Interesting facts about rings. All About Piston Rings The Man Who Defined Saturn's Rings

1. In the old days, people put rings on different fingers for a reason, but with meaning. The ring on the index finger meant that the person was asking for the patronage of Jupiter, which contributed to promotion. The thumb was responsible for the patronage of the god of war - Mars. The goddess of love, Venus, preferred a ring dedicated to her to be worn on the ring finger. 2. By the way, there were funny cases with wedding rings. The French chemist Mary in the 19th century made a sensational discovery - he found iron in the blood. Alas, Mary could not develop his idea, because he planned to give his beloved a ring made of iron extracted from his own blood. The chemist did not calculate and died from the onset of anemia. 3. The wife of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen Bert made history thanks to her engagement ring. This ring on her hand is visible in the world's first x-ray. This photograph was attached to Roentgen's article "On a new kind of rays", which he sent on December 28, 1895 to the chairman of the University's Physico-Medical Society. 4. In the UK, doctors and nurses are not allowed to wear wedding rings. The space under the ring is not disinfected, and sometimes it is very difficult to remove the ring. 5. The smallest wedding ring in the world was made in 1544 for Mary Stuart and presented to her at the age of two. 6. Not so long ago in the UK, with the help of bioengineering technologies, several wedding rings were made, the material for which was human bones. Bone cell samples are taken from the couple who wished to receive such rings. These cells are then grown on special "platforms" shaped like rings. 7. Wedding rings, as it turned out, protect against arthritis and arthrosis. Married people never get arthritis in their ring fingers if they wear a gold wedding ring all the time. 8. Psychologists have determined that in order for a woman to evaluate an unfamiliar man, it is enough to look at him for 45 seconds. She spends ten seconds on the general impression of the figure, eight seconds on the eyes, seven seconds on the hair, ten seconds on the lips and chin, five seconds on the shoulders. And for the last five seconds, the woman examines the engagement ring, if it is worn. 9. Mayakovsky had one of the most unusual wedding rings. He ordered a ring with the initials of his beloved (L.Yu.B. - Liya Yuryevna Brik) If you turn the ring, you could read the word “I love”. He did not part with this ring for a very long time, giving it a certain mystical meaning. 10. In most US states, a bankrupt businessman is required by law to seize all valuables in order to pay his debts. Except for one: a wedding ring. True, if it exists.

An engagement ring is a tricky piece of jewelry! So it is sung in one old song. We agree with this phrase, so we decided to compile a small selection of facts about engagement rings. Hope you enjoy.

At the end of the 15th century, a fashion for rings encrusted with diamonds appeared among wealthy Venetians.

But in Victorian England, wedding rings in the form of a snake with rubies instead of eyes were especially popular. The coiled snake associated itself with infinity.

In the Soviet Union, there was a belief that wedding rings should be without stones. Allegedly, this is to obstacles in the family path. Perhaps the whole thing was a banal deficit. Today, about 70% of brides choose a diamond ring.

If you do not believe in any wedding “signs” and decide not to just have a smooth ring, then we advise you to consider a sapphire. In the language of stones, it symbolizes family happiness. A long and happy marriage, as well as consent between spouses, is personified by aquamarine. Pearls in an engagement ring are best avoided. For some reason, pearls symbolize a tear.

The youngest bride is the daughter of Henry VII. She received a marriage proposal at the age of two. Political marriages, what can I say! I wonder what her engagement ring looked like, and how many there were before marriage.

Wedding rings in the CIS countries are worn on the right hand, in Europe and America - on the left. But in most cases, such a choice does not depend on the location of the couple, but on the religion they profess.

In 99% of cases, the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger. This is due to an ancient belief. Our great-great-great parents thought that it was this finger that was directly connected by blood vessels to the heart. A very romantic version, isn't it?

Remember that a wedding ring is a symbol of love. Your love, so only you decide how it will be! Do not listen to anyone except your soulmate and your heart. Skip past the "folk sayings" and then your wedding will be magical!

The very first material used in the manufacture of piston rings was ductile iron. It is ideally combined with ordinary cast iron. The latter is used in the design of cylinder blocks. Special pores in the structure of cast iron have a positive effect on wear and retain excess oil. In addition to malleable cast iron, ductile iron is also common, which differs from others in its ability to elastic deformation, and this greatly facilitates the installation of rings.

According to their functionality, piston rings are divided into two types: compression and oil scraper. Buy piston rings of any variety and at the most affordable price.

Gas gusts from the combustion chamber should be limited to the first variety. If their position is free, then the inner diameter of the cylinder will be less than the outer one, therefore a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ring is cut off. The cut is the castle.
The second variety is designed to prevent the penetration of the lubricant component into the combustion chamber. They are equipped with slots and are installed lower than the first variety.

The use of narrow rings is a special direction in the design features of quality pistons. Thin varieties are designed to reduce the friction force formed between the rings and the coating of the cylindrical surface. They are also designed to prevent the occurrence of vibrations under the condition of high engine speeds. It is important to take into account one point: such rings can cause early wear due to critical temperatures and forces that affect the walls. The wear process affects the cylinders themselves and the front area of ​​the rings.

The role of a significant parameter when using special pistons is the design feature of the upper rings. Improvement in engine performance can be achieved with the top ring being at the maximum height allowed. This result can be achieved by capturing smaller volumes of non-free gases with the help of a special bridge between the annular elements. If the rings are located extremely close to the peak piston portion, there is a possibility of deformation due to the extreme temperature rise of the thin web above the annular groove.

Under operating conditions of increased rigidity, the upper piston ring and the bridge over the special groove come into action. The main role performed by the upper ring under conditions of high pressure and extreme temperatures is to ensure a quality seal of the working surface. When implemented will be approx. million cycles, an important indicator for the ring will be the ability to seal and maintain elasticity. The named features of piston rings are determined by the production technology and the characteristics of metals. The type of material that is used to make the ring must meet such parameters as low coefficient of friction and wear.

