How to diversify intimate family life with her husband? How to diversify intimate life - reviews and actionable tips

After several years of family life, couples notice that they are mired in the swamp of everyday life and family routine. Their relationship is not at all like the one before the wedding, although the feelings have not gone anywhere, they have transformed into something more. Some put up with this state of affairs and look for a way out in a career, a hobby, or just lead a boring life, while others are looking for ways to diversify their family life and resurrect a faded passion. We offer you 7 ways to help make your family life brighter.

1. Pleasant surprises for your loved one

Your "half" deserves to please her. So rejoice! Do what she likes. It is not at all necessary to give a wife a hundred and one roses or a husband a set of new fishing rods, just do what he or she likes. Get up fifteen minutes early and have breakfast in bed. Bring something tasty in the evening, and emphasize that it was bought with thoughts about the “soul mate”. Make a nice little gift - just like that, for no reason. Only, I beg you, avoid "everyday" or hinting at the shortcomings of the spouse gifts! No pots or vacuum cleaners, no gym memberships - of course, unless your spouse asked for it himself, and you are sure of it.

2. Sex

This belongs to the category of well-known truths, about which everyone forgets. Sex (ideally) is what distinguishes your friendship from love, it is he who is the concentration of passion and love. So do it more often! Of course, we can get bored with each other over time, but there are plenty of ways to renew a relationship in bed: from new places for him to a wardrobe update. Beautiful erotic lingerie is, no matter how trite, a fairly effective method of restoring lost attraction. Try new things: new places, new positions, new ways. A lot of literature has been written on this topic, you can learn even more just by talking frankly with each other. Take action! The husband who hurries home from work because his wife told him over the phone what she plans to do with him in the evening, or the wife who rolls her eyes in admiration when her friends ask “how are you in the family?” - one of the best guarantees of a lasting marriage.

3. Equip your life

Life in general should excite you as little as possible. An ideal home is also a home where there are no things that irritate the eyes. Fix everything that is broken, buy all the gadgets that can help you ease things you hate. Throw aside stereotypes about “male” and “female” things, having a Y chromosome does not at all carry a bonus of love to fix plumbing or the ability to drill, and its absence does not at all guarantee that you will definitely enjoy cooking or messing around with children. Do what you do best, leave the rest to the experts. By the way, about shifting: it is quite possible to agree on a redistribution of responsibilities, because what seems unpleasant to you may seem quite acceptable to your partner. Make sure that you have as few reasons as possible to reproach and nag each other.

4. Claim but don't nag

One of the worst habits in family life that can turn you from a lover or sweetheart into a bore to whom you don’t want to return home is the habit of “nag”. Of course, you definitely need to tell your partner about what does not suit you, moreover, this is one of the guarantors of a calm life together and that you will not explode one day from unspoken anger. But repeating over and over again if you are not understood is pointless. Think for yourself: you have told him or her so many times that you shouldn’t do this (or, on the contrary, you need to do something), but he (or she) doesn’t seem to hear! Ask yourself: why repeat this again? If you are not heard, then you are acting incorrectly. Perhaps your spouse does not realize the significance of what you want from him, or for some reason it is easier for him to agree with you than to explain to you why you should not do this (a warning sign, by the way). Change tactics. Explain differently, act differently if it's really important to you. And in general, think about it: is it really so important to you? Does not being able to put dishes in the sink really piss you off? Is an empty pan in the fridge really worth a scandal? If so, change tactics and act so that you are finally heard and understood. Endless repetitions and “sawing” will not lead to anything - to anything good, at least.

5. Be alone

Children are the flowers of life, and the parents who raised us, of course, must be respected. But a married couple sometimes needs to be alone with each other - if only just to pay attention only to their partner, without being distracted by other people.

Children: It's okay to ask someone to babysit or hire a babysitter to spend one evening quietly. Since birth, your attention, once divided into two, is now divided into many more parts, and it's hard to realize that your love is not divided in the same way (at least it shouldn't be). Stay alone, allow yourself "outings" without children or the opportunity to spend the evening just the two of you.

