What makes Krnolin for a children's dress make. Wardrobe master class graduation sewing crinoline for girl cloth. For loop dresses

Magnificent dresses from Krnolina give girls a very exquisite and romantic look. Most graduates and brides choose for special days of dresses with lush podols. Girls in lush dresses will no doubt become the Queen of the Bala - such outfits are easy to create in the home in several ways.

You will need:

II. Frame

IV. Needles

Vi. Rubber

VII. Skirt type "Sun"

To begin with, I will answer the question of how the framework of the skirt is called - this is Krnolin, who received distribution in the XIX century.

The second powerful impetus for the development of fashion for lush dresses was given by famous Hollywood actresses of the mid-50s of the last century. Today, the same retro dresses are popularly popular, so huge rustling skirts are returned not only for secular evenings, but also for everyday use on the streets of the city. Such outfits have already flooded shops, but it can be sewn independently at home.

How to make a skirt frame

For a magnificent skirt, a mesh, needles, threads, a frame and a blank in the form of an assembly skirt type "Hoodalone" or "Sun" are required.

The grid can be absolutely any, with a picture without. You can enter the grid in the waist area on the edge of the bend dresses and then give a suitable length.

This element is performed wire or chinoline. The latter material is ideal for giving a lush skirt dresses. The form is based on our own needs and desires depends on future dresses.

In order to make the crinoline, plastic or metal hoops of different diameters are needed. The greater the amount of hoops is used, the skirt will be more magnificent. White fatin is also needed, wide ribbons and gum.

From white cloth 3 meters long, the Sun skirt is manufactured. For this, the fabric is twice and 2 wedges are located on it. Then there are screening of seams, the wedges are cut, sweeping and sewn. The belt is made from the gum. It is important that the belt is not tight and not free. It is necessary to sew it to the top of the skirt.

Finishing stage

After the manipulations, the skirt turned inside out and is attached to the hoop of the smallest size at a third of the belt below the belt. Decorative tape sews from above. Also secured the average hoop at a distance of 2/3 below the waist level and the largest in the field of hemp. They are also squeezed by a satin ribbon. After that, the skirt turns into its original position.

Upon completion of the full manufacturer of the frame and the grid, they wear on the waist, and the prepared dress with a skirt is spread. The frame transforms the dress and gives the necessary pomp.

Illustrated sewing manual, master class

In order to create a ball gown, ladies' dress of another era (for example, historical costume character), a magnificent princess dress, the maid of honor or a queen need a petticoat, which gives the dress the necessary form. The proposed article will help to sew such a skirt on their own. Work will take time, but even the novice seamstress will cope with this task if the attached instructions will follow.

Before proceeding with the sewing, it is necessary to determine which silhouette you need to recreate and what form should be the bottom skirt.

1. Silhouette "with locks".
In the context, the skirt has an oval section, the sides are strongly expanding, in front and back looks flat.

2. Silhouette "Rococo".
In the context of the skirt has a round cross section, in front and back looks equally magnificent.

3. Silhouette "Neurokko".
Front skirt looks wide, but not lush. In the profile it looks like a "chairs".

4. Silhouette "Ampir".
Expanding Skirt Book, the waist line is strongly overestimated. For such a dress, the additional lower skirt is not used.

Special fixtures used to give skirts of exquisite forms in different centuries. Let them dwell a little more detail. So:

Bustle (from FR. turnure - "Posture, manner hold on") - element of clothes, removable fixture in the form of pads, which was put on the ladies behind the dress just below the waist. Tournywar tied to the waist with the help of a tape.

(Fr. panier - "Basket") - Frame from IV or metal rods, put on a separate element under the dress, but on top of the bottom (more quiet) skirts.

Fizhma (from him. Fischbein. - "Fish bone, whale mustache") is the same as Panier, a frame from a whale oss. This name was distributed in Russia and Germany.

Crinoline (cRINIS + FLAXHair + linen) - originally so called stiff linen or cotton fabric with a basis of horse-hair, and then it became a rigid structure necessary to impart the desired shape of the skirt, petticoat similar, but much more voluminous.

Now consider ways to make these elements of the costume.

To work, you will need: Fatin or any other light fabric, regile, synthetone, cotton flap flap.

Step 1.
Clean the skirt details from the fate BUT and B.. The form of these parts is shown in the schemes below, it is either a rectangle or a trapezium. The skirt will be very supervised on the waist. The dotted line is indicated by the place where the supervision is performed. The dimensions of the details depend on the desired length of the skirt (the height of the part) and the desired embossing assemblies (parts width).

