How to make a Christmas tree from tinsel with your own hands? New Year's wall decor in the form of a festive tree

We all love the holidays, especially the New Year. When the whole family takes out New Year's toys, garlands, tinsel from the boxes to decorate the indispensable attribute of the holiday - the Christmas tree. Many people cannot afford a living tree. Someone does not have enough space in the apartment, others do not like the prospect of constantly removing crumbling needles. In this case, there is a great alternative to the holiday tree. Designers have long been offering several dozen options for creating a festive decor - a Christmas tree made of balls on the wall, a garland, and even paper. Interesting and unusual solutions for the main holiday of the year - in our today's review.

creative Christmas trees

This direction is already quite common in many countries and even got its name - "Christmas tree in the style of hand-made." In the list of a wide variety of options, a creative Christmas tree on the wall is rightfully in the lead. She has only one drawback - the lack of aroma, which gives a real tree. Otherwise, only advantages:

  • The original Christmas trees on the wall are very compact. Under them, you do not need to allocate a lot of space, think about how to fix the tree trunk, how to disguise it later.
  • It does not cause trouble and care for such an ornament. You do not need to remove the needles that end up in various corners of your apartment, and you do not need to use various folk tricks so that the Christmas tree does not crumble longer.
  • Small children or pets can never indifferently pass by a sparkling living beauty. In this case, the problem that the tree will fall will not arise at all.
  • Creating such a decoration will not require much time and effort from you. It is enough to turn on the fantasy at 100 percent.
  • Properly applying the advice of designers, you can create such a beautiful interior decoration that you will set a new fashion in the New Year's decoration - your friends who come to visit will take an example from you.

Another big plus of a creative Christmas tree on the wall is its versatility. This decoration can be hung even in every room:

  • in the children's room, such a Christmas tree can be decorated from your favorite cartoon characters, dolls or cars;
  • place a tree in the traditional Russian style or hand-made in the kitchen;
  • in the living room to create a composition in the style of Vintage or European;
  • Minimalism is perfect for the bedroom.

In whatever room such a composition, made with your own hands and with soul, is located, it will create a special festive atmosphere.

Important! In addition to a Christmas tree made of balls, you can come up with many more different decorations. If your imagination is not enough for this, use our other ideas:

Christmas tree handmade

As we have already said, the original Christmas trees on the wall can be made of any materials and using various techniques. We offer to consider the most popular options.

Christmas tree from a garland

A garland in the form of a Christmas tree on the wall is perhaps the most spectacular option. Such decor will sparkle and shimmer with lights, creating and maintaining a solemn mood. In order to make it, you will need 15-20 minutes of free time and very simple materials:

  • tinsel for the Christmas tree of different colors;
  • Garland;
  • buttons or other fasteners;
  • tape or adhesive tape.

Important! In order for the decoration to resemble a real forest beauty as much as possible, you can use green tinsel. It will be very interesting to watch the decor, which uses not only tinsel, but also “rain”, moreover, of different colors.

There are a few more nuances in creating such an ornament:

  • In order for the structure to be durable and not afraid of any impacts, you need to choose the appropriate fasteners. The main points are the weight of the decoration itself and the material from which the walls in your room are made.
  • Wood and plaster surfaces are great options for creating a Christmas tree on a wall from a variety of materials. The base of the structure in this case can be fastened with ordinary buttons or small nails.
  • It happens that the fasteners do not withstand even a small weight of the decor. In this case, you will have to prepare the surface of the wall. For example, make small holes for self-tapping screws that thoroughly fix any structure.
  • If you do not plan to hang tinsel or “rain” on the garland, then the wires can be attached using ordinary or double-sided tape. If there is an additional load on the garland, then just adhesive tape is not enough.

Work on a Christmas decoration from a garland in the form of a Christmas tree on the wall is done very quickly, in just a few steps:

  • In order for the decor to turn out to be even and symmetrical, make markings on the wall. Use a pencil and ruler for this.
  • Lay out the garland along the contours drawn in the previous stage of work. You can wrap it with tinsel in advance so that the composition immediately takes on a finished look.
  • Denoting the contours of the future decoration with a garland, do not forget to check the reliability of the wires to the wall. It is better to do it right away, and not to deal with the elimination of shortcomings just before the holiday.

Important! If your family has a child, then you should immediately think about his safety and the safety of the unusual decor. In this case, it is better to place the Christmas tree closer to the ceiling.

