How to learn how to do a professional manicure yourself? How to make a manicure step by step instructions

Every girl should have beautiful and well-groomed hands. Since doing a manicure at home is very simple, in order to always be neat, absolutely no costs are required.

Nail preparation

The first step is to prepare the nail plate and cuticle for further processing. To get started you will need:

  1. Tweezers, trimmer;
  2. Scissors;
  3. File;
  4. Scrub, oils, cream;
  5. Degreaser (you can take alcohol or face lotion).

To learn how to do a cool European manicure, you need to remember that the most important part is preparation. On this tapa, the old coating is removed, the cuticle is trimmed, the nails are filed and their surface is leveled. To carry out the procedure, you can use a special apparatus or several nail files and hand tools (they must be sharpened before use).

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare nails for a manicure at home:

  1. The old varnish is peeling off. Immediately after this, the nails are soaked in the bath. We recommend adding a little sea salt and iodine to the water - then the plate will become thicker and stronger;
  2. After 5 minutes of “soaking” the nails, you need to get one finger at a time and check the cuticle. If it is easily deformable, then it can be cut. Gently with a file or a special stick, the skin is brought to the hole itself, after which it is cut off. Depending on experience, you can use a trimmer (for professionals) or tweezers (for beginners). The action is repeated with each nail;
  3. After trimming, you need to lubricate the cuticle with oil. Most often, spas use cocoa or shea for this purpose, which have excellent antimicrobial and regenerating properties;
  4. Further, the plate is leveled and the nails are given the desired shape. For rough processing - shaping, rigid tools are selected. For example, with diamond or mineral coating. For soft - cleansing the nail from growths and bumps, more gentle - silicone or wood;
  5. When the treatment is completely over, it remains only to degrease the surface and the hole, remove the remaining oil from the cuticle;
  6. If everything is done, then sterilization of instruments is mandatory. If it is performed, that is, the main work is carried out by machines, then they are disassembled and washed in a special solution. Hand tools are rinsed in Chlorhexidine.

Photo - Preparation for manicure

In exactly the same way, trimmed pedicure is carried out at home at home. After that, you can start designing.

An unedged or European manicure is carried out without tools - it is easiest to do it yourself. The plate is cleaned of varnish and fat, then a special gel is applied to the cuticle. It is noteworthy that when using unedged technique, you do not need to soak your nails.

After applying the softener, several minutes should pass, then you simply move the skin closer to the hole. The cuticle is very supple and soft. To remove it, you do not need to use any trimmers or scissors. It is removed even with an orange stick. It remains to wipe the plate with a remover and cover with a base for further staining.

Simple edged manicure with ordinary varnish

At home, it is easiest to do a manicure on short nails with your own hands. In addition, it is on small plates that it will look most advantageous. All points are performed in the same way as it is written in the section above. After giving the desired shape and degreasing, the plate is covered with a base - it will fill the cracks and become a solid and even base for the paint.

With ordinary varnish, you can make various types of manicure:

  • On the water;
  • Gradient;
  • Art design and many others.

Let's dwell on the most common coating - it is very easy to do it yourself and it does not require a lot of time. After the base has dried, a layer of colored varnish is applied on top of it. It must also dry completely. If the shade is not bright enough, then the surface is repainted.

In order for the manicure to last longer, a professional fixer is used. It performs several functions: it gives accuracy, strengthens the plate, helps to remove delamination and prolongs the life of the varnish. The fixative is often enriched with various vitamin and mineral supplements.

Video: do trimming manicure yourself

Learning to do French manicure

It is very simple to do a French manicure correctly, it does not require any special skills or tools, so it is often done at home. The only thing is that it is recommended to buy a white varnish with a thin brush. Of course, you can work at home with the help of stencils, but any professional master will say that only when drawing with a brush can you give the desired and beautiful shape to the nail.

Instructions on how to make a simple French manicure step by step at home:

Video: an easy way to create a French manicure

Lunar manicure with gel polish or shellac

The original moon manicure is becoming more and more popular, which is easily done with both shellac and ordinary varnish. Of course, if we talk about convenience, then it is best to do it with a gel - it lasts longer and it is easier for them to draw holes. In appearance, lunar is the complete antipode of French. If in the jacket only the tips of the nails are shaded with white (or another color), then in the lunar one - the holes.

