Interesting New Year scenarios for kindergarten. Scenario of the New Year's Matinee "New Year's Fairy Tale". Specific ideas for the preparation of the main matinee of the year

The new year is the favorite festival of mischievous debt, and the New Year's morning matinee can become his climax. In order for the fairy tale in kindergarten to be fame, it is necessary to consider everything to the slightest smallest things, take into account the age, preferences of kids, pick up a good scenario.

You need to see the poems, songs, dancing in advance, discuss masquerade costumes, but you do not need to be dedicated to the plot of magical acts. The New Year's scenario of the matinee must turn small spectators to participants in the amazing adventures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and, of course, negative characters, without any fairy tale. Here is one of the options.

Scenario of the matinee "Baba Yaga and Lesheli ..."


Snow Maiden, Santa Claus (DM), Snowman, Baba Yaga (BA), Les

Merry melody sounds. Small participants, accompanied by an educator, a chain pass to the hall, where parents are waiting, other invited guests and get a semicircle near the Christmas tree. A snowman appears who will be the lead of this holiday.

I tried, in a hurry,

Snow nodded everything,

So that the Christmas tree sparkle

The lights decorated

Our magic New Year.

Santa Claus is about to come.

And while we are waiting for it,

Long dance bend.

For the New Year's Song, children make two or three rounds of dance, adults can also join. The presenter proposes to consider the Christmas tree, admire the beautiful toys, Mishur. The music is silent, children are seated in places.


Our green beautiful Christmas tree is good. But, as I did not try, the lights do not burn on it. It can be seen, I can not cope with one. Let's call for help the Snow Maiden.

All choir several times:

Sing-gu rod-ka!

Snowman boosts to be loud, fun. If it turns out quietly, let adults are connected.

Snow Maiden appears:

Hello, my little friends! What are you all the elegant, the tree is so beautiful. And the fact that the lights are not burning - not trouble. Let's say together the magic words: "Once, two, three, christmas tree, burn!"

Everything loudly chorus repeat the phrase, the garland turns on. Snowy girl continues:

Here and the Christmas tree sparkles

Santa Claus rushes to us.

Who will read verses to us

Or deftly dance dance?

Children overlook or get up in Lineshek and read the poems prepared in advance. Leading them praises and suggests to dance. Song "Ice palms" or other choice. It is necessary to try to engage in the dance of all children and wishing adults.


How to invent, friends, did the Grandfather Frost be lost? Let's call him together.

All is the name of Santa Claus.

By the melody of the chastushki "grandcomms" from the cartoon "Flying Ship", a colorful couple appears: Baba Yaga and Leshe. They drag a huge bag with gifts. In fact, it is filled with small air or other light white balls. Baba Yaga on the head Kokoshnik. Her companion has a white beard, a red cap, in the hands of the staff.

Snow Maiden:

And who are you?

I'm a Snow Maiden, and this is my grandfather. Here we have a bag with gifts and kids we can merge. Under the song "Tell me, Snow Maiden, where there was" Their cartoon "Well, wait" begin to dance and actively invite children to take part in general fun.

Suddenly, the music is silent. At this time, the snowman approaches the bag, unlocks it and pouals the contents.

In the bag of snowball instead of gifts! They deceived us and their staff is not real.

No, real! We grandmother gave him him when I decided to take a nap in the woods under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

So you enchanted my grandfather, and he confused our Christmas tree with a forest beauty? Children, help the wizard! Let's play in the snowball, he will feel like we have fun, and will rather find the road.

Snow battle.

Two assistants in suits of hares or bumps by this time were collected by the scattered balls and divided into two equal parts. Children are also divided into two teams. The playing field is divided by a rope, a ribbon, any stripe. Teams are arbitrarily arbitrarily from two sides from the line and try to transfer the maximum number of "snowballs" into the enemy territory.

Snowman and Snow Maiden boil players. After 3-5 minutes, we define the winner, awards with candy or small prizes. The loser team also gets incentive prizes. Children are seated in places.

At this time, any New Year melody also begins to sound quietly santa Claus appears with the words:

I hurried to the Christmas tree to children,

But accidentally dug.

Seen led tried

And I enchanted me.

He is without a bag, in his hands instead of a leg of a broom on a long handle. Lessel with Baba Yaga show anxiety, shushkuchi. Trying to hide the bag and staff.

And the truth, the leached here, and even with her girlfriend Baba Yaga. Well, give, robbers, my staff is magical, which is fraudulent by lured! Take your broom, bone leg, fly into your hut in the curiy legs, and a friend take.

We refund staff, if you can guess three riddles.

Frightened! Guess your riddles! My little friends are clicked like nuts. Do you help guess guys?

After the affirmative response, Baba Yaga is voiced by riddles, children choir say the answer, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, thank them and treat sweets.

Mystery number 1:

Who are prickly, but not hedgehog?

Tinsel, balls and rains

Fun glittering in needles.

From the forest came to us ... (Christmas tree).

Mystery number 2:

Mystery number 3:

No frozen nose-carrot,

He got used to the cold.

Spring will come - melts.

Who is this? .. (Snowman).

Well, it is necessary, all guess!

Yes, kids, thanks! Recovered grandparents with their mind and smelting. Give, Baba Yaga, Magic Staff, take a broom and fly yourself. (Change with staff and broom).

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, you can not let these cheat, they have a bag with gifts.


Return Immediate Gifts or Santa Claus will turn you into icicles!

