How to be a weak woman? How to learn to be a weak woman Is it possible to be weak

You have read a lot of guides on the topic of seduction of men, completed trainings on pumping sexuality, you are aware of all fashion trends. But how to become an attractive woman, you still do not fully understand, because you follow all the recommendations, and there is no violent reaction of men towards you. You have long suspected that you are looking somewhere in the wrong place or that something is wrong with you. At the same time, the competition around is inexorably growing. The struggle for male attention goes not to life, but to death.

There is an exit?

They say that to become more attractive, you have to be smart and weak at the same time. How to become an intelligent woman? And at the same time - how to become a weak woman? How to find a balance between women's independence and defenselessness? Everywhere there are the same type of advice on this matter. Every morning you whisper mantras that you yourself can hardly believe in. But they say - it should be so.

... Keep your emotions in check. (But how can you do this when your mood swings are so unexpected and beyond explanation?)

. Be moderately capricious and moderately cold. (But how to define this measure?)

. Think positively and smile - they love it. (And how - if you constantly want to cry from your confusion?)

And nothing helped ?! In any case, it is impossible to become happier by following a general recommendation. We are all very individual.

In order to learn to see your own characteristics and ways of their best implementation, Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology suggests starting with a more detailed study of your hidden properties, the implementation of which should be emphasized.

So how to become a weak woman in a smart way?

As described above, you are the owner of the visual vector. The most important thing for you (as laid down by nature) is the ability to establish emotional connections. At work, with family, with friends - all connections should be sincere and filled with love. This is your weakness - and you shouldn't look for a long time!

After all, if it is not possible to create mutual comfortable relations, your sincerity is rejected, then fear, discomfort, and lack of confidence in yourself and in all your actions in general arise. Then weakness develops into excessive vulnerability.

Spectators who are locked in on themselves, instead of raising emotions and love, experience the strongest fears. And only after learning to bring their fear out, into compassion and empathy for other people, they begin to create stable emotional connections.

How to become an intelligent woman without losing your defenselessness is not a question. It is important to learn to distinguish the way you create an emotional connection through trying to force feelings for yourself from the real connection directed outward - when you love another.

Although this skill is formed largely before puberty, it also depends on the realization of your visual properties in adulthood. If you dig deeper, as system-vector psychology teaches, many more interesting reasons for self-rejection will be revealed. To become truly smart, you need to learn them first!

To understand exactly what your natural potential is, and really to become the most, by nature, feminine, cunning (while not losing your softness, emotionality - the so-called female weakness) you will finally be helped by a free online training in systemic vector psychology Yuri Burlan. To participate, register using the link.

The article was written using materials

Nothing happens just like that, everything flows from something. Why, then, women become those who can stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. Many will say, how else? When on your fragile shoulders a lot of problems that need to be solved urgently are thrown on your fragile shoulders, the performance of a man's work and many other arguments. Perhaps it is so ... On the one hand, the weaker sex acquires the features of a domineering person in order to live easier in such a dynamic world. On the other hand, aren't we ourselves to blame for our current situations? A man's work should be done by a man, and you should not pull the hammer out of his hands, since you do not like the way he nails the nail. Can a woman remain a woman? If you are tired of bearing the entire burden of responsibility on your fragile shoulders, we will try to figure out how to outwardly become a weak woman. How to encourage men to feats for the sake of us - beautiful ladies!

Feminine and masculine

In every person, both feminine and masculine principles are originally laid. But the leading position is occupied by only one thing: for men - masculine, for women, respectively, feminine. But the most important thing is to maintain this balance. That is, to correctly correlate the given beginnings. For example, you are the head of a company. Of course, you need to show will, perseverance, the male function is manifested in you. But it's different when you are in a family! No matter how difficult it is, you must try to at least outwardly be a weak woman in the eyes of your beloved man. You should leave your boss' smocks at work, and be sweet, fragile, weak in the circle of loved ones. A wonderful film "Office Romance" was shot on this topic. When it was the outward manifestation of weakness that made a beautiful woman out of a prim career woman.