To make a professional moon design, you need to prepare a manicure kit: these are trimming accessories, gel tools (removers, primers, etc.), an ultraviolet lamp.

Fashionable manicure gel polish with rhinestones at home in stages:

In order for this unusual manicure to look interesting and stylish, you need to carefully select varnishes. Experts advise using paints in contrasting colors, for example, black and white, green and yellow. But, if you work in pastel colors (pink and white, brown and beige), you will get a more delicate design.

Video: 4 ways to draw a hole for a moon manicure

Matte and mirror for short nails

Recently, many girls began to create a design on their nails that does not shine at all. Some even use varnishes that harden after application and become powder.

Matte manicure or velvet at home can be done in three ways:

  • Use regular varnish, and during drying, hold your nails over the steam for a few seconds;
  • Use a special matte varnish;
  • Work with special sand coatings. It is they who, after application, dry out and turn into texture varnishes.

To make an interesting matte design, no special training is needed. It is enough just to buy varnish without gloss - they are sold in any cosmetic store.

step by step technology:

But the easiest and fastest manicure that can be done at home is with foil. In order for the nails to be shiny and glossy, they are glued with special stickers. To do this, they work with colored foil, on which patterns can be applied, or with simple stickers that repeat the mirror coating.

How is artistic mirror manicure with foil at home:

  1. Nails are painted with any varnish. It is best to take white or colorless;
  2. While the varnish is not dry, foil is glued on it. It is very fragile, due to which it easily breaks off along the contour of the nail. Although the options for its use can be very different: torn patterns, striped patterns, etc .;
  3. After that, you need to cover the plate with a fixative, because the foil scratches very quickly.
    Foil manicure - step by step photo instruction

Similarly, a luminous manicure is performed at home - either luminescent varnish or foil is also used here.

Video: foil manicure

Water manicure in stages

Despite the apparent simplicity, water manicure or water design is quite difficult to perform. They can make the most unusual drawings, patterns, but for this you need to gain experience and purchase high-quality varnishes. To work, you will need a container with warm water (preferably disposable, because after nail art it will be damaged), glue, a needle, varnishes of the desired color.

Instructions on how to make a beautiful water manicure at home in stages:

  1. The nail is prepared and painted in white - then all other paints will look bright on it. In order not to worry about erasing the varnish around the nail, the skin must be covered with either PVA glue or a special “fuse”;
  2. Lacquers are dripping into the water. You need to act quickly, because they harden, and it is difficult to work with a dry coating. When the desired gamma is obtained, it is necessary to draw patterns on them with a needle;
  3. There are different schemes. The simplest is the removal of the needle from the center to the outskirts of the circle. Such a painting will allow you to get an elegant cobweb design;
  4. When everything is ready, the nail is dipped in the center of the pattern (or on the outskirts, depending on the chosen pattern). You don't need to keep it for a long time. In the process, excess varnish in water is removed with a needle or stick;
  5. It remains only to get your fingers out of the water and wipe them with nail polish remover.

The drawings obtained with the help of water manicure are very original and interesting, but they require a lot of time. Therefore, most often it is much faster and easier to make them with acrylic paints.

Video: we make drawings on the water for water manicure

Newspaper and ombre

The color gradient design is popular for its simplicity. If in the salons it is performed with a special airbrush, then at home it can be done even with a simple sponge. This is perfect for Christmas, birthday or any other holiday.

How to make a stylish ombre manicure at home:

  1. The nail is prepared and filed. The base and white varnish are applied to the plate;
  2. After that, a small piece of sponge is cut out. Lacquer is applied to it in stripes. Thus, in the future, a gradient will be obtained;
  3. To get an interesting winter design, you can combine red with white and gold, or blue with green and scarlet. Another secret to getting the perfect transition lies in the choice of sponge. It should be dense, without large pores;
  4. The nail is soaked with a sponge. Try not to push too hard, otherwise the transition will be too clear;
  5. It remains only to apply glitter and fixer. This will help hide the marks from the sponge and give the manicure a salon look.

