How to celebrate? Traditions, signs and customs for the New Year. Travel to foreign countries. What color of clothes to choose for New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve has always been of great importance for our ancestors. According to popular beliefs, at this time, the energy field around the person is completely renewed. What the new life cycle will be filled with depends on ourselves. That is why New Year's signs have been preserved for many centuries. And many of them should not be neglected.

With the chimes this year, the Red Rooster will pass the baton to the next totem animal - the Yellow Earth Dog. And although the Dog is quite a friendly animal, if something does not like it, then sharp teeth cannot be avoided. However, taming the symbol of the coming year is not so difficult. The main thing is to figure out how to celebrate the New Year 2018, what kind of signs will be especially relevant and what traditions should not be neglected.

Signs for the new 2018: we see off the old year with dignity

New Year's Eve is the time between the past and the future. Therefore, before attracting a happy tomorrow into your life, you need to free up and prepare a cozy place for it:

  1. The best way to start the New Year's cleansing ritual is to get rid of debts. A few days before the end of the outgoing year, try to return all borrowed money and other people's things. A dog is one of the most honest and principled animals and does not like debt pits. In addition, the remaining debts with the arrival of the new year can only increase. However, you should not return money and things directly on December 31st. The universe will perceive this as devastation and will only increase it in the coming year. The same goes for favors on your part. It is best not to lend money and things in the first month of winter, and everyone who asks will make an appointment for January.
  2. But when it comes to peace of mind, there is no time limit. You can make amends for an old insult, ask for forgiveness from those with whom you are in a quarrel, at any time. And of course, don't forget to forgive yourself. Let go of your grievances and do not hold a grudge against those who insulted, even if the person himself does not intend to apologize. The main thing is to have time to do this 12 strokes of the clock. After all, as you know, dogs recognize negativity well and perceive it very badly. In addition, celebrating the New Year with a light heart and positive emotions is much more fun.
  3. Listing the signs for the New Year 2018, one cannot ignore the general cleaning. Dogs love order and space, so don't be afraid to say goodbye to old or unnecessary things. In the new year, more useful acquisitions will surely appear in the vacant space. If you have long dreamed of a rearrangement - do it in December. Open the most inaccessible boxes and review their contents. It is advisable to finish cleaning at least a week before the onset of the holiday, but if this was not done, then you cannot delay it over time. The finishing touches must be done before the sun sets below the horizon. Otherwise, along with the garbage, you can "remove" and happiness.
  4. The tradition of leaving food untouched until New Year's Eve originated quite recently and has nothing to do with the original New Year's rituals. Experienced people recommend laying the hospitable table at least three days before the change of the calendar year. After all, if you leave all the most delicious for one meal, then you will have to save the whole year for the sake of one day. Dogs are great gourmets, show the totem animal that abundance and satiety reign in your house, and she will make sure that it is so all year round.

Don't put off choosing a festive outfit until the last moment. This year, the selection of clothes should be approached more carefully.

The main thing is that the suit fits

The dog loves naturalness in everything. Fabrics are no exception. Therefore, it is advisable to get things made from natural materials for the New Year's Eve. Or at least supplement them with natural elements and accessories.

Brooches made of genuine leather, suede or wood will look great. And also gold jewelry. The basic rule is not to overdo it with pomp. The dog does not like excessive luxury. For the same reason, it is better to give preference not to extravagant outfits, but to modest and elegant dresses or suits.

How to decorate an apartment?

Modesty on New Year's Eve should be visible not only in clothes, but also in the surrounding decoration. The slogan of the coming year: a minimum of tinsel and toys, a maximum of space and naturalness.

Natural cones, nuts, wooden toys will be an ideal decoration. It is better to opt for toys of yellow, orange and red colors. You can recall the Soviet past and decorate the spruce (certainly natural) with sweets or gingerbread.

And, of course, the festive table will be in the spotlight. Therefore, you need to decorate it with a tablecloth of yellow or gold shades. First, it will add flavor. Secondly, according to the signs, it will attract wealth and good luck.

We select the right menu

What signs for the New Year 2018 are worth mentioning among the most important? Culinary, of course! Dogs are great gourmets, and it is extremely important to please the totem animal on New Year's Eve.

The menu this year should be varied, but without any special frills. When compiling a list of dishes, use the following guidelines:

  • If your family is used to cooking salads with "basins", then 2018 is the time to abandon this tradition. Give preference to a variety of dishes on the table. A large number of titles will certainly attract wealth;
  • If it is not possible to set a lush table, you can get by with three courses. But among them must necessarily be meat or poultry;
  • The dog is a big lover of bones, so meat on the bone must be among the meat dishes. Baked ribs are ideal;
  • New Year's salads this time must be chosen with care. It is desirable that they contain as many yellow, orange or red vegetables and fruits as possible;
  • Drinks, like main courses, should be gourmet but simple. Don't try to surprise guests with signature cocktails. This time it is better to do with high-quality red wine or a bottle of expensive cognac. People who do not drink alcohol will have to give up tropical fruit nectars. Give preference to natural decoctions and freshly squeezed juices.

You can enlist the favor of the Dog by giving the dishes a thematic shape. For example, when serving a familiar salad, lay it on a pit-shaped dish and garnish with a ribbon of onions. To attract wealth, according to the signs, you need to put a few coins and a small rosette filled with wheat on the table.

In addition, for the new year 2018, signs and superstitions say: "more comfort and warmth." If the house has a fireplace, let it burn all night. When organizing a festive meal, find a spot for lighted candles. Fire is a symbol of warmth, prosperity and family comfort, and this is what the Dog values ​​above all else. And don't forget to put a Dog figurine on the table.

What can I give you, my dear man?

Perhaps there is no person who does not like giving and receiving gifts. However, in the New Year 2018, signs and customs warn against presents that can cause displeasure to the Dog. This New Year should not be presented:

  • Chains (even gold);
  • Bracelets and rings. They can cause an association with a collar, which is not to the liking of a freedom-loving Dog;
  • Perfumery. The totem animal of 2018 especially does not like sharp and rich smells;
  • Kotov. Figures, toys, pillows in the form of cats or things with the image of this animal cannot be given as a gift on New Year's Eve.

The best gifts will be wooden or textile interior items made from natural fibers. With regard to jewelry and perfume, an exception can be made. But it is better to give a gift before or after the New Year.

When the clock strikes 12!

