but do it carefully, so that my husband did not go left, then you will have to jealous and cry!
  8. Returning home, buy a bouquet of flowers, but at home, say that I gave a friend and do it more often, just do not come to your eyes familiar who can open your little secret.
  9. Be changeable, it is not worth it all the time to demonstrate your ardent love and drill from her husband, let it sometimes be slightly impregnable or cold, snatch his nerve.
  10. And finally, tell my husband with a broken voice that you have another, and then dare and say that it was a joke. Let for a few seconds, but the trick will work, and the wave of rage will cover it with his head.

When love goes, her place is ruling. She settles in the heart. Nothing to do this feeling with love. Jealousy is destruction, and love is creation.

If the feeling of jealousy covered someone in the family, then wait for trouble. The family will disintegrated. Jealousy crashes everything on his way, without feeling neither feeling nor emotion, nor the dignity of man.

Why does this emotion arise, which takes control of the behavior of spouses? Of course, not because of great love.

The girl tries to be attractive. She does not want at all so that extra kilograms hid her beautiful shape and prevented the active familiar life.

For this, beauty is elected, visits fitness, trying to diversify his free time, playing tennis or making a bicycle walk. The girl is beautiful, intelligent, active.

She has many friends and she is the soul of the company. Who will not like this creation? The guy is crazy about her. Love and respect for her leads to marriage. Young married couple is happy for a whole month, because he was truly "honey". He will remember the wedding travel.

What happens in a month? A young spouse does not want to change his habits. She still visits training and wants an active life. Twice a week she comes home late in the evening, lingering in the gym.

At the weekend it is planning with friends to the picnic to the picnic, persuading the way of his spouse to make a trip to nature. Only here, he is lazy. So much interesting in the computer and on the TV.

Why do you need this picnic, and even in such a heat? Upon returning home, the girl a lot and fun talks about the ride out of town.

You always wanted to be with her together. She also passed the year, and you walk on different paths. She is with friends, and you are the TV. Are you not interested in what your young wife spends his free time? What if you are no longer interested in her? You have a beer tummy, and she flies everything like a butterfly.

That's right, you need to climb into her phone and read SMS, also call calls. It is necessary to look at the page in the social network. Little still so that she gets any private gifts and emoticons. Did you find a lot of interesting things? - Well done. Now what? And now it is necessary to draw conclusions and work on yourself, and not to play "Tanks".

Most often, the conclusions are not made in favor of the family. From the husband sounds reproaches that the wife attracts men of sports physique that it constantly disappears somewhere until the evening. Of course, why does she need such a simple hard worker with a tummy, who just wants to lie calmly or sit after a working day.

Jealousy provoked a scandal in a young family. The husband is trying to defend his pride, causing a sense of guilt from his wife. Love has long passed from him. He is a poor and unhappy, and she is a star that would not bother to return to Earth.

It stimulates pride, understated self-esteem and laziness. Love happens by itself. To preserve it in the family, you need to work on yourself and above the general new home, hereinafter - the family.

Incredible facts

How to turn your head with a man and fall in love with him to mind? Surely every woman asked this question at least once in life.

But the most faithful way is that it makes a man insanely to miss you. That is how psychologists say.

How to turn his head

"The absence causes the heart to think," the old saying says. And it is true. If you want the man who you like, lost your head from you, first of all, make it bored much. Let him feel that you are terribly lacking.

He can be your husband or friend who likes you insanely; He can be a former guy with whom you want to reunite; Or he is a new acquaintance, with whom you want to build a strong relationship, if your goal, be with this man, let him get careful for you.

How to make a man miss you

There are several ways to do it. First of all, remember what to do it, play, easily and beautiful.

So, no matter who is the object of your sympathy, follow this instruction from fifteen faithful steps. Make him bored for you!

1. Stop communicating with him

When you miss someone, you will agree, it is difficult to refuse to communicate with this person on your own accord.

It is quite natural that you have a need for daily communication, sometimes even to hang on the phone or in chat.

But if you want a man really started to miss you, you must "leave." Do not call him, do not write messages and even more so, do not turn it out by these messages in social networks.

Just disappear!

If you constantly appear in his life, quite reasonably and naturally, he just does not have time to miss you. Let a man understand that he is missing you, let him feel that he is bad without you.

Most likely, when you stop contacting him, call or write, the object of your sympathy will be given by the question, where you and what is with you, and why you suddenly disappeared.

So, the rule is the first - evaporate, stop contacting, disappear from its life. For women, this is a very difficult task, because they like to constantly communicate with men who are not indifferent to them.

The man is much easier to transfer the separation, but even despite this, most likely, if a woman is not indifferent to him, very soon he will be lacking. Therefore, if you want to hook a man, be sure to try this tactics!