Parents and other relatives: if you have the opportunity to separate - do it! It's not because they're bad or mean to your spouse or you or anything like that. It's just that each of us should have the opportunity to feel independent. It is up to you to decide how to build your life, what kind of work to choose and what, finally, to cook for dinner - without other people's advice and other people's opinions. There is a good saying: love for relatives is proportional to the distance to them. Of course, you shouldn’t go to the other side of the world at all, sometimes it’s enough to settle in neighboring apartments - but your family should have its own, personal space, where only you are the owners. This will help you associate your partner only with him, so that “mom, dad, grandmother and their dog” subconsciously do not go into the appendage.

6. Find good traits

Why did you fall in love with your spouse? Let it be even the most funny and stupid things like “she smiles sweetly” or “he is ticklish”. Remember them more often. Make sure that your spouse often shows those qualities that you like so much in him. Husband strong and caring? Let him show it again and again, because both you and he like it. Does your wife laugh very beautifully? Give her reasons to laugh with happiness! Many good sides of our "halves" are manifested in contact with us - so use it.

7. Say "I love you" - over and over

Probably, many will not agree with me, but I believe that the words "I love you" are never too many. And the fact that a “real man” should show this only by deed, but be silent like a partisan is stupidity, and a “real woman” pretending to love less is even more stupidity. Words have great power. Words repeated often have the power of suggestion and auto-suggestion. Express your feelings in every way you can - both in deeds and in words. Think for yourself: wouldn't you be pleased if morning and evening were accompanied by a declaration of love? If your partner had convinced you of his love over and over again, as if he was still trying to win you over? As if you have not lived together for so many years, but still run on dates, like then, for the first time? So try to start with yourself, and you will see how your "half" will blossom in response. Show your love - including words.

Everything constant, monotonous eventually becomes boring, and intimate relationships with a regular partner are no exception either. There comes a moment when the once ardent feelings turn into a routine, relationships become insipid and uninteresting. What to do in this case? How to diversify intimate family life with your husband, how to return passion and former interest?

Almost all sexologists offer to start experimenting. Add some madness, former romance, passion, intrigue to the sexual sphere. To do this, you need to connect your imagination and try to use erotic role-playing games. They will be able to bring the necessary variety to the sexual relations of the spouses, giving them novelty and intrigue. Trying on this or that role, spouses can fantasize, destroy their stereotypes. It's like you're having sex with someone else, cheating without cheating.

I offer you a few of these "classic" role-playing games. You can start with them, but then, as your imagination and passion develop, you yourself will be able to come up with a game that will become the most exciting for your couple. The main thing is that the desire to do this is mutual. To do this, discuss all aspects of the game with your partner.

Maid and Guest

If you don't really like having sex with your missus on the kitchen table or washing machine, but want some variety, try playing sexy maid and rich hotel guest. You need to dress up in a very short dressing gown, preferably black and a small white apron. Be sure to wear stockings and high heels. It is better to do without underwear. Your partner, pretending to be a rich businessman, let him dress more impressively and “order” champagne to the room. This is exactly the ordered bottle you will have to bring, as erotically as possible. Next, play a scene according to the circumstances, connect your imagination. Flirt with him, play with the fluffy dust brush, make the bed.

Hospital Nurse and Patient

It's no secret that men are very fond of flirting with attractive young nurses. Therefore, this game will surely appeal to your missus. Since you will be portraying a nurse, put on a short white robe, it is better to unbutton the top buttons. Stockings and high heels are a must.

You can sew a white hat for this role or tie your hair with a white scarf. For this game you will need inventory. Buy bandages, a set of plasters at the pharmacy. It's good to have an enema and a stethoscope. This is where you show all your power. Let your partner lie on the bed, and you begin to "treat" him. Circumstances will tell you how to proceed.

These two games are sure to help make your sex life richer with your husband. In addition to these two role-playing games, you can play a teacher and a school principal, a robber and a victim, a boss and a subordinate, a taxi driver and a passenger. Very interesting games are obtained with military uniforms. You can also imagine yourself as a movie star, and portray your partner as a fan. There are a lot of options. You just need to choose the most exciting story for your couple. If you want a stormy family life - fantasize, improvise, show your sexuality.

But most importantly, take it lightly, because it's just a game! All of its points can be discussed together. Even if nothing special happens the first time, you will just relax together, laugh and relieve yourself of the burden of worries. Well, it will get better and better in the future.

