How to properly put on a prenatal bandage. How can you tell if the bandage is on correctly? When do you need a postpartum bandage?

Every woman, having become pregnant, looks forward with great impatience to the moment when her stomach will be rounded, when the new life developing under her heart can be both felt and touched. But the growth of the fetus and an increase in its mass is fraught for a pregnant woman not only with pleasant moments. The less time remains until the expected date of birth, the greater the load on the spine of the expectant mother and her internal organs becomes. And in order to somehow compensate for this load, as well as to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of a pregnant woman, her doctor may prescribe her wearing a bandage. And since young women are unlikely to use this device in everyday life, many questions often arise about its use. How and why to wear a bandage during pregnancy? Where to buy it and what to look for when choosing? Let's answer these questions together. And, for starters, perhaps, let's figure out what it is - a bandage.

The bandage compensates for the load on the back muscles, supports the abdominal muscles and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen in pregnant women

bandage for pregnant women called a special medical belt (or elastic panties), which is designed to support the anterior walls of a woman's abdominals.

  • When worn, the load on the spine and legs of the pregnant woman is compensated.
  • Reduced overall physical fatigue.
  • The bandage prevents back pain.
  • The skin of the abdomen is less stretched, which significantly reduces the likelihood of striae (stretch marks) on it.

Usually, expectant mothers start wearing a bandage from 25 weeks. And when - even earlier.

As for the appearance, modern bandages are very pretty and aesthetic. They are hard to see under clothes. And if you put on a bandage correctly, the expectant mother, in fact, should not even feel it on herself.

Like any other device used in medicine, the bandage can only be recommended for wearing by your doctor.

Because, like any other device, it has both indications for use and contraindications. And you should definitely know about this.

The bandage is contraindicated to be worn by pregnant women in whom the child in the womb is not positioned correctly (breech or transverse presentation)

Indications and contraindications

The bandage is prescribed, far, not for all pregnant women. If your abdominal muscles are well developed and your back does not hurt after walking, then you do not need to use a bandage at all.

If after 24 weeks the baby does not lie head down, it is strictly contraindicated to wear a pregnant bandage. In principle, these are all contraindications.

But there are quite a few indications for wearing a bandage by expectant mothers

  1. When a pregnant woman leads an active lifestyle and is on her feet for at least 2-3 hours in a row.
  2. For cosmetic purposes - to prevent.
  3. Back pain, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.
  4. Nerve entrapment in the lumbar spine.
  5. Pain in the legs,.
  6. Weak abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
  7. Underdevelopment of the cervix, polyhydramnios.
  8. Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity (if less than one and a half years have passed since the operation).
  9. The low position of the fetus - the bandage does not allow the child to fall ahead of time.
  10. Multiple pregnancy or large fetus.
  11. Threat at a later date, etc.

Despite the fact that, as you can see, there are very few contraindications to wearing a bandage, compared to the indications, before deciding to use it, be sure to consult your gynecologist.

Modern bandages for pregnant women look quite attractive

Types of bandages for expectant mothers

Bandages for women awaiting replenishment in the family are prenatal, postnatal and combined. We are interested in prenatal, which, in turn, are of two types.

  • Elastic panties. Dense and high. They differ from the underwear that you are used to wearing in that they have elastic inserts in the front and back in their lower part, which support the stomach and back of the pregnant woman. But they are not recommended to be bought by expectant mothers who are gaining weight very rapidly.
  • Universal bandage belt. You can wear it during pregnancy and after childbirth - for the speedy recovery of the tone of the abdominal muscles. It is a bandage belt - an elastic band tapering at the edges, having fasteners or Velcro. In such bandages, it is possible to adjust them depending on the size of your tummy.

But besides the fact that you need to decide on the type of bandage, there are a number of criteria that you also need to pay attention to so that wearing it is useful and comfortable for you.

When choosing a bandage, the material from which it is made is of no small importance. Preference should be given to a bandage made of natural fabric

How to choose?