2. Make him wait

If you look like most women, then you have an insurmountable desire with speed lightning response to calls and SMS.

When the object of your sympathy calls or sends you a text message, your first reaction is to respond to you, especially if you have been waiting for a long time to appear. This is the main mistake of most of the most beautiful sex representatives.

Do you really think that if you make him wait too long, he will evaporate or lose interest to you? This is definitely not so. And what's the result? You lightly respond to his message or call.

But at that moment a man can have a feeling that you just sit at your phone, waiting for it to recall you. And he correctly guesses!

Remember that men are in their essence hunters, they like to seek a woman. Responding to him at the speed of light, you simplify this very hunt. He just becomes uninteresting. After all, you are easy to preach.

Therefore, wait a pause, walk, go to the store, Street with girlfriends Well, or just look at your favorite movie, and only then answer the call or message.

Someone these little games will seem too stupid, funny and funny, however, so simple tricks really work, they make a man think about you and bored. Therefore, patience to help you when it comes to a call or message as quickly as possible.

How to interest a man

3. Always complete the conversation first

So, the man of your dreams called you, and you, waiting for some time (see the second point above), finally answered him.

And here the rule No. 2 comes to the game: you should always first finish the conversation. Try to first write "to tomorrow", "good night" or other phrases that mean farewell.

Make sure that you first hung up or sent text with good night wishes. The purpose of this trick is to make it want more.

As a rule, it is the inaccessibility of a woman who plays a key role in the fact that a man has a desire to have it. Remember that for your nature a man -ochcons, and everything that is inaccessible to them automatically causes their interest.

And although the conversation is always very difficult to finish the conversation, "If you like a man, I want to communicate with him as long as possible," it's necessary. Believe me, so you incite his desire and make him want you more.

Most likely, a man will soon want to contact you again, and you will have another chance to talk, but communication will already be on the initiative of the man himself.

How to attract the attention of men

To interest a man, a woman needs a light halo mystery around him. Excessive activity in social networks quickly and correctly destroys this mystery, making your life available for everyone.

To expose to everyone's review, a personal life has long ceased to be something strange and unusual.

But if you are too active user on social networks, it may not play your hand when it comes to a relationship with a man.

The Council of Contemporary Girls will be as follows: Do not update statuses too often, limit the number of photos that you share, and, of course, try not to hang online 24 hours a day.

Many girls after passing test or quiz are divided into Facebook obtained results. Should not be doing that. This can be a very annoying factor for all those who are at this moment on the network.

In addition, you do not need to communicate with your young man in social networks. If he publishes status or post photos, do not comment on them and do not put likes.

Try not to immediately view the messages that he throws you. Support the image of a person who is too busy to constantly sit on social networks, and even more so, wait for messages from a man.

Such a cold attitude on your part may seem difficult task, because it is so cute on the last photo in Instagram, however, try to follow this advice. So the likelihood that a young man falls into your love networks is significantly increasing.

5. Select the fragrance that will remind a man about you

Have you ever caught yourself on the fact that some smell reminds you of a particular person, place or event?

It may be a light flavor of perfume, which returns you to a certain time in your life. This is because our sense of smell is inseparably associated with memory.

For this reason, odors will always be associated with various memories that keep our brain.

If you want a man to miss you, do so that he remembered your smell. It is possible to decide on perfumery, choose "your" smell and be sure to wear this particular smell when you meet with the object of your sympathy.

Be sure that the man will remember what aroma comes from you, and every time he will feel it, your image will arise before his eyes.

A good idea will also splash a few perfumes near the place of his stay or his office. But it is necessary to do it carefully and unnoticed so that it will in no case guess what you did. To be obsessive in such a matter of absolutely nothing to do.

6. Dilute the relationship with mystery and surprises

Mystery attracts, and your boyfriend is also no exception.

If you want a man to miss you, and he did not take you, envelop yourself with a halo of mystery. Despite the fact that you can tell a lot about yourself, keep some secrets with you, you do not need to issue all the information about yourself immediately.

Your goal is to make a man wander to you? Then you do not need to share the history of your life for one sitting.

Remember that guys do not want to know everything at once. Girls are attracted by the girls who want to solve. An open book is few people like. In fact, it is because of this, many men lose interest in the object of their sympathy.

In addition, it will never hurt to surprise him with his spontaneity. Ask him to do something unexpected. Invite it to an unusual dinner or suggest trying something completely new and interesting.

New adventures will always come to quite by the way. A man does not like when it is bored. It is necessary to keep it in a tone, constantly something to interest.

If it is interesting for him to be close to the girl, he will definitely be lacking for her when she won't be near.

7. Throw it to him that resembles you

It is quite natural that when you like a man, you want your image as often as possible flashed in his head.