Do not forget about customs even after the pre-New Year's bustle is left behind. When the celebration is in full swing, the Universe continues to send us signs and "accept" our wishes. The main signs for the new 2018 of the Dog are as follows:

  • With the chimes, you can make 12 wishes. Think over the list in advance and be sure to include in it the wishes of health to family and friends;
  • Visualization of each desire will help to enhance the effect of execution;
  • Burning a napkin with a desire written on it remains invariably effective;
  • If the main desire is material wealth, under the chimes, squeeze a coin in your hand and make your wish. Then throw the money into a glass and carry it with you to the end as an amulet;
  • An unpretentious ceremony with a shawl or scarf will help to leave all adversity behind. On New Year's Eve, cover your shoulders with a shawl, and with the last blow of the clock, throw it to the floor. So you get rid of last year's problems and burdens;
  • If you manage to peel the tangerine and put it under the tree before the new calendar year, then the Year of the Dog will bring many joyful moments;
  • To keep luck in the house, on December 31 after sunset, do not lend matches, firewood or candles to anyone;
  • If one of the guests began to sneeze during a feast, happiness in the new year awaits all those present.

If you meet with friends every year, then 2018 is better to celebrate with your family. For the Dog, the family is the main value, so it will become a true friend only to those who value family ties.

Signs for those who dream of replenishing the family

In the New Year 2018, traditions and customs take on a special meaning. A dog is a very prolific animal and brings not only replenishment of the wallet, but also a real increase in offspring. Be patient, your cherished dreams of children in the coming year will surely come true. With a little attention, you can find out about the upcoming happiness on the first night of the year:

  • Dishes beat happily, and broken New Year's toys can herald an imminent birth. If exactly three toys are broken on New Year's Eve, wait for a new family member;
  • The Universe often talks to us in a special way, so do not be surprised if you are presented with a “child's” gift, but rather start looking for booties;
  • Did any of the guests turn on the TV and get on a channel with cartoons? Consider this as a small signal;
  • Also, according to the signs, your children's things that you stumbled upon by chance can tell about the upcoming replenishment;
  • The unexpected arrival of guests with a small child hints at an interesting situation in the coming year.

Can you believe such signs? As happy parents say - yes. In many cases, the woman who paid attention to one of the signs became pregnant the next year. Moreover, such births are always easy, and children delight their parents.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 - signs of prosperity

New Year 2018 is just around the corner, how to meet, what kind of signs must be studied in order to attract prosperity? Astrologers and historians have a lot of practical advice on this matter. Here are the most popular and effective ones:

  • If your job is related to trade, do not skimp on discounts. In the new year, they will turn into colossal profits;
  • If you celebrate the New Year in new clothes, then in the coming calendar period there will always be funds for new clothes;
  • In addition to the classic garlands and toys, decorate the Christmas tree with bills and coins. The higher the denomination of the "decoration", the richer you will become in the coming year;
  • Put your money in your pockets before the New Year comes. In this case, the largest bill must be hidden in a secret pocket;

In addition, do not neglect everyday signs:

  • It is better to take out litter from home on the eve of the holiday, and not on December 31;
  • Do not wash your clothes on the last day of the year, as this can make a family member sick;
  • Make sure to get rid of things that you don't like or are out of date;
  • Throw away all broken or chipped dishes - they attract poverty;

Although the Dog doesn't get along well with cats, one sign applies to these pets too. According to legend, the first person a cat chooses after the chimes will be the richest person in the coming year.

The article tells about the features of the New Year 2018, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, about traditions, about how to dress on New Year's Eve, how to set the table, about New Year's signs and predictions.

Perhaps no holiday enjoys such love and has such magic and magic as the New Year. There are many beliefs and signs associated with this holiday, among which a special place is occupied by the Eastern, or Chinese calendar, loved by the Slavs. According to this calendar, according to Buddhist legend, twelve animals in a certain order patronize each year of the cycle, and this is associated with the characteristics of this year, human capabilities and actions, health and success.

On February 16, 2018, a loyal, honest Dog will replace the self-confident, vain and somewhat unceremonious Rooster.

To determine what features are characteristic of 2018, it is important to know not only its symbol, but also its belonging to the colored element. After two years of the fiery element with its passion, emotionality and imperiousness, the period of the earthly element begins - reasonable, conservative and zealous.

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, family coziness and comfort will be especially appreciated. However, communication with people will also turn out to be active and fruitful: it will be easy to find friends, as well as to establish useful connections. The Dog does not like seclusion.

During this period travels will be successful, they will give many unforgettable impressions. Trips contributing to spiritual enrichment are especially recommended: visiting museums, art galleries, viewing cultural monuments.

The personal relationships that have emerged this year will be strong and lasting and will last for many years.

The Yellow Earth Dog welcomes diligence and hard work, both physical and mental, in which great success will be achieved. It is only important that making money be honest and legal, otherwise you will not achieve good luck in business.

It is believed that children acquire some of the character traits of the symbol of the year in which they were born. Those born in 2018 from the very childhood will be distinguished by their sociability, desire and ability to be in the center of attention. They are characterized by the need for movement, therefore, going in for sports, especially athletics, will have a positive effect.

Thanks to the thirst for knowledge and the ability to easily assimilate new information, such children grow up to be educated and even scientists. They are responsible and reliable, treat their business with rigor, which is why they often become leaders of different ranks.

Of the not too pleasant features, it should be noted the touchiness and inability to forgive those whom those born in the year of the Dog consider traitors or unworthy of their society. But in general, they grow up calm, balanced people, convinced optimists.

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In order for the coming year to be successful, it is customary to wear clothes on New Year's Eve in shades befitting its symbol. For 2018, these colors are yellow in different versions, as well as olive, brown, coffee, ocher, khaki. The earth is also characterized by gray and graphite colors. Combination is allowed, it is only important not to allow clumsy and tastelessness. Auxiliary shades can be white, cream, champagne. One of the main qualities of a Dog is restraint, so the colors should be dim, pastel. Deep necklines, open cuts, things made of transparent fabrics are not recommended, that is, there should be no vulgarity. Beauty is in sophistication and sophistication. This also applies to jewelry - you should not wear diamonds to meet the Year of the Dog, it is better to choose elegant products without pomp and pretentiousness. This rule has only one exception: family decorations on New Year's Eve must be worn.

The peculiarity of the toilet for meeting the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is fur. It can be used as collar trim, cuffs, hem or as a sleeve. Additional accessories can be a belt, gloves, a cape or shawl, an original bag.

The main requirements for a dress for this New Year's Eve are ease, freedom of movement, graceful comfort. Therefore, you also need to choose comfortable shoes - from natural materials, with stable heels or flat soles. A classic stiletto heel is also acceptable as long as it is comfortable.

Light, thoughtful negligence is allowed in the hairstyle. This night there is no place for fleeces and complex varnished structures.