  1. Buy a bandage in a specialty store for pregnant women. There you can try it on and take a good look at it. In pharmacies, this option is not available.
  2. Pay attention to the manufacturer. Today, domestic bandages have established themselves as a fairly high-quality product. And the price for them compares favorably with the price of their foreign counterparts.
  3. If you decide to purchase a bandage in the form of panties, its size should be an order of magnitude higher than the size of your underwear.
  4. You should choose a bandage belt, starting from the volumes of your abdomen (in a standing position, the extreme point is the navel) and hips.
  5. Carefully consider the quality of the material from which the bandage is made. The ideal option is natural fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and do not cause irritation on it.

During the fitting, pay attention to the fact that a properly selected and correctly worn bandage should not cause any discomfort in you.

How to put on?

How you put on the bandage will depend on what kind of bandage you have chosen for yourself. After all, the bandage panties are worn only in the prone position. A bandage belt can be worn both lying down and standing.

A bandage purchased at a store or pharmacy must be accompanied by instructions for its use and care. If you don't find one, again, see your doctor. He will tell and show you how to wear a bandage during pregnancy, and how to put it on correctly.

Bandage-panties are put on in the supine position. In this case, your hips should be raised

Bandage panties must be worn only when lying down. And your hips should be raised. Under them, you can put a small pillow or roller.

The bandage is worn over your underwear. Make sure that the elastic insert on the panties is not too high, otherwise it may put pressure on the fetus. And this cannot be allowed.

It is important to fix the bandage belt correctly so that it fits you in size

Bandage belt

The bandage belt is convenient in that it can be worn both lying down and standing up. But, for starters, until you understand how to do it correctly, nevertheless, use the lying position to learn how to dress in it.

The bandage in the form of a belt in front should pass under the stomach, capturing the pubic bone. And from behind - along the upper part of the buttocks, resting on the hips.

It is very important to fix the bandage correctly. After all, too strong fixation can harm the fetus. And too weak will simply be ineffective.

Correct bandage to wear over underwear

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy?

When using a bandage during pregnancy, a number of rules should be observed. Only in this way its use will be useful for you and safe.

  • Each time, carefully check that you put on the bandage correctly. If you do not feel it at all on yourself, then everything is in order. The bandage is on correctly.
  • If the child begins to actively move in the abdomen, the bandage must be removed immediately. You can put it on after that no earlier than 30 minutes later.
  • Every 3-4 hours it is necessary to remove the bandage and take a half-hour break in wearing it. This is required to restore blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Carefully read the instructions for use and care of the bandage. Care, as a rule, consists in washing it in compliance with the temperature regime, so as not to damage the elastic inserts.

Agree, these rules are not so complicated as to cause any difficulties. But, if you, due to circumstances, do not have the opportunity to take a break from the bandage during the day, this is allowed. But, as you know, as an exception.

The duration of wearing a bandage depends on the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy.

Application duration

When should you start wearing a brace? Only the doctor who manages your pregnancy knows the answer to this question. If you periodically feel back pain or fatigue in your legs, this is certainly a reason to raise the issue of prescribing a bandage for you at your next visit to the antenatal clinic.

But you shouldn't make such a decision on your own. Be aware of contraindications. Only your gynecologist knows if you have them.

Usually, pregnant women wear a bandage from the moment of its appointment (23-30 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy) and until childbirth.

After the baby is born, you can be prescribed a postpartum bandage for the speedy contraction of the muscles of the uterus and abdominals.

Now you know how to wear a bandage during pregnancy and why you need it. Bandage - a device, no doubt, useful. Provided that it is assigned to you by the local gynecologist, and you follow all the instructions and rules while wearing it. But you probably don't need to be reminded of this. Your love for the little man living under your heart will act as a guarantee that everything and always you will now do only the right thing ...

Video "Bandage for pregnant women: how to wear, which one to choose?"