In addition to role-playing games, there are other ways to return the old passionate feelings. Remember how you loved your partner's body before, how you explored all its corners, gently touching with your fingers. Try to do it again, maybe you will discover some new erogenous zones.

Give your loved one an erotic massage. After seductive, gentle strokes or passionate hugs, he will surely want to continue, which will end in a stormy night of love.

It may well be that the time has come to change your appearance. Maybe you need to change your hairstyle. If you have the same haircut or hairstyle for a long time, cut it in a new way, give your hair a different, interesting shape.

Put your house in perfect order and enjoy a delicious dinner. Prepare something tasty, but not heavy, for your loved one, otherwise, after a hearty dinner, he will simply fall asleep. Buy a bottle of light wine, light candles. Put yourself in order, put on a beautiful translucent dressing gown.

During dinner, take a minute to leave, and take off your underwear, and leave the robe. You can rent a nice hotel room for the whole night for a romantic dinner together. Crystal, candles, a jacuzzi or a pool will bring your man into a romantic state. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Do not be afraid to change the image, style, hairstyle. Throw away your old robes and pajamas. Buy new feminine peignoirs and light translucent nightgowns or underwear.

Sign up for a spa, go to the pool. You will put your body in order, relax, rest. Men like such a woman much more than a tired, tortured, constantly dissatisfied wife.

Together with the missus, you can start attending erotic massage courses. Then, already at home, you can repeat the lessons, experimenting on each other. This is a great way to diversify family life, return to it the former passion and get new unforgettable sensations. I wish you success!

It's no secret that passion in intimate relationships can fade over the years. It must not be allowed to go out completely, otherwise it will be more difficult to renew it. It is much easier to maintain interest, desire, passion constantly.

The manifestation of ingenuity, initiative in sex can decorate your relationship. I recently read how some women share their tricks in sex, maybe take something for yourself to note:

Automobile. “My husband often goes on business trips, and usually I pick him up from the airport myself. I'm driving, and as we drive home, I caress the shift lever with my hand like it's a dick and moan softly. When we drive up to the house, the husband can hardly restrain himself. We have an underground garage, and there I already take on another “lever”. Then we unload his bags and go up to the apartment. By this time, he is ready for exploits again.

Webcam. “He must not forget my anatomy! An hour before the end of his working day, I call him on Skype and, making sure that he is alone, I show him myself ... Can you imagine the state in which he comes home?

Wish... yourself . “In order to be desired, one must first of all desire oneself. I put on a bra that lifts my breasts, a cleavage top, a skirt that hugs my buttocks, stockings with lace, stilettos and walk around shaking my hips - I look at myself in the mirror and say to myself: “I'm so sexy! If it turns me on, it might turn him on!” In general, when he comes, it's just fireworks ... "

MMS. “I masturbate and at the moment of orgasm I take a picture of my face on my mobile phone. Then I send this "picture" to my beloved. Usually in half an hour he is already with me (there has never been a time when he did not drop everything and rush!). But the main thing here is not to make a mistake with the number and not send an MMS to your mother or director.”

Your Playboy. “On Valentine's Day, I gave my husband a gift - an erotic magazine a la Playboy, where only I am ... in very defiant underwear, and in some places without it. A friend helped me to “organize” the shooting (she was not in the frame). My husband's breath caught in delight, and still, it seems to me, he is surprised at my resourcefulness ... "

Tequila party. “Sometimes my friend and I have a party like this for two. Tequila is the sexiest drink: you can lick salt off each other (and from all sorts of places!). The trick is not to go overboard. But if you know the measure, alcohol can be a wonderful aphrodisiac.

Washing, bathing . “My man experiences a truly childish delight when I wash him in the bath like a child: with shampoo, soap, washcloth - in full. It turns him on terribly, and after bathing we make love in a way that is not childish at all. ”

Robe. “I am sure that nothing inflames a man like waiting. That's why I love to torture my partner. I put on a dressing gown with many buttons and force the man to unbutton them with his mouth. This is not a three-minute task, especially since when they reach halfway, almost everyone will stop to caress my breasts. But the game is worth the candle, because when the robe finally falls to the floor, the real madness begins.