Here are some tips for the representatives of different signs of the zodiac for New Year's decoration:

  • Flowing silk dresses are suitable for Aries; the Dog permits this fire sign to use red;
  • It is advisable for Taurus to wear gold jewelry with amber - a bracelet, brooch, earrings, but not a pendant: the Dog does not like chains;
  • Gemini: paired jewelry will emphasize the strength of family ties, single will help find a pair;
  • Cancers on this night should be mysterious: they will have a romantic meeting; the best accessory for this is a carnival mask;
  • Lions will emphasize their regal status with a tiara and high-heeled shoes;
  • Virgos should show some extravagance in the form of an unusual scarf or belt, large jewelry;
  • Libra, bypassing the indicated color scheme, needs to find the optimal combination of blue and green and complement the outfit with a fur accessory - a boa or a boa;
  • Scorpios do not obey the rules and show their strengths with a tight dress, a slit or extraordinary jewelry;
  • Sagittarius will conquer with elegance, the highlight will be a hat with a veil
  • Capricorns can afford more brightness and freedom in their choice of style;
  • Aquarians will attract the eye with contrasting details and shine - lurex, rhinestones, beads;
  • An outfit in the main color scheme is recommended for Pisces, however, it is allowed to dress in the "native" colors - blue and sea-green.

Photo: What should be on the table for the New Year of the Dog 2018?

Housewives who are accustomed to setting the New Year's table with culinary delights will find it a little easier this year: The dog is not too whimsical in food. In addition, if, meeting the year of the Rooster, it was impossible to cook chicken, then in the year of the Dog, you can put almost any treat on the table. But there are still some limitations.

Fish dishes are not very suitable for meeting 2018. If the fish is still served on the table, then it must be whole - with a head, fins and a tail, for the inhabitants of the East this is a sign of abundance.

When choosing a menu, you need to take into account that the Dog loves meat very much, so you need to cook more simple meat dishes. It is recommended to serve meat and sausage cuts, jellied meat, ham, smoked meats for an appetizer.

A variety of salads will be appropriate on the New Year's table. For meat, they use chicken, liver, heart, tongue. For example, we offer a recipe for an easy and delicious salad with chicken hearts.

Recipe number 1

Boil peeled and washed chicken hearts (300 g), cut into pieces. Tear fresh lettuce leaves a little with your hands, cut 3 hard-boiled eggs into slices and chop the cucumber. Chop green onions finely.

Chop mint leaves, pour with olive oil (40 ml) and lemon juice. Combine all the ingredients, except for the egg, pour over the mint dressing, stir. Add salt to taste. Place in a salad bowl, garnish with an egg and pour over with olive oil again.

Meeting the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, vegetable dishes are best served stewed or stuffed, using yellow vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, peppers (as an exception - eggplants). To decorate the dishes, they take corn, oranges, canned pineapples.

Peppers are traditionally stuffed with minced meat and rice. Try to make such a dish only with meat.

Recipe number 2

For this, minced meat from any meat is suitable. Prepare the peppers, peel and finely grate one potato, squeeze out the excess liquid and mix with the minced meat. Add chopped onion and raw egg, seasonings and salt to taste, mix everything thoroughly. Fill the peppers and place them in a deep baking dish.

Prepare the sauce with sour cream, ketchup and a little water. Pour the peppers over it and bake in the oven at an average temperature for 35-40 minutes. Sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese 10 minutes before cooking.

The main dishes on the festive table are the main, hot dishes. In the Year of the Dog, they will, of course, be meat. These are chops, steaks, various cutlets and shashlik. Often the crown dish of the New Year's table is a whole baked bird and even a suckling pig. But the Dog loves not only meat, but also bones. You can please the symbol of the year, for example, with an interesting recipe for pork ribs.

Recipe number 3

First of all, you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, mix 30 ml of soy sauce, 100 ml of apple juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato paste, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, a little sugar, pepper to taste and 1-2 whole cloves of garlic. Boil and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

Pour the ribs with marinade, put in a greased dish and bake in the oven or on the grill for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the same, turning it over to the other side. At the end, brush again with the marinade to obtain a glaze.

Desserts on New Year's Eve 2018 should be light and not overly sweet. It can be any kind of curd dessert or yoghurt cake. You can make light dog biscuits or traditional surprise pies.

The setting of the New Year's table gives a special, festive mood. To celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, a rustic style is suitable: linen tablecloths and napkins, painted dishes, as an element of decor - wooden spoons. With a little imagination, you can lay out thick salads in the form of a dog or a Christmas tree. Images of the patroness of the year - soft or ceramic figurines of dogs - will also be very appropriate on the festive table.

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to forgive all insults, make peace with enemies, pay off all debts. It is believed that during this period you can not give anything from home, lend money to someone. It is necessary to throw away all broken dishes, all unnecessary, and in many countries all old things are thrown away. To celebrate the New Year is supposed to be in new underwear to avoid illnesses, and in new clothes - for a new, happy life. And, of course, make a wish with the clink of glasses.

Whether to believe the omens and beliefs or not is everyone's personal business. Perhaps some predictions will suggest a solution to the problem or save you from error. What do astrologers promise in 2018?

In general, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring justice and good luck and will be quite calm and stable. According to the Chinese astrological concept, this is a "year of silence", external and internal. However, do not forget that the Dog never rests and predicts success only to the hardworking and persistent.

Family and romantic relationships promise to be harmonious. As for health, serious ailments should not appear during this period, but you need to constantly monitor your condition.

