How to determine that the girl loves you: characteristic signs in behavior. How to determine what woman fell in love with you

Men often ask me a question: "How to understand, woman loves me or not?"

And women ask: "How should a woman behave, who loves her man?"

On both of these questions, I answer in the chapter "How to understand, is your woman or not?" In the book "Failure man."

Your woman loves you. Not yours - does not like. Distinguish one from another very simple if you know"Organs" of love. They are described at the very beginning"Anatomy of love and fakes" . Put them on a hypothetical woman.

1. Your woman is faithful to you. Always. Other men simply do not exist for it. They are not only for sex, but also for flirting, coquetry, flirting, balobiness. For her, others are men - intimate creatures.She behaves with them kept quietly. Not dynamite them. Does not distribute advances. Does not try to call jealousy in you. She does not go through clubs and does not drink wine with strangers in the bar.

Not your woman behaves the opposite way. Everyone tries to cause jealousy in you. Might and main flirting, flirting with other men, hints at something more. Trying to dynamize them. Or just looking for a new batch. She leads an active club life, mainly without you.

2. Your woman is afraid of losing you. As in the sense of parting, and in the sense of death. It carefully creates comfort and psychological comfort in a pair. She applies every effort to be good with her.

Not your woman to sneeze on whether you will be with her all your life or leaving right now. She will not move the finger for your comfort with her. She will behave as she wants her. If you get to humiliate you - it will humiliate. Decides to predimine - starts dynaming. Decides to betray - betray. And even for a minute it will not feel guilty.

3. Your woman is surrounding you kindness and care. She will try to help you with all that can. Divide your care. Supports you. Never cut you, yelling. If something needs to be something or something, she will calmly tell you about it.

Not your woman will make you take care of her. Of course, without any reciprocity. It's a queen here, and not you. She spit on your experiences and adversity. But you will freely get psychological violence.

4. Your woman will always come to your aid and will do everything in her power. She will not leave your bed if you get sick. You are sure you can always find an ally in it.

Not your woman will not help you - she is not fortified. If you get to the hospital, she will make you a fifteen minutes visit you. Bring tangerium and will focus on their affairs.

5. Your woman will always sacrifice the secondary for something important. She will miss the series for a date, does not go down to his friends in order to help you with a presentation for tomorrow's report, will postpone the purchase of sewages if the family collects money to your expensive study. She will sacrifice sleep, in order to sit at your bed in the hospital.

Not your woman will not sacrifice for you. The needs of her hamster Yaroslav for her much more important than yours. If the girlfriends suddenly invited to the club, and the date is scheduled for this day, then it is immediately canceled. Your training is nothing compared to expensive and fashionable smartphone. Well, in order not to sleep, it is generally nonsense.

6. Your woman is ready to put up with your shortcomings.She will never remind you of them if I decided to be with you. She always remembers that a person near can create some inconvenience, but does not notice them not to spoil relations. She is an upcoming.

Not your woman will remind you of your shortcomings every day. Utrins and mockingly. She will not tolerate any inconvenience associated with you. Her comfort is most important.

7. Your woman, if she doesn't like something, will tell about it calmly and will be ready to listen to explanations, after which - the opportunity is great - will change its point of view to yours. She is delicate.

Not your woman alone reports only in the form of high-profile claims and ultimatums. Scandal - the norm of its communication. Explanations are not accepted. Or are you doing the way she wants, or you get out of her life.

8. Your truth woman. You can always believe her. Her words are accurate, without exaggeration and exceeding, without substitution and diligence of information.

Not your woman is lying into your face, not even taking care of her words at least somehow looked for the truth. You do not believe - your problems.

9. Your woman will always answer your kindness. On your gift is yours. If you are attentive to her, she will definitely be attentive to you. Relationship for it is not an empty sound.

Not your woman recognizes only the nipple system. The game is one gate. You owe her everything, she is nothing to you. And how did you want, the Hop, being next to the queen?! Be glad that the mercy was sometimes contemplated by her divine carcass!

