How to make a water ionizer at home. The principle of operation of household water ionizers

Joint development of doctors and designers of "TPK Mercury"

The ionizer is designed to produce an aqueous solution of Ag + silver ions at home. It is an art piece made of 925 sterling silver. How to use a silver ionizer correctly To fill the water with healthy silver ions as much as possible, you need to make a simple calculation: In the case of using 925 silver as a silver ionizer: 30 g of silver per 1 liter of water, for a period of 36 hours. The ionizer is lowered into the water, which after a short time acquires healing properties. Water ionizers are produced with a convenient holder on the edge of the dishes, as well as different weights, designed to prepare different volumes of healing water


For reference: Silver has a powerful bactericidal property, normalizes metabolism, removes harmful substances from the body. Silver has a detrimental effect on more than 650 types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. In cosmetology, silver water is widely used in the treatment of various skin inflammations, as well as to maintain the elasticity of skin tissues and even complexion. People who constantly use silver water are less susceptible to influenza and viral diseases. Silver ions normalize the microflora, so dysbacteriosis is treated with silver water. Mothers use ionized water as an antiseptic for baby care. The health benefits of silver were noticed many centuries ago, and at the beginning of the past, our world-famous medical scientists Botkin S.S. and Vinogradov A.P. have already scientifically proven the need for the use of silver in medicine.
.Doctors recommend drinking "silver" water every day and also successfully use it for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.
.Cosmetologists advise to wash your face with “silver” water more often.
. Cooks use it for cooking
.Caring mothers bathe their children in silver water, treat toys, floors and furniture in children's rooms with silver water.
.Dachniks and gardeners use it for germinating seeds, processing tubers and watering seedlings, long-term storage of cut flowers, as well as for better preservation of homemade preparations: pickles, jams and compotes.

As a rule, holy water retains freshness for a long time. The church attributes this to a visible manifestation of the presence of the grace of the Holy Spirit in it, and science considers such cases as the result of the use of silver crosses and bowls when consecrating water, which leave silver ions in the water that have a bactericidal effect, in some churches silver bowls are used.


To ionize water the old fashioned way, no electrical appliances needed. Wash. You can do without disinfectants, in itself is an excellent antiseptic. The pitcher should just be clean. If you do not have such dishes, use silver forks or spoons.

Pour water into a silver vessel. It is better to get rid of chlorine and other impurities in advance. Use any water filter. Place the pitcher in a cool but not too cold place, out of direct sunlight. It's best to keep the silver water in a dark place. In the light, it quickly loses its properties.

Let the water sit for about a day. Silver ions will penetrate into it without any of your intervention. When in contact with other substances, silver often loses its properties, since getting from to it can be difficult. But in water, ions retain their activity for a long time. In this case, hydrated silver is formed. It is also called colloidal.

If there is no jug, pour water in any glass, porcelain or enameled dishes. Perhaps only aluminum vessels are not suitable. Dip in water silver spoon or fork Wash cutlery first. In the same way as in the first case, let the water brew. The larger the item, the less time it will take. The old methods have one significant drawback - it is very difficult to calculate the dosage.

If possible, it is best to get an ionizer. It allows you to control the concentration of silver in the solution. In addition, you can get ultra-pure silver ions. Please read the user manual carefully before using the water. It shows the modes of operation and the amount of water.

Rinse the working part of the ionizer. This should be done with warm water using dishwashing detergent. Be careful not to let water get inside. It is better to remove the metal tube, that is, at the same time, and put it on after processing. The silver anode is not removable.

Dip the ionator into a vessel with the required amount of water. Water should be slightly above room temperature. The device itself will analyze its electrical conductivity, and accordingly, it will set the current supply mode. The ionizer has an indicator tab. Watch her closely. After the silver solution is ready, she. If you are behind the ionizer during operation, you will be able to notice how ions flow from the anode. They look like a slightly cloudy plume.

Useful advice

Do not use industrial silver to ionize water. There may be impurities that are not always beneficial to health.

In order to put an old well in order, a mirror is not at all necessary, especially since modern mirrors are often not made of silver. Use any large enough silver object.

Silver-ionized water can protect a person from many infectious diseases. The ions of this metal freely penetrate microorganisms, viruses and fungi and kill them.

Silver ionized water for washing is very useful. It has a strong antiseptic effect, with its help you can get rid of many skin defects.