  • Aries... Some of the desires of Aries were left unfulfilled by the Rooster. The dog will not leave them unattended and will continue the period of activity in career matters. It is important only at the beginning of the year to show initiative, generate ideas, draw up a clear plan. In the middle of summer, you will want to update the field of activity, here fresh ideas will come in handy. Health will not let you down, but for this, at the beginning of autumn, you should increase physical activity: do cycling, jogging, fitness, visit the gym. In an effort to achieve success in the business field, it is necessary to choose time for family and loved ones, then personal relationships will be stable and harmonious.
  • Taurus... The stars promise Taurus a very successful year. There will be a lot of opportunities, all undertakings will be successful. The financial position will be stable, especially good earnings are expected in the summer. In the autumn months, there will be many offers in the main field of activity. Important: The dog will scare away all ill-wishers and envious people. Taurus will rest only in December. This is a good time to lose weight, and a trip to the mountains will be beneficial. Family and home are the priorities that will help Taurus withstand the stress of such a busy year.
  • Twins... In the first half of the year, Gemini will rock up and down thoroughly. After the calm winter months and March, they will want something more - money or a promotion, even starting their own business. This will provoke a surge of activity, moreover, very nervous. In May, this will be replaced by apathy and indifference. In June, there will be another release of energy, the activity will be productive and will last until the end of the year. In 2018, Gemini will have to reconsider their surroundings, cut off some old ties and make new acquaintances. The 2nd half of the year will be favorable for family and romantic relationships. In September, you should pay attention to health.
  • Crayfish... In the business sphere, Cancers in the Year of the Dog will have enough interesting offers and opportunities. In April and May, you can relax, travel - and get to work. Summer is a particularly stressful, but also a good time for professional activity. Rakov will not leave financial well-being all year round. However, you need to be on the lookout: the intrigues of envious people are possible. In the family and personal relationships, everything will be fine, it will also be possible to solve the hanging everyday problems. As for health, it directly depends on the emotional state. You should be philosophical about everyday troubles, avoid stress and overload.
  • a lion... This is who the stunning year is coming for! Good luck will accompany everything: new perspectives will open up professionally, the atmosphere at home will be ideal, health will not be a problem. In addition, December promises to replenish the family. It is only important to remain decisive, purposeful, punctual. And most importantly: do not forget about loyal friends, about those who were there in difficult times, be grateful and sympathetic.
  • Virgo... For Virgos, the Year of the Dog will be quite stressful and emotional, which can affect health. In winter and early spring, all sorts of troubles and confrontations at work will have to be experienced, only endurance and patience will help out. But summer will bring financial stability and reliable partners. In August or September, you need to have a good rest with your family. The relationship between the spouses will be trusting and calm, the Dog for lonely Virgo promises several interesting acquaintances.
  • scales... Libra Dog advises to develop projects created in the year of the Rooster, they will reach another level and will improve their financial situation from March. Having worked well in the first half of the year, the patient, collected and seasoned Libra will achieve prosperity in the second half of the year. However, health must be monitored all the time, finding time for rest, avoiding stress and overwork. If in 2018 Libra is going to start a family, she will be strong and friendly. The patroness of the year can give spouses an addition to the family.
  • Scorpion... Scorpios have a troublesome year ahead. In the first half, representatives of this sign should moderate their perseverance and categoricality. In the middle of summer and in November, you need to carefully handle the documents so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. By the end of the year, the opportunity will open up to start a business, while you cannot refuse the help of reliable people. To avoid health problems, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system; in case of possible pain in the stomach, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Sagittarius... Patience and caution will help Sagittarius survive the difficult period from February to April. At this time, relationships with partners may deteriorate, but gradually everything will work out, because the year of the Dog is favorable for interpersonal relationships. But Sagittarius will be able to realize themselves in business and creativity, their talent will be recognized, many lucrative offers will be received. Confidence and stability will appear in the second half of the year. The main condition for harmonious personal relationships is not to let jealousy run wild.
  • Capricorn... Business-wise, 2018 will be a successful year, with so many offers and opportunities in winter and spring that it will be necessary to prioritize. Summer promises career growth, professional success will last until winter. However, Capricorns for some reason will be susceptible to suspicion and bouts of blues. This must be fought in order to maintain health. Personal relationships will be smooth and calm.
  • Aquarius... Quite a successful year, the Dog will protect Aquarius from intrigues and intrigues. No one and nothing can interfere with successful work and improved well-being. There is no need to rush: by the end of the year, all problems will be resolved one way or another. In personal life, order will also reign. The only negative is that there may be problems with the digestive system. There is no need to wait for it to “go away by itself,” with timely treatment, the disease will not go into a serious phase.
  • Fishes... Pisces will have a busy year, which will require a lot of strength and energy. Everything conceived will work out if you apply diligence and patience. It is necessary to identify especially important tasks, focus on them and be sure to bring what has been started to the end.

An important point: The dog will be supportive of Pisces if they do not refuse to help anyone. Helping a stranger, becoming a reliable support and support for a friend - all this will return a hundredfold.

A friendly and affectionate dog, having entered into its legal rights on February 16, will bring peace, tranquility and faith in a happy life to humanity. However, happiness in families and good luck in all areas of activity do not arise just like that. The Yellow Earth Dog will require work on itself, the use of certain efforts and self-improvement. This peace-loving animal does not tolerate idleness, anger and sycophancy, but it favors useful deeds, the warmth of the family hearth, and benevolence.

On the eve of the New Year's holidays, you should decide how to meet the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog, what outfits to choose for the celebration, how to decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree. An important point will be the choice of the New Year's menu and gifts for relatives and friends. A totem animal running to replace the Fiery Red Rooster is capable of changing the life of any person, so it is better to plan a meeting of true love and great happiness in advance.

The symbol of 2018, according to astrologers, will bring calmness, comfort to the house, faith in love and family happiness to many couples. The element of the Earth will favor peace, tranquility, friendliness, and a faithful pet will give success, prosperity, the ability to achieve great heights in various fields of activity. How to properly celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog? Here are some recommendations from renowned astrology gurus:

  • Celebrate the New Year at home or with relatives, because the Dog appreciates the family hearth and loved ones. Get together in a noisy company with friends, do not be sad, have fun from the heart.
  • Don't sit in front of the TV, on the sofa in the corner. Celebrate actively with contests, fun games, animators. Spend New Year's Eve and night on the move.
  • The animal loves cleanliness and care, so at home for the holidays everything should be washed, tidied up, decorated. Hang bright garlands, tinsel, decorate the tree with beautiful toys, not forgetting to prepare gifts for all family members.
  • Do not be alone for anything, Call your relatives, visit loved ones, travel, in general, find a friendly company for a joint holiday in the New Year.
  • Be sure to set the table by preparing different treats for children and adults. Do not forget about pets who also like to eat meat dishes.

How to dress up a Christmas tree and decorate a house

When planning how to celebrate the New 2018 of the Yellow Dog, it should be borne in mind that this friendly animal is not happy with pretentiousness, incomprehensible ideas. The house needs to be decorated so that everyone is comfortable, joyful and fun. Here are some ideas for decorating rooms for the New Year holidays:

  • hang wreaths of Christmas tree decorations, fir branches, cones and tinsel on the walls and doors;
  • decorate festive bouquets of pine branches tied with red ribbons;
  • attach decorative angels from different materials to the door handles;
  • decorate the tree and walls with colorful flashing garlands;
  • choose golden, yellow, brown and red colors for decor to match the upcoming symbol;
  • avoid unnecessary expenses for home decoration, it is better to make New Year's souvenirs with your own hands.

Tips for decorating a Christmas tree:

  • live or artificial spruce should be placed in plain sight, decorated with taste, without the excess of New Year's "rain" and tinsel;
  • it is better to take medium-sized Christmas tree decorations, giving preference to yellow, golden, red balls;
  • The best material for toys in 2018 is considered to be all natural - this is wood, fabric, figurines made of straw, cones, twigs;
  • be sure to hang a figurine in the form of a dog in plain sight on the tree.