Video: gradient or ombre on nails

Professional manicure plays an important role in the image of any girl. If you want to have well-groomed nails, but there is no time and money to visit salons, then you should decide to master manicure courses yourself. The article describes what they are, what they study on them, and gives a list of the necessary tools for professional hand care.

Is it possible to learn how to do a manicure at a professional level at home?

There are many video tutorials on the Internet that teach this art, some beauty salons sell CDs on which their best masters show a detailed step-by-step procedure. But when viewing such material, important points are sometimes missed, which are very important for a beginner, and they seem secondary to a teaching person, and he does not mention them or gives only a brief description.

An experienced master will clearly show how to do a manicure

Someone will say that the main thing is experience, and everything will come with time, this is partly true, but repeating the wrong movements or the sequence of the procedure will not teach you how to perform a manicure professionally.

There is another training option - visit a well-established master, learn from him how to properly process nails and apply a decorative coating on them, and then repeat everything exactly at home.

The best choice among the proposed training options is the passage of training courses. in special scientific centers or beauty salons, where experienced masters will acquaint you with the theoretical side of the procedure, and then help you put it into practice.

Varieties of manicure courses

Most often, the courses offer three training programs:

Program Description
1. Home It is chosen by those who want to learn how to perform manicure for themselves and their loved ones. It costs less than the rest, but it includes theory, practical exercises and video tutorials.
2. Standard It is suitable for beginners who plan to do professional nail care in the future. After passing the entire proposed course, the student must pass the test, after a positive result of which, a certificate is issued.
3. professional This program includes more hands-on training with a teacher, assignments on live models, group and individual consultations, and discussion of problems in special forums. At the end of such a course, it will be necessary to pass examinations in theory and practice.

What can be learned in the courses?

For better assimilation of the material, the course is divided into blocks, each of them has its own day.

In the theoretical part will tell:

  • General concepts.
  • Sanitary standards for the procedure.
  • Causes of nail diseases, methods of dealing with them.
  • Anatomy of the nail plate, its types.
  • Varieties of manicure for adults or children.
  • How to organize the workplace, choose the right equipment and tools.
  • About the technique of painting nails.

During the practical sessions the master will teach:

  • Classical, European, hardware manicure and pedicure.
  • Repair of the natural nail plate.
  • Nail extension.
  • Foot and hand massage.
  • Application of a decorative layer, gel polish, protective coating.
  • Proper removal of old material.
  • Spa treatments for hands.
  • Painting nails and securely fixing jewelry in the form of stones, rhinestones, sliders and stickers on them.

The material covered can be fixed at home, using your household or friends as models.

Courses held in the office require the obligatory presence of a woman, not everyone can afford them, so many choose distance learning, which is cheaper.

Features of online courses

Their main advantage is the time and place that the student chooses. Video lessons can be studied both at home and at work at lunchtime or other free time, when he has a desire. Although in some cases, it relaxes, and a person constantly puts off studying the material for "later", not to mention the practice. It turns out that such training is suitable only for disciplined and purposeful people.

In order to pass and receive a certificate online, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a course and place an order for its purchase.
  2. Pay for tuition in the appropriate way.
  3. Connect to educational content.
  4. After each lesson learned, complete a practical task, send its result for verification. The time for their implementation is not limited.
  5. The specialist, after reviewing the completed task, analyzes the errors, gives recommendations.
Successful mastering of the material ends with the transition of the student to the category of a specialist.

What is needed to perform a manicure?

The very first thing is the desire to give beauty to female nails. This requires not only knowledge, but also the appropriate attributes.

Equipment and tools

Minimal manicure set

A good purchase for a newly-minted master will be a starter kit, which includes:

  • Manicure scissors.
  • A set of glass or ceramic files.
  • Metal tweezers.
  • Polishing buff.
  • Clamp tweezers.
  • Forms for modeling.
  • Bath for steaming hands.
  • Dust brush.
  • Orange stick.
  • Pusher.
  • Paint brushes.
  • Vessels for sterilization.
  • UV lamp. It is necessary for gel build-up or quick drying of thick varnish.

Materials for manicure

To carry out the usual manicure procedure, you will need to use not only tools, but also purchase special cosmetics:

  • Cotton buds.
  • Nail polish remover.
  • Cuticle softening oils.
  • Lacquer, gel polish, shellac.
  • Tips.
  • Base coverage.
  • Primer.
  • Hand cream.
  • disinfectant solution.
  • Finish coating.
  • Degreaser.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Decorations.