Silver water can be used to wash wounds. Silver ions combine with tissue proteins and form a protective layer, thus preventing the development of inflammation. Ionized water can be used at all stages of the inflammatory process.


  • silver water ionizer
  • Ionization of water with silver

Well cleaning and water disinfection should be carried out twice a year. The frequency of these activities depends entirely on the mode of operation of the well and the quality of the water in it. Disinfection of water in the well can be done at any time, but it is still better to do this in the summer or spring.

You will need

  • - bleaching powder;
  • - brush;
  • - bucket;
  • - rag;
  • - long stick


Well cleaning and water disinfection are essential when parts of plant organisms, animals or birds get into it, as well as if oil enters the water from sediment. There is absolutely no difference what caused the water pollution - a mouse, a cat, a dirty boot or. Do not put your body in danger, because your health is related to the quality of the water you drink.


Subject: Can SILVER help us somehow in the process of water purification?

Name: Artem

Hello Artyom.

Increased interest in colloidal silver obtained in ionizers arose again in connection with its revealed action in the body as a trace element necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems, immunocorrective, as well as powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The effectiveness of the bactericidal action of colloidal silver is explained by the ability to suppress the work of the enzyme, which ensures oxygen metabolism in the simplest organisms. Therefore, alien protozoa die in the presence of silver ions due to a disruption in the oxygen supply necessary for their vital activity.

Modern studies of the action of colloidal silver ions have shown that they have a pronounced ability to neutralize vaccinia viruses, some strains of the influenza virus, enteroviruses and adenoviruses. In addition, they have a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of viral enteritis and distemper in dogs. At the same time, the advantage of colloidal silver therapy in comparison with standard therapy was revealed.

A beneficial effect of colloidal silver ions on the healing of trophic ulcers that develop in violation of the circulation of the lower extremities was noted. No side effects of silver treatment were noted in any case.

Now one of the rapidly developing areas of modern nanotechnology is the creation and use of nanosized particles of various materials.

Nanomaterial, already today finding application in various commercial products - NANOSILVER.

As you know, silver is the most powerful natural antibiotic that exists on earth. It has been proven that silver is capable of destroying more than 650 types of bacteria, so it has been used by humans to destroy various microorganisms for thousands of years, which indicates its stable antibiotic effect.

Colloidal nanosilver is a product consisting of microscopic silver nanoparticles suspended in demineralized and deionized water. This high scientific technology product is produced by electrolytic method.

All household silver ionizers implement the same principle of operation and are designed to produce an aqueous solution of Ag + silver ions at home. In this case, silver ions are released into the water when a direct electric current passes between the two electrodes of the device, one of which is made of pure silver, and the other is made of special stainless steel. In this case, the silver electrode (anode), dissolving, saturates the water with silver ions. The concentration of the resulting solution at a given current strength depends on the operating time of the power source and the volume of treated water. This process is called electrolysis and is the most efficient way to enrich water with silver ions.

When the ionizer is turned on, silver ions begin to be released into the water. After some time, the number of ions reaches its limit - saturation points and ionization stops by itself. The maximum amount of silver in the solution cannot exceed the concentrations allowed for drinking water.

If you choose the right ionizer, then the residual content of silver dissolved in water will not exceed the limit dose of 10-4 ... bacteriostatic water treatment. Currently, safe installations and technologies for silvering water have been created. Based on them, you can get guaranteed clean drinking water without chlorine and without bacteria. Systems for water disinfection by silvering for swimming pools have also been created.

Modern ionizers allow you to get two types of silver water:

DRINKING - water in which the concentration of silver ions is 35 μg / liter. According to sanitary standards, such water is allowed for human consumption (SanPiN allows the silver content in drinking water to be up to 50 µg/liter). Doctors recommend regularly drinking such water, both just for drinking and for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. First of all, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, drinking silver water is used for cooking, for better preservation of homemade preparations (marinades, jams and pickles). It is very good to treat children's toys and dishes with it to protect them from bacteria.

CONCENTRATE - water in which the concentration of silver ions is 10,000 µg/liter. This water can be used for inhalation in case of broncho-pulmonary diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes for washing, for watering plants and their seeds, for washing fruits and vegetables.

Colloidal silver nanoparticles obtained by this method have a size of 25 nm. They have an extremely large specific surface area, which increases the contact area of ​​silver with bacteria or viruses, greatly improving its bactericidal action. Thus, the use of silver in the form of nanoparticles makes it possible to reduce the concentration of silver hundreds of times while maintaining all bactericidal properties.