How to celebrate the New 2018

Having figured out how to meet 2018 of the yellow dog, let's move on to New Year's outfits. With color, everything is clear at once - these are yellow, golden, brown shades with the addition of beige, red decorative elements. It is better for models to choose a classic cut, giving preference to sophisticated lines and convenience.

A win-win and fashionable option for the 2018 New Year is a knee-length golden bodycon dress or a strict beige, light yellow sheath dress, complemented by gold jewelry.

It is not recommended to choose outfits with open neckline and cuts, variegated ruffles, feathers, sequins. The dog does not like shine and play, preferring calm tones. For a fun party, you can choose a dress with orange, red inserts; for a New Year's buffet table, an elegant trouser suit is suitable. The main thing is to exclude leopard prints and large jewelry, preferring gold.

What to cook for the New Year of the Dog 2018

The festive menu for the New Year's table should be thought out thoroughly. Particular attention should be paid to decor, serving, and services. Alternatively, you can cover the table with a yellow linen tablecloth, placing brown dishes and glasses with gold edges. You can take bright red napkins.

You can appease the symbol of the coming 2018 with rich treats, hearty dishes, and meat snacks. Be sure to place a bowl of fruit in the center, pour natural juices and compote into glasses. Dogs love sweets, cakes, homemade pies and cookies, and there should be plenty of that on the table. This animal is omnivorous, there are no restrictions for the festive menu.

You can serve to the New Year's table:

  • meat, fish dishes, poultry snacks;
  • all kinds of salads, sandwiches;
  • sweet canapes, desserts;
  • homemade cakes, cakes;
  • fruits, cutting of fresh vegetables;
  • any drinks.

For example, a chicken baked in the oven under a golden crust, a Sunflower salad decorated with yellow chips and corn, or a pie with eggs and cottage cheese will look great in the center of the table. You can boil potatoes with meat by adding fried carrots and onions. The decor will not do without New Year's tangerines, oranges, bright yellow apples, bananas.

New Year of the Yellow Dog: what gifts to give

When planning in advance how to celebrate 2018 the Year of the Yellow Dog, we must not forget about New Year's gifts. What can you give to your family, children, parents? In fact, anything you want. The main thing is not to save money, to exclude trinkets and unnecessary things from the list of souvenirs, to approach the choice with soul. Hits of the coming year - gift sets of terry towels, expensive bed linen with images of dogs, pillows, dishes and kitchen utensils.

Here are some options for gifts for the New Year 2018:

  • photo album, photo frame, phone case or painting with images of cute dogs;
  • house slippers with funny doggy faces;
  • sets of dishes with cute images of the symbol of the coming year;
  • golden candlesticks, wall sconces;
  • blanket, front door mat, sofa cushions;
  • T-shirts with a print.

Remember that in the Year of the Dog, friends and family should not be given soft dog toys and various chains. The toy will be considered a "rival" of the advancing totem, and pets do not like chains very much.

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The year of the Red Rooster is already ending, and a new year is in a hurry to meet him - the Yellow Earth Dog. Many hostesses are already sitting in thought of what to cook for him. There are many options.

What to cook dishes from

On the table in the New Year 2018 of the Yellow Dog, it is worth serving various sausages, jellied meat, kebabs, cutlets and other meat dishes. It does not matter at all whether they are made from pork, chicken or any other meat. Owner of the Year Dog will definitely like everything! And she will also like it if dishes from vegetables, fruits or grains of yellow or brown color will be present on your table. For example, it can be pumpkin, peppers, corn, yellow tomatoes, pineapples, and so on. In addition, you can please her if you prepare dishes from fermented milk products: a variety of desserts, pancakes with cottage cheese, ice cream, etc. But fish and mushroom dishes, although they are not forbidden to serve, should not be too many.

What dishes cannot be served on the table?

Horse meat, cod or mackerel fish dishes cannot be served on the New Year's table in 2018 for the Yellow Dog. Also, there should be no desserts made with the addition of cocoa or chocolate, and broken noodles. Lemonade, kvass, beer and vodka should be excluded from the drinks displayed on the table. Otherwise, the choice of food is endless.

Hot dishes for the New Year 2018

Of course, eating meat dishes at 12 o'clock is blasphemy, but what you can't do to please the owner of the year - Earth Dog. For serving, you can bake catfish or trout, make an escalope from poultry (chicken or turkey), fry the ribs or chicken of tobacco in a pan, make cutlets or steaks. Pork baked in the oven will also not hurt on the table.


  • pork meat - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1-2 heads;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass (you can taste);
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - a little;
  • seasonings for barbecue;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into small pieces and beat gently. Season with salt, pepper, put in a bowl, sprinkle with barbecue spices. Add 1 onion, well crushed in a separate cup, and stir. Leave to marinate for 2 hours. An hour before cooking, cut another head, mix with vinegar, sugar, lemon juice (you do not need to add) and salt. Leave to infuse. Preheat the oven well just before cooking. Mix all ingredients together and put in a baking bag. Make several punctures in the sleeve so that it does not explode in the oven. Bake for 1-1.5 hours. Take it out and serve. It turns out very tasty!

New Year's salads on the table in the Year of the Yellow Dog

For the sake of a four-legged pet, even a little meat should be added to salads. For example, for serving, you can cook "Man's Dreams" with beef, "Mimosa" classic, "Olivier" or "Pomegranate bracelet" with chicken, "Capercaillie's Nest". But from "Herring under a fur coat" will have to be abandoned this year, the Dog does not like this fish and that's it. Instead of this salad, you can serve another - with smoked chicken and mushrooms.


  • smoked chicken - 0.3 kg;
  • potatoes - 5-7 pcs.;
  • small carrots - 4-5 pcs.;
  • fresh testicles - 3-5 pcs.;
  • processed cheese - 1 briquette;
  • small pickled mushrooms - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices, seasonings and herbs.

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes, carrots, eggs, cool, peel. Grind all these products, as well as cheese on a fine grater. First put the potatoes on a plate, forming the face and ears of a four-legged pet from it. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Then lay out the chicken in layers - half of the grated protein - chopped mushrooms - processed cheese. Again, grease everything with mayonnaise. Then put the carrots and potatoes again. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Now you need to lay out a layer of crushed yolk. This must be done so that the "sides" of the salad, smeared with mayonnaise, remain visible. Further, the side parts, as well as the middle of the salad, must be decorated with the second half of the grated protein. Form ears and eyes from the mushrooms. The tongue can be made from a piece of cooked sausage or meat. Let the salad stand for a couple of hours and serve.