  • If you first installed only one garland, then you should know that tinsel can be arranged in different ways. You can only circle the outline of the tree with it, you can, on the contrary, completely fill the entire space of the decor with it. The flashing lights of the garland will only slightly peep out from under the tinsel, which looks very beautiful and mysterious.

Important! Do not forget that the New Year is a magical holiday, which means you need to worry about surprises for your loved ones to make this day memorable. We are offering to you .

When all the elements of the Christmas tree from the lights on the wall are in place, the composition is ready. You can turn on the garland and admire the results of your work.

Important! A huge plus of this decor is not only the ease of creation, but also the fact that after the holidays it can also be quickly removed from the wall.

A garland in the form of a Christmas tree on the wall can be decorated not only with tinsel and “rain”, it can be done in a different way. Here you can implement some original ideas:

  • Those who love nature can make a stencil of a Christmas tree on the wall from beautiful living twigs, or lay out a composition from processed wooden bars and put a garland on them, like on shelves.
  • Decor, especially in a children's room, from soft toys will also be appropriate. They are fixed on the wall in the shape of a cone and complemented by flickering lights.
  • The contour of the Christmas tree can be created using shelves of different widths. To do this, they need to be arranged in a certain order: the widest - at the bottom, the narrowest - at the top. Such a design in everyday life will serve as a place for storing books and magazines, and before the new year, you can put a garland, tinsel, Christmas tree decorations and gifts on the shelves.
  • In order to make an original Christmas tree, you can even use ordinary knitting threads. Such decor looks in the interior not only spectacularly, but also very cozy. First you need to make a stencil on the wall in the shape of a tree or the same cone, and by pulling the threads from one side to the other, fill in the space inside the composition. Decorate the outline with a garland.

Important! If you don’t have time or suitable materials, but you still want to give a New Year’s zest to the interior, you can create a Christmas tree outline on the wall with a garland without using any additional decor. In the evening, when the lights are off, such a tree can cheer up and feel the holiday for anyone.

Christmas tree from balls

A Christmas tree made from balls on the wall is the easiest way to decorate any room for the holiday. In order to make it, in addition to free time and desire, you will need:

  • sets of Christmas balls;
  • wire or cord;
  • tinsel;
  • decor in the form of toys or bows.

Here, there can be a huge variety of options on how to make a Christmas tree out of balls on the wall. But before you start decorating, you should do the following:

  1. Mark the contours of your future composition on the wall. As a stencil for a Christmas tree on a wall, its silhouette is usually used.
  2. If you do this with a pencil, then the strokes should be barely noticeable so that after dismantling the structure you do not have to think about how to wash the wallpaper.
  3. Place rows of balls on the wall in the form of a tree or an ordinary cone. The contour can be supplemented with a garland or the base can be fir branches attached directly to the wall, and decorations are already placed on them.

Important! This simple composition can be created in just half an hour, even on New Year's Eve itself before the feast.

Children will surely like the idea of ​​decorating a creative Christmas tree on the wall, the outline of which is pre-marked with green tinsel or a decorative cord made of wire:

  • If you chose the wire version, then the design from it must be prepared in advance. Only the finished version of the base can be fixed on the wall.
  • In order to create such a base, use a thick wire to create a general outline. Thinner material is great for attaching balloons to each tier.

Soaring tree

This Christmas tree project is both simple and complex at the same time, it gives a stunning effect. When done correctly, it seems that the design just soars in the air. A similar idea for decorating a New Year's interior has gained great popularity recently, and making such an original Christmas tree on a wall or even in the middle of a room is not difficult at all.

To work you will need the following:

  • the platform on which the balls will be hung;

Important! In this option, we suggest taking as a basis what is in almost every home - a stand for a double boiler or an ordinary metal stand for hot dishes.

  • metal chain;
  • small carabiner;
  • 200 hooks for fasteners - even clerical staples are suitable for this purpose;
  • 100 Christmas balls - it is better to take different shapes, so the composition will look more original;
  • very thin fishing line, which gives the effect of airiness of the composition;
  • 200 crimp beads or tubes.
  • On the lattice, using additional pieces of wire, we create “ears” to hang the future original Christmas tree on the wall.
  • We take the chain, cut it into 4 identical segments of 10-15 centimeters, with the help of hooks we attach them to the base by the “ears”.