After such preparation, clients will appreciate the professional approach of the new master and will be able to relax during the procedure.

Video lessons

Another option is to learn by watching videos, which can be found in large numbers on Youtube. Here is an example of one of them:

Fear of performing the first manicure

Many novice masters seek support and advice from experienced colleagues by creating forums. On the page, girls talk about their doubts and worries about their first experience of working with a "live" client.

One forum participant for the first time in a manicure course did it to another person and it took her 4 hours. As a result, the future master was very dissatisfied with her result, according to her, she could not accurately cut the cuticle, she could not apply gel polish evenly, and it became covered with bubbles, and therefore she doubts her choice of profession.

As another interlocutor explains, all this is due to the inexperience of the girl and the use of low-quality tools. You need to constantly train, as well as buy quality materials.

Let's sum up. After the decision has been made to become a professional manicure master, you need to adequately assess your capabilities and desire, and, based on them, choose courses for yourself: stationary or remote. On any of them, you will need to carefully study the theory and correctly put it into practice, and then pass the exam for the master. Then you will need to purchase the necessary tool and, without looking back, proceed to the chosen professional activity.

When the fingers look sloppy and unkempt, the first thing that practically every girl or woman does is go to the salon, where the master takes 15-30 minutes. But such “procedures” are not free, and when there is a desire to save money, you can learn how to do it yourself. But how to learn how to do a manicure?

Learning to manicure

You can make a high-quality, professional manicure yourself and at home. The technique, in principle, is quite simple and does not cause any difficulties in its implementation. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform the first manicure in 5 minutes, since it will be necessary to take care not only of the regrown cuticle, but also of the nail and handles in general.

If you do not know where to start the procedure, ask a specialist a question, he will give useful advice, so that you can avoid any first mistakes.

With the help of a nail file, we give the desired shape to the free edge of the nail, remove all “sharp corners”.

As any training material “approves” (a tutorial, “useful tips”, some magazine for “dummies” or instructions) or a training manual (you can watch it on the Internet), it is important not only to file your nails with high quality, but also to remove possible delaminations and irregularities from its surface, which will later allow them to be covered with a perfectly even layer of varnish or gel and, as a result, get a good and neat design.

Many girls often say: “when I do my own manicure, I remove the detachments on the nail plate, tearing them off.” This is the biggest mistake that can be made when performing a manicure, and any tutorial, magazine, instruction or any other tutorial on manicure “repeats” about this.

You can remove detachments without harming the nail plate. You can cope with this task with the help of a special buff or the so-called grinder. It can be simply soft, more rigid, or equipped on four sides with a surface of different hardness, which is especially important when "I do my own manicure at home."

If there are no delaminations and delaminations, you can simply treat the plate with a “polisher”, due to which the nails will acquire a natural “gloss”.

After completing all these simple steps without mistakes, you can become a good home manicure master and proudly say: “I do it myself!”.

“I want to learn how to make a good and neat European unedged manicure!” - the most common "desire" among girls who take care of their hands at home. Before becoming a good specialist in European manicure, you need to look at special educational material (this can be any self-study book, magazine or instruction).

Then you need to purchase all the necessary tools and materials for its implementation. But the most important tool here is a special remover or cuticle remover, which consists of special fruit acids, by the action of which it softens, which allows it to be painlessly removed.

You need to purchase in advance: cuticle remover, orange sticks, files, buff, cuticle oil, dry wipes. How to start this "work"? Initially, we treat our hands with an antiseptic (any tutorial, magazine, etc. "says" this).

Then we move the cuticle with an orange stick or a special spatula and apply a remover on it. We leave it for 30 seconds-1 minute, after which, with the same orange stick, we begin to remove it. On the net, you can often find questions from girls: “itself, but when the cuticle is short, it is not possible to remove it with an orange stick, you have to cut it off.” Becoming a good home master in this way will not work.

But how to remove too short and tender cuticle in this case? Not a single educational material writes about how to proceed in this case. So, we are learning how to remove a short cuticle: in this case, we need an orange stick and some cotton wool.