Shortbread Snacks 2018

Any kind of cuts can be served on the table from appetizers (from vegetables, meat, sausages, cheese, and so on). If you want to surprise and please the patroness of 2018 and guests, try making pita bread rolls with chicken, sandwiches with smoked sausage and sprats, stuffed pancakes, eggplant with yellow tomatoes and garlic.

Decorating New Year's dishes in 2018

Do not forget that the dishes served on the table in 2018 of the Yellow Dog should not only be tasty, but also beautifully decorated. So, salads on plates can be laid out in the form of a bone or a paw of a four-legged friend, and soups and other liquid dishes can be served in beautiful painted plates, first sprinkling them with chopped herbs. Cakes should be created in the form of a smiling dog's face, and salads should be laid out in special bowls made of vegetables or fruits. In short, try to show all your imagination. The Dog will definitely notice and appreciate this. Good luck in the New 2018.

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The symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog, which does not really like to stand out. Therefore, you need to spend the whole year in peace and harmony, without committing any rash acts. Celebrating the New Year takes an important place in the life of any person. No less significant is the list of dishes that need to be prepared for this celebration.

The Yellow Earth Dog is a very kind and non-greedy animal. Therefore, there should be enough different products on the table. But preference should still be given to meat dishes. For the celebration, it is necessary to prepare meat salads, aspic, good meat chop and any game cooked on the fire. A lot of greens should be added to good meat, in particular parsley, lettuce, celery, dill, and so on. Also, to meet the Yellow Dog, a variety of fresh fruits and berries should be present on the table: oranges, strawberries, apples, bananas, raspberries, tangerines.

Dogs really like sweets, of which there should also be plenty on the table: various candies, marshmallows, soufflés, and so on.

Recipe for meat salad with vegetables and crab sticks

To prepare it, you will need 300 g of pork or beef meat, which is boiled in salted water with the addition of spices. Then it is fried and cut into cubes. 50 g of crab sticks, 100 g of fresh cucumber, 3 eggs and 300 g of boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes or cubes. Next, all the ingredients are mixed together and seasoned with mayonnaise. Top of this salad is decorated with green lettuce leaves.

The Yellow Dog loves everything natural, so it is better to use only natural products for table setting.

Since a large number of meat dishes should be present on the festive table, this should be taken into account when choosing drinks. Various red wines are ideal for such occasions. If you are preparing hot fish dishes, then white wine will do. You can also purchase cognac or good liqueur in advance, which are ideal for sweets. And, of course, what a New Year without champagne. This sparkling drink is almost always relevant. The most important thing is not to make a lot of noise when opening the bottle. A dog is a peaceful creature and does not like harsh sounds. For the same reason, one should abandon the explosion of firecrackers and fireworks. For financial well-being, be sure to put a banknote under the tablecloth.

Of the dishes that will have to be abandoned when celebrating this New Year, everyone's favorite herring under a fur coat stands out, as well as salads and sandwiches with caviar. Horse meat is not the best option for cooking meat dishes. Among the drinks, it is undesirable to serve beer, lemonade and any spirits on the table. All dogs react negatively to them.

If you take into account all the wishes of the Yellow Dog when preparing dishes for the festive table, then next year will bring you a lot of positive emotions and good luck.

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If you have not yet decided how to celebrate the New Year 2018, then it's time to think about it. The festive night should be spent so that good luck will accompany the whole next year.

The symbol of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. It is believed to be the most friendly and condescending sign of the eastern horoscope. Therefore, astrologers say that with the correct behavior of the festive night, 2018 will be calm and joyful for all people, and will bring many pleasant moments.

Where to celebrate the New Year 2018 and with whom?

Astrologers recommend celebrating 2018 with loved ones. You can invite guests to your place and arrange warm family hair. But the pretentious party, where guests should observe the dress code, is unlikely to please the symbol of 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog.

If you have no desire to invite friends to your place, and you are not going to visit, planning to spend New Year's Eve alone, reconsider your plans. Get out, at least after the chiming clock, on the street, astrologers advise on New Year's Eve to still surround yourself with people, even if they are unfamiliar.

How to decorate a house for the New Year?

As already mentioned, the owner of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. To please the symbol of the coming year, it is recommended to decorate the house in yellow and gold colors. You can buy tablecloths, napkins, candles and even dishes in the appropriate color scheme. The material from which the decor element will be made does not matter.

It will be just great if you decorate the tree in yellow and gold colors. You can buy beautiful balloons, rain, garlands and other decorative items in the recommended shade. In addition to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, you can plant several toys in the form of a dog under the tree. Products can be plush, clay, plastic, etc.

What should be on the table in the New Year?

A dog is considered a pragmatic animal, so on New Year's, it is not at all necessary to spend your last savings on delicacies. Simple treats, familiar salads and snacks are fine. There should be fruits and vegetables on the table, don't forget about meat. This is the main product that should be present on the festive table. Meat can be baked, added to salads, and interesting sandwiches with it.

It is believed that the symbol of the coming year is a big sweet tooth, so think about a delicious dessert in advance. The perfect end to the evening will be a cake, which you can bake yourself if you wish.

The Yellow Earth Dog will enjoy all products grown on the ground or in the ground. Therefore, there should be a lot of bread on the table, do not refuse to cook dishes with potatoes, carrots and beets.

Following the advice of astrologers, you can attract good luck and win over the talisman of the coming year.

For many people, New Year is their favorite holiday. And this is no coincidence. It is very colorful, vibrant, magical and wonderful in every way. With a green Christmas tree, colorful toys, with the smell of tangerines and a splash of champagne; with welcome gifts, fulfillment of desires, pleasant bustle. There is much more to list.

For everyone, the New Year is an event. Hope for the future is associated with it. It is believed that in the New Year you can change your life, start a lot from a new leaf. And therefore, the attitude to the holiday is always special.

Many begin to prepare for it long before its onset. They are looking for recipes according to which they will prepare food for the festive table. Thoroughly think over gift ideas for family and friends. They think over the elements of clothing, hairstyles, and makeup. They are considering options for where they will celebrate the holiday.

In general, there are more than enough questions. In today's article I will try to give you answers to many of them. And if you suddenly miss something, then ask questions in the comments. Let's try together to find questions on them.

Recently, it has become a tradition to pay close attention to the Year of which animal we meet. What color of clothes will be in priority depends on this. How to celebrate the New Year. What should be the menu for the festive table. And many many others.

After all, it is very important to enlist support and please the owner of the Year. So that throughout all the 365 days to come, he would show us his patronage, help us in difficult times, delight us with his attention and bring that new and light that we all need.

Therefore, on New Year's Eve, we are ready to try very hard for this. And for this you need to know who will be the Symbol of the Year. What he loves and what can please him, what habits, features, orders he has.