Okay, we will refund your gifts if the kids can show what kind of clever and bold.

Eka Task! Yes, these girls and boys of any kind of belt will shut up. Show Forest Surfaces What are we capable of? And for the warm-up - dance. Raise, the snowman of our beauties and heroes and let go to dance.

Everyone is dancing for any funny melody and after a while they are cleared around the places. During this time, assistants prepare inventory for contests. You will need 2 chairs, 2 pairs of small skis, "icicle" of silver foil. A snowman manages holding contests, and Santa Claus and Snow Maiden award the participants of the candies, trying to do anyone.

Magic icicle.

To music, children get up in a circle and transmit to each other an icicle. The music is periodically interrupted, and the one who at this moment was Sosyk, tells the poem, sings, dancing or at least corticulates a funny grimace.

Ski race.

Participants are divided into two teams and get a pair of short children's skis. Opposite each team at some distance is installed in the stool. Owing ski, you need to stay down the chairs, return and transfer the next to the next. Perhaps the kids will need adult assistance.

New Year's garland.

You will need two chairs and the same commands. The first participants, having heard the signal, run, envelp the chair, returning to their team, fond of the hand of the next and do the same together. Then the third participant is added to the chain, the fourth, so to the last player. It is necessary to run, holding hands, breaking the "garland" it is impossible.

Everyone diverges in places, assistants remove the inventory.

Well done, tried, have funned old man! Baba Yaga, Love, Carry the bag. Children of gifts came on.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, they escaped and the bag with gifts took themselves.

Not trouble, granddaughter! Magic staff with me, it means that the point is corrected. At the same time, and the evil spirits will decold. And once, and two, and three! My glorious staff, wonders are creative! (Trips hit the floor three times).

Baba Yaga appears, the slave and return the bag by Santa Claus. Their appearance has changed. Lesnik's shaped female. Baba Yaga with makeup, in a coquetty tied handkerchief.

I'm not completely left, but the forester. I will protect the nature, mushrooms to teach the mind, the trees are new to plant.

I also thought and gathered in my hut restaurant open. I will be tired travelers and buns to sweeten.

Well, fine! And we invite guests to work out near our beauty-Christmas trees and get gifts from Grandfather Frost.

During the dance, the performance heroes say goodbye to the small participants in the New Year's fairy tale and present gifts.

We offer the option of a children's New Year's holiday with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the program includes riddles, active contests, songs and dance entertainment.

New Year's holiday script for children of different ages- Universal, fascinating and very cheerful, it is easy to organize and spend in any team, especially since musical accompaniment is attached (thanks to the author!)

Scenario of the New Year holiday

The phonogram enters the Hall of Snow Maiden, inspects a beautiful tree, a bright hall and draws attention to children.

Snow Maiden:


Happy holiday, my little friends!

You recognized me? Remember who I am?

Children (chorus): Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Right, Snow Maiden!

And I came to the defector,

So, the holiday is in the yard!

All meet New Year,

Lead a friendly round

Waiting for gifts all and a miracle.

Well, today it will be!

Children's New Year Skalka "So as not to freeze ..."

In the fairy tale, New Year's Eve will plunge

But first - I will laugh and lament!

So that we do not freeze in the evil frost -

Keep soon handles for your nose! (Snow Maiden shows)

So that with the doctors there was not a twist -

Try here so frozen cheeks! (shows)

So that the handles do not frozen - clap! (slaps in your hands)

Now we warm the legs and swell (shows)

And a neighbor is a little snatching (Snow Maiden affectionately tickles a few guys)

And, of course, mercy together together! (ha ha ha)

And now, since you walked, I have a question:

Who will add all fun?

Children (Choir): Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Yes, Santa Claus we really need us,

Let's call him all together, friendly: "Grandfather Frost!"

Children (Choir): Santa Claus!

(for download - click file)

Under the song "Well, of course, Santa Claus" comes out of Santa Claus himself. He welcomes everyone, inspects the Christmas tree, the Snowball rack, throws the serpentine, clapper slaps, etc. (Then the program Snow Maiden and Santa Claus lead together)

Santa Claus: Grandchildren again I'm glad

After all, we are not celebrating the new year,

And having met that a friend is spoken?

Good, simple word "Hello"!

Guys, where is the Snow Maiden my fidget? Here she was, look!?

(Snow Maiden hides behindSanta Morozom And he says to the left, on the right: "I'm here").

Santa Claus: Oh, Snow Maid - Najnitsa, stolen? Stop!

Waiting for gifts, congratulations in the hall all the guys!

Although, probably, girls and local boys

Same as you, ledge and chali?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, isn't it starting the holiday? Guys did not see you for a whole year, I waited for the meetings, and you declare them from the threshold that they most likely somehow do wrong ..

Santa Claus: Yes, I was kindly dressed only a little, well, well, I'll ask them themselves. Pissile children, you probably are terrible halubs?

(for download - click file)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, everyone knows that you are a kind wizard.

Santa Claus: Yes. And I will say to you honestly: do good wonders and make all sorts of transformations - it is so interesting.

Snow Maiden:But is it such a complex - magic?

Santa Claus: Nothing like this. Here let's try to turn into a beast or bird.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how, grandfather?

Santa Claus: Very simple. Only the guys need to be more closely. I will pronounce magical words, i.e. Saw a song, and you guys, after the Snow Maiden and I will repeat the magic movements. And so you will turn into a little animal or bird. Clear?