We wind the cotton wool on an orange stick and remove the remnants of the softened cuticle with a soft part. This method is quite simple, but really effective. Instead of an orange stick with cotton wool, you can use a regular cotton swab. After removing the cuticle, proceed to filing the free edge and polishing the surface.

Often on the net, girls write that they make special cream gloves at home. This is a fairly simple option for caring not only for the fingers, but also for the skin of the hands in general.

So, we learn to perform this "care". The first thing you need to purchase is a special material, namely gloves with cream. We put gloves on our hands and leave them for 15-20 minutes, after which we cut off the little finger of the glove and release the finger.

Using an orange stick, remove the softened cuticle. In the same way, we process the remaining fingers on both hands. The remaining cream is rubbed into the skin of the hands, the remnants are removed with a napkin. In order not to saw the softened nails, it is better to file them before you put on gloves on your hands. After we grind the nails and cover them with varnish.

A beautiful manicure is that aspect of self-care that almost every woman pays a lot of attention to. However, not everyone can afford a professional manicure in the salon, especially because it needs to be done at least once a week, and some even more often. As a result, such nail care causes quite significant financial damage to the fashionista's wallet. That is why many girls perform manicure at home on their own, but not everyone does it as well as in the salon. Therefore, many girls are wondering how to learn how to do manicure most professionally at home.


The basic rule of competent filing of the nail is as follows - it should always be performed only on a dry nail. The file should be kept strictly perpendicular to the tip of the nail. It is very important not to file at an angle, as this contributes to the delamination of the nail, because not all layers of the plate are cut equally evenly. The movements along the notch must also be directed strictly in one direction.

When it comes to choosing a nail file, it is mostly a matter of convenience when it comes to its shape, size, etc. However, in order not to harm the nail, it is important not to use metal files. An alternative to them can be ceramic, glass, diamond and laser. Recommended file hardness for natural nails is 100 to 250 grit. Moreover, if you want to make a professional manicure at home, it is important to consider that the thinner your own nails, the less abrasive the file should be.

When you give the free edge one form or another, you need to carefully look so that the nails not only have the same shape on each finger, but also their sides are symmetrical to each other. To achieve such symmetry, it is necessary to mentally outline an axis that runs through the entire nail and ends at the central point of the cut of the free edge. Carry out the modeling of the form relative to it.


It is necessary to polish your nails even when you are not going to build up or apply gel. Even a simple varnish on polished nails lays down much better. Polishing should be performed using special four-sided buffs, the sides of which, most often, are numbered, and which require complete processing of the nail. So. Polishing is performed as follows:

  • Step one is the roughest side of the buff. It allows you to smooth out large irregularities and waves on the surface of the plate. It should be used no more than once a month, otherwise you can significantly thin the nails;
  • Step two - this is the side of the buff that is designed to align the grooves and minor protrusions on the nails. It also helps smooth out exfoliating nails and prevent further delamination. This side can be used about 2-3 times a month;
  • Step three - the side is intended to give the plate smoothness. It can be used 1 - 2 times a week and the nail should be treated with it very carefully;
  • Step four is a suede polish designed to add shine to the nails. You can use it as often as you like.

However, this buff is only suitable for natural nails. If you are going to build, then other materials will be required. You can watch a video on how to do a manicure using polishing buffs using the links in this material.


There are two ways to eliminate the cuticle - cutting and not cutting. If you wondered how to learn how to do a manicure at home, then decide what you are going to do - edged or unedged. In a cut manicure, the cuticle is shifted to the base of the nail and slightly lifted with an orange stick, after which it is cut off with scissors. Nippers or trimmer. This method is considered the most traumatic, but gives the most aesthetic effect.

The cuticle simply shifts to the base of the nail. In cases where it is thick enough, it can be dissolved with a special tool - remover, and then scrape off the remnants with an orange stick. Recently, a special cuticle file has appeared on sale, which allows you to cut it off without damaging the nail and without causing injury to the skin. In more detail about how to make a professional manicure at home, video tutorials will tell in this material.

Lacquer application

The coating is applied to degreased nails. You can degrease the plate with nail polish remover or alcohol. First, a protective base is applied, which will prevent the destructive effect of coloring pigments on the plate. After it dries, you can apply a color coating.