The role of a woman in the family, no matter how old-fashioned it may sound, is to provide support to her beloved. To enable a man to realize both his and your joint goals, and not rush into battle herself. Believe me, you will be rewarded a hundredfold for the role of a weak woman! A man will carry you in his arms, protect, groom and cherish - protect you from the harsh reality. He will draw strength from your seeming weakness, even if you are by no means a weakling. Make him feel important, even if you are objectively stronger than him in many ways. In the opposite case, in your companion, over time, the feminine principle will begin to prevail. It is not normal for a man to be led by a woman. Sooner or later, a feeling of inferiority will develop in a man. This situation leads to disagreements, quarrels over trifles, a lack of passion in intimate relationships. As a result - to indifference! You'd better loosen your grip and place the rule in the hands of a man. And use folk wisdom yourself: a man is a head, and a woman is a neck. Where the neck turns - there the head will turn.

The role of motherhood and the role of women

It's so wonderful to be a mother and a woman! However, although there are common things in these concepts, they are still different roles. And that's why. A woman, like a mother, realizes her masculine beginning in the fact that she is ready for constant bestowal. Return in education, care, knowledge and experience. This is one of the reasons why, after the birth of a baby, discord often begins in couples. The man does not understand the behavior of the second half. And it is only associated with the protection of his child. To avoid divorces and other family discord, a man must understand the reasons for the change in a woman and not demand the impossible from her for a given period. Woman, in turn, should not forget about her true beginning, because the potential of the mother in us is fully developed.

The purpose

The modern world and fashion dictate their own rules to a woman, which says about independence and self-sufficiency. Yes, and in the family, from childhood, the girl is instilled with the idea that she needs to get a good education, get a high-paying job, so as not to depend on anyone. After all, all men are so unreliable. Of course, it is pointless to oppose your career and your personal self-realization. However, men can admire a confident, intelligent, competitive woman. But admiration may not develop into love. Understand that the nature of a man is such that he will not receive sincere joy and pleasure by caring for a woman who can do well without him.

When a man is in the presence of a gentle, soft, trusting and somewhat weak woman, he wants to protect and protect his fragile creature. In search of our soul mate, we are guided by our negative beginning. And if a man does not reveal his feminine essence in a partner, disappointment comes. And one shouldn't think that they are so weak, that they cannot cope with a strong woman. After all, we are also looking for a companion in which our male half will be revealed. Of course, there are women who deliberately look for a pliable man, the latter, in turn, for a “second mother”. But these things are associated with internal complexes, which are also worth solving.

What's the secret of femininity?

A modern woman is allowed a lot. She can be a deputy, chief, president. But if she takes an equal position with a man, she goes against her nature. The paradox is that no matter what posts we occupy, no matter how much money we earn, we will not be truly happy, leaving our natural essence. Of course, you can engage in self-belief, put on masks, join all kinds of feminist organizations. But being alone with ourselves, we understand that something is missing.

There is one good Eastern wisdom that says: "We get what we actively strive for." Many women are ruled by the fear of being alone, at worst, with a child. After all, men with the current availability of women do not want to work on relationships. You can think so. But if you change your position to the opposite - be an open, vulnerable, weak woman. If you are not afraid to love and give a part of yourself to a loved one, then not weak-willed creatures, but real men will look for meetings with you.

I would also like to give one more reason. Everyone knows that the basic qualities are laid in childhood. And if the little son knows that his mother is vulnerable, defenseless, she needs to be protected, then in his independent and family life he will also perceive his soul mate. Treat her the way you taught him to treat you. I think you will be proud of the fact that you have raised a true man. And all thanks to what? The fact that they allowed themselves to be a weak woman, at least outwardly. Experts give several recommendations on how to awaken the feminine nature in yourself:

1. Treat things and situations like a woman. Part without regret with feelings of fearlessness, constant rivalry with a man. And in return, acquire a feeling of defenselessness and dependence on a man. Give up the desire to constantly control everything.

2. Stop doing male jobs. First, decide what you want to give up. Then share your thoughts with the man. Let him know that you can't do without his help. If he agrees, give him the reins of management for these types of work in full. The main thing is not to worry about the consequences of this act. Even if your man doesn’t take action right away, don’t push or bother him. Maybe the train will only move when you release your grip. And on the other hand, if you give over-the-top meaning to some things, this does not mean that your companion should also approach them. If a man refuses to perform a certain type of work, you should not immediately load them on your shoulders. Do what you can, and the rest will wait. Do not forget what you are striving for and enjoy your "feminine position." And after a while, go back to your spouse with this question.

Z. You have to do a man's work - do it like a woman. You should not demonstrate your masculine competence. Do it so that the man understands that you need help. Otherwise, you will carry this heavy burden only on yourself.