Rice. Micrographs of silver nanoparticles

The operation of the ionizer is controlled by a digital microprocessor, which, depending on the purpose and volume of the solution, sets the parameters of the current on the electrodes and the operating time of the device. The use of digital technology ensures high reliability and particularly accurate operation of the device.

Water saturated with silver ions is used:

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract:


    ARI (including rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis)


Application in the form of irrigation (rinsing) of the walls of the pharynx, tonsils, oral cavity, nose drops 3-4 times a day. The concentration of colloidal silver ions in the solution is 20,000 µg/L.

For diseases of the oral mucosa:


    periodontal disease

Application in the form of irrigation of the walls of the pharynx, tonsils, oral cavity, nasal drops 3-4 times a day. The concentration of colloidal silver ions in the solution is 20,000 µg/l.

For broncho-pulmonary diseases:

    bronchitis (acute and chronic), especially accompanied by purulent sputum


Application in the form of inhalations 2 times a day. The concentration of colloidal silver ions in solution is 5000-10000 mg/l.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

    chronic gastritis

    peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

    chronic colitis

It is applied inside 150-200 ml 3 times a day. The concentration of colloidal silver ions in solution is 50-100 µg/L.

Outdoor use:

    pustular skin diseases

    furunculosis, pyoderma, lichen



    dermatitis and eczema

    urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis

Application in pediatrics (external use):

    disinfection of water for bathing children


    baby eczema

It is used in the form of irrigation, baths, lotions. The concentration of colloidal silver ions in solution is 500-1000 µg/l.

In addition, silver is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, to strengthen the immune system, and is used for iontophoresis of affected tissues.

All existing water ionizers implement the same principle of operation. The difference is only in the design features, design and cost.

WATER IONIZERS"PENGUINS" AND " DOLPHINS The company "ECO-ATOM" (St. Petersburg) produces household stationary filters "Penguin-06", "Penguin-07", "Dolphin-03", "Dolphin-04" and "Dolphin-10" - more precisely, complex filtering installations connected to the mains.

In these installations, water is first disinfected using an ultraviolet irradiator (7) and passes through a magnetic block (2), then it descends to a mechanical coarse filter (3), rises, being cleaned in a nineteen-layer sorption filter from natural sorbents (4), passes through fine filter (5) and finally enters the silver ion generator (6). The meaning of the last operation is not only to completely destroy microorganisms, but also to add silver ions in a small concentration to already purified water so that it retains its bactericidal properties without being saturated with bacteria from the air.

The ECOATOM installations produce silver water, which the astronauts drank on the space station, this water was awarded at various exhibitions, and the "Penguins" became the winner of the 2001 "One Hundred Best Goods of Russia" contest. In addition to household filters and silver bottled water, EKOATOM produces larger devices with a resource of 10 tons of water or more, designed for a school, kindergarten, hospital, restaurant or other enterprise. The developed systems are a major achievement in domestic water purification, because Until now, such technology has been available only to the military-industrial complex. They have one drawback - loudness and high price.

Filters company "ECOATOM"


WATER IONIZERGEORGEmore compact and used to obtain aqueous ionic and colloidal solutions at home.

Features of the device GEORGY:

    two automatic operating modes

    makes it possible to obtain solutions containing colloidal silver in a wide range of known concentrations

    depending on the mode, the resulting silver water can be drunk or used for domestic purposes

    average service life of at least 5 years

The cost of the device is about 3000 rubles

I personally like WATER IONIZER NEVOTON, which is very simple, compact and easy to handle. And the cost of the device is also acceptable - about 2000 rubles. It is installed on top of a regular jar with a volume of one, two or three liters.

In the upper part of the ionizer body there is a control panel with three touch buttons:

Button MODE– sets the concentration of the solution ( DRINKING or CONCENTRATE).

Button VOLUME- sets the volume of the liquid to be processed one / two / three liters).

The selected modes are displayed by the glow of the corresponding indicator.

Button START/STOP– starts and, if necessary, prematurely stops the ionization process. The operation indicator glows steadily during the ionization process.

The end of the water ionization process occurs automatically. The fact that the process is completed is signaled by a flashing indicator above the button. START / STOP and every 10 seconds a short beep sounds.

After the end of ionization (enrichment of water with colloidal silver), you must press the button START / STOP. The ionizer goes into its initial state (DRINKING / 1 LITER) and is ready for a new start.