Active game "Transformation No. 1 - Zoo"

(The smallest children are chosen. They go in a circle each other and repeat the movements for D.M. and Snow Maiden on the motive of the song "About the grasshopper")

(for download - click file)

Here is a snowy winter, a chapherd forest of the Forest, stealing gray ...wolf

Imagine, imagine a scaffolding forest

Imagine, imagine a gray wolf

In Australia, a distance, on a hill, low on a hill low so jumps ... kangaroo

Imagine, imagine - on the hill low

Imagine, imagine - so jumps kangaroo

Under the foam Sedoy, under blue water under blue water, so floats ... dolphin

Imagine, imagine - under blue water

Imagine, imagine - Dolphin swims

From the balcony on the arbor, and from the lantern on the branch and from the lantern on the branch flies ...sparrow

Imagine, imagine - and with a leaf on a branch

Imagine, imagine - the sparrow flies

Dancing from the Berloga and do not regret the legs and do not spare the legs so to ... bear

Imagine, imagine - and do not regret the leg

Imagine, imagine - so my bear

Santa Claus: And now we can make any magic more complicated.

(other participants from kids are selected)

Active game "Transformation No. 2 - Orchestra"

(There is a song, and children along with D.M. and Snow Maiden depict the game on musical instruments - pipe, violin and drum).

(for download - click file)

Santa Claus: Even so that the wizard makes all sorts of transformations, you need to be a little imagine.

Snow Maiden: Why, grandfather, still teases - "Imagine the tail has pressed"?

Santa Claus: I'm talking about those people who can imagine, i.e. Imagine anything. Listen to my story and imagine. Only first need to choose assistants to us - 7 people. and additionally 4-6 people. On the role of snowflakes.

(Selectable, desirable, adult viewers for the role: bees, Winnie Pooh, Wolf, and hare, Cheburashka and crocodile genes, Cat Leopold and Snowflakes. All characters wear masks and everyone goes under their phonogram, instead of a barrel with honey-air balloon ).

Children's New Year's fairy tale - Imprompt "Imaginary"

There was a snow maiden. And she went to the meeting of the New Year. The weather was wonderful. Light snowflakes circled in the air. And here hears the Snow Maide buzz. "It's probably someone else's fly - I thought Snow Maiden. True, this flies bee named Maya and keeps meadow keg in his paws. A beyle to the Snow Maiden, gives her a barrel of honey and says: "Hoping, Snow Maiden, his friends." And herself flew away. Only she flew away, how the Snow Maiden hears, someone is a rotary breath and Kryakhtit: "Wow, Wow. And this Winnie Pooh. Winnie the Pooh approached the Snow Maiden and says: "Hoping me with a computer, Snow Maiden." Only he said that, as, suddenly the hare was running, and behind him, the wolf hooligan and shouts: "Well, hare, wait!" Raissed the hare with a wolf, honey also want. And then the knock wheel - Tu. Rides a blue car, and on it ... Cheburashka and crocodile gene, and say: "And we, too, leave the honey." There was noise and gams, everyone screams: "I, I, I". Snow Maiden was confused that a little barrel of honey did not drop out of hand. It is good that at that time a good cat came up in home slippers and with a bow on her neck and said: "Guys, let's live together!" And then we divide all the naked porovna. The beasts were ate sweet honey and shook his hands away from joy. Like this!

Dance under Kushacom

Santa Claus: Yes, you imagined you noble, I want to see what dancers you are.

(Guys come out) The dance is declared under my susaka. You need to go under the music under the cut back and back, dancing. Kushak will gradually descend the lower and lower, but it cannot be concerned.

(Participants are selected for a dance competition or everyone who wants, as well as adult assistants who will keep Kushak. Originality of dance).

Santa Claus: And what kind of Christmas tree you have a beauty. Immediately you can see what they were preparing for the meeting of the New Year. Did you feed the tree yourself? Do you know what to dress up? Now check. I will offer different decorations, and you include your imagination, but be careful, tell me in response, if you decorate the Christmas tree, then "yes", and if you do not decorate, then "no"

What we need to dress up all of us exactly know

And what can and what is not - immediately guess:

Balls, beads and toys? (Yes)

Pies, compote and drying? (Not)

Serpentine and tinsel? (Yes)

Skates, skis and game? (Not)

Multicolored garlands? (Yes)

And snowflakes are light? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: And now Grandfather Frost will sing a song about the Christmas tree, only I need your help. You need to sing in the chorus such words: "like, like a Christmas tree - Beauty!" Let's say it.

(everyone sing at a given pace)

Song "Christmas tree - Beauty"

(A version with the vocal of Santa Claus's vocals is played for the chorus with children)


In the center of the hall just Divo increased beauty

Well, tell me, guys, do you like the Christmas tree? - 2 times

Chorus (all together):

Like, like a Christmas tree - Beauty - 2 times

On the branches of her shaggy so many Pystroy Mishura

Cutting bell, multicolored balls - 2 times

Chorus .

In a warm hall, the snow does not melt, it happens in the new year

And lead the guys in the hall near the tree of the city - 2 times

Santa Claus : We will continue the holiday, we will play with you. And for this you need to create two teams - team D.M. And the Snow Maiden team for 10 people. In each and two adults in each team for the safety net.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


The main thing in any children's holiday is the expectation of a miracle, unexpected surprises. Whatever the new year script you did not choose - a fairy tale with adventures, New Year's carnival or a bright concert, it is important that the entire kindergarten kindergarten with pre-holiday mood is preparing for his holding and the New Year's miracle would happen!

