How to properly apply castor oil to your eyelashes. How long to wait for the effect

Every woman dreams of having thick, long and attractive eyelashes. They help many girls to win the attention of the opposite sex, feel confident and stylish. It is very important to properly and fully take care of your eyelashes. For this it is worth stocking up on time, patience and suitable means. It is believed that the most effective are natural products. We will tell you about the benefits castor oil will bring to your eyes, as well as how to use it correctly to see the result, in our article.

Features and Benefits

Castor oil used to be known as a laxative. It was used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Scientists have discovered the properties of this natural product now from the other side. Now the product is actively used in cosmetology. This oil is made from castor oil plant using cold pressing. The seeds of the plant are high in fat and protein. They have a positive effect on the body.

You will learn more about castor oil in the video.

The main advantages of the tool include:

    Availability... Nowadays, castor oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, as well as any specialty store.

    Efficiency... Regular use of this substance will help improve the condition of your cilia, skin, and the whole body. It will help activate the growth of cilia, make them thick and long.

    Security... This product, when used correctly, is completely safe. The main thing is to follow the recipe and buy a quality product.

    Substantial savings. The democratic cost of the product is another advantage of the product. You can purchase the product you need for beauty at an affordable price. At the same time, the efficiency will also be at its best. You will not need to waste time, nerves and the last savings on expensive cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon.

    At home, you can create own recipe, mixing the ingredients that you need. This is another advantage of this product.

    Great mood. When a woman sees the result of the procedures performed, her mood improves significantly. You will become more confident, more attractive to the opposite sex. Accordingly, each lady will be able to achieve her goals.

You will learn more about how to grow eyelashes using castor oil in the video:

Properties and benefits

Castor oil is a thick yellow liquid. Its composition includes substances that have a beneficial effect on cilia and their bulbs. They improve their condition.

The composition includes:

    Palmitic acid. It is she who helps all nutrients to penetrate into the very depths of the structure of the cilia. They are being strengthened.

    Stearic and linoleic acids. They are the best moisturizers. These elements prevent moisture removal, protect brittle and damaged eyelashes from adverse environmental factors: ultraviolet radiation, sudden temperature changes, chlorine.

    Oleic acid. This element of the product helps to activate all cellular processes: accelerate metabolism, restore protective functions, strengthen hairs, stimulate their regeneration.

    Ricinoleic acid. It is she who is responsible for the appearance of the cilia. They become soft, obedient, long. It has this acid and antibacterial effect, protects eyelashes from loss.

    Tocopherol (or vitamin E). This element will activate collagen synthesis. It is this substance that will help transform dull and lifeless hairs, make the look shining and inviting.

    Retinol (vitamin A). This component will help to enhance the regenerating properties of the substance. It will help to quickly and efficiently restore damaged hairs of both eyebrows and eyelashes. It has a beneficial effect on the internal structure of the cilia.

Based on the composition of castor oil, you can evaluate its effect. It is this oil that will help restore, strengthen, and make eyelashes visually attractive.

A cosmetic product works with its regular use. Some women believe that this product does not help and even does harm. However, the effectiveness of the product will depend on its correct use. If you carefully follow the recipe and all the recommendations, handle it carefully and buy high-quality oil, then you will observe a visible positive effect.

You will learn about eyelash care from the video.

It is worth noting that castor oil is ideal for the sensitive and delicate skin around the eyes. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin, moisturizes it, eliminating wrinkles. In this case, the product should be applied with light touches of the fingertips.

How to choose

In order for the product to have a positive effect, and you see the result, you should choose the right product. Purchase a bottle only at pharmacies. This way you can avoid counterfeiting. Do not take the product at a too low price. This should alert buyers. The oil itself is inexpensive. Therefore, do not pursue cheapness.

You will learn more about eyelash care in the video.

Be sure to look at the expiration date of the product. The efficiency of the product will also depend on it. However, do not use expired oil. This can be hazardous to health.

Castor oil will be useful not only for eyelashes, but also for eyebrows and hair. It will help to effectively strengthen them, make them thick, and accelerate growth. You can buy products both in a bottle and in capsules. The latter is intended for oral administration. The instructions indicate the dosage, which must be followed.