The basic rule for applying varnish is as follows - the brush moves from the base of the nail to the free edge, drawing a strip in the center of the nail. Then the areas on the right and left are painted over, also one stripe at a time. However, manicure service masters can apply varnish in another way - place a drop in the center of the nail, closer to the cuticle. Distribute it first to the cuticle, then draw the central strip to the freest edge of the nail. Then a strip is drawn from the base to the edge along the right side. After that, a similar strip is superimposed on the left, but it continues and "wraps" to the side, passing along the edge of the nail and thus sealing it.

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Do you want to become a professional manicurist and make money doing it all your life? But then you can’t get by with one lamp and a couple of high-quality gel polishes. Let the masters be difficult and thorny, but we will help you get through it much easier.

In the article you will find simple tips and tricks that will help you avoid mistakes at the very beginning of your career as a manicurist.

Is it possible to become a manicure master by studying on your own?

Yes. But will you become a sought-after professional just by watching YouTube videos and following instructions from articles?

Yes. But this will require much more time and effort than if you go to courses and master the profession under the guidance of experienced craftsmen.

In addition, homeschooling is not confirmed by anything and there may be a harmful client who will require you to confirm your qualifications. A profile school will give you a certificate that you can show to clients, friends, and even your beloved grandmother.

It's sad to be a manicurist without a certificate

How much do nail technicians earn?

The crisis, sanctions, the emergence of bitcoin, the fall of the ruble and other financial changes are not terrible for manicurists. For a professional, the flow of clients does not dry out even in the most hungry years, and before the holidays, the demand for good craftsmen skyrockets.

According to Yandex query statistics, on average, a good manicurist is searched for about 70,000 times a month, so even if you are a novice master, you will not be left without clients. (not taking into account queries on Google and other search engines, as well as vacancies on Instagram and VKontakte).

If you have ever done beautiful nails for yourself, then you know that the minimum price for which you can make yourself a high-quality coated manicure ranges from starting 700 rubles to 1,000 rubles (most often the price is much higher).

For good professional work, depending on the level of complexity, the master will be paid from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles(more in some cases).

Let's do some math and we'll get

If you receive at least 2 clients a day for 2 hours and each of them pays you 2,000 rubles, then by the end of the month you will earn 120,000 rubles (subject to daily employment).

Not bad, right?

Who is the Manicurist job for?

Even if you have already decided that you want to work in the nail industry, answer a few questions for yourself before you start developing in this direction.

The profession of "manicurist" is right for you if:

  • you are accurate and pedantic enough to level the coverage or line thickness over and over again to the ideal;
  • you can't go a day without turning on the LED lamp and start drawing something on the tips;
  • you are enthusiastically looking for new ideas for manicure, subscribed to a million publics for masters and “ideas for manicure”;
  • you are not annoyed by gossip and personal stories, and you can safely listen to a couple of sentimental stories from an outsider;
  • you like to plan your own working time and do a beautiful manicure when it is convenient for you and the client.

How to choose a manicure school or teacher? What to pay attention to

The first step on the way to the cherished goal is quality education.

Advice: when choosing an instructor or manicure school, pay special attention to not so much the fame of the school, but the feedback on the courses, photos of the students' work and the quality of the teacher's work, as well as the number of students in the class

It is best if the training takes place in small groups. Then the instructor will give each student maximum attention. You will be constantly under the supervision of a teacher, which will help you get really good basic training.

Another subtlety when choosing a school or manicure courses is the terms of study and the type of courses. There are many types of manicure, but first you need to master the basic types: classic, hardware and combined. Based on this base, you will be able to develop more new techniques.

For beginner manicure masters, a good solution is to choose or. In the description of such courses, it should be emphasized that the classes are held for people who do not have basic knowledge.

The duration of the courses for beginners is 4-5 days with intensive work, but it may be extended if the training schedule depends on your employment and the course schedule.

During the course, It is worth not to spare time and take the maximum from classes. Ask questions to the teacher, do not be afraid to train and practice. You don't want clients to leave you just because you don't know some basic things?