Important! Attachment points should be symmetrical to each other, closer to the edges of the grille.

  • We connect the free ends of the chains to each other in the center and collect them on a carbine. With it, the base can be hung anywhere.
  • Now let's get decorating. For him, you need a fishing line, which we cut into sections of different lengths - which one, we will tell a little later. At one end of each segment we make a loop.
  • In order for the loops to be neat and securely hold the load, crimp jewelry tubes can be used.
  • We attach a hook from the other end of the fishing line and with its help we hang the segments to the base, thus creating a floating original Christmas tree on the wall.

In order for the composition to turn out beautiful and neat, you need a suspension scheme. To get the perfect cone, first of all, you need to determine exactly where the balls will be located.

We offer a scheme using balls with a diameter of 5 cm, with distances between the lines of the rings 2-2.5 cm:

  • In the center of the composition there will be 1 ball, then in ascending order - 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27.
  • For each element of the future floating Christmas tree, the fishing line should be of different lengths.

Hang the ball, which will be in the center, on a fishing line 14 cm long. Then proceed in a ring pattern from the center:

  • The first ring holds one 18 cm line, the second 22.5 cm, two balls - on a line 27 cm long, three balls on a line 31 cm long.
  • On the second ring there are two balls on a 35.5 cm line, two more on a 40 cm line, hang three balls on a 44 cm long mount, four balls on a 48.5 cm line.
  • The third ring consists of three balls on a fishing line 53 cm long, three - 57.5 cm, four - 62 cm, five on a fishing line 66 cm.
  • Ring 4: four - 70.5 cm, four - 75 cm, five - 79 cm, six - 83.5 cm.
  • Ring 5: five - 88 cm, five - 92.5 cm, six - 96.5 cm, seven - 101 cm.
  • Ring 6: six - 105.5 cm, six - 110 cm, seven - 114 cm, eight - 119 cm.

Important! You can choose simpler options for hanging balls. In a ready-made creative Christmas tree on the wall, they can be twisted into a spiral or each row can be located on the same level.

tree made of wood

Surely, many are already wondering: why not make a Christmas tree out of wood on the wall? Easy! For this option, you only need saw cuts of a tree of different diameters. Fix them with a furniture stapler or glue - the composition should be in the shape of a cone. Various ribbons, braid and even lace attached to saw cuts can become decoration.

For the second version of the Christmas tree made of wood on the wall you will need:

  • sprigs of suitable length and size, completely peeled;
  • white paint to cover the branches - it is better to choose the option in the form of an aerosol;
  • shapagat;
  • fishing line;
  • a large starfish and several small ones;
  • lace and Christmas toys.

Before you start work, treat the branches with paint - preferably twice, let them dry well. Then we follow the following instructions:

  1. Arrange the branches in descending order so that the shortest is at the top and the longest is at the bottom.
  2. Fasten them together with twine. It is better to start doing this from the bottom up, leaving a distance of 10 cm between the fastened branches for decoration.
  3. When you tie the last upper branch, tie the free ends of the ropes so that you get a loop for which you can hang a tree made of wood on the wall.
  4. Now it's worth seeing how the Christmas tree will look. Hang it in place and see if the design is even. If necessary, while there is no decor, you can still correct something.
  5. If everything suits you, cut off the excess twine from the bottom.
  6. In order to decorate the top of the Christmas tree, take a starfish - an original replacement for the traditional decor. Attach with glue to the top of the composition.
  7. Hang Christmas decorations using a regular fishing line. Thread one end into the ball mount and tie the fishing line on the branch in the place where you think it is necessary.
  8. Lace ribbons can be made on every second branch. Fasten its ends along the edges of the branches so that the middle of the lace ribbon sags a little in the middle.

Important! As a decor and in order to support the marine theme, to decorate such an original Christmas tree on the wall, you can use small starfish, which are attached with glue in different places directly to the branches.


are made from paper, glasses, cups and even bread baskets. In this case, the main thing is to give free rein to your imagination, and there will always be improvised materials.

The Christmas tree is the most important and favorite attribute of the New Year. A beautifully decorated tree fills the apartment with a magical atmosphere of celebration and comfort. But what to do if there is simply no place in the house for this New Year's decoration?

In this case, the "House of Dreams" advises not to be upset, but simply hang the Christmas tree on the wall. Moreover, given that the coming year of the Horse is especially favorable for creative and creative individuals, the wall-mounted Christmas tree can be made from the most unusual materials.