Step 2.
To the details of the skirt to catch Regile. Facilities are shown in the schemes. Regill must end in approximately two centimeters from the static seams of parts, because It does not stick to the seam.

Step 3.
Details stack among themselves. Top of skirts (on the waist) to learn, giving the skirt desired shape.

Step 4.
From cotton fabric carve out the belt, damage to the skirt. Insert a gum into the belt. The skirt must strongly hold on to the waist. Panier is ready!

Consider the Panier forms used for various silhouettes.

Panier for silhouette "with lokotki".

Showing views of the front and side.

Detail A - rectangle. Two details are cut out: front and rear. Both practically do not suck.

Detail B - trapezium. Dispose two details: on the left and right side. Both are strongly told in the waist area.

Panier for the silhouette "Rococo".

Showing views on the side and the finished skirt.

Detail A - rectangle. One detail is cut. The skirt is sewn on the principle of "Tatyanka", while it is strongly guarded on the waist.

Panier for the silhouette "Neurokko".

Side view and ready skirt is shown.

Detail A - rectangle. One detail is cut out for the skirt.
The width of the part A is 1/4 skirt widths. She is greatly guarded.

Detail B - trapezium. One detail is cut: left side, back, right side.
The width of the part B is 3/4 skirt widths. The detail is strongly guarded in the waist area.

Step 1.
Clear skirt details from any fabric BUT (1 pc.) And B. (2 pcs.). The form of these parts is depicted in the schemes, part A - "Dolk", the part B - the crescent or semi-one.

Step 2.
Details folded with involving parties. Start among themselves, in the seam to leave the unclosed small plot. The product is turned off.

Step 3.
Tour through the syntheps (or syntheph, or any other filler). Open seam section to sew manually.

Step 4.
To the product to sew a tape (strings). Tournywire is ready!

Consider the forms of tournugors used for different silhouettes.

Turnywire for silhouette "with locks".

The side view is shown, front view, as well as the type of finished product.

Detail A - Dolk, its width is approximately 3 cm, the length is equal to half the waist girth minus 2 cm.

Detail B - crescent, its width is equal to half of the waist girth, height from 10 to 15 cm, depending on your desire.
Two details are cut out and four details B. sew two turbors on the left and right side. Tie overall.

Turnywire for the silhouette "Rococo".

Detail B - seized, its width is 3/4 waist girth, height from 15 to 20 cm, depending on your desire.

There are two details B and one detail A. She sews one tournoyar with string.

Turnywire for the silhouette "Neurokko".

Side view, front view and type of finished product.

Detail A - Dolka, its width is about 3 cm, the length is 3/4 of the waist girth minus 2 cm.

Detail B - crescent, its width is 3/4 waist girth, height from 10 to 15 cm, depending on your desire.

There are two details B and one detail A. Sews one tournoyar with string.

Step 1.
Send a semi-fiber skirt from the fate of the fuel (or 3/4 of the sun, but this case will be a very voluminous skirt), depending on how much a lush skirt is required to get. On the construction of the pattern of the skirt-sun Read more see.

Step 2.
Place lines dividing the height of the height of the skirt to 3 parts (in the figure of line 1, 2 and 3). Regile is applied on these lines and leaks are sewn. If a very magnificent and rigid skirt is required, it is necessary to draw extra lines (in the figure dotted lines).

Step 3.
According to the outlined lines, it is filled with regile, not reaching 2 cm to the cut.

Step 4.
Of tulle or lining fabric to carve rectangles desired length (depending on the frill the pomp) and a width equal to the distance between lines drawn on the skirt multiplied by 2.

Step 5.
On the rectangle to drag the line by two thirds of the height (see Figure) and pave a line with a stitch width of 5 mm. Call. Fold along the line line.

Step 6.
The ruffles should be pulled to the skirt, impoverish so that the longer part of the frill is from below. The figure shows the skirts with three and six flumps.

Step 7.
From cotton fabric carve out the belt, damage to the skirt. Insert a gum into the belt. The skirt must strongly hold on to the waist. Krinolin is ready!

Consider the forms of the crinoline used for various silhouettes.

Crnolin for silhouette "with locks".

Showing a front view.

Ruffles are sewn into two tiers on the sides, occupying 1/4 of the width of the right skirt and 1/4 of the skirt width on the left.

Crnolin for the silhouette "Rococo".