The bandage is a special device designed for pregnant women and postpartum women. The main purpose of this device is to help a woman feel better during pregnancy. From a medical point of view, a high-quality belt relieves the load on the spine and prevents the appearance of pain in the lower back. In the same cases, when it is worn after childbirth, it helps to speed up the process of restoring the figure. There is a first time for everything, including wearing a bandage. That is why for those pregnant women who decide to use this device for the first time, it is important to know how to wear a maternity bandage.

When should you wear?

The bandage does not need to be worn by all pregnant women without exception. So, there are a number of indications for wearing this device:

  1. First of all, this dressing is necessary in cases where a pregnant woman leads an active lifestyle, works for several hours, being on her feet all the time;
  2. It should also be worn when a woman is worried about frequent lower back pain. Or when a woman has osteochondrosis;
  3. Another indication is the presence of varicose veins, as well as pain in the legs.

In addition, it performs a number of functions, namely:

  • helps prevent stretch marks;
  • significantly facilitates the course of multiple pregnancy;
  • has a protective effect in the presence of a threat of premature birth.

What are the types?

There are several types of belts for pregnant women, which may differ from each other in terms of their fastening. So, it can be prenatal or postnatal. There is also a combined version - mixed.

Knowing the varieties will help you when choosing it in a store (pharmacy). Experienced women who have experienced pregnancy several times advise when buying a bandage to call one of your relatives or friends with you. The fact is that it is best to try on a bandage before purchasing, and not always a sales assistant will be able to help you. By the way, it is recommended to buy it in specialized stores (or departments) for pregnant women. It is there that you can get a full consultation about the required size.

As for the choice of a specific variety, it all depends on your financial capabilities: a universal bandage is a more budget option. In addition, it is quite effective, because it will support you during pregnancy and help you recover after childbirth.

What do you need to know?

First of all, read one very important rule: any bandage, be it prenatal or universal, should in no case put pressure on the abdomen. Always remember this and do not allow adverse situations.

Often, on the packaging or inside, along with the product, there is a detailed instruction, which details how to wear it correctly. In some models, this is a diagram of a picture, in others it is just a description. You can use the attached instructions, but with some degree of conventionality: doctors note that in many cases, descriptions from the manufacturer of the goods do not always correspond to the existing recommendations. A particularly common mistake in the instructions is the image of the brace being worn too high.

For the first time, the best way to put on a bandage is to lie down. Why? The fact is that in this position the pubic bone is felt much better.

The whole dressing procedure is very similar to putting on a loincloth. Therefore, for those who know how to put on a bandage, the bandage will not create any special problems.

Is he dressed correctly?

How to determine if you were able to put on this device correctly? To do this, pay attention to the following: a properly dressed bandage passes under the stomach, below the buttocks, rests on the hips itself and captures the pubic bone in front. We have already noted that he should not put too much pressure on the stomach. But that's not all: you should not unnecessarily loosen the bandage, because in this case it simply will not be of any use.

In principle, if you carefully study the instructions attached to it, carefully look at the numerous photo and video materials, you can understand how to properly wear a universal bandage. But still, it is better to take it with you to the first consultation, where the doctor will explain and show you everything in detail.


Here we have learned, all the most important. In principle, the instructions, the doctor and materials from the Internet in their totality will allow you to easily delve into the donning procedure.

An equally important issue is the determination of the timing when it is already required to wear it. Obviously, only an observant doctor can give you the best answer. Usually they start wearing it from about 22-30 weeks. Of course, the well-being of a pregnant woman plays a huge role, and therefore it is important to immediately draw the doctor's attention to the heaviness or back pain that has appeared.

Any girl, having become pregnant, dreams of her tummy becoming rounded as soon as possible. This usually happens after the fourth month. But the joy of this can be overshadowed by such unpleasant moments as the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, an increase in the load on the spine, which causes the back to become very tired. Therefore, doctors recommend purchasing a bandage to alleviate this condition. In this case, you need to know how to properly put on a bandage for pregnant women and wear it.

What is a bandage?

What is a prenatal bandage and why is it needed? This is a special belt or elastic panties that help support the front walls of the abdominals and reduce stress on the spine during pregnancy. It is recommended to wear it from the 25th week, when the child is actively growing and, accordingly, the stomach begins to grow.