How to apply

To notice a visible positive result, you should apply the remedy correctly. If you decide to try this remedy for the first time, then you should be careful. It is often not recommended to use this product in its pure form. Combination with other ingredients makes the product more effective.

It should be noted that castor oil also has a number of contraindications. You can not use this remedy if you have an individual intolerance, as well as during pregnancy. And in general, before using the liquid, it is better to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions. Take some oil and apply it to the crease of your elbow or the back of your hand. If after a certain time you do not notice any negative reactions (redness, itching), then you can safely use the product.

Do not use this remedy if you have wounds, cuts, or skin diseases. This can only make the situation worse. It is best to consult your healthcare professional.

However, castor oil will be an excellent remedy, it will help to strengthen the hairs, get rid of freckles, age spots. In order for the agent to have only a positive effect on the body, it should be applied correctly. Keep the product warm. Only in this way will nutrients be able to reach the goal faster and have the desired effect. The instructions for use are pretty simple:

    Preparatory stage... Go to the pharmacy and buy castor oil. It is sold in a regular bottle with a wide mouth. This adds extra convenience. There will be no need to pour liquid. Be sure to ask or see the expiration date of the drug yourself. Your health and safety will depend on it.

    Immediately you need to make a reservation about the storage location of the product... It is best to do this in a dark place at room temperature. How you store the products correctly will determine the period of use and the effectiveness of the liquid.

    Do not use castor oil if it has been in the refrigerator for a long time.... At the time of use, the product should be warm or at room temperature. You can always warm up the liquid with a water bath. This will increase the effectiveness of the oil, which will have a beneficial effect on your eyelashes.

    The skin of the eyelids is quite thin, delicate, the mucous membrane of the eyes is sensitive... Test your body for allergic reactions beforehand. There can be a negative reaction to castor oil.

    Take a brush to apply oil... You can take it from the old carcass, after thoroughly cleaning, rinsing and drying. Do not leave the brush in oil after each procedure. Wipe it with a cotton pad, and close the jar with a cosmetic product well.

    Apply the growth product to clean eyes.... Remove makeup and contact lenses. This is especially important for the efficient work of all nutrients.

    Many women make the same mistake.... Do not turn the oil into mascara, apply it from the very roots of the cilia to the tips in a thick layer. An oily film may form on the mucous membrane of the eyes, which will be difficult to rinse. It is better to take quite a bit of the product and carefully begin to distribute it from the middle of the eyelashes. So you can carefully work out all the hairs and do not harm your health.

    If you still have a surplus, then you need to carefully remove them with a brush.

    The first procedure should last no more than five minutes... This is how long the oil should be left on the eyelashes. If the procedure is successful, then the treatment can be continued, increasing the minutes to 15-20. If in the morning you saw that your eyes turned red, then it is better to refuse the remedy right away.

    After the procedure, you need to carefully remove all the liquid with a dry cotton pad.... Wipe your eyelids thoroughly so that there is no oil left that could provoke swelling in the morning.

    After the end of the procedure, you need to wait an hour, and then just wash and apply the cream.

    It is better to treat eyelashes at night... If you carry out the procedure during the day, then you simply will not be able to apply mascara. It will not stick to the oil film.

    It is worth remembering about the regularity of the procedures.... Only after occasional use of castor oil can you achieve the desired result. Don't be lazy. Make beauty treatments a daily routine.

    Observe the recipe... Basically, the course of treatment is at least four to five weeks. After this period of time, you will be able to understand if there are real improvements or if you should choose another remedy. It may be that the substance is simply not suitable for your body.

    Take a short break after you have completed your treatment.(approximately one to two weeks). So you can give the eyelashes a break from a large amount of biologically active substances, and also eliminate the moment of addiction. Your eyelashes will become fluffy and beautiful.

    There is no age limit for the use of the substance.... The only thing is individual intolerance.

The whole procedure will not take you much time, but the result will delight you and those around you for a long time.

If you do it at home on your own, then the first time you can spend a little more time. A little patience, and soon you will adjust and learn how to do the procedure quickly and efficiently. Better to perform cosmetic actions before bedtime. During the night, nutrients will be more active. With regular use, you will see the results you see.

Thus, if you want to grow strong and thick eyelashes, keep the natural color, then you should try this miracle cure. You can use castor oil, both in pure form and as part of masks. A cosmetic mask will be the same reliable remedy, it will protect hairs that fall out and do not grow.