Please also note that a course for beginners cannot be short and should include as many basic techniques and skills as possible. Most often, one-day and quick courses are already offered for experienced nail technicians who want to improve their skills or master new techniques.

Refresher courses for nail technicians usually last 1-2 days. After you have completed the basic courses, think about your further development trajectory. Some schools offer a discount for continuing education courses.

Read more about the courses in the article -

What should be taught in a good manicure course?

A mandatory program for all good manicure courses is the theoretical part. Courses for beginners should have a particularly large theoretical block. Refresher courses may contain basic theoretical foundations, but this is not necessary.

The second component of successful manicure training is the practical part. If the teacher or school does not provide time to work out the theory on real models, it is not worth spending time and money on such training.

Advice: learning how to do a manicure without practice, it’s almost impossible to pump up the press just by watching videos on YouTube. Therefore, choose courses and schools where you will not only be taught theory, but will also be allowed to work out techniques on real models.

If possible, select a school where the model is provided by the organizer, or before starting training, arrange with several friends to train on them in the process of developing the acquired skills.

To reinforce and memorize your new tooling and coating techniques, it will be necessary to practice on at least two models.

Remember that according to professional teachers, before you start making money on a manicure, you should do it at least 5-6 times as a workout!

What basic knowledge is needed to become a professional manicurist?

What should every master know and be able to become a true professional?

First of all, a good manicurist must understand how the nail plate is arranged, know what skin types are, master many nail modeling techniques and be able to find an individual approach to each client.

A true manicure ace uses his knowledge and skills at the right moment, depending on what kind of client is in front of him and what kind of hands he has. His manicure kung fu contains the techniques of classical, European, hardware and even spa manicure. He is also fluent in nail extension techniques.

A professional manicurist looks something like this)

For a professional manicurist, it is very important to understand the fashion and trends of the nail industry: to know what designs are in demand now, to be able to recommend competent care for the client’s hands, to select the current shape and color palette for nails for the season or eye color.

The need for the nail industry is growing, clients demand new ideas, bright solutions and designs from the master. Therefore, in your work you will not limit yourself to simple nail modeling, they will expect real works of art from you. Each client wants to show off to her friends with a manicure that others do not have.

Well, the most important thing.A manicurist should become an excellent conversationalist for any of his clients. He must be able to maintain a conversation, sympathize and worry, be on the same wavelength with the client, relax him, distract him from the outside world, and maybe even inspire him with a sense of comfort.

When you can give a very high quality manicure, and clients will feel at home in your hands, you can easily earn a reputation as a professional. Such a manicurist quickly builds up a client base through word of mouth.

How to fill the hand of a novice master?

No matter how trite it may sound, but it is on close people that you can experiment and hone your skills at first or even while studying at courses.

Family and friends are the best test subjects models.

They won't rush you. They will kindly point out a mistake to you, express objective criticism from which you will not be upset, and continue to improve your skills.

Where to find models for a novice manicure master?

After training, you should do some free manicures for friends to hone your skills, gain confidence and build a portfolio base.

Tip: Don't forget to take a photo of each of your work and put a signature or watermark on it!

So you will accumulate a decent portfolio and it will be much easier for you with further employment and finding clients. The pictures in the gallery will show you your development over time, and this is the best incentive for further professional growth.

Ask your first clients to share photos of your work on social media. They'll show off their new manicure and you'll get more exposure to new leads.

After the daily training manicures on your sister or mother are finished, and you feel a certain confidence, you can try to get a job.

Manicurist is one of the most lucrative and creative professions. In this industry, creative people not only realize their ideas, but also earn good money, make connections and useful contacts.

Irina Schukina, nail blogger, 7 years experience as a manicurist

Advice for beginners: if you feel that you like doing manicures and want to do this all your life - do not be afraid. Do not be afraid of new clients, try new manicure techniques, the first jambs - everyone has them. Do not be afraid to create pages on social networks and proudly talk about yourself and your work. Be open to new things and don't box yourself in.

If you are just starting your careermanicurist, better go work in the salon. Thanks to the flow of clients, you will quickly gain a hand, you will have your own database of favorite clients, and you will be able to objectively decide whether to stay working in the salon or rent a manicure room.

It is worth remembering that the main components of success as a professional manicure master are your genuine interest in business and hard work!

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