So, gifts are purchased, the festive table covers, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden is ready, the script is increasing. Enthusiast karapuses in bright costumes are ready to meet Santa Claus and New Year.

And finally, the long-awaited matinee comes.

Scenario of the New Year's Matinee "In the Magic Forest under the New Year" for children 5-6 years older group of kindergarten


  • Leading
  • Lisuk
  • Zhenosok
  • Belchonok
  • Wise Owl
  • Snowman
  • Baba Yaga
  • Red Cat
  • Old Man-Borovik
  • Santa Claus
  • Snow Maiden

New Year's matinee begins with the sound of a New Year's song performed by kids.

The center of the hall is leading.

Leading: Hello, dear friends! I am very glad to see all of you on our New Year holiday! What are you all today beautiful and elegant guys! And not only elegant, but also fun. So, you are ready for contests, surprises, games, adventures and fabulous journey to the magic forest. The day today was just wonderful: frost and sun! So let's be having fun! Stop in a circle, start driving a dance and sing a song for our beauty-Christmas tree!

Children lead the dance and sing the song "The Little Christmas tree is cold in winter ...". After that, the kids are seated in places.
A chanterelle, bunny and bobcones run into the hall.

Chanterelle: Hi guys! Did you find out me? I'm chanterelle!

Bunny: Hello! And I am a bunny!
Belchonok: Hi friends! I am a bobbyon!

Chanterelle: So I came to Zimushka-Winter. Very soon the wonderful holiday will come in the year - New Year!

Bunny: His grandparents and his granddaughter, Snow Maiden. And every obedient and kind child they will bring gifts!

Belchonok: And they go through dark forests ...

Chanterelle: Through huge drifts ...

Bunny: Through impassable swamps ...

Chanterelle: On snow fields ...

Belchonok: But they nor nor a blizzard nor blizzard ....

Bunny: After all, he hurries to you, dear guys! To congratulate all your new year you and give magic gifts!

Lisuk (inspecting the Christmas tree): Oh, children! What a beautiful woman you have a Christmas tree! That Santa Claus will be happy! He likes beautiful yes elegant Christmas trees!

Bunny: And I know the poem about the New Year's Christmas tree! (Refers to the kids.) Do you want to tell? (Tells verse about the New Year tree.)

On shaggy barn paws
Christmas tree in the house brings odor:
The smell of needle heated
The smell of freshness and wind
And snow-covered forest
And a slightly audible smell of summer.

Owl appears in the hall.

Owl: Yeah! Yeah! Is everything ready for the New Year holiday? Are you all ready for a meeting with the grandfather frost and the Snow Maiden?

Children: Yes!

Owl: Then everything is fine! Grandfather Frost hurries to you! He is on the way and will soon be here! Only now I misfortune with him on the way!

Bunny, Belchonok and chanterelle (chorus): What?!

Owl: He made his way through the impassable thicket, and he broke his bag, and all the toys fell out. Only Grandfather Frost so hurried to you for a holiday, which did not notice how toys lost ... I had to go back. And he told you to come to me and a snowman. And so I came to you first, and the snowman was a little behind the way ...

It includes a snowman.

Lisuk (Surprised): And who are you?! Never seen you ...

Snowman: How?! You will not recognize me?! Guys, did you know me?

Children: Yes!

Snowman: Tell me who I am?

Children: Snowman!

Snowman: Right! I am a snowman! I brought you a letter from Santa Claus. Now I read it to you. "My bag broke in the way, and all the gifts fell into the snow. I have to find them! And you meet while my granddaughter Snow Maiden! Do not worry about me! I will be right back! Your Grandfather Frost. "

Lisuk: I wonder how much we will have to wait for Grandfall Frost.

Zhenosok: Something we got bored ...

Belchonok: Then let's play!

Lisuk: No, we will not play! I think about ... Santa Claus is now giving gifts, wants to delight us, give gifts. And what will we give him?

Zhenosok: Let's give the grandfather frost, also give a sweet gift!

Belchonok: Let's! (Takes the basket and folds candy and cookies into it.) That's a gift for Santa Claus. Only where is he himself?! When will he come?!

At this time, noise is heard at the door.

Chanterelle: What is there for noise?

Belchonok: Maybe this grandfather frost goes?

The hall includes Baba Yaga, dressed in the costume of Snow Maiden, and a red cat, decorated with paper snowflakes.

Zhenosok (frightened): And who are you?

Baba Yaga: That's it! Are you not recognizing me? I am Snow Maid, granddaughter Favorite Santa Claus ... And this (showing on the red cat) My girlfriend is a snowflake.

Lisuk (suspicious): Something is not very similar to the Snow Maiden ...

Baba Yaga (waving his hands and inadvertently drops the mask and cap of the Snow Maiden): how not look like?! Very much like! Look more closely.

Belchonok: If you look more attentively, then you really look like ... Guys, tell me who it is? (Showing on Babu Yagu.)

Children: Baba Yaga!

Lisuk (referring to Baba Yaga): I could not deceive us, Baba Yaga! Bunny: What are you angry and tricky, Baba Yaga! I decided to spoil our holiday, right?

Baba Yaga: You have outdated information! I have long been not the tricky and evil, and the good Baba Yaga! Now I'm evil not doing any! Only good deeds Chinu! I'm tired of doing evil. Nobody loves me for it! And for good deeds everyone loves and praise!