10. Your woman trusts you. She does not catch persistently in your intimate psychological zone. Does not require reports and indications. She shares with you intimate.

Not your woman does not believe in any kind of word. She remembered in doubt you, gets inspections, comparisons, surveillance. Catch in words. She demands to give her passwords from all your mailboxes and pages in social networks. She reads your messages in the phone and wants you to talk about the speakerphone in her presence. She is sure, no, she knows that you change her and pull your true incomes from it. At the same time, everything connected with her, a big secret for you. She has a million secrets that she carefully hides from you.

11. But the most important sign of your woman is that she is reliable, a proven combat girlfriend, which will not throw you, that would happen to you. Up to disability and poverty. And never betray. She always believes in you. But this can only be recognized with time, eating together the salt. Passing through failures. And through good luck too.

Not your woman is unreliable. Salad. She will throw you as soon as it appears to grab a big kush. Or when a more wealthy or impressive man appears on the horizon. Or when you get sick and stop being an electric lacker.

Practical conclusion is simple: for your woman you are responsible. You protect her life and well-being. Do not drive your own. That's all.

Alexander Biryukov

About the "bodies" of love and anatomy of fakes can be heard

Perhaps, every young man at least once in his life came across such a question: "Do my feelings are mutually?". Of course, you can ask the girl straight. But what to do, if doubt too much, but I don't want to put yourself stupid?

In this case, unconscious actions of the girl, whom she herself may not notice are coming to the rescue. But knowing about their existence and knowing how to read them, you can easily determine if you really have a chance of reciprocity.

Signs that she loves you

All unsentful actions of a person can be divided into 3 groups: behavior, look, gestures. We will analyze each separately.


In order to learn whether the girl is in love, you need to watch it behaves. Here are the main signs:

  1. Interest. A girl who is not indifferent, usually listen to your business with great pleasure. The right sign - if the girl is trying to ask about you from someone else, is interested in common acquaintances about your condition. If the girl is always ready to help you, despite your own affairs, then most likely you like you.
  2. Communication. The girl you are sympathetic will look for communication with you. She will prefer a conversation with you, conversation with a friend.

    Pay attention: if the girl at all general meetings keeps closer to you and tries to speak - this is a faithful sign.

  3. Self-sacrifice. Do you know that she is terribly afraid to drown, but she boldly climbs you into the boat? I like you exactly.

    The girl in love very often puts the guy's interests on the fore, for a while forgetting his own. But remember that the girl will wait for you the same, do not disappoint her.

  4. Presents. A gift without reason is the reason to think about the nature of your relationship. This is the most obvious way for a girl to convey that young man likes it. If you presented the thing of handmade, in which the strength of the forces and time was invested, it could be a help for long, serious relationships.
  5. Jealousy. Caught on himself full of discontent, when he spoke with her friend? Helped on the street with a cute stranger, and then you can't understand that it is so upset? Just she jealous of you. Even if you are not yet in a relationship, the girl in love at all I don't want to share you with others.
  6. Care. If you fell ill, and she resorts to you much more often than all other friends, if you seek to take care of your condition, you absolutely like it. All girls have a maternal instinct, forcing them to take care of people. But only about special, dear to the heart of people.
  7. Happiness. There is one more, perhaps the most obvious sign. But it is also worth paying attention to it: in love (let it even be unrequited) the girl looks like a small sunshine. She rejoices any little things, and to upset her, it seems, nothing can.


  1. You are able catch her eyes on yourselfWhen are you in a big company? Look, whether it often happens. If at least three or four times for your meeting - you are definitely interesting to the girl, she wants to look at you.
  2. If when you look at you pupils of a loved woman increaseThis is a faithful physiological sign. But, please, do not try to consider changes from girls with dark eyes. Even if you succeed, you risk embarrassing or scare choices.
  3. You looked at the girl and saw her looked sharply in the other side? This means that she is in love with you and embarrassed it. She wants to watch you, wants to meet with you, but it is afraid that you will not answer her reciprocity.