Wall Christmas tree made of fir branches

For those who love innovation, but do not want to go beyond the traditional canons, the best solution would be to hang a Christmas tree made of fir branches on the wall. Such a New Year's miracle is made very simply - just pick up the right amount of small spruce branches and fix them on the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree. In this case, you can use both live branches and branches of an artificial tree.

You can decorate this New Year's symbol in the same way as a traditional Christmas tree - using your favorite toys, bows, tinsel and. The most important thing is that Christmas decorations are light and preferably not breakable.

In addition to homemade compositions, today there are ready-made analogues of such jewelry. An artificial wall-mounted Christmas tree will be an excellent attribute of the holiday for several years in a row.

Artificial Christmas tree wall

Christmas tree from a garland on the wall

We all remember from childhood how, on the eve of the New Year holidays, assembly halls in kindergartens and schools, in addition to the most evergreen beauty, were decorated with wall-mounted garland Christmas trees. A Christmas tree on the wall, made of a garland, will become a real symbol of the upcoming holiday for the child. In addition to the garland itself, the wall can be decorated with Christmas toys, beads or bows. To add even more entourage to the decor, you can pre-draw the outline of the Christmas tree with chalk, and then hang the garland itself on it.

If a Christmas tree on the wall from a garland seems to you not the safest decoration for a child, try to make an analogue of the New Year's beauty from tinsel. A tinsel Christmas tree can also be decorated with various toys, beads, pictures, etc.

Christmas tree painted on the wall

What child doesn't love to draw? There is no doubt, allowing the kid to draw a Christmas tree right on the wall, this New Year's decoration will be remembered by him for the rest of his life. Of course, the creation of such a decor is possible only if someone in the family has good artistic abilities. But you can simplify the work, for example, by drawing only the outline of the Christmas tree, and then decorating it with a garland or beads. Or use special ones for drawing.

Christmas Tree Wall Stickers

If staining the walls with paint seems unacceptable to you, a good alternative to a hand-drawn Christmas tree will be various New Year's stickers in the form of a Christmas tree, which today you can easily buy at any decor store, stationery store or in special New Year's departments of supermarkets. These stickers do not leave marks on the surface of the walls at all, since they are attached using a special safe adhesive. It is noteworthy that a huge assortment of New Year's stickers will help you choose a decoration for absolutely any interior.

Christmas tree on a wooden wall: an original solution

In principle, a do-it-yourself Christmas tree for placement on the wall can be created from almost any material. It all depends on personal preferences and, of course, on the interior of the room. For example, or a wooden wall Christmas tree will perfectly complement. If the house has one long wooden plank and several small ones, it will not be difficult to build a Christmas tree from them. Having picked up suitable decorations for such a composition, the Christmas tree will become not only original, but also stylish.

Christmas tree from boards and garlands on the wall photo

It's even easier to make a Christmas tree with a few pieces of wood. It is enough to attach them to the wall horizontally, creating an outline of the Christmas tree, and then decorate with a bright garland and toys.

Christmas tree from a garland and dry branches photo

You can also make a wooden Christmas tree from large chips or from circles from logs, laying them out in the desired shape.

In addition to the fact that such decorations look original and unusual, they will surely bring happiness in the New Year, because the element of the next year is a tree.

Christmas tree on the wall made of unusual materials

A few years ago, Sydney-based designer Briar Stanley presented his unusual creation to the world - a canvas on which a variety of objects (keys, photographs, wooden spoons, drawings, etc.) are laid out in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Based on his work, you can create your own wish tree. The most important thing is to decide what you most want in the New Year - meet your love, get a new job, have a baby, etc. - and choose the appropriate characters.

A similar magic Christmas tree can be created from existing toys. It is only necessary to correctly combine them in size and shape, so that, in general, the composition resembles a Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree cut out of colored paper or looks very beautiful on the wall, and in order for it to acquire its own special decor, it is enough to decorate it with beautiful toys or appliqué.

And lovers of unusual solutions will surely like a Christmas tree made from disposable paper cupcake tins.

In addition to paper, it is quite possible to use fabric, such as felt or organza, to create such an ornament. Unusual fabric Christmas trees will look great in the bedroom or in the children's room.