The time of water treatment with the Nevoton ionizer is set automatically when choosing the mode and volume of water.

The concentration of drinking water with colloidal silver is 35 µg/liter. The concentrate already contains 10,000 mg of silver per liter of water. If you need silver water of any other, intermediate concentration, it is enough to change the volume of water or the time of its treatment accordingly.

The NEVOTON IS-112 water ionizer allows you to get 60 tons of silver water (a whole railway tank car), which is enough for a family of three with an average consumption of about 3 years.

It should be borne in mind that in any water silverer, silver is a consumable material, therefore, from time to time, in any case, you will replace either replaceable silver cartridges (as in some other ionizers), or, as in the case of NEVOTON IS-112, the device itself (approximately after 3 years of constant use), which is much more convenient and economical.

It is also convenient and simple to prepare solutions of silver water Ag + from a commercially available concentrate solution of colloidal silver - 35 mg / l. From it you can prepare silver water of any concentration, using the kitchen utensils at hand.

Per 100 g of water

For 1 liter of water

1 teaspoon (3 ml) - 1.0 mg/l

1 teaspoon (3 ml) - 0.1 mg/l

1 dessert spoon (6 ml) - 2.0 mg/l

1 dessert spoon (6 ml) - 0.2 mg/l

1 tablespoon (9 ml) - 3.0 mg/l

1 tablespoon (9 ml) - 0.3 mg/l

It should be noted that for ingestion, silver water is diluted in raw filtered water at room temperature, and not in boiled water.

Concentration - 0.1 mg / l. Drink instead of regular water for 6 months. Then a break of 3 months, etc.

For the prevention of internal diseases

Concentration: 0.1 -0.5 mg/l. Drink 100 gr. solution 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Course - 3 months.

For the treatment of internal diseases a concentration of 0.5 - 5.0 mg/l is used. 100 gr. solution 3-4 times a day 20-3 minutes before meals. Course - 3 months. With food poisoning, flatulence, with postoperative relapses in the kidneys, liver, intestines (fistulas). In severe forms of these diseases, the concentration of the solution increases to 5.0 - 10.0 mg / l.

In the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic hypo and hyperacid gastritis, enteritis, cholecystitis, endocrine diseases, diabetes, diathesis, eczema. Prevents the development of traumatic sepsis. The first 10 days the concentration is 10 mg/l; the next 3 weeks - 5 mg / l.

In the treatment of infectious diseases: cholera, plague, typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, scarlet fever, diphtheria, hepatitis "A" and others. In severe forms of these diseases - the concentration of the solution increases to 10 - 15.0 mg / l.

Silver water is also used to disinfect water of unknown origin (river, swamp, etc.). Concentration - 0.1 mg / l - 4 hours and 0.2 mg / l - 2 hours of exposure.

Adding silver water to medicinal infusions, milk, juices extends their shelf life by several times.

Prevention - before and during influenza epidemics, during periods of severe stress. Drink for prevention 20-30 minutes before meals.

However, I must warn you against long-term use of highly effective colloidal silver preparations, since silver is a heavy metal that has a high degree of health hazard (along with lead, cobalt, arsenic and other substances). Like other heavy metals, silver can accumulate in the body and cause serious argyrosis poisoning. Therefore, unnecessarily do not abuse water ionizers. The maximum amount of silver in the solution cannot exceed the concentrations allowed for drinking water.

The content of silver in drinking water is regulated by SanPiN "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control" (silver content in water is not more than 0.05 mg / l) and SanPiN - 02 "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for the quality of water packaged in containers. Quality control” (silver content in water is not more than 0.025 mg/l). The limiting sign of the harmfulness of the substance for which the standard is established is sanitary-toxicological. Nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr6+) dissolved in water have an equivalent hazard class. Therefore, never abuse highly effective colloidal silver preparations.

The best and safest way to prepare silver water at home is to soak silver items in water. If you have old silver coins or spoons, it is enough to put such a silver spoon in a three-liter jar of water for a day and then drink the resulting water or use it for domestic purposes.

The desire of the population for a healthy lifestyle has received active support from marketers and enterprising manufacturers.

As a result, a water ionizer and other similar devices have gained great popularity, some of which actually perform useful functions. But many of them, at best, work as a psychological support factor.

Consumers need to have a real idea about the nature of the action of the aggregates, assess the need for the promised benefits, and exclude the possibility of harm to the body.