Sign language

  1. TouchA loveful girl will constantly look for touch to the sense object, often even unconscious for himself. She will be sitting closer to you in a cafe, in all attractions, in the cinema and in other places. What for? In the hope that at some point your hands will meet.
    If the girl is constantly trying to correct your hair, clap the shoulder or remove the unprecedented dust with you, you can safely confess to her feelings - and you will probably get reciprocity.
  2. Excitement. For any woman, a meeting with obanses objects is a very exciting event. Looking at it at this moment, you can easily understand whether she feels something to you.

    The girl in love may have a light blush on the cheeks and rapid breathing; She will not know where to go hands and can even answer the nefple. In order to notice these barely distinguishable, almost invisible signs need to develop good observation.

  3. Flirt. Girls are big coquettes. And it is not surprising that the girl in love with you will play with you. Flirt is a sure way to identify sympathy, "try to prove the soil. And how to understand that the girl flirts? The correct sign of Flirt is compliments. They can be both straight and veiled "woven" in the conversation.

    Often, a flirting girl teases, pushes you. Do not be offended - this is a sign of what you like you. Of course, provided that the girl does it not often and only on those themes that you and yourself are ridicule.

    An equally important feature of flirting are gestures and movements. If the girl in a conversation "shoots" eyes, turns curls and smiles cute - be sure you like you, and she flies with you.

  4. Rapport. Another sign - the girl unconsciously "curses" your postures. She can keep up with you to sit in a cafe in the same position, keep the same hands - all this will be a sign of sympathy.
  5. Personal space. If the girl calmly refers to your invasions into her personal space, it will also be a sign of her sympathy.

    What is the invasion of personal space? This is if you are without her permission to touch her hair or cheeks, if you suddenly bite a piece from her ice cream, or you will get a ringing phone from her handbag to give her. Girl stuffed all this? You really like you very much.

Signs of indifference from a woman

Here are some major signs that indicate that the girl does not like you:

  1. If the girl calls you not to talk, but solely in those cases when she needs something, It may be a sign - she just uses you.

    But feel the difference. If you talked to the girl an hour, and during the conversation about the book, she asked you to nice the bookshelf, then she probably just searches for meetings. And if she, by calling, began a conversation from the words "Correction", "loans" or "buy", then you are completely indifferent to her.

  2. Girl tells you about your relationship with guys? So you are only a friend for it, and she is in love with another. If she liked her, she (even meeting with someone else) would not be once again reminded.
  3. If you have already met, but the relationship has already spoiled, and you decided to break them, look at the reaction of the girl. If it is sincerely disappeared, then she still has feelings and everything can be restored. If she does not careSo relationships outlived itself, and you did the right thing that I decided to break them.

    But if, under the threat of parting, the girl suddenly begins to take such interest in you, what has never happened, this is a reason to think - maybe she just uses you and does not want to lose the source of money or help?

In this video you can see how the girl in love behaves on the examples:

Now you have all the necessary information. You just need to carefully look at the girl. She will definitely give himself a word, gesture or act.