A wall-mounted Christmas tree can even be created from ordinary or long beads. The main thing is to show imagination and decorate your own creation with those things that personally bring joy to you. For example, as an addition to such a homemade Christmas tree, New Year's cards or photographs will look very beautiful.

An interesting and unusual design solution for the New Year is a Christmas tree on the wall. It rightfully leads the list of the most creative Christmas trees, because it has a lot of advantages: it does not take up much space (which is especially important for small apartments), it does not require daily cleaning of needles, it can be hung even in every room!

The easiest and most effective way to make a Christmas tree on the wall is to hang a garland in the shape of a green beauty. In addition to the garland, such a Christmas tree can be decorated with bows, stars and toys. By the same principle, instead of a Christmas tree from a garland, you can make a Christmas tree from tinsel.


A Christmas tree made of branches is a great option for extraordinary personalities who do not want to go beyond tradition. It is very easy to make such a Christmas tree. To do this, you just need to find spruce branches that are suitable in size and carefully fix them on the wall of the room in the shape of a Christmas tree. For such a Christmas tree, both branches from a real tree and artificial ones are perfect.

You can decorate the resulting Christmas tree with tinsel, bows, Christmas decorations and garlands. It is best if the Christmas decorations are made of lightweight, unbreakable materials.

A Christmas tree made of paper looks very creative on the wall. It can be done both at home and in the office.

First, make a base out of a sheet of cardboard. Then cut the sheets of corrugated paper with a fringe. You should have enough fringe paper so that you can cover the entire Christmas tree. Glue the paper to the base from the bottom up. You can use double-sided tape by gluing it around the perimeter of the base. For the barrel, also use cardboard or foam. It also needs to be pasted over with brown corrugated paper. Using adhesive tape, glue the trunk to the Christmas tree and fix the entire structure to the wall.


For a Provence-style interior, a wall-mounted Christmas tree made of wood is perfect. If you find one fairly long plank and several short ones, then building such a Christmas tree will not be difficult. Well-chosen decorations for the Christmas tree will make it stylish and beautiful.


You can use special stickers in the form of a Christmas tree. These stickers can be found in supermarkets or specialty decor stores. A variety of stickers will help you choose a Christmas tree for any interior.

An original Christmas tree made from children's hands - what could be sweeter to a parent's heart?

In fact, making such a Christmas tree is very simple. To do this, you just need to cut out a stencil from thick paper in the shape of a palm and use this stencil to start cutting out palms from colored paper.

The tree can be made plain or multi-colored. In addition, you can write a wish on each palm, or rather, under it. You can make hand shapes of various sizes and arrange them in layers - a layer of small, a layer of large palms.

A Christmas tree on the wall is a worthy alternative to the traditional approach to Christmas decorations. Create a Christmas tree with your own hands, and let it create a festive magical mood for you and your loved ones!

It is not necessary to purchase a real Christmas tree to enjoy the holiday. You can make a Christmas tree yourself - in recent years it has even become fashionable. Try to make an original homemade Christmas tree, perfect for your interior.

  • Christmas trees made of plywood and wood
  • Christmas trees made of cardboard
  • Christmas trees from slats and branches
  • Christmas trees from pots
  • Sisal tree
  • Christmas tree on a frame
  • Christmas trees from felt
  • Christmas trees on a cone
  • Christmas trees from sweets and tangerines
  • Wall Christmas trees
  • Christmas trees from cones
  • Christmas trees from tires

Christmas trees from plywood and boards

Christmas tree made of plywood or boards - decor for years. From these materials you can make a large, main Christmas tree in the house. But you can make several small table Christmas trees - to decorate each room.

You will need:

  • plywood or board;
  • saw or jigsaw (preferably electric);
  • sanding paper (sandpaper) or grinder;
  • paints, stain, varnish - depending on the chosen decor.

A Christmas tree of an interesting shape can be made on a stand. In a thick bar we make a slot in which we fix the trunk of the Christmas tree.

Christmas trees carved from solid pieces of plywood are primitive, but spectacular due to their dark green color.

Small Christmas trees from pieces of board are good for New Year's table composition. But you can cut a large spruce, after knocking down a shield from the boards.

We fix miniature triangular Christmas trees in the slots of round coasters. We glue small flat toys. They can also be cut from plywood or bought.