This tool will perfectly help to restore eyelashes after extension. Many reviews of women indicate that emergency nutrition is needed for extended weakened hairs. It is castor oil that will help you quickly and effectively put your eyes in order.

They will shine again and fascinate males.


It used to be that castor oil was only food grade. Over time, scientists have denied this fact. Now the tool is actively used in cosmetology. Making a homemade castor oil mask is quite simple. You will need all the ingredients you need, as well as time and patience. The most important thing is to prepare a fresh composition every time. There are a wide variety of recipes. You need to choose them in accordance with your preferences, needs, the desired result. Consider the main types of masks:

    To strengthen

You need to take castor oil as a base. Fifteen grams will suffice. For five grams, you can take other oils. Almond, flaxseed, wheat germ are suitable. Now it is worth mixing all the components thoroughly. Heat the composition in a water bath. This substance will be an excellent assistant in strengthening the hair follicles, they will stop collapsing and falling out.

Not all women have been given long and thick eyelashes by nature. Namely, they decorate the face, making the eyes more expressive and attractive. A lot of ways have been invented to combat such injustice. This includes all kinds of mascaras, extensions, and other procedures. There are many options for giving them beauty, but none of them gives a long-term and harmless effect. Fortunately, there is a natural, inexpensive, time-tested remedy - castor oil for eyelashes.

It has healing properties that magically affect their health and appearance. What is the usefulness of the eyelash caster, how to use this cosmetic product correctly?

If you apply castor oil correctly for eyelashes, you can get their rapid growth and a chic appearance in general.

Composition and useful principle of action

List of useful substances in castor oil.

This oil is widely known in medicine and other fields. It has also long been successfully used for the growth and strengthening of hair.

After all, the composition of this agent has a beneficial effect on the follicles, regardless of where they are located. Therefore, it is suitable not only for improving the scalp, but also for eyelashes.

What is the reason for its benefits? The uniqueness lies in the content of fatty acids of 3 classes at once:

  • saturated (palmitic and stearic);
  • polyunsaturated (linoleic);
  • monounsaturated (oleic and ricinoleic).

It is they who have a beneficial effect on the bulbs, saturating them with useful substances. The content of these acids also determines the viscosity of this oil, due to which it penetrates better and faster into their structure. These beneficial properties allow you to effectively use castor oil for eyelash growth.

In the process of using such a tool, the following results are provided:

  1. Dry hairs are deeply hydrated and nourished, the fragile structure becomes smoother and more uniform. This prevents falling out.
  2. Dormant bulbs are activated and density appears due to the growth of new elements.
  3. The color of the cilia becomes darker, which sometimes makes it possible to even refuse to tint with mascara.

Use in different variations

There is another advantageous point that distinguishes castor oil for eyelashes from other cosmetic products - its application does not require much effort. However, you should follow a few simple steps to get the most benefit.

Pure application rules

The process of treating eyelashes with castor oil using a mascara brush.

This product is best applied in the evening before bedtime. In this case, castor oil for eyelashes will have time to be well absorbed and show its beneficial properties. In the morning, you should wash yourself thoroughly so that the remnants of the extract do not remain on the eyelids and do not get into the eyes. Otherwise, they may turn red and become covered with an oily film, which can cause irritation and impair vision.

To successfully use this herbal extract, you need a minimum of things:

  • the tool itself;
  • mascara brush;
  • cotton pads.

It is better to buy a new brush, but you can also use it from the old mascara. Before and after each use, it should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water or a special eye makeup remover.

The application procedure itself consists of the following:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin around the eyes with micellar water or any other makeup remover solution.
  2. Dip the prepared brush into a jar of oil, and then remove the excess by wiping the tool on the edge.
  3. Lubrication of the cilia should be started from the tips in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes, gradually moving towards the outer edge.
  4. If the treatment turned out to be excessively plentiful, you should lightly blot your eyes with a napkin after it.
  5. After an hour, remove the remaining oil by wiping the eyelids well with cotton pads or cosmetic wipes. It is better not to wash your face at this stage, since the feeding process will continue at night.

IMPORTANT! The only contraindication to this nourishing procedure is an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use, a test is required on a small area of ​​the eye eyelid. If redness or irritation does not appear, then the product is safe to use.