Of course, any guy is nice to understand that a certain girl is in love with him, and especially if these feelings are mutual. However, not always a fair sex representatives are solved on open recognition in love, so only one thing remains to understand this on its own, paying attention to direct or indirect signs. 1. Idealization of the object of love. Surely, many have heard from women's mouths: "He used to be not like that." Most often it happens when the offended side is disappointed in the act of his beloved or begins to notice his "real face". So what is the matter in reality - "he" was really different before or a girl just imagined him to others? In most cases, we are talking about the second variant. At the initial stage of dating or relationship, the girl cannot thoroughly know her beloved, so many "gaps", which she has not yet had time to open, it fills, using its own fantasy. Of course, the loving girl will not think bad about the guy in love, therefore, as a rule, supplements his portrait of positive strokes. For the sake of the sake of positive, it is worth a recognition that such a feature is characterized not only by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but also many men - they often Also "paint" in your head image and impose it to a girl who is from him, to put it mildly, far away. 2. Scattered. The girl in love often "hovers in the clouds." She understands this itself and is usually well-surrounding from the outside. It is scattered everywhere - at school, at work, at home, in conversations with friends. Why is this happening? The answer is obvious - her thoughts are directed mainly to the object of love. 3. Glitter in the eyes. Probably, you have repeatedly heard that the girl's in love "light up" eyes. It can be compared with the child who received a long-awaited gift, and now stays delighted with him. 4. Raised mood or frequent mood change. Lovers are people, and, of course, girls, including, are a frequent change of mood. First of all, the location of the spirit of the girl depends on what stage is now her relationship with his beloved, and as it has managed to show himself lately. If a young man demonstrates interest in her, communication with him is actively, he wants meetings, makes compliments, initiates an interesting joint pastime, gives flowers or confesses to love, then probably a lovely girl will simply "glow from happiness" .If the same situation It turns out not as she wanted - the guy rarely writes or calls, there is no speech about the meeting in the near future, he is not interested in it, he is interested in another person, he avoids communication and the like, - that, of course, this adversely affects mood. The girl becomes sad and irritable. It should be recognized that with the slightest mark of attention from the subject of sympathy, it will again "shine", instantly forgetting about the old grief. 5. Changes in appearance. Of course, having fallen in love, any representative of the beautiful sex wants this feeling to be mutual. She would like to like a man who causes her sympathy, and for the sake of this, it often goes to experiments with appearance. We can talk about a radical change of image or only small change in the appearance. By the way, if she is a blonde, but he learns that before the guy met only with brunettes and is completely neutral about blondes, blonde beauty is quite capable of a decisive step, and repaint her hair into a dark color. She may not even hinder the fact that blonde hair objectively go more, and she knew about it in advance. In attempts to attract the person you like, women are capable and not such madness, hoping that in the end they will still play their hand. 6. Awakening femininity. Undoubtedly, in love, I want to look feminine and attractive for the object of my dreams. If earlier she did not particularly love to wear dresses, skirts, heels, tight things, now the situation changes in the opposite direction. Knowing that her chosen one can see, the girl will not allow any emboss in appearance, and thinks out his image to the smallest detail, even if we are talking about a random meeting in the institute's corridor (if it comes, for example, about the classmate). The girl is trying to profitably present his most winning sides, even if earlier he paid attention to them. Also, in the presence of a young man who liked, she carefully monitors his speech, posture and so on.

She is trying to likeIf a girl is in love with someone, she wants to like this man, and it is quite obvious! How will it burn to look like? In a conversation with a guy who is interesting to her, she is trying to demonstrate himself from the most positive side. Previously, she is trying to understand which girls in principle do you like this young man, and in subsequently doing everything possible to at least get closer to this image. If it becomes known that the guy broke up with the previous beloved because of her treason, she would in every way try to understand that for her the most behavior was committed unusual, and loyalty in the relationship plays a significant, or even paramount role. The most interesting thing is that it can be completely different, but since her goal cause explicit sympathy, of course, it does not admit to their shortcomings or try to justify them - at least at the initial stage of communication. She laughs at his jokesThe girl in love is definitely wants the sympathy object to be comfortable when communicating with him. She carefully listens to all his stories, even if they are slightly bored, and laughs at his "sharpness", even if they no longer heard them before. In general, she is in every way trying to show the guy, which is delighted with communication with nor. Of course, any young man will be pleased with this feeling, and he most likely, he will later strive to experience him again with this girl. Hints on the relationshipShe is trying to understand how he belongs to potential relations with her, and can enter from afar: "Do you like such girls like me?", "How do you think I come to a serious relationship" and the like. Some girls are even gaining courage to ask the young man if he can imagine them together. But this happens not very often, since the in love of the person, of course, fears to hear a negative answer. It can also be actively interested in your former novels, find out what you accept in a relationship, and what you categorically fit.