Volumetric 3d plywood Christmas trees are actually made simply. First, we cut out the flat elements of the New Year's crafts, make cuts in it (see the template). We collect the Christmas tree by inserting the elements into the slots. You can additionally fix it with pins, but even without them, the Christmas tree will be strong.

Christmas trees made of cardboard

Small table cardboard Christmas trees are a great New Year's decor. To strengthen crafts, you can make them by gluing 2-3 layers of cardboard. The work process is on the same principle as with plywood Christmas trees, but instead of a jigsaw or saw, we use scissors. We decorate the trees with miniature toys, ribbons, bows, etc.

Twine wrapping is a simple decor. You can attach a magnet to the back of the craft.

Christmas trees made of cardboard, pasted over with burlap. Jewelry - beads, lace ribbons, bouquets of artificial flowers. We attach the triangle to an even branch that will imitate the trunk. We plant a Christmas tree in a pot.

You can cover the Christmas trees with a fabric of any color. It is important that the decorations are in contrast to the background.

A variant of the decor of a cardboard Christmas tree is cotton papier mache. It's simple: we glue cotton wool in layers on the cardboard base using PVA glue.

Christmas trees from slats and branches

Regular branches can be obtained anywhere. Reiki is also not a scarce material. Crafts are simple, the whole secret of their beauty lies in the unusual designs and brightness of toys.

To the top of the Christmas tree, the branches become shorter.

We fix the branches on the trunk with carnations.

Such a Christmas tree can also be fixed in a pot.

Above - three wall Christmas trees made of branches. Although slats are also suitable for their creation. Branches or slats are connected to each other, the structure is hung on one nail in the wall (top).

Cute slatted Christmas trees are easy to make. We fasten the rails with screws. Inside such structures, you can place different toys. Complex fastening, as in the picture, is not necessary - cords (rope, twine) can be stretched between the slats of the triangle.

Christmas trees from pots

The simplest Christmas crafts. You will only need:

  • flower pots of different sizes;
  • dye;
  • small toys for decoration - stars, flowers, etc.

We paint the pots - not necessarily with green paint, because the Christmas tree is decorative. When the paint dries, glue the decor. To increase the stability of the Christmas trees, you can pass some kind of pin or thin round stick through the drainage holes in them.

If you don’t want to make anything (or don’t have time for it), we use the pot as a container in which we plant a spruce branch. It will be enough to decorate the top of a small Christmas tree with an asterisk.

Sisal tree

Sisal is often used in floristry. This fiber can be bought at a flower shop or craft department. Christmas trees from it can be made in different colors.

We form a cone from sisal, fix it with a tape. Decoration - at your discretion.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree on a frame

This technique allows you to make a medium or large Christmas tree.

You will need:

  • frame made of metal mesh or sticks, slats;
  • branches of spruce, pine or other coniferous plant (for example, juniper);
  • decorations - as for a regular Christmas tree.

Making a mesh frame is not difficult, but you can simply buy a cone-shaped topiary mold from a garden and landscaping store. If this is also difficult, we fasten even sticks or wooden blocks into a cone. They should not be too thin to make the tree stable.

Christmas trees from felt

It is good to make such a Christmas tree if there is a small child in the house. It is also developing - the baby can independently hang toys on it.

Another option for a developing Christmas tree is a wall-mounted one.

And these are just desktop soft felt Christmas trees that a child can play with.

Christmas trees on a cone

Options for cones for Christmas trees:

  • foam cone;
  • metal mesh or finished frame for topiary.

We paste over the cone with burlap, decorate the top with lace.

How to decorate a cone with burlap? One of the options:

How to wrap a cone with twine?

Christmas trees from sweets and tangerines

Delicious Christmas trees are often made to decorate the table. Subsequently, the decoration turns into a dessert. We wrap a cone made in any technique (from cardboard, mesh, etc.) with rain imitating pine needles, after which we attach sweets in bright wrappers.

Thread the tangerines onto wooden skewers. You can use barbecue halves. Both ends of the skewers should be sharp. We plant a tangerine, stick the other end into a foam cone.

Together with the tangerine tree, we will make tangerines with our own hands.

Wall Christmas trees

We drive cloves into the board to make a triangle. We stretch the wire between them. Inside we make a wire zigzag, and hang on it.

To make a Christmas tree panel, we draw a silhouette of a New Year tree on a wooden or plywood shield, and paste toys inside it.

And here are just colored strips pasted on the wall. It is convenient to use self-adhesive paper.