Mascara brush for applying castor oil to lashes.

It is necessary to use these cosmetic products regularly to stimulate the growth of cilia. The ideal course is every evening for a month. After 30 days of use, it is advisable to take a break of 10-14 days so that there is no addiction.

Castor oil recipes for eyelash care

In addition to using this oil alone, you can combine it with other ingredients to enhance the beneficial effects. There are many formulations based on To Astorka for eyelashes - reviews of some are not always positive.

Therefore, consider those that really "work":

A recipe for an oil mix for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes based on castor oil.

Composition and preparation of a mask for eyelashes based on castor oil and rose oil.

ADVICE! The above mixtures can be used not only for cilia, but also for eyebrows. As a result, they will also become thick, beautiful and healthy.

Frequently asked questions

After reading the recommendations for use and observing the results from the use of castor oil for eyelashes in the photo "before and after", some doubts and questions may still remain. But the answers below should dispel them.

Does castor oil help long eyelash growth? It can be hard to believe that regular oil can help you achieve results that expensive cosmetics do not. But this is actually the truth. It really contributes to the growth of cilia and the improvement of their condition in general. Judging by the reviews, the first results can be expected after 2 weeks of regular application.

How to Choose Castor Oil? There are several selection rules. First, it should be bought at a pharmacy in order to gain confidence in the naturalness of the composition. Second, a pure composition is required, without alcohol. Third, the most effective extract is cold pressed.

Photo of the result (after 1.5 months) of using castor oil for eyelash growth.

How to apply castor oil to eyelashes? The above is the correct way to apply to the hairs. And the main nuance is to distribute it only on the tips of the cilia. The oil will be absorbed into them and will reach the roots. But this method prevents it from getting into the eyes.

How much castor oil to keep on the eyelashes? For the first time, the use time should not exceed 15 minutes. Then, if there are no negative reactions, you can increase the time to 1 hour. It is also not forbidden to leave castor oil on the eyelashes overnight, removing its excess, as described above.


The use of these cosmetic products for the growth and strengthening of cilia is simple and safe. It is completely natural and non-toxic, affordable and sold in every pharmacy. If you use it according to all the above rules, you can get the desired result without any side effects.

The only thing that is required is patience. Someone will be able to see the result in a couple of weeks, and some will take 1-2 months. After all, all the features of the body are different. But if you do not take long breaks in the course of procedures, then after a while the cilia will certainly become thicker, longer and darker.

After watching a video with detailed tips on the topic of the article, you can leave a comment. How do you care for your eyelashes, will you try this remedy or have you already had a positive experience?

All women of all ages need to take care of eyelashes. As soon as the eyelashes begin to be mercilessly exposed to all kinds of means (mascara, curling, false), they need additional care in the same way as hair, nails, skin.

If you do not want your eyelashes to quickly lose their natural color, become brittle and thin, be sure to regularly treat them with oils. This is the most natural and effective remedy for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes, the effectiveness of which you can rest assured.

Why is castor oil for eyelashes among all oils considered ideal for regular eyelash care? The reason lies in its chemical composition, each component of which works to make eyelashes healthy and beautiful. Made from castor oil plant (a plant of the Euphorbiaceae family), castor oil has a complex effect on all structures responsible for the condition of the eyelashes, thanks to its unique composition:

  • saturated fatty acids (stearic and palmitic) return the dark color to the cilia, restoring their pigmentation properties from the inside;
  • monounsaturated fatty acids (ricinoleic and oleic) moisturize the structure of eyelashes, restore damage and fragility, making them strong and firm;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acid - linoleic - promotes nourishment of eyelashes from the inside and their accelerated growth.

Given such a multifaceted and complex effect of castor oil, it becomes obvious why this particular tool is considered ideal for the growth of eyelashes and their strengthening. Other oils may not work as quickly or as effective on your eyelashes. They can affect some specific function that is important for the life of the eyelashes. And only castor oil is able to influence them from all sides. To maximize the effect, be sure to use the oil in accordance with the recommendations of the professionals.

Rules for using castor oil for eyelashes

Regular use of castor oil for eyelash care won't take you too long. But the result will not be long in coming and will delight you with the reflection in the mirror and compliments from others. If you follow these rules as closely as possible, the beauty and health of your eyelashes are guaranteed.