How to understand that the girl is in love with you

Shows interest in your personalityShe is actively and sincerely interested in your personality. She wants to know what you do at work, do you like the study who you wanted to be in childhood, what musical teams you like, what films made an indelible impression, what are your addiction in food, as you like to spend your free time, what features you repulse in other people and the like. What to say, if the girl is really in love, then she, of course, I want to know everything about the object of my sympathy. Moreover, this interest is sincere, and is not dictated by the usual desire to support the conversation. Trying to show yourself from the winning sideShe is not only interested in you, but at case you do not miss the chance to tell anything interesting about yourself. This is a completely understandable explanation - she wants to impress you. It may be about any achievements in sports, the story of the weekend held, the opinion of the recently read book and so on. For a loved one, she wants to look like a "dream girl", so it is important for her, to create in your thoughts "Right" opinion about it. Sometimes, information can be embellished, but, of course, it is not necessary to look for a trick in everything - the girl can well talk about himself a clean truth. Rada any signs of attentionShe likes when you have any attention signs towards her, and you understand it. If you write her a message in VC, it quickly reacts to him trying to give an interesting and detailed answer to your message. If you start a conversation with her in the "real" life, then she gladly answers your initiative and so on. True, in the latter case, it is necessary to make important clarification - not all girls react equally to the signs of attention at the initial stages of communication. Most often, two behaviors are traced - it is either very rejoicing your initiative, pleasant words, surprises and the like, or it is embarrassed so much that it is even difficult for her to choose the necessary words from excitement.

How to check whether you love you if she hides it

Awaken in her jealousyIf you cannot fully determine the attitude of the girl to you, it makes sense to awaken in it a feeling of jealousy, but you need to do it carefully and know the measure, if you want to build relationships with this special in the future. That is, there will be a bust if "rumors" will reach it that you spent a rapid night with a new acquaintance. How to "correctly" call jealousy? In conversations with a girl, mention a colleague or classmate, telling about it something positive, having tried in some kind of quality or act. If the interlocutor starts glowing and closes in himself, then your diffilaments, for sure, her thoughts and it is no accident. In the case when communication takes place mainly in VK, ask your friend (it is desirable that she looks spectacular) throw you on the wall "a few songs with ambiguous subtext. If in the future in communication with the girl you "check" will begin change, then you probably do not really do it indifferent. It can start to show an increased interest to you, actively interested in the format of your relationship with a potential rival, or will demonstrate the insult, while it is not necessarily directly indicating what is its essence. Set a direct questionAsk her about feelings. Even if she does not admit to you in love, in her reaction you will understand what is actually she is experiencing to you. It is easy to understand if it is embarrassed and the question of a mixed respon's mixed response clearly, and not surprise, then, most likely, you are not mistaken in your assumptions. Whatever it was, before you try to determine what a girl is experiencing to you, answer yourself for what you want to know. Note that many girls under the last hide their feelings. It is afraid that they will be unnecessary. If she sincerely like you or you are even in love with her, and I would like to be together, then, perhaps, you should not wait for it until she declare in love first. Since you started suspecting that she is in love, then it is probably so it is, so in this case you should show a decisiveness and the first to give to understand the chosen one that she is not indifferent to you. Of course, after your recognition it will be much easier to reveal in response.

How to understand if you need a girl to truly

If you need a girl truly, then, most likely, you can understand this in several explicit signs. So some of them. She is trying to take care of youShe is trying to take care in every possible way. How does this manifest? It is important for her whether you are dressed whether you managed to have breakfast and the like. She herself is trying to treat you with some goodies, and often it turns out that they were made by her own. She worries about youShe is not indifferent to your problems. If she knows exactly what some troubles have happened, she is trying to help in any way, and does not postpone communication with you "until better times." It remains next to any circumstancesEven if you are now on the mel, you have problems with the law, colleagues quickly fought against you, and in general now in your life "black strip", for a girl in love, is not at all reason to "go to the sunset." On the contrary, she will in every way will try to cheer you up, to provide any support, give the desired advice. The girls and their feelings are really checked "for strength" in difficult times. She is ready to forgive youEven if lately you behaved in the best way towards her, she does not throw you, and if he is trying to leave, then you can return it without much difficulty. This is explained by the fact that a loving girl will be better to endure an inappropriate attitude towards himself than will lose the object of his love. But there is an important remark: if you continue in a similar spirit, it will not remain anything soon from her love, and you probably regret that they did not appreciate the person who was actually the road. Think why you offend this girl. If she is indifferent to you, will it not more decent to let her and allow it to forget about these relationships? If you love her and your missions happen "by themselves", then seriously take for yourself, and do not allow it, because relationships can be broken by your own hands. She does not seek benefits in your relationship.Even if you have no money and the opportunity to invite her for a date, the girl is not bothering in love. For it, it is important not the material manifestation of your sympathy, but an exceptionally your presence in her life. She does not wait for expensive gifts, bouquets and other things - she is simply important to be together. By the way, such girls are rare, so if you meet it, you can say that you really were lucky.