True, an interesting option? Christmas tree on canvas or any fabric by printing. Order one, and there will be no problems with New Year's decor for several years. After the holidays, we fold the canvas and hide it until next year. You can draw a Christmas tree yourself if you have fabric paints.

Christmas trees from cones

There are two options here: either we make a mini-Christmas tree from one large cone, and a larger Christmas tree, attaching cones to a mesh frame.

Christmas trees from tires

Suitable Christmas decor for the street or utility room.

Read the material about what paint to paint tires for a Christmas tree or other yard crafts:

A do-it-yourself Christmas tree will be made, because the choice of ideas is really rich.

Need to decorate for the holidays? Looking for simple, original and inexpensive options? For example, it is quite simply made from tinsel. Read the tips, prepare the materials and start the creative process.

How to make a Christmas tree out of tinsel

From this affordable and at the same time very decorative material, various jewelry options are made. The most popular object of the New Year theme is the Christmas tree. You can make it both contour flat in order to hang it on a wall, door or window, or voluminous, which will decorate a festive or office table. The size is also chosen differently - from a few centimeters to a meter. It all depends on the amount of material and the task at hand.

A do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of tinsel is made both monophonic and multi-color. For this, garlands of appropriate shades are used. Options look good when the tips of the "needles" of tinsel are made of silver with a basic green or blue tone. This creates the effect of frost or snow on the tree.

Decoration for vertical surfaces

Here is the most common and easiest way to create a Christmas tree on a tinsel wall can be done using the following methods:

The choice of method depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface to be decorated and the amount of tinsel that you intend to spend on creating a Christmas tree. You can attach the material with adhesive tape, pins, staples, a thermal gun. The choice is determined by what surface you are decorating, and whether it will be easy to remove the decoration after the holiday.

Tinsel and small decor

The rest of the considered options for creating a Christmas tree are voluminous, that is, they are designed to be hung or placed. From the size of the souvenir you choose, you will get a toy, a garland element or a full-fledged New Year's decoration of the room.

A do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of tinsel is usually made on the basis of a paper frame. It is made independently, twisting the sheet in the form of a cone and gluing the joint. If there is no time or desire to make such a base, you can take a ready-made one, using, for example, paper color. Another option is a frameless openwork translucent souvenir, which will be discussed below.

  1. It is better to paint it the color of tinsel so that it is not required to place it very tightly on the base.
  2. After the tinting has dried, begin to attach the tinsel in a spiral from the bottom to the top. Distribute it evenly, gradually gluing to the base.
  3. When you have completed this stage of the process, decorate the product with beads, bows, balls and any other elements.

You can get an original effect by combining tinsel of varying degrees of "fluffiness" or different colors. You can distribute two "threads" of tinsel along the base cone or twist them into one common thread before starting work.

and tinsel

A good decoration for a festive interior, a souvenir and a great gift will turn out if you make the Christmas tree sweet, that is, place sweets between the tinsel. There can be two options:

  1. Sweets are simply hung on a tree as toys.
  2. Candy wrappers are selected in the same color and make up an additional or even the main decor of the Christmas tree.

The second method is the most original and interesting in terms of design. A Christmas tree made of sweets and tinsel is made using the same technology as described in the previous section. The difference is as follows:

In general, you can make such a product entirely from candy alone. Tinsel allows not only to decorate the object, but also to use fewer sweets.

The combination of cones and tinsel

The use of natural materials, and especially cones, for making a Christmas tree is quite popular. You need to make this souvenir using the same technology as in the case of sweets. Cones can be placed tightly between each other, creating a continuous surface, and only decorate with tinsel from above, distributing it in a spiral. Another option is the reverse, when the cones are used as decoration on a tinsel cone. You can choose any of the methods. Such a Christmas tree craft will perfectly decorate the festive table or be an original gift.

Openwork souvenir from threads and tinsel

Translucent lace designs made of yarn look very unusual. Usually balls or lamps do this. This Christmas tree idea also works.
The work is as follows:

Such a Christmas tree craft will decorate the New Year's table, can be used as a toy, souvenir, gift, or even a lampshade for a small festive lamp.

So, you have learned how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from tinsel. You can decorate a wall, a door, a window with a flat decoration, and place a voluminous one on a table or bedside table. Choose any idea and implement. Create a festive atmosphere in your home easily and simply.