The front view is shown, the side of Krnolin looks like the same.

3 or 6 tiers of ruffles are sewn depending on the desire.

Krinolin for the silhouette "Neurokko".

Showing views on the side and in front.

Ruffles are sewn from behind, occupying either 3/4, or 2/3 of the skirt width.

Thus, we considered the possibility of creating silhouettes in three different ways. The manufacture of a tournament is the fastest and most economical. More difficult to make panier. Krnolin is the most time-consuming and most expensive option. Which option to use is to solve you. In any case, we wish you the success and joy of creativity!

Ator text, drawing, schemes:

A distinctive feature of a wedding dress - pomp skirt. Each girl since childhood dreams of falling flowing wedding outfit. This effect is achieved due to the subsidiaries under the dress of a special attitude. Selecting this element of the wardrobe is not so important as the search for the desired wedding robe. But from the correct attitude or, as it is also called, Krinolina depends the type of all the image, its completion. This wardrobe item hidden from an extraneous eye is needed not only for ballroom dresses, but also for outfits with a-silhouette or in ampir style.

Main types of postbags for wedding dress

The main function of the wedding attitude is to emphasize the style of the dress, it makes the skirt decorated, completed, which sets the tone to everything along. Without this invisible detail of the wardrobe, the dress will not seem so elegant and festive. Some brides prefer to abandon the purchase of Krnolina, believing that he ships moves, does not comfortably feel at a festive day and interferes during dances.

If you choose the right fashion accessory, it will not only prevent you from enjoying every minute of the solemn day, but will make your image a gentle and romantic, like a fairy princess. Magnificent crinolines make a gait of the bride smooth and elegant. But in order to determine what kind of clothes will fit to your wedding along, you need to understand the types of this accessory.

With flexible rings

Potting with flexible rings enjoy the greatest demand among modern brides. This type of chinoline is considered a lightweight option compared to an accessory having rigid rings. When you sewing this element of the wedding wardrobe, a fabric is used, instead of a rigid grid, as in other models. The advantage of flexible plastic rings is that when walking, they do not stand out.

The bride will not be difficult to move in a dress with a pad, having flexible rings. She can easily sit in the car, sit down for a banquet table and even participate in rolling contests and dance. The only minus of such models is the briefness of plastic. Rings with strong pressing or improperly folding may break that spoil the appearance of the outfit. The cost of adjustments with flexible rings is somewhat more expensive than models with rigid inserts.

With rigid from 1 to 7 rings

The attribution with rigid rings is a classic version of this crinoline. When such an accessory only entered the fashion, it was sewed from a special tissue with horse-hair and linen threads. Due to the stiffness of this cloth, the crinolines kept the form and volume. Modern tailors the manufacture crinoline skirts use mesh inserts with rigid rings and their number in Petticoat depends on the desired style varies from one to seven.

accessory model with rigid rings creates space under the skirt wedding dress, so the bride can easily move around without getting tangled legs in multi-layered dress while dancing. But the disadvantages of this type are also inherent. So, when walking, rigid rings are highlighted under the skirt of the outfit, and if the wedding dress is sewn out of thin fabric, the tin frame will be shunning. Difficulties may also occur when landing into the car, since the hard attitude is greatly lifted.

Multilayer without rings

Sometimes the bride is looking for such options for adjustments, in which there are no rings, sprouting the appearance of the outfit, standing out from under the skirt. They stop their choice on multi-layer crinolines, the volume of which is achieved due to a large number of layers of fabric, are nourished on each other, and not due to a solid ring frame. But the multilayer design also has its drawbacks.

Experts recommend choosing such an accessory model only for short dresses or a little lower knee. If the multi-layer crinoline is sewn for an outfit in the floor, this implies the use of a large tissue pattern, which will significantly affect the price. As a result, due to the abundance of the material, the product will be difficult and will cause discomfort when walking. Since synthetic fabrics are traditionally used in the manufacture of multilayer picness, then in such products it is hot and unpleasant.

For loop dresses

Wedding pads for dresses with loops find problematic. There are such products are much more expensive than other models. These crinolines are manufactured on the principle of paddes with plastic or tin rings, on top of which mesh or tissue ruffles are coated. The only difference is that its size is lengthened depending on the length of the loop. Made such crinolines mainly to order.

The obvious minus of the attribution with the train is his inconvenience. The bride will be uncomfortable to sit in the outfit, which has such an accessory, because when boarding a chair or in the car, the loop will lie only in one direction, and the grid rollers to another. From this outfit will look strange and unattractive, make a beautiful photo or video with a seated bride will not work.