1. Purchase of funds

  • Buy castor oil exclusively at a pharmacy, and not in street markets from dubious sellers who do not have quality certificates for this product.
  • It is best to purchase castor oil in liquid form: the capsules will have to be squeezed and diluted with water, which is not quite convenient and effective.
  • Look for castor oil specially formulated for eyelash care: it comes in a very convenient bottle with a pre-owned brush.

2. Tools for applying oil to eyelashes

  • If you bought a regular bottle of castor oil (without a brush), use a brush from under the old mascara: rinse it thoroughly in hot water with shampoo and dry it.
  • For greater convenience, it is better to pour the oil from a regular bottle into a jar from under the old mascara, having previously washed and dried, like a brush.
  • Always have cotton pads ready to help prevent oil from splattering around.

3. How to apply?

  • You can apply pure castor oil, or you can mix it with other ingredients in accordance with recipes for eyelash masks that will only enhance its effect.
  • Do not dilute castor oil with water: the result will not meet your expectations in this case.

4. Application rules

  • Rinse off any makeup on your lashes.
  • So that you no longer have the question of how to smear your eyelashes with castor oil, learn one lesson: tilt your head down so that your face is parallel to the floor, and in this form, apply the oil. This will help avoid annoying eye contact, which can cause redness and itching of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Apply the oil in firm strokes, as if you were dyeing your lashes with mascara.
  • Then you can wipe off any drops of oil on your skin with a cotton pad.

5. Action of the mask

  • During the action of the oil on the eyelashes, it is better not to stress them: do not go out into the wind or under the scorching rays of the sun, do not smoke, dousing them with nicotine, do not cook anything in the kitchen, exposing the eyelashes to steam. All these factors can cause not such a pronounced effect from the oil as we would like. Perhaps negative and neutral reviews about castor oil as an eyelash care product are due only to these factors.
  • The oil can be kept from 20 minutes to 2 hours: depending on how much time you have left, whether the oil on your eyelashes causes discomfort and burning sensations.
  • It is not recommended to apply castor oil to the eyelashes at night: in the morning you risk becoming a victim of edema and severe redness of the eyes. However, this factor is very individual, and, according to the statements and reviews of some women, they use such masks at night.

6. How to remove oil from eyelashes?

  • Dry your lashes with a dry cotton pad folded in half.
  • If you feel that there is still oil left, you can wash your face with gel (but not with soap).
  • After that, you can apply a special cream to the skin around the eyes.

7. How often to use castor oil?

  • How often castor oil is used depends on the individual. You can do these masks 3 times a day. But the recommended rate remains once a day - in the evening, shortly before bedtime.
  • Castor oil treatment of eyelashes can be carried out for 2 months, and then take a break for 3-4 weeks and start a new course again if the results meet your expectations.

Remember that the oil contains quite active, and therefore often aggressive, substances that, if used incorrectly, can cause harm, not benefit. Therefore, be extremely careful and careful and use castor oil for eyelashes exclusively within the framework of these instructions. In this case, no side effects and annoying misunderstandings will occur. Castor oil will act in an enhanced mode if mixed with other auxiliary ingredients. Cosmetologists offer many recipes for unique eyelash care masks based on castor oil.

The best recipes for castor eyelash masks

How to choose the right recipe for a castor mask for eyelashes, which will become an irreplaceable assistant in strengthening them? There can be only one advice: exclude ingredients that you may be allergic to, and safely use all the rest in practice and choose the best recipe for your eyelashes.

1. Mask with vitamins

If pharmacy vitamins are added to castor oil, eyelashes, in addition to accelerated growth, will also receive intensive nutrition and double density. Buy vitamins, again, exclusively in the form of oils, and not capsules. Put castor oil (3-4 drops) and vitamins E or A (1 drop) into a tablespoon (or any other small container).

2. Butter + rum

A quality rum enhances the effectiveness of castor oil, and eyelashes begin to grow even faster. Pour butter and rum into a special container so that their quantity in the mask is equal. Apply the resulting solution very carefully: if rum gets into your eyes, a strong burning sensation will appear, and you will have to wash off the mask without waiting for its effect.

3. Mask with carrot juice

Carrot juice is a well-known remedy for improving the pigmentation structure of cells, so adding it to castor oil will help restore the natural color of your eyelashes. Mix thoroughly oil and juice (natural, not store-bought) 3 drops each.