Tickling.“My husband is very ticklish. So "very" is not even the right word. But if he manages to overcome himself and endure for 5-7 minutes, he has an incredible surge of sexual energy and he simply turns into a sex machine. In general, the picture is this: first I climb on it, tickle it and try to stay on it, like in a rodeo. Then we switch places and the rodeo starts for him. But not for 7 minutes, but much longer.

Skirt. “My boyfriend once admitted that he likes it when a woman is wearing something during sex. I tried to "leave on" a variety of things, and as a result, we decided that the short skirt suits both of us the most. I sit on top of him, let him into me, but with deliberate bashfulness I cover my bosom with a skirt. He tries to pick it up, I resist. He begs, I'm adamant. And then I give up, and then we no longer control ourselves. ”

It is no secret to anyone that feelings have the ability to cool down. In Europe, the practice has long become popular when couples come with their problems to psychologists, sexologists and sexopathologists. But it so happened with us historically that it is not customary to talk about problems in family life, and even more so in sex with strangers.
So the disappointed spouses are looking for an answer to their problems from friends, the Internet, and in the worst case, they change recklessly or disperse, having failed to overcome the protracted crisis. So what should people do, in whose intimate life green melancholy has crept in? Well, certainly do not rush into all serious! Moreover, you just need to understand how to diversify family intimate sex life with your husband and translate thoughts into reality.
The first thing to do is to get rid of unnecessary witnesses (parents, children, friends), and, according to your capabilities, change the situation. If finances allow, go somewhere, rent a room in a good hotel. If, however, money is not very good, try moving furniture, changing the look of your place of residence. Even small changes in the existing order can serve as a good catalyst.
Do not be afraid to experiment, even the smallest ones. Remember how yours burned on the first dates. Even if the current appearance of your chosen one does not inspire you with desire, show interest. It can also be sexual gestures, seemingly out of place - stroking, spanking.
Drop any shyness - after all, you have been together with this person for more than a day. There is a wonderful saying: "No matter how tired you are, there will always be strength for sex." But there is one "but" - enter for some time a taboo on sex in bed. After all, almost any place in your apartment (and beyond) can be suitable for this.
One of the options for family sex life can be role-playing games. Even if this phrase does not cause you any emotions other than a skeptical smirk, do not rush to refuse.
A completely innocent variant of reacquaintance also belongs to this category. If you are afraid in the middle of the gameplay to break into wild laughter - there is nothing wrong with that - only sex can be even brighter. But again, no hesitation!
Now there are a lot of tricks and tricks advertised and passed from mouth to mouth. Some options are worth trying in practice. For example, love notes with wishes.
Try to write down your desires and agree on their implementation in turn. It can be different types of massages, kisses, caresses, and just cute pranks.
It will help to diversify life and special erotic lingerie. It has long been a proven remedy for women. “Men love mi” - there is some truth in this. A slight hint of sex in your clothes is enough - be it a short skirt, a transparent peignoir or stockings - the man will think out the rest of the picture himself. If at the same time you also play with lighting, an unforgettable evening is guaranteed.
But males should definitely not forget about their appearance. It is hardly possible to call an attractive man in families and with a belly belly. This is already the talk of the town. Both should wish for a variety of family intimate life - otherwise, alas, nothing will work out.
Finally do what you always wanted, but you were either embarrassed or afraid that you would be “misunderstood”. Ask you to tie you up, spank you, say certain words to you at a certain moment. If you say in

Periodically, in the life of any married couple, there may come moments when it seems that life together has become insipid and even burdensome. Are there ways to return mutual interest and find harmony in relationships?