Red Cat: All this is true! I am a red cat! I know everything about everyone! Honestly pretentious! And in general, I always tell the truth! Believe me: Baba Yaga kind!

Lisuk (suspicious): Something I can not believe that Baba Yaga was supposed ...

Zhenosok: And I do not believe!

Belchonok (referring to Baba Yaga): I will never believe you for anything!

Lisuk: Why did you suddenly decide to get sick? All about you know about you: you are cunning, evil and harm!

Snowman: And the red cat everyone knows: Famous hand!

Baba Yaga: Here you are doing with me! Well, I'll remember you all! I give you ... I give you ... I have a holiday destroy!

Red Cat (Sweep, shown claws): Sh-sh-sh! Will you be friends with us? Well, it is not necessary! You will find out, we will show you!

Lisuk: Here you are what really turned out!

Zhenosok: And they said that they were supposedly honest!

Belchonok: Go away from here to the Whether to Study!

Lisuk: Retract away!

Belchonok: Leave!

Snowman: Go, go! Oh, you, liar! We wanted to spoil our holiday!

Baba Yaga and Red Cat go. The presenter appears.

Leading: While Grandfather Frost goes to us, let's play the game. It is called "Corrosion".

Kids get up in a circle and pull hands forward. Two leading leads run inside the circle in different directions and are trying to slam the players on the palms. If the players managed to hide their hands, they continue to participate in the game. And those who waged managed to touch, are considered frozen and drop out of the game. The player remains the last.

Leading: Well done boys!

In the hall run away.

Leading: Oh, the bunnies came to visit us! Guys, meet!

Children in bunny costumes perform dance.

Leading: That's what funny bunny came to us on the matinee! Guys, let's congratulate them on the New Year and give gifts! And what do the hares like? Children, do you know what bunnies love most?

Children: Carrot!

Leading: True, carrot! Now I will give every bunny sweet carrot! Come, bunnies here! (Looks into the bag.) Oh, and the bag is empty! There is no single carrot in it! Probably someone stole her ... What to do? You will have to re-type carrots ... Guys, help collect carrots for Zaitsev!

The lead holds the game "Collect carrots". Kids get up in a circle. In a circle, laying carrots, the amount of which is one less than the number of players. While playing music, children go in a circle. As soon as music stops, everyone should grab one carrot. From the game, the one who did not have time to take carrots.

The hall includes owl.

Owl (Emotion): Yeah! Yeah! For help! It happened misfortune! The evil Baba Yaga decided to spoil us a holiday! She wants to smoke the Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden and Old Man Borovik appear in the hall.

Old Man-Borovik: I brought to you the Snow Maiden. She was sitting in a snowdrift in the deaf forest and did not know where to go. Snow Maiden for some reason will not know anyone.

Leading: Sorry for our Snow Maiden! And you, grandfather, who is? Mushroom?

Old Man-Borovik: I am not a mushroom, I am a lovik, the owner of the forest.

Leading: Thank you, good old, that I did not throw our Snow Maiden in the forest! But when will the grandfather frost come? Only he can argue the Snow Maiden!

Old Man-Borovik: While we are waiting for Grandfather Frost, I will shoot the guys. (Referring to the guys.) I will guess you riddles, and you try to solve them.

Older Borovik makes riddles on the forest and animals.

Old Man-Borovik: What are you great guys you guys. All my puzzles were afraid!

Leading: Grandfather Old Man Borovik! In your forest now, probably, a lot of snow marked? This blizzard brought millions of snowflakes into the forest! (The presenter looks at the snowflakes running into the hall.) And here they are!

Snowflakes perform dance.
Then Santa Claus is included in the hall.

Santa Claus: Hello children, adults and beasts! So I came! A little reached! How many guests have gathered for the holiday! And the guys, what are the smartest! I congratulate you all happy new year! .. Oh, and I'm tired! I would sit, relax from the road. Star I became for long journeys. Tried ...

Leading (I will make my santa Claus chair): Here you are, chair, Santa Claus. Sit down, rest! We prepared you a gift! (Gives Santa Claus package with gifts.)

Lisuk: Santa Claus! I misfortune happened!

Zhenosok: Only you can help us out!

Santa Claus: What kind of trouble happened to you?

Belchonok (leads to Santa Claus Snow Maiden): Your granddaughter, Snow Maid, angry Baba Yaga enchanted!

Santa Claus: This is the corrected business! Look! I am now touching the Snow Maiden with my magic staff, she will come to life! (Adopted to the Snow Maiden.)

Snow Maiden: Thank you, Santa Claus, that saved me! Thank you, guys and beasts that they did not throw me in trouble! I want to congratulate all your new year you! Oh, Grandfather Frost, and our Christmas tree is still not lit!

Santa Claus: Now we all together and light it! Well, kids, guys, let's shine loudly: "Once, two, three, a Christmas tree, Gor!"

Children: Once, two, three, Christmas tree, Gori!

Lights on the Christmas tree are lit. Sound applause.

Lisuk: Ah yes tree with us! Beauty!

Belchonok: And elegant!

Zhenosok: You just look at how many multi-colored balls and toys on it!

Leading: Guys, and who knows the poems about the New Year's Christmas tree?

Children tell poems about the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree (O. Grigoriev)
Dad Christmas tree decorates
Mom dad helps.
I try not to interfere,
Helping help.