Probably everyone is already well aware that the Yellow Earth Dog is replacing the Fiery Red Rooster. The transition will take place on February 16, 2018. The sign is very interesting, friendly, promising everyone a lot of happiness and joy in the coming year. Let's take a look at its characteristics.

Characteristics of the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog

Well, to begin with, the Symbol of the Year is a pet. That is, in fact, she lives in a family and is a member of it. This should be the starting point. That is, prepare for her arrival not as a guest, but as a close creature who has not been at home for a long time.

Everything that is valuable to the family is also valuable to it. She loves attention, comfort, peace. She herself is sensitive, caring and affectionate. She does not like to show her feelings for show, is loyal and courageous, is not afraid to show her affection and is capable of love.

She is generous, reliable and self-reliant. Most often she is kind, but can be aggressive if she feels attacks in her address. The dog knows how to protect when required. She is always on the side of her family, and can protect her, even if she has to enter into an unequal duel.

The Yellow Dog is distinguished by excessive sensitivity and love for a person. Therefore, if she is supportive of you, she can attract peace, tranquility and prosperity to your family and your environment.

It can also attract good luck in money matters to your home. This person is practical and decent, so they love to deal with her. One of her main qualities is honesty, and therefore she is reliable in business. With her patronage, your business will go uphill. Other people will want to partner with you. And they will be able to help you in business.

In addition, the sign of the Earth with its yellow color will also contribute to this. Yellow is the color of gold, that is, wealth. Earlier in China, only the emperor could wear yellow clothes and eat yellow food. And the Dog can open for you the source of this wealth. Show you the way. You will be able to stand firmly on the Earth without fear of anything.

The Yellow Dog is a wonderful and devoted friend. Therefore, use her support as well as the support of your closest friends. They will not let you down. In difficult times they will be there and will be able to lend you their strong shoulder.

Much more can be said about all the positive qualities of the Symbol of the Year. But already these are quite enough in order to understand that it is simply necessary to attract her favor. And in the next chapters, we'll just get down to looking at all the possible ways to do this.

How and where to celebrate the New 2018

As we already understood from the characteristics of the sign, a dog is a pet. And therefore, the ideal option would be to meet the holiday with the closest family members. The ideal option would be considered if both old and young, and children, and their parents, and grandparents gather at the table.

The Mistress of the Year will feel comfortable if the house is cozy, warm and light. If the holiday itself is held in an atmosphere of love, an attentive attitude towards each other. Do not be afraid to tell your loved ones this night how you value them, how you love them. Wrap them up with attention, respect.

If the Dog sees such an attitude in the family, he will undoubtedly want to stay with you for the entire duration of his stay.

Meeting the holiday with close friends will also be received favorably. The Mistress of the Year knows what friendship is and knows how to be friends. It is not for nothing that the expression "faithful dog" exists. And if your friends are a married couple, then you can't imagine better. When two or three families meet, it is always great.

Therefore, you can celebrate the New Year both at home and with your friends. But it is better, not in a place where it is noisy and a lot of people, but where it is quiet and comfortable.

The dog does not really like to be surrounded by strangers. Therefore, it is better to refuse to go to a restaurant or other crowded places. Otherwise, she will not understand what to do. Relax and enjoy the holiday, or be alert and guard you.

In any place, wherever you decide to celebrate the New Year, a cozy home environment should be created. The holiday atmosphere should be calm and friendly.

It is also advisable to think over the program of the evening in advance. The dog will not sit at the table all evening. This is a very funny and playful creature. Therefore, movement is important for her. Think about how you can lure her, it can be fun games or a walk in the fresh air. I think that she will not refuse to ride down the slides and play snowballs either.

Determine your attitude towards alcohol in advance. The Mistress of the Year will not tolerate drunken noisy feasts, shouting, noise, loud music. Dancing "till you drop" is not for her, as well as frivolous behavior and a riot of temperament. And in general, she does not like the smell of alcohol, and can even bite someone who has gone over too much.

And if it bites on a festive night, then it will definitely not be left by morning. As well as the whole year, then it will be a party to bypass you and your home.

Do not forget to prepare gifts for everyone present. Let them be very small, but donated with love and from a pure heart, they are always tremulously and for a long time.

And if you still find kind and beautiful words to them, there will be no price at all for this gift.

How to decorate a house for the holiday

Think about how you can decorate your home. This year there is no need for any excessive pomp, as it was in the Year of the Rooster. It is better that everything be modest, but tasteful.

All colors that are inherent in the color of the dog are welcome in the decorations. These are yellow, brown, gold, orange, khaki, ocher. Therefore, in the decoration, use jewelry of the appropriate color.

These can be self-cut snowflakes. Tinsel of the corresponding color. Christmas decorations. Fresh sprigs of a Christmas tree. The house should be smart, festive and with a holiday smell. The Mistress of the Year must see that they are waiting and preparing for her arrival.

Candles of the desired colors can be purchased on the table. When they burn on the table, it always creates coziness, a warm, homely atmosphere. Moreover, Fire and Earth are not opposed to each other. With the help of fire, the earth is cleansed of everything unnecessary. Therefore, let all unnecessary and superfluous from this year be burned to the ground with the flame of a candle.

When there is room for something new, it comes immediately!

The Symbol of the Year will like the fact that she will see her image in the house. She will understand that they are waiting for her here, and she is welcome here. Therefore, various figures and decorations in the form of the Mistress of the coming year are welcome. And if they are also made by hand, then this will significantly increase their value.

Therefore, get together some weekend with the kids and make something original and beautiful. You can also do it yourself and decorations for the holiday. Currently, there are quite a few master classes on this topic on the Internet. Therefore, finding them will not be difficult. And how happy the children will be when all of you spend some unforgettable hours together.

Do not forget to clean up and collect all unnecessary before the holiday. Something can be distributed, and something thrown out without pity. Remember that the Mistress of the Year will bring you something new and useful in return. And if all the places in the house are occupied, then where will she leave it for you!

What color of clothes to choose for New Year's Eve

The choice of clothes is always a special theme for the holiday. Every woman strives to purchase a new dress for herself for the New Year's Eve. And recently, men have been striving to keep up. At least a shirt, but they will buy a new one. And many try to choose her according to the color of their companion's outfit.

Therefore, today we will leave the choice of the style of the dress to your taste, because this is a purely personal matter. Depends on taste, body proportions and preferences. But let's dwell on color in more detail.

And so we remember that the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is coming. This means that the main element will be the Earth. And the yellow color of an animal is its characteristic feature and affects its character and behavior. Therefore, we are making a start from this.