A device with this name contributes to the formation of ions in water in one way or another. Pure water exists primarily in the form of molecules. It decomposes into ions to a meager degree (10 -7 mol / l), therefore it belongs to very weak electrolytes.

Ionization stimulates the formation of negatively and positively charged particles in water. The result of this process will be more noticeable if foreign substances are present in the liquid in a dissolved or solid state.

Ionizers, positioned as units for obtaining "living" water, pass an electric current through a solution of mineral salts. The internal capacity of the device has a membrane-type partition, which prevents the mixing of solutions formed with differently charged electrodes.

As a result, a solution with a high content of negatively charged ions of sodium, potassium, alkaline earth metals is formed near the cathode. The liquid has an alkaline environment, comparable in composition to mineral water of natural origin.

Acid ions are concentrated near the anode, the solution of which is often called "dead" water for reasons that are not entirely clear. Acidified solutions are also useful and pleasant, which confirms the centuries-old experience of mankind using various types of vinegar and lemon juice as a food additive.

Process features

If chlorinated water from urban water supply networks is subjected to ionization, then active oxidizing agents can form in solution in small amounts, for example, hypochlorites, which are used as disinfectants, bleaching agents in detergents. The prospect of getting healthier with such water is unlikely to please potential buyers.

There are electrical devices, which are often called ionizers, with electrodes of a specific composition that make it possible to obtain ozone in a solution. At the other pole, this can form hydrogen peroxide.

In some devices, silver ions are generated from a suitable metal plate. In other ionizers, electrolysis occurs, in which an aqueous solution of the contained mineral salts is separated into charged particles.

In any case, ionization is an electrochemical process of transformation of substances present in water. Its direction depends on the features of the device and the materials used to manufacture the device.

Myths about ionization

Ionization of water is now interpreted by many as an undoubted benefit that can work wonders, heal the sick, and prevent the onset of diseases in healthy people. It's good to remember the basics of a school chemistry course, especially the section on the structure and properties of water, in order to understand what is at stake in the characteristics of ionizers.

Water belongs to very weak electrolytes, which is confirmed by a simple experiment. In a glass of water, you need to dip the wires of the circuit, in the middle of which an electric light bulb is mounted. As a result:

  • in absolutely pure water, it will not light up (there are no charged particles);
  • in ordinary tap water, the light bulb will not light up very brightly;
  • in mineral water with a lot of salts - it will light up with a bright light.

The experiment confirms the absence of charged ion particles in a sample with pure water and their presence in solution. Therefore, the ionizer stimulates the formation of ions, in fact, in a solution of salts.

After realizing this fact, it is difficult to trust information from manufacturers about the possibility of cleaning by ionization, realizing that this cannot be true.

Important! It is possible to ionize only water with impurities, the amount of which must be strictly controlled due to the possible diverse effects on the body.

The constant use of the product of electrochemical processing instead of pure life-giving moisture can be harmful. Therefore, it is better to use ordinary table mineral water with a strictly indicated concentration of all components.

For regular drinking, water that has undergone high-quality purification in industrial or domestic conditions using a system of various filters is also useful. Even an ordinary household cleaner, in which cartridges are replaced in a timely manner, delivers a more valuable product for everyday use than an ionic solution.

Popular types of ionizers

It is advisable to consider the possibilities declared by manufacturers for the most popular units that ionize water.

Silver ionizers

There are several ways to saturate water with silver particles, the most ancient of which is to store it in a silver dish. Alternatively, the method of immersing silver jewelry or cutlery in water can be used. These are the so-called water ionizers on a chain, often used at home.

Silver items on a chain are no different from 925 high silver spoons, bracelets, pendants, crosses made of the same material.

More complex water ionizers are electrical appliances with silver plates. Modern manufacturers use them to enhance the formation of ions.

It is useful to remember that silver products have different concentrations of the precious metal, which is displayed in the sample. For example, numerous pieces of jewelry have a fairly high 925 as opposed to tableware containing more impurities and less silver. The use of a low grade noble metal ion source with a significant content of other substances as a source of noble metal ions can degrade water quality.

Silver ionizers for water with a high concentration of a noble metal produce a liquid with the desired properties, which should be consumed in doses, excluding oversaturation of the body. Periodic short-term intake of water with an increased content of silver ions, according to user reviews, can be beneficial.

tourmaline glass

According to the opinion of scientists in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine, the ability of tourmaline to supply ions to the solution and in this way have a therapeutic effect does not stand up to criticism. The idea of ​​tourmaline ionizers is based, apparently, on the ability of the crystals of this mineral, under a certain influence, to acquire internal polarization, to become electrified.