4. Do not be afraid of obedience. It may not be fashionable, but only in the case of agreement with a man, and not heated arguments and constant defense of one's position, can one come to harmony. It's such a masculine nature that they are humiliated when a woman takes over. Even if you have a different opinion, let it remain with you, because your desires can be presented very cunningly and unobtrusively. And only in matters of a moral nature it is necessary to stand up to the end.

After all, it was not in vain that men fought for the heart of a woman in ancient times. If you have a desire, you can also awaken knightly feelings in your beloved. If you at least outwardly become a weak woman, then men will take care of you, protect and ultimately love you!

"Strong woman" - how fashionable and modern it is. Even in films, dating back to Soviet times, they praise such energetic and enterprising aunts who love to lead and point out. Work comes first, family comes second, and in the family she is the leading usurper. For many growing girls, such heroines have always been an example.

But remember that Mymra from "Office Romance" is actually a weak and unhappy woman who dreams of a strong man, and the commanders in the family are the heroines of tales and anecdotes. Why go against nature and pretend to be Joan of Arc? It is the privilege of men to be strong, and women should learn to be weak next to their protector. How can this be done?

What is the psychology of a weak woman

Now it is fashionable to go to all kinds of trainings and seminars: smart people teach business, personal growth, family wisdom according to the principle: "Hit first, push with your elbows." Moreover, these clever people seem to ignore each of their students at close range - what is his gender, psychotype, physical and psychological ability.

As a result, after such massive trainings, weak businessmen will budge, giving all the money to teachers for seminars, their books and brochures, and in their personal lives they are completely desolate. After useless elbowing, they lack the strength even for love.

The situation is even worse in trainings for single women on the topic "How to get married." The focus is something like this:

    "Do not marry a poor man!" A salary of 50,000 - a worthless rogue, 250,000 - sex for food, up to a million - one might think, for a million - boldly marry.

    "Be strong, rule over your husband!" He must be crushed with authority, kept on a short leash, otherwise he will be beaten off from his hands.

    "Do not forgive him his fault, punish for everything!" You supposedly have a weapon - your body and authority, if anything - deprive him of sex. And he didn't deserve borscht either.

As a result, after such stupid would-be lessons, would-be graduates are born. They massively smile from the photos of their female release, and at night cry into the pillow with burning tears from loneliness.

It's simple: you won't find free millionaires in the daytime with fire, but even "rogue" with a salary of 50,000 are not being trained for women. And those who are being led are not needed for nothing: gigolos, opportunists who themselves pull money, lying on the couch.

Why are such trainings harmful and why should a woman become weak in front of a man? Seminars are idle chatter, theory that has nothing to do with practice. There can be only one practice - meditation with closed eyes: "I am strong, I can do anything!" And that's it!

Now prove it with real practice. See, your wardrobe is not according to Feng Shui? And the neighbor upstairs got drunk and yells. Let's move this closet alone to another corner and tame your neighbor! What's happened? Tore your back and got it in the forehead from the drunk? That's the same! Tie up and lie down, you are our strong!

The whole psychology of female strength is precisely in weakness, and not in command and impudence. Nature has awarded you with another tool: pitiful tears, weak physical strength, tenderness and affection. So use them, and a man will be able to appreciate it without losing his authority.

Ways to become defenseless and weak

What is female weakness expressed? In the frailty of her muscles and naivety? Of course not. Weakness is a woman's inner world, a character trait, and it is she who requires wisdom and flexibility of mind.

To learn how to be a weak woman, you need to know the measure of your capabilities and not go too far. Use your feminine privileges only when they are in place, and do not become Mrs. Omnipotence.

Women's tears

This is the kind of weapon that can kill a man, or it can strike his heart. No man can stand the eternal whining or tantrum, accompanied by streams from his eyes. For the first time he will feel sorry for his beloved, for the second time it will be annoying, for the third time it will wildly enrage.

Women's tears should touch and encourage a man to take some action. Here are the situations in which you can show them to a man:

    “I was walking home, and there were some gopniks standing at the entrance! I was so scared that you weren’t around that I even forgot to call you out of fear! ” In this case, the man will seriously think about your safety and will protect you in every possible way.

    "I had a terrible dream that you left me, and I burst into tears in my sleep." If you wake up your beloved with these words even at night, he will draw you to him and calm you down. Thus, you will show him how you depend on his love.