With mesh or tissue ruffles

Magnificent rollers are sewed from a fate or grid. A lot of fabric rolves are sewn to the base until the desired length and volume are reached. You can wear such clothes, both independently and on top of the crinoline with rings. Due to the multi-layered accessory, the framework of the frame is shunning and will not be allocated. The dress gets an extra volume, and the rings remain hidden from prying eyes.

If the fatin pustery is dressed without a frame, then we should not expect a good volume. Therefore, some wedding salons offer currenn brides with rigid or plastic rings, on top of which many rolling rows are surface. Such a pad is well holding a form, and the outfit as a whole looks more accurate and more sophisticated than with an accessory without fabric rolling.

How to sew the pushing with your own hands?

For self-sewing of the wedding attitude at home you will need:

  • fatin;
  • hawk;
  • synthetic white threads;
  • braid;
  • button;
  • sewing machine.

Instructions for sewing:

  1. Select a fatin that will match the type of tissue of your dress. For the attribute to the satin dress, you will need hard fatin, and for a silk dressing - a soft look of the fabric.
  2. Measure the length of the wedding dress, the attitude must be 2-3 cm shorter outfit.
  3. Determine the width of the lower crinoline skirt. Based on this indicator, calculate the width and number of fabric rolves.
  4. Measure the volume of the waist.
  5. Create a pattern of the base of the Sineklink or Semi-Five Type. In the waist area, make a small incision - a place where the clasp will be attached. Fasteners are made in the form of buttons or hooks.
  6. Put the required number of fate. Note, the width of the lower ruffle must be about three times wider the bases of the lower skirt. To create chinoline make from three to eight rolling.
  7. Each cutoff roller, see the narrow side, giving it a kind of ring. Collapping the edges of the frill on the typewriter, stretch the thread so as to create uniform folds.
  8. Sew all prepared and treated rollers to the base of the skirt, following the edge of the first upper ruffle, is located 3-4 cm below the fastener seam. Wedding Pottery Ready!
we sew Krnolin under the wedding dress .. Traveling from engagement before the wedding ... Part 7

Not always ready crinoline under the wedding dress suit ... The reason in this case is simple: no one does not want to give the cabin in the lush rolling hoops (so-called "turkey" - this is when he crinoline 5 rings and rings over yet sewn lush satin or silk frills that does not look through the rings, even in the case of headwind ..) ... Rental yield, and even free, but if you take their clothes ... and so only buy when the price of such purchases all cute - a little cheaper dresses ...

Neutral crinoline, which we have since the days of beauty contests daughters, our bride is not suitable not magnificent enough, it is only a three-ring ..))) Do nothing - we will also sew ...)))

Gathered everything that found a convenient and practical on this topic on the Internet, including notes from the comments ...))))

Here I liked the principle of sewing - it is conveniently described, it is clear ... In addition, this sewing principle can be taken into account when sewing any other model ...

The cloth. The usual coolness is best suited. Economic and very convenient in work. Only it must be pre-wrapped in warm water, dry and smooth, because H / B with washing gives a big shrinkage. If you wish can use and the grid. It looks aesthetic, but will cost you an order of magnitude more.
Fabric Metage will depend on the width and length of your crinoline. The wider skirt, the more the flow of the fabric. Approximately, with a width of a fabric 150 cm, you will need three lengths of the product. If we assume that the approximate skirt length is 1 m, then you will need 3 m biazi or mesh.
The most sore question is from what to make a frame. Wire for this case at first glance is suitable. But the attitude will succeed in heavy. In addition, the wire is easily nuts and is not able to independently restore its shape.
Creative option - sticks for balls. These plastic tubes are sold by packages for 100 pieces along with fasteners (very important item) and are unusually cheap - 40-60r per pack.
Krinolin will be sewn on the basis of the pattern of the skirt of the sixklink. To get all six details, you need a pattern of just one piece. The top side of the wedge is 1/6 of your thigh volume, the length of the wedge is 1 m, the width is at your discretion (for example, 50-60 cm).
The wedges need to be cut (do not forget to break on the seams of 1 cm) and sew each other. Then it is necessary to push 5 rows of strips of fabric across skirts and 12 vertical strips. IMPORTANT: Rings are sewn along the inside, and vertical edges - in external. The most important thing is not to shoot the places of intersection of ribs and rings. Otherwise, then you will not be able to put the framework. Then the visce the belt for the gum on which the pad will hold.
Now it is necessary to make a simple skirt rigid frame. To do this, the tips for the balls gently do trust (remove the outlet and burr). You will get a real connective nut for sticks. Inserted sticks for balls on the vertical strips, connecting them with "nuts", cut off the excessive length and seal the input. Do the same with rings.
As a result, you will have a magnificent and very light krinoline.