I fell in love with a girl what to do

It depends on what your attitude to this girl has. If you are also in love with her, then there is nothing to think here - show her it. Mutual love is not such a frequent phenomenon, and you are lucky if she happened in your life. Maybe a more delicious situation - a girl in love with you, but you do not feel that they are ready to answer her with reciprocity. With such a development of events, it is important for you to be the most correct and not offend the feelings in love with you. If you understand that words are unlikely to be able to convince her that you are not a couple, then try to show yourself with not the most profitable side. Of course, at the same time you do not have to insult her. If, after that, the girl will remain nearby, then this reason to think - maybe you should pay more close attention to it?

Imagine what simple and boring will be our life, I will be able to read other people's thoughts as the heroes of the fairy tale Gianni Rodari, who have every unraded to appear on his forehead.

The poor fellows were doomed to wear hats all their lives to keep at least some intrigue.

Although sometimes just such simplicity in life oh, how not enough - how, for example, it is understood that a woman in love with you, but carefully and deliberately hides his feelings?

Once you look - sparks from the eyes, once again - emptiness.

And friends, and not, and not directly ask, because it is desirable to step on the throat of one's own pride when there are weighty evidence that yes, like you.

In this article you will find 20 arguments, after which you can safely begin to a candidate-bought period, if sympathy is mutual.

And immediately advice: do not believe that there are universal keys to understand women's intentions and actions.

And not at all because women themselves do not know what they want. Just every person is individual.

Open girls actively show feelings.

The modest representatives of the caste, on the contrary, are buried in the depths of the subconscious and are silent in a rag, hoping that I myself think someone in a famous magical way.

Therefore, in addition to, it will have to rely on the force of intuition.

Tip: And very bad news. 45% of girls admitted that they would never make the first step in relationships. While she is waiting for the weather by the sea, you will have to take the initiative to your hands.

All girls in different ways show their feelings

And now 20 points in order to get better to figure out how to understand that the girl is in love, but hides his feelings:

How does she behave

1. She looks at you differently

You can't explain the origin of this look, but you feel that he is different. When it is directed at you, in the air is tensioning in the air, and both of this is embarrassing.

2. She allows you to touch yourself

Acquire when meeting, kiss the cheek, take the hand.

If you want to make sure that the girl in love with you is in love with a small test and take her hair when meeting. If you don't like her, this behavior will be outrageous.

When you're near, you feel tension in the air

3. She is nervous when you're near

Replays, winds the curl on the finger, takes a look when you look into the eyes, meets the nefple even on the easiest questions and can redden because of the trifling.

This is all due to the fact that you are not sensible to her, friend.

4. She communicates less with friends and tries to find any reason to communicate with you

Because during the period of love, our entire world closes at the object of feelings and desires.

She wants to be only with you all the time

The writer of Francoise Sagan, whose love legends, formulated it like this: "Love sometimes can be determined as a desire to share everything with one person."

However, this does not apply to the topic of the personal life of your fan.

The girls' stories about the former with a deepening in the topic, who are right to blame, and intimate details will help not understand that the woman is in love, but hides their feelings, but to understand that you have already settled the corner in Frothon.

The lady in love will always create the perfect, from which side either look, image and pretend that they did not meet such amazing men at all.