4. Tea mask

Another ingredient that will help you bring back a rich and vibrant natural color to your lashes is Cool Brewed Black Tea. Mix oil and tea leaves in equal proportions and apply the product to the lashes according to the basic scheme.

5. Oil mask

You can make a unique oil for daily eyelash care based on different oils. But castor oil will play the main violin in this mixture. It needs to be taken in the amount of 2 teaspoons, and all other oils (grape seeds, wheat germ, almond and flaxseed) - 1 teaspoon each. Pour the resulting mixture into a separate bottle and mix thoroughly.

The effect of such a complex mask will be noticed after the first application. Do not worry if you are missing one of the listed oils: its absence will practically not affect the quality of the mask, since the rest of the ingredients will replace it.

6. Complex mask

If your main task is to protect eyelashes from external harmful influences (ultraviolet radiation, for example, or frost), it is recommended to use this particular mask for a month. Castor and burdock oils are mixed in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each), liquid vitamin E (3 drops) and fresh juice from aloe leaves (teaspoon) are added to them.

7. Herbal mask

This mask will have a great effect not only on the condition of the eyelashes, but also on the skin of the eyelids if drops fall on it. Castor oil (2 teaspoons) is mixed with chamomile and calendula extract in oil (1 teaspoon of each extract).

Now you know how to strengthen your eyelashes, make them thick and beautiful: there is no better assistant in this matter than castor oil. This is a natural remedy that is ready to regularly care for your eyelashes at home, gently affecting their structure. Do not be lazy to take care of your eyelashes - and your look will become more expressive and beautiful.

Long and thick eyelashes are probably the dream of every girl and woman. They "shoot" with their eyes and lure men, the eyes, in fact, are the mirror of the soul. Well, if the eyes are covered with lush eyelashes, then the look becomes more enticing. But every woman knows what eyelashes are really for. And they are needed primarily to protect the eyes from the ingress of dust and microelements on the mucous membrane. Eyebrows also have a protective function on the human body: they prevent beads of sweat from the frontal part of the face from getting into the eyes.

By their nature, eyelashes and eyebrows are the same hair. They also require a certain amount of care and respect. But in the pursuit of beauty, women forget about care and increasingly use cosmetics containing chemical additives. Now electric eyelash curlers have become popular. All this cannot but leave its mark on the appearance, health and growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.

Modern rhythms of life sometimes do not make it possible to wash off cosmetics in time and undergo any restorative procedures. So it turns out that eyelashes practically do not rest from cosmetics.

Many women, having achieved a strong deterioration in the condition of their eyelashes, turn to beauticians for help. However, the word "help" does not always mean real help, after which the condition of the eyelashes would normalize.

The use of cosmetics has a detrimental effect on eyelashes.

Often, the problem with eyelashes is solved by a banal eyelash extension, which also leaves an imprint on the health of your eyelashes. The glue on which the artificial eyelashes are attached, getting on the skin of the eyelids, clogs the bulb of the eyelashes. Subsequently, the growth of eyelashes stops, because They are not fed outside. In addition, when removing artificial eyelashes, a lot of natural ones are simply pulled out. As a rule, several of these procedures are enough to stay with short and thin eyelashes.

Modern cosmetology has created many products that should increase the growth of eyelashes, add volume to them, etc. However, if you carefully study the composition or the process of using these funds, you can understand that this is another cosmetic trick, which is based only on the visual effect. In fact, the use of such products is additional damage to the eyelashes.

Now the question arises: is it really impossible to restore the eyelashes and return them to their previous appearance? You can restore eyelashes. And it costs much less than procedures in beauty salons. But before telling the methods of restoring eyelashes, it is worth studying the properties of one of the most popular and useful oils, which has been used by women for cosmetic purposes since ancient times. And we will talk about castor oil.

Castor oil can restore the beauty of eyelashes

Modern trends in the cosmetic industry offer us more and more new products that can change our appearance. Numerous mascaras and eyeliners make our eyes expressive, and our eyelashes lush and long. However, this is not always beneficial. Behind the external beauty, harmful components are often hidden that spoil the very structure of the cilia. Eyelash extensions and curls, poor quality cosmetics, improper care and weather conditions can make them weak and rare. Then a natural medicine that can restore the beauty of cilia - castor oil comes to our rescue.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Eyelashes

Castor oil contains a huge number of oils, trace elements and vitamins that are beneficial for the skin and eyelashes.