When wearing this product, the load on the night and the spine of the pregnant woman is compensated, and physical fatigue is reduced. Thanks to him, back pain disappears. Modern bandages have an attractive appearance, and they almost invisible under clothes. If you put on such a product correctly, then the expectant mother will not feel it.


not recommended for everyone pregnant women. It may not be used with well-developed abdominal muscles, as well as when the back does not hurt after walking. Also, doctors do not advise wearing it during pregnancy with a breech or transverse presentation of the fetus, as this may prevent the unborn child from taking the correct head-down position before childbirth.

Wearing the product is shown in the following cases:

When wearing a bandage during pregnancy, a woman maintains good health, mood and maintains the health of the unborn child.


Bandages are prenatal, postnatal, and also combined. Consider what kind of prenatal products are.

Elastic panties. They are thick and tall. They differ from ordinary underwear in that they have elastic inserts at the back and front in the lower part, which are necessary to support the back and abdomen of the pregnant woman. But it is undesirable to acquire them for those women who gain weight very quickly.

Universal bandage belt. It is worn both before and after childbirth in order to quickly restore the tone of the abdominal muscles. A universal bandage is an elastic tape narrowed at the edges with Velcro or fasteners. Such a product is very popular because it is possible to adjust the size.

But it should be remembered that the bandage cannot be worn all the time. It should be removed at night or when the woman is lying down. During the day, you should also not wear it for more than three hours in a row, because this can harm the unborn baby.

How to choose?

When choosing a prenatal bandage, you need to consider the following important points:

If there are difficulties in choosing a product, then you need to navigate only to your feelings- the main thing is that it is convenient and comfortable in it.

How to put on and wear a bandage?

How to put on a maternity bandage? It depends on what type of product was chosen. It usually comes with instructions for use. In its absence, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you how to do it correctly.

Bandage-panties Recommended to be worn lying down with raised hips. In addition, under them you can put a roller or a small pillow. The product must be worn on top of the underwear in such a way that the elastic insert is not located very high, otherwise it will put pressure on the fetus, and this must be excluded.

The universal bandage-belt is put on both lying down and standing. But it's easier to do it in a supine position. In front, it should be located under the stomach, and in the back, it should pass along the upper part of the buttocks and rest against the hips. The product should fix correctly because too strong fixation can harm the child. Too weak will be ineffective.

How to wear a maternity bandage? In this case, certain rules must be observed so as not to harm the unborn child.

  • It is necessary to check every time how the product is put on. His is done correctly, then it is not felt at all on the body.
  • When the child in the abdomen begins to actively move, the product must be removed immediately. It is recommended to put it on after 30 minutes.
  • Every 3-4 hours the bandage should be removed, taking a break of 30 minutes. This is necessary in order to restore blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use and care of the product. It must be washed in compliance with the temperature regime, otherwise the elastic inserts may be damaged.

These rules are not that hard to follow. But if it is not possible to remove the product during the day, then this is allowed, but only as an exception.

What can not be done in a bandage?

A woman who constantly wears a bandage must take into account some points. This product is primarily designed to relieve pressure and strain on a pregnant woman's spine when she is in an upright position. But it is forbidden to wear it for a long time, because it causes circulatory disorders in the child. Product should be removed every 3 or 4 hours. In addition, it is forbidden to lean forward strongly and abruptly, because this creates additional pressure on the child.

The bandage should be removed during both night and daytime sleep, since in the supine position it ceases to perform its function due to the lack of load on the back. Many pregnant women are wondering if it is possible to sit in this product? Doctors are divided on this issue. Some allow sitting in a bandage, others are categorically against it. In this case, the choice is entirely up to the woman. If in a sitting position she experiences discomfort, then it would be better to remove it.

Thus, it is very important to know how to properly wear a brace during pregnancy. But it should only be assigned local gynecologist, which should also give recommendations on which model is better to choose, based on the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman and analyzing the course of her pregnancy. And the presented video demonstrates how to properly wear such a product.