She tries to be perfect. And a little old-fashioned

5. She regularly makes jealous

And it is satisfied with the demonstration performances on the topic, how do men like and what crowds of fans sleep on the rug at her door.

To give you to understand that the diamond can slip away. However, this item is relevant depending on the nature.

The girl-panty will just walk around and about and sighing with a face full of hopeless sadness, and drive out other cavaliers, leaving you a chance.

6. She is jealous of you

Even if you do not meet, see the third time in my life, and you said you like Emma Stone.

The female ability of other people, if they are pretty, just amazing.

She does not like when there are other women

Be ready that the Emma's appearance will not be left on the stone. And from other Hollywood diva too.

Its too much

7. She remembers all

Andre Morua said that the most striking memory is a woman in love.

There are no second-rate information in it, if it comes to the subject of rehabilitation. Therefore, if you remember yourself what I said, you can check how much its memory is comprehensive and bottomless.

A girl in love can retell not only the books and films that you like, but also your dialogs almost by heart.

And also your careless revelations, stories about the former, schedules of matches of the favorite team, Wimbledon's winners of 1993, if you, to her misfortune, Tennis Fan.

She wants to know everything about you

8. She pretends to be interesting

Watch football, talk about bitcoins, discuss why constant beatings for causal places do not affect the sexual activity of James Bond.

She goes with you to "Star Wars" to look about the Jedi, although there is no idea, people or poses in yoga.

Tip: The most difficult thing is to figure out, you like you to the girl if she is quiet and a modest. You can ask for a girlfriend or sisters, but we do not give you no guarantee that the conversation will remain secret. Although, maybe it is for the better.

9. She is ready to shook in you all the food of the world.

The girl in love immediately attacks your stomach. If you work together, endless treats its buns.

If communicate in the company, brings them there.

If you just find yourself at one table, it says that "adds a grated apple to such a salad." It is important for her to realize that she is in the universe.

You must understand that it is the best hostess

10. She is interested in all the spheres of your life.

Plans for the future, relationships with parents, everyday habits, beloved food, the number of sugar in coffee.

While you like you, she is ready to listen to your stories about themselves. So, if I have long wanted to speak, it struck the hour.

But remember: you plan to make a fan of your girlfriend, you will have to filter revelations. No one will give warranty that in the future the lady does not use some facts against you.

11. She is experiencing for you

Even if you are not familiar or just working together, one of the first calls to find out how you feel in case of illness. And for sure the first congratulates happy birthday.

She is worrying

12. She is joking on you

And it happens not entirely successfully. If the girl is not ready to confess the feelings, it is important for her that you also did not guessed, so she behaves in childish stupid.

13. She laughs at your jokes.

Even if you are not Star Stand-APA, and friends note that you have a specific sense of humor.

Most likely, she is also not ridiculous, just a girl sees something more than a bad comedian.

She likes your jokes (not really)

She is always near

You meet her on a basketball match of two local teams. If you think this is a coincidence, do not even think.

You better not know what effort it was worth finding all your favorite places.

14. It attracts attention to all possible ways.

At this point, how to understand that the girl is in love, but hides its feelings, and all men's opinions agree at all.

She is always on your side

She will ask you to fix your computer, deal with your smartphone, repair the outlet and endlessly pour tea.

If you work in one team, it will be supported by all your conversations at work.If the topic is exhausted, will find a turn, which will bring a conversation into a new course.

At the party will strive to keep closer to you notice how it is dazzling beautiful this evening.

15. She supports any initiative

If the girl does not act as a toast to the company, but the first responds to your proposal to go to nature, go to the water park, arrange the cosplay "suicide squad" or go to the exhibition of the national economy, you are not sensible to her, do not even doubt her.

She listens to you

16. She is always on your side

In any dispute or conflict, when you yourself feel that it is not right, she supports you, and not common sense.

Do not be surprised, scientists have long proved to make us more stupid.

Get acquainted and not introduces

17. She is in no hurry to acquaint you with your girlfriends

No, not because it is shy, but because it is afraid, suddenly you will like one of them.