  1. In the old days, people put rings on different fingers for a reason, but with meaning. The ring on the index finger meant that the person was asking for the patronage of Jupiter, which contributed to promotion. The thumb was responsible for the patronage of the god of war - Mars. The goddess of love, Venus, preferred a ring dedicated to her to be worn on the ring finger.
  2. There were also funny cases with wedding rings. The French chemist Mary in the 19th century made a sensational discovery - he found iron in the blood. Alas, Mary could not develop his idea, because he planned to give his beloved a ring made of iron extracted from his own blood. The chemist did not calculate and died from the onset of anemia.
  3. The wife of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen Bertha went down in history with her engagement ring. This ring on her hand is visible in the world's first x-ray. This photograph was attached to Roentgen's article "On a new kind of rays", which he sent on December 28, 1895 to the chairman of the University's Physico-Medical Society.
  4. In the UK, doctors and nurses are not allowed to wear wedding rings. The space under the ring is not disinfected, and sometimes it is very difficult to remove the ring.
  5. The smallest wedding ring in the world was made in 1544 for Mary Stuart and presented to her at the age of two.
  6. Not so long ago in the UK, with the help of bioengineering technologies, several wedding rings were made, the material for which was human bones. Bone cell samples are taken from the couple who wished to receive such rings. These cells are then grown on special "platforms" shaped like rings.
  7. Wedding rings, as it turned out, protect against arthritis and arthrosis. Married people never get arthritis in their ring finger if they wear a gold wedding ring all the time.
  8. Psychologists have determined that in order for a woman to appreciate an unfamiliar man, it is enough to look at him for 45 seconds. She spends ten seconds on the general impression of the figure, eight seconds on the eyes, seven seconds on the hair, ten seconds on the lips and chin, five seconds on the shoulders. And for the last five seconds, the woman examines the engagement ring, if it is worn.
  9. Mayakovsky had one of the most unusual wedding rings. He ordered a ring with the initials of his beloved (L.Yu.B. - Lia Yuryevna Brik) If you turn the ring, you could read the word “I love”. He did not part with this ring for a very long time, giving it a certain mystical meaning. By the way, Lilya Brik survived Mayakovsky by almost half a century.
  10. In most US states, a bankrupt businessman is required by law to seize all valuables in order to pay his debts. Except for one - a wedding ring.

Now you know more :)

In the Middle Ages in Europe in different periods and in different countries, it was customary to wear rings not only on the ring finger, but also on the index, thumb and even the little finger. One of the most original justifications for why it is necessary to wear a ring on the ring finger belongs to the Chinese.

In the US, the average cost of wedding rings is about $2,000, with the cost of the rings representing approximately 10% of total wedding expenses.

Currently, the most expensive engagement ring is considered to be an elite ring adorned with an 11-carat pink diamond, this ring was presented in 2004 by Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias to Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova.

The approximate cost of this ring is 6 million dollars.

In the UK, doctors and nurses are not allowed to wear wedding rings. The space under the ring is not disinfected, and sometimes it is very difficult to remove the ring.

Wedding rings, as it turned out, protect against arthritis and arthrosis. Married people never get arthritis in their ring finger if they wear a gold wedding ring all the time.

The inscriptions Love to the grave or While I love - I hope, and so on were also popular. For some time, half-rings were very popular, which were worn separately by the husband and wife, but only these halves assembled together made up one whole ring, on which some saying was usually written, the most popular was the phrase - United by God, a person will not destroy.

It is noteworthy that in most states, when the owner goes bankrupt, the law prohibits the seizure of wedding rings, regardless of the size of the debt. About 17 tons of gold is spent annually on the smelting of wedding rings in the United States.

In an original way, the engagement ring of the wife of the physicist Roentgen, who discovered radiation, went down in history, later named after him. This ring was featured in the first official x-ray.

By the way, there were funny cases with wedding rings. The French chemist Mary in the 19th century made a sensational discovery - he found iron in the blood. Alas, Mary could not develop his idea, because he planned to give his beloved a ring made of iron extracted from his own blood. The chemist did not calculate and died from the onset of anemia.

It is customary for Jews to put a ring on the bride's index finger.

In the Middle Ages, there was a period when the appearance of wedding rings was very elaborate. The rings often took the form of entwined hands with hearts pierced by Cupid's arrow.

Magical numbers and cabalistic signs were often applied to such rings, for example, the number 3 symbolized faith, hope and love.

The smallest wedding ring in the world was made in 1544 for Mary Stuart and presented to her at the age of two!

Psychologists have determined that in order for a woman to appreciate an unfamiliar man, it is enough to look at him for 45 seconds. She spends ten seconds on the general impression of the figure, eight seconds on the eyes, seven seconds on the hair, ten seconds on the lips and chin, five seconds on the shoulders. And for the last five seconds, the woman examines the engagement ring, if it is worn.

Mayakovsky had one of the most unusual wedding rings. He ordered a ring with the initials of his beloved (L.Yu.B. - Lia Yuryevna Brik) If you turn the ring, you could read the word “I love”. He did not part with this ring for a very long time, giving it a certain mystical meaning. By the way, Lilya Brik survived Mayakovsky by almost half a century.

Not so long ago in the UK, with the help of bioengineering technologies, several wedding rings were made, the material for which was human bones. Bone cell samples are taken from the couple who wished to receive such rings. These cells are then grown on special "platforms" shaped like rings.

In most US states, a bankrupt businessman is required by law to seize all valuables in order to pay his debts. Except for one: a wedding ring. True, if it exists