A quarter of a century ago, a bandage was an unloved, albeit a necessary thing in the wardrobe of expectant mothers. By the complexity of putting on, this product was often compared with a corset: laces, hooks, eyelets ... Today, a bandage of a modern cut is easy to pick up and comfortable to wear. True, you also need to know how to put on a prenatal bandage.

What is the bandage for?

Doctors recommend using a bandage from 20-22 weeks of pregnancy, that is, as soon as your tummy becomes noticeable. Of course, you can do just fine without a bandage, but only if before pregnancy you were actively involved in sports and strengthened your abdominal muscles. Otherwise, the bandage is simply necessary: ​​it will relieve the load from the spine and abdominal muscles and allow the baby to take the correct position for childbirth.

In addition, the bandage helps with the threat of premature birth (it does not allow the baby to descend), is indispensable for carrying multiple pregnancies, and can even prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Which bandage to choose?

There are prenatal, postnatal and universal bandages:

If you picked up a bandage in a specialized store, then the sales assistants probably told and showed you how to properly put on a prenatal bandage. Perhaps you have already been consulted by a gynecologist or you are just going to ask him about how to put on a bandage for pregnant women. You yourself can master this simple matter using the following algorithm:

  1. Lie on your back with a pillow under your buttocks.
  2. Relax and lie down for a couple of minutes. Your baby will move to the upper abdomen (the feeling of heaviness and pressure on the bladder will disappear).
  3. Put on and fasten the bandage tightly.
  4. Roll over on your side and gently, slowly, rise.

Check yourself: a properly worn bandage passes under the abdomen, grabbing the pubic bone, and rests on the hips. In no case should the bandage squeeze the stomach! Do not tighten it too tight, at the same time, wearing a loosely tightened bandage does not make sense.

You can wear a bandage up to 5 hours a day, but if you or your baby feel uncomfortable, it is best to reduce this time to a minimum.

Do not rush to put yourself in a bandage immediately after childbirth. Doctors recommend putting on a bandage for 7-10 days after the birth of the baby. You should not wear a bandage all the time: every 3 hours, take a break for 30 minutes. At night, the bandage must be removed.

They put on the postpartum bandage in the same way as the prenatal bandage - lying on your back, when the abdominal muscles relax and take the correct position.

How to put on a universal brace?

The rules for wearing a universal bandage are exactly the same as for prenatal and postnatal. Put it on in a prone position, raising the hips:

  1. Lay the brace on the couch or bed. Lie down with the widest part of the bandage under your lower back.
  2. Fix the ends of the bandage under the stomach, choosing a comfortable degree of "tension".
  3. Standing up, adjust the degree of pressure on the lower abdomen.

Usually, from 22-30 weeks, a woman begins to experience certain difficulties with a growing belly. It increases quite quickly, and the body, at times, does not have time to cope with the increasing load. Prenatal bandage is used to support the spine, relieve pain in the lumbar region, eliminate swelling and reduce the risk of stretch marks. But how to put on a bandage for pregnant women? How much to wear? Are there contraindications? We offer answers to these and many other questions.

How to properly put on a bandage

If you have purchased a high-quality orthopedic accessory, then on its packaging there will definitely be instructions on how to properly put on a bandage for pregnant women. Let's compare its content with well-known recommendations:

  • put on a prenatal bandage should only be lying down wait a few minutes and take deep breaths. It is in this position that the internal organs and the child will occupy a comfortable position;
  • before putting on a bandage, you need to raise the buttocks - it is better to do this with a high pillow or a roller placed under the hips;
  • the bandage should not be too tight - in the prone position, the palm should pass freely between it and the skin;
  • in a standing position, it is necessary to make sure that the bandage is correctly positioned: it is located under the stomach, rests against the pubic bone and tightly fits the lower back.

After you have fastened the bandage, smoothly turn on your side and gently stand up. No sudden movements!