You still do not regard her as your girlfriend, and therefore the chance is too great that you switch your attention to someone from her environment. So I'm sorry.

She hopes to learn more from your friends

18. But she gladly get acquainted with your friends

To find out more about you. Therefore, if there are dubious characters among them, better at the time.

19. It exists an increased interest in your person in Soc. Networks

One of the win-win ways to understand that the girl is in love, but hides his feelings - to analyze her pen-care manner.

She very quickly responds to your messages, regularly leaves huskies and comments under all posts. After each sentence begins to flirt, but does not make it in real life.

Not surprising. You need much less courage to start, than to approach you in reality.

She is all the time online

20. She ignores you

Think, do we contradict? And here is not. Invite her somewhere after all the items described will coincide, and the puzzle will be in your head.

Do you know what she will answer you? Of course no. And then a few days will disappear from sight and will not appear online, but it was so conceived.

First, it is important for her to make sure that you can. And secondly, you should not decide that it is easy prey.

So already start to miss.

21. And last: its behavior is difficult to call consecutive

The attacks of excessive activity alternate absolute apatine.

That she does everything to notice her, it goes into the shadow, while infinitely changes its decision.

Just a girl doubts the correctness of behavior and tries to find such a way so that everything happens. Urgently think over the option "by itself."

Sometimes she is like Scarlett O'Hara

If you have coincided more than half of the items - congratulations. You are guaranteed to be guaranteed.

It is time to run after a bouquet, if the sympathy is mutual.

In the article you will find several signs that will easily give you a lovely man.

Useful tip, how to understand that a woman in love with you, but carefully hides his feelings, it will be a video:

Love girls to the guy always has a pronounced emotional color. Emotions are so overwhelmed by her consciousness that she does not notice anything and no one, in addition to whom.

All about him

In conversations with friendliers, colleagues, relatives, she always involuntarily returns to the topic of his guy and relationship with him. This is important, since if a young man is indifferent to her, she will not talk about him with everyone.

Signs of love from the point of view of experts. Watch the video!


But in a conversation with a loved one, the girl is unusually attentive and friendly. She listens with a genuine interest everything about what he says. Even if the conversation goes to completely incomprehensible themes, she listens carefully.


If the beloved in her presence suddenly starts talking about other girls, the mood of the in love instantly deteriorates, no matter how good it is before it. Provided, of course, that the young man will frankly tell us about the risks.

Finding eyes

Very often you can see that the girl's in love is periodically trying to look into his beloved in his eyes, and if it is nearby in another company, constantly looking at him. But if a favorite will suddenly speak with her, it can be very embarrassed and redden.


Often, love can be recognized in the eyes: the girl holds his glance for a very long time on his beloved, her pupils are somewhat expanding, but if they closely look into her eyes, she quickly will quickly take his eyes.

Pleasant chores

Loving girl is constantly her adoration. She can come to him a thousand times a day to let you know anything. Or just to come true in the hope that the young man will pay attention to it. She is not ashamed to call him or invite to date.

Maybe in a rustling of feelings to give all sorts of gifts, it is easy to pay for a guy in a cafe or buy ice cream. Although in the question "who pays for whom" need to take into account that not all girls have money to always and everywhere to pay for their beloved.

Desire to please

A woman who is in love with pleasure spends emotional forces on the object of love. It can not be tired of entertaining it with all sorts of stories and jokes. She will definitely take into account the interests of their beloved: to do what he wants, walk on dates when convenient him, etc.


The one who loves is always experiencing for his beloved. For example, writing to him a message and without receiving an answer immediately, after 5 minutes it will begin to worry, whether it happened. An hour later, she will go crazy from suspicion, although the guy just did not immediately answer her. Of course, she is unlikely to satisfy the scandal from this, but in the first minutes it may involuntarily give the will feelings and give their experiences.


After each meeting with her beloved, the girl will be on the seventh heaven from happiness. She will still have a long time to have a gust of excellent mood and tide of strength. What is not surprising, because loved for her. She will gather for hours on a date with her beloved, and after him - to sigh and remember the details of the meeting.