    "Forgive me, I am very guilty before you!" The admission of one's own mistakes should be with sincere remorse, and if it is also monstrous, then with tears. Well, you better read on this topic,.

Don't get in the habit of crying over any trifle. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite: the man will not believe a single tear of yours, and in general he will stop paying attention to your streams.

Physically weak woman

You should never be a hero if you are standing behind a man's shoulders. Otherwise, all the heroism can turn against you. I managed to move mountains and repulse the gopnik, then what are they afraid of for you: and next time you will do it.

By the way, do not forget about your female body: by moving mountains, you can damage yourself not only the fragile bones of the spine, but also achieve prolapse of the uterus. And you still have to give birth!

Plus, you humiliate your lover as a man. For example, I decided to rearrange the furniture on my own without consulting him. Firstly, you ignored his opinion on this matter, and secondly, you took away his job as an owner. Even if he is weak in figure, he is strong and sinewy. And you questioned its capabilities.

Psychological weakness

Women by nature are born crybaby and boy. Therefore, do not try to overcome yourself contrary to nature. If you are afraid of a spider, you can screech, let your beloved save you from him. If you are afraid of a scary moment in a horror movie - burrow into a man's shoulder, shutting your eyes, let him calm you down.

Give a man the opportunity to look after you when you need it. Give up this womanly stupidity: "I can't get sick, I have to feed my family" - and flooded with a temperature to work. All people get sick. When your eyes are full of gratitude for the tea with raspberries brought to bed, a man will see his significance here too.

Even if you are naturally strong, and in childhood you were a kid, then in order to become weak, you just need to relax. Strong women are to blame themselves if they take all the burden on themselves and are proud of it. No one has yet given them an order for this heroism. Well, if only the medal "For Valiant Labor" in the USSR.

"I need you!" - this is what your husband or just a loved one should feel from you. In the eyes of a man, you are not ashamed to be defenseless and vulnerable, otherwise he will not see the point in being a reliable shoulder and a stone wall for you. Trembling with fear, crying with resentment and sadness, seeing a beloved as a defender, showing weakness is normal for a woman. And don't give a damn about the idiotic trainings of strong women.

And what in return?

Indeed, one cannot be selfish and always take advantage of women's weakness. But you have one more weapon in stock: tenderness and affection. In gratitude for the male courage shown in the battle with a bully or a spider, you should also reward your knight.

Your handles should not move furniture and repel the enemy. Your pens are needed to keep the house clean, the husband is fed and cuddled at night. Your hands are obliged to bring raspberry tea to bed when your loved one is also sick.

Let's separate the flies from the cutlets. You can only be strong in your wisdom. And all male problems should be solved by your knight. If you go against nature, you will upset the balance, relations will deteriorate or come to naught.

Pay attention to families where the balance is upset - the wife is a usurper, and the husband is a whining henpecked. Is it really an unpleasant picture? And surely once this woman did not want to show normal female weakness and studied at training courses for husbands. But you certainly don't need to repeat her mistakes.

A joyful and happy woman is confident in herself, does not lack strength and inspiration. The question of how to become strong does not even occur to her. It's quite another matter when our desires are not realized ...

A soft, vulnerable, sensitive woman ... Those troubles that are a mere trifle for others, bring you to tears. And people often just use the kindness of a sympathetic heart. Girlfriends know it's hard to say no to you, be it the best outfit or "borrowed until Friday" money.

With men, and at all trouble. There is not enough determination to "put him in his place", even when he behaves like a notorious bastard. Sometimes years of life and youth are spent on such sick relationships, which a woman cannot break. And at work, you don't have the heart to insist on a well-deserved vacation or a long-promised promotion.

What to do? and protect yourself? The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help to solve the problem.

Where does strength and self-confidence come from?

At the heart of our psyche lies the desire to receive joy and pleasure from the realization of our desires. When a person makes an effort and gets what he wanted, he enjoys life. A joyful and happy woman is confident in herself, does not lack strength and inspiration. The question of how to become strong does not even occur to her. After all, she gets what she wants with all her heart.

It is quite another matter when our desires are not realized. I wanted a magical romantic love - but I got a drunkard, a sadist or a moron. I wanted faithful friendship with my best friend, but I got a “snake under the ice”, which is ready to substitute or rob at any moment. I counted on the understanding and sympathy of people - and the world stubbornly pushes against "callous breadcrumbs."