This phenomenon is in no way related to the ionization of water, because the formation of poles in the tourmaline molecule does not initiate the appearance of ions in the surrounding water.

If water from a tourmaline ionizer helps someone recover from ailments, then the problems were psychological in nature. Any getting rid of diseases is always pleasing, even if the method of achieving the result is not confirmed.

Electrical devices

Numerous devices for ionization have a variety of designs. The devices produce slightly alkalized or acidified water, similar in properties to mineral water. In some cases, under the action of an ionizer, other useful or not the most beneficial substances are formed in the liquid.

The use of an ionizer is not an expedient way to restore health. It does not show any benefits compared to taking mineral water, oxygen cocktails and many other health drinks.

No living organism can function without water. Our health depends on the quality of the fluid we drink. To purify water, people use various methods: some defend, others use filters, and the most advanced buy special devices. But do not rush to spend money! Today we will look at how to make a water ionizer with your own hands.

The hydroionizer is a device for the electrolysis of water. This device is used to obtain alkaline and acidic liquid.

There is an opinion that water filled with ions helps in the fight against diseases and can even slow down the aging of the body.

How does water become positively and negatively charged? First of all, it is cleaned from all kinds of contaminants thanks to the installed filter. Further, the negative electrodes attract alkaline minerals, while the positive electrodes attract acidic substances.

As a result, we get two types of water:

alkaline, with a negative charge. Its useful properties:

  • Strong antioxidant.
  • It has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Accelerates tissue healing.

Acid, with a positive charge. Its useful qualities:

  • Has a disinfectant effect.
  • Smoothes the skin.
  • Improves the condition of the hair.
  • It has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect.
  • Wound healing, antifungal agent.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action.
  • Used in oral care.

Instrument types

During the operation of the ionizing device, the water is disinfected and enriched.

Ionizers based on electrolysis

Water ionizers based on electrolysis have gained great popularity. In the filter of the device are particles of silver, which provides disinfection of the liquid, as well as purification from salts of heavy metals. The device produces alkaline and acidic water, each of which contains substances useful for the body.

If you use a device with the presence of silver to ionize water, then you should take into account the degree of its concentration in water:

  1. You can eat liquid with a silver concentration of no more than 30-40 micrograms per liter.
  2. For washing dishes, children's toys, products, it is useful to use water with a content of 300-500 micrograms of silver per liter.
  3. If the level of silver in the water is 10,000 micrograms per liter, this is considered a concentrate. Such a liquid is used for medicinal purposes only for external use.


If you want healthy alkaline and acidic water to appear in your home, you can make your own water ionizer. . It won't take much time or effort.

The manufacturing scheme of the ionizer is simple. For this you will need:

  1. two electrodes. If there are none, then stainless metal plates or graphite rods will do.
  2. A piece of a fire hose, which is a current conductor, but it does not let water through, which will prevent the mixing of “living” water with “dead” water.
  3. Glass jar with a lid.
  4. A piece of wire with a plug.

If all the necessary materials are ready, you can start making a water ionizer with your own hands. First, we sew the hose on one side. We put it in a bank. Fill both containers 2/3 full with water. We attach electrodes to the wire. For a 0.5 liter can, it will be enough to take an electrode 10 centimeters long.

A homemade water ionizer with parallel electrodes must be positioned so that the minus is located in the middle of the bag, and the plus is on its outer side.

It is important not to confuse the plus with the minus, for this it is best to mark them with such signs: “+” and “-”. Next, connect the device to the mains, wait 10 minutes. As a result, we get whitish and cloudy "live" and "dead", transparent water with a greenish tint.

How to make a silver ionizer

By eating a liquid enriched with silver ions, you will get rid of harmful microorganisms. You can make such an ionizer according to the above instructions. To do this, you need to attach any silver object (it can be a silver coin or a spoon) to the plus, and minus to the power source.

To obtain food silver water, the device must be turned on. no more than 3 minutes. For more concentrated silver water, which is only suitable for external use, you need the device to work up to 7 minutes. After turning off the device, mix the water well and put it in a dark place for 4 hours. After which it will be ready for use.

In order for silver not to precipitate, water should not be stored in a bright place.

The choice is only yours: make a water ionizer with your own hands or purchase it in a store. The main thing is that you will have your own personal device with which you can prepare healthy “living” and “dead” water.