You can also learn how to properly put on a prenatal bandage at a gynecologist's appointment. At the same time, the doctor will recommend the optimally suitable design of the bandage, as well as indicate the contraindications that prohibit the use of the prenatal belt.

In addition to prenatal and postnatal models, bandages are produced that can be worn throughout the period and after childbirth. Instructions on how to properly put on a universal bandage for pregnant women look exactly the same as for prenatal.

The only moment the low part of the belt should be in front, and the high part should be on the back. After childbirth, the belt is turned over so that the wide part supports the internal organs and skin of the abdomen in front, and with the help of the narrow part, a compression effect is exerted on the lumbar region.

What are bandages for pregnant women

Manufacturers of special underwear for expectant mothers produce a sufficient number of models so that every woman can choose a bandage that is suitable for the price and characteristics of an option.

prenatal belt

One of the popular models. Her main the advantage is the ability to quickly put on and take off the bandage even with a very large belly. Belts are made of dense elastic fabrics that are well ventilated and do not cause allergies.

Some models have stiffening ribs on the back to better support the spine, as well as side tie-locks, with which the belt fits perfectly in size.

The most common fastening principle is Velcro tape.. The wider the tape, the more options there are for fitting the belt. But, the same tape can leave clues on tights and underwear - many customers complain about this drawback.

Bandage panties

The attractive appearance of bandage panties makes many women opt for them. However, it is worth remembering some disadvantages of such models:

  • it is very difficult to put on panties on a big tummy;
  • if there are no fasteners on the gusset, then every time you go to the toilet you will have to take off your panties, which is not always easy to do (a similar problem occurs at a gynecologist's appointment);
  • if the bandage panties are incorrectly sized, then they will either not fulfill their function, or will harm the health of the woman and the child.

It is impossible to adjust the size of classic bandage panties, so you should choose their size very carefully.

But unlike the belt, panties are not visible under clothing, so they perfect for women who lead an active lifestyle until the last days of pregnancy. They are worn, as they say, on the way out: put on at work, to the store, on a trip, for walks.

Universal bandage

We have already mentioned the main features of the universal bandage above. According to the materials used, it differs little from the prenatal belt, but buying it allows you to save: instead of two products, only one is purchased.

There are often reviews when a universal bandage was perfect during pregnancy, but turned out to be absolutely useless and even uncomfortable after childbirth. This is worth being prepared for.

Bandage-corset with lacing

The model is similar to panties, but instead of an elastic "cover", the stomach supports the "cover" with lacing. Such the bandage can be easily "adjusted" to the size of the abdomen- this is a huge "plus" when the stomach is growing rapidly, but at the same time, all the shortcomings of the panty bandage remain in the corset.

How and how much to wear a bandage

If there are problems in bearing a child (the threat of premature birth, underdevelopment of the cervix, weak muscle tone, previous births using caesarean section, etc.), determine how much and how to wear a bandage, a gynecologist observing a woman should.

The belt is put on underwear, panties - on the naked body.

Bandage panties can be worn all day like normal underwear, unless otherwise recommended by a doctor. But the belt is not advised to be worn around the clock: it must be worn for 1.5-2 hours, then take a half-hour break- this scheme can be used throughout the day. But for most women, 5-6 hours a day is enough to relieve pain in the lumbar region with the help of a belt and improve overall well-being.


An antenatal bandage cannot be used if the baby has not turned head down after 24 weeks. First you have to make the baby do the necessary work, and only after that discuss with the gynecologist the possibility of wearing a belt or panties.

Other contraindications include:

  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney disease;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • skin diseases in the area of ​​​​adherence of the bandage tissue;
  • individual intolerance to the materials from which the bandage is sewn.

In the first days of using the bandage, it is extremely important for a woman to monitor her own feelings.. The body will certainly tell you whether the bandage helps or not, the main thing is to hear its “tips”. If you feel constant discomfort, and the unpleasant sipping in the lower back not only has not gone away, but has also turned into pain, discard the bandage and seek a second consultation with a gynecologist.