It seems that your feelings are indifferent to everyone. The search for ways begins,. It's better this way than forever tormenting your vulnerability and harboring illusions about ghostly happiness, right?

No, it’s not true. System-vector psychology with thousands of results convincingly proves that any of our desires are provided with opportunities for their implementation. Therefore, whatever we strive for with all our heart, we can receive.

How do you achieve what you really want?

How to become a strong and happy woman: step by step instructions

Step # 1. Getting rid of illusions about other people

Very often, it’s not just that our goals are unattainable. If with all your heart you want romantic love, family comfort or career growth, then this is quite possible to achieve. But any of our desires can be realized only through successful interaction with other people. And this is where the trap often lies, into which we fall.

We unconsciously expect from people what we could do ourselves. We attribute to them our own qualities and properties, which they may not have at all. And then we feel bitter disappointment. After that, of course, I want to learn how to adequately parry the blows of fate.

For example, a woman naturally possesses such qualities as honesty and directness, loyalty and devotion. She thinks that a friend or partner will also behave this way. And expectations are not met: in front of her is a person who is guided by considerations of benefit and benefit. Rational pragmatist, confident and purposeful. For him, there is no concept of friendship - there are only useful connections. And of course he behaves very differently.

When time after time we are disappointed in people, it begins to seem that the goals are unattainable, and happiness is unattainable. However, this is not at all the case. It's just that life in the modern world requires psychological literacy. It is important to understand exactly what properties a person has, how he will behave in a given situation. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan allows you to determine this at a glance.

Life among people ceases to be walking in a minefield. You can unmistakably choose a partner with whom you will be happy. Find the right tone with your boss. Build relationships successfully with children, parents and friends.

Step # 2. Getting to know ourselves better ... with ourselves

It seems that we know absolutely everything about ourselves. But even here lies a lot of surprises, which are not always pleasant. The fact is that other people have a significant impact on our entire life path.

Our parents, of course, leave a particularly strong imprint in childhood. For example, my mom had bad experiences with men. She had to raise and educate her daughter alone. From an early age she taught her, because her life did not spoil with gifts. This was especially acutely felt by the generation that grew up in Russia in the dashing nineties. Due to the collapse of the state, men massively lost their jobs, drank themselves into drinking, families disintegrated everywhere ...

“Be strong, daughter! You yourself must be able to earn money in order to feed the children. You never know what can happen! " A particularly vivid imprint from mother's words remains with girls who have properties. By nature, these are the children most attached to their mother. They strive to be obedient and the best daughters, follow the advice of their parents.

However, she has no desire of her own to “spin and make money”. But to build a happy family - she wants with all her heart.

If a woman has one, then the words of the mother, repeated in childhood: “do not cry,” “which the nurse let go,” “come on without emotions” - can greatly affect the ability of a visual girl to correctly realize her enormous emotional potential. She seems to seal her sensuality inside herself.

Such a woman strives for family and marriage, comfort and reliable relationships, but unconsciously chooses as her husband someone who can be pitied. Without pity, her feelings simply do not "start". So drunkards, men who are not able to adapt in society, or even drug addicts often find themselves nearby - those with whom they really have to do everything alone, including providing for the children. Possessing incredible natural patience and wanting consistency in relationships, such a woman for years "pulls on" an alcoholic or gigolo. And he endures something from which another would have fled a long time ago.

There can be many unsuccessful life scenarios, imposed attitudes and psychological trauma. They don't always come from childhood - we get them in large quantities in adulthood. For example, blindly following the standards of glossy magazines or listening to the advice of "experts" at women's training. System-vector psychology allows you to absolutely accurately separate your own desires from imposed and false attitudes, get rid of negative life scenarios and realize what your soul really wants to do.

Step 3. Realizing our sensuality correctly

There is nothing unnecessary, irrational, wrong in nature. If from birth a woman is given high emotionality and the ability to feel subtly, this talent is not intended at all for suffering. When implemented correctly, it allows her to build deep emotional connections with people. And of course, create a romantic, sensual relationship with a man. How can this be achieved?

Oddly enough, it is natural sensuality that can help a visual woman in that. But her huge emotional range needs to be directed in the right direction.

Empathy and compassion are the talent of the visual vector that needs to be developed and realized. The huge volume of emotions of a visual woman is not designed for one person and must find social application.