Element earth

The main colors of the coming year will be all natural colors inherent in the Earth. As we remember, the last two years demanded from us bright and defiant outfits. The Rooster and the Monkey in front of him are demonstrative, bright personalities. They always need to be in sight. But what about? Suddenly they won't notice ...

But here is the Yellow Dog, a completely different matter. Its primary colors are just in the same color scheme with the colors of the Earth. This promises that the year promises to be very harmonious in all respects. In addition, all natural colors promise to bring prosperity and prosperity into our lives. We will not interfere with this, but on the contrary, we will help. And we will choose clothes in the right color range for ourselves.

And so, for the element Earth, colors such as:

  • cream
  • lactic
  • yellow
  • grey
  • beige

And of course, all shades of these colors.

You can also choose clothes in white and black colors. These two colors are the basis of the foundations, therefore, they are always a priority.

But as we know, the Earth is not a bare desert. She is full of other natural colors that color her and make her simply incredibly beautiful.

These are the colors of delicate foliage and grass; colors of rivers, seas and oceans; the colors of the sky at different times of the day; the colors of fruits and vegetables that the earth gives us. That is, almost all the greatest variety of shades that we love and appreciate so much, living on our wonderful and beautiful planet.

So choose any color and any outfit. The only thing you don't need to do is choose flashy shades and flashy models. Nature is humble and wonderful for that. Therefore, we will follow it this year.

The Yellow Dog is a zodiac sign according to the Eastern calendar.

As I noted above this year, the element does not conflict with the zodiac sign. And what is good for the elements is good for the sign, in our case for the Dog.

She will love colors such as:

  • yellow
  • Brown
  • gold
  • silver
  • pale orange
  • soft amber

All their many shades, and again black and white.

That is, as far as you can understand, in this list, all the colors inherent in the color of the dog, in their complete variety. And do not forget that modesty in this case will not be superfluous.

However, this is also not to be taken literally. Nobody calls to sit at the festive table in a dressing gown of the appropriate color. But choose models that are sophisticated and calm.

As for the style, it is better to choose comfortable clothes and the same comfortable shoes. A dog is a mobile animal that loves freedom of movement. And how can you quickly move in a tight-fitting short dress and shoes with 15 cm heels?

What jewelry and accessories to choose for a festive outfit

Don't go with flashy jewelry and accessories this year. Modest jewelry made of gold and silver will do. Products with gilding and jewelry in the same theme will also be in place.

If we talk about stones, then the priority is natural jewelry in the appropriate colors - amber, yellow agate, sphalerite, apatite, beryl, zircon, tourmaline, topaz. And if you are the owner of yellow diamonds, then you are in general lucky!

Stones can be chosen in other colors and shades, which were discussed above. You can also choose jewelry in the same colors.

Collar-like jewelry will be at the height of fashion this year. It is called "choker".

Festive table setting

It is also worth considering how you will set the table. What kind of tablecloth will you pick up, what kind of napkins you will lay down. What to put on the table as decorations and how you will serve it.

This is a whole separate topic. Indeed, the general mood of all those gathered at it depends beautifully on the skill of laying the table.

Last year, the Rooster set the tone for us, and there were some requirements for decorating the table. The coming year dictates completely different rules, and we will try to follow them.

Let's start with the tablecloth. In the previous chapter, we specifically considered the colors that will be in demand both on the holiday and for the entire next year. Therefore, here we will follow these rules. That is, the table should not be set casually, of course, but at the same time tastefully.

It is better to choose a tablecloth in soothing colors. Milk, light beige, light salad, champagne color is perfect. These are all very "cozy" colors that will set the appropriate tone. If we talk about the texture of the fabric, then the priority will be all natural. And the main ones, of course, are flax and cotton. It was not in vain that Mother Earth raised them in her fields. And this year such materials will be in great demand.

It is better to choose napkins that are contrasting, but not flashy. For example, if you have chosen a tablecloth in the color of champagne, then the napkins can be selected in a pleasant light brown tones. These two colors are both non-defiant and will contrast beautifully with each other.

It is better to choose devices in light, or better white, colors, preferably with a minimum applied pattern. Or even without everything.

Candles and a bowl of fruit can be placed on the table as decorations. These earthly gifts will be a symbol of prosperity for the next year. So that the table is always full and rich. And nothing else is needed. No bright elements and pretentiousness.

Placing dog souvenirs on the table is also not worth it. They have no place on the table. We'd better prepare a delicious treat for them.

What to cook on the table for the New Year

If today we talked a lot about modesty in the design of the home, the choice of clothes and the setting of the table, this in no way relates to the menu.

The dog loves to eat very much, and the food is delicious! Therefore, we will try to please her in this. Let's see what the hostess of the year loves.

  • first of all, of course, it is all meat dishes. Moreover, meat will be welcomed absolutely in all changes. These are appetizers, salads, and main courses.

Bake it in the oven, even with a whole piece, even with potatoes, stick dumplings, cook jellied meat. All this, purely New Year's dishes, which will please everyone.

  • also the Dog will not be against chicken. She loves such tender and juicy meat. Duck and turkey are also fine. There are tons of dishes with them. And finding a suitable recipe for yourself will not be difficult. Even if you just put a whole chicken baked in the oven on the table, then all the surrounding dogs can come running to the smell.
  • fish and seafood, although not a priority for the Symbol of the Year, is also not averse to feasting on delicacies. Especially if you prepare delicious beautiful dishes from these products.
  • become more and more popular every year. And we have already prepared. An article with 5 author's recipes was published just yesterday.

  • as already mentioned, you need to put snacks with meat and chicken on the table. And also canapes and sandwiches will not be superfluous.
  • do not forget to put cold cuts on the table. The more different types of meat products it contains, the better. Imagine how happy the Dog will be when he sees such beauty. Yes, she will not go anywhere from you until next year and will attract good luck and prosperity to your house day and night.

  • also the Mistress of the Year is not against fruits and vegetables. She also needs to maintain a healthy physical shape. And it will not hurt to treat yourself to vitamins. Therefore, fresh vegetable slices and a bowl of fruit are a must.

And also in the corresponding headings you can find many other salads and hot dishes that will decorate your festive table.

And of course, alcohol cannot be ignored. For many, a holiday is not a holiday without him. Choose light alcoholic drinks for the feast, and in small quantities. Remember that the Dog hates drunken and inadequate people.

These are not tricky rules. In general, it is not at all difficult to attract good luck, prosperity and happiness to the house. If you adhere to these rules every day, then all this will be in every home every day and every hour.

After all, if we do not try for ourselves, then someone else will not even start. But if We ourselves are kind, reliable, loyal, honest and loving, then not only the Dog will help us, but we will also help her. Like good old friends who are happy to help each other.

Happy New Year everyone! All goodness, happiness and prosperity!