Christmas tree (A. Shibayev)
Chose dad Christmas tree
The most fluffy.
The most fluffy,
The most fragrant ...
The Christmas tree so smells -
Mom immediately faces!

Our Christmas tree (E. Ilina)
Look at the door clock -
You will see our Christmas tree.
Our tree is high,
Gets to the ceiling.
And on it hang toys -
From the stand to the top.

Christmas tree (V. Petrov)
Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
The lights on it lit.
And glisten the needles on it,
And on the branches - snowball!

Christmas tree (Y. Shcherbakov)
Mom Christmas tree decorated
Anya Mom helped;
Served her toys:
Stars, balls, flappers.
And then guests called
And the Christmas tree was dug!

Christmas tree (A. Usachev)
Christmas tree dressed up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year at the gate,
Baby tree waiting.

Santa Claus: And now, guys, let's sing a song for our New Year Christmas tree. Children, get up in the dance!

The guys sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...".
Baba Yaga and Red Cat appear in the hall.

Baba Yaga (Turning to the Red Cat, and pulls it with him): We go, go! We ask for forgive us and leave on the holiday! (Turning to Santa Claus.) Santa Claus, forgive us! (Refers to children.) Guys, forgive us! We will no longer be harmful and deceive! Take us on holiday!

Red Cat: Sorry us! We will not be so! Allow us to stay on the matinee! We will be kind and will behave well! We promise!

Baba Yaga and Red Cat (Choir): Forgive us!

Santa Claus (Turning to children): Well, children? Forgive Baby Yagu and Red Cat?

Children: Yes!

Santa Claus (Turning to the Baba Yaga and Red Cat): Good, stay! Meet the holiday with us! Rejoice from the soul! Only about evil deeds and stakes forget!

Baba Yaga: We promise not to create evil! We will play with you, sing songs and dance!

Santa Claus: Really, it's time to play. Guys, let's spend the "New Year's relay".

Santa Claus spends the overlap "Who is the first?". Players are divided into two teams. From the line of the start, they need to reach the finish line to the finish line, holding a ball or a bottle with water between the legs. The winners are the participants who managed to reach the finish line. Upon graduation, Santa Claus awards winners with prizes.

Santa Claus: Guys, do you know the poems about winter? Narrators, go back!

Children tell poems about winter.

Athanasius Fet.
Mum! Looks from the window -
Know yesterday no wonder cat
Washed a nose:
No dirt, the whole yard dressed,
Lucky, wielded -
Seen, there is a frost.

Nikolai Nekrasov
The snowball flies, spinning,
On White Street.
And turned the puddle
In cold glass.

L. Voronkova
Our windows brush white
Santa Claus painted.
Snow pole dressed him
Sad garden thickened.

A. Brodsky
Everywhere snow, in the snow at home -
Brought him winter.
We hurried to us as soon as
I brought the bullfight to us.

Santa Claus: Well done, kids! Wonderful poems told! And now it's time for me to give to all your gifts. See what a big bag with gifts! Come to me guys, and get gifts!

Santa Claus together with the Snow Maiden distribute gifts.

Santa Claus: Well, guys, it's time for us to say goodbye! I need to leave and give the gifts of other people. We will definitely meet you next year. See you, friends! Bye! Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Health to you and happiness in the new year! Snowman: Happy New Year, cute friends! Let the misfortunes bypass you!

Baba Yaga: And I, and I want to congratulate children Happy New Year! Happy New Year guys! Be kind, honest and smart! Straight, like me with a red cat! Oh, no, not as we, but as Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye friends! To new meetings!

A similar scenario of the children's matinee can be continued by the Sweet Table.

Site site thanks you for your attention to the article! It will be very nice if you share your reviews and tips in the comments below.

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, educator of the GPA, primary school teacher I category, MBOU "Secondary school № 1", Kashira, Moscow region.
Purpose: for holding a non-traditional New Year's matinee for children of 6th and 7 years in kindergarten, school and at home.
Purpose: help parents and teachers - organizers in organizing joint leisure in the family of families, in Dow, at school; Attracting the attention of the children's audience to the history of the holiday.
Tasks: create an atmosphere of a bright holiday, develop imagination and fantasy of a child, logical thinking, desire to learn the history of the holiday and related traditions.

Dear friends! We are all looking forward to the new year's offensive, because it is the most beloved holiday and adults, and children. He fills us with a sense of joy even long before his arrival. Think about how many times you have already looked after gifts on shop windows, pretended how to diversify the festive menu, and hundreds of times thought about our most intimate desire, in the hope that in the new year it would be fulfilled! We know so many traditions and customs of the meeting of the New Year and try to observe them: we read horoscopes, get the symbols of the upcoming year, task them with your favorite delicacies, choose outfits to look at the original. Congratulations, the time of the big "New Year's passion" comes. I want in this pre-holiday catcher, you have time to remember the history of the New Year celebration in Russia, play friends and loved ones from childhood characters of the New Year holiday. It is fun and interesting - "catch" an adult uncle or aunt on an error. Let your child scream loudly all: "So it doesn't happen!", The main thing is that it consciously and describe in detail, as it happens, and I myself "didn't hit the hook."
Today I offer you the author's material for holding a joint leisure.
And I offer to start with reading and discussion of non-participation.
Especially or unwashed - the genre of oral folk art is a kind of fabulous genre.
Unbalances include narrations about events that have nothing to do
with reality.