The main secrets of successful relationshipsThese secrets are actually no secrets - everyone knows or suspects about them, but not everyone is in a hurry to put them into practice. To diversify your family life, do not forget about the following:
Attention It would seem that there is nothing difficult in regularly taking an interest in the affairs and mood of a loved one, but often many of us forget to do this or simply do not consider it necessary to ask such questions, believing that they already know everything. However, your spouse will certainly appreciate it if you show him that you care about his well-being.
Compromises Often, lovers try to defend their rightness in quarrels to the last, and only after that they can think about how the other half feels. In a happy relationship, conflicts are resolved differently - your goal is not for your loved one to recognize you are right, but for each of you to get out of a controversial situation with the least loss.
Words of love Some people, due to their natural shyness or other reasons, rarely say words of love to a partner, believing that everything has already been said, and frequent repetition is useless. And yet it is not so. Any person, even if not everyone admits it, is pleased if pleasant and affectionate words are spoken to him, and most likely your beloved is no exception. Demonstrate your tenderness to him with words, and this will favorably affect your relationship.
SurprisesOf course, words alone are not enough, and sometimes pleasant surprises are the best confirmation of love. You probably know well the tastes and passions of your lover, so it will not be difficult for you to please him. Another thing is that there is not always time and desire for this. And yet, if you want to build a happy relationship, take the time to show your feelings. It can be different little things: coffee brewed in the morning, cooking your favorite dish, a new razor, tickets for an upcoming movie, and the like.
Restraint Sometimes, in the heat of anger, we can say many unpleasant and offensive words to loved ones, which we later regret. It even happens that we ourselves already forget what we said, but this touched a loved one, and he remembers the unpleasant emotions he experienced for a long time. Subsequently, this does not affect the general relationship in the best way. Even if the partner does not remember the unpleasant words, the offended side may unconsciously remember the offense and demonstrate it in the most unexpected situations. There are such phrases after which the relationship can never return to the previous stage, so it is important to restrain yourself in critical situations.

How to revive family life and make it interesting
Comfortable living and cozy hearth

First of all, it is in your power to make sure that your beloved man is comfortable in your joint home. Some houses are deprived of comfort, and this is felt immediately after you cross the threshold. But there is also the opposite situation - the house has a very cozy and warm atmosphere, and this does not at all depend on the size of the room and the high cost of furniture. Comfort lies in various little things: funny cups or a night light, a picture with a good story, a soft rug by the bed, a pot-bellied teapot, flowers in a vase, interesting figurines and much more. Of course, all this will not create the right atmosphere if you neglect cleaning. Of course, this item should not lie only on women's shoulders, but this is a topic for another article.
Pleasant surprises for no reasonPerhaps, they do not like only unpleasant surprises - there are still many lovers of various pleasant surprises. If you know that your husband doesn't have any negative moods about surprises, then remember to indulge him with them from time to time. It is best to do this not on the eve of a holiday or your personal joint date, but on a completely unremarkable day. Surprises can be both small and large. We are used to receiving serious gifts on our birthday, New Year or other significant holiday, but you can do them on any other day, and there will be much more emotions from this! You absolutely do not need to look for a reason to please a loved one!

Joint vacation If you periodically go on a joint vacation, then you are much more likely to live a rich family life than those who prefer separate leisure. Of course, sometimes it can be useful to take a break separately from each other if the spouses strongly disagree on how to relax, but if you always do this, it will alienate you from your husband. It is for this reason that it is important to find compromises - for sure there is a place where both of you would be interested.
To each his own personal space In order for a marriage to be happy and harmonious, it is not at all necessary to spend all your free time in each other's company, use common pages on social networks, talk on the speakerphone with friends on the phone, and so on. You do not have to be involved in all aspects of your husband's life, nor should he know every little thing that you discussed with your girlfriends and the like. Periodically, each of you has the right to relax as he pleases, without asking permission from the second half, if it has nothing to do with treason or something illegal. Respect the right of a loved one to sometimes fulfill their small desires. In marriage, people should not become a prison for each other. You should also make sure that at home everyone can have a zone where he can retire and take a break from communication or just go about his business (for introverts, this is a mandatory condition).

Talk about what you love

Surely, your spouse knows that you love him, but this does not mean that sometimes he would not want to hear it from you personally. Some women are rather stingy with declarations of love, and this is not always their fault (the problem may come from childhood), and if you belong to this category, then most likely you understand that for personal relationships such a quality is rather a minus than a plus. It may be that you simply believe that your husband does not need such confessions, since he himself is a rather stingy person on emotions. However, it is not! Any person needs words of love, even if he doesn’t talk about it, and if your husband himself is stingy with emotions, it means that in childhood, most likely, it was customary in his family, and now you continue this trend. Give your loved one your warmth - he will be grateful to you!
How to diversify your sex life with your husband