There are some tricks, thanks to which you can periodically remind yourself. To one of such tricks, for example, belongs to the forgotten "accidental" thing. But it is thanks to some small detail that your man can remember you.

Surely you ever cleaned the room and found something that instantly took you into the past in a certain situation. Surprisingly, the force has an ordinary tiny object.

So, the Council will be as follows: Make a bet to leave a small memory about yourself. For example, "Forget" in the rear seat of his car or his home has his hairpin, a handkerchief or another insignificant thing, at the form of which it instantly remembers your existence.

When he suddenly sees an earring, hair clip or your handkerchiefs, your image immediately comes to mind, and he wants to see you even more than before.

However, do not replay: do not, for example, leave your toothbrush or other items related to intimate hygiene. Such things, do not add to the halo of attractiveness, and even on the contrary, will undoubtedly call him panic.

How to interest Guy

8. Always leave it wishing to something more

Even if you feel the taste of something tasty, you will always want another taste.

The same applies to the opposite sex. As mentioned above, in nature, men are hunters and wish to have the fact that they cannot easily get easily.

Therefore, if you immediately give a man on a saucer what he wants, he will quickly lose interest in you. Let him fight for you and knows that you do not get it easy and simple.

You, in turn, be a bit of coquette, flirt, communicate, but do not led it all and immediately on the scenery.

For example, it is definitely not worth allowing you to kiss yourself on the first date, not to mention the fast sex.

Make it conquer and conquer you gradually, step by step. Let your love become a reward to him, and not a thing that he will easily receive a finger click.

Only, he will appreciate you and as a person, and as a woman. If you at least complicate a little path to your heart, believe it will be only a plus. A truly man will be interested in conquer such a woman.

9. Do not be always too for it available.

Even when you have already got the heart of your man, you should not relax.

But you agree, it is very difficult to miss a person who is 24 hours a day in your field of view.

If you are accessible to your man constantly, believe me, even the strongest feelings can noticeably fade. If he sees you, or you answer all his phone calls and messages with regular accuracy, he will simply have no time to miss.

Instead of constantly spending together all evenings and weekends, distracted from each other. Get out sometimes with friends or friends. Detach the time to yourself.

Thus, you will kill two hares at once: make a man bored, plus he realizes what besides him, you may have other hobbies and interests that automatically makes a woman more attractive.

Also, even if your man will have time to their affairs.

Do not worry about what he enjoys over a free time. At first, your man can like it, but ultimately he wants to spend time with you. He will begin to miss the girl who he likes.

Give him a few personal space and highlight your personal time. It will make you look in your boyfriend's eyes more confident. So he will understand that you do not cling to a man, but are a very independent person.

The guys really like when the girl in which they are interested is not focused only on the guys.

Believe me if you start using a similar strategy, he himself will soon appear and call you to chat.

10. Cut the time with friends, but share happy moments with a man.

This advice can contradict the previous one. But here the main thing is to catch a thin nuance: when you spend time separately (for example, with friends), share funny or pleasant moments with your man.

It is very important that he knew and understood that you could be good, fun and without it.

After you spend some time away from your man, he will be pleased that you spend time and without it well, however, will also begin jealous.

This can be an excellent strategy if you want to fall in love with a potential partner even more and hook it.

Believe me, very soon it will not be enough you. If he sees how well you spend time, he wants to become part of your overall adventure.

Guys-derise creatures. As soon as they see that girls are fun without them, they immediately activate.

Remember that men love eyes. The visual effect is very important for them. Show him something good and beautiful and you will see that he immediately picks up the initiative. This will be his next step.

Why does the husband change his wife, and how can I avoid treason? What to do so that the husband does not change? How to react if you learned that you change? Is it worth forgiving infidelity? These questions ask themselves many women around the world. We also decided to discuss them with you and analyze the advice of more experienced wives who are often given on the Internet.

Why does a husband change?

Many explain the treason of men by the fact that the majority of men are polygama in nature, that is, can not constantly love one woman. Of course, this point of view has the right to exist, but in no case justifies the tendency of a man to treason. Since people differ from animals precisely what they know how to think and make decisions.

It all depends on how much the spouse can understand such a man. So if you think that single cases of treason are not a reason to destroy a strong and durable alliance, then you can and serve a couple of cases of deception. But if you do not forgive treason, you will most likely not be able to understand her husband. Here everyone makes a decision independently.

Often treason is due to the fact that the man is uncomfortable in the family. The reasons may be more than enough. For example, the wife does not pay her husband attention. It doesn't matter why it happens. The spouse can be occupied by household issues, solve health problems, experience other difficulties. But that the husband does not change, the wife should have time to pay attention and to him, or keep him aware of his problems.