In the distant glorious Africa, I tell you, friends,
Heat stands terrible from night to morning.
Here, in the forest we dense, under the palm in the shade,
Our Santa Claus spends his days in concerns.
In the sun will be pregnant and the letter will read
About how little boy is waiting for his holiday.
Such letters grandfather gets all winter
And the guys grandfather, of course, answers
"You do not worry, kids, as soon as the snow melts,
I immediately lie down with the caravel pack!

We will celebrate the holiday, congratulate with the old year! ".
1 Option of working with noby:
Make up and write the text by correcting all the "inaccuracies".
In the Far Farm North, I tell you, friends!
Frost stands crackling from night to morning.
So frost is doing his days in concerns.
They are difficult to work with the work.
From the guys grandfather letters gets,
Prepares for all gifts, it misses the holiday.
The snow covers the earth, December is knocking in the window,
On the troika with the buberets frost to visit us rushing!
Let's dress up, congratulate a new year!

2 version of work with noby (For those children who do not know how to read and write). You can draw a picture and tell how Santa Claus lives in anticipation of the holiday.
This picture I painted my pupil Pukteva Anastasia.
"Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are preparing for a new year meeting!".

From the history of the holiday.
A long time ago in Russia began in March. He was noted as the holiday of spring, the sun, the expectations of the new crop. In the late years, Christianity accepted in Russia, and the new year began to meet on September 1, at the beginning of autumn, when the entire harvest was collected from the fields. On the eve of 1700, the Russian king Peter і issued a decree to celebrate the New Year on the European Custom - January 1. He suggested all Muscovites to decorate their houses with pine, fir flowers. Everyone had to congratulate their relatives and familiar with the holiday. At 12 o'clock Night Peter і went to the Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched into the sky the first rocket. Salute began in honor of the New Year holiday. Years three years ago, people believed that, decorating the New Year's Christmas tree, they make evil forces to kinder. About the evil forces have long forgotten, but the Christmas tree is still, the symbol of the New Year holiday.
Santa Claus is a kind old man with a white beard, a friend of children and forest inhabitants - the youngest of all fabulous heroes. In those distant times, people considered him an evil old man who brought cold, snow, snowstorm on the ground.

He rarely gave gifts, on the contrary, people who believed in his power gave gifts to him so that he was kinder. Our good Santa Claus is about 100-150 years old. When in Russia began to celebrate New Year in winter, on the night of December 31 to January 1, Santa Claus became the main character - the symbol of our holiday, he has been supposed for many years to bring gifts to the New Year's Eve for many years, and adults are performed by the most cherished desires.
Playing on the development of concentration of attention: "Tells the word!".
1. He lives for many years in the world.
His "immortal" name is children.
Pets of adults, kids -
This is grandfather ... (Koshchei).

2. The fact of becoming frost, children!
There is no one in the world!
Every new year comes.
Horror in the tree drives.
You will answer without difficulty -
This ... (Grandma Yaga).

3. in the header, fur coat, boots
Our grandfather is old.
Walks with a wand in hand
Strength in a long beard.
In more often the forest is his house.
Our wizard is ... (Gnome).

4. In needles from head to legs.
Everyone knows - this is ... (Hedgehog).

5. She grows her head.
Always fresh and cold.
Long and thin.
Sweet ... (carrot).

I propose to solve with children "New Year's Crossword".

Crossword questions:
Horizontally: 10. What feeling overwhelms us on the holiday?
11.Sinonym the words "cold". Winter on the street stands strong ...?
12. During the day flashes, it leafs? 13. Light, as if the fluff is spinning in the sky ...? 14.Nogo costume ball? 15. Stalged Behind the window, it has a lot. 16. It closes the year, and the winter opens?
Vertically: 1. What is this new year? 2. Did you have all twelve months? 3. With a stage jumps, on the broom flies, the soul is young. Is it a grandmother ...? 4. The window is blinded by the window, and left to stand. It was not invited to visit the house to not melted. 5. On the sun sparkles, the trees decorate. 6. Signable Detail of a costume ball. I so hid hunting, and under it is not visible who you are! 7.To it turned out, for the battle of the Kuranta, commemorate it! 8. Grand New Year's dance around the tree. 9. High Fluffy Beauty is the chief attribute of the New Year holiday.
Answers to Crossword:
Horizontal: 10.Ald. 11. Moroz. 12.Colandar. 13.Snew. 14. Carnival. 15.Fig. 16. Pectery.
Vertically: 1.Deller. 2. Year. 3.Gag. 4. Snegovik. 5.ine. 6.Mask.
7. 8. Horticulture. 9.el.

Task - game on the development of figurative thinking, computing skills, hand brushes.

And in conclusion, you can prepare a cheerful souvenir with the child - a symbol of the upcoming year!
Here is such Lambturned out to my pupil Kupriyanova Alexandra. (On the finished picture we glue small twisted lumps from paper napkins). You can add a background pattern. Sasha chose summer.

What do you think who is more waiting for the events of the New Year holidays? Of course, children! They make desires and write letters by Santa Claus, are waiting for gifts, a dressed Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And so I want to justify their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to pick up an interesting scenario of the New Year's matinee in kindergarten and arrange a real holiday.

Choosing a script, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Someone like the adventures of Emelie and Baba Yaga, and someone dreams of seeing superman or Batman. Perhaps you will spend on the preparation of a New Year's matinee in kindergarten a little longer, but can it be compared with the enthusiastic eyes of the child during the presentation? Favorite hero can become both part of the fairy tale, and leading, which will play, read poems and call the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus along with the kids. The scenario of the New Year's matinee should not only entertain, but also involve the kids in the magic game.