Try new positions, do it not only in bed. Most often, boredom in family life begins precisely when the couple begins to feel some insipidness during intimacy. Naturally, over time, passion tends to fade away, however, if you wish, you can change everything and learn to experience excitement again, being alone with each other. First, don't be afraid to experiment! Even if it seems to you that you have found your "perfect position", this does not mean at all that others will not please you - make intimacy more diverse. Study books on this topic, you can watch erotic films to draw inspiration from there. Of course, lovemaking can take place not only in bed. Of course, this is the most comfortable option, but do people who are seized by passion think about comfort in the first place? Surprise your spouse by joining him in the shower or sitting in a chair while he watches a movie. If this is unusual for you, then perhaps the husband himself will be embarrassed in the first minutes, but in the end, he will certainly remain delighted.
Rejoice with unusual sexual images Uniformity can become boring for a spouse not only in poses, but also in the image of a wife. To avoid this, many women choose to periodically change the color and length of their hair or style of clothing, but you don’t have to go to such extremes if you don’t have a craving for it yourself. Intimate life can be diversified in various ways, and without cardinal changes in the image. You can just buy a few seductive peignoirs of different colors, spectacular underwear. If you are liberated enough, then pay attention to the costumes for various sexual images that can be ordered on the Internet - these can be images of a seductive nurse, maid, student, snow maiden, and so on. Surely, your man will not forget the evening when you appear before him in a similar attire with the appropriate mood.

Talk about intimate innermost desires with each other

Some spouses feel dissatisfaction in intimate life, due to the fact that they are unable to fully realize their erotic fantasies. It is often for this reason that people commit physical adultery, embarrassed to tell a loved one about their secret desires, and realizing them with random partners. Over a glass of wine during a romantic dinner, admit to your spouse yourself the intimate dreams that you would like to fulfill, and call him to reciprocal frankness. Please note that even if his fantasies seem wild to you, do not rush to indignantly declare this to him - say that you are glad that he confessed to you, and you will think about it. It is possible that after reading the information on this subject, you yourself will burn with a desire to fulfill his dream, or at least be able to offer some kind of close alternative.
Send pleasant sms and photos of erotic content to each other. Of course, passion can and should be maintained at a distance. Periodically send messages to your beloved man with declarations of love, compliments and other pleasant words. You can also mention that you still can't forget "recent night", or you are looking forward to meeting him. Don't forget that most men "love with their eyes", so you can't go wrong if you send your beloved man pictures of you in seductive outfits from time to time. It is better to avoid photos in which you are completely naked - they can accidentally fall into the wrong hands (phone theft and the like). This kind of correspondence during the day (not every day, but periodically) can be very useful for an intimate life - do not doubt that your spouse will definitely be overwhelmed by exciting thoughts about you.
If there are children in the family, look for opportunities to be alone more often. The sex life of many couples takes a new level (worst) when children appear in the family. The living conditions of some families force them to be constantly in the sight of children, and intimacy becomes possible only when the kids or teenagers go to bed. Often, by this time, all the desire for sex disappears, giving way to fatigue and drowsiness. If this happens from year to year, then this is already a very alarming sign. No matter how much you love children, it is important to be alone with your husband from time to time. If the child has a grandmother, then do not deprive her of the opportunity to communicate with her grandson from time to time. If the child is already old enough, then for several hours you can leave him at home alone, going with her husband to a spa hotel. Young children can be looked after by a reliable nanny, if the option with a grandmother is excluded. Look for opportunities for solitude with your spouse!
Ways to diversify married life without money or at minimal cost

5 ways to diversify family life at home: Cook delicious meals, both for your loved one and with him