For example, in the work of a doctor, the patient cannot do without empathy. The talent for building emotional connections will also come in handy in working with children - an educator, a teacher of elementary grades. Or a teacher of their native language and literature: developing moral qualities in children, the ability to empathize with each other.

If fate has developed in such a way that you have long chosen another profession and do not plan to change it, then you can get the missing realization of visual properties in volunteer work. To participate in helping orphans, sick, lonely elderly people. With such a realization, a woman no longer even has the question of how to be a strong spirit. She simply has no equal in strength of spirit.

You can verify this with real life examples. Known to all, she fearlessly took out wounded children from the hottest spots in the world. Provided them with first aid right in the combat zone. There was no place in her heart for worrying about herself - she empathized so deeply with others. This does not mean that every viewer needs to immediately volunteer to go to hot spots. It's enough just to start doing what you can do.

A realized visual woman is able to build very precise and deep emotional bonds with a man. She is able to give the partner what a man really needs: love and inspiration. Relationships built on this basis have every chance of being embodied as a real romantic fairy tale.

Step 4. Resolving internal contradictions

The modern woman has a complex structure of the psyche, which simultaneously includes the properties of three, five, and sometimes more vectors. Without realizing its structure, we are often overwhelmed by conflicting desires. We do not realize why we want one thing or another.

For example, for a woman with an anal vector, family and children are most important. She is knowledgeable, obedient to her man and loyal to society. Strives for loyalty and absolute monogamy. Conservative, committed to consistency in her lifestyle. Woman with is her complete opposite. Active and businesslike, logical and pragmatic, appreciates and saves time and resources. Knows how to make money, loves novelty, travel and change. He wants career growth and the implementation of his ambitious plans.

If nature has endowed you with both those and other properties at the same time, then it can be difficult to deal with your own contradictions, to build priorities in life. And if this bouquet is multiplied by the emotional swings of the visual vector, then it is simply unbearable. System-vector psychology allows you to eliminate any contradictions and finally enjoy the breadth of possibilities that such a multitude of talents provide.

Step 5. Get rid of trauma

Some of us have deep traumas that negate all efforts in being happy. For example, in a skin vector, this is a scenario for failure. Moreover, for men it is, first of all, failures in their careers, but for women - failures in pair relationships: such women often attract sadists into their lives. Psychotraumas in the anal vector lead to the syndrome of delayed life, form deep resentment against fate and simply an inability to move forward.

We have already managed to deal with this forever and get a new quality of life. to find out more.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-vector psychology»

Weakness attracts strength. A weak woman attracts a strong man. Sounds tempting. But how to be a "weak" woman in the conditions of modern capitalism with an "inhuman" face, when you need to survive and fight back, work with your elbows and move over corpses. AS? While she thinks about it, they will devour, deceive, set up! she is not theirs, so they are hers!

In a cruel, fast-paced world of ever-increasing corruption, at all stages of life, a woman is trapped by the traps of envy and cunning, deception and cruelty. And what is left for her? With her claws biting into life and tearing pieces from it to feed herself and her children, whom she often brings up alone, the modern business woman has learned to be strong.

And even very strong. So strong that the average man seems to be a wimp and a loser next to her. And if his conscience allows him, he hides under her wing, if pride allows, he becomes henpecked, but if not, then he retires away.

She, strong and aggressively independent, is avoided and shunned not only by weaklings, but also by men as strong as her.

They are interested in her, she turns on, attracts, attracts, but it is difficult to cope with her, she is a competitor, she requires a high level of communication. And this is annoying. With a woman, you want to relax and not think about your perfection.

Sometimes she so much wants her to look into his mouth and think that he is a demigod, that he is ready to find someone simpler, and forgive her for her lack of brains and a bad figure. Only to be the leader, the leader, who decides everything and everyone. And to be stronger for the simple reason that he is a man.

So he prefers the "weak" and "stupid". And with the "strong" he remains friends. It is not easy with her, because she herself has learned to make decisions and take responsibility for herself. And sometimes he does it much better than a man.

And what is she? She, poor thing, finds herself completely alone in her heroic self-sufficiency. Miss congeniality, not demanded by either the weak or the strong.

And she, by the way, wants love as much as every person on earth. Because with all her strength, intelligence and enterprise, she still remains a Woman.