If everything is very serious, of course, a man can understand his wife and try to help her eliminate problems. But often the woman is simply annoyed by trifles, does not speak about the true causes of his bad mood. The situation in the family is glowing to the limit, and sometimes a man just want to unwind, chat with other women who do not shout and are not nervous.

Why does a husband change? Maybe he met a woman who loved? Sometimes it happens that treason from the fleeting smelting develops into feelings. A man in this case may even leave the family. What to do so that the husband does not change? If you are in such a situation? Try to understand the man and let him go. Let him try to live with his mistress. It is said that the best way to return a person is to provide him with complete freedom of action. Then he will understand that this most desirable freedom was not so necessary. By the way, it is quite possible that the life of his mistress will also be not the best, because the passion of passion, and different views even in matters of life kill even the strongest feelings.

Of course, it is impossible to fully insure from treason. But in any case, believe that it is in your family that the world will always reign!

How to make her husband not change you that this can be done so that the husband does not change? The question is quite complicated, and it is not clear how you can change the behavior of an adult. Meanwhile, if you try, you can return the harmony into your relationship. How to do it, find out right now!

First you need to figure out for which the spouse changes you. By the way, it is not always a wife who is different - there are different situations. For example, many men in their kind are essentially polygamy, and from time to time they just want to communicate with other women. True, this does not mean that they instantly cease to love their wives - it's just quite different relationships. Do I need to take this position? It all depends on your views on life.

Sometimes in the treason of her husband, really, the wife is to blame. For example, she does not pay the spouse, refers to it disrespectful. Even the lack of intimate life can provoke treason, because a man who is accustomed to satisfy his needs will look for the opportunity to do it on the side. So be sure to analyze your behavior if you want the husband not to change.

Try to have sex with my husband as often as possible. It is very important in the literal sense to squeeze all the juices from it so that the spouse does not remain on treason. At the same time, you will manage to establish family life and normalize relations.

How to make her husband do not change? If you have steel nerves, you can try such a way that the husband does not change. As you know, the forbidden fruit is sweet. If you are ready to provide a spouse full of freedom of action, do it - let it come. However, most likely, the desire to change will suffer, because the intrigue is lost.

Sometimes treason happens ... from idleness! If you have nothing to do with your husband, so that the husband does not change, come up with some task for him. Let him hang the shelf in the kitchen, comes with the products in the supermarket, replen the washing machine. You can also sign up for any courses, start repair. Any joint activity brings closer.

In some cases, a family psychologist can help. Well, if you manage to persuade your husband to visit such a specialist. He will tell you how to solve the problem, because the habit of constantly changing is not a completely normal phenomenon, and it is necessary to fight with it.

Finally, if you can't endure treason, or all your actions have not led to the desired result, you can just divorce - you will be open to new relationships and be sure to meet your love!

How to cause a husband's interest so that the husband does not change

How to cause a husband's interest in the event that there is a noticeable coldness and alienation in your relationship, and you really want my husband to change? Do not worry, it occurs periodically with all pairs, and here it is important not to panic, and start correcting the situation on time. About how to do it, read on.

So, first it is very important to understand the true reason for reducing interest in your spouse. The fact is that the grounds for such a relationship can be quite serious. For example, without noticing himself, you constantly annoyed and broke out on your loved one - it can lead to a hurt from the spouse.

Perhaps the reason is not at all in you, but in the time that, over time, partners get used to each other, the passion disappears, and a harsh reality comes to shift to which it is necessary to adapt. It is during this period that you can notice my husband that they became uninteresting to each other. True, such a problem is eliminated if you think about how to cause your husband's interest so that the husband does not change.

Talk to your loved one if you are used to telling each other about everything. Find out why you have become uninteresting your spouse that you need to change so that you become to relate to each other with the same warmth. Often, it is so possible to solve family problems, because together the couples find ways to again awaken love in their hearts.

You can try to cause jealousy from a man. Only so that the husband does not change does not need to be opened to flirt with other representatives of the opposite sex. It will be enough just to dress beautifully and consider the model of your behavior, going with her husband to a party or any other event. Be attenuate yourself, a slightly killer - men love to show attention to such women. Your husband will see that you clearly use a success, and he will wake up the hunter instinct, who will wake in him interest in your person. That you achieve.

Try to surprise your husband so that the husband does not change. Does he think that for him you are a book read? In secret from the spouse, sign up for dancing or vocals, and then just hit it with your talent. If you do not know how to cook, ask for help from your mother and bake the pie. We handle, the husband will remain impressed.

Sometimes wake up the feelings helps the short-lasting separation. You can come up with a trip for several days - during this time you will just want to miss each other! And the question of how to cause a husband's interest so that the husband does not change, it will not be for sure. Good luck!

© Oksana Chekhvana
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