It's probably no secret that most men love to eat delicious food. Undoubtedly, you know what kind of dishes your beloved gives the most preference - do not neglect the opportunity to please him with them. By the way, pay attention to the fact that many spouses are brought together by joint cooking - of course, this should happen without nervousness and haste! Prepare a dish that the two of you enjoy and have a romantic candlelight dinner! Although, some couples may enjoy eating their favorite food in front of a TV screen while watching a great movie. Breakfasts and dinners in bed, especially on weekends Pamper your loved one with delicious breakfasts and dinners in bed. Buy a beautiful and comfortable tray in advance. Of course, if you do this every day, then there will be no “zest” in such surprises. Let it happen from time to time - for example, on weekends. Naturally, in the morning choose light meals or just coffee (tea), and in the evening you can show more imagination. Pleasant baths and massages Let taking a bath in your family be not only a hygienic procedure, but also a method of relaxation. You can take it together - some couples really like this pastime. However, you can also simply give your lover the opportunity to relax alone - add sea salt, fragrant thick foam to the bath, thus allowing your lover to relax after a hard day. After water procedures, offer your man a massage - master the massage technique in advance by studying the training video tutorials on the network. Watch your favorite movies Watching movies together will also have a positive effect on your family life. In many couples, over time, there comes a period when the spouses stop watching most of the pictures together, preferring to watch what each of them likes best at the same time in different rooms. Of course, this is a good way out if the tastes are completely different, but from time to time it is worth looking for compromises. If your lover is lying on the couch watching a movie that you don’t like, you can also lie down next to him, if only just to spend time together. Who knows, maybe in the end you will be carried away by what is happening on the screen. In any case, the man will be pleased with your presence. Play games with the whole family If you have children, play with them together - this can be very fun and interesting, becoming one of the happiest and most memorable moments in your family life. However, even if you live together, this is not a reason to give up entertainment - choose, for example, board games!

5 ways to diversify family life outside the home: City walks Even if you are avid stay-at-homes, you still find time early to periodically go outside your apartment or house in order to take a walk around the city. If you live in a small province where you are not particularly interested in walking the streets, find time to get out to the nearest big city. Visit parks, walk along alleys, squares, go to cafes (in summer, choose establishments with a comfortable outdoor area for tables). Visits to free exhibitions and concerts It is very useful sometimes to "nourish" yourself culturally - to attend various exhibitions and concerts. In many cities, such events are often held free of charge, so such “outings” will not affect your family budget at all. In addition, the evening spent, if it doesn’t bring you even closer, then at least give you a new topic for conversation. Fishing, picnic Do not deny yourself a rest in nature! If your spouse likes fishing, then periodically offer to go fishing with the whole family, even if you don’t like such a pastime. While the husband will be fishing and, possibly, introducing the younger generation to this occupation, you can comfortably sit on the side of the bedspread with an interesting book. Afterwards, you can have a picnic. However, a picnic is good in and of itself, so sometimes arrange gatherings around the fire with your loved one or get out with the company with tents to rest. Hike in the forest for mushrooms and berries Also quite a fun activity. Subsequently, you can cook jams from the extracted berries, and preserve and dry the mushrooms. The time will come for cozy winter evenings, and you will cook dishes with the gifts of the forest, and remember your family "outing". Rest in the country or with relatives in the village In fine weather, it is very pleasant to relax in the province. If you are a city dweller, then be sure to find time for this - you can go to your own dacha or visit close relatives who will definitely be happy for your visit. However, you can also rent a house with a plot for the required period - from several days to seasons!
Decorate your personal life in marriage
Take care of yourselfEven if you are convinced that your husband loves you "anyone", you can not even doubt that you are still dearer to him in a well-groomed appearance. Do not forget about such phenomena as depilation, face masks, skin creams and oils, pedicures, manicures and the like. Periodically visit a beautician or hairdresser - this can greatly facilitate hair and skin care, if at home you forget or do not always have the opportunity to do this.
Have a Hobby Men like passionate women. Moreover, many husbands proudly brag about their wife's success in this or that field, considering this a reason for pride. Choosing a hobby is not difficult - the main thing is to decide what you really like. It can be cooking, yoga, dancing, embroidery, knitting and more. If you can’t decide on a hobby now, remember what you liked as a child - perhaps then it will be easier to make a choice.
Exercise Do not ignore the benefits that regular exercise can bring to you. A woman who goes to the gym, swims in the pool or goes to group fitness classes, most often looks fit and younger than her peers who neglect such a pastime.
Be interesting and interested in many things In order to arouse interest in the opposite sex and your husband in particular, you should also be an addicted person yourself. Of course, we are not talking about other men at all, but about self-development. Read more classics and philosophical literature, attend interesting events, follow the latest cinema, engage in an exciting hobby, and you will certainly be interesting to others, and therefore to your lover.