With unchanging feminine weaknesses and little things, cute habits and words, with a lullaby that sounds in her in rare moments of inner tenderness, with all her little feminine features thrust so far into the deepest depths of her being that you will not find.

A modern woman, preoccupied with her career and active advancement in life, takes male places and plays male roles, and to some extent she herself expels real men from her life.

In fact, why would she need them, if she is a Shvets, and a reaper, and a gambler on a pipe. And at the same time he manages to learn three languages, give birth to a child, build his body and work, and even form his own completely original and deep inner spiritual world.

She, according to the old school habit, does all this so diligently, not allowing herself to relax and dismiss her that she does not notice how her tender weaknesses and lines gradually become leaden and become stronger than any armor. And flowers cannot sprout through this armor. Because they are gentle ...

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the more our heroine will bite into life, the more furiously life will separate her from the simple woman's happiness, which she longs in the depths of her soul, no matter what. And worthy, like no other. Happiness, where a woman is supposed to be what God originally created her. Weak, tender, compassionate and kind, requiring care and love.

To protect herself from life, she hardens, but this separates her from the flow of life in which she is destined to swim and enjoy this process, fulfilling her mission and taking her place. It becomes heavy, iron and cold and can regain its lightness only by radically changing its perception of the world.

At first glance, this seems impossible. And why? Not to descend to the level of losers? Do not give up the positions that she won independently and with such difficulty!

Of course not to give up! There is another, more human way to bring her back to life. To do this, she just needs to allow herself to be weak! As if to learn this anew, as if nothing had happened, to start from a blank sheet.

At least once a day, you need to allow yourself complete helplessness, which requires outside intervention.

Better on the part of the man. This mobilizes him and gives the woman a gratifying sense of complementarity.

Yes, it’s not easy for modern women to let the moments of life that she’s used to carefully control to take their course. Yes, she herself knows how to repair tanks and negotiate, sign contracts and change gaskets in taps. Not to mention hammering in nails and screwing in light bulbs. But why?

Why should she grab onto everything if there is a convenient opportunity to demonstrate, and most importantly, to feel her helplessness. In general, this is a very good indicator if she has such little secret "weak points" that she is used to hiding. Now they need to be revealed to the world. Let everyone see that she has them. This will give her a touch of fragile feminine charm. And it will attract those who are ready to protect this charm!

Need to learn to ask for help

The thing is sometimes unthinkable for self-sufficient people who consider themselves to be docs in any matter. But, firstly, it is impossible to be absolute docs in everything, and, secondly, the one who asks for help indirectly speaks about his imperfection, which means that he is a living person, the same as everyone else.

And that you can approach him and find the key. And even become necessary. It's so important, especially for a man, to be necessary for a woman. This mobilizes him, elevates him in his own eyes. This inspires and arouses interest in those who need this help.

There is a certain psychological law of our attraction to the one whom we helped. We are always interested in how our word will respond, and how our work will be useful. Remember what you like to do more, give gifts or receive them? Surely, you are pleased to do good to someone. So put yourself in the shoes of the man who will have such a happy opportunity - to be your helper or savior.

Stop Taking the Excellence Exam

It is impossible to be perfect in everything. Relax. Allow yourself to be a little lazy, to be lazy. Forget about the fixed schedule that you have crammed your life into. Take a look at him, is there a place for a man, and for love in the version that may be?

When you gladly allow yourself to give him all your time without a trace, you will become in demand. At least for a while, but try to feel your own need for another person.

Sometimes a business woman is so preoccupied with the vital work moments of her survival that she does not allow herself to live. Relax, just mess around. Go shopping like an ordinary person, chat with a friend, lie on the couch with a book.

In the end, it is sometimes useful to remember what all this vital cheese is for. Where are we all rushing, striving, why all this? And when will we just start living? Maybe make it straight
now, without shelving?

How to become a weak woman, so that a real, strong man, about whom you dream so much, appears next to you?

Every business woman has her own path. And this path is just a movement towards oneself, one's feminine nature, one's destiny. Each of us knows it and feels it. Only for some reason he violently resists this knowledge.

Now, weigh the pros and cons. And think that you have already been strong and self-sufficient. Maybe stop playing other people's games? It's time to try yourself in the role of a simple woman, weak and vulnerable, without an iron shell. A woman who remembers the lullaby of her soul. And it requires protection.

It is when she allows herself that, in her life there will be someone who will be able to protect her. Checked!