Kohl went the topic already about insertion into krinoline than to make it and hard, and comfortable, then what options I missed:

If you live in a small town and you do not have a specialized store with accessories, then as a flexible frame, you can use a lawn mower fishing line, only without teeth, it is flexible and dense. To sew her along the edge of the attitude. You can also use plastic Crate. It is used when sewing automotive covers.

Conventional mesh, tulle, only harsh + hat ribbon (the meter, is mostly white, sold in almost all the clothing stores in the fittings), can be replaced with packing twine (the market is full on the goods boxes, marketeers its just throw that reveal the product) .Fatin better sew a seam to the dress, and not to the body ... very unpleasant tsarapaet.Obychno is 3 tiers, the lower floor of 20-25 cm, the upper tier is planted on a wide elastic band of 4-5 cm.

You need to take a thin foam rubber cutting it with strips of about 10 cm, sew these stripes along the length literally through the edge - it turns out such tubes. Of these, make 4 rings, the two are the same identical, the 3rd smaller, the 4th is even less. The first two should be equal to approximately the width of the skirt below. And connect these rings with stripes from the same foam rubber, 4-6 pieces in height equal to the length of the skirt, can be connected with a needle with a thread. Thus, form a frame for it to be more reliable to attach it to the lower benchbook from the fate.

You can push the regill to the clothesline - even the scene is not needed - it looks neat and quite comfortable.

The easiest way: Soak skirt in saline solution for 2-3 hours (the proportion of 1 kg of fine salt in 3-4 liters of water), then ironed wet product, only things must not be a metal (such as buttons) otherwise manifest rust after simple actions thing will become snow-white and very good will keep the form

When you need full skirt, it is petticoats and down on it sewn every 5 cm. Tulle (harder than it is, the more lush worth) .. Fatin sladyvala bantovymi and double box pleat, the lower edge of tulle sewed bias binding ...

These are all possible options ...))))))

2. I prefer this type of crinoline here - it is just the type of the notorious "turkey", especially if he petticoats and ruffles made from thick fabric, which is well worth while sosbarivanii on end ...

3.Well but a petticoat is perfect for any wedding dress ... the Rings is not here, just gorgeously gathered fabric ... I count how many and what kind of fabric it is necessary on a petticoat may be exactly it!))))))))

This skirt is without a rings from wire, riegheline, corset bones and other wisdoms. She lush due pomp frills type of fatina.Takogo skirt can be of three or more yubok..i on each of the three to the base of the lining fabric sewn ruffles of stiff tulle in two levels .. not so wide, simply due to the fact that the fatin is laid in the folds or is gathered, the desired volume is created .. and in the circumference of the skirt the skirt.

Here are such research on the topic ...))))) everything seems to be known, but just in case ...))))))

Gathered everything that found comfortable and target \u003d /

The lush skirts in the style of New onions were very popular in the 50s and 60s. Preferably they were worn with attributes, which did these skirts with such magnificent.

Such a clothesline is also perfectly suitable for long lush wedding and ballroom skirts, both swam on the waist and, such as the sun and half. In addition, the attitude attaches the top skirt and replaces the lining.

Podicles are of different types: tough and soft, lush and smooth, with tiers and crumbs. Which to choose? It all depends on the destination, (for example, if you need a wedding pad), a style (for example, a pad for a dress with a loop), as well as the tissue of the upper skirt.

The simplest magnificent fitness is a rectangle of a fabric assembled along the waist, the top is assembled on the gum.

The option is more complicated, but the most commonly used is a more magnificent pad for a dresses expanding to the bottom. It makes tiers. For him, you can take the pattern of any multi-tiered skirt from the magazine. For example, model 123 from Burda 3/2013.

The lack of a clothesline with ruffles one: it will take a lot of fabric for him.

  • for a long lifting of hard fate: approximately 4.5 m with a width of 3 m;
  • for a long padding of soft fate: approximately 7.5 m with a width of 3 m.

Crawn of Podorubnik

Crya scheme

Step 1

The basis of the lush attitude is a semi-half skirt. She is called rows of ruffles. The top of the skirt is selected on the gum.