  1. Castor oil penetrates into the hair follicle itself and nourishes it from the inside. This improves the growth of the eyelashes and prevents them from falling out.
  2. Castor oil also works on hair scales. It smoothes out these scales, resulting in strong, smooth and shiny lashes.
  3. The oil covers the lashes with a thinnest layer that protects the hairs from external influences. The invisible layer thickens the hair shaft, so after using mascara, the eyelashes appear much thicker and more lush.
  4. The oil perfectly moisturizes the hair structure, protecting the eyelashes from brittleness and drying out.
  5. Castor oil contains acids, the daily application of which makes the cilia soft and obedient. They no longer stick out in all directions, but curl hair to hair.
  6. Castor oil stimulates dormant hair follicles, causing the cilia to wake up and grow. Within a month, you will notice the beginning of the growth of new young hairs. And after two months of regular application of the oil, the eyelashes will become much thicker.
  7. Thanks to the nourishment and life-giving forces with which castor oil enriches eyelashes, they grow longer without falling out. Accordingly, their length increases. With regular use of castor oil, you can ditch your eyelash extensions because yours will be just as good.

In addition to this, I would like to note that applying castor oil is very simple, it does not stick together and does not weigh down the hairs.

If you really want to restore your lashes and make them lush and beautiful, this will take time. But the result is worth it.

  1. For the convenience of daily application, you will need an old bottle of used mascara. It should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed beforehand. This can be done with rubbing alcohol or mascara thinner. Remember, after cleaning the container, there should be no signs of chemical products in it. After cleaning the bottle, it must be dry and well weathered.
  2. You can buy castor oil at a beauty store, or better at a pharmacy. Pharmacy oil is less refined, which means more benefits are stored in it. Pay attention to the expiration date - the oil should not be expired, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.
  3. Ideally, castor oil is best kept in the refrigerator and warmed in hot water or a water bath before use. However, it is simply not possible to use oil in portions, so we will not heat the oil every time. It is better to pour a small amount of oil into the bottle, store it at room temperature, and when it runs out, pour it fresh from the refrigerator. This will preserve the benefits of the product itself.
  4. Pour some oil into a mascara container and warm the bottle in your hand. When it is warm enough, the oil can be used as directed.
  5. You should first check to see if you are allergic to castor oil. To do this, put some warm oil on the inside of your elbow and wait 15 minutes. If after the specified time the skin does not turn red, you do not feel itching and do not see swelling, the oil can be applied to the eyelashes.
  6. The oil is best applied in the evening, one hour after removing makeup, but not before bed. Do not use oil if you wear contact lenses. They must first be removed.
  7. Apply the oil to the lashes with a special mascara brush. Start from roots to ends, painting over each lash.
  8. Try not to touch the skin, if this happens, wipe the skin with a cotton swab.
  9. Be careful not to get the oil in your eyes. If castor oil gets into the eye, a thin film forms on the surface of the eye, which will make your vision hazy for a while.
  10. An hour after applying the mask, you need to take a cotton pad and remove all residual oil that did not have time to be absorbed. Do not completely wash off the oil with water. You can wash your face in the morning.

The full course of treatment and recovery is 3 weeks, after which there should be a month break. Three full courses will allow you to restore cilia, make them healthy and strong.

Castor oil is a very powerful and powerful cosmetic product in itself. However, it can be mixed with other ingredients for an even more overwhelming effect.

  1. Castor oil mixed with petroleum jelly will not only strengthen your lashes, but also make them thicker and fuller.
  2. Castor oil in combination with burdock will help accelerate the growth of eyelashes. They must be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the lashes every night.
  3. Castor oil in tandem with aloe juice will not only restore painful and rare eyelashes, but also get rid of barley.
  4. Almond oil added to the castor oil container will leave your lashes plump and soft.
  5. And if you mix castor oil with parsley juice, then you get a healing elixir against eyelash loss.

Castor oil is an amazing gift from nature to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of our look. But remember that real results can only be achieved with regular and daily use. Love yourself and take care of your natural beauty!

Video: castor oil for eyelashes