Remembering the script for kids, do not forget about funny, beautiful decoration hall and costume parade. And let this holiday be unforgettable!

Universal scenario for the New Year's matinee in kindergarten: "New Year's fairy tale."


So the new year goes!
Outside the snow window sweeping!
This people celebrate this holiday
And gifts are bought!
We are together with you today
Magnifier gifts themselves!
We will sing we, dance,
Let's dress up!
So let the new year comes
After all, he is so waiting for the people!
The leading causes all children to the center of the hall.
What is new year?
This is a friendly dance!
Children are taken for hands,
Around the Christmas tree and go
Rocking the evil blizzard
Accelerating sadness and boredom
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Horror is now for everyone!

Children lead the dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter", "The Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Elegant Christmas Tree - a lot of lights" and other songs-destroyed in advance.


Horror - Well, just charm!
Hear needles rustle?
This Christmas tree is tired,
To relax we all said!
Well, kids, sit down in a circle,
And let's see everything around!
Our Christmas tree glitters
Why is she sad?
It's not enough toys
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
There is a idea and we have!

Leading: Guys, and let's fit our green beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where are they missing?

Flinks the light, the villain appears.

The villain: Basta, carapus, ended your songs! I stole your balls! There will be a Christmas tree stand sad-gentle! And the lights are colored for your collection! (Fires on the Christmas tree goes). I'm going, I will go to go.

Villain leaves.

Leading: What do we do, how to be? Surely disappeared by our holiday? Who can help us?

Children shout the names of different heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone flew somewhere and can't help. Here the hero appears.

Hero: Egydey! About me forgot? Left me here the main thing, for the order now I am watching.
Leading: Bad keeping a bunch. You look, the villain is our holiday stole!
Hero: Be this can not! Well, I'll show him, pursuit! Just me your help will need! Will you help me, children? We will find lights, which cheer our Christmas tree and return the holiday!

Maybe paints
Hid in fairy tales?
In the forests of forests
And field colors?
In old huts
In red freckles
Those who are on the stars
Looking, not sleeping?
In warm windows,
In elegant dushy
Brush and palette will help in the way
Paints for the festive Christmas tree found.
Fox appears:
I am good chanterelle -
Simplicity itself ...
Orange paint.
At the tip of the tail.

Lisa leaves the hero of an orange circle, runs away, having flown by the tail.
Snowflakes appear, dancing and give the hero of the blue circle.

Hero: Something has become dark. Hey, sister Moon, show, lit up the road!

The moon appears, dancing and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you, Moon,
You know one,
Where do we go,
Where to find paints.


Iniquited lights.
Your way is not distant,
Help on the way
You have a lunar horse.
Konk leads everyone to the fire.

The fire:

Red cheeks burning on the frost.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparks in the field sparkle,
Traveler red bonfire warms
I will give it to the sparkle.
Her color can paint the dawn,
Red Piernes Birds Bills ...
Holiday with me is always fun!

The fire gives the hero of multicolored spark, which is overflowing with several colors.


Look, guys, like a lot of paints on the palette. I think the tricks of the villain are no longer afraid. It's time to fold the sad Christmas tree! (Screaming the "Christmas tree burn"). Do not light lights! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (Name).
Snow Maiden comes and sings:
Magic wand
I'm a thousand lights.
My wand, circling,
Herringbone, soon they will burn.
The lights on the Christmas tree light up.


Let each light on this Christmas tree
Perform your best dreams.
With a fairy tale are friends for a long time,
When you can believe in a miracle!

The villain appears: You are! Returned lights! Songs sing, the old man does not give to sleep! Take your balls, whitewash them white, they don't need them more!
Leading:How to be to us with balls?
Hero:There are colors? There is! Snow Maiden, carrying a shiny snowball! Need to make decorations! We will color the balls for the Christmas tree!

The host itself shows that you can draw on the ball, and then offers the guys to try yourself in drawing. Under the fun music, kids paint balls and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:Ay yes Christmas tree, Ay Beauty! Here and the holiday has come! Time to call my grandfather! Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. Children read him poems.

In every house there is a lot of light
New year comes!
Snow-white coach
Santa Claus brought.
Exactly at midnight flashed brightly
In the heavens of the girlands of stars.
Not coming without gifts
On this holiday, Santa Claus!
Sawn near the Christmas tree

Cheerful round dance:

Fox, hares, squirrels, wolves -
All meet New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and slappers.
Good gifts
There will be a holiday bright!

Street walks
Santa Claus,
Inay is scattered
On branches branches;
Walks, beard
White shakes
Grows nail
Only the crash goes.

Santa Claus: Thank you, pleased my grandfather! And you have a beautiful, elegant, cheerful!

I wanted gifts to give you
But I can not raise the bag!
But I know who will help.
Ready assistants I take.
The hero and animals help bring a bag with gifts. Santa Claus congratulates children.

Santa Claus:

Well, now I will tell you
To new meetings, my friends!
In a year we will come to you again
And the Snow Maiden and me.

Together: Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Music playing, the holiday ends.

Such a scenario of the children's matinee will definitely enjoy your kids, because they will not only watch the idea, but also to take part in it. You yourself can choose the name for the hero and the villain, come up with who will lead and what other kids can find on the holiday. And even more New Year's councils, cheerful competitions, draws and ideas for the rest of your children and friends you will find in our heading!