To build a skirt, we need to calculate two radius:
Radius 1 (R1) - for the waist for a gum, so the skirt tick up should be so that the skirt is easy to wear.
Take the girth of the thighs (about) + 10 cm, from here
R1 \u003d (about + 10): 3,14
Radius 2 (R2) is the bottom of the skirt, so it is equal to the length of the skirt plus R1
R2 \u003d R1 + Skirt Length (see scheme)

We fold the fabric in half and from the upper edge of the folds blacks in half the radius, on the waist and the side we give 1-1.5 cm. Under the bottom of the battery is not needed, the bottom of the fate is not treated.

Step 2. Cut the skirt

We deploy the skirt into one layer and place the sewing places of the ruffle. To do this, from the waist departing down 10-15 cm, draw a line. It will twist the upper, the longest fruit.

The remaining length of the skirt is divided into three parts if the skirt is in the floor and two, if the skirt is for the knee.
I got 27 cm. Black lines at equal intervals (see the scheme).

The lower oracker is the shortest, in my case it is 27 cm, then there is a middle fruit, which completely overlaps the bottom, it is twice as long (54 cm).

Circle circuit rolling

Next, these ruffles covers the upper, the longest fruit, it is three times longer than the lower roller (81 cm).

Step 3. Calculate the length of each ruffle

To do this, you need to measure the length of the line on which the rope is sewn. The rush should be three times longer than this line. Therefore, for the lower rollers, we cut three strips of 3 m. Total length of the lower roller \u003d 9m.

For the average - two strips of 3 m. Total length of the average flip \u003d 6 m.

For the upper ruffle, one strip is needed long \u003d 3m.

Cross skirts

If the fatin is hard or semi-rigid, then the ruffles do single.

So that the magnificent attitude is opaque, the foundation (semi-half-half) can be carved out of the lining fabric, and to launch fatin ruffles on it. Fatina consumption in this case will be reduced to 3 m.

But since I have a soft fatin, I need more dense ruffles, so I do a double, with a fold in the middle. For this width of every ruffle, I increase twice. This increases the flow rate of the tissue, but the poverty becomes twice as much. Since the fatin weighs little, the skirt remains light, but very magnificent (see the cutting circuit).

Tailoring of the Pottery

Step 1

On the sewing skirt, place the sewing places of the ruffle. Skirt decompose into one layer. Skirt Do not sew to the sewing of the ruffle! It is more convenient to laughing on a flat skirt detail.

Step 2.

Sew parts of each of the ruffles in one long. To do this, the short ends of the ruffles are applied to each other by 5 mm and adjust them to each other with a false seam. In the Ring Rod do not sew!

Step 3.

Each rim is folded along in half and rest on the collapse.

Then deploy into one layer and papbibrate the planting line with the widest stitch on the typewriter.

Step 4.

To put the skirt on the skirt in the detailed form so. To the edge of the ruffles coincided with the edge of the skirt, and the middle of the ruffs with the line - with the line of markup on the skirt.

Cold Ruffle to the skirt pins across the line, retreating on the side of the skirt for 1-1.5 cm from the edge. It is necessary to sew a skirt in the following seam, without capturing the ruffles.

It is convenient to divide the skirt on 4 parts and the ruffle on 4 parts (in half and once again in half), pinch the ruffs at the edges and in these four equal parts, and then pull the thread and evenly distribute the assembly in these areas. So the friction throughout the skirt will be collected evenly. You need to pin up the ruffle so that it does not move.

Step 5.

Seafronts to the skirt on the typewriter with frequent stitch, remove pins and landing line.

Step 6.

Unscrew the ruffle down and triggered a fold. If one-layer, then it is scattered along the upper cut and adjust on the skirt along the markup line. In this case, it is necessary to give 1 cm allowance for a long cutting cut!

That's how it will look like on a crosslocked skirt

If it is necessary that only the edge or half-length is lush, you can sew such a door just with one rolling. For example, a dresses for the summer, a light skirt or for a children's dress. The edges of the ruffle flip flush from under the skirt and keep the edge of the upper skirt.

Step 7.

In exactly the same way to sew the middle ruffle, unscrew it down and rest.

Such a doorway can be used for more magnificent skirts, such as Tathlyanniki, Sun or Halp. In this case, a conical effect is achieved - the skirt is sitting on the waist on the figure, and to the bottom smoothly expands.

Step 8.